The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,627 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  hermajtomomi 7 months ago.

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  • Thanks, Happy and Fast – this morning the long awaited rain broke the heat (now 23 degrees). DH was ecstatic and insisted that we walk in the rain even though the forecast clearly said no rain by midday. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I loved the heat of course, even if it was a tad too hot yesterday – up to 32 degrees is fine and only temperatures upwards of 36 degrees is registered as a bit too warm.

    Fast, no definitely no teenage grumblings to content with, luckily. My walks are circular walks (sometimes solitary) and I am back at 8am for a shower and later a little sleep. :-). Very civilised and no endurance test.

    The mountain streams in the forest create little wafts of cool air and I love the early morning routine so much now that I hope to continue them when back home (at least as long as it is light in the morning)

    Travelling tomorrow to visit more family for a couple of says and then home on Saturday. I have not been fasting but experienced acute awareness of hunger/fullness and not wanting to eat unless hungry whereas at home I have been known to keep eating just because I love the food and I don’t want this pleasure to end. I hope this mindful eating carries on when back home in my usual routine.

    Hi All,

    Iโ€™m glad to hear things are moving along. As for me, my goal was to get ideally to 2-3 pounds/.9-1.4 kilos/.2 stone BELOW goal by Friday in preparation for yet another event this Saturday.

    As I did last week, Iโ€™ve decided to have two water/psyllium/supplements only fast days this week (from dinner the night before to breakfast the day afterโ€“roughly 36 hours). However, differently from last week, I decided to reduce calories on feast days. For days where I work out Iโ€™m having roughly 300 calories lower than my usual TDEE (using the absolute minimum TDEE for my GOAL weight). Also, normally I would have two refeed days a week, but this week Iโ€™m reducing those calories as well and only have one refeed day (on Saturday).

    Iโ€™m right chuffed at this point because as of this morning Iโ€™m ALREADY 2.1 pounds/~1 kilo/.2 stone BELOW goalโ€“and itโ€™s only Wednesday! Just think where Iโ€™ll be by Saturday morning!

    Judyf, here’s a bit regarding how I use liquid only fast days. First let me say that now that I’m on maintenance, the naturopath who recommended the 5:2 to me and has coached me through to maintenance said that now that I’ve reached maintenance I should pretty much stick to one 500-calorie fast day a week.

    For the most part I’ve been doing that, except for the past two and this week, I’ve had events on Saturdays featuring food where I’ve wanted to indulge. Even though he recommends fasting AFTER the event, I’ve been finding it helpful to fast BEFORE AND AFTER (depending on whether I’m above or below goal weight after the event).

    As you can see above, what seems to be working well this week is twofold. First, to drastically reduce calories on all feast days the week leading up to the event–including replacing one refeed day with a regular day. Second, fasting two days the week before the event (i.e. two water/psyllium/supplements only fast days from dinner the night before to breakfast the day afterโ€“roughly 36 hours–including the day immediately preceding the event if at all possible) allows dropping as much weight as possible in preparation for the event. Last week there was NO weight reduction at all after the second fast day, but at least there was no gain either. All this preparation allows me to concern myself less with what and how much I’m eating DURING the event, and hopefully there will be less damage control AFTER the event. That has definitely been true for the past two weeks, and I hope the plan I’m using this week will work even better.

    Judging by results so far this plan seems to be working the best of those I’ve tried. Thoughts anyone? Have a fabulous rest of your week!


    Hi everyone
    L, your holiday sounds familiar! We get 25 -35 normally here in summer, with the occasional 40. It is the humidity that makes it bearable (or not). We in Sydney get a lot of humid air which makes it feel much hotter. Perth and the inland get dry heat. If you’ve had rain I presume it is humid!
    Yes. Much easier to eat less when it is really hot, but hard to exercise unless it is swimming.
    I’m experiencing the opposite right now. …lovely days for really long walks, but tempting to eat to warm up as the sun sets so early ๐Ÿ™
    Well done on your sensible approach to food. It does become second nature, doesn’t it? Mindful eating. That’s the key.
    Have a good one maintenance mates! P

    Ps Hi Janey … our posts crossed. Good work on the new scheme!

