The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,627 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  hermajtomomi 7 months ago.

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  • WOW!! I had better stop complaining about my OH, he struggles to compete with your lot πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Whereabouts are you, P, that you can watch whales while you paint?

    At our holiday unit on the mid north coast, Barata. Stunning ocean views, but maintenance that needs to be done when we have no holiday leases. Gorgeous up here in winter. Long lazy walks on the beaches or just sit on the balconies taking in the ocean views. The whales love coming in close here and even follow the whale watching boats. I think they like to say ‘hi’ πŸ™‚

    BTW purple I meant to tell you I have found the kefir at my local Foodland. I love the stuff! Have it every day for brekkie, not FD of course, with berries and my home cooked quinoa granola. Yum! Thankyou so much for mentioning it. πŸ™‚

    I’m laughing at the tales of yours, FFS and Happys OHs – don’t start me on mine! πŸ™‚

    Clones in Bristol, Cumbria and Oz? That’s clever! Good thing they’re lovable with it! (And that they’re less likely than we are to use their time on a forum like this: pity they lose out on the mutual support, but I dread to think what they might write about us…)

    First evening this year sitting out till 11 last night: wonderful. As it got dark, DH mused that ‘I think I need to go back to proper 5:2 fasting – I’ve been getting complacent and letting it slide, and my weight’s stuck. ‘ ( he still has 7lbs to lose). Could have been more romantic, I suppose, but as far as I’m concerned – Result! I showed him the earlier section of this thread, to let him see he’s not alone. Obviously something in the air, getting to us all simultaneously. So – off we all go again….

    Hi Fast,

    Yes, it was a balmy evening here too. No romance here though! OH went to bed, I went slug hunting….

    Does your DH need to lose more weight? Or is it just that he’d set himself a target and doesn’t want to be beaten?

    Hi Happy – I think he’s ok as he is – very slight pot, and some mini love handles, but within healthy range (5’11”, 13 stone, Bmi 24) and I think he looks good – especially at 72, and with the limitations he has on what exercise he can manage. But his original target was 12 stone; I managed to convince him that was unrealistic and he settled for 12 St 7lbs, but has stuck at 13 and is fed up. He’s never recovered from the nurse at his ‘old bloke check-up telling him that at 14st he was nudging ‘obese’ territory. And we all know what it’s like when friends and family sabotage our efforts with comments like ‘you’re fine, don’t lose any more’, so I’m not going to try to stop him – (and he has several pairs of trousers which could do with another inch off his waist!). But he likes his food too much ever to overdo the weight loss – inside, he’s still a farmer who can come in from milking and eat 5000 cals at a sitting!

    Hope you got a lot of slugs. They’re at our strawberries, but we seem to have a wonderful crop this year, so I’m contenting myself with frequent picking to stay ahead of them. Beats romance in this heat, eh?!


    Your DH sounds a lot like my Dad. He came from a farming background, and grew up on fat bacon etc. His mantra was always breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, supper like a pauper. Only in reality it was every meal like a king!

    He’s nudging 6 foot and 82 now. He began his version of 5:2 at over 15st, with a self-set goal of 12st7. He’s been stuck at 13st4 for a while, which I think is fine for him especially as his waist is now pretty much half his height. But there’s a part of him that knows he’s not at goal yet, and that offends him!

    Got him exactly! Add a face which he’s constantly told resembles Sean Connery’s (the bearded version) and you’ll know him in the street.

    Now wouldn’t that scare him if I leapt out at him in the street! If you hear news stories of a mad woman approaching tall bearded Sean Connery lookalikes, asking if they are ‘DH’ and prone to give themselves belly ache from beer and three course meals… Well, you’ll know who it is πŸ™‚

    Glad you like the kefir, Carol. It’s really easy to make if you can get hold of the kefir grains (we bought them on the internet originally). Just pop them in milk and leave on the benchtop for a day, strain, refrigerate and repeat. They grow like sourdough starter.

    Happy and Fast, my dad grew up on a farm and is the reason I dream of a cooked breakfast every morning. I’ve learnt to just dream of it now πŸ™‚ He was very skinny all his life, but died of bowel cancer at 72, so it turns out his eating habits weren’t ideal for a banker!
    Sun just hit my face as I lie in bed. Ocean is sparkling. Another gorgeous day. Work finished, so some beach time, a bit later, before the drive home. Cheers P

    Hi All,

    Yes CarolAnn, there’s nothing like pizza to put the pounds/kilos on!

