If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

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If your clothes are looser but the scales are the same, read on

This topic contains 3,849 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by  Iona72 1 day, 3 hours ago.

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  • Hello everyone
    Hope you and your sister are doing ok Annette?
    I’m ok, just recovering from a nasty inner ear infection.
    Still trying to get some fasting done each week but my fasting windows are shorter than ideal!
    My weight is stable but I could do with losing at least half a stone.
    Annual health check for my kidney disease soon, hope there is no bad news.

    Let me know how you are all doing??

    Hi Iona72,
    Good luck with the kidney check up.

    My sister is doing well, Thanks. She is moving to a retirement village, hopefully in June. She seems recovered from sepsis, which is nothing short of a miracle.
    I have been on a mission to lose 14lb and lots of inches. Just started statins to go with the blood pressure tablets and I would love to come off both. Added to that I am off on a big holiday in July and there are clothes in my wardrobe that I simply can’t get on.
    So I am now 6lb down and 2 inches off my waist and bust, an inch off the bust and a quarter of an inch off my neck. To be able to do up the trousers and breathe, I think another 2 inches off my waist will make that possible, so the goal is to shift another 8lb in the 8 weeks before I go. Half term next week, so planning to skip breakfast and possibly lunch 3 times next week to help shifting the lard.
    How is MM??

    Just had to move the button on my trousers an inch tighter as my trousers were falling down.

    Oh my goodness, some medical stuff going on there.
    Don’t tighten your buttons, let your troos drop, wave your knick Knicks in the air, like you just don’t care.
    I’m about to try a pork cut, completely new to me, called pork collar/pork ribeye, should be yumza.
    The fattier cuts are more satiating,so I eat less.
    Both,all the best with your health.

    Hi All!

    Annette, so glad your sister is doing well and wow, an inch off the waist! That’s real progress. Like you, I have about 15 lbs. I’d like to shift. Even just 10 would be nice.

    I started fasting and eating a Mediterranean diet about a month ago. Lost four pounds, but then had a two-week business trip to Italy. Despite it being in the Mediterranean, I’m afraid I ate way too much pasta and a couple of pizzas. So the lost pounds came back. Starting again, now that I am home, to eat a more sensible Mediterranean diet. Summer seems a good time, though it’s too early here for local veggies and fruits. Still very chilly at night.

    Iona, I hope you get good news from your kidney check!


    Brilliant to hear from you MM.

    I have more weight to lose, but right now my focus is on this 14lb. My goal is to lose 8lb in the next 7 weeks before I go away. I have 3 pairs of walking trousers with tags on that would be perfect, if only I can do them up. My guess is that another 8lb will allow me to do that.

    I was reminded of the reptilian brain recently that drives us to eat when we start to lose weight. Some days I feel hungry all day but I know it’s the brain driving the hunger when I have eaten sufficient.

    School is back next week plus the never ending supply of biscuits,which is always a challenge but I am on a mission to be comfortable in these trousers.

    Longer term, I will have bloods in January and be weighed. I want to be significantly less than I am now and hopefully no longer need the blood pressure tablets.

    A miracle has happened and I have lost 2 lb this week. I did a lot of walking on Wednesday which I think really helped.

    The running totals for inch loss are 2 off the bust and waist, 11/2ibches off the hips plus quarter inch off my neck.

    There are trousers in my wardrobe that I would like to wear in the autumn. Seems very ambitious currently but they’re another goal to aim for.

    Good to hear from you all. Glad there are still positive vibes out there, never give up!
    Another pound down this week I think my body is finally adapting to some fasting and is no longer in panic mode clutching onto all the fat!!
    Have a good weekend, I’ll check in next week.

    Whoop whoop Iona. Have you had the tape measure out to see other changes apart from the scales?

    A friend of mine has lost 4 stone by simply eating just an evening meal. She had to lose 3 stone to get on the list for a knee replacement. She has times when the weight plateaus for a while before it starts to move again.

