Latest 50 posts

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good girl Jean I’m enjoying my steak , beer and sticky toffee pudding.

  • I will do it this time

    Well, I did it that time and now I need to do it again. But I can!! I must!!

    My life has been very very difficult since my last post. I spent the pandemic living in a pig shed and earlier this year I was made homeless and lost my animal sanctuary. I had already put some weight back on from stress but being homeless and staying in a hotel unable to cook, eating only cold or takeout food set me on the wrong course entirely. Then when I finally got a new home and had a proper kitchen for the first time in years I went a bit mad and cooked all my favourite foods and put on lots of weight and now the new clothes I bought to replace the ones that went mouldy that last winter in the shed are getting too tight. My mobility had also deteriorated badly and I could barely walk until 3 months ago when I started pushing myself to walk every day to explore the village I now live in. I still lean heavily on my stick but my stamina is improving. I am enjoying it immensely and can’t have my expanding waistline jeopardize the improvement. I have recently moved from walking village streets to following footpaths and my back is starting to hurt again which it hasn’t done recently.
    So despite the temptation of being able to cook again I must go back to fasting. Maintenance was a total failure but I know I can successfully lose weight by fasting especially with lots of walking thrown in. So here I go again!!

    I am back to a horrifying 91kg. My goal is 70kg. I am going to fast every other day again as that’s what worked before.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Haddock and chips it was and delicious..
    Enjoy your steak and beer…

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 26

    Still in Indie with our daughter and her family. We’re playing and working in equal measures (the cloth diapers all needed new elastic, so that’s been my work), and I’m being careful not to eat more than seems “reasonable.” Given it’s vacation, I’m more relaxed with how much wine is reasonable. 🤣

    We’re off to the pool soon, then dinner with the inlaws, whom we really enjoy.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Go and get haddock and chips Jean you know it makes sense. I’m enjoying a couple of layers had a Coors now trying a Birra Moretti. Might try a Madri later with my steak.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon All..
    Feel at a loss what to do…. I have renewed my bus pass.. as Labour has mentioned they might means test it and take it off you, mine ran out last week. I don’t really use it but you never know.

    Walk with Natalie… daughter is off on a two week cruise so I shall be totally on my own.

    I might start my book set me up for the weekend.

    I managed to loose 1 lb after staying the same for 5 weeks.

    Hope you are enjoying your trip away… Happy Wedding Anniversary to both of you.

    I am staying pretty good off my sweets and biscuits this last week… no will power at all!

    I must look at that cider…I am debating on fish and chips or egg and chips… see if I can be bothered to go out…..
    Hope Kirsty has enjoyed her holiday…

    Have a good weekend..
    Jean x

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  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 26 UK NFD

    Ok managed to get myself back to where I was after the first week and aiming to stay steady over the weekend – which is the big challenge I’m planning the days in advance and really want to end the month on a high

    Glad you are feeling a bit better @molij

    Yes I’m looking forward to seeing the revived Paris post Olympics @jaifaim they looked to be done some great work when I was last there 🕍

    What a terrible way for your neighbour to go @merry🍎

    Hope you had a good birthday @excelsior12309

    Pocket list day 26
    @at FD800

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 26 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Oops, number is back up… just food in the belly, lots of veggies yesterday so I don’t expect any major gains over the weekend if I keep things under control.

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Good evening everyone.

    The end of a FD for me (my third for the week). Instead of my usual warm salad, I made some mini quiches with the veg in the fridge. I had one with a small side salad for dinner. Some are left over for NFD lunches. (I have posted the recipe.)

    Commiserations Anzac. I don’t know where I’d be without tea, it gets me through every day, especially FDs.

    Neil & Cali, I too have noticed how much grocery prices have been increasing. I find myself checking the unit price, looking for the best deal.
    I have also gone back to a practice I used to use years ago, when I struggling with my mortgage. One week each month I prepare all meals from food already in the fridge, freezer or pantry. Usually I only need to buy milk and a small amount of fresh fruit and veg these weeks. I find it helps me keep on top of the extra “on sale” items that I’ve stashed in the freezer or pantry.

