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  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24-No VA USA-FD 800
    Just a quick check in for now. Weight stable, but need to apply myself to avoiding little snacks through out the day, even if they are “healthy”!
    Going down!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Got the rug pulled out from under my feet yesterday on a major community project I’ve been working on for the past few months. I’m hoping I can repackage it and get approval through a different approach so we can keep most of it intact with benefit to our program.

    Anyway, the weight is looking pretty good so far. After a half-month of stability, the averages are finally showing a downward trend 🙂

    Pocket list day 24
    @molij Perhaps?

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24 North Wales FD

    Going to attempt a FD today but play it by ear. My Covid symptoms are a bit less as I am not sweating as much.

    Thank you @funshipfreddie, @snowflake56, @ccco, @stitchincarol, for your best wishes. ❤️

    @funshipfreddie enjoy your line dancing

    @ccco I am glad you are on the mend. The cake sounded lovely. We might have Paxlovid here but I haven’t had it. I have not been ill enough to go to the doctors with it.

    @stitchincarol have a lovely time with your family.

    Have a good day everyone

    Pocket list day 24

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    oooohhh keto flu . I wonder if i can use that excuse for a sick day ? LOL
    (I work for myself , so Im not sure I would give myself a day off for that 😉

    Thanks so much Neil for that info though. Very interesting. I must say that on my FD, my sugar intake is only from fruit in the morning and on a normal day , I do indulge a wee bit too much I think. I do try to drink water but its not my best. Im sure in summer it will be a lot easier.

    @Thin, I havent actually weighed myself yet since I started at the beginning of the month. I was going to see if much had changed after a month. My goal here is not purely weight loss, although it is a necessity , but i am also trying to just get healthier. I am an “older” mom , only had my daughter at 41 and I think I owe it to her to keep myself healthy and more energised so I can do stuff with her and not feel like just lying on the couch and binge watching movies & tv series. Tomorrow I have Moms and Daughters netball at her school and some of the moms are really fit and feisty. :):):)

    Stay warm all – we have a lovely winters day here in SA so also good for my FD enthusiasm and motivation. Cold weather just makes me want to munch all the bad things.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    I lost 2lbs so moved down into the 18 stone category. Not bad, if I lose another pound that will be a loss of 6 stone since I started.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    HH I wish I could move. Will need to win the lottery first though, a nice bungalow so we don’t have to climb the stairs.Its getting difficult now to get up them, Denise as slept downstairs the last couple of nights her knee is so bad. My car is full of shale from r speedway track so I’ll take it to be cleaned later they can blast it all off. I’ll vacuum inside it myself.Looking forward to having a couple of nights away, it’s won’t help weight but it might be the only time we get away this year so I’ll make the most of it.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Quick check-in for accountability! Have done well the last couple of days keeping a lid on the snacking & sweet stuff. Another FD for me tomorrow.

    @molij – wishing you a speedy recovery. Haven’t heard much about Covid here recently, but lots of seasonal flu going around 🤧

    Off to line-dancing now, then we’re all going to the Lemon Tree restaurant for our sort of mid-year celebration. Only 5 months til Christmas! 🎄

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    “The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 24, Germany, FD

    Covid is on the rise here too.

    @molij I hope, you don’t have too much problems from Covis, take care and don’t fast if you don’t feel well.

    Pocket list day 24
    @molij Perhaps?

    Have a nice day everyone!

  • Tea …

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  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Hello everyone,
    Goodness yes, how your boys have grown Neil! (When my daughter had to do her 200 hours driving practice, I was the worst person for her to do it with, she was still in her dreadful teenage mum-irritated stage, and I had my heart in my mouth.)

    Your boss is a #@*% . I wish they would give you that job. I think you would do it well, and you could do with a raise.

    Cali those icecream calories sure showed up! Hooray that they have gone now. Best wishes to Mr Cali, and Grasshopper I think we know your sister as? I do hope Mr Cali is managing to eat well today.

    Thin, what awful days through those nasty canals, hooray for being back in the countryside.

    SuzyQ yay for herbal teas. It is amazing how much we need to drink on fast days! One reason why that big bowl of miso soup was such a good fast day meal for me.

    Those headaches are common, and usually dehydration, but Neil gave such a good comprehensive answer.

