The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,627 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  hermajtomomi 7 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • Thank you Purple Vegie Eater. That was a surprise for me; I never expected my shoes to become too big! And after only 9kg?! But it’s more fun buying new clothes than shopping for groceries πŸ™‚
    My goal now is to lose the last two kg, & then KEEP IT OFF. I’m expecting that to be the most difficult part. I’d like to believe I won’t become complacent & let it all creep back on. I live/work on cruise ships most of the time, so the temptation of all that tasty food 24/7 is intense. But 5:2, exercise & staying in touch with this forum are a few of the ways I intend to stay trim.

    Just weigh ever day and eat from the salad bar!! ☺
    Bedtime here in Australia. ‘night….zzz P

    Very quick ‘hi’ to all – just discovered I’ve been locked out again for the last week or more – will I never learn to check when things seem to go quiet?! – but it does make for a lovely catch-up session when truth finally dawns. Special shout to anyone I’ve not met before!
    I spent a few days two weeks ago doing an exhausting (physically and emotionally) task, and the very next day went down with a bad bout of labyrinthitis – sick, dizzy and unable to walk straight / without falling over. The nausea is very similar to pregnancy sickness, so you can guess what’s coming – 2 weeks with no exercise, eating the sort of things which relieve it, and finding proper fasting impossible. Finally lifting now, and pleased to find myself still mid-wriggle-range – apparently this doesn’t ‘heal’ so much as the brain learns to compensate (which is why it tends to return when over-tired, as it forgets and needs to relearn) so I suspect my brain has used lots of calories struggling to learn. Certainly I feel very stupid – spent this afternoon on the intellectually strenuous job of sorting my scarf collection!!

    Fasting today, and again on Monday, to get ahead, as we are expecting guests from the USA on Tuesday – lovely guys, whom I can’t wait to see, but who will sort of expect to eat 3 times a day, probably with desserts. (DH is beside himself with joyful anticipation, planning all the coffee stops for when we take them out…). Bring out the fruit bowl and the ‘family hold back’ sized portions! But this week friendship and comfort will be top priority, in the light of events both here and in the USA – and if sitting around eating together can comfort the loss, and confusion, that’s what will happen.
    Have a good weekend, everyone. Keep warm, all you southerners.

    Hi Fast
    I was wondering. Your dizziness sounds very similar to the BPPV (benign proxysmal positional vertigo) I get. Very debilitating but can be helped with the Epley manoeuvre.

    This is a YouTube link :

    All the best P 😊


    I was obsessed with chunky kitkats about 20 years ago! I was naturally fasting 16:8 daily and broke my fast every day with a chunky kitkat…. Oh happy days…πŸ˜€ Haven’t eaten a chunky kitkat for perhaps 15 years now because I like some cocoa solids…and a little less sugar…in my chocolate these days. Ah, but the memory takes me back to a younger more carefree me!


    Lovely to hear from you again!! I have no words of wisdom re your recent health issues. But great to hear you’re happily maintaining still.

    Socialising over food is I think very important and some of the most enjoyable evenings are spent sitting at the dining table, long after the food has been cleared! The key is to remain mindful though. Easy when guests are slim and don’t overeat. Harder when guests are over eaters and expect everyone to do the same! But hey, intermittent fasting gives us the tools to repair any damage done 😊

    Oh, I guess I should update about me! I’m maintaining still, 59-60kg, with a weekly or so 24 hour fast and a light (although not strict quarter TDEE) meal.

    I’ve been a bit quiet lately because I’ve been been down and grumpy I’m afraid, and couldn’t think of anything interesting and upbeat to post… Went for a run last night (horrible and hard!), but my spirits were so lifted I repeated it tonight. It was similarly horrible and hard and uplifting πŸ˜€

    Ha ha Happy! Great eating habit πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    The dining table is so integral to family and friends, isn’t it?
    I’ve found since I replaced our round table with a very long one, I eat much less with visitors around. I ensure the food I might graze on is up the far end. πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi P,

    Yes, the mindful ones are always the ones who try to sit furthest from the food or ask if the food can be removed from within easy reach!

