Latest 50 posts

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Here we go again, on word with copy and paste.

    Very anxious time here now as we have a large bushfire in the hills next to us. We’re in the middle of a heatwave and yesterday the temp on our back verandah peaked at 45.9. There were several dry lightning strikes, and this appears to be the cause of the fire. We noticed and smelt the smoke around 4pm. As the country has deep gorges and rugged terrain hills, most of the area is inaccessible by vehicle.

    By 10pm the ridgetop was ablaze with red and the smoke very thick. Thankfully there was no wind last night and the same this morning, although it’s predicted to pick up as the day goes on, and in a southerly direction which is not good for us. There is one other smaller town that is a lot closer to the fire than we are so I’m praying for them.

    It has been a very restless night, getting up regularly to check. I do have the alert apps on my phone and it has been pinging with updates which is reassuring. I also have the emergency services scanner app and I can see where they have been gathering extra crews together from all the smaller towns in the region in preparation for today’s firefighting efforts, as well as local volunteers who know the terrain very well.

    This morning I can see another area of very thick dense smoke billowing from the easterly side of the hills but I’m not sure if this is part of the same fire or a new outbreak, it’s difficult to tell. Either way, it’s growing in size.

    The country is so dry, I can’t recall having any rain in the last 6 months or so apart from a very light sprinkle a few times. The 7 day weather forecast is temps in the low 40’s so it’s not looking good.

    Miss GDay starts year 12 today (online home schooling as she has been for several years now) so she is anxious on all fronts. I must go and make sure she is up and getting ready. Cross your fingers for us. I do hope the CFS call in the aerial water bombers, its would seem the most logical move given the terrain and the weather conditions were are facing this week.

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 4 (already?) NZ NFD 🚴‍♀️
    68.9, 69.9, 69.7, 70.1, 69.6kg ⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️

    Hiya everyone!!! (Said with a Corrie accent🤣)
    What a great weekend… !!! Oh how wise you are @funshipfreddie 🤣 I had a ride in a Guard’s Red racing Porsche with white rondels, a Palestinian lunch, dog walks and cafes, dinner & wine…
    Yesterday I went into the city for an eye exam to get a prescription for my new dark navy Anne et Valentine frames. I have been walking around with a scratched lens since I fell flat on my face so am really looking forward to my new look!! Other than a minor change for reading requirements my eyes have not changed in 6 yrs. I have better than 20:20 vision and the eyes of a 50 year old!! Yeah!!
    My penance today is a trip to the hand physio, dental hygienist and dentist… and I got a $70 parking ticket in the mail…
    @stitchincarol Your unwellness does have a silver lining but I hope you’re feeling better!!
    @funshipfreddie I see you’ve got your mojo back in spades!!
    @molij Good that you have a surgery date so you know where you are and can make the most of Fab Feb.
    @excelsior12309 Only #10 to go!! Less than 5kg. You’ve got this before the end of this year!!!
    @iona72 Congrats on your birthday and reset!!
    @ccco Did the ground hog appear???!!
    @penz What’s your favourite pizza topping? In the 80s I visited the home of American pizzas near Yale. Frank Sinatra used to send his Lear jet there from NYC to collect his order
    @northgeorgia 💪💪
    @jaifaim Go Ireland!!!! We had a weekend of summer provincial cricket finals so I did do a wee bit of goggle box watching to add to my great weekend!!!
    @brightonbelle Thanks for getting us going!!! Great to hear you dispatched 6lbs last month !! Inspirational!!

    “Thunderbirds are GO”!!!

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    FFS another post just vanished mid sentence – being peeved off with this app lately is an understatement. Looks like I’ll have to get the laptop out from now on for every post and write in word and copy and paste – what a pain in the #&#&

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Jean- hope you soon get on the mend 🤗
    Dave- hall stairs & landing is a real pain to do, don’t envy you that! Ours needs doing really, but we keep putting it off! Hope you don’t feel too stiff after the bowling!
    Hemmy- well done keeping your weight the same, glad that you had a good weekend!
    Nana- thinking of you with your daughter going away 🤗
    Couscous – are you back to fasting?
    It was frosty and bright here, but cloudy later…dropped son’s washing off & the tiffin, did have a lazy afternoon, I’ve pulled something in my back & it’s been a bit sore…just had the one meal today, poached eggs & avocado, strawberries & yoghurt for pudding…

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    USA. Day 3. CD

    For a change, today is not a FD. I had a lovely fund raising lunch to attend, so I didn’t want it to be a FD. However, it has been easy today to control my food. Tomorrow, I have nothing in particular planned, so I will easily revert back to my regular FDs.

