Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 3 months, 1 week ago.

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  • We were lucky, our Christmas lunch with friends, in a beautiful garden on a hot day yesterday, was salmon quiche (sans pastry) and delicious salads. The yummy pavlova afterwards had to be eaten, though, as it wouldn’t keep in the heat. πŸ˜‰
    You’ve done well with the fasts, Amazon. I don’t know how you do it day after day! Impressive!
    I’ve been having trouble getting our favourite cheese for weeks now. I tried ordering 2 different types yesterday (click and collect) and managed to get one of them. Same with the lovely natural yoghurt we eat. I now order 2 types, hoping for at least 1. Supply chains are being effected here, too, combined with Xmas food buyups, I suppose. P

    I was up for the solstice at 4.58 this morning πŸ™ . Days are getting shorter now…

    Off for a haircut shortly to tidy the locks which have gone from elegant to shaggy in the last week. And the weather calls for less hair.

    Well done, Amazon. Six out of seven days is a success in my book!

    I’m sitting here looking at the December photo on my calendar (courtesy of my brother in England), and it shows snow on the Langdale Pikes in Cumbria. Shame you won’t get your white Christmas after all, Happy.

    πŸ˜†πŸ˜† B, I commented, last night, how late it was light and then remembered the date! 😏😏 Happy Summer Solstice, B. Happy Winter Solstice Northerners. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    Thanks, P. And to you. πŸ™‚

    I meant to add, Amazon, well done given the temptations of the season!

    Thanks Purple and Barata.

    I’m definitely going to follow Fast 800 in the New Year.
    Last week worked well and with proper planning I think I could do it for 12 weeks and if I want to go out to eat I can throw in a couple of 500 calorie days to compensate.

    My hair is longer than it’s been for a while but I like having it this length for winter.

    I am thrilled we’ve reached winter solstice. Less than 8 hours of light is not enough.

    Amazon, I guess your b2b fasts aren’t 24 hour no food fasts? How do you shape them?

    I don’t eat breakfast so I had something small at lunch time eg yoghurt with fruit and a few seeds or a small piece of cheese and an apple and saved most of my calories for a decent dinner which I eat early in order to lengthen the fasting time.

    I’m hoping to be more organised in the New Year and maybe make soup or dhal for lunch. If it was summer a small salad with some protein maybe an egg or some fish would work.
    I basically ate protein, veg, fruit, dairy.

    How are you progressing towards your goals, Amazon? Are you seeing an end in sight?

    I don’t do breakfasts either. Brunch is near 1pm, dinner with family at about 6.30.

    Barata, I’ve been gaining and losing the same lbs over and again for ages and I’ve finally made a breakthrough and weigh less than at the start of the year and even with the inevitable Christmas rise I’ll still end the year lighter so a small but significant step in the right direction has been made which is good enough for me and my aim is to continue again on Monday 4th January 2022 and keep going until I get to a weight I’m comfortable with.

    Well done Amazon. You must feel very pleased with yourself. Sounds like a hopeful 2022 coming up! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

    Yay! Final shop done (until Boxing Day – one gift to be purchased at the sales), ham is in the fridge – without removing any of OH’s beer! Menu items satisfactorily delegated to family attendees. All ready for Christmas lunch. πŸ™‚ I just need to pick a few strawberries for the morning’s bubbles.

    I’m roasting meats, picked up the bread, boiling spuds for potato salad and Mr P is doing the garden. If the others forget to bring food, we can still eat! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
    A glass of bubbly sounds good! 🍾πŸ₯‚

    I’ve been busy in the kitchen today making stock for gravy, stuffing, a red cabbage dish. I’ve baked a small piece of ham and am about to cook a big batch of blinis some of which will be topped with smoked salmon for my Christmas Eve dinner.

