Anyone fasting (no caloric intake) on alternate days wants a buddy?

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Anyone fasting (no caloric intake) on alternate days wants a buddy?

This topic contains 527 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  165gw 4 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 401 through 450 (of 536 total)

  • Hi folks,

    Jumping in here, do you sleep on fasting days having not eat eaten anything all day?

    @delayedgratification: Hi there! I’m not sure what is your question? I’ll try to answer though lol

    If you mean whether I sleep / nap during the fasting day, like during the day? No, I don’t. I do go to bed a little earlier, so that “the morning comes sooner”, especially if I’m feeling peckish. I don’t have any issues with falling asleep, as I don’t really feel hungry. Peckish? Yes, but it comes and goes, and it is not a big deal. I don’t feel hungry in the mornings after a fast and I usually have a late breakfast / early lunch or even a late lunch.

    If you mean whether I sleep well at night? Yes, I do! I do wake up a bit earlier, but I love it! I sleep well and I get enough sleep.

    I hope this answers your question? šŸ™‚

    August 31: 174lb after a fast; a full eating day with a long eating window
    September 1: a full eating day with a long eating window
    September 2: My fast will end tomorrow at 36ish hours.

    I went for a 50 min long run this morning, felt great. At around 5pm I was ready to give up and eat, thus ending my fast at 22h. However I waited a bit, and then I stopped feeling peckish and my resolve to continue with my planned fast returned. I drank black tea and water.

    It is possible that I felt hungry because it was not a true water fast today. When I was running on the trails I had 1 handful of blueberries, one handful of raspberrie and one handful of blackberries. I do believe that a pure water fast is better for my body, but on the other hand there is something very special about wild berries while running on a new trail by the ocean.

    I’m about to go to bed and not at all hungry, which is great. I have so many peaches, a watermelon, oranges, apples, broccoli–really looking forward to the fruits and veggies tomorrow.

    So to sum up, I just had two days in a row during which I had three meals and snacks. After the first experimental day like this (followed by the fast) my weight dropped to 174, ATL!

    Two days in a row–my best friend’s birthday on day 1, and then my hubby’s birthday on day 2. I wanted to see whether not keeping a short window would actually help my body to start losing weight again. I will find out tomorrow and in the next couple of days, I guess.

    However, with 174 on the last day of August, my weight loss for August was 4lb! I’m excited that I did reach my bare minimum, even if I’m thinking my weight might be up again tomorrow. (I haven’t stepped on the scale since the 174).

    Goals for September? Adding one running day a week; 6-8lb weight loss?? I’d really like to see 168 in September!!

    Sept 3: 176lb after breaking my fast at 36h. It went up from 174, but least I’m not stuck on 178 anymore. This is progress! I’m also convinced it is water weight fluctuations, so all is good. Good bye 178, though!!! I don’t want to see that number again. NOT on my “after-the-fast” weigh-ins.

    I’m fasting now until Thursday morning (40ish).

    Last night, for the first time in ages, I felt hungry before bed. But it wasn’t too awful and certainly didn’t prevent me from falling asleep.

    Eating day today went reasonably well. I didn’t count calories and didn’t restrict. Had chilli, cheeses, lots of peaches, some watermelon, nuts. Lots of cabbage salad. I didn’t stuff myself, kept a long-ish eating window, and felt well / happy and full, but not too full.

    In the evening I went for an unplanned spontaneous 5K run. I just felt like running! I took a different route than typically (didn’t want to run through the woods in the dark!). I started slowly and without any purpose, as I just felt like going for a short and easy “extra” run. I also slowed down and jogged on the spot as I chattted with a neighbor for 30-60 seconds or so. But after about 5 min I decided to run “my PR” (personal record) attempt. I increased my speed and focus. The first 18min were easy and somewhat downhill. Then I turned around and started making it back. I had to really focus on not slowing down. I think I persisted longer than ever, but still had to reduce my speed for 4-5 minutes. Then I made myself to pick it up and to just run as fast as I could. Which is very slow, but hey, I’m competing only with myself.

    When I was glancing at my phone app there were stretches that I ran at 9min / mile; I really thought I could rund 5k in under 33 minutest this time, beating my previous PR. I was disappointed that after giving it all I didn’t even beat my previous PR. Glancing at the phone didn’t help, I should have had the app’s voice cues turned on. When I realized I wasn’t making it under 35 min I did slow down for the last minute of the run. But I did my best overall, and I think my splits this time for mile 2 and 3 are way more encouraging / faster and more consisent than ever. After staring at my splits and comparing them with the previous PR, I think that when I try it again in the end of September I should be able to run the 5K in under 33 minutes. Meanwhile, I should be running intervals twice a week. I’m finally inspired to run intervals–the weather is cooler, and I see the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of being able to run at under 10min/ mile at least for some stretches of my run.

    PR: 34:50. Today’s run: 35:12. I guess this tells me what my “give it all” run is. 35ish. I think that if I wasn’t glancing at my app and kept better focus at the very end of the run (it being not pitch dark would have helped too!) I might have actually beat my PR. Good to know.

    Sept 4: 176.5 Continuing my fast until tomorrow morning, as planned.

    There was an hour or so during which I was very tempted to eat, but then I got myself busy and before I knew it was was 8pm. After 7pm I’m usually good–i.e. not tempted to eat as in my head I “made it” to the next day. So that’s great.

    I had quarter of a cup of combucha (about 20 calories) and ACV in a cup with electrolytes, but then resisted having any berrries on my walk in the woods.

    Overall I’m very pleased as I didn’t give in to temptation.

    Tomorrow I’m going to make a huge salad! Broccolli, carrot, apple, onion, dried cranberries salad with yogurt / mayo dressing. Bacon and eggs.

    I’m going to saute cabbage and onions to have a side dish, and liver for the meats. I love liver ha ha.

    Oranges are also in the menu–oranges and apples and grapefruit for dessert and maybe a handful of nuts.

    I’m NOT going to have coffee with cream–this used to be my “go to” low carb treat, but I haven’t been enjoying it lately, so what’s the point of adding all those calories. Black tea is more my thing now. I might also skip the nuts, and this should “save” me a good chunk of calories on my typical eating day, without feeling deprived. Ready to see 174 again soon and DOWNWARDS!!

    Sept 3/144.9

    Today has been snacky – road Trip travels I always get a bit more snacks. I decided I couldnā€™t want till I was home to weigh in after a week in the desert and eating was all over the place. From small meals to enjoying nuts and bacon. And after a week (with clothes on – obviously since it was at a truck stop haha) 144.9 basically what I weighed when I left for vacation. Iā€™ll take it since Iā€™ve not been focused on fasting. It was just so hot and tiring in the desert heat. I wanted salty stuff and water.

    @165gw – yay downward trend. Iā€™m pretty much the same numbers (but hey after 3 weeks not keeping super strict itā€™s ok!)

