HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 2 months, 1 week ago.

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  • Arr another kiwi, Kaiora, im the same but im thinking now it may be the amount of milk im using in tea and coffee.As on my two fast day I have been drinking about 8 cups a day?Some ladies have pointed this out to me.But I do wonder if my bodies got use to it as iv been doing this for about two years now.Im still fasting mon and thur and in all that time iv probably only had a month to six weeks off when I went overseas.I lost a good amount to start with but then got a reflux problem and it became harder to shift the weight.I am wondering now that seeing iv been doing this for so long may be I should only fast for one day a week for a while to try and trick my body if that can even be done.

    “Hi Elf,
    Hope life makes some nice space for fasting soon! ” I hope so too Cinque!

    Welcome back, I did wonder what happened to you, I hope you are well.” Thanks NEmum I had to go south as my mother went into the final stages of her illness. She died on the 26th Oct. I’m just back home on Thursday past and feeling quite exhausted. I will get back to the diet, but maybe just give myself a few days to find my way back into normal life? The surprising thing is that I didn’t put ON any weight while I was away – I wasn’t eating ‘healthily’ all the time; too many soup and sandwich days 🙁

    Hi all,

    I am o.k. but struggling with lack of technology at my mums….

    Will be back in touch at the end of the week.

    Elfstone it’s good you are back, take your time get in the right mindset then come back to fast with us we will be here waiting hopefully. Sorry to hear about your mum my sympathy to you.


    My condolences Elfstone, it is such a huge thing, to say goodbye to your mum. I hope you could give her a fine farewell. Life is never the same normal again. ?

    Cheers Audrey, hope life isn’t too hard without this technology we rely on so much!

    Best wishes everyone

    Elfstone: very sorry for your loss.

    Well ladies, I have a confession to make: I have been disloyal – I have looked at other threads on this forum! I am having to do B2B today and tomorrow, due to a change in some work arrangements this week. I’ve done it a few times in the past and find it SO HARD, therefore wanted a bit of extra support from those who understand. However this thread is rather slow, so I wondered if their might be a thread specifically for those fasting on any particular day, but there doesn’t appear to be. In fact the whole forum is very quiet (compared to others on different subject-areas that I use). I’m surprised by this, as the 5:2 way of eating seems very popular, so where is everyone? Is there another forum out there that I haven’t discovered? Am I allowed to ask that? (Please don’t ban me!)

    Anyway, day one of a two-day fast for me, and I’m dreading it….


    Bless I am on another post on this forum too, I am on fat busting brits….. you are allowed to join whatever you like.

    I have done several b2b fasts now, I find it easier to do liquid only the first day followed by 500 kcals the next, I usually wait as late as possible to eat on the 2nd day as I find once I start I can’t stop.

    Milena has also done lots of these too…

    I am at my mums at the moment so reading the posts but not really answering…. but…if you need me to support you just shout… can do this its really just mind over body….


    Thanks so much Audrey.

    Right – I need a moan. I am feeling SO nauseous. This is what has always stopped me in the past. It seems as though my body will tolerate fasting for a month or so but then really goes into revolt. I have a steaming headache (I’m not dehydrated) and just feel awful. If I get through today I don’t think I can face doing it again tomorrow. I’ve only got about 80 calories left, even though I’ve eaten really sensibly. Does anyone else suffer the same problem?

    How rude, I answered your post blaise and it vanished. …

    Try drinking an oxo cube it may help the headache. it does me,

    You can do this its just your body rebelling but your mind is stronger, honestly.

    Keep in touch, stay strong


    Blaise, I’m experiencing the same thing lately. I get a slight headache all day and when i get to bed i don’t sleep well. I had been doing so well in tolerating the fast day. It was actually pleasant to fast. But lately not so. Am hoping it will pass. Yes, an Oxo cube probably would do it as Audrey suggested. I think those might have some salt in them. I haven’t seen those here in the states but maybe i’ll find some through Amazon.
    Please post if you find something that helps!