    Onwards and downwards…

    Morning All,
    Well I can get the trousers on and do them up, however breathing is then optional. But delighted with the progress in a week. Currently 4kg less of me which is brilliant too.

    Fasting this morning and may have lunch or I might push on until this evening. On my own for dinner, so I am planning a little Chinese meal which I like but the boy doesn’t.

    For me, one of the hardest things on a FD is to keep busy. Washing on, clearing up and then planning sewing. I did plan to be in the garden but it does look gloomy and cool. Off to buy food this morning which I never find difficult when I am on a FD.

    How is everyone doing?

    That is positive news Annette, well done. I can’t believe how cold it has been in June so far, nothing is doing great in our garden atm especially the small bit of veg we try to grow.
    I haven’t fasted at all this week, been rather over indulgent but plan to get back on track next week!! Grandkids and dog are keeping me busy though, so plenty of steps walked this week.
    I’m hoping for some warm sunshine soon but the forecast isn’t good for the next few days in NE England.
    Enjoy the weekend everyone.

    Morning All,
    Feeling fed up. Not only is the weather poor but it’s been a difficult week on the food front. I haven’t had any chocolate for several months and was given some a present which I then scoffed. It wasn’t anywhere near as fabulous as I thought it was going to be but I still ate it.

    People leaving at work has meant cake too, which I have also eaten. The result is that I have put a lb on, no shrinking with the tape measure and feeling cross with myself.

    Well today I am doing a 24 hour fast today, which simply means no breakfast or lunch today. I am hopeful that I can nudge things in the right direction again.

    Five weeks until I go away and the trousers are no where near comfortable so head down and focus.

    How’s everyone getting on?

    Morning All,
    Well all the stats are the same as last week, which is frustrating. Skipping breakfast this morning and then off to buy food for the week. Planning to keep busy in the garden while its cool.

    How is everyone doing?

    Ticking along, exercise slipping a bit, need to get back on track. Scale not moving, I’m not surprised!

    Hi lona,

    Its slow progress here. I am going away in a week and a half, but I don’t think that I will be able to wear the walking trousers with tags on.

    However the incremental changes all add up. I am now 10.7lbs/3.9kg less. It has taken 3 months, so no prizes for speed but the buddha belly is shrinking and clothes look better.

    How are you doing MM?

    Morning All,
    Well much to my surprise, not only can I wear the trousers with tags on, I can wear other trousers too. I shall also have to move buttons on walking trousers so that they don’t fall down.

    Off on holiday tomorrow.

    Morning All,
    Just home after a month away visiting Singapore/Australia and Dubai. The damage was 5 lbs which I thought was fine and the measurements are exactly the same.

    Going forward, as of today the goal is to lose 14lb by the end of the year, which seems quite reasonable. Made a start by skipping breakfast yesterday.

    How is everyone doing?

    Wow, that’s quite a trip!
    5 lbs isn’t bad at all, I reckon a week on holiday would do that to me.
    I had a stomach bug 2 weeks ago, I probably lost weight, still have no appetite, I’m lying in bed listening to the rain, no food in the fridge and really don’t feel like popping out to the shops.
    Good job I did my favourite waterside walk to Birstall yesterday, showers all day are forecast, might drag myself off to the pub to watch the Brighton win at lunch time.
    Keep going with your 14 lb goal!

    Welcome back Annette, Hi Snedger.
    5 pounds is a brilliant result, well done.
    Big news from me is that I have been identified as pre-diabetic and put on the national diabetes prevention plan by my GP. This came as a big shock and has taken me some time to come to terms with. The plan is a low carb approach and I’ve already lost about half a stone (fear of eating now!)
    I shall keep you informed how it progresses but needless to say I’m a little more serious about my weight loss and my fasting.

    @iona72 the carnivore diet would work for me, but, as I’ve said before I get some carbs from beer, but am still maintaining a lower weight, which is nice.
    I supplement with an electrolyte drink, I was doing that anyway, as every summer I was suffering with heat exhaustion.
    My favourite youtuber is Dr Ken Berry, he doesn’t mince his words.
    Hope you get your numbers down.