    Also, I realize there seems to be a lot of difference of opinion regarding how often to weigh. I present this for your consideration. What do you think?

    Sometimes, when I get a reading that seems really inaccurate, I generally get off the scale and get back on it again. In fact, my scale is a bit dodgy anyway, so I generally weigh myself three times in a row. When I get the same number twice I tend to use that–at least, that’s what I’ve been doing since I noticed the discrepancy the past few weeks. This is just a suggestion in case it works for anyone. I was thinking of getting another scale as well, to use as comparison, but the scale I have was recommended by a good friend and was rather expensive. What do you think? Do all of you have one scale you use? I also thought about getting a travel scale and comparing it to the other one, but this is just a thought.

    BTW, due to the impending holiday on Saturday I’m doing a water/psyllium/supplements only fast day today (with an HIIT class later to boot!), and then another on Friday to trim down for the festivities. I realize this might seem extreme, but I’m doing aerials again on Sunday, so want my weight in shape for that. I hope that makes sense and offer this in case it’s helpful to anyone. When you have events featuring food that you know are coming up, what do you do to prepare for them, or do you not prepare and do damage control after the fact (that can work well also)?

    Happy feasting and fasting,


    Hi Jayney
    I just copied your link from another thread to Jojo’s.
    I am a twice daily weigher and have always used it to guide my eating…well, for the last 2 1/4 years since I got back on track! Mr P does too. It isn’t obsessive, just routine. πŸ™‚
    We have 2 sets of scales at home, plus our travel scales and I have just bought a cheap set at my holiday house (though they seem set on 57.9!!!) I actually typed 79.9 initially…woah! That’s turning back the clock a couple of years πŸ™
    Our original scales weigh slightly lighter, so, if I’m weighing particularly light, I hop on them for an added thrill.
    Weighing every day also means you catch the lowest in the week. My weight can fluctuate about 2 kg in any week. That’s fine, I know that’s normal as I weigh frequently.
    Thanks for the backup. Fasting again today.Cheers P

    Hi Jayney, I am impressed by your self-discipline! If I have an event coming up I will eat more mindfully leading into it and then out of it. I only have one set of scales and weigh myself every morning just to keep tabs on what’s happening. Last week I was 58. Something most days, this week I have been 59. Something! As far as I can tell I haven’t been eating much differently. Funny how the weight fluctuates and the weekend I had the pizza and then went a bit crazy I put on 700g in 24 hours! That is why I need to be vigilant but I prefer just one set of scales for consistency. Good luck with your aerials! I’m very tempted to come to Seattle just to see you in action and find out what aerials are! πŸ™‚

    Hi Jayney,

    I’m a daily weigher also! My Saturday weight is my lowest each week, so that’s always my official weight; and Monday is always highest, post weekend. But I use my weight to guide how strict or lax my eating is, and whether or not I fast.

    I’d also read that daily weighing was the way to go:

    Re: your fasting before overeating. I did that before Christmas so I could enjoy the food without going too far over my upper maintenance limit!

    Hey P,

    Glad to hear you liked the link–and that there’s someone out there who weighs even more than I do! There was another scale I’ve had my eye on. I think once I’m employed again I’ll get it and try weighing on both daily. Do you use the tracker on this site? I do. If so, which weight do you register–or do you use an average of both? Just curious.



    Hi Jayney
    Originally I recorded my weights on an Excell spreadsheet…always the lowest in any week. I didn’t join the Forum until I’d reached goal (under 60kg) after a year. I did then add the data to the tracker, but as it doesn’t change much any more, I don’t bother.
    I work on the theory, if I reach the mid 58s I panic. If I’m in the 56s I know I should eat if I’m feeling crook. (Aussie expression) I have been down to 55, but only briefly and recognise it as unsustainable.
    I tend to skip meals either side of a planned social event, but rarely overeat these days and know how to stop as soon as I’m full. I also listen to my body regarding what to eat. Need salt? Need red meat? Need salad only? That sort of thing….obviously lots of chatter in my head!!! πŸ™‚ P

    Thanks for your link too, Happy. It’s articles like these that I find empowering. I WILL NOT be a dieter that gains it all back by 5 years. I am saying it loud and saying it proud.