    Sorry girls forgot your over the pond. …

    Oxo cubes are stock cubes, bouillon cubes….beef flavor….very salty

    Blaise how are you now? Hope you have survived the day


    I’ve done cleanses in the past and felt the same, but these thing do pass – I think people underestimate liquid in foods, so up the liquid and then a little more. And Audrey is correct about salt – and you might want to try a multi-vitamin – all that rubbish we used to eat has some good things in it, I reckon!

    Thanks for all the support: I made it! A large glass of weak squash and a brisk walk in the fresh air did the trick. Really unsure about whether to fast tomorrow though. However if I don’t then I’ll have managed only one day this week due to work cutting down possible fast days. Maybe I’ll see what the scales say….

    Hi everyone,
    Blaise I follow about 6 threads, and then often check through ‘recent posts’ and answer even more! Plus keep an eye on ‘unanswered’ posts incase I can contribute there too. (Can you tell I am a bit isolated in my life?). Luckily no one has told me to butt out!

    So sorry you are having such a hard time with nausea. Is it only when you are Fasting? Extra salt is what comes to my mind too. Lots of miso soup?

    Yay I see you made it. Congratulations! It is very hard when you have to choose Fast Days around work constraints.
    Be kind to yourself! This is about long term health. Sweet dreams. I hope you wake up feeling great.

    I am just starting my Fast Day.

    Hello Everyone

    This could be timely advice for me too, Cinque! I have been 5:2 since July and shed about 5kg from a goal of about 10. Initially I found I had increased energy levels and elevated sense of wellbeing but the last couple of weeks I have been a bit flat, headachey and lethargic despite lots of water and green tea. Not sure if it is the fasting or something else going on. Anyway, just trying the miso now – nothing to lose!Could well be the answer as I normally follow a very low salt diet. I have a lot of travel coming up over the next couple of months so I will probably switch things around a bit anyway for convenience. I’m also wondering whether other IFers take supplements, and if so, what have you found works best for you?
    Footnote – have been sipping the miso while I’ve been typing and already the headache is abating – curious!

    Morning all,

    Glad you made it through blaise.

    I am going home today, as long as we can make it through this dreadful weather thank you tropical storm abigail…..

    Will be back in touch tomorrow. ……

    Keep up the good work ladies keep in touch, as always together we are stronger.

    audrey, Cinque, Blaise, thank you for your condolences.

    It’s been quite a week; I have rarely felt so completely washed out. I had no energy at all up to yesterday and the downside is that I have put on 2 pounds!!! 🙁 My own fault – no exercise; I tried to do my usual walk to the pier on Wednesday – only managed half way there and felt I had to turn back. I’m sure exercise was an important part of losing and I have to get back to it.

    Of course I have been eating things I shouldn’t too (and a glass of wine or sherry before bed to help me sleep), so last night I gave myself a shake and decided to fast today. I’m not sure how successful I’ll be, but I have managed my <250 calorie breakfast and I hope to hold on till supper time. It will be interesting to see if it is as difficult as my first fast was. If I even manage to cut down (a lot) today, that will be an achievement and I can fast again on Sunday.

    I really want to do this – it was SO depressing to see the scales going back up again.

    Hi Elfstone,
    Good luck making it til suppertime. Sending very best wishes!

    Hi Audrey, best wishes for a good trip home!

    Hello Utterchaos! Welcome here. I hope a bit of extra salt makes the difference.

    See you tomorrow!

    Thanks for all the encouragement yesterday ladies. Well, I don’t quite know how, but I AM doing a second fast day today! The weird thing is, I feel great! No idea why – none whatsoever, but so far I’m finding today really easy. Ah….. I wonder….. I had a boiled egg and a couple of oatcakes for breakfast; maybe I need to make sure I start fast days with protein. The scales this morning hadn’t moved, but I’d lost a further inch off my waist, so I’m hoping a second fast day will get rid of at least one pound!

    Again, thanks for yesterday’s help, and I hope everyone is doing okay today.

    Hi Blaise and all
    I’m new to IF but been dieting all my adult years, and for me if I have one single carb in the mourning I’m hungry all day! This is my second fast day, I’ve lost 4 pounds this week water mostly I imagine, but I have stayed well below my TDEE on feed days. Going to get my sweetie to watch Eat, Fast and live longer today it would be so much easer if we were both doing it. Wish me luck at getting him on board.

