Latest 50 posts

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 22 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71 kg

    Good FD yesterday, but it was very cold, & food was on my mind a lot. I ate a bit earlier than usual & went to bed early. Wriggle room kaput; would like to shift a kilo by month end.

    @ccco – a birthday party sounds like just what the doctor ordered! And you can feast away without thinking about weight gain. When is your birthday?

    @snowflake56 – I loved Holland America. These new monster cruise ships?! What could go wrong? I wouldn’t like to either work or cruise on them. A ship carrying 1500 passengers is now considered small. That size suited me because there were enough passengers to keep us busy. I once spent 6 weeks working on a yacht in Tahiti with around 150 passengers/100 crew members & I was bored silly 🥴️

    Nice & sunny today, with no wind & a possible 18 C by lunch time. Great walking weather 🚶‍♂️

    Sending STEELY RESOLVE 💪 to the Monday fasters, & to all of us for the last 10 days of Fly in July🧨️🛸

    “In the space age, man will be able to go around the world in two hours — one hour for flying and one hour to get to the airport.” ~ Neil McElroy,

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Day after FD for me and I dropped a kg. But I woke up hungry in the night so it wasn’t the best effort – worth it on the scales though.

    Neil, fine if the company would like to send you guys on that skiing trip, expenses paid. What a wally. Congrats to Jay for passing his written test. Sounds like Australia then where parents are encouraged to teach their children to drive – passing down all the bad driver habits acquired over decades and creating tension in the home! Good luck.

    CalifD, so sorry that you’re not getting instant results from your IF efforts. Have you gone back to the beginning and started strict calorie counting just to be sure? When we came back from Cuba, I reverted to 5:2 and was only losing 400g after a FD for weeks. I normally drop 900g. I finally discovered that I’d been using FF coconut milk in a recipe that I’d depended on repeatedly. The difference in calories was astounding. I only use FF products so i’ve dropped that as a FD meal.

    Cinque, how is the ‘just three things’ kitchen clean-up coming along?

    We’ve had a challenging few days. Firstly, cruising on the Ashton canal known for gangs of young thugs boarding your boat and helping themselves to whatever they want as you pass through locks or throwing rocks at your solar panels to smash them. It’s a lot of locks (18) to get through in a day as you can’t stay anywhere overnight safely. Operating the anti-vandal mechanisms on the locks makes double the work.

    We had no incidents but it was a tense day cruising through what is essentially a floating garbage dump. We helped some German hire boaters who’d run over an entire mattress and got the coils caught in their prop. We were already exhausted but you can’t pass another boater in trouble. We gave them a tow.

    Sometimes England feels so alien to me. I just want to be amongst people who dress, speak and look like me and share my values. I want my tribe. We moored on a pontoon where no one could get to the boat – but we couldn’t get off it either which was fine with us. We had two G&Ts and went to bed.

    The second day, we left central Manchester at daybreak to start on the Rochdale canal. I had to step over sleeping homeless people to operate the locks and by 9am had already been abused by drunks climbing on our boat. OH had to go down the weed hatch every few hundred yards to clear the fouled propeller. He pulled out an entire tyre, dog leads, ropes, clothing, fishing line, plastic, metal. We had to dodge shopping trolleys, motor bikes and who knows what else. It could have been the Mekong.

    At one lock, we couldn’t open the gate because a couch had been dumped in front of it. It took us 11.5 hours to complete 17 locks to get to a safe-ish place to moor. Yesterday we covered five locks in five hours due to low water levels. Vandals had opened the paddles letting out all the water so OH had to walk ahead and let some water through so we could float. We’re now in the countryside and OK but the canal is closed at the other end due to low water – and we really don’t want to repeat that exercise.

    The less glamorous aspects of narrow boating!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 22, Germany, FD

    Yesterday I worked in the garden until it got too hot. I’m attacking the bindweed, with all the rain we had it’s everywhere.

    @funshipfreddie My Dad always went with Holland America, he didn’t liked large cruise ships.

    @ccco I’m sure you had a great time at the brunch with your family. How lovely your sister is!

    @merryapple, @ccco and @excelsior12309 I guess we have alkaline soil as the hydrangeas are in an area with a lot of ferns. I don’t mind they turned pink as they are under a huge chestnut tree so the area is quite dark.

    @excelsior12309 I never had rudbeckias in the garden. The only thing we plant are roses and hydrangeas, the rest comes and goes on it’s own.