    Keep going. Iā€™m not quite home yet. Still several more days of travel. Cheers.

    165g I’ve only just spotted your post thank you!

    I have always struggled with sleep if I don’t eat much before bed – so it’ interesting you sleep well.

    Well done on finding something that works for you. I am finding TRE helpful and am considering this.

    @delayedgratification: Yeah, I actually sleep much better when I don’t eat before bed. What is TRE?

    Time restricted eating šŸ˜€

    Sept 9/144.6/FD

    First real FD in 3 weeks. Weight has been pretty much the same. I had a little loss and got down to 143.0 right before we left, but 144 has been the steady number. Coming back to fasting tho.

    Heating up broth for lunch, I have in mind to have soup with a few veggies for supper tonight.

    Still washing clothes from our adventures.

    Time to get going and go teach.

    @165gw – keep going – we got this!

    Sept 10/143.2/FD

    Getting back down. Iā€™m still in awe over just touching 141.8 – its ok tho, 3 weeks of not really Fasting! Whaaaat! About 1/3 of the Days were OMAD. So All in all the numbers are the day of leaving 143.0 and came back to 144.6 – and then after 1st FD Iā€™m at 143.2 again, Iā€™ll take it. I was not super strict at all, I made better choices but I did still indulge in some chips (My arch nemesis haha.)

    @165gw – a good week of calorie counting can be super helpful. I find that I recalibrate by calorie counting once in a while for a good week or two. Especially when making a salad (egg salad or cabbage salad) those were eye opening to see how many calories were in that and to help me take a smaller portion OR make something different that helped me be more full.

    Hope you are feeling ok and that your knees/hips are doing ok from the running. Enjoy the fruits and veggies, KETO will be there for you in the winter and when winter comes if you change your mind and keep eating vegetarian that is ok too.

    Feeling snacks again. So for lunch Iā€™m having tuna with carrots and jalapeƱos seems to be doing the trick and its like only 150cal then soup for supper.

    Sept 12: 36h fasted and might go for longer.

    @rabbette: happy to have you back! I hope it was an amazing trip. You have maintained really well and that touching of 141 is a motivation and inspiration.


    We just got power 38 hours ago after not having power for 4 days after a storm and that was mentally challenging. Eating while bored? Check. Eating for no power party? Check. Eating for we got power party? Check. Eating at every hour of day and night? While playing board games? While not playing board games? Eating to empty the fridge? Eating all the boiled eggs and canned fish? Check, check, check. Check.

    I felt bloated and bleh. Even though no power seemed like a perfect time to fast it just didn’t feel right / good for me. It was also the TOM. Hence I haven’t even stepped on the scale since my last weigh in. I also haven’t been able to run as there was no shower for after the run. I did go for walks though.

    I started my fast the moment we got power! This might or might not have been right after consuming a stick of salami.

    I felt no hunger at all yesterday and had a busy day doing meetings. Still not hungry and am ready to go for a short run.

    Yesterday: Buying a swimming suit off season to go to the pool was an eye opening experience. All that was available were speedo one piece. No tummy reinforcement and barely any boob support. I am in size 14. It is the most unflattering garment I’ve ever put on. I might return it. But I am working near a pool with a sauna tomorrow morning and it is a cheap admission on Friday mornings. Mind you, not so cheap if I count the ugly garment and goggles. But if I manage to go at least 5 times a year it would make it worth. It is the closest pool and over 1h away. I might not be able to go there in Fridays for 8 am haha. This will be the decision I make today.

    I will check with my weight keeper Steedy in 10 days.

    Great to have you back and on track, Rabbette. We are unstoppable and we can do it. We will do it.

    Sept 13: Still didn’t step on the scale as I don’t want to be dissappointed after the Hurricane Week. However, I also hope that the 4-5 days of eating / not fasting acted as a reset and now I’m in the sweet spot again for weight loss.

    I went for a swim this morning and the swimming suit wasn’t so upsetting–it fit well, and I didn’t stare in the mirrors so all went well. I loved the sauna. I think I can make this a monthly deal, and maybe some months even twice a month.

    I’m posting here so that I don’t eat out of boredom. Seriously. What’s up with that? It is not that I’m bored as in Nothing To Do. I have things to do. But I feel peckish and want to grab something while I’m doing those things. I’m not feeling any hunger; I’m feeling great, in fact.

    But I just cooked a lasagna for the family and it smells delicious. It will wait for me, though.

    Tomorrow morning I’ll braking my fast between 38 and 40 hours. I’m looking forward to my morning run! Hooray for showers!!!

    How are you doing, Rabbette?

    September 14: I can’t deny this anymore–too many carbs make me sick. After the storm I had two 36-40h fasts and two re-feeds. Both refeeds I ate sensibly, but way more carbs and sugar (even if mostly fruits) than usual, and both days I felt like a tonne of bricks fell on me. I’ve had those days in the past, occasionally; 4-5 times a year, mostly carb related. Extreme and overwhelming fatigue. In the past I’d close by eyes and fall asleep immediately.

    This time, though, I did fight it. Especially today. I went for a run. (During the other fatigue episode I made myself to persevere through a board game haha.)

    I am so proud of myself. I felt so fatigued, and I went for a run! YAY ME!! And even though part of my body felt like I was running under water AND under a tonne of bricks at the same time, the other part of my body maintained a very good pace, and I would have finished 5K under 35 minutes, if I suddenly didn’t need to go to the bathroom, so I stopped at at 31 minutes and just under 3 miles… Turns out running on a full stomach is also not a good idea. Overall though, I’m very pleased with my run and the mere fact that I did go for it.

    I’ve got this fasting thing down pat. I still haven’t gotten the eating thing down pat. That’s ridiculous! I need to focus on the eating part.

    I also baked two cakes today. I’m not sure if I should force myself a slice now–I feel full and nauseated and tired, but really want to see how it turned out…Or save a slice for Monday lol. I think I’ll be sick if I eat some now, but I know I’ll be craving it tomorrow.

    September 16: 174.5 at 36h fast, post run. Not as bad as I expected.

    Today is a 500 calorie day. I’m extending my fast for as long as I can, to 40-42h, and will have a light keto meal early evening. I have sour crout and miso paste all ready, and a couple of eggs. I really don’t want to feel sick / fatigued today, so I’m being super careful.

    Tomorrow is a full day out–breakfast at a favourite bakery 2h from home; hikes on beaches; lunch with friends; more exploring; supper at a fish and chips place and then the 2h drive home late at night.

    Sept 16/144.4/FD

    Whew must had been one heck of a weekend! Up 4.4 lbs I will prevail tho, so I actually feel less flustered by the number. Now if I had been fasting and saw it went up Iā€™d be livid to say the least.

    AND seriously I have to wonder how did we stay pretty much 30lbs apart? I think we started 30lbs apart and I think our final weight will be prob about 30lbs apart (we really do some kind of interesting connection – fasting twins!)