    SuzyQ, I’m the same with water – easy in summer, but in winter I keep reaching for another hot cup of tea.

    Cinque, thanks for the photo. I’ve never really understood what grits are. I assumed it was a bit like polenta, which I do make to go with meals like chilli or osso bucco.

    Hello to anyone else who is reading.

    All this talk of tea has me wanting a pot now. It will have to be decaffeinated at this time of night.

    Take care all.

  • Southern Hemispherites FD Recipes

    Useful for a FD dinner with salad, or as a sustaining breakfast/brunch option any day.

    I developed this recipe for a family brunch which included a family member with pre-diabetes, whose dietitian had put her onto a low carb diet. It’s also low calorie enough to work for our FDs.

    Each mini quiche contains 767 kj or 183 calories, OR
    if you make the crustless version it’s 500 kj or 119 calories per quiche.

    6 “Simson’s Pantry” mini low carb wraps *OPTIONAL – see notes below,
    250g button mushrooms,
    olive oil spray,
    1 zucchini,
    100g cherry tomatoes,
    100g baby spinach,
    50g grated parmesan,
    2 tblsp chopped fresh chives or parsley,
    6 x 50g (large) eggs OR 5 x 60g (x-large) eggs,
    1/4 cup NAS almond milk (should be around 70 kj per 100ml)

    You will also need:
    – either a 6 hole Texas muffin pan or 6 individual pie tins – they need to be 300-350ml capacity.
    – a roll of silicone baking paper or pre-made baking paper liners for texas muffins.

    Preheat the oven to 180C

    Line the pie tins or each cavity of the texas muffin pan.
    If using a roll of baking paper, you’ll need to tear off squares of the paper. You will need to gently ease these squares of the paper into each cavity. It really helps if you first create creases by folding the square in half along straight edges and the diagonals, opening it back out to a square between each fold. Once in place you can trim off the excess with scissors.

    If using the wraps as a “pastry” shell, gently ease one into each cavity and do your best to create an even cup shape. The softer the wrap is, the easier this task.

    Shred the baby spinach and microwave for a minute to wilt it.

    Slice the cherry tomatoes into halves or quarters.

    Slice the mushrooms and zucchini and cook in a non stick frying pan with a little non-stick olive oil spray. The veg needs to have softened, but it doesn’t need to be browned. Drain off any water that is released.
    (This can also be done in an air fryer, by putting the veg in a small oven safe dish and spraying the top of the veg with oil spray before cooking at 180C for about 10 minutes, stirring a couple of times.)

    Beat the eggs with salt and pepper and then beat in the almond milk.

    To assemble, put the various vegetables, the parmesan and herbs into the wrap shells, finishing with a little parmesan. Carefully pour in the beaten eggs, trying to get an equal amount into each quiche.

    Bake in a moderate oven (180C) for 20-30 minutes. Check them after 20 minutes. They are cooked through when you press the top, feel resistance and it bounces back. If you get raw egg on your finger they are not ready yet! If they are all going to be eaten now, cook until they are lightly browned on top.
    If you want to be able to reheat some of these later, cook them until the egg is just set, but they aren’t browned on top yet. Then they can be removed from their pans and reheated later in the oven or airfryer.
    I actually prefer them reheated as the wrap shell seems to get crisper with the reheating.

    – For a lower calorie option, you can omit the wrap entirely and make a crustless quiche. This will reduce each quiche to 500 kj or 119 calories.
    – The wraps that I used were “Simson’s Pantry” brand – available from most supermarkets here. They are 267 kj (64 calories) each. If you are sourcing an alternative look for soft, pliable wraps that are 13-14 cm diameter and approx 25 grams each. If their calorie count differs from those that I used, just adjust the calorie count accordingly.