    Anzac, true words: “Gosh how quickly and easily the weight jumps back on if you take your eye off the ball.”

    Sending best best wishes for a really good fast day tomorrow.

    And sympathy for that tea reaction, how awful (so glad you can drink coffee okay).

    The weather is nasty here again, after a sweet day yesterday – there was even sun!
    But such a nasty cold wind today and getting worse.

    However, my house is tidy, lovely home help has mopped and vacuumed. I did a bulk cook yesterday: grits and a beef, veg and peanut stew. I like grits and mastered (I hope) pressure cooking them. I even took a picture:


  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Gosh how quickly and easily the weight jumps back on if you take your eye off the ball. A couple of hundred grams escaped from captivity and jumped on so I need to refocus

    Sorry to hear about the 1.5kg Neil, possibly all that stress from your job. Glad that is all settling down again

    Mr A and I seem to spend a large amount of time saying ‘can you believe how much xxx has gone up”. From insurance to utilities to food to petrol – everything. Our trip this time is costing so much more than our 2019 one but we expected it and budgeted accordingly.

    Cinque re your question on my FD’s, I haven’t had a proper one for a couple of weeks and immediately the loss slowed and now is reversing. I am going to have one tomorrow. Sorry to hear about your bad day, we all have them but you hardly ever do so be kind to yourself

    SuzyQ I wish I could drink tea but there is something in it, some tannin or something, that makes me dry-retch. I even tried beautiful fresh tea in Sri Lanka but the same thing happened. I drink a LOT of water, a couple of coffees per day and the occasional glass of diet softdrink. I love diet tonic water with fresh lime. I also love wine but try to be very minimal but sometimes work stress gets the better of me and I over-indulge

    My heart dropped when I read just how much time and effort is required from you to take care of your dear OH Cali. I echo the other comments and hope you can get some time for yourself, perhaps with some home-help. I hope that dreadfully hot weather cools soon. We have had a very cold winter, the coldest I can remember but today is 21 and tomorrow is 23 so we are having a little respite. It is still in single figures in the early morning and at night

    Massive drop 1kg from that FD Thin! Awesome. What was the reason for Australia rejecting a pension for your OH? I’m sorry to hear that and it is totally not fair. Do you know, as I have always been healthy, always worked and not had children until Covid I had never received one cent from the government (and paid more tax than you would think possible) but then we received ‘dine and discover’ vouchers from the NSW government during covid so we very much enjoyed a couple of cafe meals using those

    I hope the weather has improved LJ and I too got a shock when Neil said his boys were 16 and 18. I still had visions of them from so many years ago and forgot that we all get older!

    hi Intesha, G’day and Lindsay, hope you are all well

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Morning all, I got a bit of a shock to the system this morning, up 1.5 kilograms from last week. It’s been a real rollercoaster for the last month, bouncing up and down the same 1.5 kilos.

    Thin, you can do either teaching the kids, or professional lessons, or a combination of both. Since lessons are $85 each, we’re going to go for a mixture of both. I’ll take him out and show him the basics, then we’ll get some professional lessons for him in a few weeks (they have a 6 week waiting list for lessons), then he can practice with family members until his test.

    Cali, I had cheap insurance because I’m the only one that drives our car, so I had myself listed as the only named driver. I had to get him actually named on our insurance, which has increased the cost. Our insurance has skyrocketed in the last decade, but that is because of the incidents that insurance companies have had to shell out for. The Christchurch and Kaikoura earthquakes caused billions of dollars of damage, then cyclone Gabrielle last year caused billions more in damage that the insurance companies had to pay out for, which means everyone’s insurance bills go up. Our food bills have also been high because Cyclone Gabrielle that hit one of our main food producing areas and there was a shortage of fresh produce, but it has been coming back down again recently.

    Suzy, the headache could be a few things, a bit of dehydration as Thin says, a big glass of water could solve that (or not since you say you don’t drink water). It could also be sugar or caffeine withdrawal. If you’re going from 6 cups of tea with milk and sugar a day to nothing, that’s quite a drop in both sugar and caffeine consumption. You could try reducing your tea consumption on non-fast days by swapping out every second cup with herbal tea, and see if that helps you feel better after fast days. It could also be the beginnings of keto flu. If you go really low-carb on your fast days but usually eat plenty of carbs, you can slip into what’s called keto-flu where your body uses up your stored glycogen and then starts switching to burning fat you can get hot flushed skin, headaches, nausea, dizziness, etc.