    I go away again for nearly a week so you may again have radio silence from me. Tomorrow Iā€™ve got to load up the van/pack and then Iā€™m traveling with a friend of mine to PA Wed-Mon.

    In other news Iā€™ve seen some friends I had not seen in about a year and got the best/funniest compliment from one of them. Now you have to picture the whole thing being said straight thru without me really able to get a word in b/c at the are you sick question I shake my head noā€¦ and then they continue which I just burst into laugherā€¦ here is what they said.
    ā€œhey so great to see you, wait, you lost weight, you look great!, were you trying? Wait, are you ok? Youā€™re not sick?, Ok good, do you need a hamburger? Just checking, but for real do you need a hamburger? I have a 1/2 of a taco in the carā€¦ā€

    That has got to be hands down the best reaction Iā€™ve gotten so far. It was hilarious.

    @165gw – oh my gosh I feel that way from too many carbs like Iā€™m walking in water perfect description. Mmmmm fresh baked cake thats a tough one. Otherwise if I waited Iā€™m not as inclined. However, Iā€™m a cake snob. Like really it must be super fancy cake – carrot cake is a good one that gets me. Otherwise I just wait till we go to shyndigs (which Iā€™ve described their cake before to you)

    I started out way better observing my FDs more than my NFDs. I say what got me was really taking a moment on my NFDs to say (in my head) if I eat this how hard will I need to work to burn it back off? 1 FD? 2 FDsā€¦ that has put more things into perspective. And while I was on Vacation with (I still canā€™t believe no real FDs for 3 weeks) I did do the OMAD and did my best to MAKE better choices. Or eat less of something that was a not so great choice. Which is still challenging b/c I want to eat a huge portion but Iā€™m learning.

    Have fun on your adventure day out for breakfast sounds super fun! Details when you get back! Cheers!

    @Rabbette–fasting twins for real! What a fun journey we are on!

    Half a taco in their car! OMG I laughed! That was hilarious.

    You’ve done really well OMAD-ing on your trip, so I’m sure you’ll do great on your next trip as well.

    Today ended up being a true keto day, rather than a low calorie day. I decided to see if eating keto will help with my energy levels, and yes, it did! I had normal energy and a great day with no bricks-under-water effect. As I was contemplating miso soup, I read an article about the 30 days bacon experiment, so bacon it was. Bacon, eggs, chicken left overs, some wild mushrooms fried in butter (yeah, I risked my life), and coffee with a slice of really cold butter. Which was really nice! I’m not ready for 30 days of 1lb of bacon per day ha ha, but today was a good expriment.

    Tomorrow my breakfast WILL be a bagel with cream cheese and lox and coffee. That’s tradition! But I’ll order half a bagel rather than the whole bagel, and it will be still lower on carbs.

    We are doing it, Rabbette! By the end of October–138 for you, 168 for me–AT LEAST!!! lol No giving up!!
    I’ll report on Wednesday about weight and bagels!

    September 19: 174lb at 34h fasted! YAY! The day before the fast (Tuesday) was a pretty big eating day, our day trip. First of all, I didn’t manage to have HALF a bagel with cream cheese and lox. In my excitement to order my favorite bagel in my favorite bakery, I asked the kids if they also wanted it. They said yes. I ordered 2 full bagels (they offer a half for $7 and a full for $12.50). I figured that I’d have a half and they will have the rest. Turned out I forgot to tell them the bagels include cream cheese (oh the horror yuck yuck yuck). Kid 1 stoically ate a half. Kid 2 went and ordered a different sandwich. I was left with 1.5 bagels of deliciousness. I savoured every bite.

    We hike on the beach for a couple of miles and then had lunch with our friends. Pasta and sausage and pie.

    Then 4 hours later I had fried haddock and a salad at another restaurant. We got home close to midnight and wouldn’t I eat some lentil stew “just because”.

    The day was absolutely perfect in every way. Fasting yesterday and into this morning was also great. I haven’t been hungry on a fasting day for a while–yay.

    And seeing that my weight didn’t go up, and is even possibly half a pound down? AWESOME!

    I had a green salad, a chocolate croissant, some fruits–but didn’t got overboard with anything and my energy is perfect. I just came back from a 30 minute run on a trail not far from home. I actually drove there, as the trail is very pretty and has a varried and interesting terrain.

    @rabbette : how are things, my fasting twin?

    Sept 20–fasting day, weigh-in tomorrow.

    I rode my bike for about 5km today and walked a lot on the trails.

    At 24h fasted I fried potatoes and wild mushrooms that I had picked. I fried them so that I could take them with me tomorrow for lunch. Was it easy not to taste even a bit? Nope. But I did it. Aromas for friend mushrooms, onions and potatoes–back to childhood and oh gosh, salivating!

    I think if I avoid extra sugars tomorrow I should be okay with my fried potatoes and mushrooms and a salad.

    I really hope to see 173.5 tomorrow! But will be okay with staying at 174 for another day.

    September 21 (update from yesterday): 175lb (up again!) And that was after a 36h fast which I found very difficult in the evening. For the first time in many months I felt hungry and didn’t sleep well, and I was SURE that this meant the weight would go down in the morning.

    Yesterday we were out and it was a pretty carby day which ended with lots of peaches. My energy was good though.

    Today is a fasting day, ending it tomorrow morning. Drinking only water today as for some reason I don’t feel like coffee or tea.

    I went for a very slow, long run–I aimed to run for 7 miles, 1h and 48 minutes. That was my longest run so far and I was really tired and dehydrated by the end of it. The trails were beautiful and I feel very accomplished and proud of myself!

    My size M running shorts seem to fit me a tad better. But my Motivational Skirt shows no difference. So maybe my things got trimmer but my waist has remained the same.

    Somehow my body seems to need to stay at this weight right now. I stalled at 178 for a while, and now ast 175-174. There hasn’t been weight loss progress in the last 8 weeks, though I guess I did lose 3.5lb overall, which is better than nothing.

    Achievements so far–I’m no longer overweight. The overweight category for my height starts at 184lb. I’ve been running every other day since April. I’m been fasting every other day (sometimes 3 times a week) since January. I think I’m doing pretty darn well and I’m ready to leave this plateau for good! I definitely want to lose 10-15lb before January! I have only 3 months left! (Wow, I can’t believe it has almost been a year! It went pretty fast, actually.)

    Sept 23, 174.5 after a 34h water fast. I was disappointed at first, but then I remembered that tired, sore muscles retain water, and this is what happened, I’m sure. I put great effort into my run yesterday and yes, I’m sore all over.

    Slow and steady and it will happen. I’m sure 169 is around the corner!

    Sept 24/136.6/FD

    I reached a new ATL -5lbs while on vacation (first time Iā€™ve done that!) I can not believe I made it to the 130s!!!! Eeeeeep.