    It was nearly impossible with a round table. No wonder I “bulked up”!!

    Welcome back, Fast 🌺🌺🌺

    Sorry you’ve not been feeling well. It sounds as if you will have a lovely time with your friends. We are having a rare overcast and cold day. Looking forward to our holiday in two weeks time in a very warm Hawaii.

    Hi MCers,
    Love reading all your posts, but busy getting ready to go away so not posting much. I’m continuing to fast twice a week, original unadorned 5:2 as set out in the book, with a minimum of sugar and processed carbs.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ˜πŸ˜β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ

    Pack that bikini Bay, and have a fabulous trip. ☺ P

    Nice to hear from you again Fast and Happy – your absence was noted! 😊

    I hosted my god daughters baby shower yesterday and her dad is an excellent cook. He made gorgeous french style pastries and eclairs which I couldn’t resist. Pigged out, which these days translates to I had three! I’m over trigger point today with all the champagne factored in as well. But don’t care, intended to enjoy myself and felt beautiful home baked cakes were worth it and tomorrow is fast day and I imagine today will be alight day!

    Happy Sunday!

    Hello HappyNow! Your past chunky KitKat obsession made me laugh! I usually eat them when they’ ve been in the freezer for an hour or so, & they’re even nicer. I used to fool myself, buying a couple at a time & telling myself, ‘one for today & one for tomorrow’. Like that’ll happen, duh? I’ve learned my lesson now. I buy just one at a time; & never on a FD.
    As for feeling down & grumpy, I know how that feels. Especially on a FD. You feel like throwing in the towel before you’ve even crawled out of bed. I started teaching myself yoga though, a few months ago. I haven’t had a grumpy day since! I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but it really seems to have mellowed me out. It’s like having a complete massage for the body & mind. I just follow a DVD & I have a couple of books that have been useful. So as well as going to the gym I regularly do a 40 minute routine. I feel amazing afterwards. I now think of it more as a hobby, rather than just another chore to get through. OK, it doesn’t burn hundreds of calories, but it doesn’t need to. There’s a ton of information re yoga on the internet, including literally millions of free lessons on Youtube. Works for me, anyway πŸ™‚ FSF

    Hi Everybody, I enjoyed your ‘ducks’ discussions a lot!!

    We never buy any frozen stuff, except peas, so reading about your veggie patties, I grated some veggies, butternut, sweet potato, carrot and cabbage, cut an onion very small added a bit of ginger (fresh) and 1 garlic and an egg. I fried it with a very little bit of Olive oil and it was absolutely fabulous. Even hubby liked it.

    Another thing if bugging me, you know on the box of porridge it says 400 calories to a 100 gram. I cook it with water and a small amount of salt. Now what I want to know is, is that 100gram raw weight or 100gram cooked weight?

    I shall really appreciate the info on this.

    Just to reassure those who might think because I’m older than God I might be among the old buggers who are alleged to have formed one of the largest cohorts of those who have voted us out of the EU.
    Not guilty, Your Honour. Both me and Him Indoors were remainers, and are very sad at the result. I’m European to the core – hardly surprising, with the business I’m tied up in and my previous track record of living and working in mainland Europe.
    The damage is done now. All we can do is resort to the typically British solution of the stiff upper lip.
    PS No offence to any of my good mates who decided to vote the other way. Let’s just agree to disagree. πŸ™‚

    Hi Hemajtomoni, Listening to the radio/TV and what people here say, it’s a disaster, so I am very sorry for the people who voted No, and we heard something about a Re-vote? And what is happening to Scotland now?We just hope that everything will turn out OK.

    Re-vote??? If only!! I suspect the word you heard, Mama, was ‘revolt’


    It never crossed my mind that you would have voted us out!

    We are a depressed household today, I don’t know anyone involved in environmental protection/ science/ research who doesn’t think this is a very black day indeed.