    Well happy fasting everyone, and have a great day

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Hi Nannikate & welcome! I find it easier to not eat 3 meals on FDs, just have the 1- although I have been doing liquid FDs recently. Lots of salad to fill you up, or soup in winter, make sure you have protein too. And come on here for support 😃 Good luck!
    Jean- enjoy seeing your daughter again.
    Steve- well done with your pound off!
    NanaMary- congratulations on your anniversary!
    Dave- good about the speedway! Fingers crossed for your weigh-in tomorrow 🤞
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good day…
    Today started as a FD, but has ended with a takeaway, hubby’s fault! Had a walk with my friend & her dog, it was great until we got drenched! We went to look at a cottage, (just the outside)a really fantastic place, but just too close to the new nuclear power station! Looked at the outside of another place, nice too but lots of work, quite small, & maybe a bit overpriced, have made an appointment to look at the inside on Thursday- we are feeling restless ATM with the boys gone! And going to look at a small converted barn next week in the village we lived in before we moved here…none too far away from mum & the boys, all bigger gardens. Shouldn’t have started looking 😂

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 22, 23 – USA/TN – NFD

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    SuzyQ, I used herbal teas on FDs while I was losing weight. I’d stock up on some expensive ones and it would seem like a real treat to choose one. 3 calories I think they were. Yes, I sometimes get the beginnings of a migraine on a FD but a big glass of water usually ends it before it amounts to anything (of no use to you if you don’t drink water). How is your weight loss going?

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good evening everyone, it’s been a lovely day. I’ll get on the scales tomorrow,no doubt I’ll gain weight Thursday too Saturday but it may be the only break we get this year.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Well done on the pound off..
    I am hoping for something off Friday.. struggling at the moment.. meeting daughter for lunch again tomorrow..still she’s off on holiday so I can get it together then.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Us ladies could get cystitis if you put lemon in water…myself and colleague included..
    Although my mum did a lot first thing in the morning….she was ok.

    What a long time nice celebrate 🥰


  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon everyone,
    Just back from going out for a meal with OH to celebrate our first date 59 years ago, I had mussels and chips which was very nice. Won’t be eating anything else today as I’m still feeling full.
    Welcome Nannikate we’re a friendly bunch on here and can only echo the advice from others on here although I’m currently doing 18:6 with 1300 calories daily which seems to suit me.
    Steve well done on the pound off 👏
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    USA. Day 23

    Good morning, everyone!

    Merryapple, thank you! I am on the mend. It is a miracle what medicine can do today! You are definitely right about that party. I am looking forward to it. As per the birthday cake recipe, I haven’t made a birthday cake myself, since my children were in nursery school. I don’t remember the recipe, though. The topping was vanilla icing on top of yellow cake. The theme of the party was Mickey Mouse and I made that cake in the shape of Mickey Mouse’s head. We had a wonderful time! I am amused about your trying to get through airport security with no fingerprints! LOL.

    MollJ, I am sorry to see you got Covid again. The state in the U.S. where I live has gone into orange alert. Our precentage rate is over 7 percent now. We were told that the new variant is very contagious but you should not get as ill as we did earlier. My sister went out to a musical at the Kennedy Center in D.C. and then out to dinner. Almost everyone tested positive for Covid. What a mess! I hope you have Paxlovid or something like that in Wales. My sister took it and what a difference that made. Feel better soon!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    I always put a squeeze of lemon juice in my water just to give it a little flavour and it’s low calorie.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good afternoon all

    It’s a nice day here there’s a few clouds around but nothing grey so doesn’t look like any rain is coming our way today.

    I got my wish when I weighed myself earlier I have lost one pound this week it’s a positive result after losing nothing last time.

    It’s like everything in life the more you do it the easier it becomes but like others have said it’s better to read the book and don’t forget to drink plenty of non calorie liquid or at least very low calorie.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon All…
    A good walk this morning weather warm and very cloudy…
    Thought I would make an effort.. Charlie and I went out for lunch, so nothing to eat tonight. Looking for his food struggling to find it .. it’s on reoccurring but I am about two weeks short…

    I came back and washed the car so humid very sweaty!!!