    @metatauta I always find it very encouraging to see a number I haven’t seen on the scale for a while as I know then I’m on the right path.

    Pocket list day 22

    Have a nice day everyone!

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Afternoon all

    My younger boy managed to pass his learner’s licence test on Friday so now I have to face the daunting prospect of teaching him to drive. First port of call was calling up our insurance company to boost the cover on our car.

    Our inspirational leader (the one who volunteered us for extra testing a couple of weeks ago) led our stand-up meeting this morning, and announced he had heard that many people in the department were feeling a bit run down at the moment. His recommendation was that everyone should go somewhere in the weekend to unwind, and suggested the Cardrona ski-field where he had been the previous weekend…as if the rest of us can afford to just drop everything and swan off for a skiing trip whenever we feel like it. The guy is completely out of touch.

    Cali, it really is stressful when you have to deal with everything yourself. They talk about the mental load in relationships, not just the physical work, but dealing with all the stuff you’re talking about as well. Hopefully you get a break sometimes to help decompress.

    Well I hope everyone had a good weekend, I’ll catch up with you all later.

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    G’day everyone. Yesterday I gained back those .5kg that I lost on Thurs FD and the scales stuck there again today. But I’ve been eating sensibly so I’m hoping to lose it on my FD tomorrow.

    LJ, I’m sorry you had such crummy weather for your high tea with your friend. I wish I could trade some of that with our hot dry temps. We got a little break today, only about 36C highs today but they’re forecasting around 39 for the next two days. I could make my own soups, it’s not just caring for OH, DS can watch him, but everything else to do with the house like repairs or finding someone to do them, paying bills, etc are my job now since he is unable. Then there’s also the lack of freezer space to store a week or more worth of soups. We have so many frozen vegetables and meat in our freezer. The canned soups are easy. I found a Manhattan clam chowder that’s pretty good, But I will try some of those soups you posted for regular family meals. Thank you for posting them.

    Cinque, what is it about cold weather, especially cold rainy weather that fires up the hunger dragons? I guess that’s one good thing about this hot weather. I’m glad you’re feeling better now. I would gladly trade 5 degrees with you! I think that would keep us both comfortable!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 21…….. Florida…..NFD

    Well that was a quick trip, fell down, rolled around a bit, now trying to climb back on….
    Trying this again…..

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    HH I’m hoping to be in the 18 stone mark🤞. Denise as just made me strawberries and ice cream so that won’t help. Will be careful what I have Monday and Tuesday.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    HH I’m hoping to be in the 18 stone mark🤞. Denise as just made me strawberries and ice cream so that won’t help. Will be careful what I have Monday and Tuesday.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Days 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 – USA/TN

    Sorry, folks….can’t keep up! Got down to 139.6 one day for the first time in over a year, but bounced right back up the next day a pound or two. I notice my sodium intake has a lot to do with it. I imagine I will hit my starting point at the end of this month, which I’m not all that upset about, because my goal is in the high 130s.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Dave- I hope it’s nice for your break & the speedway doesn’t get cancelled, do you think you’ll get into the 18 stone before you go?
    Steve- hope you find a good deal with your new TV… Used to drink snakebite as a teenager, I have the alcohol free cider now but not actually anything like cider 😂
    Hemmy- enjoy your bottle, good if it doesn’t set cravings off…hope your fish cakes was good, smoked salmon ones for us tonight, home made too. And thanks, my tummy is better, I think maybe the ibuprofen set it off again ..
    Jean- have a nice day out & don’t spend too much 😂
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good weekend, any more BBQs?
    It was baking yesterday for the fete, but we were under cover so not too bad. Unfortunately next to a cake stall, bought some very nice cookies! Popped to a friend’s to drop off her birthday present, then saw mum in the afternoon, I keep suggesting we go out but she wants to stay in & play a game- she is out quite a bit with friends in the week but only to clubs in the village, I hate staying in when the weather’s nice, we can do that all winter! A lazy day today, Church & a bit of reading. Had a bit of rain but it dried up quickly…
    Enjoy your evening everyone!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 21-No. VA USA-FD