    One of the other truly scary things to come out of this is that any right minded person could look at Boris Johnson and think yep, I’d be proud to have him as our (democratically) elected leader of government, representing England and Wales but not Scotland on the world stage….

    You do realise the vote isn’t binding? The Govt can just ignore it…or would that be “just not cricket”?
    I wish they’d stop blaming the older section of the community as holding “conservative ” views. They clearly haven’t met us! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    Glad you are enjoying veg patties Dragonmama. They can be shaped and popped in the oven too. I don’t make mine any more, as I can by fresh ones with only vegetables, no additives or egg, so my vegan son eats them. The chickpeas in them act as a binder.
    Now back to stirring up the Aussie voters…our Federal election is next weekend. P 😊

    Mama, Scotland and Northern Ireland voted overwhelmingly to remain. Scotland has long had close ties with Europe and rather than find itself disconnected from the EU, will once again have an independence referendum. Should they vote for independence they will be in the position, as First Minister Nicola Sturgeon put is, being taken out of the EU against its will.

    Happy, you have every reason to be depressed. After this debacle environmental protection/science/research risks going to hell in a handcart. As you and I have agreed many times before,every family has a tosser in its midst. There is now a serious threat of our nation having a tosser at its head. Worse still, there is also an even worse threat of another tosser with a silly haircut finding his way to the White House. Armageddon, or what?

    Hi P,

    Yes, it’s not binding. The commons could vote on it and ignore (or not) the wishes of the small majority who want Brexit. For whatever reason, Caneron isn’t taking that option. And his successor (please God not that lying frightening dangerous mop top buffoon) certainly won’t…

    A Predident Trump is a truly frightening thought. We didn’t think Britain would vote leave, so there is no accounting for voters. 😯

    So far, P, no one has come up with the idea that the vote isn’t binding. I don’t know enough about the constitution (or whatever we’ve got instead) to be able to say whether the whole thing could be ignored. Even if it were possible, no doubt it would lead to the same old same old all over again. And White Van Man – semi-educated, xenophobic, extreme right-leaning tosser – would win again.

    What saddens me most of all is that in the end xenophobia won the day. So much stress was put on immigration, for which read “we don’t like foreigners – even those who have been here for generations”.
    One very small consolation. Our borough, the London Borough of Haringey,and our immediate neighbour, the London Borough of Hackney, had two of the highest percentages in the country of votes to remain, 75.6 and 78.3 respectively.

    There’s not much to smile about, but see

    Herm, the mechanisms for implementing the exit still have to be worked out, and then be passed by both houses of Parliament. A lot can happen before then.
    I have daily ‘discussions’ with xenophobic voters, here, who are disparaging about migrants, when every single one of us came to this country from somewhere else in the world (including the Aboriginal people, even if it was 60000 years ago). I love to ask, ‘Tell me about where your family came from and why they came?’ Funny how the reasons for population movement is almost always the same…seeking a better life…even many convicts, especially the starving Irish, who often set fire to barns to get ttansported…. 18/19th Century ‘people smuggling’. P

    I love the line ‘have you tried turning the country off and on again’, Happy 😊😊😊

    If only P!

    Just reread what I wrote about Scotland and the referendum. Silly typo, I meant they would hold a second independence referendum in order NOT to be in a position to be dragged out of the EU licking and screaming. Hope you all understood my burblings anyway. πŸ™‚

    Of course Herm. Nicola Sturgeon should bring it on quickly 😊

    Hi to all you maintainers!

    I’m now about 3-4 kgs above my goal weight, so just dropping in to say hello. I already know that this is now my long term lifestyle, and I’ve had a little bit of experience maintaining over an 8month period in the middle a few kgs back. 5:2 rather than 6:1 will be the go for me. My body seems to really like doing 2 FDs a week, and I like that little bit of extra freedom on nonFDs that 5:2 brings while maintaining. Not sure how long it will be till I join you here, as I don’t set time goals, just weight ones and just keep going till I get there. I’m looking forward to it reaching my long term goal and going through my wardrobe yet again. There’s some long term items I’ve been waiting to invest in when I get there. My mini goals for my last 3kgs are only 1kg at a time, but really looking forward to them all!

