Little Voices – November & December Christmas Challenge – Let's Load Up Santa

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Little Voices – November & December Christmas Challenge – Let's Load Up Santa

This topic contains 423 replies, has 46 voices, and was last updated by  Cathyh46 8 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 424 total)

  • Christmas is 8 weeks away (57 more sleeps before the big fat man comes down your chimney and drinks your beer)

    How many Fast Days are you planning between now and then, what days will you complete those Fast Days, what goal weight do you want to reach by Christmas week and more importantly what weight will you actually be at that date????

    As the wise man said, “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail” All the good intentions don’t cut it when on the week before Christmas you find the scales tell you that nothing has been achieved and in reality weight has actually increased because you didn’t PLAN the past 8 weeks.

    So now is the time to make that Commitment to yourself and to your friends on this Forum. 1 November to 18 December, 7 weeks, 48 days, a minimum of 14 Fast Days, but who is game to make a commitment and do 17 Fast Days over these next 7 weeks?

    Sit down now and make a 7 week Calendar (here’s where to start, print out the blank Month, same for December) and write in all your known social events, birthdays, parties, etc, then write in any other known days/events that could be hard to roster in a Fast Day, then from this you’ll have a snap shot of how your next 7 weeks will look for your 5:2 WOL.

    Does this now look like a PLAN???

    It sure does and believe me not many people will do this so you can pat yourself on the back just for being so organised, this can be your first Commitment to your 17 Fast Days by Christmas (or as many as you want to achieve, nothing is compulsory in this Forum)

    Reply to me who wants to join Little Vopices for November & December and give me a goal weight reduction you want to achieve, then report in at the end of each week and I’ll keep a running total for everyone. We’ll load up Santa’s Sleigh with all our excess weight and make his journey a heavy one when he heads off Christmas eve.

    Talk again soon after 1 November but feel free to post your thoughts here for us all to read, we thrive on encouragement plus a little bit of cheek and freindly banter to keep everyone on their toes. There will be rewards for good performers each week, however EXCUSES for poor performance won’t be listened to. If you take RESPONSIBILITY for any trip ups then that’s great because you learn from those, you don’t learn by making EXCUSES, be ACCOUNTABLE for your actions and results.

    Talk again soon, Cheers Mike πŸ™‚

    Hi Mike

    I am slightly concerned that Santa will weight to much by the 24th December and won’t be able to get his sleigh off the ground!! I for one will be very upset it there is nothing at the end of my bed on Christmas morning!!! πŸ™‚

    I will post my target on Sunday 1 November once I know my total reduction for October. I had a target in mind for Christmas when I started back in September so will know then how much I need to reduce by to reach it.

    Enjoy Saturday; it should be a fantastic match πŸ™‚

    Hi there thanks for the accountability and planning pre. Will post my target on the 1st of Nov as well.

    I’m with you Action. Will print out the calendar and do the deed. Six more pounds to go to my goal, so if I go for a pound a week reduction, that should give me a little wriggle room for Christmas.
    Will post my final weighin for Rocktober with Chipmunk tomorrow, then will speak again in November.
    Final, final push everyone for a rocking Rocktober and Ms00. TTL

    I would love to participate in your challenge! I will be fasting 18 days between now and Christmas and will be losing 9 pounds. My goal weight by Christmas is 189.


    Great to have you guys on board on our journey to Christmas , very positive and well planned goal statement you have VL, it’s all in “the Planning” then it makes “the doing” all that much easier. It also keeps you Accountable for the actions you take each day and if you do slip up any one day then the plan can be adjusted immediately to compensate and you don’t feel the guilts because you always know you can get back on track with only one little indiscretion, does that make sense to everyone???

    Looking forward to a very positive 6 weeks, the Christmas BBQ out in the sun on the deck in the new “skinny clothes” will be a great reward for everyone, well everyone down this end of the world, I can’t imagine Christmas day being anything else but hot and sunny, but I suppose there are some who hide inside, snow and rain outside, I don’t know how Santa copes with that !!! πŸ™‚

    Take care everyuone and don’t forget to sign off with Chipmunk for October’s challenge

    I’m new here and would like to join the challenge. I’m also 6 lbs away from my goal so I’d also like to drop a pound a week. I just started this on the 21st and I’m trying 3-4. My scale is moving again after a 4 week stall so I’m happy with this lifestyle so far. I’ll commit to 21 fast days. I’ve got my skinny jeans ready to wear for Christmas ?.