    Out to dinner last night, pasta and pecan pie, so up 1 kg today. As an antidote, and having been inspired by all your talk of full fasts, am doing liquid-only today for 24 hours, then just an omlette tonight. Small lunch yesterday in preparation, but obviously not small enough. πŸ™‚

    Me too Barata. Keep in touch fast buddy. πŸ™‚

    I have broken my fast just now when I got home from work, with a carrot and a cup of tea. πŸ™‚

    Looks like the weather is changing, no view of Jupiter adjacent to Venus tonight. It’s been a lovely sight, along with the dawns and sunsets, full moon, longer days (okay, I’m probably not really aware of this, but I know it’s coming!!)

    Happy painting, P. xx

    Forgot to mention, no effects of the fasting for the day. I was very busy (story of my life at the moment, have volunteered to work tomorrow, banking days for Sydney in late January).

    Just home from a 4 hour very difficult drive. No food since last night. Tucking into a very low cal salad. The cold wind outside is stopping me getting a bottle of red out of the wine cellar. πŸ˜‰
    The full moon was rising over the Hawkesbury River as I crossed. The cat didn’t appreciate it, but I did.
    Well done on another fast Barata. P

    Hey Happy, I meant to thank you for your link as well–it seems the daily weighers have it!

    Also, though it seems like I’m spending a week to make up for a days’ indulgence, part of what’s going on is that I’m relatively new to maintenance (since 25 April of THIS year), so I’m still sorting out what works and what doesn’t for me. Also, I do enjoy pigging out now and then, but without the devastating consequences I used to experience (it used to be that if I had a day’s indulgence it would take me weeks if not months to return to the weight I’d been before).

    Another thing I forgot to mention is that WHENEVER I do a water/psyllium/supplements only fast (only in preparation for holidays and special occasions now) I eat nothing from after dinner the night before to breakfast the DAY AFTER the fast (roughly a 36-hour fast or so). Combine that with possible exercise as well and the results are amazing! Just FYI. What a great and supportive group!


    Jaynie, our 5:2 anniversary is April 24! But 2013.
    I only do 24 hour fasts, very low cal “dinner ” then a late breakfast. I find I sleep a lot better with some food in the system. ..reduces the ‘straight through’ effect of all that fluid! Vive la difference! P

    Hello All,

    Absolutely Purple, vive la difference!

    Just to recap, in anticipation of yesterday’s celebration of American independence from the lot of you Brits out there, I did TWO water/psyllium/supplements only fast days last week. I was thinking of calorie reduction the remaining days, but tried just sticking to my usual TDEEs for those days and wound up 2 pounds/.9 kilos/.1 stone UNDER goal by yesterday morning.

    Boy did I pig out yesterday! I attended two events–the first one was a public celebratory picnic where I was recording. There were free hot dogs, crisps, root beer, and ice cream (not soft-serve–-handmade by a local company) in cones. The second event was a party at my ex’s with his current partner. There were lots of snack foods, hamburgers, and two different desserts.

    Even though I knew I’d be attending the party later I decided to experiment at the picnic and ended up having TWO plain hot dogs, a small bag of Cheetos, a glass of root beer (from a keg no less!), and ice cream in a cone.

    At the party, still in full experimental mode I had NO snacks since I was pretty full from the picnic, but then went on to have some salad, TWO plain hamburgers, TWO coconut fried shrimp, and later, a slice of some sort of cream/cheese? pie with fresh apple slices and berries on top (mostly strawberries and blueberries), and a small chocolate parfait. Bear in mind that amid all this I still managed to have my daily allotment of all 6 Tablespoons of olive oil!

    I didn’t even bother to sort out how many calories all THAT was. I really don’t want to know. However, when I weighed myself this morning my weight was UP 2.8 pounds/1.27 kilos/.2 stone altogether. I suppose that’s to be expected, but the good part is that because I was UNDER goal to start I am now only .8 pounds/.4 kilos/.06 stone OVER goal. Calorie restriction (maybe 350+ calories BELOW suggested TDEE) and a water/psyllium/supplements only fast day tomorrow should get me BELOW goal again by Tuesday morning’s weigh-in.