    I am joining @funshipfreddie for a fast day today.
    My refrigerator clean-out consisted of discarding some “gently used” pasta, among other things. I made it a few days ago and there were probably two servings left. What, after all, is a “serving” when you serve yourself….
    @merryapple, our weather is also 90% humidity, but also 90 degrees F, so quite exhausting.
    @snowflake56, we have an old hydrangea that has blooms from pink to blue, depending on how motivated I am to apply some acid fertilizer once a year. Still very pretty at any color. As a child on Cape Cod, in Massachusetts, I remember gorgeous blue hydrangeas interplanted with orange and mahogany colored rudbeckia (black eyed Susans). What a great combination that made!
    “Steely resolve” everyone!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 21 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Lowest Sunday weigh-in of the month, and just 25 lbs short of my lowest weigh-in of the journey — ready to get back there and beyond 🙂

    Tomorrow will be a FD as we’re going to take my nephew out for his birthday dinner and celebrate his successful passing of the driver’s learner permit test yesterday 🙂

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    USA. Day 21

    Good morning, everyone! I am looking forward to going out to brunch with my family today. I haven’t been out to eat since before my illness, so I am excited. Also, my younger sister wants to have a birthday party for me. That would be very nice!

    Snowflake56, I am amused by the change in color of your hydrangea. It could be the ph level of the soil. A long time ago, all my red tulips turned orange for that reason! LOL. Hydrangeas are beautiful in every color! 🙂

    Merryapple, when I returned from the hospital, many of my friends showed bearing all kinds of treats. I ate every one of them!:)

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Steve I have bad memories of scrumpy jack.I have started drinking cider when on holiday. The Strawberry and lime cider is my favourite. It’s a dull day today, the sun keeps trying to come out. We go for our mini break this week so I could well be testing the cider out if they sell it.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 21 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    Hi all – a quick check in… having a lovely busy weekend and will be back on tomorrrow 👍

    Onward and downward
    We rise by lifting others 💕

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 21 NZ NFD 71.5kg

    It’s tropical storm weather here… humidity 91% cool and WET… so no Sunday bike ride… I managed to get some shopping done between the rain so I could make roast vegetables and steak for dinner.

    @molij I hope your daughter can support your 5:2ing. Maybe focus on how much you’re eating if it’s difficult to plan the menu. Enjoy your grandchildren. Such sweet ages!!
    @funshipfreddie It could have been a fly on the wall too I guess… 😄
    It’s always nice to follow up lunch with coffee and cake!!
    @brightonbelle I’m with you on the Steely RESOLVE for the last ten days…
    @excelsior12309 Excessively tempting food?! In the bin??!! What falls into this category??!! As @flourbaby says “You are not a bin!!”
    @northgeorgia Well done!! There’s still time to get below 230!!
    Wow I hope no-one was hurt at the exploding garage…
    @stitchincarol Your knitting will be done in time for this winter if you keep this up!!! Thank for the encouragement about remembering. I’m always relieved when I can recall anything especially details!!
    @ccco Your garden sounds beautiful. Hydrangeas are popular here too.
    It’s hard keeping up with eating when you don’t really feel like it. Make sure you enjoy all those delicious treats that we’re trying to avoid while we’re loosing!!!
    @snowflake56 Yes, thank you, it is lovely to see the works.
    Well done keeping your BMI within the normal range!!
    Blue hydrangeas grow in acid soil, pink hydrangeas in alkaline soil, but you probably know that already.

    It’s bedtime here @stitchincarol 10.30pm Sunday night. I’m meeting someone for coffee at 0800hrs… It’s a half hour walk to get there and Monday is a FD for me.

    Steely RESOLVE!!
    10 days to go!!

    Pocket List
    @snowflake56 CD

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 21 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @brightonbelle – the right mindset is everything. I’m working on mine right now to get through today’s FD. I think a long, brisk walk will do the trick 🤞

    @snowflake56 – I wasn’t crazy about the food on Carnival. I did my last 5 years on Holland America though, & the food was great. Just as well I discovered 5:2 about 4 years before I quit.

    @northgeorgia – wow?! That must’ve been nerve-wracking?!

    @stitchincarol – safe travels 🚙

    Happy S🌞nday!

    “Learn from the mistakes of others. You won’t live long enough to make all of them yourself.” Unknown

    Pocket List – Day 21 🥚

  • If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

    Morning All,
    Well much to my surprise, not only can I wear the trousers with tags on, I can wear other trousers too. I shall also have to move buttons on walking trousers so that they don’t fall down.

    Off on holiday tomorrow.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Morning All…
    A beautiful day here at the shopping outlet waiting for Jacqui an Co…

    Charlie has a tummy upset so hope he’s ok… he’s had no breakfast…

    Cider sounds good I shall be investigating it..