    Hi to all you goal-setters.

    Thank you AH for being such an organized leader. I hope that we will do you proud – that would be a great Christmas gift to you!

    Yes, count me in. I have the calendar and just need to add a few more fasts. Will send the goals to you on Nov 1. The weight loss goal will be modest, as I overset my October goal and will be unable to meet it. πŸ™

    Just read Dr. Jason Fung’s blog on the benefits of fasting – great read. You can Google it “Intensive Dietary Management Blog” It is his latest blog dated October 29. It is interesting to me as, with losing 30 pounds, my LDL cholesterol has gone up astronomically. He explains that somewhat.

    Just a small correction – I’m trying 4:3 rather than 3:4. Four fasting days a week would probably not be sustainable! I’m going to try fasting Monday-Wednesday-Friday so I can relax a little on the weekends.

    I’ve been reading Dr. Fung’s blog but haven’t read the latest – very interesting information!

    Hi to all, what a great motivator this will be, I accept the challenge and hope to lose 5 kg before Christmas. Currently at 91 kg and struggling to get into last years summer clothes and being such a tight a…dont want to buy bigger clothes!!especially as I hope to continue downwards after the holidays. My strategy will be fasting mon, wed and friday sticking with 500 or thereabouts on fast days and 1400 on non fast days and using the principle of 80% healthy 20% treat calories on non fast days to prevent binging. I also intend to bring in the exercise now that I am settled into the eating plan. the thing I like about this diet is that it can be nipped and tucked to suit. good luck everyone, I just hope I dont bump into that collossal amount of fat thats going to be looking for a new home lol

    My starting weight is 162.1 pounds.
    My pledge for Santa’s sleigh is 4 pounds. yes it is modest but I was certain I would not meet my October pledge and that added considerably to my stress level.
    My stress level decreased suddenly and I did meet my goal. This month I want to keep it low if possible.

    Great idea – love it!!!! Thank you AH. Will sort out my calendar over the next few days and let you know my FDs. Please put me down for 5lbs? This would take me down to below 11 stone in time for Christmas. Watching the game atm – wow!!!!! I think I’m burning calories on the sofa πŸ˜‰

    hello AH — you are likely glued to the Big Match at this very moment!
    My return to 5-2 in Oct post-surgery had a net zero [due to many Excuses — yes I cringed when I read that, but hey sometimes the truth needs to be looked in the eye πŸ™‚ so it’s all good!]
    My stress eating is really what I need to be working on, as my normal eating is pretty darn healthy overall, but I can fall off the rails with stress, so a good reminder!
    So my 6 week goal is to load 6 pounds on Santa’s sleigh — from 170 to 164. That will be a grand total of 21 pounds so far, with less than 10 remaining to my final goal weight. While I will stick to the 2 fast days, as still healing, I commit to doing a stellar job of them — am planning my calendar of events and away, and also plan to write down what I eat…. starting tomorrow — I am planning for a couple of halloween treats tonite!!
    Best wishes all!

    Is that you my fellow BCer? Sorry to hear of your surgery and hope your health is improving rapidly.

    This year, as I am eating no sugar, and as we do not have piles of little goblins so have lots of chocolate bars left over to drive me insane, I have saved lots of quarters to give out for Halloween.
    Works for me!

    You and I have another thing in common – our weight is about the same (within 10 pounds) though my final goal is lower – 130 pounds or even lower if my diabetes is not cured by then.

    Hope you are better soon and can take the reins for your end of the year challenge.

    I would like to get 3 kg for the six weeks. Starting weight is 66.6 kgs. 10 stone 7lbs This will get me under 10 stone.

    Our family Christmas dinner is the first week of December as they are going to other places for Christmas Day. Sent out notices but already got some of the adult children ringing up and wanting to change the dates. Still haven’t heard from two of them and they are not answering their sms’s. This year I am not going to stress just make sure I have extra vegetables to pop on if they do turn up. I have been slowly buying extra each week for this day and put it away into a black plastic box and put into another room. If I can’t see it I can’t eat it.

    Hiya Action Hero and all.

    Details and self promises for Nov – Dec 19 2015.
    I will be attempting 18 fasts and also wish to lose 10lbs.
    At the moment i am 78kg, this will get me to about 73kg and my overall goal is 70kg.
    I am away in 2 weeks time just for 4 days but have worked out my fasts around it as well.
    1st 2weeks in Nov i will do the 4:3 and last 2 weeks 5:2 and same for Dec.
    So hoping for the best. And good luck to us all.