    The trip camping with my friend in PA was AMAZING! We had such a good time. She knows Iā€™ve been fasting since February and she was interested in the process. So we both fasted while we were camping (pretty much everyday) with ease too. We also danced a ton! My step count for nearly everyday was between 20,000 – 30,000 steps.

    Really today may be a CD but Iā€™ll work with the idea of FD until supper which may or may not be sushi. If it is – then CD. I mean really I need to be able to live a little. I just fasted/OMAD for like 5 days *not really even on purpose. It was just easy and I just went with the flow.

    Shoulder is doing good considering the injury is only about a weekend a 1/2 old. I ice it often and donā€™t put weight on it (except I noticed when Iā€™m turning over in bed 1/2 asleep) need to work on an alternative way to turn over to not put excess weight on it right now.

    @165gw – oh my gosh yes sautĆ©ed mushrooms and no bites (rock on!)

    And weight up after a fast (yes if you were tired it will stall a little). It could also be hormones. I have a stall before my cycle starts.

    Keep at it

    @rabbette: OMG CONGRATS!!!! CONGRATS!!! CONGRATS!!!! 136.6 and -5lb–wooohooo! I think I need to go camping and dancing to catch up!

    Glad to hear your shoulder is sing better with icing and good care. I hope it heals quickly and completely.

    My updates: Not as inspiring. Today I was fasting and feeling hungry and out of sorts. The 28h came in the evening and instead of continuing into tomorrow as planned, I decided that 28h was good enough. And I ate and snacked.

    It didn’t help that when I stepped on the scale today at 25h fasted, after a run, it waas 75.5. WHAT??? How could it be up??? Yes, I know, water retention, weather changing, hormones etc, but I was so ready to see 174 again and even 173. It seems like I haven’t lost anything in weeks and weeks. Where is my wooooooosh? lol

    I looked at my progress photos to reassure myself. I’ve made amazing progress. I’m look fit and trim, especially in clothes ha ha, at 175lb. I do have belly fat and thigh fat that I want gone, but I have achieved a lot. I think I should be okay with the plateau. Except that I thought I was maybe sliding out of it. But I guess not yet. I’m not eating more than in the first 5-6 months. If anything, I’m eating less. I am eating at TDEE or slightly over, but this means on average per week I am eating HALF or even if slightly over, and I should be losing weight. Okay, I talked myself into having a woosh any time now. I gotta have a woosh.

    I started another 36h fast after eating today, to be done Thursday morning.

    September 26: 76.5 at 24h fasted. Continuing the fast until tomorrow morning, as planned. So since my baseline is 36-40 h fasted, it seems that I’m at 175ish…which means still on the plateau.

    Yesterday I broke my fast at 20 some hours, basically turned it into oMAD. But today is going well and I will fast to 40-42 hours.

    I had a really good slow run–only 40 min, and I stopped to pick mushrooms, but it was just perfect.

    I’m going for a swim and sauna tomorrow morning as I’m working in the big town for the day. I have a gap of several hours between meetings so I might even go for a hike.

    I don’t think I’ll be 170lb by the end of September, but I’m setting good goals for octber!

    September 27: 175lb at 36h fasted. Total fasted: 41.5 hours.

    So far I had a large coffee with double cream and a rye bread sandwich with honey mustard, chicken breast and cheddar cheese. That was 6 h ago and I am not hungry, but I have another identical sandwich packed with me. I think I will eat it after my last meeting for the day. So this is definitely a more controlled day which I needed.

    I swam for about 40 minutes and enjoyed the sauna for another 20. Then went for a 40 minute walk. Feeling slim and full of energy despite Steedy’s insinuations.

    @rabbette: how is your shoulder?

    September 27, second update. I’m happy with my controlled eating day! I had two home made chicken sandwiches on rye bread, two lentil patties, one coffee and a bottle of kombucha. I wasn’t tempted by the donut my friend was eating and not even by anything else at the diner.

    I just calculated my calories and my total intake should be between 1140-and 1500. This is at least 400 calories deficit.

    I came home late and feeling empty / peckish but I just wasnt’ hungry enough to eat anything. I did it! I had a successful controlled day.

    I will do another 36h fast now if I’m feeling up to it (until Saturday morning) or a 24h one / OMAD / normal 1900 calories day. It will really depend on my energy level and how I feel overall.

    I’m willing and ready to leave this plateau!!

    September 28: 173lb ATL YAY!! while fasted.
    Septembber 29: 175lb after an eating day–so I’m okay with it.

    I’m finishing my water fast tomorrow morning at 40-42 hours.

    I have just cooked supper for the family, so it is rather tough to be fasting now, but I’m determined. I’m at 29 hours and going to bed within a couple of hours, so I can definitely do this.

    I hurt my knee, or rather over-strained it while running, so I’m taking 3 days off. I need to be mindful about me TDEE. It would be best if I have a controlled day tomorrow.

    However I also ran my Personal Best 5K yesterday and it felt great, yet exhausting.

    Sept 27/137.0/CD – dessert evening
    Sept 28/135.8/FD – new ATL
    Sept 29/136.2/NFD
    Sept 30/137.8/FD – cycle started

    @165gw – heck yeah!!!! on your ATL! Finally breaking that plateau!

    On the 27th started with water fasting… b/c that evening my sweetheart and I planned an evening dine out dessert night. So for supper (they even suggested) a loaded salad. -loaded means you get to fill it with any of these extras:
    Walnuts *
    Thai Cashews
    Coconut Cashews
    Coconut shreds
    Dried blueberries *
    Raisins *
    Dry roasted Pumpkin seeds *
    Candied pumpkin seeds *
    Fresh shredded cheese *
    Things with the * are what I had.
    Dressing for me was just a dash of fresh squeezed lime. For my SO I mixed a bit of olive oil and lime juice. And then seasoned both of out salads lightly with Salt and pepper.

    Then dessert at the restaurant … oh my Lordy! It was a banana fosters inspired pudding with a chocolate shell on top. Now these desserts are a generous portions. Luckily b/c of our salad dinner we had room. Yay.

    The next day… Mr Particular must had liked my start of the day with the WF and then salad decision/compromise for the dessert. B/c the coolest thing happened… it read 135.8 another new ATL. I was like… Wha? Maybe it takes two days to show a dessert gain?

    Saturday went to DC for a show. For supper I had a salad and I totally wanted a salad, like craved it like never before (at least not for a supper!) Then was very hungry on the way home after 4 hours of dancing. Stopped and got chicken noodle soup. Perfect for the ride home. Yay. And not too bad with the calories. (Been mindful about that on NFDs)

    Sunday only showed a mild increase? Sunday had around 1200 cal

    This morning more of an increase, however I also started riding the crimson wave, which always makes me feel poofy and typically retain a bit of water. Interesting tho I feel less bloated than my usual 1st day of my cycle. It could be tho that Iā€™ve never been this small before so most of my clothes are actually big and therefore I donā€™t have to squeeze into them.