    Each quiche contains
    767 kj or 183 calories (crustless version is 500 kj or 119 calories)
    fat: 10.3 grams (7.9g crustless version)
    protein: 15.3 grams (10.3 g crustless version)
    net carbohydrates: 5.1 grams (1.8g crustless version)
    fibre: 6.2 grams (1.8g crustless version)

    I have previously posted a similar recipe, but that was for a smaller quiche. I find this version is a better size for a meal, with a side salad.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 26 North Wales FD

    Thank you all for your best wishes. I am feeling much much better. Hoping for an 800 calorie and below FD today. I usually aim for under 500 but as this is my third FD this week and still testing positive for Covid I am going to take it a bit easier today. The headache, dizziness and the sweating have gone. I have just got a bit of a snuffle.

    @jaifaim glad you are maintaining. Enjoy watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

    @snowflake56 glad your carpet is dry and starting to flatten.

    @merryapple what a horrific death for your poor neighbour. Thinking of you and her family today. 😢
    Well done for showing great restraint when you went to the Auckland food fair. I love a good food fair. It’s so nice to sample lots of local produce.

    @excelsior12309 happy belated birthday 🎂 I hope you had a lovely day. Wow, you are so close to your goal weight. I am sure it will start to go down again soon.

    @northgeorgia well done on meeting your July target. You too do not have much more weight to lose.

    @brightonbelle I am glad your week has gone well.

    Hoping all of you fasting or not have a really good day and a lovely weekend. ☀️🌈

    It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. (Jillian Michaels)

    Pocket list day 26
    @at FD800

  • Allergic to fish

    Hi Morrison! Good luck with your food journey! 🙂

    Some low-calorie (and delicious!) alternatives to fish include tofu and tempeh, but also eggplant (combined with nori gives you a real fish-like taste and texture!) or bigger mushrooms.

    You can find plenty of other ideas and dishes to incorporate to your IF journey, for example:

    Take care!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good morning everyone a beautiful day here in Hinckley. There are House boats on r barges as I call them moored by one hotel. I do like them, would love to have one but a bit long in the tooth now.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good morning F B Brits.. What a beautiful day. Xxxx

    It looks like we are going to have a lovely weekend .. then some very hot days next week.

    Kristy has gone to Greece for a it will be lovely to come back to sunshine here too.

    I am back to my happy weight .. since cutting the wine out and drinking some 4% cider in a wine glass .. I haven’t wanted anything sweet .. The wine is definitely my trigger.

    Well done to everyone that lost weight this week.. .Don’t forget the saying.. ” We are what we eat ” Xxxx

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.8 kg

    @excelsior12309 – 🎵 Happy Birthday to You! 🎶 🥳️ 🎈🎉🥂

    @northgeorgia, @jaifaim – well done! 💪

    @merryapple – 😅 yes, we always seem to have a lot to talk about. There are a couple of serious chatterboxes in the group. We only have a short break during line-dancing, & most of us only see each other once a week. And our instructor Marie – retired school teacher – gets quite cross when people waste time talking between dances. But she’s got the patience of a saint. A food festival on a FD – what could go wrong?! 🤣 I need to pull up my socks too if I want to at least end the month as I started it 🤐

    @snowflake56 – you get up early?! I think SA & Germany are in the same time zone at this time of year, but it would still be pitch dark here at the time you posted.

    Happy Fri-yay, & sending RESOLVE to the Friday fasters 🎯

    “If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down.”

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 27 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all! I am pretty relieved to see my numbers this morning. This past 10 day stretch has been a struggle FD wise… there just seems to be something to tempt me every day… not necessarily sweet treats etc but delicious dinners, a nice snack and the odd cocktail with friends. I’m mostly AF except for special occasions and last weekend was very much a special weekend with very good friends.
    So.. amazingly on my scales this morning, I note I’m back in maintenance range.. I don’t know how… but I’m not going to query it too much. 😜🫢 but just to say… just keep on keeping on… the work you do now… will stand to you in a few weeks 👍 That’s my takeaway anyway!

    I have increased my daily exercise and feel so much better for it. Had the most lovely sunny and hilly short cycle early this morning and feel alive 😀. Now to work… boo hoo!

    Oh my @merryapple – how dreadfully awful – the poor poor lady – what a terrible way to die. I am so sad for you. There really are no words 💕 but thinking of you.