    OK ACTION, in the warm glow of an All Blacks victory I will commit to 17 fast days in the next seven weeks.

    I have steadily lost for the past few weeks and hit the 73kg mark, my nemesis weight where things tend to go off the rails and head back up. So unless I really take control, which means I don’t use this trip as an excuse, I will lurch back up to the high 70s and I have vowed not to do that.

    I am sure I can make at least one day each week a fast day during my holiday (yes, I am sure I can manage one) and I will make up the others with 4:3, starting with Monday, Wednesday Friday this week.

    Hi AH

    Thanks for taking over the reins again for the new lengthier challenge! Please sign me up – I hope I am allowed in having failed miserably in the October challenge – but I am just 6 pounds from overall goal!!

    Many thanks for the planning and calendar information. I have printed off the calendar and filled in 18 fast days, so surely with that and keeping a firmer eye on keeping under my TDEE on NFDs I should achieve a SIX POUND REDUCTION which would take me to my final goal of 8 1/2 stone (119 pounds) – an achievement of 2 stones in 11 months.

    Here’s to loading up Santa’s sleigh! We can do this!!!

    Hi AH

    Great game, you must be chuffed!

    I seem to be losing very slowly at the moment, but finding the fasts easier and easier, so pledging 10 lbs and 20 fasts. Also teetotal for the six weeks.

    Hello fellow fasters! On day 1 of this challenge I’m already down a pound from when I signed on, leaving 5 pounds to go. Starting weight as of today is 137 pounds. Good luck to all!

    I am a bit confused about the end date – Dec. 13? 17? 19?

    What is the official end date please?

    Hi everyone, it is great to see such good focused goals. I have had so much success with the 5:2 up until the last two months. I am the only one to blame for that. I didn’t gain I just slowed my weight loss to a crawl. I have only 8 pounds left to my goal weight so I pledge it all before Christmas. I will be aiming for one pound a week and hopefully get two one week with some extra focus. I have a great dress for a party dec 5 that I would live to rock. Looking forward to everyone working together and meeting our goals.

    Thank you ACTION HERO for volunteering to take the reins for the final challenge of the year. ACTION HERO suits you well πŸ™‚

    The calendar was a godsend, I’ve been looking for something similar for a while, so again thank you.

    I have inserted 17 fast days and I pledge 4lbs for the November-December challenge. That will take me to my lowest weight in decades.

    It’s exciting that we are all on this journey together and will enjoy less weight for the festive season than we have probably experienced for a long while.

    I feel lucky to have found this forum as all of you have such warmth and are wonderfully supportive.

    Good luck my cyber fasting friends πŸ™‚

    Yay! This is exactly what I was hoping to find to kick start a new month (even though October was amazing!).

    So, I am committing to 17 fasts, and 7 lbs in 7 weeks. Starting weight: 121.8

    What day “at the end of the week” should we give our update? I’m guess you’re leaving that open. So, I’ll be seeing you all soon.

    Hi AH and everyone

    I’m pleased to join this longer challenge on the run up to Christmas. Great idea. This morning’s weight was 11st 4lb (158lb). My pledge is to shed 9 lbs over the 7 weeks. This would take me to 10st 9lb – a full 2 stone loss since I started 5:2 in June and 2/3rds of the way to my goal.

    My plan is to alternate 4:3 with 5:2 starting with Monday Wednesday Friday this week.

    Good luck everyone.

    Hi Action Hero,

    Great idea! I would love to join the challenge, but I only have the week before Christmas to get a result, and I’ve just started today. I am going on holiday to the land of cheese and chocolate and rΓΆsti and Suisse La Bleue.

    I am setting my calendar to 15 fast days, like PickyPixie alternating between 4:3 and 5:2, up to 18 December. After that, it will take all my willpower to just keep the ship steady.

    Does anyone have tips for holidays? Apart from choosing countries with terrible food?

    Morning all you amazing people, trust your week has/will start off on a very positive manner with a firm desire to make these next seven weeks the best and most productive seven weeks on your journey to skinny.

    PJBR: I have set up our Spread Sheet for 7 weeks (week ending 19 December) however if some only want to commit to 5 or 6 weeks then that’s OK too, it’s all about what fits best for you because December can become a bit hetic the closer we get to Christmas week.

    Welcome back PHOEBE, trust recovery is going well and we look forward to having you with us again.

    CHIPMUNK: Very brave commitment especially when on holiday, well done on at least identifying where the problems can occur and recognising them, that’s a great start and will make life easier for you when they occur.