    Iona72, I am glad you had such a lovely birthday!

    MollJ, 👍🏻 for the good FD.

    Feel well quickly, stitchincarol, although you are right about sometimes these things are helpful for dieters.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

  • Monthly water fasting. By M.D.

    I know this thread was last updated 7 years ago but I am very interested in hearing an update from @50yearoldmale6foot300lb.

    1. Have you been able to continue to lose weight?

    2. Did you change your fasting schedule?

    3. Did you encounter any side effects (I hope you are in good health)?

    4. Did you make dietary changes once you reached your target weight?

    I hope all is well with you. Please if you could update us. I’m sure there are others who are also keen to hear from you. Thank you.

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 3 North Wales FD

    Good fast day well over my target steps of 10000 per day. I have finished eating today at 6pm.

    @stitchincarol I hope you feel better soon. Not a good way to lose weight.

    @iona72 happy belated birthday glad you had a lovely day.

    @jaifaim thank you for your kind words. I started meditating again on Sunday. I am hoping that will help.

    Hope everyone has had a good day.

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @brightonbelle f800

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Hope your better soon Jean.I played bowls for 3 hours so feeling very stiff now. The roofers are still at it. Just a steak toastie for tea tonight so a low day. But I’m out tomorrow night at the fishing club so will no doubt stop a few going sour.

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA- NFD

    I had some sort of stomach ailment yesterday, so was too busy feeling sorry for myself to post anything. I’m better today, thankfully, although feeling too pukey to put anything in my mouth is certainly helpful when wanting to lose weight, lol, so I’m not impatient to return to 100%. 🤷‍♀️

    Have a grand one, everyone!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Still feeling very rough.. just doing my two walks.
    Back when feeling better x

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 3 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. Ready for another rocket ride of a month… here we go.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good morning I had way too much to eat yesterday so better take it easy today. The roofers are on the roof now so hopefully they will finish today. Going bowling this afternoon the sun is trying to make an appearance.

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 3 UK f800

    Yes we are low on numbers @funshipfreddie Hopefully a few more will pop in this week

    Had a lovely weekend, a few indulgent moments but not too many f800s during the week for me

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @brightonbelle f800

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Good morning FB Brit friends. Xxxx

    It s a grey start here hopefully some sunshine later for walking.

    Ohh so very pleased this morning as the scales were so kind and I am exactly the same weight as Friday morning.. Yippee.. I really couldnt believe it. lol
    It does make it easier though with Kristy not drinking or eating snacks. .. .

    A lovely weekend.. yesterday we went to Sunday lunch at Adderbury .. Soo very tasty I now order a child’s portion as the normal plate is massive. I can then have their melt in your mouth blackberry and apple crumble and custard.

    Day 15 no wine.

    How is everyone after the weekend.. .
    .Dave.. Glad the roofers have got to grips with the roof.. hopefully all done soon..

    H H .. It Sounded like a lovely weekend with your family.. sometimes you have to relax a bit with the menu choices .. We can all get back to it today.

    Sym.. Are you feeling better now.. Soon be holiday away and relax

    .How is everyone else Xx

    Enjoy your day all When you love what you have, you have everything you need.Xxxx

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.6 kg

    First Fab Feb FD done & dusted! 💪

    Still a couple of regulars not onboard yet for Fab Feb. @merryapple 👀- I hope you’re okay & not undoing your awesome January success! 🎯

    It’s a gorgeous sunny day here. I’m off out to clock up some steps before it gets too hot, & then have a well-deserved brunch 🍳

    Have a good week everyone

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Hi Everyone

    Well it’s nearly 2pm and my reset FD is going very well. Thanks for all the encouragement xx

    I will be following that advice Neil, thanks. I think 600 calories is a more reasonable amount for me than the 500 calories I used to do. I have to make this work for me and so I will.