    Jean x

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 21, Germany, CD

    @merryapple It must be exciting seeing back artworks DH made a long time ago. My BMI was over 25 a short while in 2017, since then I mostly managed to stay under 25. I try to stay at a BMI between 22-23.

    @funshipfreddie My DH worked on a cruise ship for 10 weeks in 1999/2000. We both lost weight and were really glad when we had our regular food again.

    @molij I also think, it’s easier to eat well when you’re at home in your own rhythm.

    @brightonbelle Just join me on tomorrow’s FD, it’s easier to do it together. I’m always glad to have company.

    @excelsior12309 Did you bin the excessively tempting foods? We don’t have excessively tempting foods in the refrigerator apart from camembert. The tempting foods are in the cupboards but as long as the package is closed I can resist them (mostly, if I open them they will be gone in no time)

    @stitchincarol I’m not very interested in vegetables, I should eat more of them. I’m a bread/butter/cheese person. Save travels and a lovely vacation.

    @ccco It’s also a good year for hydrangeas in our area but mine are pink although we bought them blue, the only one coming back blue is a large one in a pot on the terrace.

    Have a nice day everyone!

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Good morning everyone from cold cold Melbourne.
    Although much better today than it has been (it has been ‘feels like 4c’ for several days, even when it got up to 11c).
    Cali, can I take 5 degrees from inside your house, to put through mine? It would make a lovely difference for both of us.

    Gday, yay for such good sleeping. It is such a precious thing to have. I have complex sleeping problems since I got ME/CFS and am amazed I didn’t appreciate a good nights sleep previously. And haha, doesn’t a late cup of tea irritate the bladder! So annoying.

    Same as you with the washing here, although I have an excellent clothes horse so my heater dries the clothes while it keeps me warm. Yay.

    Cali, what a nice surprise your post icecream weighing was. I bet it has shown up now but also gone away again thanks to fast day.

    LJoyce, gardenia is one of my very favourite scents, and I love its beautiful white flower too. I must get one again.

    I see the soups you added to the recipes thread. Lovely. Oh isn’t soup yummy. I have a delicious one on the go at the moment made with all the bits and pieces I could find, but the main ingredient – black-eyed beans.

    I had a bad day on Friday. Luckily I had no car and it was too cold and far to walk to the shops, but I was super hungry in a binge way. I did the best I could with my poor self but I ate a lot more than I needed and felt crook yesterday as a result. Back to normal today thank goodness and I don’t think my esophagus is too inflamed either.

    Sending out best wishes to everyone and all the cats and dogs and to any wonderful wildlife about too (but maybe not to the creatures behind our fridges 😉 )

    I am tidying the kitchen with my ‘just 3 things’ and looking at the weak sun coming through the window and thinking to go and check on my little garden.

    Sending best wishes for a good day and special cheers for those who are fasting today.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Dave … Lolol No Tesco Comptons 2 litre bottles of Cider at only £2 a bottle is 4% Alco is not like a bottle of 11% wine lol.. No cravings at all while drinking it…Cider is very low on Calories 100 cals per half a pint.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Evening All…
    A lovely visit to daughter.. we are going to a shopping outlet tomorrow for a look around and lunch, Jacqui and Philp, his mum and friend and me.
    A change…

    Very hot again here but cloudy a bit of a breeze now really nice.

    Jean x

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Evening All…
    A lovely visit to daughter.. we are going to a shopping outlet tomorrow for a look around and lunch, Jacqui and Philp, his mum and friend and me.
    A change…

    Very hot again here but cloudy a bit of a breeze now really nice.

    Jean x

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Do not go near the scrumpy Jack if you value your taste buds.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024


    For reasons I don’t really understand, I continue to lose weight. If I am eating less, I don’t even realize it!

    Merryapple, thank you and my garden is doing great! My flowers bloomed better this year than I have ever seen them. I could sit on my balcony and just enjoy them all day, since right now there isn’t much more I can do! The television national news said the particular beauty of hydrangeas this year was due to a warmer winter and plenty of spring rain. I have never seen my plants so bright blue!

    Thank you, Excelsior12309! This summer will have to be a very quiet and restful one for me, although I am getting quite bored! I like physical activities, especially in the summer!

    Have a great weekend, everyone! 👍🏻

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Does cider not make you eat rubbish like the wine does😁

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Hi F B Brits .. I hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    Its been overcast here for most of the day so far. Just come back from doing a big shop at Banbury Tesco .

