If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,848 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 2 days, 14 hours ago.

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  • Lovely to hear from you both.

    I really thought that I had dodged Covid as I work in a senior school and many of the staff have had it. For me it was like a cold with a very sore throat.

    I am thoroughly fed up with my inability to lose weight. I have been a paragon of virtue and yet the scales and the tape measure show no change. The plan today is to skip breakfast and lunch. The weather is rubbish, cool and very wet, so that is an added challenge.

    I am having a cortisone injection in my arthritic foot next week, so I hope that will allow me to walk more. I am not walking as much as I would like because it is too painful.

    I too have a skirt of truth, which I couldn’t get on in January over my Buddha belly. Now I am 12lb less with 2 inches less bust/waist/hips. I can get it on but I can’t do it up.

    My next goal is a further 2 lb to get a stone. It seems an impossible challenge. Hopefully I can make a change by fasting for longer.

    I have struggled with fasting today. It was a later lunch instead of skipping lunch all together. Incremental gains.

    We have had a lovely Jubilee weekend, lots of events with family and friends and in the local community, and mostly the weather obliged!
    But now it’s back to the grindstone! The scale is up today, hardly a surprise, but I’ve fasted for almost 16 hours so I feel like I’m making some progress. The biscuits have started sneaking in again so I intend to change that this week and keep an eye on portion size. So hopefully by this time next week I can get the scale going down again.
    First Grandchild is due in 2 weeks, we are very excited!!

    Hi everyone

    I’ve managed to lose weight since last year, around 10 Ibs, πŸ™‚ this has been very gradual, through doing weights and also fasting. I’m now finding it hard to fast without having coffee/w milk ;-/ and most sources say it needs to be black to make the most of all the benefits of fasting. I do manage to skip breakfast on most days so quite often eat only 2 meals, but find skipping the morning coffee/w milk hard. What does anyone else do?

    Hi amiya,
    I hate tea without milk so I have it with milk whether fasting or not. It gets me through a FD.

    Thanks Annette, that was the answer I wanted! πŸ˜‰ I’ll try to have it before I start fasting proper.

    How’s everyone doing? This is really the only WOL that works for me. I joined a ‘diet programme’ about a year ago, calorie controlled. It was hopeless, I lost no weight, most people lost weight, a few like me didn’t, so frustrating, so I went back to fasting. The only benefits I took away from it was to balance macros (balance proteins, carbs and fats) so now I regularly add protein powder to yoghurt or if I’m having a shake. I also eat no bread, occasionally a sweet potato. I ‘spiralize’ courgette, aubergine etc to appear like a carb, although I don’t eat pasta.

    Hi amiya,
    I have no interest in counting calories or macros. Life is much too short.

    From everything that I have read, I believe that regular fasting helps to shrink the inches. I have tried skipping breakfast but find that I find it easier to skip a couple of evening meals.

    I aim to avoid sugar and not to snack, aim for whole foods. I have mixed success. Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Morning All,
    I am stuck at weight and inches that haven’t budged for weeks now. I am recovering from the cortisone injection in my foot and I think that it’s made quite a difference. Hopefully I can now walk for longer and more frequently.

    Biscuits and cake Thursday at work are a real problem. Not long until the end of term and then hopefully a kick start to getting off this plateau.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Hi there!
    Hi Annette sorry to hear about the weight not budging, that happens to me I just have to accept that at a certain age (I’ll be 60 in about 3 months) it takes longer to shift, I agree that keeping moving helps a lot.
    I used to eat a tonnes of biscuits but now work from home so not so much of an issue, but I can’t have them in the house tbh ;-0, nor bread, cereals.

    Fasting today, so wish me luck. I started Sun night, will have a smoothie at around 6pm, (1 green apple, kale, lemon balm, mango, cinnamon, turmeric, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and Flaxseed. I might bung some natural yoghurt in too, and if I had nuts I’d put in a few) I will go through until Tues morning. Hard but determined..

    Good luck amiya.

    I am a bit older than you but I have never found it easy to shift the lard. It’s a very slow process, my body is reluctant to give up fat around my waist. But the Buddha belly in January is no more, so that’s a great improvement. I am getting 4 buses a day to and from work because my foot is so sore.

    I am hoping that my foot will become less sore, I can walk more and that will help me to get more exercise than I do now and keep me busy on a FD. Current plan is to skip an evening meal at the weekend.