    This week has been wonderful. I had such a fun visit with my niece, her husband and my two little great nephews.
    When I arrived I was putting the Christmas cake I’d made for them on the kitchen counter and the two year old sauntered into the kitchen and said ” did you bring any presents?” πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ

    Happy Christmas everyone, I’ll be raising a glass to you all and wishing for a happy and healthy 2022 not only for us but for everyone πŸ₯‚πŸ’

    They are a joy, aren’t they?
    Merry Christmas to you, Amazon and a much happier 2022. P

    Merry Christmas, all my dear 5:2 friends. xx

    Thanks Barata, and to you and Mr B.
    Beautiful 28 deg, gentle breeze Christmas Day here. Just waiting for the family to arrive…

    Beautiful 27 degrees by our thermometer, 29 by g nephew’s watch! Gentle breeze, totally blue sky. Family almost fed, leftovers will feed us for days… Sharing makes lighter work.

    Good Morning and Happy New Year from a sunny and balmy 15C London!

    To quote the late great John Lennon

    “Let’s hope it’s a good one without any fear”

    I hope 2022 brings us all health, happiness and successful fasting 😍

    And to you, too, Amazon. 2022 HAS to be better..surely? P

    Happy New Year to all. This year has to be better than last! Surely?!
    2019 was a bad year for me, and 2020 was meant to be my good year! But life has been mostly on hold for the last nearly 2 years… Arghhhhh… no more, please!!

    Yes…no more! And now bushfires are back! Grrr….

    Yes, life has been “on hold” in many ways but I’m constantly reminding myself I’m alive, healthy and so far none of my nearest and dearest have been seriously affected by the pandemic.

    I’m taking some positives into 2022 and it’s fairly easy for me as this time last year I was recovering from a major back problem and struggling to walk and sleep due to hip issues.
    I’m now running around doing whatever I wish and free of pain and my attention has now turned towards getting the rest of my body into better shape.

    I’m starting Fast 800 today and am aiming for 12 weeks then assess my progress which at first seemed daunting until I reminded myself a few years ago I succeeded in 6 months of 7 FDs out of every 14 and lost 20kgs.

    I know I can do it and I also know from experience planning is the key, so yesterday I made two batches of soup, celeriac with carrot and parsnip with apple and some curry spices.
    I’ve also planned a menu for the first week.

    All I need to do now is stick to the plan and if I can get through the first week I should be OK.

    Fingers crossed……..

    Thanks Amazon, for the reminder to be grateful for what we DO have. I have railed against the disappointments of cancelled plans so more longer planning things. I have developed the attitude that “life’s too short” in the last couple of years, and try to make the most of any opportunity. Today was a stunning summer day, so I grabbed my mate and drove around some of the harbour foreshores, with 3 Thermoses of water, letting the coast decide the route. We found some wonderful bushwalks with fabulous views and the fast day slipped by.
    Well done on planning your next 5:2 adventure. It IS always easier if you don’t have to think about food. All the best. P


    In recent weeks I’ve come to realise the pandemic plus decreasing mobility had a terrible toll on my mental health and I’m working very hard to look at the positives in everything and find a little joy in every day.

    I feel so much better for it and I’m sure you agree a positive attitude makes it much easier to tackle the more tricky things life chucks at us.

    Your day out sounds wonderful and it stirred up some bittersweet memories as my dear friend who showed me round Sydney and the surrounding areas is no longer with us.
    I’ll always treasure the memories of that first trip to Australia and I’m really looking forward to visiting again hopefully late this year and if not definitely 2023.

    I’ll happily be your tour guide, A. I have fond memories of spending the day with you and Jo in London, dodging the rain, checking out the art scene.
    We need to make memories every day, no matter how simple. My favourite red hibiscus was blooming yesterday. Takes me back to our first martial home where we grew the same hibiscus 🌺 P

    Hello, fasting friends and Happy New Year to you all.

    I’ve had a catch up, still envious of the weather in Australia and New Zealand, pretty childish really, you do have your turn at winter. πŸ₯΄

    We had a poor Christmas I was not well, with some dietary thing. There was definitely temptation to over-indulge, in fact it was under-indulgence. The house is still full of food, although the Quality Street sort of disappeared. Weight is ok. I am on top target at the moment, but I do seem to have settled on 131lbs, just above target, even with treats. I admit they’ve crept in.