    I only bring all of this up to say that in this WOL you CAN have your cake and eat it too–literally. Yes, I spent all last week preparing for yesterday’s festivities, but in the end I think it was worth it, and plan to do that again the next time.

    There is a street festival this coming weekend where I plan to record. That will give me another opportunity to try this again. I think this time I’ll still do the two water/psyllium/supplements only fast days, but will try calorie restriction on all feast days leading up to Saturday. With any luck my weight will drop to 2+ pounds/.9+ kilos/.1+ stone UNDER goal by Saturday morning. I might add that this coming Saturday (like this past Saturday) there is only ONE event with food (unlike the TWO I attended yesterday), so I don’t expect to pig out anywhere near to the same degree as I did yesterday. However, I tend to be a planner, so as long as I can plan for these events and act accordingly, it’s great to think I might finally be getting a handle on how/what to eat on holidays! Sorry to go on, but this is a big deal for me!

    All the best to you all. Have a great week ahead!


    So glad you had fun on your celebration weekend, Jayney. That’s the whole point of maintaining, isn’t it? We are in the healthy range and can easily manage the ups and downs of eating that naturally occurs in any normal life. 5:2 has given us these skills that, somehow, the bulk of the population has lost in recent decades.
    On another positive, here in NSW, from today smoking has been banned in all outdoor areas within 4 metres of entrances to buildings and areas where food is being consumed. Another positive towards a healthier population.
    Keep well MCs. P πŸ™‚

    Hi all – just posted a huge, verbose post which got lost completely because my internet connection dropped just as I pressed ‘submit’: on reflection most of it was rubbish and it’s well lost. But 2 things I wanted to ask you all:

    1) our gym has recently introduced a system where every machine is activated by a key, which also has to be inserted into a computer at beginning and end of workout and which records all activity. I hate it, with a great hatred – mainly because 90% of what I do – pilates, dance, walking, housework, gardening – happens outside the gym, and the only way to record it is either to put in each activity manually, which seems a tad obsessive, or to wear a fitness monitor which would link to gym computer.. (Unsurprisingly, the ‘my fitness pal’ app which I already use doesn’t integrate with the gym session!) The one they recommend, which integrates with both, is Fitbit, and since I come from a family which tends toward heart and BP problems, I might just consider the Charge HR. Anyone any experience to share, please?

    2) I’m thinking about starting Nordic walking: since I walk everywhere anyway, I might as well get a decent workout! Any experience, please – tips / classes (u-tube tutorial enough??) / best (reasonably priced) poles etc etc? All wisdom gratefully received….

    Sweet dreams to all in N hemisphere; good night, Aussie friends…

    Sorry Fast. Can’t help. I keep away from gyms πŸ™
    I wonder why you would want them to record all your activities, especially if you already wear a monitor? The cynic in me questions their motives.
    I use my Misfit simply to keep me on track with minimum movement. I know by 3pm if I need to get out and do more raking or walk to the shops, or even just run up and down my stairs or on the spot while ironing.
    Paying to go to a gym is a bit like paying Weightwatchers to weigh you, isn’t it?
    Sleep well. P

    Hi Everyone
    Ive read a page or 2 of your discussions and hope to join your group. Although Im not quite at my goal weight I am nearly there -finding it hard to lose that final kilo. Ive got to goal weight 2x over the last 15 years or so. Once doing Weight Watchers and once doing the Dukan diet but I don’t seem to be any good at Maintenance. Im very interested in how you are all doing it. This morning I weighed in at 58.8 I put on 200gm this week but during the week I got down to 58.0. I weigh 2x daily and my weight fluctuates quite a bit too.

    Hi Judy and welcome πŸ™‚
    My goal weight is anywhere between 55 and 60kg. I’m usually smack in the middle, but, of course it goes up and down naturally.
    As you will have read, last week we all decided to do a “proper ” fast as most of us had slacked off a bit (skipping meals etc) and still managed to maintain.
    I did 2 full fasts last week and dropped 1 kg. It really is trial and error at this stage, but to get the long term health benefits, some sort of fasting needs to be included with the normal mindful eating.
    Tell us a bit more about your journey so far, please. Everyone has a different approach. Cheers PVE

    I tend to eat healthy on Mondays. I’m at work anyway and after the weekend Im really not wanting to eat junk. My fast days are usually Tues and Thurs. 2 of the girls at work were fasting those days too but one is now pregnant and the other on holiday (her reason for fasting). I try to only drink alcohol on the weekend and only if socialising which we do far too much of! I don’t do much at all in the way of exercise. I live on the outskirts of Melbourne-dirt roads, no streetlights so dont walk much. No excuse really and its something I must work on.