    Hi Everyone
    I did so well on my fast day and then yesterday my hubby cooked sausages for dinner. I had 3 and then ate another cold one later in the evening and ruined a good day’s eating. This morning 1 kilo heavier ๐Ÿ™ I didn’t plan my fast days very well this week as now I cant fast until Sunday (Might try the liquid fast). I will eat less throughout the day today as we are going out to Thai tonight with my husbands family. Tomorrow will be similar with a girlfriend coming from Perth for the weekend = much wine!!

    It’s all about balance in maintaining Judy, isn’t it. Well done.
    Are you near Perth? I have family in WA. ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Im Outer East Melbourne ๐Ÿ™‚

    Judy we all shoot ourselves in the foot sometimes but it helps us learn what we can and can’t do. One sausage isn’t the end of the world, you’re doing great!

    Jayney I am interested what is the difference between a regular eating day for you and a feast day? Ie what do you eat both days?

    I’ve just got back form a week on the gold coast for my sisters birthday. Much eating and drinking. I had one lower cal day but it definitely wasn’t a FD. Will be interested to see what the scales say tomorrow but don’t care really. I can take it all off in the next day or two! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Carol,

    Sounds like you had a nice time away.

    Re: weight. Spoken like a true maintainer! Gain a little bit, fast it off, no worries!

    I well remember the early days of maintenance though, (subconsciously?) worrying that allowing myself to relax my eating, and any weight gain, would set me on a slippery slope to waking up a heifer again! Nice to be more relaxed about it now.

    Whilst you don’t care what the scales say, it will be interesting to see whether you’re perception that you ate and drank a lot was all relative, and in proportion to the new you.

    I am constantly surprised that what feels like a binge rarely turns out to be!

    Hi All,

    Yes, maintenance seems to be relatively small gains that can be quickly lost. Carol, apart from this week, normally on the four days a week that I work out I use the Active TDEE (from the TDEE calculator–1650 calories in my case), and on the two refeed days a week I use the Very Active TDEE (1900 calories in my case). However, I’ve been playing with those numbers depending on whether I’m over or under goal weight that day. If I’m under goal I have more. If I’m over goal I have less, but use those numbers as starting points.

    In terms of what I eat, on weekdays when I’ll be working out I generally have breakfast of a sausage and hard boiled egg. Because I’m doing aerials in the afternoons on weekdays I tend to have lunch of a protein drink, with maybe some celery and a chocolate spread as a dip. Dinner is usually veggies and salmon and one or two treats.

    If I’m doing aerials earlier in the day I have breakfast of celery and chocolate spread, lunch is a protein drink, and roughly the same dinner. If my workout is the Tabata class I’ve been taking I have breakfast of a meal replacement shake, lunch of a chicken salad, and dinner of veggies, boneless chicken thigh, and one or two treats (plus the aforementioned olive oil and psyllium).

    Then for the refeed days I have weekday and weekend meal plans. If I refeed during the week I tend to have protein drinks for breakfast and lunch, with veggies, chicken thigh, and rice or pasta plus a treat or two for dinner. The weekend refeed day I tend to have a huge breakfast–most of my calories for the day (egg(s), sausage(s) and/or bacon strip(s), and either a waffle, pancakes, or what we call French toast with butter and maple syrup–perhaps with some fresh fruit as garnish). Lunch is a protein drink, and dinner is veggies and a protein drink. Also, bear in mind that I have 6 Tablespoons of olive oil divvied up throughout the day, and two servings of psyllium (before breakfast and dinner). Some days I have a buttery spread on either the veggies or the rice.

    I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if you have more questions. I agree with Happy that what feels like a binge rarely turns out to be–or can be either completely or partially compensated for by fasting and calorie restriction before and after.


    Happy you are exactly right! I was dreading getting on the scales this morning but weight is 700g below top wriggle room! So my idea of bingeing has obviously changed. I did binge but that was bingeing relative to my new way of eating. There could be a bit more to come on yet but doesn’t matter, I’m back home, back to normal meals and habits. Amazing!

    Jayney, hope you don’t think I was being too nosey – I know I was! But I am always intrigued by what mIntainers are eating to maintain. I just find it interesting and would be more than happy if all themaintainers put up a list of their daily consumption lol! We would all be doing some things quite differently but some things the same. Just piques my interest ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good weekend everyone!