    This evening I am having.. A big smoked haddock fish cake ..with a bit of mashed potato and peas.. I cant remember when I last did mash..lots of butter.

    I got lots of sweets choc or biscuits and cake. No wine .. cider instead as low in calories.

    Enjoy your day everyone. Do more things that make your heart smile Xxxx

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    You should have got one on Amazon prime day. Just trying new phone out, all seems ok.Much cooler today but nice.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 20 – Rural Nebraska, USA – who knows

    I’ve been having a firm talk with myself this morning, asking if I’m a toddler or an adult. I did succeed yesterday in not having any sugar, but the lengths I went to (POPCORN???) to avoid the sugar were ridiculous. ‘Nuff said. So, what will today be? I’m still working that out…

    The thrilling news is that I’m currently knitting the final row of the body, binding off the steeks as I go; it should take me about a half hour, and then I’ll be able to felt and cut the steeks, sew up the shoulder seams, and then start on the sleeves. So, still lots of work, lots of details, and hours of knitting, but it’s thrilling to be at this stage!

    @merryapple If I hadn’t seen it on the news, I wouldn’t have known about the glitch, so, no, didn’t affect us at all…thankfully. Your description of trying to remember the details reminded me of when I’ve scrapbooked, especially when I did my mom’s photos. I wasn’t even ALIVE for most of those I put in the books I did for her, and her memory was pretty limited even then. My sisters (all older) have told me I got the details right, and the order of the photos appears correct; I’m sure you’ll find ways to nudge your own memory and get the details you need.

    @snowflake56 My DH is also less interested in sugar than I am–but I’m far more interested in veggies than he, so it balances out, I suppose.

    @molij You have my sympathy, because it IS difficult to eat reasonably when someone else is cooking for you. Have fun with those grands!

    @funshipfreddie It makes me smile to know someone who can say, “I always had my FDs on sea days on the ships.”

    @northgeorgia Wowza, but that was an experience for you; so glad it all ended up safe for you.

    Today is laundry and packing day–plus knitting. Always the knitting, LOL. We have church tomorrow morning, and a special service at the second church DH is serving, followed by a luncheon, so we won’t be able to get out of there as fast as I would wish, and home to change clothes and head out, but we’ll pull it off as fast as we politely can. Our goal is to get just a bit east and south of Chicago, a hard push, but then the rest of our vacation will be short drives of 3 or 4 hours, so that’ll be good.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 20 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 231 lbs. Wow, lowest weigh-in of the month was after a NFD…but what a storm. We got caught in a flash flood thunderstorm in town and had to end up parking on top of a church’s parking lot on a hill to wait out the storm. About four inches of rain in an hour and a half! And just FYI, when you see smoke after lightning strikes a gas/petrol station, everybody quickly leaves LOL!

    Anyway, very nice to see that slow but steady should get me on track.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon all

    It’s looking quite nice outside but there is also some cloud around so who knows what the weather is going to do.

    Been looking online for a new tv as mine has a few spots on the screen and probably on its way out so that will be as technical I will get this summer.

    If you’re having some good weather wherever you are enjoy it and have a great weekend.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 20-No. VA USA-NFD
    Checking in for accountability. I am going to clean out the refrigerator of old and/or excessively tempting foods that lurk there…
    @ccco, good to read you are recovering from your procedure, and I hope your energy and strength return quickly!
    Resolve to all!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 20 UK NFD

    I have to admit to going way off plan the last few days , but still 10 days left in July so aiming to get back on track , I won’t be fasting over the weekend but I can be sensible and get in the correct mind set for Monday

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 20 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I didn’t get off to a great start for a controlled weekend yesterday. I’d been home from lunch for less than an hour when I was invited to ‘Coffee & Cake’ in the residents’ lounge. So I went, partly because it’s also a fund-raiser for the frail-care centre. But it was fun, & I met a couple of new people too, so all good.

    @merryapple – I NEVER imagined that the ‘FLY’ in ‘Fly in July’ meant that?! 🤣 As in ‘pretty fly for a white guy’? I took it to mean to soar, or to succeed. Anyway… The IT thingy didn’t affect us much either, just one of the banks, I think. But according to one headline I saw, IT experts say it could take WEEKS to sort out the mess globally.

    @snowflake56 – I found fasting much easier when I was working too. I always had my FDs on sea days on the ships. So I was working for most of the day, & so long as I stayed away from the Lido deck I didn’t give food a thought.