    Sorry page turned hedgehog and nana…

    Glad the racing was good.. hope you get the changeover of the stone.. you deserve it 🤞🏻

    If you can stick it for the month it gets much easier, it’s a good way of life you get very used to it.
    As Dave says drink plenty of water, read the 5.2 book it tells you why you are fasting not just your weight but for health reasons or the 800 book.
    Most of us work between the both figures.
    Keep posting on here every day and account for yourself.

    Nana ..
    Happy anniversary and lovely to see all your great grandsons

    Lovely to get out for these breakfasts..are you fasting tomorrow?

    Walk time again soon the boy is sleeping had his sleep disrupted with eating out.😂

    Jean x

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Hello and welcome, if you like water that’s a great help, it fills you up. If you come on here regularly that also helps.Most people do Monday and Thursday but the beauty of the 5-2 is your van change it to suit your needs.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Hi all

    I am on my first week of the diet …. today is my first fast day ….its not going too bad but any tips on how to ignore my stomach is very welcome!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Second post

    Just saw your post, molij, and I’m so sad for you, and especially that you’re feeling so bad. I hope it improves dramatically and quickly!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 23 Indianapolis

    @merryapple Thanks for listing the time and day! As to the sweater, I calculated that a row reach day will have it done by Christmas, but I’m hoping to manage one sleeve in August and the second in September, and finish work in October; we’ll see. Have you started another?

    @excelsior12309 I bet the hydrangea and rudbekia were indeed gorgeous! I’m already planning what I’m plant in the garden of our retirement home and I’ll keep that in mind.

    @molij Oh, I hope it’s just a cold so you don’t have to isolate; regardless, quick healing to you!

    It’s 7:30 here and all the girls are still asleep, allowing my daughter to get some much needed sleep. Yesterday was OMAD, a lovely club sandwich with fries and, a-hem, two beers. Then 3 cookies, 99 calories each. So not low calorie, but hopefully not over, or at least not far over, 1500 total. And to know exactly everything I ate in a day is always a good thing– when you can’t remember everything, it’s a sure sign it was TOO MUCH. Let’s see how much restraint I can show today!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 23 North Wales NFD

    Successful FD yesterday. Tested for positive for COVID this morning which is annoying. It’s the second time I have had it. The first time I had it, I had very few symptoms. This time I have felt ill for longer and I have had quite a strange experience in my head. A bit dizzy and a heavy head. I think I have had it since Friday as that was when I started to feel a bit off. I couldn’t test before today as all of the lateral flow tests I had were out of date so I had to send for more.

    @funshipfreddie I hope it’s quieter when you get home. Noise like that would have driven me mad too.

    @snowflake56 looking forward to joining you tomorrow on our FD

    @ merryapple Norovirus really is awful. I was only ill like that once before when I gave myself food poisoning by undercooking scallops in Scotland. I didn’t realise you could be so violently sick 🤢

    @stitchincarol I can’t reply on here casually on my phone either. I need two devices 😂

    Have a brilliant day everyone 🤪

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 23 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 231 lbs. Overall, I am pretty happy at the conservative but definite track downwards for July. It looks like I am on the way to reversing my weight to where it was at the middle or beginning of June, which means I might see the 220s pop up soon, maybe this month, but definitely by August with this trend. It’ll be good to be back in the 220s, 210s, and 200s. I am doubtful I’ll get to the 190s this year, but if I can stay the course, I am certain they’re coming in 2025.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 23 UK CD

    Oh I sympathise @funshipfreddie we’ve had builders/roofers next door for a couple of weeks Drives you mad !!!

    No fingerprints – that’s way too much cleaning @merry🍎

    Now you know why my posts tend to be short📱 @stitchincarol Enjoy your trip

    Only Tuesday but I feel positive for this week 💪

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good morning not a bad day here. The speedway was fantastic yesterday.The last race the Aces had to win 5-1 to win the bonus point and what a race it was, they were passing each other at very high speeds and they don’t have any brakes. Was brilliant to watch. Don’t know how my weight in will go tomorrow fingers crossed it goes well.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Drat, dunno what I just did, but my post disappeared. And there’s drilling going on next door & it’s driving me nuts, so I’m off out…

    Have a good day y’all.