    Just lost my deep and meaningful post! Ah well.
    Jayney your energy levels are impressive! Good question Carol.
    I just rely on my new found mindfulness to maintain. One full and one half fast a week and lots of veg. All things in moderation. ๐Ÿ™‚ P


    Great news on the weight. It does muck with your head a bit though doesn’t it?! Reassuring to know though that when you think you’ve gone mad and eaten everything in sight, you haven’t! Or maybe you have, but your metabolism is now working properly?

    Although I guess there might not be so many surprises for Jayney, with that meticulous planning! I feel I’m a bit shambolic and random in comparison…

    I did fast again this week, as I think Saturday, Sunday and Monday were all refeed days. Whoops ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s dropped me back to 700g below top of range, so I’m happy with that…just in time for some more refeeding ๐Ÿ™‚

    Just muddling along, keeping an eye on things seems to work once you have reached goal and retrained your approach to eating. Lunch with a friend today, so just 1/2 glass of kefir for breakfast. Cheers P

    Thanks for all your input and advice. I didnโ€™t really know what my goal weight should be as its up and down so much so I will take Purpleโ€™s advise and have a range. 57-59kg should be good. A girlfriend is coming for dinner while our hubbys go to the footy tonight so i plan on fasting until dinner. and limit the number of wines!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi All,

    Thanks Purple, and Carol it’s no problem. In fact, if you have any other questions about my diet/exercise schedule I’m happy to answer them. Also Judy, there are some calculators that can tell you your ideal weight, but you might want to work with a naturopath and/or doctor on that. It would be more customised for you. Just a thought. If you’re interested I can point you to some ideal weight calculators, but I have no idea how accurate they are.


    Hi Judy,

    Re: goal weight.

    I intially set myself a target of 10 stone (63kg ish), based on it being my previous ever lowest adult weight and one that I’d been happy with.

    At that time, the NHS BMI calculator had suggested I should aim for a few kgs lower, which would see me in the middle of my healthy weight range. I laughed at the very idea of ever being under 63kg…

    However, when I reached 63kg I continued to lose weight while I worked out how to stop losing and start maintaining. So I have inadvertently ended up in the middle of my healthy weight range. I’m not having any problem maintaining it, and it feels right.

    I’m not like Jayney, and don’t put my faith in the advice of doctors (or others) (no offence Jayney!), but perhaps that’s a difference in those professions between countries and/or personal experience? I trust in myself. I’ve never had an eating disorder, except for the general overeating that got me here in the first place! And I don’t suffer with body dysmorphia. So I have no reason not to trust my gut feeling about what feels right for me.

    Like P, I have an upper limit on my range (60kg). I haven’t really got a lower limit, although I don’t think I’d want to be below 58kg. So I like to stay at 59ish. I throw in a fast if I’m consistently 60kg for a few days in a row.

    I hope you had a fun evening, btw. My MIL is coming for the weekend… I won’t be limiting the number of wines I drink…!

    I second Happy’s story, minus 1kg. I sit in the 57s. I ysed the combination of recommended healthy weight charts and where I sat as a healthy young woman. I don’t trust doctors, I tell them!
    Have fun this weekend Happy ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    Thanks P! Depends on your definition of fun…! Just praying for good weather, so we’re not cooped up all weekend. Although OH has his shed, and I have my polytunnel!

    And the henhouse ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I was a bit like you Happy, Jayney and Purple, sort of picked a number but there was a rationale behind it. When younger I fluctuated between 60&62kg. When I hit my mid 30’s I went up to 64kg and thought that’s enough reason to join a gym! So I did and my weight settled back down. Two occasions in my life where I have put on weight and both for entirely different reasons I won’t bore you with. But last time I was slim I was 65kg and I was always aiming for 64. Don’t tell me what difference that one kg made but I was always striving for it so when I started 5:2 my goal weight was 64kg. I hit 64kg pretty easy and remembered when doing my nutrition studies I had read somewhere that our ideal weight is what we are when we are in our early 20’s and for me that was 60-62kg. So that became my new goal and now I maintain between 58-60. Pretty sure I have mentioned before the ideal weight of the early 20’s which Someome disagreed with because they were not a healthy weight at that age. So a random number but a bit of science behind it. I don’t want to go lower because that would mean another dress size and I think more effort to maintain. My weight now is effortless to maintain. Love this 5:2!