    @stitchincarol – have a wonderful holiday! 🏖 I actually go away on the day you get back, but only for 4 or 5 days.

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    “Always try to keep the number of landings you make equal to the number of take offs you’ve made.” ✈️

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  • Southern Hemispherites FD Recipes

    Some hearty winter soups.

    makes 2.5 litres soup
    contains: 232 kj or 55 calories per 100ml

    2 tsp butter
    freshly ground black pepper
    1kg broccoli
    2 onions (250g)
    3 large carrots (350g)
    a large potato (250g)
    4 cloves garlic
    2 tsp dried mixed herbs (or 1 tbslp fresh)
    1 bay leaf
    1.5 litres chicken or veg stock (or 4 tsp stock powder & water)
    3 tsp mild mustard (I use 2 tsp wholegrain mustard + 1 tsp french mustard)
    1/2 cup skim milk powder
    40g plain flour
    50g parmesan, grated
    50g cheddar cheese, grated

    Peel the tough skin from the bottom of the broccoli stems. Chop into small pieces, keeping the stem and florets separate.
    Peel and grate the carrots. Peel and cut the potatoes in to small cubes.

    Heat butter in a large stock pot on medium heat and add the onion, black pepper and herbs and sauté gently until translucent. Add the garlic and sauté for 1 minute.

    Add the potato and the broccoli stem , stock and bay leaf and simmer for 10 minutes.

    Add the broccoli florets, the grated carrot and the mustard and simmer until the broccoli is just tender.

    Remove the bay leaf.

    Sprinkle the skim milk powder over the soup while stirring until it dissolves.
    In a small cup or bowl add a little water to the flour and stir to dissolve. Add a few spoons of the soup broth to this and mix to create a warm runny consistency. Stir this into the soup until it thickens.

    Add the grated cheeses and season to taste. You can add more mustard at this stage if it needs it. You can also add more water if the soup is thicker than you like.

    makes 3 litres
    contains: 162 kj or 39 calories per 100ml – NOT including the yogurt or grated cheese that you might serve it with

    2 tsp olive oil,
    2 onions, filely chopped
    1 red capsicum, deseeded and chopped
    2 tsp crushed garlic,
    2 carrots, peeled and finely chopped
    1 zucchini, finely chopped
    250g button mushrooms, sliced
    800g tin tomatoes,
    1 cup passata,
    chilli powder or chopped fresh chillies to taste
    3 cups cooked, drained black beans or azuki beans (or other similar sized bean)

    In a large saucepan or stockpot, heat a little olive oil over medium heat. Add the onions, capsicum and garlic and a small pinch of salt and ground pepper to taste. Stir until the onions have softened. The onions should soften rather than brown, so turn down the heat if necessary.
    Add some fresh chilli or chilli powder to the onions and stir for a minute to release the fragrance.
    Add the chopped vegetables and stir to combine, stirring for a couple of minutes.
    Add the tinned tomatoes and passata.
    Add the stock powder and enough water to cover (I added about 3 cups).
    Simmer uncovered until the vegetables are tender – check the water levels and stir occasionally to avoid sticking.
    Then add the beans, stir through and bring it back to a simmer. Add more water to get your preferred consistency.
    Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary. I am usually miserly with chilli initially as I can always add more at this stage, but I can’t remove it.

    I suggest you serve it with a big dollop of greek yoghurt, if you can afford the calories. Some grated cheese is a nice addition too, but again depends whether you can afford the FD calories. Check your yoghurt container and cheese packet and add the calories accordingly.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 20 North Wales NFD

    It’s so hard to eat sensibly when someone else is cooking your food. I do hope I won’t put all the weight back on that I have lost since the beginning of the month. I am really glad that I have set myself the target of a year to lose the weight and maintain it. I am having a lovely time with the grandchildren. They are 5 and 1. It has been incredibly hot. Summer has finally arrived in the UK. Our elderly dog is finding it quite difficult.

    @merryapple my friend is enjoying the 5:2. She is doing it slightly different to me as she is spreading out her 500 calories throughout the day whereas I like to eat them as an evening meal.

    I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Stay strong 💪 x

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Morning All..
    Looks nice but cloudy.. up shortly to walk.
    Going to Jacqui’s later.