    “Death is just nature’s way of telling you to watch your airspeed” ~ Anon

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Hello All. Hope you are all well ?

    Just a quick ‘pop-in” to say Hi and thank goodness for herbal teas. As a non water and coffee drinker these are definitly coming to the rescue. I have found a Tetleys green apple one that is very nice and a Lipton ginger and lemon. I am strictly a black tea with milk and sugar girl. Can quite happily drink 6-8 cups a day especially in winter , so I needed to find something that didnt use up my precious calories . Ta Da ! Herbal teas for the win.

    Just wondering… does anyone else get little headaches in the morning after a FD or even during a FD ? Nothing serious enough to take a pill , but a little niggle?

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Anzac, it’s always good to see you posting. Hurry back.

    CalifD, I felt so sad for you when I read that just one aspect of your OH’s care takes 5 hours a day. Are there no local organisations that can send in help to relieve you of some of this? Would some high calorie liquid products lessen the process somewhat? Your care is exceptional but you must consider your own health too.

    Yes, the price of food has increased a lot since we first came here. And our friends in Perth reported the same over the five years. Restaurant meals have gone up too. We could get a very good pub meal for £10 when we first arrived, now you’re hard-pressed to find anything under £16 – and that would be for a basic burger and chips which I don’t eat. First it was blamed on covid, then Putin’s war. People got paid for sitting on their bums during covid and now they don’t want to work. Many pubs closed down for good.

    Australia wouldn’t give OH a pension (after 30 years of paying taxes) so we are living on his US pension, accessed with a credit card meaning that every single penny spent attracts a foreign exchange rate and a cc fee. We both worked long and hard in the US in our younger days, so we qualify for a decent rate – whether there will be any US social security left by the time I start to claim is the question.

    The network is a spaghetti maze of canals so, in order to cruise the beautiful parts, it’s necessary to pass through some bigger cities. Of course, many of them grew in prosperity because of the development of the canal network enabling goods like coal, stone and cotton to be moved. Many have very interesting canal side histories. Birmingham, for example, has the brilliant Black Country Living Museum – an entire village set in the 1800s where we can moor to explore over several days. The outer suburbs seem to be where the problems lie. We’re crossing the Pennines now and the scenery is spectacular. A lot of double wide locks though. We have seen two boats in four days which is telling of the challenges.

    I forgot to say that while we were negotiating those dodgy areas, we missed summer. It warmed up to 27C and stopped raining for three days. I hope your temperatures cool soon. Thinking of you and hope life gets easier.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 23, Germany, CD

    I was so hungry yesterday, I had to make it a NFD. I’ll join @molij on her FD tomorrow.

    @ccco How lucky you are have your sister! I also feel good when I fast regularly, just keep a close eye on your weight when you start fasting again.

    @molij As a child, bindweed flowers and sweet peas were my favourite flowers. We only had bindweed at farm fences not in our garden. I still like them but not in my garden. Sweet peas seem to have disappeared, I bought seeds but I forgot to plant them. How lovely you have a hydrangea your mother gave you long ago.

    @merryapple I don’t think we’ll ever get rid of the bindweed anymore but I have to get better at controlling the growth. Not a bad idea to let it grow over an outhouse, perhaps it stabelizes it too.

    @funshipfreddie The ship we were on, the MS Delphin, had 450 passengers, it was really small but pretty worn down. It doesn’t exist anymore.

    Have a nice day everyone!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 23 NZ NFD 🏃🏼‍♀️71.5kg

    Our walk was a stroll this morning with an old grey Schnauzer who was reluctant to get going. I have to get organised today because I have lots to do so this is a quick one!!