    Hi all. I, too, am just a bit older and find it increasingly hard to shift the extra weight, and harder still to keep it off once shifted.

    I’m fasting till dinner time tonight. Didn’t intend to, but forgot to take my lunch to the office, πŸ™‚ It was nice when I realized it to think “but that’s a great excuse for a fasting day!”

    My problem over this last month, and for the next week is that I’ve been either going to or hosting conferences, with lots of conference food on offer. Hard to keep away from the pastries, restaurant dinners, etc. July and August will be months to repair the damage.

    Good luck Amiya, and Annette, I do hope your foot gets better soon. It’s really hard not to be able to walk when you’re used to doing so much walking!


    Thanks MM. My foot is less sore now but I am tired post Covid. School is busy and carbs are hard to avoid. I will join you in July and August in repairing the damage.

    The skirt of truth can be done up provided that I don’t breathe or move πŸ™‚

    It is tough, isn’t it? I need to shift a stone (14lbs MM) over the summer and hopefully I can reduce my blood pressure.

    It feels rather overwhelming at the moment, so I am aiming for baby steps.

    Hi all, I’ve lost my mojo lately. I start fasting but can’t seem to get past about 12 hours. My choices have not been good either, carbs going up, sweet stuff sneaking back in, a few beers/wine more often than I should. It’s been a real challenge lately.
    I have my annual check up for Kidney disease next week so I’m a bit apprehensive about that, will also get BP and cholesterol checked and will have to get on the scale!
    I usually managed quite well in salad season so I must try harder, I’ve even got some lettuce growing in the garden!
    Amiya – regarding milk in tea, I read somewhere that as long as you don’t add more than 50 calories worth, it won’t affect the fast. Hope that helps, I add it to my morning coffee when fasting.
    Stay strong team, have a good weekend.

    I am struggling with fasting too and this week has been a disaster on the food front too.

    I am skipping breakfast this morning and will try to push lunch back. I find it hard when I am at work and have no control over food options at lunchtime and surrounded by biscuits. When it’s hot, ice cream in the freezer never lasts for long either πŸ™

    Good luck for next week. I am panicking about losing 14lb on July and August before the great blood pressure check. It seems both impossible and quite overwhelming at the moment.

    As it’s cooler this morning, I am going to get out to garden centres to fill the morning and hopefully bags few bargains from the half dead section. I am learning to make clothes, so that should help fill the afternoon and keep me away from rubbish.

    I am stuck at lbs and inches that don’t move. If I could see a change then I would be able to carry on and get my mojo back. It’s quite a vicious circle but I will see how I get on today.

    I skipped breakfast and wasn’t able to delay lunch, so managed 18 hours. The plan for this evening is a fresh fruit salad.

    How is everyone doing today?

    18 hours is good, doing better than me!
    All eyes on Monday, the day all diets start!!😳🀣

    Good luck for tomorrow Iona.

    The scales and tape measure haven’t budged either, but I know that it always takes my body ages to show any change. Sadly lunch at school is rubbish tomorrow, so I expect that I will eat biscuits, unless I can get my hands on some fruit instead.

    I feel that I am marking time, just 15 days until the end of term, which includes 3 cake Thursdays. If I stay the same I will be doing well. Then I will be a woman on a mission.

    Went out walking this afternoon for my first long walk since the cortisone injection and it has been fine. Time to increase the walking….

    Hi everyone!

    Annette well done on the walk, I hope it felt ok on your foot
    I can sympathize has I hurt my back at the w/e, I’ve been to the osteopath and given some exercises, all a bit boring.. walking is safe, but I’ll need to take it easy for a least a couple of weeks, not music to my ears.

    I plan to do a mix up of FD’s 12/24hr ones, starting tomorrow with a 12 hr, although officially I’ll stop eating around 8pm, and go through until 5 or 6 the next day.

    Iona thanks for the coffee info, I think 100ml of oat milk is about 50 cals, so that’s something.

    Good luck with fasting!