    Purple and Amazon, you’re so right about looking for the positives. These restrictions are going on and on, so we have to find something to keep our chins up. I’ve really enjoy sorting out the disaster area that was our garage. Himself git sucked in and we did a good job. It’s in hold until the warmer weather now.

    I’ve also plucked up the courage to book a facial. Our local good place had a 7 for 5 offer, with no restrictions on time, so I bit the bullet.

    What I really want, of course, is to see the gorgeous boys in America. We’ve missed the little boys stage now, though. Super cool, with the odd bit of sarcasm appearing. πŸ˜„

    I’m watching the fifth set of Andy Murray’s first round game back at the AO!

    Oh, well done Andy!

    29 degrees here today, Polly, which is really more than warm enough for me. AC on in the room where daughter works from home, and in our bedroom as we get ready to slumber. Just hope this night doesn’t end, as so many have recently, before 5am!

    We haven’t seen the Aussie grandchildren for two years now, no idea when that will happen.

    Stay well, all. πŸ™‚

    We were able to have our local family here on Christmas Day, which was wonderful, but we haven’t seen the WA lot for nearly 2 years and no chance in the foreseeable future. πŸ˜’ WA has shut itself off, completely, from the rest of the country and world. A bit like China!
    Our weather pattern this summer is humid, hot and wet. The garden has gone mad, with some plants dying from TOO MUCH water! We were in a dreadful drought 2 years ago!
    We are keeping our heads down, with so much Omicron around, but, touch wood, noone I know has had it and we are triple vaxxed. All our grandies are vaxxed now too.

    Looks as if we’re in the same boat, missing grandchildren who will insist on growing up too quickly! Glad you were able have your local family there at Christmas, purple.

    You’re a lucky thing managing to get to the Open and see Andy Murray. I wanted to go to one of the Autumn internationals last year, but OH wasn’t prepared to risk it. I’m also longing to go to a Six Nations game, the Scotland one preferably as the same club comes down every year and we meet them in our watering hole and enjoy a good sing. They have a piper! He will be sorry when we can’t manage the journey or be unable to get tickets.

    Too much rain drowning your plants, Barata! Wow. I have a idea that your climate is similar to ours and we can have days of rain, too, usually November and February, though.

    The forum has gone quiet. I wonder how Happy is doing.

    No, Polly, I don’t go to Melbourne for the AO. I’d rather PLAY tennis than watch it. Mind you, I got sucked in watching some of the Ashes this year. πŸ˜€πŸ™‚

    Oh, god! Careless reading! It was Barata watching Andy, on the television! Ooops. πŸ₯΄

    So easy to do on this thread, Polly! B is watching the AO from NZ on telly, not live. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
    And it’s my plants that are drowning. Apparently this is the most humid January we’ve ever had. πŸ˜‘

    And we are starting to get very dry here. Please send us some of your rain, P! We shared your drought two years ago. It’s too hot – 29c today – to be doing much gardening, but we have already taken a trailerload of my prunings to be recycled before it got too hot.

    As P said, Polly, no live tennis in my living room!

    Ooops again. Which Australian state are you in now, Purple? Is it Victoria? Am I right in thinking that you do have pretty extremes of weather? Hope your plants do survive, anyway.

    I think you both like rugby. I’m reading Alun Wyn Jones’s autobiography at the moment. He shows great respect for the All Blacks and the Wallabies and particularly for how they were welcomed in New Zealand – in smaller communities.

    I still can’t get rid of this indigestion, so I’m giving up wine for a bit. A test run. Might lose a pound.