    @ccco A birthday party sounds just the ticket!! What is your favourite cake recipe?!
    @stitchincarol It’s so easy to lose posts on the phone🤣!!! Remember to save everything often. Have fun!!
    @jaifaim👋for checking in!!
    @molij Good to be home then where you can manage your own food. It’s funny how our dearest and dearest try and undermine us at times…
    I hope you don’t have Covid…😬Norovirus!! We had that in London and managed to recover just in time to fly back to NZ… what a nasty bug. I cleaned for a week while both of us had it and the apartment we were staying in so efficiently, laterly without gloves (😵‍💫) that when I went through American customs I didn’t have any fingerprints left. I had to put my hand on the scanner 4x before it registered…😬Luckily they let me through!!
    @northgeorgia Tomorrow is another day and a regroup opportunity!
    @funshipfreddie I think those huge ships are like a petrie dish of bugs… They don’t appeal to me. I did think a smaller ship would mean more intimate service but perhaps not.
    @bert1802 and @brightonbelle There is always room for a reset and restart and refocus. It happens to us all!! Just check in, declare it and keep rolling!!
    @metatauta Go you!! You’re getting close to dropping into the next scale zone permanently!!!
    @snowflake56 Bindweed is a big problem here especially with our high rainfall and no snow in winter to kill it off. It grows and grows and smothers everything… My great aunt told me it was grown over the outhouse (outside loo) in the old days to conceal them…

    8 days to go!!

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Yesterday wasn’t a FD, today is. But this morning I had a .6kg weight loss over yesterday, which makes it .7kg lost since last Monday morning. Finally! I was ready to give those scales a good kick! I will hopefully lose some more on today’s FD. Thin, I count calories strictly on FD’s, but the rest of the week I eat what I want, just not too much of it. That’s what worked last time. I do get a lot less exercise now since I spend about 5 hours hand feeding OH. But it’s the only way to get food into him. And he’s been losing weight anyway, not a good thing because he isn’t overweight. I often sit and type on the iPad while he’s chewing.
    Thin, that trip through the Rochdale Canal sounds awful. Certainly not for the faint of heart! There was no way to avoid it? I hope you’re in a safer spot now.

    Neil, congrats to your son on passing his learners permit test. Was the additional auto insurance for him to drive expensive? Car insurance over here has been increasing quickly, especially in California. Everything seems to be going up quickly.
    Have all of you noticed big increases in food? Here, my grocery bill has gone up at least 30-40% over the past couple of years. Restaurants are even more expensive. We only do take out, but not very often anymore.

    More hot weather today and for the next couple of days. Highs are around 38 to 40. I don’t remember such a hot summer in the past. I’m still waiting for some of that cool Aussie weather!

    I hope you are all going well and keeping the hunger dragons under control. It’s so good to be back here again. I missed each and every one of you.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 22 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all!
    Late check in… but checking in… 😁
    Today was to be a FD but 🫢 it has become a CD.
    Back tomorrow 👍

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Nana- congratulations on your anniversary, have a lovely day 💕
    Steve- good luck for tomorrow 🤞
    Jean- sounds like you got some great bargains! Well done with your FD!
    Dave- good result with the bowls & hopefully another with speedway!
    Hemmy- well done conquering the sugar cravings!
    Met son today for breakfast, had lovely cinnamon toast, blueberries & yoghurt. He’s job hunting, no fire service vacancies still, helped him do a covering letter, unusual to have to do one these days! Boring cleaning & ironing done, & made a courgette & lemon drizzle cake as lots of courgettes…it was very nice, took some to mum & to a neighbour. Not sure if it’ll be a FD tomorrow either, if the weather is nice we might go out!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Evening everyone, been a lovely day today as my three great grandsons came to visit us and I took them to the recreation ground for a while, boy they’ve got a lot of energy.
    My curry friday night was excellent, and still no alcohol since we came back from Norwich.
    Have enjoyed a BBQ Saturday and Sunday as the weather was so nice.
    Off to St Ives tomorrow for lunch just the two of us to celebrate the anniversary of our first date 59 years ago.
    Jean some good bargains .
    🤞 for your weigh in tomorrow Steve.
    Hedgehog you’re always so active.
    Hemmy glad you had a nice weekend and the sugar cravings are gone enabling you to get back on track.
    Enjoy the speedway Dave.
    Nana xxx

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Think I’ll have the same jean I like egg and bacon.I lost at bowls 21-20. We played the top team in the league and beat them on their own green, first one that they have Speedway tonight against Oxford, are you cheering for them hammy😁.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 22 – Peoria, IL – CD

    Hi, everyone! I’ll try to read all the posts later, but responding will still be tough as I left my laptop at home; I’ll never understand how the rest of you do it so casually from a phone!

