The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,627 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  hermajtomomi 7 months, 1 week ago.

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  • Hello everyone, coltish here (18degrees) but sun shining so not too bad.

    Disastrous start to the week – 1.2kg above trigger!! Have decided to take a leaf from Bays book and keep a diary. I’ve don’t that before but going to be a lot more accurate this time and include more detail. I’m recording calories consumed at each meal as well as what I ate and what exercise I did.

    I couldn’t fast on my normal day Monday so just ate very mindfully instead and lost 1kg, fasted yesterday and lost another 500g.

    I’m pretty sure with me it’s just grains that add the weight but I’m curious to see if some grains are better/worse than others. The diary should help!

    Stay warm!

    Hello Ladies, font of all knowledge food wise! Has anyone ever heard of nutritional yeast? Low fat low carb GF and apparently tastes like cheese πŸ§€

    Hi Carol – heard of it (in vegan recipe book) but no experience of it. As someone who has suffered from thrush in the past (who hasn’t?!) think I’ll give it a miss! Anyone else know better?

    No Carol, I haven’t heard of it, but I hear it grows on you! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    Teeming rain here. I’m enjoying winter (at last) with lots of cold weather cooking. Have made a HUGE quality of beef stock to freeze for winter soups and had a couple of yum warm meals..
    Zucchini spaghetti for lunch, mushroom osso bucco for dinner, plus a revamp of an old winter dessert. .. baked apple (cored and filled with dates, walnuts, cinnamon and a knob of butter. Served with double cream, it was heaven!!!!)
    I hope noone is fasting πŸ˜‰
    Have a good weekend MCs P ☺

    Oh purple that pun was sad! Lol

    Take your point Fast. Article I’m reading says it doesn’t froth or grow, has no leavening ability. Just curious – never heard of it.

    The baked apple sounds yum Purple!

    I’m still recording every morsel I eat! Tedious but keeps me on the straight and narrow πŸ˜€

    Sorry Carol. 😯
    At present we are fasting 2 or 3 days a week, eating well at least 3. No breakfast, limited carbs, but proper, feast like meals. It just makes it easier on fast days.
    Its interesting how satiated we both felt today after fasting until 1pm, then eating the zucchini spaghetti. Despite the cold weather, and lots of cooking smells in the house, neither of us felt like food until dinner at 7.30. I doubt that would happen normally on an eating day if we’d had a carby breakfast. Vegetables are magic food! What do others think? P

    Hi Carol, Fast, Herm, Bay, Happy, Thin and all the lurkers.
    I guess the maintenance mob are cruising nicely? The northerners enjoying sunshine and salads; we southerners bunkering down with soup and soaking up the sun when we can?
    Nice comfortable way of life, once it’s mastered. We are in our 5th winter period since starting 5:2…this is our 4th Aussie winter and we had 2 months in the UK during theirs. I don’t really believe it is harder to fast in winter, just different. Not letting yourself get cold seems the key. A jumper or coat is a lot easier to take off next summer than extra kilos from eating to keep warm.
    Cheers P ☺

    Hi Purple, funnily enough I was thinking today I must have been excluded from the site again, as sometimes happens for no apparent reason to many of us! πŸ˜„

    Wise words about the jumper coat! I am plodding along with my food diary. No real insights there to explain why in the past 3 weeks I have suddenly jumped up half a kilo. I was going to put it down to the weather and keeping warm Purple, but you blew my theory out of the water.

    Just puzzling when you go along eating the same things most of the time and weigh a certain amount and all of a sudden it changes.

    One thing that has surprised me is the number of days per week I eat below TDEE without trying to reduce calories. On the 5:2 website it says my TDEE is 1500. I think that’s actually a little high, I r always thought my TDEE was around 1200 calories. Either way I am below both figures several days a week. Theoretically I should be as thin as a rake!

    All I can think of is I need t go to two FD per week to reset but then think do I really want to lose that weight that badly. Doesn’t affect my clothes or how I look, just that I’ve got an ‘ideal’ figure in my head 😁

    Hope the rest of the mob are ok!