    Hello everyone
    I’ve had my annual check up just waiting for blood results next week. My weight was exactly the same as it was when they checked it in 2019! Not sure if I should be pleased or disappointed!
    I’ve had a couple of fast days of 16ish hours this week but the hot weather had me reaching for the ice cream. I will try again tomorrow.
    Hope you get some relief from back pain Amiya, I know what that can be like, mine has been ok lately.
    Glad to hear you can walk a little Annette, it’s good for the mind as well as the body. I averaged 19,000 steps a day last week. I am going to try for 20,000 next week.
    MM drop us an update when you have some free time πŸ˜‰

    Hi everyone,

    Iona I think you should give yourself a pat on the back! maintaining the same weight is positive.
    I’ve also had a mixed bag of fasts and have felt down due to my back. Need to alter my mindset.
    Found this TED talk which is a great reminder about the dangers of sugar.


    her 3 takeaways that I know but conveniently forget are:

    1) have protein as the first meal
    2) have a drink of water before you reach for a snack
    3) use all the non-carb ways of cooking e.g cauliflower pizza base/or rice, courgette pasta and cookies made with almond flour..

    Also she talked about the 80/20 rule which makes it more realistic..

    Happy fasting!

    Hello Everyone.
    I am the same weight and inches are the same but the fit of my clothes is much better. I had clothes try on and some of them are not far from being wearable, what that amounts to in lbs and inches, I have no idea. But it has given me a boost.

    Work is impossible on the food front,no option to choose a healthier option plus lots of leaving parties with cake next week. I am simply looking forward to the end of term in 2 weeks.

    I will then have 7 weeks to lose inches and lbs. My aim is 14lb to avoid blood pressure medication and to fit in more of the clothes that I already own πŸ˜‰

    How are you all doing?

    Hi everyone,

    Yes I can relate Annette, I’ve had times when I’ve lost weight on the scale and clothes still tight and the other way round, it never seems not to be an exact science. I’m also very keen to lose about a stone for my 60th in a couple of months, it’s hard going but doable, fitting into clothes is a big motivator..

    Onwards and upwards!

    Yes, it’s all doable. I shall get back to doing a couple of 24 hour fasts each week plus the ability to have complete control of what I eat every day. The plan is also to increase my walking, it helps lift my mood and gives me more control over what I eat and how much.

    My first grandchild is overdue now by a few days. We have been out for lunch today to try and move things along but nothing happening so far! As a result I have no intention of eating anything else today and will try for at least 16 hours of fasting tomorrow.
    Enjoying a bit of Glastonbury on TV before a walk before bed.
    Have a good week everyone let’s hope we all make some progress.

    How exciting, Iona.

    I have been watching Glastonbury too with ice cream;(.

    Lots of leaving do’s this week with cake. Just got to get through this week and next, then I will be like a woman possessed to shift the lard πŸ˜‰

    Sounds exciting Iona!
    Annette hope the week goes speedily
    I was also watching Glastonbury at the weekend, love it!
    just finished a 20 hr fast, not bad, but have a headache, I will try 24 on Thursday

    Good luck to everyone!

    I’ve been reading some of The Obesity Code again today so I feel a renewed sense of purpose, I intend to fast more and avoid the sugar and carbs. Had a lovely chicken salad this evening and by next week I should be able to pick some of the salad I’m growing!
    Still no baby!!

    Hopefully baby will arrive very soon and while it’s cool. I had 2 August babies which was grim through the hot summer.

    Just 2 more leaving cake things to go. So hard;(. My foot is improving but I don’t want to overdo it while I am buying a weekly bus ticket, so 4 buses a day for me.

    Sewing is improving and made 3 pinafore dresses with a view that hopefully I can take them in for the autumn term. There are a number of winter/autumn clothes that I would like to wear in September.

    Scales will be grim at the weekend;(

    Baby arrived on Tuesday little girl 7lb11 no name yet and absolutely gorgeous – ok I’m a bit biased!

    Trying to lower my carbs and feeling better for it! Scale tomorrow 😬
    Stay strong πŸ’ͺ🏼

    Congrats! to the lovely grandchild!

    Yes stay strong, I’m on 23 hr fast today, going well so far, about 6 more hours to go..I found some recipes for low carb biscuits, and have made and frozen them for a weekly treat..Very easy to make, only 3 ingredients and you can freeze them for months, if you use Stevia sugar use less as they can be too sweet.


    Let’s stay strong

    Congratulations Grandma!