    I did do some digging and found 2 pair of britches that I remember ordering in my 20s (oh my gosh) from the UK šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ in my size – not knowing that UK sizes are about 2 sizes smaller than american sizes. So Iā€™ve got those britches to still work toward.

    On that note, I tried on my dance pants before I left for vacation and almost all of them fit and Iā€™m about 5lbs lighter now so I bet they all fit. Unfortunately b/c Iā€™m feeling a bit sluggish and mildly cramping I will not be trying on anything today.

    Sept 30/137.8/FD

    @165gw – I recall that you stated that you weighed yourself after running? I have weighed myself after several hours of dancing and guess what? My weight is always up, by at least 2lbs.

    WTG on your personal best, but dang, so sorry about your knee. For me it seems I keep injuring my arms (In the last 4 years Iā€™ve had 3 shoulder injuries and a sprained wrist) Now that Iā€™ve had the realization my next focus will be on arm strength *obviously after this dislocated shoulder heals completely. Which it is doing better, but I am still icing it at least once a day.

    We are getting to the time of year toward baking and desserts. Fingers crossed and lips sealed on all the desserts. Which I LOVE to make. As the years go by tho, I am way more picky about eating other folks desserts for I have become a bit of a dessert snob! I’m into a really good prestigious dessert OR a dazzling vegan dessert that has been overhauled and made more healthy. I usually make the latter half of that above statement. Now Iā€™ll be looking up recipes for vegan KETO desserts. Mmmmm probably not the best choice of research on a FD! Ha

    September 30: 173 after 40h of fasting! YAY! Iā€™m stabilizing on my new plateau! Lol Iā€™m am actually excited. I also looked at my weight loss chart and I lost 10lb in the last 3 months, pretty much exactly. So yes, the rate of weight loss slowed down, but 10 lb is 10 lb and 3.3lb a month is pretty darn decent. But Iā€™m also ready to get back to 5ish lbs a month! Weā€™ll see.

    Today was an eating dayā€”I was home, so lots of random stuff. Arugula with Caesar dressing; black bean brownies that I made last night; 3 peaches; a can of sardines in tomato sauce; 3 eggs; a bell pepper with chives cream cheese. 2 bagels. Some corn on the cob. I just did a rough after-the-fact calculation and it is around 3200 calories. 600 of those were the useless bagels that I toasted for the kids and they refused to eat. Hm.. And not even a meal in there! It is easier to eat less calories when actually eating a meal! Ha!

    Considering Iā€™m ADF water fasting, it still should average at around 1600 a day or less, which keeps me 400ish calories under my TDEE on average. Which is great, but also a good reminder of how quickly the calories add up.

    Iā€™m fasting until Wednesday morning and I have a friend coming over which means we will eat like normal people without grabbing randomly at things.

    @rabbette: Youā€™re killing it! Look at your lows!!! This is awesome!!! That loaded salad sounds like my kind of salad! Yum. Iā€™m dying to knowā€”what kind of dancing???

    Iā€™m sure your TTOM increase is just water weight and the new ATL is lurking. Thatā€™s exciting that you have those britches to look forward to. Very exciting! And yay for your dancing pants!!!

    Good that you are icing your shoulder. Hopefully it heals soon.

    I get you on being picky about desserts. So many are just such a disappointment. For me it mostly means too sweet. My most favorite is vegan, maple syrup sweetened ā€œcheesecakeā€. Iā€™ve never made it myself, but I should. I do like crĆØme caramel though.

    Here is for AMAZING October and new lows!!!

    oct. 1: 174lb after an eating day! That’s the lowest after an eating day so far!!!

    I went for a very slow 5K run this morning and it felt great. I ran for 43 minutes. When I started my knee felt iffy, and I turned back home right away. But the pain was just for some awkward steps, not a consistent pain, and by the time I got home the pain was gone. I decided to run / jog very slowly and carefully and there was no more pain. Jogging in the fall weather felt great!

    I’m drinking black coffee–I learned to really like it!

    168lb for october? Well, that’s a goal!

    Oct 1/136.4/FD

    @165gw – I have also learned to LOVE black coffee! it all started with a cold nitro brew, then just cold brew, then a shot of espresso. Now I don’t mind my regular coffee black. I rather have an espresso shot or an americano tho b/c I do find regular brewed coffee just a tad bit more bitter.

    If you do find you are at a bit of a plateau, a good tip I got from some of the other fasters on this forum is to calculate your TDEE at the weight you would like to be and just choose Sedentary life – I did some calculations for me at a whopping 63″, 42yo and 117gw = 1,392 cal is my total. For you 72″, 42 and 165gw = 1,825 OR if you do 155gw = 1,770 (calories seem to go down dramatically for every 10-15 lbs lighter you are aiming) and thats still a good amount of calories *at least to me it is, I’m a hint jealous!

    Sept 9th__144.6___BMI 25.0
    Oct 1st___136.4___BMI 23.6

    -47.6 total loss since Feb.

    Looking at my numbers from last month to this month is surprising! I did do a ton of walking while I was fasting for 5 days only eating one 350 calories meal a day. I really was not hungry *and one evening I did have a soup of 200 calories*

    Stubbed my toe like a pro today. So now I’ve got a gimppy shoulder and big toe. I did the toe soooo good (or bad depending on your perspective) that I have a bit of trouble walking. Luckily this evenings class is a gentle restorative (basically we build stuff out of blankets and bolsters and then lay on it.)

    Cheers to our adventures. Keep at it, I bet the swimming will help you set free some of the weight that is hanging on.

    October 2: 171.5lb!! Finished my 43h fast this morning with this really great surprise on the scale. Yesterday morning after the eating day I was 174lb, and yesterday evening before bed 173. I was expecting 172.5-173 in the morning. Is this my long awaited and well deserved whooosh? Or possibly a fluke? It was good to see it though! I like how October has started! Yay me!

    I already had a rather carby breakfast–rye thin breads / crackers with some fish spread from IKEA and 2 black bean brownies that my kids are refusing to eat because OMG they have dates.

    Rice + chicken + sauted mushrooms for lunch and then I have to drive all the way to town in the evening for some meetings. I don’t think I can fit a run, though I want to–it is rainy and warm, which I love for a short easy run on the trails.

    I totally agree that I should be calculating my TDEE as sendentary and at the goal weight if I want to be more aggressive with weight loss.

    @rabbette: I also started with cold brew! And then I bought a package of Turkish coffee. I’m probably not even making it right, but I do love it!!
    I’m more of a tea person, but I save my turkish coffee for my fasting days–it keeps me full and supresses appetite.

    Your loss for September is PHEN0MENAL!!! Congrats!!Totally awesome!!! I’m catching up in october, I hope lol

    Gosh, so sorry about your toe!!! Is it broken? I had a broken toe once, and they can’t do anything for it anyway in most cases, so just tell you to rest and heal. I hope it is just a big bruise and it is not broken. I hope your injuries heal quickly!! Sending you healing vibes.