    Hi Fast,

    I can’t help with question one I’m afraid.

    Re: Nordic walking. We used to have a Nordic walker on the thread, but she’s not popped in for ages sadly. However, jojo on this thread:

    has done some Nordic walking, so might be able to help.


    Welcome and congratulations on your loss!

    5:2 has given you the tools for weight loss and weight maintenance, it’s just a question of finding what works for you and that will be a bit of trial and error.

    Some people still need to fast twice per week, some once, less frequently, or not at all!

    I think most of us maintainers have set an upper limit on weight, and get stricter with fasting (and treats!) When we approach it.

    Hi All – and especially P! Thanks for your comments: I take your point, but it’s not as odd as it sounds – all quite simple, really!

    – I don’t (yet) wear a monitor – my hesitation was that I don’t really want to as it seems a bit obsessive – but it’s easier than having to enter every step manually to some stupid website, and if I’m going to (why do it at all? See below!) it might as well be one which integrates with my gym stuff. Having done some research, I wondered about that particular one, and if anyone had anything – good or bad – to say about it before I laid out real money on it…

    – reasons for the gym? I started 15 years ago, when the discipline of going was the only thing guaranteed to make me move, other than in the seat of a car. (I was working silly hours and covering a big area. ) have continued because – unexpectedly – I’ve come to enjoy it; because I still find the discipline of ‘it’s X-day, so it’s gym day’ useful; ( just like the way some people can get / keep their weight down without fast days, but we’ve all found them useful and some of us still do!); because although I love walking, DH can’t do it, and sitting on a mobility scooter doesn’t constitute exercise, so it’s one way of keeping bits of him moving; because in the winter I’m a wimp about ice and snow – all that, but mainly because the resistance machines exercise muscles I desperately need to keep working and co-ordinated, which walking and dancing don’t – and the gym sub covers an extra session or three without further expense, where an extra pilates class costs!

    – as for the key / recording thing, I’d ignore it completely if I could, but after a short introductory period, from today nothing works without the damn thing. And while I may be a lazy so and so, I’m also a horribly competitive one, if only with myself – so if I’ve done the stuff, I jolly well want the credit for it!!

    All very sad, I know, and in an ideal world I’d just get on with living and need no exoskeleton to help me. But that’s my Monday morning confession done, so if anyone else has any relevant info – or more encouragement to get those Nordic poles and say ‘stuff the gym’, I’d still be glad of it.

    Have a lovely day / night, all, whichever hemisphere you’re in…

    A+ for your excellent essay, Fast πŸ˜‰

    Hi Fast,

    I was a regular gym goer until we relocated to a more remote area. I found it particularly useful during winter, for the reasons you list which constrain outdoor activity.

    Also whilst Nordic or indeed any walking is good for you, it is not weight bearing, won’t build or maintain muscle in the way weight bearing exercise does, and won’t necessarily help with bone density.

    So the gym certainly has a place in an exercise regime. I kept attending in part because I enjoyed it, part because OH would push me out the door, and also I’d paid for it so I was bl**dy well going to get my money’s worth!

    Re: logging progress. I had a handwritten card in a filing cabinet to fill out with my weights/ performance. If you can automate that part, I would!

    Re: Nordic walking. I think jojo joined a class/short course in the first instance, but I’m sure she’d be more than happy to help out if you pop over there! Just tell her we sent you if you’re feeling shy πŸ™‚

    Hi fellow MCers,

    Just checking in after a liquid only fast day. Off to bed early feeling very satisfied with self today. These serious fast days make me tired, and I sleep well. I love the feeling of control. Had a totally indulgent week away, with lots of good company and food, and now the days of penance. This feast and famine is a good way of life. πŸ˜‰ Thinking of you, Lichtle.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Fast

    I’ve tried various times to go to a gym. Mostly I start with good intentions, and lose interest after six months. My exercise comes from golf, walking the dog, gardening, scrubbing the floors and various bits n pieces around the house. Good luck with whatever you do. We are all different.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ˜‰

    And hurrah for that, otherwise this thread would be much less interesting – and fun! Thanks for link to Jojo, Happy – and for A+, p – long time since I had one of those!