    Thank you, I hope so! I like Dr K Berry too he talks a lot of sense!

    It was a trip to visit my friend who moved from the UK to Perth 32 years ago. I decided that I should go now before I get too old and my arthritic joint in my foot stops me from travelling. Singapore was a 2 night stopover and no one I saw looked overweight. I then flew from there to Sydney, Cairns, and Perth before stop over in Dubai to break up the flying time to Heathrow. I hardly saw anyone overweight which is interesting.

    My friend in Perth has gained weight over the years but this time has lost 30Kg in 6 months under the supervision of a professor who is hoping to show that rapid weight loss is both healthy and sustainable. Its a 800 calories a day using shakes/soups.

    Another friend who has needed a knee replacement needed to lose weight before the surgery could happen. She has lost 21kg through having one meal a day-usually early afternoon. She has a new knee and is aiming to lose another 10kg for the other knee in January.

    I have found that no snacking and fasting at the weekend means that I can lose inches and pounds. My real problem is that next week I am back at work where biscuits are around and lunch is free but generally lots of rice/pasta/potatoes. And Cake Thursday. My plan is to review where I am and how I feel each weekend.

    I hope that you feel better snedger.

    Iona, I can see that was a bit of a shock and well done with the weight loss.

    I want to lose 14lb by the end of the year. I have an annual review in January and I would love to no longer need the tablets for blood pressure and cholesterol. I have found that my foot is much better having lost weight and that’s another incentive plus I have lots of clothes that I can’t get into.

    Lets see where we are next weekend.

    Hi Guys
    Doing ok on the Diabetes Prevention Plan. A combination of fasting until lunch time most days, and low carb meals has resulted in a welcome weight loss, 12 pounds since early July. I no longer have clothes in the wardrobe that are too tight. Trousers I haven’t worn in a very long time are actually a little big now. I never imagined I would ever fit into them again and on numerous occasions have almost put them in the charity bag. However I will wear them with smugness now!!
    Hope things are going well for everyone, check in when you can.

    Well done Iona,
    That’s an amazing result! You must be delighted.

    I have trousers in the wardrobe that are currently taunting me, but hopefully by the end of the year, I hope fit me. I can wear the trousers that had tags on, that were my pre Australia goal. Hopefully the scales and the tape measure will bring positive news tomorrow morning.

    Well I am 4lb down in 4 weeks, which I am pleased about. My focus is on my waist measurement, I need to lose half an inch to get back to the pre Australia waist size.

    How are you doing MM?

    Morning All,
    The weight is that same but I have lost half an inch off the bust, which is great. I am skipping breakfast this morning and have a busy morning, so it should be fine.
    School has been difficult with the endless biscuits and crumble plus cake Thursday. The cakes haven’t been great, so they are not an issue, crumble is delicious and enjoyed a couple of times a week but eliminating the biscuits is the next week’s task. I have done it before and it was fine after the first few days.
    Really surprised that I can get some trousers in the cupboard on but they are tight and look awful. So I shall review again when I reach the 7lb loss target.
    Hopefully I can get out to the shops before the heavy rain arrives.

    Hi Annette, good result with the tape, often more rewarding than the scale! I have hardly had any biscuits in the last 6 weeks since starting the Pre-diabetic programme, it has been easier than expected and I feel like it has been such a help in my weight loss.
    I reached my initial weight goal this week, so now I only have 5 pounds to shift to get to a 10% loss from the start date. The rate has slowed considerably but I’m confident I can do it.
    The weather looks pretty bad for the south this weekend, hope you dodge the rain. Just low cloud and drizzle for us up in the North East!