    @snowflake56 I did not realise you also were in the medical profession. I have the utmost respect and admiration for you all I have to say. I’m off to do a quick plank… you are so right. 🌅

    @funshipfreddie what a beautiful quote… it made me think of my dad… He loved nothing more than being outdoors travel so can imagine him up there flying around 🥰 ✈️. Your lunch date sounded just perfect.

    Ok best dash… have so much to do today as well as work and travel home to mum. Very much looking forward to seeing beautiful Paris tonight for the Olympics opening ceremony. My friends say it has been incredibly quiet there this past week with the river completely cordoned off and police and army in place but it is all set to change now… 😬 Let the games begin! I was at London 2012 and it was an amazing experience. I had to stop myself skipping over to Paris…. 🛑

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    2nd post

    Sorry @merryapple, I accidently added you to the pocket list

    Pocket list day 26
    @at FD800

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 26, Germany, FD

    It’s raining again but I have enough to do inside the house. The old billiard room carpet is dry again, it looks fine. Yesterday morning we put the bookcases flat on the carpet in an attempt to get the folds out, in the evening it already looked better.

    @merryapple What a terrible way to die. I worked at the burns unit as a nurse a long time ago, it was one of the most difficult things I ever did.

    @jaifaim I have to do my planks first thing in the morning otherwise I forget to do them.

    @excelsior12309 I hope you enjoyed your small birthday celebration! We know our weight will go down eventually, it’s just a phase.

    @molij I missed your post yesterday, I hope you’re fine and just busy.

    Pocket list day 26
    @at FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 26 NZ 5pm Friday NFD 72kg 🏃‍♀️

    O me misery! (Latin trans: Oh woe is me!) Up 500gm after attending the food festival on a FD… I got up early and did a solo walk so it would be a fast walk… I’m eating normally today and I might do a FD tomorrow.

    I have a funeral to attend tomorrow for a neighbour and friend. She died horrifically after standing next to a heater wearing acrylic clothing and went up in flames (not the heater). She had 20 days in the burns unit but succumbed to sepsis. Her family are utterly devastated not the least because as a grandmother she looked after one of her daughter’s 4 children so she could go to work after her flakey English financier husband went back to Hong Kong.

    @excelsior12309 Have a very happy birthday today and a great party on Sunday!!!💐🥂🍰

    Everybody’s a wee bit in a holding pattern this month including me.
    It will be the first time I haven’t managed a kg loss in the month… I’ll have to pull up my socks for the last 5 days to achieve any loss at all☹️

    Extra Steely RESOLVE…💪

    Pocket List

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24, 25 – USA/TN – NFD

    Bouncing around from 142 to 143…hoping to end up at 141 or so, where I was at the beginning of the month, though I believe it was a fluke weight because of the food poisoning.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    From me also Happy birthday @excelsior12309, enjoy your day!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Unfortunately when it comes to sweets, chocolate, biscuits and cakes I have very little will power which is why I’m not built like an athlete.

    Don’t feel like cooking so vegetarian chicken burgers in a bun with a nice helping of cheese on top.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Arrived in Leicester and the weather’s dry🤞 hope it stays this way. We have booked a table for tomorrow night so a meal and a few drinks too celebrate. Were right on the canal and the river is close by as well, will have a look around tomorrow.i love canals. My son just informed me Chloe as not stopped whining since we left🥰😍

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Happy birthday @excelsior12309 🎈🎈🎈

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon All…
    Walked with Natalie early this morning.
    I had to go and have my toes re painted all the gell paint came off, we have no idea why..

    I am fasting…

    I must put egg and chips on the menu again but not today.. I had a long catchup with daughter yesterday for about 6 hours that was nice.

    Hoping your friend is well enough to stay at home..

    Enjoy your trip away and all goes well..fantastic weight loss it must help anyone new to see what you can loose.

    Lovely you are so near the beach, I wish we were closer.

    You seem you have a plan going, it cuts your eating window down. I eat at 10.30 am then 4ish pm so I have a good window.

    Hope all the fasters are having a good day..