    DH has just announced out of the blue that he wants a Fitbit – so have ordered two. What the hell!!

    I’ve been wondering about dear JIP (she of Nordic walking fame). I wonder how she is going? Little Welsh champ.
    It is sad when we lose contact with the old maintenance mates … Auriga, Elaine, iwillbe, Franfit and many more who have moved through these pages. I hope they have continued on their healthy journeys. P

    Yes, it’s sad to lose people you’ve come to think of as friends, particularly when there’s no explanation for their leaving.

    I presume they are just keeping on with their newfound wol, Happy. Glad you stayed around to give us your wisdom and humour.
    I like to touch base regularly with my maintenance mates, as it really does give me a needed reality check (like a mass fast last week) and there is always something new to learn. Happy days folk. P

    Good morning everyone
    Today is a fast day for me. Im at work and don’t like to have breakfast anyway so will have a small can of tuna with baby spinach, tomato and some zoodles for lunch. I have a boiled egg with me as well in case Im really hungry in the afternoon but try not to eat anything else til I get home. Ive never tried a liquid only fast day. Id be interested to hear from those that do. Have a great day everyone, judyx

    Go for it Judy! The principle behind ‘liquid only’ is because most of us find it easier to eat nothing rather than a little. Any food stimulates hunger.
    I personally go 24 hours, dinner to dinner, then have a very light salad and nothing again until breakfast. I do find something in my stomach lets me sleep better.
    Any other ideas gang? P

    Do you eat soup or broth or just teas and coffees and cold drinks?

    I usually have just water, or black coffee or tea until dinner time. Sometimes soda water. Yesterday I had a clear soup as I was doing 36 hours for a medical procedure. Amazingly filling. Probably the salt! I really find even eating one nut makes me want more! P

    I had a really good Fast Day yesterday and the results were good this morning. I have a busy week and social weekend so maybe won’t be able to fast again until Sunday. I might have low calorie until dinner days on Thurs and Fri.

    Hi Judy,

    I don’t fast every week to maintain, but I do slip in some low cal/ low carb days with normal evening meal. It definitely all helps!

    Hi everyone – just popped in to see how you are all doing!!! :-). I am still on holiday where it has been veeeeeery hot indeed (between 30 and 39 degrees Celsius). I have weighed myself this morning (not my own usual scales) and I have not put on any weight. Maintaining/losing weight is definitely easier in hot weather. You lucky Aussie girls!!!

    Due to the heat I have been getting up at five in the morning to walk in the mountains for up to two hours before the heat of the day only allowed reading a good book under a big shady tree for the rest of the day. Oh so much lazing about …..

    @fast, I can’t help with Gym or exercise band and have only limited experience with nordic walking poles. If you use poles frequently, I would advice spending a bit more money. The more expensive ones are made of carbon and very light. That is the main difference in my eyes. The first time you use them I would recommend to only use them for about 10-15 minutes and then slowly increase the time as you are using upper body muscles not usually used.

    Hello JudyF welcome and don’t worry about the last kg. I had the same problem – that last kg was sooo stubborn :-). it will go I promise.

    Hi Lichtle,

    Wow, that is hot! I’ve only experienced heat like that when we went to Ephesus. It’s not conducive to being overly active! Hope you’re managing to keep cool, and obviously looking svelte under your shady tree πŸ™‚

    Good to hear you haven’t gained weight. Aren’t we all (mostly πŸ™‚ ) good and sensible now!

    Thanks, Lichtle – good advice. So glad you’re enjoying your holiday: I love the idea of mountain walking at 5am. Like Happy, I’ve only experienced those temperatures once : unfortunately we were on a walking holiday in SW France at the time – one of those where your luggage is carried for you, so you have to do the allotted miles in order to reach your bed, food and clean underwear! – and although we remember it with huge joy, it did turn into an endurance test, rather than a rest. It didn’t help that I weighed 4 stone more than I do now, and we had a teenager (last one left at home) with us, so getting up at 5am was out of the question. SO clever of you to get the young fledged and the weight lost before you went!

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