    This morning I did something that I very rarely do. I was at home (not at the gym) so I made myself a “start the day” drink (usually it’s a cup of tea). I squeezed half a lemon, added a pinch of salt and added water to about 3/4 full. I followed this with plain water as I know that lemon is acidic on the teeth which is why I rarely have this. I haven’t felt hungry until about half an hour ago and I’m wondering if it was the salt that helped with that. I just had a cucumber with salt on it and am feeling good again. Maybe I’ll try that on future FDs and see how I go.

    Lindsay, hope hubby is ok now. It’s very scary when these things happen, especially when there seems to be no cause.

    Anzac, I hope you find something soon. Hope you can enjoy this break and focus on looking after yourself. Something will come along!
    Regarding the weights, I have been working to change my mindset that I am not exercising unless I am working up a big sweat doing cardio! These days I mainly walk or cycle for my cardio and lift weights. A couple of weeks ago we were out walking in our village and one of the houses had three bikes out the front for free. OH found the best one for me and we wheeled it home. He has cleaned it up for me and so yesterday we went for a nice (long for me) bike ride. I could hardly walk afterwards and am still feeling it today lol. My legs are fine but all the tightness is in my back. Goodness me, reminds me how long it has been since I rode a bike outdoors! I really enjoyed it though. We cycled from one village to another, has a swim and then cycled back. I could do that again anytime 🙂

    Hi Cinque. Stay cool in this summer heat we are having. I am loving it!

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Hi everyone

    I was a bit busy at the end of my time at work but today is my first official day of unemployment. I have, over the past 5 weeks, applied for 11 jobs with zero response, let alone interviews. Sigh

    I took my eye off weight loss for a week or so but no major damage. No excuses now, I have all the time in the world to focus

    The weather forecast for the next week is gorgeous – 28-30 every day and sunny. I look forward to doing lots of swimming which is my favourite exercise

    I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s health scare Lindsay. I hope he recovers quickly

    I hope the hot weather doesn’t last too long Cinque, I know how it saps you

    Quacka I was talking to my doctor just last week about diet and exercise and he recommended weights for me too. Good luck getting back on the wagon and May is far enough away for you to easily lost the kilos you want

    I no longer have emails to be able to go back to the previous page so I will end here but read some more earlier posts later today. Take care all

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    HH I’ll start with the stairs then the living room. Would costs to much to do them all at once. Going bowling tomorrow so that helps with food. Only one meal tomorrow. Had to much to eat today.

  • If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

    Thanks Annette, I’ve had a lovely birthday weekend! Now feeling more focussed on getting back on track. Thankfully the scale is back at the pre Christmas weight👍🏻👍🏻

  • If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

    Don’t worry Iona, I ate a bar of chocolate yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed it. No change on the scales despite eating less this week. I haven’t lifted weights either, I completely forgot.

    I am focusing on eating more whole foods after work this week. Let’s see if that has any impact. I am finding it all rather frustrating that any progress is so very slow.

    Enjoy your birthday Iona and then join me in the slowest progress. Any improvement is to be celebrated.

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 2 NE England NFD

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes and the support and encouragement is much appreciated.
    I had a lovely birthday surrounded by my extended family, we went out to eat, Friday and Saturday and cake and wine may have been involved!🎂🥂
    I have had a much more controlled Sunday and feel I’m getting my fasting mojo back. I’ve closed the kitchen at 7pm and won’t eat again until lunch tomorrow. Not earth shattering I know but a step in the right direction.
    Look forward to chatting with everyone through Fab Feb, thanks @brightonbelle for taking the reins.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Dave- what a pain the roofers having to take it all up again, but good they’re sorting it out properly! Which room will you decorate first?
    Jean- hope you feel better soon 🤗
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good weekend with Kristy….
    Nana- hope your daughter gets away okay, will be strange going back to just the 2 of you 🤗
    Couscous – hope you’ve had a good weekend!
    Had a nice day yesterday, we were up late, did a good clean, saw mum for a game & then had a lovely evening & takeaway with sons & eldest’s gf. I did eat a bit too much, first time since starting keto though. Today’s been better, made rolo tiffin for youngest to take to the fire station, didn’t eat any, it didn’t even make my mouth water, I think I had my fill of sugar yesterday…Going to try just the one meal tomorrow!