    I hope all went well, amiya. I cannot have anything treat wise in the house, or I will eat it and not as a weekly treat πŸ™‚

    Well, that is 3 days solid of cake and chocolate leaving do’s all done. I now have to cope with the final 6 days of school with not much to do. So boring when I love to be busy.

    I shall have to see what the numbers are this weekend and then next before the great lard shift. The task ahead does seem rather overwhelming but I have done it before and know that it’s never as bad as I imagine. I will continue with a weekend measure/weigh/clothes try on.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends πŸ™‚

    Morning All,
    Stood on the scales and measured in 4 places and it’s not good news. I have a heap of lard to shift and need to start now.

    I have logged all in the tracker and will be ditching breakfast and possibly lunch today. I have been getting 4 buses a day to and from work since January which has really helped my foot but not my body. Clearly very sad about having to give up running and dancing due to arthritis in my foot and eating to compensate.

    There are 5 probably rather boring days ahead next week until term end next Friday and one more cake Thursday.That leaves just 7 weeks to shift 14lb and lots of inches.

    The current plan is to increase my walking from not much to an hour a day and then up to two. Skip breakfast and lunch twice a week and review what I am actually scoffing daily and make improvements there too.

    Goodbye macaroni cheese and lasagne:(

    Hello 2 inches off my waist.

    Anyone else have a summer plan?

    Hi all,

    I’m fasting today, am just trying to trudge through it. I had last meal yest evening, and will eat at around 6pm. It suits me this way as don’t have the psychological ‘going to bed hungry’. Am doing 2 a week, like you Annette am aiming for inches off. I’m not always ‘successful’ but even the fasts I break I last out until midday, so that’s at least 16hrs fasting. I just love the flexibility of this WOL..I try to follow the 80/20, i.e 80% good nutrient dense foods and no heavy carbs, more protein, colourful veg and fruit. The 20% I save for the odd treat at the weekends, I don’t drink but love the odd slice of cake. I don’t eat chocolate cos of migraines..

    Good luck everyone!

    Hi everyone,

    I’m 2 pounds down, so beginning to feel motivated. Keeping to 2 doable 20-22 hr fasts, but might do 3 a week to shift the extra weight..;-(

    Hope everyone is well!

    Well done!
    School finished for the summer this afternoon, so biscuits, cake and pudding ate no more. My plan for tomorrow is to skip breakfast and postpone lunch.

    How are you doing Iona and MM?

    Morning All,
    Well the numbers are not pretty this morning. I have weighed and measured.The plan this morning is to skip breakfast, go out walking for an hour before it gets hot. I have plenty to keep me busy indoors.

    How is everyone?

    Managed 21 hours fasting.

    Hi all! Sorry I haven’t checked in lately. Had a bit of travel to give talks at two conferences on the East coast, and am working hard with my editor to get the book I’ve been writing for the last seven years out later this summer.

    Which means I haven’t been paying much attention to fasting or my weight, and it shows. Sigh. I just scheduled my annual physical for the end of August, however, so that is giving me some impetus to pare down the pounds before then and hope for better numbers. I’m going to start another five day “fast” (no alcohol, sugar, simple carbs, under 1000 cal.) tomorrow, and do one again in early August to see if that really helps.

    Iona, congratulations on the grandchild! And Amiya, congratulations on your 2 lb loss. It doesn’t sound large, but, believe me, I know how much work it is just to lose 2 lbs. Annette, I hope you’re finally getting past Covid. I’ve avoided it so far, but worry about this new variant and what it will be like when classes start again in the fall.

    Take care, everyone, and stay cool!

    Hi MM
    Lovely to hear from you. You are so busy and how exciting about the book. How is the fast going?

    My foot is so much better and I am less tired from Covid, but it’s just so hot. I think that 23C is perfect t shirt weather, simply no need for 30C prediction for today.

    My plan starting today is to ditch breakfast and push lunch back until the afternoon. Get to the shops early in the cool, buy fish and salad for that single meal and try doing that for 3 days this week.

    My weight and inches just seem stuck, and yet some of my clothes fit better. I am aiming for the skirt of truth to be done up by the end of the month and a 2 lb loss with hopefully less inches too.

    Skipped breakfast and managed to hold out until a light lunch. All going well until invited out for a cream tea this afternoon. Not a fan of cream or jam, but could manage a scone with butter.