    Hi Carol
    We are living organisms, not machines. No accounting for some rises and falls. πŸ˜• P

    True Purple! I just like looking at the figures! (Get it 😁)

    Hi Carol et al., all’s good here in chilly Perth thank you. I like the idea of taking off the coat rather than the excess weight Purple. Contemplating how I’ll best tackle our upcoming trip overseas.

    All good here too πŸ˜€
    Busy with guests last week, and generally busy late into the evening now the nights are light..l

    Another o/s trip Thin? Lucky girl. You’ll manage just fine….you’re an expert now 😊
    Glad you’re making the most of the light Happy. Not so here. We have to get out and about in the middle of the day now.
    Have a good weekend mcs. P ☺

    Hi P,

    These long days are exhausting though πŸ˜€ And this weekend I’ll have to do a couple of lare night slug hunts again. We’re finally due some rain tomorrow, which will be very welcome and is much needed! Our water tank is getting a bit low and the garden needs it too. The downside is that the rain and damp ground will release an army of slugs and snails from hiding… ☹️

    Thinking about fasting today as I succumbed to four (yes,a very greedy four!) pieces off gingerbread yesterday. I did go for a run…but not far enough! I had even frozen the gingerbread. But sadly saw it in getting some bread out for poorly sick OH….

    Kind of you to feed the sick boy.😐 Are you talking that fabulous Grasmere gingerbread? My mouth is watering!!

    I spent the morning whipping up soups for a sick friend. Interesting how I feel I’ve eaten when I cook for others. The fast yesterday meant no breakfast today and only a little soup for lunch. Fasts are SO effective at reducing hunger!

    Have a good fast today Happy and remember the gingerbread indulgence. 😊 P

    It was the Grasmere gingerbread P 😊

    Yummmmm…..I still have the paper bag from the lot I bought last year! ☺

    Slug hunts, Happy? Eeew. Can’t handle them but don’t mind snails as our lizards are fun to watch eating them (if you have a sick sense of humour).

    Purple, I am grateful to be on the move again and can’t wait to be back in Africa, I just wish I had more support from the OFMs. DD would like to start a support thread on these pages for non-participating family members of 5:2 adherents. OH is pre-occupied with how my potential fasting on holiday will affect his stomach. The worst case scenario, he says, is that I gain a few kilos and have to return from behind (not an option for me). He has no answer for what the best case scenario might be because that might signal deprivation in his daily search for the supermercado. No, sorry that was Spain. This will be the hunt for the Spar.

    So, just wondering whether breakfast to breakfast fasting is a viable option one day per week.

    Hi Thin
    Cutting out ANY meals is effective. We found (and still do if I get in fast enough to stop “him” toasting sourdoughπŸ˜•), that skipping breakfast is the most effective. It seems to reduce quantities consumed later in the day too.
    You stay in bed and let him wander down for breakfast. Eat whatever he does, just have a 50% portion or an entre size. Have coffee, not dessert. Only have one glass of wine and top up with lots of water. Fill your plate with leafy salad first.
    You know all this stuff, Thin 😊 Ot is more than possible to “get away with” not fasting for a few weeks (we did it for most of 2 months.)
    Have a great time “over there”. P ☺

    Thin, that’s priceless! Your poor OH worrying about his potential deprivation because you fast!

    I’m with P. Skip odd meals. Eliminate carbs from at least some meals. Increase your activity too. You’ll be fine.

    Good day, I’ve been on 5:2 since 1 Nov and lost 9Kg. Winter is here and I am terrified that I shall Gain as my house is not heated so its eating rice and pasta dishes ect all the time.

    I am back on fasting now in 2nd week and today fast day nr 1.

    I do not like the winter as I am cold all the time!!

    For slugs, get yourself some Geese or ducks, its high protein for them and they love to rummage in the plants to find them and in the same time fertilizing your garden.

    Good luck to everybody.