    Storms started early in Leicester.
    Air was so uncomfortable to breathe and walk in.
    Went dark very quickly.
    Am outside under a small shelter watching cricket on the telly, very sunny in Leeds, quite surreal.
    I think that I’m still maintaining a goodish weight, need to charge the batteries on my scales

    Hello everyone,
    It’s not been a good week. Both biscuits and Thursday cake have been enjoyed and unsurprisingly there’s no difference to the scales or the tape measure. So I decided to fast this morning and see how I got on and managed to get to 21 hours. Hopefully I can be stronger next week and avoid the sweet stuff and shrink the waistline.
    Well done Ilona 😁

    I could easily start on the cakes and biscuits again but when I think of my progress it stops me. I just don’t buy them now. I’ve even managed to persuade my OH that we buy far too many so he is cutting right back too. It’s good to have some support and not to be tempted by seeing them everyday. But I understand how difficult it must be when they are in the workplace. That’s really tough Annette. Good luck for the week ahead 💪

    I don’t have cake or biscuits in the house. But work just keeps refilling the biscuit tins.
    On the plus side, weighed myself this morning and I am lighter. There are 3 weeks until half term, so the plan is to aim for a 3lb loss or shrinking inches, or both by then. That will bring me to pre Australia weight and to a new stone to lose. Bigger goal is 14lb in 14 weeks, which should be around the end of the year.
    My arthritis in my foot is better with less of me. Annual checkup for blood pressure and cholesterol is in January. So my goal is to shift 17lb in total before then. It seems doable on paper.

    Going forward I am planning to avoid the sweet stuff and aim for a 24 hour fast each Saturday. When it’s half term, the plan is to fast several times a week.
    Thanks Ilona, sounds like you are making great progress.

    An annual check up always gives the mind a focus! Good luck in your efforts, I’m trying to do 16 hour fast each day this coming week with an earlier evening meal or a later breakfast. It should be quite doable, I’ll report back later in the week.

    Yes, Iona it’s been a goal for ages to stop the blood pressure tablets. My logic is that if there’s less of me, that should be possible.

    Are you planning a 16 hour fast every day forever?

    A friend of mine in a bid to lose weight for a replacement knee, skips breakfast and has one meal a day in the evening. She has lost 3 stone.

    Keep us updated to date, Iona.

    In fact, I could join you several times a week. We eat before 7pm and then I usually have breakfast at 6am, but if I forgo breakfast, that would bring me up to 17 hours fasting, as we have lunch at 12 at work.

    I know that fasting will trim the inches and help the scales to move too. If I did two 17 hour fasts during the week and a 24 hour at the weekend, that should really help to reduce the inches. My hips and waist are 2 inches less now from when I started in April, but I would really like to reduce them again by the same amount. My guess is that I will need to shift 14lb to do that.

    Shall we reconvene at the weekend to see how it went?

    I don’t plan to fast this way every day forever but for part of the week it’s easy. I’m trying to get some longer fasts too. See what happens when I get to goal.
    I shall check in with you at the weekend, hope you can manage some 16 hours!! 👍🏼

    That sounds great, Iona. Lets see how its been for us at the weekend.

    Its 12 weeks until Christmas Week. I was hoping to shift a stone. Lets see how it goes.

    Hello Everyone,

    I haven’t lost any weight but I have lost half an inch off my waist which I am thrilled about. I did 2 17 hour fasts which was just skipping breakfast which has been very doable. I have decided to do this for the next 2 weeks and then review.

    How is everyone getting on?

    Good job!
    Yeah, am dedicating October to zero carbs – have not met that already, but in transitioning to ketosis, I’m flipping freezing, with improper energy provision – I meant to put on an electric heater for 10 minutes last night but fell asleep, bedroom was 27C this morning.
    Hope your goals are successful

    Sorry about the duplicate submission, oops!

    I managed at least 16 hour fasting all week and lost half a pound!! I have done lots of walking this week as the weather has been lovely, getting out while I can. I hate winter. I am assuming my body is readjusting as I’ve followed the same low carb principles of eating and did expect to lose a pound or 2.
    However I am not disheartened and will carry on.
    On the positive side, I had to buy new clothes to go to a fund raising event last night as mine are all ridiculous loose and baggy now!
    I find this way of overnight fasting much easier than 5:2 but maybe that would give better results?
    Keep going @annette52 Christmas is coming!
    That sounds rather tropical @snedger hope you have cooled down!