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    USA. Day 2. FD

    Just checking in, as I am about to meet up with my grandson. Yesterday definitely was not a FD. I went out to dinner with a friend and a jazz show, so today is makeup day.

    Pocket List – Day 2 🥑

    Have a great day!

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 2 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. This month, I think I am going to have to get a little more serious about my food choices on NFDs. Lots of meetings and events, but I don’t have to have three meals a day plus mindless snacking. This is all just food and weight; I can deal with it. So, let’s do a FD today.

    Pocket List – Day 2 🥑

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 2 UK NFD

    Morning all , I must admit my emoji choices are fairly random @funshipfreddie , I thought it was a comet but I just liked the look of it . Sorry that corrie got bumped – I was a lifelong fan until around 7/8 years ago and haven’t seen an episode since, the France Wales game was a cracker though🏉

    Ireland thoroughly deserved the win @jaifaim , I’ll be in France for the France Ireland game and looking forward to finding a nice bar to watch that game

    I’m definitely in weekend mode – I’ll be fasting tomorrow and getting into Fab Feb mode 💪☄️

    Have a good Sunday all

    Pocket List – Day 2 🥑

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Hemmy the beef melted in the mouth.Definatly needs 6 hours.I must see how much it costs to run the crockpot for 6 hours just out of interest.i can do the same in my ninja airfrier on pressure cooker mode in 1 hour.With the same result.The roofer was back yesterday and took up half the roof tiles,he said the one who done it didn’t do a good job. He’s coming back tomorrow to do the other half. Then finally we might get rid of the scaffolding and start decorating 😁😬 Roast beef for tea tonight, I forgot to do the Yorkshire pudding batter last night so will do it in a minute.Ever since the roofers have been working here Chloe as been sleeping downstairs.I get of the sofa to go to bed and she jumps up on it🤣.Jean hope you’re feeling better today. HH nice to have the boys round. Nana what you up to this weekend.CC hope you didn’t have to many, I used to drink like a fish now it’s rare I have any.

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 2 – Ireland – NFD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hello all – like @penz – just checking in on Day 2. 🏹

    Lave a lovely Sunday everyone and a good FD @funshipfreddie 🏹

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I’ve definitely been a weekend warrior so far, & I’m going for my first Fab Feb FD today 🏹 Anyone joining me?

    @brightonbelle – I’ve been trying to figure out what the emoji is next to Fab Feb 25 Challenge ‘☄️’ a comet? It looks completely different on my phone, like an orange fireball. But on my laptop it looks more like a blue spotlight.

    @jaifaim – congrats to Ireland for their (close) win against England. I can’t believe ITV bumped off Coronation Street for the France V Wales match on Friday?! So rude 😒 I would much rather have seen what was going on in the Rovers Return 😅 And what a thrashing – 43-0 for France. Ouch!

    @ccco – Happy Groundhog Day. A great movie! I used to see a group of people doing Tai Chi on one of the ships I was working on. Strange that it’s classed as a martial art, but it’s supposed to be very beneficial for older people.

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 2 🥑

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 2, NFD, Aus

    Hello all – just checking in.

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Ps… Bravo Ireland 👏 🏉 🇮🇪 😉

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 1 – Ireland – NFD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾


    Hello all – I’m here for Fab Feb 25 💪💪💪 thank you @brightonbelle ⭐️ and @at for the spreadsheet 👏

    My posts may not be very detailed or chatty over this weekend as I’m on the move but I’m here with you all!

    @iona72 – Happy Birthday to You! I hope you have had a lovely day! 🎈 🎈

    @molij please don’t give yourself a hard time! With all that you have been dealing with the fact that you are here is a success in my eyes even without the 1kg drop ⬇️👏. Many of us need a reset so let this be OUR month! 💪 Inspired by those among us who have set a great example in the first month – you know who you are 👏⭐️👏

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    USA. Day 1. FD

    Good morning, everyone. Thank you BrightonBelle for ushering us through February. Tomorrow is Groundhog Day in the U.S. I hope we will get good news telling us the Winter will be shorter.

