reversing type 2 diabetes & the fastday lifestyle

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reversing type 2 diabetes & the fastday lifestyle

This topic contains 854 replies, has 38 voices, and was last updated by  PeonyLover 2 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 11 posts - 851 through 861 (of 861 total)

  • That’s fantastic USA, Huge congratulations. You have worked so hard on this for a long time – I remember your early posts. Just fab news. 🙂 xx

    thanks speedy how has ur trials and tribulations been?

    Ginette K

    vitamin d???

    thanks for supporting us -1 (yay) type2’s oh i wish ur friend success has she seen the original video show her how much 500 cal is it’s a lot for us fasters 😉 but i know how ur friend feels
    i get that reaction a lot

    the meds have helped allot i always thought by lowering weight and the type 2 a1c
    it would lower the heart disease

    so i just finished reading

    How Not to Die
    Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
    by Michael Greger, MD
    Gene Stone

    “examines the fifteen top causes of premature death in America-heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson’s, high blood pressure, and more-and explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches, freeing us to live healthier lives.”

    so for my heart i’m going to make a bowl of flax seeds and flaxmilk and crunch on that seems to b one of the most effective ingredients

    all of u would luv ur thoughts on this book

    still have a 14day fast to go will probly do water only its the easiest and broth on weekends2 wipe out the wrd diab

    wish u all the best in fasting

    great vid of question and answers on fasting all kinds dr fung mentions dr moses

    Hi USA

    I spoke to my friend this week to see how she is doing, she is not changing anything until September, the worse thing is that I know, knowing she is cutting back in September will make her eat more now!!

    Nothing I can do will change that. She is being tested again in January.

    I actually enjoy the routine of fasting, that sounds quite mad I know.

    I will take a look at at the video thanks.


    Ginette and to all

    i agree about the routine of fasting i enjoy it too

    i think it is going to b 4 waterday fasting every other week or 14 day w/fasting every other month
    trying 2 research what would b the optimum 4 my body and which one will consume that visceral fat the fastest or the most w/out plateauing

    anyone out there that has a great left brain have any thoughts on that

    since u don’t have diab i think ur 5/2 has been ur success
    it was not mine for how long i did it weight wise y but disease wise no but it got me prepared and started and enlightened

    deep down that is why i believe in fasting it is the health kudos 2 ur body

    diet does not do that because u r still interrupting ur body in eating and not letting the body do what it can do best which is to have the time to work on on our bodies toxic/broken/diseased stuff

    wish the best


    Are you contemplating a true water fast for 14 days? That might be excessive if undertaken without medical supervision and in a rested state. Are you not working? I used to do regular consecutive days of water fasting every Mon/Tues (60 hours). Its now just Mon (36 hours) since reaching my goal weight. I found that reasonably easy and sustainable. 14 consecutive days might be a bridge too far. Good luck.


    i agree i think i will 4 day waterfasting ever other week

    i have done the other types of fasting like u

    i know it sounds crazy but waterfasting the right way is so much easier esier that atf 4/3 5/2

    yes i have done 16 days and the 12days waterfasting that is what lowered my a1c to a 6
    c my detailed comments b4 on page 17

    thanks for the encouragement and twice back to u in success


    this is a great article i think it will be great while not fasting more low insulin index foods i think this will help also w/ high blood pressure and plateaus basically the best diet concerning insulin and fat burning i have been doing the low carb wrong to much protein anyway hope it helps all,+managing+insulin.pdf

    also great listening of brand new fasting dr fung since he is w/ guys WARNING COLORFUL LANGUAGE because he gets so mad @ these dr who r actually killing these people w/ insulin
    The Obesity Code with Dr. Jason Fung

    Published: 8/7/2016
    70 minutes

    Carl Franklin and Richard Morris talk to “The Fastmaster,” Dr. Jason Fung about intermittent fasting (IF), extended fasting (EF), diabetes, insulin, metabolism, and doing the simplest thing that works. A word of warning – Dr. Fung uses salty language for emphasis.

    wish all the best

    As a type II, I have been using trying to establish a 5:2 lifestyle for about 8 months. The 5:2 has helped with weight maintenance and a slight reduction of about 3 to 4 kilos. Unfortunately my recent, post Canadian winter, blood and urine work showed increased protein in my urine and slightly elevated HA1C and cholesterol levels. My goals are a further 6 to 8 kilo reduction but more importantly getting the protein, HA1C and cholesterol levels back into the normal range. My current focus is monitoring food in a real life context.

    In most elderly adults, aortic stenosis is caused by a build-up of calcium (a mineral found in your blood) on the valve leaflets. Over time, this causes the leaflets to become stiff, reducing their ability to fully open and close.

    I have looked down the various lists of topics in 5-2 Forums. But I don’t see exactly the one in which this remark/question would fall. I started to follow the 5-2 diet solely because I had diabetes and I saw Dr. Mosely on a TV program. Something ‘clicked’ that I thought his line of reasoning was fact-based and relevant. It was sometime in 2017, according to my tracker record.

    Since then – yes, I steadily lost weight AND my blood sugar count went from ca. 10+ to the low 6 range by doctor’s lab results. Then I returned to regular 7 day a week eating. I stabilized at just over 180 lb. (I started at 210.Before 2017, I had been as high as 230 lb.) I have stayed close to 180 lb. for 5 years after stopping the 5-2 routine.

    Every year or so, I would return to 5-2 for a few weeks, just to check. In the meantime my glucose blood count was slowly but surely climbing. I am now about to mark my 82nd birthday! Recently. I saw my lab results: that glucose blood count had reached 10 again. But yesterday my weight by my traditional measuring scheme was 183.

    I have concluded: that diabetes is not continually caused by an increase in weight.

    Rather, I speculate that intermittent fasting is the part of this program that directly relates to my own diabetic condition. Further, I’m testing to see whether returning to the principles that underly fasting – for me, at least – lie in allowing sufficient time to pass after eating for food to be fully digested.

    Maybe the slowing of bodily functions plays a role. Maybe a crippling of the body with aging is involved. What are some factors – no mystery – just using what we know already what can be used to see that ‘diabetes’ is just the body working ‘normally’ per what evolution has taught it? High blood sugar’s impact acts as a ‘warning’, like tears, or pain… ‘Reversing diabetes’ is to ‘stop inflicting the injury’…

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