    Hi Dragonmama
    You must be down south too! Winter is simply an opportunity to rethink how we keep warm. Now that I am so much thinner, I need to wear more warm clothes, drink more hot drinks and get active…even if that involves running on the spot for a few minutes at a time!
    Replace you starchy foods with more leafy food. Lots of tasty veg that are low gi (onion, garlic, chilli, tomato, bok choy, carrot, fennel, capsicum, broccoli, cauliflower) The list is almost endless. Go to the greengrocer and fill your fridge with these foods. Use full fat milk, unsweentened full fat yoghurt, cream, cheeses too. These are very satiating, so they reduce hunger. Make soups. They are warm, satisfying and very low calorie. A cup of Miso is excellent as a warm drink on a fast day. Fish is another excellent choice.
    In our first year on 5:2, I got rid of all bread, rice, pasta, potatoes from our house. We learnt how to live without them.
    Food is not the only solution for keeping warm. Pre-empt when you might get cold (like right now as the sun goes down at my house!) and plan appropriately so that you won’t turn to inappropriate food to keep warm.
    Good luck and keep warm. P β˜Ίβ™¨

    Thanks for the encouragement and tips Purple and Happy. One thing is certain, I will have a plan. And my travel scales of course.

    Hi there DragonMama. Where in Africa are you located? See if you can find Slendier noodles in your part of the world to replace the pasta and rice. If not, Asian grocers sell a less commercial form called konnyaku. It’s very filling and almost no cals, made from the Japanese vegetable, konjac.

    Hi thanks for the tips, I appreciate. I live in the Eastern Cape near Jeffreysbay/a bit more inland/about 30min away and surrounded by mountains so Very hot in summer and autumn but icy cold winter and spring. House is Old and High ceilings big rooms so impossible to heat up. Lucky we have fireplace at least that is a great help and we Lovve it.

    I do love veggies and do stock up but have to prepare food for other half all day and he is not interested in dieting. Has big tummy but otherwise thin. Looks like an Ant which swallowed a nickerball!! Hehe.

    I Love 5:2!

    Dragon, lucky you to live there. We’ll be passing through the area next month, Addo to CPT – just how cold will it be? 11ft ceilings here too but we keep it very warm.

    Simple Dragonnama
    Don’t see this as “dieting”, think of it as healthier eating….for both of you! Some people simply serve a bigger portion to their OH or add a few starchy carbs for him (bread, pasta etc). You can still have the same food. On fast days, do the same, but ensure yours is fast friendly in type and serving size. Remember, this is not a short term project…it is for life☺ It becomes second nature.
    I’m also 64. I thought my goal was 65, but have found 58kg is completely sustainable. Been this weight now for over two years. We are in Sydney. Our old house also has high ceilings and lots of ventilation. Great in summer, but really needs the fire on at this time of year. P

    Congratulations Purple on your long-term sustainability. And everyone else here. I’ve had a great FD and hoping for an especially good weigh in tomorrow as my three non-FDs were all under 60 kg.

    I TOLD you that you knew what you are doing, Thin! That magic top line of 60kg! Mine as well. ☺ P

    Great to see you back, DragonMama, and on a different thread too. Good luck with your restart. Yes, warming soups help FDs and the hands! I have lower ceilings here but was in a flat previously with 12 ft ceilings and a 24 ft bay window, not double glazed. Definitely vests and sweaters in winter.

    We’re into summer here in the UK, though you’d probably not class it as that, as the temp is between 19 and 24degrees at the mo, and that’s in the south!

    Hi Apricot, Thinatlast and PurpleVegieEater, so good to hear from you, thanks for all the tips and I know that I can be thinner so if I loose another 2kg it will be fine for me as I dont want to be thinner than that, I know then I dont look good.

    I shall just keep up with 5:2 as I am doing and see where it will take me, even if I just sit at this weight I shall be happy.

    This evening we had Cottage pie with Caulimash in stead of potato mash and we both Love it.

    Thinatlast, it will be cold, but if you in a car you will most probaby be Ok but when you get out, that is when you will need a hoody or woolen cap and scarf and nice warmly dressed. You will most probably pass very near here as from Addo you will have to go via PE or Uitenhage and on the N2 to Cape Town, DONT stop ANYWHERE on the N2 please!!If you see a baby alone in the road, go just go, do not stop to help anybody along that road. Phone 10111 that is the police and tell them what you saw. Even if you have a flat, go to the nearest place, garage or town, there is problems on the N2 for some time now so please be safe, this is a VERY sincere warning.