    I am a 74 yo woman currently living in Maryland. I think I joined 5:2 in either 2017 or 2018. It’s been so long that I am nog quite sure anymore. I am looking forward to the new month with better results, since I managed to lose only 1 lb. in January. There are no good excuses for that, so I recommit to February.

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I like your eating schedule. It seems very doable! I used to do Tai Chi and I enjoyed it. Since it involves slow movements, it’s a challenge for me. I don’t do anything slowly! LOL

    BrightonBelle, congratulations on your 6 lb. loss. That’s wonderful.

    Have a great day, everyone! 👍🏻

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 1 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. It’s been such a crazy time, I don’t remember if my FD is tomorrow or Monday or both. I’ll figure out by tomorrow. Happy Saturday!

  • Joyous January

    Thank you so much for hosting January @stitchincarol and thank you all for your kind words and support yet again xxxxxx

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 1 North Wales NFD

    Thank you for hosting @brightonbelle.

    I joined this forum in December 2017 and I have considerable success. I am 68 a live in North Wales near the sea. My youngest daughter is getting married in 6 months and I want to lose some weight for that and to improve my general health and fitness.
    I am very disappointed in myself for allowing the weight to creep up again. I used to tell myself that the 5.2 was a way of life and I believe it is, but I fell off the wagon. I am feeling strong and determined and I know that I can do this 💪. I had an operation in October and I heard today that the operation to remove part of my Thyroid will be on the 11th March. So glad that I am not having to wait so long. I feel in a better frame of mind today. The last two days were difficult following my appointment at the hospital. I finished the month 1 kg down. I am pleased with that.

    Hope everyone has a successful month.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    The roofers are back re-felting the roof and new batons.We had a leak not much but they are doing it anyway, had a look and half the times were up, so doing a good job hopefully.Got my gas meter commissioned yesterday had a problem with it but think it’s ok now.Hemmy I have the crockpot on with beef chunks and veg,I do it for 6 hours on high like you said. May give it a stir after a few hours.

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 1-NO. VA USA- FD800

    Joining in for Fabulous February. I am 74, still working as a pediatrician 4 1/2 days per week (if the weather doesn’t interfere!) Started 5-2 in 2017 and was quite successful, but didn’t maintain…so got back in properly in 2024 and lost 23 #, toward goal of 30#. Am presently at lost 20#, due to the usual holiday nonsense. Back in with enthusiasm now! Thank you @stitchincarol for hosting last month and thank you to @brightonbelle for leading into February.

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.8 kg

    I had a good CD yesterday, & I finally feel like I’m back on track – just in time for Fab Feb 💪

    @brightonbelle – congrats on the 6 lb loss! All those FD800’s finally paid off 🎯

    @iona72 – 🎵 Happy Birthday to You! 🎶 🥳️🥂 🎉

    @penz – Tai Chi?! Did you enjoy it? Wine Fast Day – very funny! 😂 🍷

    About me:- David, 62, originally from Manchester, England. Retired & living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Been 5:2-ing/IF-ing since 2014 after watching Michael Mosley’s documentary, ‘Eat, Fast & Live Longer’. I joined the Challenges after I quit working in 2018. I do basic 5:2, having around 600 – 700 cals on FDs – one evening meal – and I have an eating window of around 12 noon to 8 pm – two meals + a snack – on NFDs.

    Have a good weekend everyone! 🌤 🌈

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 1, NFD, Aus

    Thank you @brightonbelle for keeping this wonderful forum going and to you @stitchincarol for starting us off in 2025 with such a joyous month. (But I do have to ask, is your WFD now short for a Wine Fast Day??)

    Hello all, old and any newbies. I live in Australia’s capital city (Canberra) with husband and two Australian Cattle Dogs. I’ve decided I’m retiring which is a great feeling and am finding new things to fill my days. Today I had my first tai chi class!