    Oct 3/135.4/FD

    I finally crave and appreciate super simple salad. Yesterday I bought a bag of salad (usually I get red leaf lettuce and wash it myself) but these bags of mixed romane and red leaf were on discount *they needed to be used in the next day or two. Well I went to pour 1/2 the bag into my bowl and it didnā€™t feel like enough so I just poured the whole thing into my bowl instead (apparently 6 cups worth, which it doesnā€™t look like 6cups to me, but I didnā€™t measure and I do have a fairly good size bowl) none the less – I just put a table spoon of braggs amino acids (kinda like soy sauce but better/ and better for you) Darn thing was so DELICIOUS and only 35 calories! WHAT!!!! Iā€™m super excited and feel light, and satisfied.

    @165gw – yay 171.5, sooooo close you should be hitting into the 160s soon! The whoosh is on itā€™s way. Keep your TDEE in mind. Even tho fruits and veggies are excellent for your diet, too much is still too much. (I know b/c before this WOL I could eat as much as a 250lb dude) I might still be able to, but should I? No I clearly donā€™t need THAT much food. Besides it means I have have more for later!

    Thank you for the congrats on September – it was just a bit of luck due to circumstances creating easy FDs and the tons of walking/dancing. Aug to Sept I didnā€™t really lose any (Iā€™ll take a plateau over a gain any day. ) even tho there was lots of bike riding I didnā€™t really have my >500 calorie FDs, I did a bit more OMAD. Those OMADs were more indulgent of things I donā€™t eat as often now, like pizza, BBQ, Bagel breakfast sandwich, (why do bagels have so many calories and carbs!)

    Oh and you asked what kind of dancing. Hummmmm – Iā€™d say freestyle influenced by breakdancing (no spinning on my head tho for me). I wonder if I hit the low 130s if that is small enough for those other pants (that I have NEVER been able to wear!) soon we shall see.

    Thank you for the healing vibes. Toe does not hurt while keeping it still, but looks horrible.

    October 3: 172lb after an eating day. I’m very pleased! Just recently this would have been 175 if not 178! I went for a slow 2 mile run this morning, and it was just perfect.

    The running shorts that I bought in size L are definitely feeling much looser, especially the “bike short” part of them. I bought them at the end of July, when I was hovering / stuck at 180ish. Even though July, August and September have been very slow, I’m still so happy to be 8lb lighter. My Gray Motivational Jeans are much looser as well.

    I was tempted to eat today as I just wanted to taste food, but after my Turkish coffee I’m not hungry at all and this was a planned fasting day anyway.

    172lb is an important weight for me. It is a mile stone. When I was pregnant with Child #3, 12 years ago, I gained 70lb. I lost it all or most of it, and reached 172lb. This was the weight I was content at. Statistically, my healthy range is from 138lb to 184lb. My skinniest as an adult was 148lb, very briefly, when I was working a very stressful and physically active job. I remember being very skinny at this weight and then gaining back to 152lb just before getting pregnant with Child #1. I think in my twenties my weight was 160ish, but I only remember those numbers because they were associated with important events in my life and also the first times I tracked my weight.

    So when after my 3rd child I got down to 172lb I was content and happy. I was fine with how I looked at felt. And it was from that weight that I gained weight because it seemed that I was still okay and in my healthy range.

    This time I am NOT satisfied with 172. This time I am a runner and I want to be at my optimal weight for running. I also know that losing weight when I’m even older will be much harder. This is the last time I’m losing! I’m Not going to gain any more. I don’t have any time to be gaining and losing. I’m losing to 150-155lb and then I’m maintaining that range.

    I’m excited about this journey and about meeting Spring and Summer of 2020 at 150lb and new shorts and skirts!

    @rabbette: oh gosh re your toe! Those kind of injuries (the seemingly small ones) make me appreciate how our bodies work and those toes, that mostly go unnoticed and unappreciated, affect us so much. I hope it is better soon.

    I buy those huge bags of salads at half price all the time and eat them in one go with a table spoon of Caesar salad dressing (my new addiction after only having olive oil + red wine vinegar + salt dressing for the last 20 years).

    This sounds like a very fun way to dance!! You must be exceptionally fit!! You will be fitting into those pants before you know it.

    October 4: 170.5 (ATL!!) this morning after a 42h fasting. I broke the fast at 47h hours with a small cup of miso soup, about 30 calories and very large green salad–most of the package and 2 tablespoons of dressing to start the feast. And later today–stew and cinnamon buns that my kids made! And one of the kiddos is making a special pizza so I will beg for a small slice.

    I will also go for a run later today. Feeling energized and strong.

    Oct 4/135.0/FD

    I can tell I’ve not waked as much this week b/c of my toe. Which I went and had an x-ray done and I broke it sure enough. Technically called a fracture. I just learned that everything is called a fracture even when it IS broken. None the less 4-6 weeks healing. Just going to lay on my back and do a bunch of core work. Since I can’t use my arms either. I am really feeling very gimpy.

    @165gw – Woot Woot New ATL! sweeeeeeet! you did it you broke the 172. Good on your running too. Its so nice to be no only lighter but stronger and fitter!

    I know what its like to be at a weight you were before and accepted it. 145 was my lowest adult weight I could not seem to get lower, I was exercising and eating less, but the plateau was real! At 145 I am a size L – xL so I know there is a smaller version of me in this body waiting to be set free!

    The dancing I would say is my “running” The impact of running has always been a challenge on my joints and body. However with dancing I can move more strategically side to side more smoothly… kinda like the option instead of full on jumping jacks, but to do the side to side movement one. It gets the job done and for some folks they need less impact.

    Your eating day sounds magical! I almost broke my FD yesterday with a slice of pizza and a small glass of beer but then I was like… meh I’ll save my calories for later. I’m not ready to break my fast. So I had my planned meal of a potato with steamed greens and 2 slices of bacon. Which revealed that I still lost on the scales this morning! Yay! downward trend lets do this! (yellow and red potatoes don’t seem to take me out of ketosis as my reading this morning was 2.55) which is an awesome reading.

    Staying LC I may make myself a cauliflower crust pizza this weekend!

    Keep going you got this!

    Yeah, it sounded as though it was broken. So sorry to hear. Thatā€™s a long recovery time, but typical for a broken bone. Hopefully the autophagy of fasting will help with healing! Bone broth too!!

    Thatā€™s interesting that you are finding dancing easier on your joints. For me any lateral movement hurts my knees.

    My eating day was magical and extended! No regrets, but my weight was 175lb again this morning. Which is sort of typical after a carby eating day for it to go up, so Iā€™m okay with it.

    Congrats on your good keto reading, even after the potato! Bacon rules!
    I love cauliflower and cauliflower crusts. Yum.

    Iā€™m fasting until tomorrow morning or afternoon and am curious to see what my weight will be when I wake up. Iā€™m assuming 172-173, but Iā€™m good with it. Tomorrow is likely a lighter day as I will be very busy and driving a lot. Iā€™m aiming for 168 soon!