    I’ve always lived in NSW, Polly. I do follow most sports: swimming, cricket, Rugby League, Rugby, surfing, tennis, you name it, but I’ve always preferred to play than sit and watch. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
    I’m more in to music and art (also as an active participant πŸ™‚)
    Where I am, Sydney, has a pretty mild climate. Usually between 15 to 25 C, but it can get humid and up in the mid 30s. Winter is pretty short, so we don’t bother sealing our houses very much. The big difference is we can have an up to 20 degrees change in temperature within one day in summer. Very hot days are relieved by a cooling “southerly buster” which sweeps up the coast from the Antarctic, in the late afternoon in summer, to cool us off. Melbourne misses out on that cool change, so tends to swelter in summer and get very cold in winter (spoken like a true Sydneysider.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Mind you, climate change is effecting everything. πŸ˜’
    I’d suggest having kefir instead of giving up wine for your indigestion. P

    Hi everyone,

    Purple you beat me to it, I was going to suggest kefir or natural yoghurt for Pol’s indigestion.

    I’m in my semi-nocturnal phase of the year, on occasion getting up at silly o’clock to watch tennis (4am yesterday for Andy) and also trying to get out in the fresh air during daylight hours in this lovely fine frosty and sunny weather we’ve been having here in London.

    Cloud today and a couple of degrees warmer. I’m off to walk the Thames Path from Hampton Court towards home. It’s a really nice stretch with lots of coffee opportunities along the way πŸ™‚

    I’m concentrating on fitness and flexibility at the moment, continuing to be positive and not worrying about anything else. I’ve lost a few pounds but not as much as I’d like due to compliance issues. It’s so much harder to fast in winter but if the weight is going in the right direction, no point in stressing over it.

    I’ve prepped a nice comforting healthy dinner of aubergines and ricotta in tomato sauce for this evening so when I get home all I need to do is put it in the oven and steam some greens.

    Time to get moving.

    Enjoy your walk, Amazon, such a nice spot for a walk. 😊 P

    Dear friends, we cannot let the thread whimper to a sad end. We have had such great times here, both virtually and with the physical friends we have made over the years. Surely there is news to share?

    So far we have stayed safe from Omicrom, but our son in Sydney, and his son, both had it last month. It was just before their long-delayed holiday in Thailand, so fingers were well crossed that his wife and daughter didn’t come down with it too. All was well, though, and no suggestion of Long Covid for either. Granddaughter is ten tomorrow – it will still just be a virtual birthday wish. They are suggesting that we come over at Christmas, but December is a loooong way away.

    How did you get on with Fast 800, Amazon? You were planning to use that to challenge your repeating kgs / lbs.

    Has your indigestion resolved itself, Polly? And any progress with your domestic situation, Happy. I see Wi has returned to France, and has been able to catch up with her grandies, including the new one. πŸ™‚

    Back to the weather report! It’s less than six weeks until the shortest day, and still the temperatures are around 20 during the day. Cooler at night, though, so the lawn is slowing down its growth.

    Stay safe, everyone. xx

    Hi B
    I figure, they’ve all been incredibly successful and no longer need support, or have failed miserably and given up! πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
    I’m neither. Just cruisin’. Stunning 25 deg at the beach with people swimming…and it’s late autumn!!! P

    Hi, Barata and everyone. Are we just struggling due to complacency or boredom with IF? Or maybe we are so fed up with covid restrictions and that we do so little?

    I’m 133.4 lbs, so 3 over top wriggle room. In fact, I’m now pleased if I see 132 announced by the speaking scales. 😏.OH has regrown his horrible belly and is becoming embarrassed about it, but will buy snacks and sneak them I five gone to bed early or he’s watching sport in the study.

    Food wise we’ve had a bad weekend as we’ve been away. Company and experience wise,it was a fabulous weekend. We went ‘home’ to the Rhondda Valley for the dedication of a memorial to the Cwmparc Bombing on 30th April, 1941. Worth a Google. As a child I used to play there without a thought. It was a very moving event and an opportunity to meet people I’ve not seen for 50+ Years in some cases. Sadly, the childhood friend who started the campaign died quite suddenly from cancer last year – a little boy, son of a nurse, who became a renowned QC.