    Snedger, I don’t think that I could do zero carbs. How is it going?

    Iona, how disappointing with the scales but I imagine that you are shrinking all over. It may be that in the coming weeks that the numbers will change. Loose and baggy clothing is testament to that. I hate the winter too, but get a half an hour walk in each way to the bus stop to work.

    I find that fasting when I am asleep and then skipping breakfast is easier for me too. I can get to 17 hours and its quite doable twice a week. I may switch it up over half term and do another day.

    I too am hoping for a change of numbers on the scale at the weekend, but I can see that clothes are looking different and that I am shrinking in places that I am not measuring. It will be lovely to wear clothes again that are currently too small, but I think that its going to be a while before that happens.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Hello Everyone,
    Really disappointed that the scales haven’t moved, but then discovered that I am half an inch smaller across the bust, so rather delighted about that. I am definitely smaller, but it’s frustrating that the scales are refusing to budge.

    How are you doing?

    Hi Annette, similar story here, one pound loss and half an inch off the waist. Did a 19:5 fast today, easier than expected! Day out tomorrow to a National Trust property so lunch could be tricky in the cafe! I’m sure the cakes will be tempting. I will have to make sure I get plenty of steps in.

    Great achievement with the fast, the lb loss and the shrinking waist. Have a lovely time out today. I kept myself busy yesterday morning by making a start painting the walls by the front door. So much better from a mid grey to brilliant white.

    I got back on the wagon in April and compared some stats. I have lost 5.9kg/13lbs(gained a few in Australia but lost them again) my busy is 1.5 inches smaller, waist 2.5 inches, hips 2 inches and neck 1.25 inches, giving a total of 7.25 inches less of me only in the places that I am measuring.

    I know that I am shrinking elsewhere by how my clothes fit now. There are some lovely trousers that are too small yet but I imagine that another 7lb will make all the difference.

    I seem to be on a plateau but I also know that if I keep going,it will change over the weeks. Damn frustrating though.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Speaking from experience, try not to be frustrated by the plateau, it’s your body adjusting and good things will happen if you stick with it!!

    Thank you Iona.
    I can feel my goal of losing 14lb by the end of the year slipping through my fingers but there’s nothing I can do about that.

    I shall be in in a better place this January than I was last year at the health review. I was hoping to have lost rather more weight but I would be very happy with 2 inches of my waist instead.

    Onwards and downwards fast friends.

    Morning All,
    Sadly no change on the scales or the tape measure which isn’t a surprise after the week but I was still disappointed. So, I did a 19 hour fast which I broke with fruit and nuts.

    Dinner will be a roast dinner which I will thoroughly enjoy. I might skip breakfast tomorrow too, but I will see how I feel in the morning.

    Oh I love a roast dinner, sadly DH does not! Can’t remember last time I had one.
    We went out to eat last night which was lovely, and today had lunch out too so I need to get back on track next week in order to reach my end of October target!
    Better luck for next week @annette52, stay strong.

    We all love a roast here and its lovely to enjoy at the weekend. Just me and the boy now and when he eventually moves out, I wont bother for one.

    I am so fed up with the lack of movement on the scales or the tape measure. I am really stumped but I have decided to change tack and skip breakfast today and for the next few days and see what happens, if anything. Meeting boy 2 for lunch today to catch up with him. My plan is to have either fruit or nothing this evening and feed the boy something that he loves and I don’t for dinner. There is tea and cake on Saturday afternoon for a birthday celebration, so perhaps avoid breakfast that day. I might try one meal a day, which would be an evening meal with the boy, so that would be lots of time fasting.

    How is everyone getting on ?

    I’ve been away for a few days to attend a funeral and I am struggling to get back on track, I know I have eaten too much today but at least I have not touched the alcohol. I will step on the scale over the weekend to see the damage!

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