    I have been doing 5:2 on and off since about 2017. When I do it, the weight comes off. When I don’t, the weight comes back. It’s obvious what I should be doing but at times I struggle with finding my fasting mojo. I’ve learnt that daily posting really really helps with accountability. I like to do WFDs on Mondays and Thursdays.

    That’s enough from me on a weekend!

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Hello everyone,
    It is the start of a hot week here. But I am pretty ready for it. At least it is all days in the thirties and not the forties.

    Lindsay, I am so sorry to hear of Mr Lindsay’s scare. How hard his body must be working to try for equilibrium. It is good that family members are getting a better idea. Best wishes to you all.

    Quacka, it is so confusing when there are conflicting health things you want to do to make life better. It is paralyzing. I love Neil’s response. All power to you having high protein fast days.

    Better to do that than be fallen off the wagon! Yay for checking in here to log your progress, we will be cheering you all the way.

    Sending best wishes to everyone

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Hemmy- have a lovely weekend with Kristy… Well done with 2lbs off, you lost that quickly!
    Jean- well done with your pound off too…good you’re all sorted for your holiday ☺️
    Dave- oh dear, another early start, hope it all got sorted okay 🤞
    Nana – hope you’re all right, hard seeing your daughter go 🤗
    Couscous – don’t go mad this weekend!
    Had a nice birthday, shame about the weather, we’ve had a couple of lovely days but it’s back to rain today, so we went to an antiques centre which has a 1940s style tea room, had a cream tea & we bought a clock, not an antique though. Youngest son popped in with flowers, & went to see Mum with my sister as well. Tomorrow the boys are coming for a Chinese takeaway. 2 days off keto!

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 1 UK NFD

    Welcome all , thought I’d try and get in before the antipodeans 🦘🥝

    I’ll be posting each day – but don’t expect a lot 😂

    Me – 63F living on the south coast of England with DH , 2 adult sons

    Currently aiming to be as fit and healthy as I can be , about 15lbs and I’ll be happy but I’m finding it more difficult as I get older

    We’ll be the usual global group with a common goal and I’m sure we’ll be there for each other , looking forward to our Fab Feb journey ☄️

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    USA. Day 0

    See you all tomorrow! 👍🏻

  • Joyous January

    USA. Day 31. FD

    Merryapple, thank you for sharing that. Robert Kennedy, Jr. is a problem but unfortunately, not the only one we have!

    Thank you Brightonbelle for volunteering to usher us through February. I can’t believe the month is over! And congratulations on your 6 lb. loss! That’s wonderful!
    Funshipfreddie, staying at maintenance is better than a gain. I take that as a win!

    Brightonbelle, I am glad your cancer treatment went so well. It is so good when you find yourself aligned with good care. I found that myself during my stay at Johns Hopkins last year for brain surgery. I overheard one the physicians instructing all the medical staff to be above all kind to all the patients. I loved hearing that. It mattered.

    I didn’t see a pocket list, so I am making one.

    Pocket List Day 31


    See you all in February!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon All…
    Naughty Charlie this morning running and ignoring me!!
    Hair cut and I have my fringe back. I only grew it out because of my glasses and wasn’t laying right.. feels strange but happy with it.
    Tried all my holiday clothes on, matching shoes, jewellery etc, put a couple back in the wardrobe..

    1lb off for me…. 1lb needed to be back at goal, ready for the half stone to go on, on my cruise 😬

    Happy Birthday have a lovely day. The sea food platter sounds lovely.. fish and chips for me tonight. Still feeling sniffy.. whisky again tonight….

    Hope you get the meter sorted, I like octopus I always feel it’s one of the better ones.

    Well done on the 2lbs off..just enjoy the weekend. Enjoy your shopping if Kirsty takes you.

    Jean x

  • Fab Feb 25 Challenge ☄️

    Day 0 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I’ll be here for the month! Thanks, @brightonbelle and @at!