    We left at 2 yesterday, just as I hoped, and stopped at 9 here in Peoria; we’re headed out the final 3+ hours to Indianapolis shortly. I ate decently yesterday, so was pleased with my restraint: 1 day of good eating choices down, 12 to go. 😂

    I’ll check in as I’m able; have a grand one!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 22

    Hi, everyone! It is finally going rain here! My gardens will be dancing for joy!

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, yes, I think that a birthday party for me this year is definitely in order. My sister is planning it for the weekend of August 17! 🥳

    Snowflake56, I do have a very nice sister. She is a professor at the University of Maryland and so busy but she was able to help me out through this ordeal. I don’t know what I would have done without her!

    I think I am going to begin fasting again two times a week because I feel so much better when I do. More times for me would probably be overkill at this point!

    I wish you all a great day! 🙂

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon All..
    A fast day here and I have a grumbling tummy..
    Dull weather but still in shorts.

    You are always busy cooking for people hope the fete did well.. our village festival this year is cancelled it’s a shame.

    Good luck on the weigh in hope the stone marker moves…

    We had a good cafe lunch. I bought a long dress bright pink and white half price £44 to £22, a small silver bag which my phone just fits in to take out with my summer dresses.. £30 down to £11.. so a couple of bargains. Feeling hungry today an egg and bacon dinner tonight.

    Hope you have some weight loss tomorrow.. I really would like a pound off this week…

    Jean x

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good afternoon all

    It’s another overcast day here but hopefully we won’t be getting too much rain.

    It’s Monday again so another fast day they are getting easier with each week that passes though I would never say going without food for 36 hours is easy.

    Legend says that scrumpy Jack isn’t for mere mortals and can only be drank in pints by someone native to the west country.

    I’m hoping to have lost at least a pound on my weigh in tomorrow and anything above that would be a very welcome bonus.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and we can all look forward to eating our first meal tomorrow.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 22 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. We didn’t celebrate as planned, but will hopefully do so this Saturday. Unfortunately, that messed me up more than if we had gone through with it. Anyway, it will be fine — today should be a pretty easy FD.

    Pocket list day 22

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 22 North Wales FD

    I have decided to do three FD’s this week as it was incredibly difficult not to eat what I was served whilst visiting family. We had a lovely time but I think I have either caught a cold there or Covid. I have sent for some lateral flow tests to confirm. The 14 month old is at Nursery and is alway ill when we visit. I came back with Norovirus last time 😂

    @snowflake56 we have a problem with bindweed in our garden too. It’s incredibly difficult to get rid of. I do like the flowers though. We have a beautiful hydrangea in a pot which has blue and pink blooms. My Mum bought it for me many years ago so it’s quite special.

    @merryapple my daughter in law did not support my 5:2 she gets upset when I do not eat breakfast. I like to eat twice a day a day. I find I get hungry more when I eat breakfast. She constantly tells me I look fine but my BMI puts me in the overweight section. I do need to lose at least 20 pounds.

    @stitchincarol thank you for your sympathy it is very difficult to eat sensibly when in someone else’s house. The good news is that our son talked to my husband about us moving closer. He actually listened and is now thinking about it. I do hope we do move because I would like to be more involved with all 6 of our Grandchildren.

    Wishing everyone a good day and a good last 10 days. COME ON EVERYONE WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER 💪💪

    Pocket list day 22

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 22 UK FD

    Once again pressing that trusty reset button , determined to get back to my healthy ways and I still have 10 days to make a difference 💪

    Pocket list day 22

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Thin that sounds like the ultimate, absolute nightmare. Apart from the physical drudge work the fear of being robbed or worse made my blood run cold. I hope everything works out from here

    Isn’t it funny Neil when you come across people who are so incredibly out of touch. Congrats for your son passing his learners – good luck with the lessons (yikes)

    Oops dinner is ready, must run! More tomorrow

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good morning FB Brits.. .. It s a grey start here but dry and warm.

    A good weekend and back on track with eating and drinking. Sugar cravings gone..
    Feeling tired though..

    Sym.. did you buy anything at the shopping outlet.

    H H .. Yes fish cakes were nice but I bet your homemade ones were better lol.

    Dave.. Good luck this week getting down to the next level.

    Enjoy your day everyone…..” Close the old book and start a new one.” Xxxx

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