    Me too, Carol. And I’m one for whom the early 20s is meaningless, as I have been overweight since early teenage years (comfort eating, I now realise – no comfort to be found ๐Ÿ™ ). I have today hit my lowest since then ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ , and in the middle of my wriggle range. Also arbitrarily determined. Possibly a bit low, as my BMI is 19, but am still waiting for skinny/scrawny. My body image might never be slim, but oh so happy!!

    Hi All,

    Just for the record, there aren’t many doctors I trust either. I only trust the naturopath (no MD here) because he also happens to be my chiropractor and I’ve been seeing him for over 25 years. The goal I’d set for myself initially was one he said was unhealthy because it was too low. Since I don’t recall the last time I weighed that amount, and it was likely before I was an adult, I decided to take his advice (as opposed to following it blindly). Just FYI. However, to each his/her own, and if you’re in touch with your body, I’m sure you know what’s best. I’d just been so far off for so long personally that I’d lost touch with that in my case.

    Although, that being said, I’m still restricting calories as much as possible for this week, and will be having a second water/psyllium/supplements fast today due to Saturday’s festivities initially. Now, due to a change of plans, and because the weight is dropping sufficiently, I’ll be recording at another festival (also featuring food of course) this Sunday as well. As of yesterday my weight is the lowest it’s been in decades, and certainly since I started 5:2, and I’m really hoping to drop more by tomorrow.

    At this point I’m planning back to back refeed days tomorrow and Sunday. Normally I could fast on Monday, but Sunday’s strength training has been moved to Monday (in addition to Tuesday as usual), so that will have to wait until Wednesday. That’s a plus though, since fasting on a day when I have Tabata/HIIT class really gives the fast an extra kick. However, if the weight drops enough and I don’t go too crazy over the weekend, hopefully I won’t have too much damage control to do on Monday. Sorry to go on–just thinking things through.

    Ha ha wonderful Barata!

    Mentioning your BMI reminded me Barata I haven’t done mine for while – mine is 20.4. Think I’m meant to be between 20-24.

    I think you’re doing amazingly well Jayney – go girl! ๐Ÿ™‚

    According to the tracker my bmi is 21. Don’t really care. I’m a great size. I feel and look good and have no trouble maintaining. And the Baileys after dinner tonight was brilliant! I CAN have my cake and eat it too!!!! TGIF!! ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Hear hear Purple! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi All,

    How great to finally have a body image you enjoy Barata! Absolutely hear hear Purple! Thanks for your support and acknowledgement Carol. As of this morning I’m just over 3 pounds/1.4 kilos/.2 stone UNDER goal. I don’t recall dropping that much weight since starting 5:2 (much less in one week)! I’m doing another water/psyllium/supplements only fast day today (pre-pig-outs tomorrow and Sunday). Last week the scales didn’t shift at all after my second fast day. It will be interesting to see where things stand tomorrow–and by Monday, for that matter. At this point I consider this all a grande experiment, and am really looking forward to it.


    Hi Jayney,

    You’re not wrong! Maintenance is definitely an experiment, weight loss is easy by comparison!

    For info, my BMI is roughly 20.5. Being more of a pear I’ve had to compromise a bit! I could lose a bit more off my thighs, knees, bum, but I’m already thin enough from hips upwards. I suspect if I lost more you could use my breasts as a purse… I have thought about going thinner just to see, but don’t want to risk it!

    On the subject of your aerials, how long do you practice/perform for? And is it a whole body discipline or are there specific muscle groups you focus on?

    Hi Happy, I’m a pear too and one of the things I had to come to terms with on 5:2 was that losing weight didn’t mean my body shape would change and I would still have the older ladies slightly rounded tummy shape. Small bikkies by comparison I say! Bet you look amazing with those neat shoulders, small waist and compact boobies! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well done, Barata, and all the skinny minnies.