  • Joyous January

    Day 31 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 154.6

    Yesterday was delightful. I got there just after 11, and they were serving lunch within fifteen minutes, but it didn’t even smell good to me, so there was no temptation there. I got the t-shirt quilt completely assembled by 2:30, and was tempted by the plate of raw veggies several times, but avoided them as well. Headed out for piano lessons at 3:15, decided on the way back that I was going to let myself have supper–and when I arrived at 6:10, the meal was over and everything was put away but cookies, and those didn’t interest me. ⁉️ I really chuckled to myself that I was being forced into a WFD despite myself. Got the t-shirt quilt quilted by 9:30, and walked across the street to a cigar bar where my huband was finishing up a cigar, having already finished his one beer. And, throwing reason and caution to the wind, I had a glas of wine to celebrate the near completion of the quilt, and don’t think a glass of wine has ever tasted so good, LOL! Not exactly a regulation way to end a WFD, but DH and I had a lovely time telling all about our days, and I don’t regret those 200 or so calories–and he drank half of my glass for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Today, my pledge is to eat only the meals they provide, but no nibbling.

    @molij Oh, I’m so very sorry you’re facing a second surgery! I will keep you in my prayers.

    @merryapple LOL, keep in mind I said my “biggest” problem is nibbling…the too-frequent desserts/candy figure in as well…But “I’m not a rabbit” is a great mantra. And well done for hitting 68Kg again!

    @brightonbelle Congratulations on your 6lb loss, and I’ll see you in Fab Feb!

    @jaifaim When you hit 165, I’ll worry for you; until then, I think you’re simply experiencing the normal fluctuations of life events.

    @penz Enjoy your pizza/red wine night! What do you typically put on your pizza?

    @funshipfreddie I’m completely delighted you quoted the Bible to me, and love that verse; it’s a good one to keep in mind. You may be underwhelmed by your EOM weight, but it’s still a victory. 💪👍

    Okay, I want to arrive right at 9am, which means I have 12 minutes to make my hair look better, put on my shoes, and grab some coffee…which I haven’t made. I think a Starbucks run is in order when I get to town…or perhaps just the quilting retreat coffee, since the hair alone takes five minutes, LOL. In other words, I’m off!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

  • Joyous January

    Day 31 – Ireland – NFD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    159 ⬆️

    Good morning everyone! I am so sorry I’ve dropped off a little these past few days… I’ve just been feeling off but nothing serious or sinister just finding myself too tired to do all the things I know can help with energy. Reading @molij’s post reminds me that I am in generally good health and can help myself to get back to good form so that is the focus for February. It has been a sad month for many reasons but I’m here and I’m fine and that’s the most important. @molij I am so sorry to hear that you are facing into more surgery and please know that we are here to support you through those tough days.

    I have had 5 really lovely meals out over the past 7 days with very special people (two of those were Michelin starred – the restos not the people 😂) and I am not dwelling on the increase in the numbers… I’m toying with not weighing in February but will decide on that next week. I need some form of a shake up. 🫨

    Thank you to @stitchincarol for hosting us in the most difficult month (ever for me!!). Always so kind and thoughtful 💕 Enjoy getting back to your sewing now… I’m in awe of all you crafty people.

    Thank you @brightonbelle for offering to host February ⭐ You are a star and super well done to you on the 6lbs loss what a super result!!! And @merryapple bravo to you getting back to 68kg 👏👏👏

    Thank you @at as always for the spreadsheet. ⭐️

    Happy birthday for tomorrow @iona72 – I’m in the same boat at the moment but come on let’s pull ourselves up and face Fab Feb with renewed focus. We can do this.

    Hi to everyone else! I have a busy bank holiday – this weekend – our newest BH in honour of St Brigid so will be spending the extra time my lovely mum 💕💕

    Happy final Friday all! ⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • Joyous January

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. OK, may the weekend be a lot calmer…

  • Joyous January

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Thank you for guiding us @stitchincarol I’m 6lbs down and that does make me truly joyous

    Oh @molij you post rocked me a bit , I had chemo during ‘23 , I had a type of blood cancer so didn’t require surgery but met lots of people on that journey that did and whilst the nhs is in all sorts of trouble I have to say everyone was very positive about the care and attention they received and it’s amazing what can be done these days , just make sure you look after yourself ❤️

    See you all next month -Fab Feb 25 Challenge – I’m committed to posting everyday , my comments certainly won’t be up to @stitchincarol s but I know there are regulars who will help me out

    Have a good weekend all

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