    Got some salmon and salad for dinner this evening, after a rather warm Pilates lesson.

    Well the inches are all the same but the weight has shimmied down 2 lbs which is joyful but I seem stuck with a 4 lb that I just can’t seem to shift. I lose a bit and then gain a bit and this has been going on for ages.

    Hopefully skipping a meal here and these plus salad and fish will help me to finally beat this wretched 4 lb. I feel like I am going round and round in circles.

    How is everyone getting on?

    It’s been quiet in here so I assume that you are all doing much better than me. Thank goodness the extreme heat had passed, I stayed inside, did nothing apart from eat ice cream.

    Now that it’s cooler, I am too trying to walk more and eat less ice cream. The inches are the same and so too, I imagine is the weight. It’s really disappointing.

    Today I am going to skip breakfast and go out for a walk with a friend. The plan is to skip lunch and then not eat until this evening.

    How is everyone doing today?

    I’m just getting over Covid. So my step count is very low atm. The dog is not impressed!!
    Scale stayed the same this morning so I’m ok with that.
    That heat on Tuesday was something else, luckily I didn’t have any problem sleeping but that is all I did!! My garden is so dry everything looks dead so I’ve lost interest in that lately. Generally feeling a bit down but looking forward to seeing my new Granddaughter soon.
    Hope we all do better next week 🀞

    Rest and recover. It took me a couple of weeks to feel that I had got my energy back. I was feeling down too, in part from the vile heat plus the inability to go anywhere or do anything.

    Have a lovely time with your granddaughter. All my friends are becoming grandparents, but I don’t think that it will ever happen for me.

    I have had a busy morning out and about but lunch is in the oven so that will be around 19 hours fasting. Sadly I seem stuck.

    Onwards and downwards ..

    I can’t believe that I am more then half way through the summer holidays and any hope of losing 14lb in 7 weeks has now been abandoned. My body is very reluctant to lose any inches or pounds. So I have changed what I eat and how often.

    I like to eat home made granola and full fat yoghurt for breakfast and eat lunch. I can quite happily skip an evening meal though, so that is my new plan. I do love ice cream, so trying to limit that too.

    Shorts that I couldn’t do up, I wore yesterday and they fit. Summer dresses, however, are too tight and look awful. I can see how far I have come and also how far I have to go so I have a new goal of the end of the year which seems realistic to reach a healthy weight/waist size for my height.

    I am getting an hour’s walking a day, but I need to try to increase that to 2 hours and see how my foot is. Walking makes me happy so that should help with better food choices too.

    I have a very mini goal which currently feels like Everest. I want to get past a number on the scales that is just 2 lb away.

    How is everyone doing?

    Hello fasting friends,
    How is your mini goal up Everest going Annette?
    I’m back from a lovely holiday in Scotland, the weather was kind to us and we had a very enjoyable break. I got on the scale this morning and have put on a couple of pounds but that is no surprise! I am missing breakfast today and making light meals for the rest of the day. My daughter is coming to stay for a few days so I’m looking forward to that and if we eat out I will chose wisely!!
    I’ve got a new Fitbit with a few more functions than the old one. I’m setting my new targets to try and get a bit more active, cutting the hedge this morning has smashed todays target!
    Hope you are all doing well and surviving the hot weather, keep in touch.

    Hi Iona
    I am thoroughly fed up. I almost got Tomy mini goal but the hot weather has meant that I have been stuck indoors to escape the heat, but scoffed ice cream and crisps. So now back to square one and very cross.

    On the plus side, I am learning to sew. I now have several pairs of wide leg trousers with pockets and elasticated waist to take me into the autumn. I feel so much happier in them and hope to walk more when it’s cooler this coming week.

    Hi All,
    I have lost a smidgen but the really big news is that there is an inch less on my hips. Rather stunned how are bodies function. Just next week before the summer is over for me and I am back at work.

    I have completely failed to lose the half stone that I had planned but there is less of me, so shifting goals now to the end of the year. How is everyone getting on?

    Hi All,
    Been away to stay with my sister for a few days which has completely messed up my digestion. White bread toasted for breakfast. Scales Monday morning:(

    Not good news on the scales. Up a bit again. Can’t seem to get past this number on the scales so the current plan is to ditch lunch and get out for an hour’s walk this morning.

    How is everyone doing?

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