    School is out for Jacqui, she had an awful day yesterday… a class went for their final swim lessons, 3 girls ( 8 years old) pushed a fully clothed teacher in the pool, she had to organise them dressing , getting back on the bus and back to school. 2 parents were horrified and the other parent blaming everyone else. Apparently they were discussing it at lunch time and was pulled up about it… but still did it!
    Philip is back to normal now.
    What a busy day for you painting and in this heat.. I have bought iron railings paint but just thinking about it.
    A lovely catch up with your tiny friend.

    All your tech charged up and ready to go.

    Jean x

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 20 NZ NFD 17.30hrs

    I hope everyone has survived the security patch glitch with no adverse outcomes…
    We were not affected much in comparison with other corners of the world. And of course I have an Apple computer and iPhone!!
    The winter weather is definitely back here with vengeance. It’s windy, wet and cold. I love being rugged up in warm winter clothes. I find summer clothes much more of a challenge…
    I have been busy working on DH’s exhibition. It can be tricky trying to recall and research the ‘who what where and when’ of the various works but I’m getting there. There are three floors in the gallery so it is like preparing three exhibitions…

    @funshipfreddie It’s great to remind us of all those health benefits!! From what I understand, they start to accrue after 12 hours of fasting.
    I’m quite amused at your take on fly in July!!. I took it as being fly ie stylish and chic!!!
    @ccco I’m so pleased to hear from you. You sound good and I hope you are enjoying your small but nutritious meals to build your strength back up. How is your garden?
    @stitchincarol Your meal plan sounds delicious and healthy!! I hope your weight is still holding or dipping downwards!! What fun going on a trip to be grandma and grandpa!!
    @northgeorgia Well done on the slither!! It sounds delicious for hot weather!!
    @bert1802 and excelsior12309 Thank you for sharing the information about fluid and electrolytes. I have thought that fasting so often cuts back a little too far on salt, in part because I have been getting cramps in my feet unrelated to exercise. I for one am taking care to eat a wee bit more because I only use it for cooking.
    @bert1802 I hope you are feeling back to your usual self now.
    @brightonbelle How’s your ‘weekend warrior’ going? That salad nicoise sounds delicious!!
    @jaifaim Have fun with family and friends. Have you a bike ride planned?
    @snowflake A BM of 24 plus 6 minute planks👀You’re a champion!!
    @molij Is your friend managing 5:2? I have one friend who is now doing it. He took about 8 weeks before he got in the swing of things. He txted me the other day to say he has lost 6kg. I’m delighted for him because he loves clothes, esp tweed plus fours and has a wardrobe three times bigger than his wife!!!
    @metatauta Glad to see you checking in!
    @at How are you getting on?

    Remember to be a Weekend Warrior!!
    Have a walk in the fresh air!! Or how about planking?!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 20, Germany, FD

    @funshipfreddie Thank you so much for your answer. We can only hope the said benefits of fasting help us to stay healthy. I found it much easier to fast on set days while I was working. After retirement my life changed so much and I find it more difficult to fit in fasting days. I’ll try out fixed days next month, I know fasting is good for me as I feel better when I do it.

    @stitchincarol My eating habits are not the worst but I could do much better. My sugar intake is too high. My DH is the healthy eater in the house but it didn’t help him to stay healthy. Enjoy your vacation!

    Have a nice day everyone!

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    Good morning all.
    It’s been been a cold wet and windy spell here. Still showers today, but I just managed a short walk with only a brief shower to dampen me.
    Yesterday I had a day in the hills planned with a friend, which included her birthday present – high tea at Karkoo Nursery in Oakbank. (Yes Thin, I remember that “high tea” means something entirely different in Britain.) It was a terrible weather day for the hills. Especially as I wanted to go to several nurseries to look for camellias and gardenias (for a hedge along the back fence). The afternoon tea was lovely though – and too much food of course. Needless to say, today is a FD.

    Cali, what a relief that the scales are finally behaving appropriately.
    If you can’t find a suitable tinned soup, is making your own an option? (I reliase finding the alone time to cook can be difficult.) I make a stockpot full of soup and freeze lots of portions from it. There are some soup recipes on our recipe site I also have recipes for chilli bean soup and broccoli cheese soup that are both filling and delicious – I can work out the calories and post them if you are interested.
    I’m finding it hard to get my head around the temperatures you are experiencing. It’s been so cold and wet here.

    GDSA, glad to hear your weight is stable despite a missed fast. Good to be sleeping well too – I hope that means you have fewer stressful things in your life now.

    Neil, I got a bit of a shock when you said your sons were 16 and 18. I have clear memories of you describing them as much younger boys when you first joined us here.