    When you get to the Western Cape you are Safer on that road up to near Cape Town where you must keep to the correct road, be very carefull not to take shortcuts!!!

    I hope that you will enjoy this country and the other African countries on your trip, just keep in mind not to drive in the dark and heed all safety warnings.

    Purple Vegie Eater, how tall are you? I am 5’9and a half inches. and congrats with your loss and maintenance, its fabulous.

    Have a nice evening.

    DragonMama, I appreciate the local advice and warnings. We’ve been very fortunate on our previous visits (I was robbed in then Zaire a hundred years ago) but it is a good reminder not to become complacent. We’ve driven east from Cape Town before but didn’t get as far as Jeffries Bay. I do get a bit nervous approaching red robots but have noticed that the dodgy loiterers seem to approach the cars with single women, easier targets I suppose. We have many African friends here in Perth and they all think we’re mad to keep returning, everyone has a personal story of violence. We can’t help it, we just love it. In our early twenties, a uni friend and I hitched from Nairobi to Luxor – idiots!

    What does all this have to do with 5:2? Absolutely nothing. Those last 2kgs are probably the toughest to shift but if you heed Purple’s advice and consider it a way of life, it doesn’t matter how long it takes. I sympathise when OH isn’t like-minded regarding healthy food choices. Keep warm!

    I see why Mr P never wants to visit Africa!
    I’m fasting today, on a public holiday, so for motivation I’m wearing my tightest jeans 😊😊 They simply will not fit if I’m over 59kg! P

    Ha ha, that’s funny Purple, happy fasting.

    Well I’m going to fast today also and see if I can get back into good habits for the working week.

    DragonMama, thanks for the tip on geese and ducks. I do have a fancy for some ducks, Indian runners for the entertainment value! Early summer I suspect they could do quite a lot of damage to vegetable seedling plants while searching for slugs though?

    This weekend the frogs have all appeared, so I’m not alone slug hunting now πŸ™‚

    Hi there

    Have fasted on water and one cup of black coffee for 20 hours, and will have vegetable soup in an hour’s time. Lovely to read your posts. Add my caution to Dragonmama re staying safe in South Africa.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺

    Hi Bay
    Glad your fast went well. I weakened at 4pm with 40cal of veg patties. Just had a fast dinner and feeling good, but cold!

    Good luck with your fast, just starting, Happy. Re Indian runner ducks, we had them years ago. They make an attractive addition to the farmyard scene, lay the occasional egg, if you can find them, and the drakes taste good. However, they aren’t very bright, make a lot of noise and tended to gather right at our front door stirring up mud with their beaks! Sadly, we lost the lot one night, despite them being locked in, to a rogue fox. Good luck πŸ˜‰ P

    Well done fasting Ladies! Public holiday here and things happening so I will fast tomorrow.

    Purple, I may have said this before but if you’re struggling with the cold (as I have been) I have a hot almond milk with some cinnamon – really helps me. I think from memory 60cals.

    Thanks Carol. I don’t do almond milk. Kefir would work too.
    I usually just have miso to warm up, but I always have veggie patties on hand. (Bite Me brand, available in minor supermarkets and 22 cals each. Very satisfying.) I used to eat them with one Tom Thumb tomato and a lettuce leaf as a picnic lunch in my first year of fasting.
    Minus 7 at the Snowy last night. No wonder it was cold here. P ❄❄

    Hi Purple

    I had the vegetable soup, and separately, a small amount of tuna. My go to hot drink tonight has been hot water with a drop of milk. Another fast day done and dusted. Back to eating tomorrow. I am looking forward to my lightly dry roasted almonds, chia seeds and Greek yogurt for breakfast. Or maybe I will have avocado smashed with lemon and olive oil. Dream on!

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺

    Ha ha Bay! I often spend time on a FD dreaming of what I will eat the next day when I can eat absolutely anything I want! πŸ˜„

    Purple, the bite me veggie patties – are they in the frozen section?