    See you some time later in the yearπŸ™‚

    Hi Merry
    You are most welcome any time!! 😊
    I’m with you on 2 fasts a week giving me extra space for eating on non fast days.
    It becomes a habit that just seems normal. Keep doing what you are and your body will choose your maintenance level.
    Cheers P

    Hi Merry
    Welcome here. Anyone who has been maintaining on 5:2 for 9 months has really nailed IF as a healthy way of life. I also choose to do 5:2 to enjoy maintaining.

    I’m listening to the BBC interview people who voted both ways, and it’s very interesting what their reasons are for staying or going. Not a simple choice for many.
    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺

    Thanks Purple and Bay, πŸ™‚ See you soon,

    Alien abduction?

    What has happened to all the maintainers? I got knocked off this thread and off JoJo’s thread.

    We are in Hawaii enjoying 30C each day with beautiful sea breezes. Very full days.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺

    Hi Bay 😊
    What a skite! You are SO lucky not to be home! Cold, damp and miserable. 😯
    I’m busy looking up recipes for mulled wine πŸ˜‰ 🍷🍷
    The thread has been quiet…I assume as we are all going along swimmingly with our new way of life.
    Mr P and I are spending a lot of time indoors, eating more carbs than normal, but skipping lots of meals too.
    I imagine you are sunbathing, sipping cool drinks and eating salads. 😊Make the most of it! P

    Hi Purple

    We are swimming in the warm ocean almost every day, drinking and eating lots in the evening, seeing the sights, and generally having a very good time. πŸ·πŸ·πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ We have swum very near to dinner plate size turtles, and lots of bright coloured tropical fish. Finding Nemo up close. Fabulous climate and great things to see, including mountains, volcanoes, and lava flows on the Big Island. It’s a good life!

    Sending you sunshine β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰. Very glad to be away from the cold.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺

    Aren’t turtles wonderful to swim with? Such beautiful creatures.
    I think the sunshine missed πŸ˜• P

    I’m still here. Having a few lazy days in the Eastern Cape with friends. I’ve eaten & drank enough for a small rhino. Back to Durban tomorrow, & back on the 5:2 with a vengeance from Monday. I’m dreading getting back on the scales though, gulp!

    Hi FUN
    You’ll be right. It’s the getting back on the scales that keeps us in maintenance πŸ˜†P

    That’s true, Purple. And I have to be abused by my dentist again, Monday. He’s finish off a root canal treatment. Always a blast. So I won’t feel like eating for a while anyway. Looking forward to watching the Ladies tennis final today. Holding thumbs for Serena.

    The thread has been so quiet I thought I might have been locked out!

    Bay, holiday sounds fabulous! Wish we were back there again β˜€οΈ

    Purple, I’ve been eating plenty of extra carbs too – it’s been so cold here, just can’t seem to get warm. Think it’s due in part to the fact I don’t have any extra padding anymore! πŸ˜„

    I’ve been keeping my food diary and mapping against weight and found carbs and white wine are what piles the weight on. Not a surprise except that the white wine seems to be more dangerous for me than the carbs. Has been enlightening to discover that.

    Welcome to all the new contributors!

    Hi Carol
    It’s amazing how much colder it feels with the fat gone, isn’t it? I’m dressing in what I call my “UK clothes”.
    Keep warm. ❄❄⛄P

    You’d need them in the uk, too, at the moment, P. Our Michigan friends really appreciated our ‘summer’ (huh!) as they had left home in temps of 40c.
    FSF – we all know that feeling, post feast day / holiday of ‘perhaps I’ll avoid the scales till I’ve done a couple of fasts’. Try to reframe it as ‘the sooner I know the damage, the sonner I can undo it’ – and I bet it won’t be as bad as you think anyway!

    Hi Fast…
    I’ve heard about your less than desirable weather… My poor daughter is bitterly disappointed in the lack of summer after such a long winter. At least our winters are fairly brief.