    Back to food, eating out and drinking cocktails, capped off with two extra nights in an hotel with amazing breakfasts. Oh, dear! Tomorrow I have grumpies lunch, then dining group in the evening. Blooming U3A!

    It was wonderful to see families reunited in NZ! Barata, you didn’t say whether your son was actually I’ll with covid, so I’m assuming not. Thankfully, most people do seem to have cold-like symptoms, as did my sister last week, so couldn’t go to the dedication.

    I will resolve to post more often – to avoid producing a screen like this!

    Take care, everyone.

    Polly, both son and grandson had Covid. All good now, though. But my nephew’s wife is still suffering. All triple vaccinated, it seems so random who it hits, and how hard.

    We had our first U3A general meeting on Monday for six months. Just a couple of speakers, separated by morning tea with bikkies (none for me, of course). Lots of members kept away, some from Covid fears, but lots because they had been given medical appointments as the system gets back into more normal routine. The ones who did attend were so happy to be able to catch up socially again. Don’t diss U3A, Polly!

    I think neither, P, just everyone over the current situation and wanting to get back to normal.

    Kia kaha.

    Yes Polly was right…it has been a LONG 2 years.
    We have had dose 4 and flu shots and kept away from “the bug”, but know many who have had it. Women do seem to suffer more from Omicron. πŸ˜’ P

    Interestingly, after a couple of months of eating 3 meals a day during recovery from an accident, I am back to 16:8 to get back to 5:2. It is playing havoc with my digestive system. πŸ˜’

    I just can’t do three meals a day now, even if the gap is much longer than 8. We had the hotel breakfast at 9, then had something from their snack menu at 7.30 that evening. Just one coffee at St Fagan’s museum.

    Barata, I’d never diss U3A, our flipping lives revolve around it now. We’re having some fun and games with roles and pedantic people, though. My writing of fun group didn’t restart after lockdown. The remaining writing group is far too serious, with the leader intending to email everyone’s stories each month. Nope! I had enough reading of naff writing as a teacher and most of the members are not that good. I do miss my former journalist friend, though. We’re on the same wavelength and have both been successful in competitions.

    Re vaccines: it’s seems to be the Moderna which has caused a bad reaction here. OH had his fourth a few weeks ago, Pfizer so he was fine. I’m due next week.

    I had Moderna for my fourth. No difference to the Pfizer or AZ.
    I was having 3 very small meals. Had to due to medication. Got to jump back on the wagon…

    Glad to hear that. And that you’re on the mend.

    Are those wagon wheels higher than before or is it travelling to quickly. I’ve just had toast, because it’s so cold.

    I think I’m too lazy to get on the wagon properly…πŸ˜€

    I’m comfortable with two meals a day, the first usually after midday as I’m not hungry in the morning. Weight has dropped – with a lot of effort – to the level of my best days with 5:2, so I am very happy. It’s sustainable, but admittedly fairly restrictive. I rarely eat wheat or sugar. Plenty of wine, though πŸ™‚

    Older son came for a visit from Wellington over Easter. It’s been nearly a year since we saw him, he just doesn’t stop working! His driving is an essential industry, so there were no lock-down breaks for him either. As he was so late booking his flight there wasn’t a bed to be had in town, so he ended up on the truckle bed (all 6’3″ of him) in the lounge. He SAID it was comfortable. He was 46 on Monday!!

    I’m pleased to announce that a bit of discipline has emerged here, including with OH, who is disgusted with his bulging gut. We’ve had hardly any carbs this week. In wine appreciation yesterday, I limited myself to two small pieces of bread and two of cheese. I deliberately only tried two of the cheeses, in fact, as it’s taking cheese makes me add the biscuits or bread.

    I also have a bag of little Easter eggs still in the fridge and a bar of chocolate which was included in a birthday present in mid April.

    We keep having promises of lovely weather, but all we’re getting is odd days.

    How are you all doing?

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