    Jean x

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon everyone, a dull but warm day here.A nice visit with Auntie today and Ely was surprisingly quiet considering it’s school holidays now.
    Steve I do 18:6 and allow myself 1300 calories every day which works well for me,although it’s probably going to be a few more calories today as I’m out for a meal with my old workmates this evening.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 25 UK FD

    Way behind schedule today , put myself on the list will catch up on posts later

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋
    @at FD800

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    I also follow the 18:6 method of eating when I’m not doing my prolonged fast. You can have two good meals and with only six hours to eat its very hard to eat any snacks which works for me.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 25-No. VA USA-FD800
    Trying to keep on the healthy eating plan. Weight is stable, but at least it is lowest in years; still have about 7 pounds to go to reach my goal. My birthday is today (74!!!) but we will celebrate on Sunday. Weather remains very warm and humid, but will cool off a bit this afternoon. My lawn grass is sooo high I think we will need to bring in goats to get it down to a height it can be mowed. Good thing we don’t live in a development where people stare at your lawn and report you to the homeowner’s association.

    @snowflake56, I think we have hit the weight loss “doldrums”, where very little moves. But we shall persist and we shall succeed!

    @northgeorgia, congratulations on breaking through at last! It is an accomplishment, for sure!

    @funshipfreddie, your two hour lunch sounds fun. I probably would have been one of the wine-drinkers…
    Onward and downward, everyone!

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    SuzyQ, as an obsessive daily weigher, I’m impressed by your strength and resolve not to weigh for a whole month! I was a late-life mum too (39). It has some disadvantages but many advantages. Our DD says she’s happy to have older and wiser parents. Go Get ‘Em at the netball!

    Neil and Cinque, driving lesson comments noted! We bought a manual car for the purpose of ensuring that DD learned to drive one. The first lesson my OH taught her was how to change a tyre. Periodically repeated throughout the process. These days, she’s trying to get him to teach her to fly. Sorry about the weight gain Neil, frustrating.

    Cinque, imgur wouldn’t let me open your photo, drat. I’m not a fan of grits. I haven’t eaten that since living in North Carolina a lifetime ago.

    Anzac, I’m not surprised, you are definitely not rewarded for being fiscally responsible. The reason for the pension refusal is that my OH also has US citizenship. But, in the US, you receive a higher pension the longer you wait to apply for it so, if you’re fit and healthy (and expect to live into your eighties), it’s not really in your interests to apply early on. So, instead he just carried on working for another eight years – and paying even more Aussie taxes. It does make you see red when you watch the government waste and how easy it is for people who’ve contributed absolutely nothing to get all sorts of benefits.

    I didn’t know about Dine and Discover. We had Eat Out To Help Out. Sounds similar. Two for one meals to help businesses get back on their feet after covid.

    CalifD, those caregiver prices! My goodness. I really feel for you. You must be so exhausted mentally and physically.

    Have a good day everyone. Stay strong.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 229 lbs. July target met! Now to keep on the path downward. 10 more pounds to lose to get to my low weight of the year, 219. Just 22 more to get to my low weight from two years back while on this WOL. And 26 more to be no longer considered “obese.” All is within reach in less than a year.

    For now, I’ve given up WFDs which is helping me stay more disciplined on NFDs like today.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good morning all

    From a dry but cloudy Scotland though I wouldn’t be surprised if it does rain some time soon.


    I only fast on a Monday though it is a total fast without any food but I do like to have a cup of coffee or two and plenty of water.

    Still trying to decide on what tv to buy do I stick with a 32 inch or go slightly larger these are very important decisions which can’t be rushed.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember drink plenty of water.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 25 NZ Thurs 9.40pm FD 71.6kg 🏃‍♀️

    I’ve had a great day! I went to the annual Auckland Food Fair on a FD… Yes I know… We had fun and tried lots of wee samples of food and drink and I came home with smoked cheese, chorizo, whisky, fresh chillies and vegetables!!