    October 6. 172lb at 36h fasted. I am happy with it, especially as this is the first day of that TOM.

    I slept poorly and not enough and I don’t feel like eating. Miso for me and then I am running doing errands all day. The plan is to be under TDEE today to balance my weekly calorie intake.

    October 6, second update: Broke my fast at 46h. I’m a bit disappointd as I wasn’t hungry and I could have easily extended to 60. But I accidentally watched a cooking video on youtube and was inspired to try a Korean “vegetable pancake.”

    In my usual manner I pre-cut too many veggies and then some of my family said it was too bland and refused their shares. I enjoyed it very much, and maybe ate a little bit too much. Also had a small bowl of stew, an apple (I LOVE Cortland apples!) and my favourite dessert lately–small chunks of very dark chocolate, dried apricots, and nuts, eaten like trail mix. It was all OMAD, and a very lovely one.

    I started the LIFE timer for another fast, but I’m undecided about tomorrow. It might be another 40h fast, or a small OMAD tomorrow. I’m craving cabbage/ carrot / apple salad. My love for Cortland apples is too great.

    Oct 7/137.4/FD

    Iā€™m amazed that the number is 137.4 today and this past Sat morning it was 133.0 I hit a new ATL! And have finally lost -50lbs!

    I also did 6 FDs in a row. Due to an unexpected extra FD thatā€™s the most B2B FDs Iā€™ve done. I seriously was not even trying the last day. I just didnā€™t have time to eat and was not hungry and didnā€™t want to just eat to eat (because I know what happens when I do that!)

    Sunday, I sure made up for it. From having a good portion of sushi to a slice of key lime pie (really good key lime pie, not the fake green slice stuff)

    Iā€™ll be interested to see how long it takes to whittle back down to the 133 number. Will I be able to break into the 120s This month? Going to need to figure out some exercises I can do on the floor to help! Feeling motivated!

    @165gw – I may blow your mind by telling you this but I want to empower you! Iā€™ve had to tell myself this same info.

    ā–‘ā–’ā–“ā–ˆā–ŗā”€ā• It is ok, you do not have to ever finish your plate. ā•ā”€ā—„ā–ˆā–“ā–’ā–‘

    (let alone feel like you need to be the one that finishes other peoples plates)

    You can wrap it up and save if for later! It will not go to waste (unless really it just was not successful and no point in making your self eat it either) There are not many things that you canā€™t reheat for later.
    If you pre-warm the panā€¦ place the ā€œpancakeā€ which kinda looks like an omelet with a lid over it, maybe even a dash of water trickled down the side to create steam if it is kinda like an omelet you can easily re-heat that. So remember that for next time. YOU do not need to FINISH your plate!

    Iā€™ve not had a Cortland Apple, Iā€™ve read the description and sounds awesome tho. Iā€™m about to get some Honeycrisp apples which have some sweetness, however they are not as ā€œcrispā€ as one might expect from the name. It is described as a ā€œsoft crispā€ (whatever that means haha) Obviously this description I gave you is not because Iā€™m an apple connoisseur. I just found a website that gave really in-depth descriptions of some apples.

    Cheers – may you soon have your apples and enjoy the fall weather!

    October 7: 173lb after a 10km run and lots of water. I also had my OMAD pretty late last night. Definitely feels like another fasting day today, so I will be breaking it tomorrow morning.

    @rabbette: You will be in 120s before you know it!! I am so excited about 133 being your ATL!! Btw this friendly competition is getting out of hand–I am way behind!! haha

    So true–no need to finish it all. At least I didn’t feel forced. I wanted it. Ha. And even if it is true and I am the queen of reheat, having something just made was a nice treat.

    Honey Crisp has such a lovely name but was a disappointment. Definitely not enough crisp!! I like a more sour, more crispy apple. Cortland is a perfect combo of not too sour and not too sweet.

    I ran 10km (6.22 miles) today and I feel super accomplished. It took me almost 1.5 hours, so it was super slow, but it was a good challenge and I feel all worked out. I stepped on the scale right after it and after drinking 2l of water, just out of curiosity. Very curious about the weight tomorrow. I feel like my body got trimmer in the last week. I am ready to see that 169lb soon!! So close!!

    Oct 8/136.4/FD

    Yesterday I saved the artichoke brine from this very large jar of artichokes that I cooked to put with my sweethearts noochie pasta. Today I heated the brine with some garlic and drank it like broth or soup that I would normally have for lunch. I found it a to be a fun twist on my broth. My SO was like mmmmmmā€¦ ā€œtaste like hot dog waterā€ (which I was glad not to have a mouth full of it at the time they said that b/c I would have spewed the broth everywhere) Iā€™ve not had hot dog water, but I could understand why they said that, I still like it. (May not be recommending to others after my SO comment tho.)

    I like that the scale consistently ticks down after the apparent JOYFUL spike it had Monday morning after Saturdays all time lowā€¦ kinda shows me that if I do have an EFS (I had sushi and key lime pie AND cake on Sunday) that having a FD after it is important to maintain my weight.

    I appreciate what the scale shows me after each kind of day – CD vs FDs and EFS days how to balance each of those daysā€¦ kinda of interesting.

    I can feel at a smaller size 5lb gain will be MORE apparent and understand why the tiny girls back when I was in high school would be so bent out of shape (haha pun intended) over 5lbs and why I would in my head say ā€œits 5lbs not a big dealā€ Now it makes more sense and while isnā€™t a big deal compared to getting an injury or illness or money troubles, I at least understand why it feels annoying and that it must be check in with or the weight goes up and up.

    120s Iā€™m looking at you šŸ™‚ got to get some bone broth one of my students told me that was good for helping with broken bones! Since Iā€™m drinking the heck out of broth anyway, may as well put it to good use.

    @165gw – you are ticking down more steady. Good on that 6.22 mile run. WOW, you are doing it! It is cool to check the scale after a workout (remember that I know my body always reads higher) Its not till I have my morning trip to the loo and then hit the scale that I see the work I did the day before. Fingers crossed (typing is hard BTW) for that 169!

    oct 10: 170.5 at 42h fasted; 173lb yesterday after an eating day. I’m at 46h now and aiming for 48 or 50. I went for an easy 2.5 mile run this morning and am feeling energetic and light.

    @rabbette: yes, bone broth and gelatin are really good for bone healing! You can get grass fed gelatin and mix into your smoothies etc as well. I hope your toe heals quickly! Is your shoulder better?

    Hot dog water! Ha ha! Well, I’m sure it was not THAT bad!

    I think I’m seeing just a lot of water weight fluctuations with my method of fasting, and I’m getting used to this. As long as the actual fat is going down, and it is.

    I noticed a difference in how my clothes fit in the last week or so, which is new. Progress is happening. I do expect to see this 170-173 variation for a bit, but hoping for a 169!