    MELINA: Great goals for the 7 weeks, go girl, and alcohol free as well, that’s great. I’m commiting to alcohol free Mon to Fri then only a couple of wines a day at weekends. Believe it or not this equates to over a dozen bottles of wine not consumed over 7 weeks, not only a saving in calories but also a saving in the wallet too πŸ™‚

    I’m pleased everyone is finding the little Planning Calendar a helpfull tool to map out not only your FD’s but also the days when certain social activities create speed bumps in your weekly goals. These are the days when you are aware of them in advance you can make allowances before and after the days so any impact can be controlled and it doesn’t end up a big EXCUSE after the event and you feel depressed afterwards that you allowed excess consumption to derail all the good work beforehand. Make these monthly calendars part of your new WOL, so easy to keep stuck on the fridge to be seen every day so there are never any surprises and your planning is always around your normal social activities.

    I also mark down each day the number of “fasting hours” between meals, both on scheduled FD’s and also normal eating days. It makes a great snap shot each week when you review the 12 to 18 hours between meals because we all know the closer to 24 hours we achieve between main meals then the greater impact your fast can have. Just another little idea for anyone to try

    Thanks everyone who wish to come on board for this Christmas Challenge. Santa should start to feel very worried if he reads this Forum, knowing we are weighing him down with all our weight reductions prior to him starting his annual journey.

    Your weekly reports back to me can be whatever day of the week you wish, I’ve set up Saturdays as the week ends but if Fridays or Sundays suit you better then they can, just let me know what is your 1st weekly report and it’ll all fall into place from there.

    Take care and lets all support everyone over these next 6 or 7 weeks and we’ll kick our goals and make this Christmas the best that we have ever looked and felt health and weight wise.

    Ooh what a great challenge, I would love to be a part of this, hope it’s not too late? This year I have lost 15kg, currently 63.5kg. Pledging to be at goal weight of 60kg by December 19th. I already had my 2 fast days/week in my calendar, but this challenge will necessitate a bigger effort than just 2 fast days/week with all the festivities. I will also pledge no alcohol Monday-Thursdays. Reporting on Friday mornings Action Hero, thank you!!

    “I also mark down each day the number of β€œfasting hours” between meals, both on scheduled FD’s and also normal eating days. It makes a great snap shot each week when you review the 12 to 18 hours between meals because we all know the closer to 24 hours we achieve between main meals then the greater impact your fast can have. Just another little idea for anyone to try.”

    I like this idea Action Hero, just wondering if you count coffee with a little splash of milk, or something like Avalanche sugar free hot choc (5cals). Or is it the hours between solid food only?

    I commit to 18 fast days between 2/11 and New Years eve. I would like to lose 1 kg over this time.

    Let the fun times begin!!

    Hello to everyone. Nice to see so many familiar names — and so many Canadians among them!

    I’m in for this challenge. Seventeen fast days between now and the end of Dec 19 (Canadian time; most of the rest of you guys are ahead of us), and 7 lbs. (I’m really hoping for 10 lbs but I’m getting closer to my goal and it’s getting harder to get rid of the damned things).

    We should add the pounds to Dasher the Reindeer rather than Santa, because Dasher is bound to exercise them off so it won’t do so much damage.

    Hello everyone, nice to start another challenge. Completely wiped out on the October one, but never mind. None lost but none gained so we’re still in the game.

    I’m going to start on one fast day a week and really go to work on nutritional content. I plan to lose two kilos before Christmas and that will make both me and the doctor very happy.

    It will mean I will have met my ultimate target weight of 60kgs so fingers crossed and here I go!

    No more lurking this month.

    Hello all,

    I’d like to join the Christmas challenge. My weight loss goal is 3.3kg/7.3 pounds and 3 cm off my waist by Christmas. I’m currently 66.3 kilos, my ultimate goal is 60 kilos but I’ll be thrilled to get down to 63 by Christmas.

    I’m looking forward to sharing in our collective weight loss success.

    Thanks everyone, our list is growing by the hour.

    Welcome aboard MIDWIFEKATTY, we all thrive on challenges in this group. Regarding Fast Periods, I only count solid food and regard liquids as zero contributions, I have 4 or 5 teas and coffees per day

    EXPAT, welcome aboard, loooking forward to your contributions

    MARYW, welcome back and thanks for putting your hand up for February, even though it’s a long way off I’m sure we’ll all still be here and keeping each other honest.