    @jaifaim Perhaps I should have said I went back to sleep. I was awake in the night thinking about the list of things I have to do… Great to hear you are back trucking along after a good weekend with your friends!! I try to especially remember to do planks on the days I don’t walk.
    @bert1802 That’s a lovely compliment!! And inspiring for you!!
    @stitchincarol Wow that’s a big fence!! Enjoy your family and don’t worry too much about 5:2!!
    @brightonbelle That’s lovely to hear your week is going well for you.
    @funshipfreddie A 2 hr lunch and no pudding… You must have had a lot to talk about😄
    @snowflake56 That’s the spirit – keeping up your good habits will deliver for you!!
    @northgeorgia You’re sounding like you have done a U turn!! Well done!!
    @molij Sending you get well thoughts🌼
    @excelsior12309, @metatauta and @ccco I hope you are going well for these last few days😃
    @at, @flourbaby, @leoniraats👋 We all hope to see you reappear soon!!

    Steely RESOLVE one and all!! esp moi…

    Pocket list

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Lunch was a leisurely 2 hour event yesterday. I think we should do it more often 😅 And apart from two or three people having a glass of wine, I was surprised – & relieved – that no-one ordered dessert, because I’m sure I would have been tempted. Although if I go for lunch alone I don’t even think about dessert.

    @merryapple, @jaifaim – you’re welcome! 🤪🎄 They were playing Christmas music on the radio for some strange reason; then I heard the presenter say something about ‘Christmas in July’?! Like it doesn’t come round quick enough? Between the shops & TV commercials, I’ve usually heard enough Christmas music by December 10th 🥴️

    @molij, @merryapple – norovirus?! I used to wonder how you knew you had that, as opposed to a regular tummy upset. But when it hits you there is no doubt whatsoever! 🤮 I only got it once, on a HAL ship. It was the worst outbreak in Holland America history. And apart from our usual duties we had to spend days sanitising the ship & serving food, because the buffet-style self-service was halted.

    Fast day today 😒 And maybe two more before month-end 🎯

    “The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn’t it be? – it is the same the angels breathe.” ~ Mark Twain

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋
    @at FD800

  • Fast Diet recipes

    If the recipe is from a diet book, most likely the calorie content is per serving, since usually in diet recipes it is important to know the calorie content of each serving to control calorie intake. If 243 calories is the number of calories for one serving, then the total number of calories for the entire pie would be 972 calories. Some dishes have standard serving sizes. For example, for pies and casseroles a portion size of about 100-150 g is often used. I also often prepare recipes from the book, and I order food ingredients on, they even have vegan products.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 25 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all!
    @bert1802 – music to your ears!!! What a lovely compliment to receive. 💕 well done to you!
    Good work 👩‍🎨 @stitchincarol & Co 👏
    A great sense of achievement I’m sure!

    @brightonbelle great to hear you are back in the zone. I’m not doing too badly after the weekend blip but very much getting back to daily time out for myself too – not quite back to yoga 🧘‍♀️ but mindful exercise / breathing etc.
    My planks have fallen off to need to get back to them and today is the day..

    @molij glad to hear you were a little better yesterday.
    @snowflake56 I am the same here… love getting into the garden and losing hours but it just has not happened that much this year… hopefully a few weeks of good weather might come later in August but I am not holding my breath… 😊

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 25, Germany, CD

    Despite a lot of FDs, my weight stays about the same, a bit up, a bit down. But I know it will go down if I just keep going on.

    @molij I hope, everything went well yesterday and you’re starting to feel better.

    @jaifaim We also have the white ones but I remember a pale pink variety. I like working in the garden but this year I didn’t do much because of the constant rain we had. In September we have to cut back a lot of trees and shrubs.

    Have a nice day everyone!

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Suzy, I think sometimes when I have a mild headache while fasting it is a lack of salt. Hard to say though without a bloodtest to monitor sodium levels. But it seems if I eat something with salt it goes away. I had forgotten about herbal teas. (Maybe because it’s been so darned hot here lately!) I haven’t seen a Tetely Green apple tea anywhere, but it sounds good. I used to drink a lot of Bengal Spice herbal tea. I think Celestial makes it. I like the spicy flavor. Makes me feel like I’ve eaten something even though it’s just tea. I used to drink a lot of caffeinated teas, but I avoid those now. I love T2 teas with all the great flavors. You have great will power not weighing yourself for that long. Like thin, I’m an obsessive weigher . 🙂 I weigh myself first thing every morning.