    I dream and plan breakfast every morning in bed, but then rarely have it!
    I don’t understand why on Friday and Saturday, feed days, I went many many hours without food (9 hours between brunch and dinner) and not hungry, but when fasting yesterday, I was STARVING all day? 😯
    The Bite Me veggie patties (not their felafels) are in the refrigerated section of some IGAs and Thomas Dux. They are a wonderful fasters’ fallback. Keep for weeks too.
    Now…what shall I cook for breakfast?
    P β˜•πŸ³πŸžπŸ²πŸŒπŸ…πŸ‡πŸπŸ—πŸ€πŸπŸ΅ (I don’t even know what half these are!!) 😊
    PS Hope you have eaten, Happy πŸ˜•

    A little light reading for those feeling the cold – or at odds with co-workers over the appropriate thermostat settings!

    Nice one Thin! I know I feel the cold much more now than either when I was fatter or younger 😯
    I’ve solved the car temp problem: We have dual temperature controls and separate heated seats 😊😊
    I’ve always said the same temperature with sun or no sun feels hugely different. I was right! Sunny and a gorgeous 20 during the day here today. Not bad for a week off the shortest day! Cold nights are fine with sunny days ☺☺P

    Thanks Purple, I shall have a look for the patties. Beautiful today here also – 19 degrees β˜€οΈ

    Sorry Dragonmama
    I thought I’d answered your question. 😯 I’m a shrunken 5’5″. Probably only 5’4″ and shrinking fast. As a young woman I was always 54kg and graphs indicate 60kg is squarely in healthy, so I aim to always be below that. It is a nice round trigger point ☺☺ P

    On ducks: my aunt on the North Yorkshire Moors had Khaki Campbell’s. They lay nice blue eggs, are sensible creatures, and used to go in a line to the beck from their duck house each morning when she let them out, back mid afternoon for their grain mash feed in the duck house, regular as clockwork. She never lost any to foxes. They look a bit like wild duck and have the brain of one too.
    Try Pilates to avoid natural shrinkage! I’m still waiting to lose my half inch from 5ft 4.5ins, and some younger people in my class say they’ve grown! We only want shrinkage horizontally not vertically!

    I agree Khaki Campbell’s are probably a better option, Apricot, but gee, runners are SO cute.
    There is a wonderful cartoon by Larson of Indian runners wearing airbags because they fall over as they run!!! ☺
    Nice low eating day before a fast tomorrow. P ☺

    Not seen that cartoon, PVE, must look for it. Yes, they are cute. I also like the dear old Aylesbury, Jemima Puddleduck herself, but as Beatrix Potter indicates, they can get waylaid by foxes!

    Hello everyone. What a great forum! I’ve been dabbling – half-heartedly – with 5:2 for around 3 years. But after hitting 81kg at the end of last year, & struggling to squeeze into my trousers/jeans I resolved to get to around 70kg by the middle of this year. I’m a 54 yr old male, 1.8m. So I’ve been sticking to the two fast days, occasionally 4:3, & done around 45 – 60 mins moderately intense exercise most days. And I’m happy to say I’m currently 72kg. I now have the problem of everything being too big! I’d still like to get to 70kg, which would give me a BMI of around 21.5, & hopefully a 32″ waist. but I’m in no hurry. I can’t say I enjoy the FDs, as some people claim to. But I can’t think of an easier way to lose weight. Knowing I can have my chunky KitKat/salted peanuts, ie my biggest weaknesses, tomorrow is what gets me through them. And this forum; reading about everyone else’s struggles & successes with 5:2 for the last few months has been inspiring, so thank you to all.

    Hi Freddie
    You seem to have an excellent attitude, shared by many of us. ☺ Fasting is not particularly fun, but a relatively easy way to stay healthy.
    We found we replaced all our clothes, twice, in our journey to goal weight!!! The biggest expense of the exercise! There is no way I won’t make sure I stay this size forever.
    It IS staggering how baggy clothes (and hats and rings and shoes) get as you lose the kilos!
    You’ve done a great job. Keep it up
    P ☺☺

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