    SILVERSUE: No gain is still a win so no regrets I’m sure. We’ll all be interested in your 1FD plus your nutricional planning combination, done well it can only be successful.

    ACTION I just realised I haven’t pledged a goal so, given my travels and other potential impediments, I will keep it real and realistic. Put me down for 2kg (4.4lb). I’ll weigh myself Friday morning before I head off but then not again til my return on the 24th. That has the potential to be scary, but with good planning I should not feel suicidally depressed as a result!! I’ll send you the spreadsheet for Rocktober tomorrow to allow any final weigh-ins to arrive.

    So great to see lots of new names on the board. Welcome everyone. This is a great group, very supportive and encouraging.

    Hi AH firstly congrats on a great win for the ABs I was really pleased for Dan Carter as he missed out last time.

    Anyway please put me down for a reduction of 10lbs and a minimum of 15 fasts! I know it is a very ambitious target but I missed this month’s target by 4lbs ? so have to catch up. I fasted yesterday so 1 down and only 14 to go ?

    Thanks for offering to keep us all motivated again!!

    Sign me up please. I had a bad weekend. Gained 1.5 lbs . Yes, I was eating again! Chinese : fried squid, fried rice etc. I estimate I blew 2xTDEE in one meal. πŸ™

    I’m 127.1 lbs at the moment. BMI 24 (Was 180 lbs at my worst.) I’d like to be 120 lbs. Not sure I’ll make that for Xmas but I’ll try. I don’t have fixed fast days. It depends on how I feel at the time, but I will fast 2 or 3 days a week up to Xmas. After Xmas/New year I’m hoping to be able to go into maintenance mode.

    Hi Action, and thanks again for potentially whipping us all into shape!
    I plan on sticking to my two fasting days per week as I find this fits in well with my life, which is about to go through a change any day soon as I have got myself a part time job. Not sure which days I will be working yet, so will have to work around that.
    Really chuffed to be offered something at nearly 67 years old. Having retired at 65 I couldn’t face another Scottish winter stuck inside with not much to do. When I have my schedule I will fill in my calendar.
    In the meantime I need to unload 7 lbs for this challenge. This will get me to my final goal weight of 9 St.m(126 lbs). Here we go folks, fasting today, so at the starting line! Good luck everyoneTTL

    Count me in please.

    Am off to buy a set of scales for the house.
    Have always been opposed to this as, don’t always think it’s about actual weight for me, more body shape… but it’s not working trying to measure myself on different scales so I’m about to conform.

    I had a dreadful Oct. Totally lost any sense of being in control. Stopped running, stopped fasting with any sense of regularity, just random days. Got lost in more ways then one.

    I have a very healthy diet, don’t have a sweet tooth, rarely eat biscuits, cakes etc ( apart from Crumpetgate) but I need to lose a stone and I just don’t seem to be able to. In order to achieve my goal I just have to be ordered and regular, no ignoring the rules and then trying to make up for it by no food. This is also true of other areas of my life.. I am too extreme, too roller coaster, too impatient.

    I am trying to learn the value of small, incremental change with humble record keeping and emotional restraint. So I think the calendar, scales in the house and regular weigh ins could help me keep on the straight and narrow.

    So, I will buy scales today and post my weight before midnight, I will post my weight on Fridays and my aim is to lose 1/2 a stone or 7 lbs.

    I think I am about 10 stone so that should get me to 9 1/2.

    I have told you all my weaknesses and am hoping for your collective help and encouragement. I offer my own in return.

    Good luck to us all.


    Hi Mike I meant to say that I am off on a business trip this Thursday so will report any reduction before I go but I won’t be checking in again until Sunday 15 November which will be my second week post. After that I should be back to normal!

    Thanks πŸ™‚


    So AH you want to know all – I am putting it in print now so I am accountable.

    I weighed in at 78.2 kg last Tuesday (my official weigh in day). So with 7 weeks at .500 g per week my last weigh in should be 15th December and am putting 3.5 kg as my target. Ambitious I know giving my dismal October but I will give it a go! My usual fast days are Monday and Thursday which would be 12 in the 7 weeks, so with opting for 15 fast days I have put in my calendar 3 extra ones 10th November, 24th November and 8th December. This will mean 3 back to back fasts which I haven’t done before but apart from maybe feeling a little hungry I reckon I will survive! I have also put in my calendar a goal of a plank a day starting at 33 secs and adding a second or two when I feel like I could last a little longer and keep adding – who knows what I will be at come the end of the challenge. Also scheduled are my runs and should be able to in a week or be able to run 30 mins non stop and hope to do 2 runs each week.