    Thin, the only local organizations that provide any kind of respite care are private agencies. We have a caregiver that comes 3 times per week, 4 hours each time. That is their minimum amount of time per week. It costs over $400 per week. I use that time for grocery shopping or my own doctors appointments when I have them. There are some daycare places that are more reasonable, but his condition is too advanced for that and he doesn’t like to leave the house. I actually don’t mind feeding him, it just takes a lot of time.
    There was a story on the news on tv yesterday about fast food places becoming a luxury for many families. We don’t often go to McDonalds even though there’s one up near the grocery store, but the last time we went it was at least double the price from a year or two ago. Ridiculous prices! I wonder if they’re losing money or if people are just going anyway?

    Neil, sorry to hear about the 1.5kg bounce. But you know it is probably that, and will be gone in a day or two. I gained 100grams after Monday’s FD but then lost 300grams on the scales this morning. Like you said the other day, sometimes it just shows up a day or two later. Mine sure is inching down slowly, but it’s moving. And the 5:2 is starting to feel normal again. Two days a week isn’t that difficult.

    Cinque, your bulk cook of grits and beef look delicious. How nice it will be to have dinner made ahead of time for so many days. I haven’t eaten grits in ages. I will have to buy some. My favorite was always grits with a pat of butter and salt and pepper. Many years ago on a trip to New Orleans, they seemed to be on every breakfast menu, either like that or with cheese as well.

    Anzac, you’re right about how quickly the weight sneaks up when not fasting. Sure seems to go on easier than it comes off!

    Have a good day everyone.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Dave- fantastic weight loss, that’s great! Hope that you have a lovely break away, & that poor Denise’s knee isn’t too bad while you’re away 🤗
    Jean- hope your day out has been good…
    Nana- great news about your friend! Well done with the long walk…
    Hemmy- I don’t think the slow cooker food as much flavour as stews done in the oven. I keep forgetting about egg, chips & beans- every time you mention it I think we should have that again!
    Steve & NanniKate, what days are you fasting?
    We went to a different town today, weather a bit mixed so decided against a beach day. Managed a liquid FD, but I did have a frappé when we were out.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    That’s great news Nana. I’m all ready for our trip tomorrow.Looking forward to it. I’ve put three addresses in the sat nav. So should be ok getting to them.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Evening everyone, been a warm day here. We needed to drop off a birthday present for a family member and decided to walk there and back which was almost seven miles.
    Dave well done on the two pounds lost and almost six stone.
    My friend who’s in hospital is allowed a home visit on Friday and if all goes well she’ll be discharged from the hospital with immediate effect and won’t have to return back to hospital so 🤞
    Usual Ely visit tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    2nd Post – Day 24

    Pocket list – Day 24
    @molij Perhaps?
    @excelsior12309 FD800

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good afternoon FB Brits .. I hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    Its windy warm and dull here .. good for drying washing though… lovely walking weather too.

    There is lots to keep up with in the garden now.. everything seems to be growing like mad.. At least after having all the rain this summer everything is still lovely and green. .. Fields full of wheat and barley .. its a pretty time of the year.

    Egg chips and beans this evening my favourite lol. … I have had chicken and veg Stew done in the Croc Pot the last two days.. It was s ok. .. I think I will give it a miss I really am not mad on the food cooked in them. I prefer the oven.

    Nana .. A lovely celebration for you..

    Steve. Well done on your 1 lb loss I agree the lemon makes a big difference to the water..

    Dave.. Well done on your 2lb loss and brilliant going down a stone.

    H H … Its exciting looking at new homes.. It always feels like a new lease of life to look forward too.

    Sym.. Did you have a lovely lunch with you daughter..

    Nannikate … Welcome.. is it a fasting day for you today.