    Cinque, yes my cat is exceedingly spoiled, although you wouldn’t know it from her behaviour. When it comes to begging for treats she’s a bit like Anzac’s Maxx – Does a good impression of a poor deprived animal who isn’t fed properly and desperately needs treats. Despite the treats, I do manage her overall daily calorie intake to account for those extras. I do a better job of keeping her within the weight range the vet advises, than I do with my own weight.

    Time to go and make my second pot of tea for the day. I’m not hungry yet, so I might even manage a 500cal day.

    Take care all.

  • Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

    My FD yesterday resulted in a .5kg loss. Finally! Maybe now my weight will continue downward.

    Hope everyone is doing well and losing or maintaining. It’s about 39C here today, so staying indoors in the air conditioning, trying not to think what the bill will be. It’s been so hot this month!

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 19 North Wales NFD

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    All gadgets charged,I will look at them later. Still very warm here fan as been on all day. Chloe dosent know what to do. Must be awful for dogs thankfully she only as short hair not like Heidi. And we bought her a cool mat but she won’t lie in it🤪.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    USA. Day 19

    Thank you, Snowflake 56.

  • FLY in JULY🧨 2024

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I was awake at 7:15, my alarm went off at 7:25, and I was out the door at 7:45 to go play for a funeral, so posting this morning was not an option. I can report that I ate decently enough yesterday, and have eaten only a decent sandwich so far today. Tonight will be chicken breasts, steamed potatoes, and broccoli. There will be wine. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Swerving any sugar is my vow for today.

    @ccco So glad your surgery went well, and a small part of you must be glad at how much weight you lost, since that was your committed goal, and lost weight could be said to be the silver lining of a brain tumor. But only focusing on keeping yourself as healthy as possible is the perfect choice for this phase of your life. ❤️

    @snowflake56 The fact that you’re below 24BMI and still committed to dropping a little more weight demonstrates why you’re at 24BMI–that you have a strong commitment to healthy eating and living. Kudos to you! 💪🏼

    @funshipfreddie Excellent steps total yesterday, and your words about the advantages to 5:2 v. 6:1 are excellent.

    @northgeorgia How EXCELLENT that you had only a sliver of ice cream cake–that’s a perfect example of restraint on an NFD.

    Boy, it’s quiet today, isn’t it? And I’ll be adding to the silence soon; I’ll post tomorrow, and then it will be hit or miss as we are off on Sunday for our vacation, getting back on August 2.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Nana- well done losing your pound…great that your friend is doing well & Auntie too, enjoy your takeaway tonight!
    Hemmy- well done with your 2lbs off, you had had a long spell without wine before hadn’t you? Nice to have a holiday week though…
    Dave- well done with your loss too, hopefully 18 something next week 🤞 Enjoy all your gadgets & hope Denise doesn’t murder you…
    Jean- funny Charlie laying in the sun! Have a nice time with Jacqui tomorrow, does she break up today? Has Phil gone back to work, or is he not well enough?
    Steve- hope you’re okay…
    Yesterday didn’t fast as I had a friend coming & always make brownies for us & for her to take home…had a lovely catch up, & then a phone call with another friend who’s moved away. Fasted today instead, been busy painting the shed- I’ve always hated the brown he did it with so we got a much nicer green. Hopefully I won’t be sun burnt! Had my haircut as well. Been 30° here today, ridiculous weather, either cold & wet or scorching! Xena’s not happy as she’s been made to wait for her walk, plus I have a nice new doormat & she wants it for her bed, she’s been told off for guarding it!
    Have a good weekend everyone, I’m helping with a HomeStart stall at a fete tomorrow, should be hot again…

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    All arrived and are being charged now. Chloe as got a wet towel and she likes it keeping her cool. The cricket is slow going. Having baked potatoes and chicken breast for tea. Looking forward to it. I think I’m sharing the chicken with Chloe🤪.

  • Fat Busting Brits!!

    Afternoon All..
    This stupid boy of mine has been in the sun most of the day.. I managed a hour in the shade, too hot for me..
    Just walked him under the trees I was going to leave it till later but I thought get it over with, he’s been outside all day…
    So very hot…

    A bit of shopping and that’s it just been reading..

    Enjoy your takeaway and well done on the pound off..

    I agree if I have wine then I think nuts and crisps!!
    Just water today and a few cuppas.

    Hope all the gadgets have arrived…

    Going to see Jacqui tomorrow for lunch..
    Schools out for her!

    Jean x

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