    Oct 10/133.0/FD

    I woke this morning before I even went down stairs and smelled anything, I wanted breakfast. After my weigh in which Mr Particular has been pretty motiving with their readings šŸ™‚ in favor of the fasting work Iā€™ve been doing. I had breakfast.I heated up a 1/4 of a KETO waffle I had made and stored in the freezer, 1 scrambled egg, and 1oz of cheese with a sliced tomato.

    It was nice to want breakfast because I wanted it, not because I smelled it or fantasized about some breakfast item someone mentioned. I feel like I have been working up to that moment all my life. I want to be ok with wanting food when I actually want it.

    Yeah last week I fasted for 6 days – that was I think my longest fast (regular fasting with broth and veggies in the evening.)

    This week Iā€™m feeling more spry even tho I have to stay with my foot propped up.

    Iā€™ve noticed that I feel lighter. Like it is easier to do core poses. The only ones I can do for 6 weeks. Hell looks like I should be getting some abs of steel!

    @165gw – If you happen to like beets – they are helpful for shedding some water weight to get down to brass tax. Just remember to drink some more water to help the body flush water. (Do you drink a right before bed glass of water) I find that helps me let go of a bit more in the morning.

    This is a great revelation about breakfast and how we want food sometimes entirely for no good / authentic reason. Your breakfast sounds lovely! I’m fasting today, but my yesterday’s breakfast (around lunch time) was 4 eggs and a slice of bacon. I really do like large portions and it was divine!

    That’s a very impressive 6 day fast! Congratulations! I have no doubt Mr. Particular is spot on with the documentation of success. I’m amazed that you manage some broth / salad–it is just so much harder for me to eat something than to eat nothing.

    Isn’t it wonderful to be feeling lighter? I feel lighter too. The other night I felt like skipping. I was walking towards my kids–saw them at the distance, and I was just so happy to see them that I did this child-like skipping. Partly to entertain them and make them laugh, but also because it felt so right and light at the same time!

    Also the tshirt that I bought this summer is really lose around my stomach area! It has gathered / pleated fabric on the sides and when I bought it I really liked how it draped around my hips with the fabric a bit gathered–a very flattering fit. It wasn’t too tight, just right. Now the fabric is lose and the tshirt doesn’t stay at my hips at all. It is kind of sad that my most favourite tshirt is too big now and doesn’t fit right. It will be exciting finding new treasures in the thrift store in the spring though!

    Good for you for not breaking your fasting while your toe is broken and mobility is restricted. I tend to really want food when I’m hurt or in pain. I guess I feel too sorry for myself and want food to comfort me (which it does ha ha). Nowadays water fasting comforts me too, in a different way, so it is good to have good strategies.

    I bought two packages of baby greens at half price, and cherry tomatoes which I haven’t been buying for weeks as they were so expensive. I’m excited about greens, cherry tomatoes, and garlic salad tomorrow with olive oil and red whine vinegar. I’m fasting today and am getting excited about salads tomorrow! Including grated carrot + grated apple salad. Yum.

    I do love beets so much! I get them at regular intervals. I want some now!

    I’m curious about my weight tomorrow, considering that I did have two large meals yesterday. I guess one of my biggest enjoyments from fasting is the light days with no food, and feasting days when I can eat large portions of healthy food, and the weight is still going down, even if slower now.

    October 12: 169.5 ATL!!! At 40 hours fasted. Breaking my fast in a couple of hours.

    Oct 14/136.6/FD

    Woke at 4am read until the alarm went off at 7am. Feeling restless. Yesterday I was feeling a touch under the weather as I didnā€™t find that my supper was very good. Yet my Sweetheart said it was delicious.

    I have the day off due to subbing out classes so I can give my toe a break (hummm not that kind, since I already did thatā€¦ haha) Iā€™m feeling board and not able to focus. Iā€™ll work on some sit-ups and core work in a bit.

    Shoulder is weak. It droops when not in the sling, so Iā€™m going to also work on strengthening for those muscles.

    Iā€™ve got to sort out some workshops anyway so I could spend some time focusing on that, Iā€™m glad today is a FD b/c I can tell Iā€™d prob just snack all dang day! Iā€™d like to do something more interactive than sit at my computer and layout a workshop. Maybe I can organize it while sitting on the floor with colored paper or something. (Make it more artistic) Then sit and type it into the computer once the ideas are all laid out.

    @165gw – Oh my gosh!!!! 169.5 you are almost at first goal! Eeeeeep! So exciting. Come to think of itā€¦ Iā€™m close to first goal too. (Well maybe not today, but this weeks FDs will be getting me lower) I did hit 132.8 on Friday Morning last week! I’m waiting on 130 *or of course better yet 129*- WE ARE doing SO DANG GOOD! Yay Iā€™m proud of us!

    BTW – feel free to send a PM in the app we use. Especially if the forum ever wonks up! Cheers!

    I hope you are feeling better, Rabbette. Two injuries in a rowā€”that gotta affect you. I know you are persevering and keeping your spirits up, but it is okay to admit that it really just sucked to be injured. I hope the day went better for you after you posted. Take it easy and steady with the recovery exercises and building strength back. How are the abs of steel doing? Those kind of restless / bored / unable to focus days / wanting to much days are the worst and really throw me out of my balance. I can relate. Good for you for fasting on a day like this! You are doing amazing, and we are doing awesome! Just look at us!!

    I did find the messaging on the app a bit cumbersome, but if this forum wonks upā€”I know we have a way to stay in touch and to support each other. It is a long journey. We canā€™t gain anything for 7 years, thatā€™s the deal.

    We had our own little Canadian Thanksgiving yesterday. (No, we don’t have a different Christmas. Yes, I’ve been asked about that.) We drove for 2 hours to be with our friends. I ended my fast at 47 hours at the supper / party and it was a great experience. Delicious food (OMAD) and great friends to be thankful about and to celebrate each other. Yesterday morning I was 172lb, so still there are those fluctuations, but they are all going lower and lower.

    Iā€™m fasting today. I went out for 1h hike with a friend and then we went out for coffee. Well, look at me! I had BLACK coffee for the first time (for the first time at a coffee shop) and it was just fine! I also didnā€™t get anything else, just coffee. Partly due to well, fasting, and partly due to not wanting to spend any money lol. So the double reasoning helped me to stay strong. I think Iā€™m breaking my fast at 36h, though (morning.) I donā€™t want fasting to ever become straining, and several 44-47h fasts in a row (or it seemed this way) seems like a lot. I feel I need a bit of a break.

    My big plan for tomorrow is to have a Carrot Day. Carrot, Cabbage, Apples, Arugulaā€¦.Mostly Carrot. I love those so much, I had to capitalize. However it is okay if I end up also having bacon and eggs. Iā€™ll see.

    We are doing it and we are doing great and we will make it happen!!
    Take good care of yourself, Rabbette.

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