    My BMI is 23 and I’m happy that I have a waist again after years of being a solid rectangle. I carried a lot of my extra weight on my stomach and around the internal organs.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi everyone, thanks all for your input. I do weigh myself everyday and am astonished at the differences. I was a bit worried about a gain as it’s going to be a social weekend. Yesterday I did a fast til dinner time. Our weekend guests arrived 3 hours earlier than I expected so I didn’t get to eat and the scales this morning were again at my PB. I’m pretty pleased to be finding out other ways to keep on track. I also think just because you can get to a lower weight doesn’t mean you should, older, thin and very wrinkled isn’t a good look IMO. Cold and rainy here in Melbourne and guest is out visiting for a couple of hours so an inside day for me. What’s a poly tunnel Happy now?

    Hi Judy,

    It’s an alternative to a glasshouse/ green house for growing vegetable and salad crops, usually semicircular though, formed from polyethylene stretched tight over metal hoops.

    I’m currently growing peas and broad beans (for an earltier crop than you get outside), carrots, lettuce, rocket, radish, cucumber, tomatoes, beetroot, courgette, sweet corn (our growing season outside isn’t really long enough), spinach and chard, garlic, coriander.

    Wow, Happy

    You would be a great neighbour! I could come scrub the floors and take away excess vegetables. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Lasted 22 hours on coffee, water, ginger tea and more water. Had my spicy vegetable soup for dinner. Off to bed early.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Now that would be a deal Bay!

    And could you manage my ironing, please – and perhaps clean the oven while you’re at it? I could manage some courgettes – in fact I’d be grateful if you’d take them – and possibly some garlic (the harvest was good)….

    Wow, what a busy Saturday – unusual. Either the sunshine going to our heads, or were being even more entertaining than we normally are. Heaven forbid we’ve simply nothing better to do!

    Well, I’ve been and gone and done it. Combination of a new pair of scales which tell me my weight and body-fat percentage may be fine but my muscle mass is lacking (I know the botox has destroyed my arm muscles, which might be enough to account for it, but I still don’t like being told that) and the new system at the gym which records all the exercise you do there, but nothing you do elsewhere ( ie 90% of what I do) unless you input it separately, my childish need for recognition, plus my desire to push myself a bit harder to build some muscle, have driven me to buy, not only the Nordic walking poles, but the dreaded activity tracker (which automatically syncs which the gym info for a more complete record )

    Haven’t tried the walking poles yet – only just arrived, and I plan to try them tomorrow – but as far as the tracker is concerned, I’ve gone from sceptical refusenik to ‘in love’ within a week! I’m amazed at how quickly I clock up 10,000 steps, but ashamed to realise that some of the things I’ve been doing on the resistance machines at the gym have hardly registered, because I wasn’t actually doing them properly. It’s making me improve my technique, and work much harder, which has got to be good for the muscle mass, yes?

    I’ve also been a bit horrified at the sleep analysis, which has confirmed what I subjectively knew – that my sleep is very fragmented these days – I drop off easily, but it’s normal for me to have 19 or 20 ‘restless’ periods during a night (different from REM sleep periods) and 3 or 4 ‘wakeful’ ones. No wonder I’m beginning to feel the need for the oldies’ daytime nap – which I resist and rarely indulge, as I think it would probably just make things worse. By coincidence, I came across an article this week on ‘non-motor symptoms of Dystonia’, which lists ‘fragmented and/or disturbed sleep’ as one. I feel a conversation with the neurologist coming on….though there is no way I’m prepared to take medication to induce sleep, so not sure why I want the conversation. Perhaps the daytime nap will win – it’s possible it couldn’t make it worse, and might increase my total good quality zzzzs ….

    All in all, I’m a tracker convert – shall try hard not to become a bore. Isn’t it wonderful, how life can still surprise you?

    Have a fun weekend, everyone.

    Hi Fast,

    I’m not yet at courgette overload, but struggling to keep up with the cucumber ๐Ÿ™‚

    With hindsight especially, I’m pleased I fasted earlier in the week (59.1 today ๐Ÿ™‚ ) because there are a lot of strawberries ripe now…some of them fall into my mouth while I’m walking round the garden… Some fall into a bowl of cream… And I suspect that some will force me to make shortbread ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sorry Fast! Posts crossed…

    I’ve been MIL’d this weekend. She’s been surgically attached until half an hour ago when I went slug hunting and she went to bed in my absence ๐Ÿ™‚

    I should go to bed myself, but I really need a bit of time to myself today…

    Take it NOW, Happy – she’ll still be there in the morning!! Grab it while you can – but perhaps be a bit pleased you MIL likes you that much? ( Slug hunting may count as an extreme avoidance technique…)

    I’m not sure she does like me that much! She’s just limited on other options! She comes to visit and OH does EXACTLY what he would do if she was not here. That involves power tools, sheds, general man things…not much chat or time spent with his Mum. He’s more than happy to ‘bequeath’ her to me for the duration. He doesn’t appear to realise that I’m only the DIL, he’s the real reason she visits.