    Ms Marple – I think we are too hard on ourselves. Sometimes I think we just need to lighten up a bit and as long as we keep trying and not give up completely we will reach our goal.

    Just a final message from Rocktober in case anyone missed it – the total loss for the month was 100.67lb 7 stone or 45.75kg – a small person’s worth of weight we don’t have to carry with us any more. Well done everyone that was on the trip for that month and let’s all now make ACTION proud.

    TRY TRY AGAIN: Welcome aboard our group, your post above stated commiting to 15 fast days up to 18/12 however you never advised me a goal weight you are aiming to reduce, just to complete the entry, Thanks, Mike

    Hi chipmunk


    I’m back for another instalment!

    I am starting at 143 pounds and pledge to lose 6 pounds by the end of December. That is just under 1 pound per week, which based on my weight loss to date will still be a stretch goal.

    I will continue with the 5:2 format and complete 14 fast days.

    Good luck to everyone!


    FATKAT53: Welcome aboard our challenge. If I can make a comment, with a little bit of coaching I think we can get you to where you want to be however I perceive a little bit of FOCUS would help your journey.

    Just as an observation from your initial post, don’t take offence at this because we haven’t talked before on this Forum, if I can just point out a couple of comments you have made, (and I trust this could help others who read and digest this). I read your post and it’s full of wishy washy words that rely on things that “might happen if I’m lucky but if they don’t then tough luck” Could that be right???

    For example these words are in your Post above:

    “I had a bad weekend, I’d like to be 120 lbs. Not sure I’ll make that for Xmas but I’ll try. I don’t have fixed fast days. It depends on how I feel at the time. I’m hoping to be able to go into maintenance mode.”

    All of this sort of suggests that you have no control on the outcomes you desire. If you turn these statements into POSITIVE statements like:
    “I will be 120lbs by Xmas by planning fixed fast days because I’m determined to go into maintenance mode after Christmas” Doesn’t this sound so much better and it sets up a couple of really strong goals for you to achieve. Plus if you PLAN your fast days between now and 19 Dec you can be confident (not hopeful) that it will happen and the certainty of your result will inspire you to maintain your results. How does that sound?

    As I said, we thrive on support in this Forum, are you up for the Challenge, I have put you down for 7lbs contribution by 19 December and if you achieve this there might be a Chocolate Fish for you on the 20th…

    Let’s all support Fatkat everyone (she will even be able to change her handle after 19 Dec πŸ™‚ )

    Take care, onwards and downwards πŸ™‚


    Remember Yoda from Star Wars, he is one of my favorite Life Mentors because he sums up life very well. His favorite piece of advice is this:


    This will be our Motto for the Month and we will all give up TRYING because we will become DOERS instead. We will take the word TRY out of our vocab this month and replace it with DO then we will all sit back and watch the fabulous results flow into our lives….

    This is the perfect motto! It really is true do or do not! I have successfully completed 2 fast days since joining the challenge. I plan to weigh at the end of the week.

    Wondering how long all of you fast between meals? This morning I ate 500 calories and plan to not eat until lunch time tomorrow. On my last fast date I waited 36 hours before eating. I have read that at least 24 hours are required to reap the benefits. What do others think?

    Take each day as it comes. Try not to focus on mistakes of the past. Concentrate on one day at a time. The positive effects after a day of fasting are motivating by itself! Since beginning the challenge I have fasted 2 days, one being today. To wake after a fast and feel rejuvenated, refreshed and energetic allows me to look forward to the next day of fasting. Stay focused and don’t concentrate on mistakes. Look for the positives! I believe the glass of water is half full, not half empty.

    Happy Fasting!

    VibrantLife, I eat on FastDays the way it says to do in the book: 12 hours between my evening meal and breakfast on the fastday, when I eat 200 cals, then 12 more hours until the next meal, when I have 300 cals, then 12 hours until the next meal when I’m back to “normal” eating until the next fast day. So far I’ve lost 28 lbs this way since the end of April, so it seems to be working.

    Today is a fast day for me, and I have to say that I look forward to them now. I get so much done and feel very focused. The hunger is uncomfortable sometimes but I’ve learned it isn’t going to kill me. I have a glass of water and carry on.

    AH, I totally agree with all of your advice re: setting goals, but if FatKat has lost 50 lbs, she must be doing something right!

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