    We indulged at a fabulous farmers’ market today…. purchased lots of yummy fresh produce for the larder. Dinner ended up as a complete extravaganza, including Mr P making some really top mulled wine. Lucky we fasted yesterday and had no breakfast or lunch! I love the way we’ve learnt to go long periods without food. It is SO much more enjoyable to enjoy a top meal knowing it’s all you’ve eaten in 24 hours!
    I hope your health is ok now Fast? P

    Hi all,

    I’m still here too, still maintaining, there just aren’t enough hours in the day….

    The weather is distinctly disappointing, thanks El NiΓ±o….

    (I’m trying to pretend I haven’t seen Bay’s posts…. )

    I’ve just discovered have been unsubscribed from this thread. Based on previous experience and my apparent consummate skill at pissing off the more delicate flowers among us (not on this nice grown-up thread I hasten to add), I wondered what I’d done this time. Now I see that others have had a similar experience so it’s obviously a technical hitch and nothing to do with me, gov. πŸ™‚

    So just a quick hello, the first for a while ‘cos the day job’s kept me busy. I’m not complaining because after a hideous project which Fast very aptly labelled “Mein Kampf” – it was in German – I’ve had some lovely art-historical stuff from French and Spanish and in both cases about Spanish art. Not easy, but at least I’m in my preferred territory and if I come across something I don’t know about – like every 10 minutes or so – I know how and where to look.

    I can now look forward to a few days’ respite – haircut and highlights, collect new, somewhat more stylish, distance glasses, then some general slobbing around. 5:2-wise I’ve been good lately. Plateaued again, but at 2 kilos less than before I’m not complaining, even though it’s probably my lot for this year.


    Great news on the new lower plateau! It’s maintenance/ a downward trend, so all good.

    I’m in awe of your language skills. I hated languages in school (poor teachers), so was surprised to discover in my 20s when I first travelled abroad that I can pick them up quite quickly (well at least Spanish, Italian, Greek). I made a science choice in school, but the grass is always greener….! And I do think the analysis and rigour of science has damaged my creative side….

    A wet and windy day here, largely spent mooching and reading a variety of newspapers online. Quite enjoying the car crash that is Andrea Leadsom, thinking that the world really has gone mad if she’s a serious contender to be PM!

    Dragged myself out for a run, when I thought the rain had passed, only to get soaking wet. Came home dripping…. But at least I feel I’ve justified my ahem glass (or two) of wine… 🍷🍷🍷🍷

    And I’m in awe of your scientific skills, Happy. And the fact that you can pick up languages makes me suspect that somewhere in there is a Renaissance woman – multi-skilled in humanities and science.

    I was politely asked to leave every science class at school, partly because of the attrition rate of test tubes, watch glasses etc, which I managed to drop or knock over every lesson. As an 11-year-old I loved chemistry – I even thought pharmacy might be fun – but I reached my intellectual peak at age 12 and the nearest thing to a science I have to my credit is a skin-of-the-teeth GCE in Maths.

    When it comes to translation of the written variety – I’m too shy and slow-witted to do the other sort, i.e. interpreting – there is quite a lot of analysis and rigour required, although creative and elegant use of language is probably what separates the OK translator from the really good one.

    I agree about La Leadson – her only advantage is that she is marginally less creepy than that little git called Gove. And the other lot whom I traditionally support are in total disarray.

    One small cause for celebration. Him Indoors flatly refused to consider trying to move to Cambridge, but has readily agreed to move within a 5 mile radius, covering quite a few pleasant spots only minutes further out of London, where price-wise you get a bigger bang for your buck, so hopefully before too long we may have more space, for us and for visitors, neighbours who are the other side of the fence next door rather than just across the landing, a garden, and last but not least, a moggy or two. Maybe raise one of you glasses to that. πŸ™‚


    I’m raising a glass to that as I type! Ooh, look at me multi-tasking πŸ˜€

    I lived in a village in Huntingdonshire for a few years, about 15 miles from Cambridge I think, and have many happy memories from that time.

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