    Sounds just like my husband Happy and I notice my sons handball the task of engaging me to my DIL’s also! I make sure I get them in their own though for a good mother/son chat. Lucky boys! ๐Ÿ™‚

    FFS I’m impressed, sounds like a mighty fine gadget you have there! Keep us informed as to how you get on with it please and also your walking poles. Your sleep pattern sounds like mine. Mine went haywire during menopause and was a big shock for someone like me who’s always been a fantastic sleeper. If sleeping was an Olympic sport I’d be in the team! It’s better now than what it was but still not good and I find the least little bit of excitement, change, anxiety adversely affects sleeping straight away. ๐Ÿ™

    Hi All,

    For those of you more generally interested in the benefits of fasting, the following may be interesting.

    Hi Everyone
    Happy Now- I have a poly tunnel too lol. We just call it a hot house ๐Ÿ™‚ Where are you located? I am in outer east Melbourne. FFS- what sort of tracker do you have? I dont do much exercise at all and Ive hurt my knee a fortnight ago so even less than usual ๐Ÿ™ Didnโ€™t end up doing a liquid only fast day today but well under TDEE. Im hoping my weigh-in day tomorrow is good. Have a goodnight all!

    I’ve been bizarrely out of synch with everyone’s posts, my phone appears to have been selective about what it could be bothered showing me.

    So sorry Fast for wittering on about MIL and ignoring your techy advancements! It sounds like money well spent. I hope you enjoy the walking poles today. Are you striding out round the house and garden to practice or leaping straight out into the world?

    And Carol! I’m glad to hear my OH isn’t special or unusual when it comes to being sociable!

    Ha ha Judy! I did wonder if there was an Australian name for my polytunnel, but couldn’t find one on the internet. I’m in north west England, just on the edge of the Lake District. We’re not in the mountains, but we get cold winters…and rain and snow… And cold summers…and rain… Not ideal for horticulture!

    Sounds like Melbourne Happy!
    Sorry Judy. Just been up in the mountains experiencing falling snow for the first time. Absolutely gorgeous. Too much food and drink. Fast tomorrow. ..penance! ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    I don’t know why you’re sorry Purple but glad you enjoyed the snow. Happy Now, we went to England 3 years ago and loved the Lakes District!

    No apology necessary, Happy – MIL issues are far moe important than my wittering about technology. My MIL died before we were married – or had even met – which is sad because I think I would have got on with her, but on the other hand I’m very well aware of the pitfalls, and that sad fact might have saved me some difficult moments! It’s my DH who has had almost 50 years of difficult MIL – but since she keeps away from him as much as poss, and anyway we tend not to delegate mother-entertainment duties the way men seem able to do, he manages.

    Follow-up to the sleep analysis, which I think you might enjoy: DH also has a tracker, and got me to set his up to log his sleep last night. Guess what? 11pm – 7.30 am, straight through, not a movement or a restless moment! Not that I needed a tracker to tell me that!

    Ha ha Fast, I would love your husbands sleep pattern! I retired to the guest bedroom at about midnight last night due to the locomotive laying next to me! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m about to investigate the ear plugs that cut out every single sound (or so they say). But that makes me a bit nervous because the dog and I are the ears of the household at night. Once my DH is asleep nothing wakes him, not even his own snoring! Grrr!

    Ah Carol, snap! Except it’s me and the cats vs the twitching thrashing teeth-grinding pneumatic drill I call OH…

    I can make him shut up temporarily by whispering ‘Winona Ryder doesn’t like men who snore’, but it doesn’t often give me enough time to get to sleep! He is often banished to prevent me holding a pillow over his gaping mouth… Good job he’s otherwise quite useful…!

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