    Enjoy your day everyone. The key to success has only 4 letters: Do it Xxxx

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24 UK NFD

    Going well this week , managing to eat sensibly but not over stress about it and really enjoying getting back to some challenging yoga

    Bad news re the covid @molij Hope you’re on the mend soon

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24, Indianapolis

    Yesterday was not as well behaved as… as I’d have liked? As it should have been? I’m thinking through the distinction. Wine was the biggest culprit. Regardless, the fence got stained by DH and SIL (it’s 6 feet tall and long enough that it took seven gallons), while DD and I helped a little, but mostly did childcare. Not exactly typical vacation entertainment, but a day we’ll remember with satisfaction.

    Perhaps more tomorrow; have a grand one everyone!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24…..Florida……CD

    So, I was rolling on the ground last week but I’m am happy to say my weight stayed the same. Unbelievable I know right? …..
    For work, I had to head up to one of our locations that like 4 hours away. This location is being run by a friend that I’ve known for years. We actually came to this company together from another company. But, I haven’t seen him in person since Jan. He said to me you lost weight! I was surprised by him saying that as I feel like I haven’t lost a thing.
    So that was a nice surprise!
    I haven’t had a chance to read through all the posts yet. I am hoping to do that this evening

    Have a great day!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all!
    I’m sorry I’ve dipped out a little over the past week – I had a busy weekend and it was wonderful but means that my focus was elsewhere and catching up on posts didn’t happen. FD yesterday and will have another tomorrow to try reverse the unwarrior like weekend.

    I’m a phone poster 📱 but don’t post directly on the forum. I use Notes on my phone and copy from Notes to the forum and then Submit. It means if there is a tech issue I can grab the text from Notes again… the issue with posting on the phone is typos… but it generally works well for me and means I can post even when I am on the move.

    @molij sorry to hear you have Covid. It is everywhere here too and the hospitals are struggling again.
    @snowflake56 I find it quite therapeutic to clear bindweed in my garden… I don’t like it but like getting rid of it… 😄 the flower here in my garden is white but I think there are other colours out there…
    @ccco I am so happy to see you will celebrate your birthday with a party in August 🎈 We must celebrate the happy times… there are enough sad times.
    @stitchincarol your attention to detail is incredible! Good luck with your knitting 🧶 !
    With you on that avoidance @excelsior12309 – fell back into some bad habits this past weekend.
    @funshipfreddie enjoy your dancing today and your lunch – I remember you describing The Lemon Tree before – 😋 can’t believe you mentioned the C word 🌲🫢

    @merryapple- that’s some sleep!! Good for you!
    It’s great to be so productive and to feel a good day was had – hopefully another great night of sleep will be had now… 💤

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • Allergic to fish

    I am very new to the programme and for me its about health rather than weight loss. I am reading the Fast Diet book (2013)and many recipes involve fish which I cannot tolerate. Can anyone suggest healthy alternatives to fish that would work with the low calorie recipe suggestions in the book?

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24 NZ 2230 NFD 71.6kg

    I slept through the unholy clang of the grandfather clock chiming 8 o’clock and missed this morning’s walk!! Yes I hear you @funshipfreddie, I still could have walked up on my own!! I was talking to the London gallery which always seems to be late in the evening for me. We’re 11 hours ahead of the UK at the moment. I’ve had a very productive day so am quite pleased with myself despite not walking!

    @molij Oh dear! I hope you don’t become too crook… I agree with you about Norovirus.
    @snowflake56 Covid is quietly taking out the 90+ year olds here but when you get to that grand age something is going to catch up with you…
    @ccco Today’s version of a Mickey Mouse cake would have to be something like a Transformer!!
    @funshipfreddie Thank you for reminding me about Christmas…
    @stitchincarol I love that you calculated your row count! I am spinning my silvery Gotland wool at the moment. I have to design a jersey for my nephew using some of my homespun wool. Alex chose a nearly black fleece and wanted an oversized jersey with cables. I’m thinking you won’t see them unless I space them out. Now I’m hoping I have enough length for cables… otherwise I’ll need to add in a coloured racing stripe?!!
    @northgeorgia You’re sounding nice and positive.
    I hope everyone is focusing on pulling things together for the next 7 days… including me…

    Steely RESOLVE!!

    Pocket List
    @molij ???

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