    Today has gone well other than horrid palpitations while cooking my evening meal: does anyone else get this? Apparently it’s a known side effect of low blood sugar. Maybe I won’t do two back to back again….

    Hi Blaise, Congrats for getting through! I have had palpitations, but not with 5:2 thank goodness. It sounds like low GI food will be important for you. And maybe back to backs are a bit too much? (I’ve been too scared to try)

    Hello Mitzi, good luck getting your partner on board, it would make it easier and fun. I’m certainly of the opinion that Fasting is easier with no sugar in my diet!

    It is morning here and my Fast is finished. Another good day!

    Well done Cinque.

    Hi, I’m a UK newbie, starting today with a fast. Since hitting 50 I’ve just been PILING on the weight and need to reverse it. I’ve high hopes of 5-2, book in hand, joined the forum, desperately searching for tape measure, now hoping for a bit of friendly advice and encouragement 🙂

    Welcome here Zen. You’ve come to the right place!
    I’ve been doing 5:2 for four months and it has been excellent. So many clothes thrown away because they got too loose! Woot!

    When do you plan to do your first Fast Day?

    Hi Cinque, thanks so much for your reply. It sounds like you’re doing fabulously, well done! I can hardly fit into any of my clothes recently so decided enough is enough. My first fast is today. I plan to eat around 5pm, big bowl of veggie soup. P.s my first time on a forum, hope I’m clicking the right buttons and this doesn’t disappear.

    Morning all, and a big welcome to zen

    I am home safe from mums came through wind, sleet, hail and rain last evening but despite abigail tropical storm got here o.k.

    Zen, I am a fellow brit, started off at 174 lbs now hovering around 150 lbs. This wol (way of life) does work, slowly but it works just stick at it. We are a friendly group if you get stuck or need help just shout. You can also join the brits thread if you like….don’t be a stranger. ..

    Hi cinque glad you are o.k.

    How is everyone else doing……


    Thanks for the welcome Audrey, glad you survived the elements! I think this forum will be a massive help as I’m not telling anyone I’m starting 5:2. I’m really shocked at how much weight I’ve gained recently (I’m 51 and 11st 11lbs) and don’t want to see 12st (only 5ft 4). You’ve done amazingly to lose so much, it gives me hope.

    Welcome itsmoni


    You have made the 1st step….now for the rest of the journey, I lost 1. 5 st before anyone noticed I had lost weight then when I told them how I had lost it most of them told me 52 doesn’t work. …..,!!! HeheHe it obviously does as I am on the whole still losing although I have gained this ladt week whilst I was with my mum.

    Where in the u.k. are you?


    Hi again Zen, cheers for your first Fast today! I am in Australia where it is bedtime, so when I wake your first day will be done and dusted.
    A big bowl of veggie soup is exactly what I love to have on Fast day!
    Don’t forget to drink plenty!

    PS I’m 5′ 4″ too!

    Audrey I am so glad you are home safe, and I bet you will love getting all the good things in place again.

    Welcome Itsmoni, that is a great link. PS I’m a redditor too! No 5:2 subreddit last time I looked though. Are you doing 5:2?

    I hope I can stick at it and do as well as you’re doing, feeling peckish already! I’m in Nantwich, Cheshire. (meant to type 11st 13lbs in previous post – hopefully 11 st 11 by next week)! Do you have any particular advice for my first fast?


    I am in crewe! Small world eh…..

    This wol is really mind over matter, your 1st fast is the worst to do…. but you can survive it honestly.

    I find it easier to try to keep busy so my house is spotless on fast days…. when you get hungry get up and do something the hunger seems to come and go in waves….

    If you can last through till your evening meal you will last out the day, drink lots and lots, if you get stuck shout out…. I can now go 48 hrs without food, we call this a B2B (back to back fast)….

    Stick with it, good luck


    Hi again Cinque, lucky you in Australia, I’m about to walk the dog in the cold and rain! Love your chicken that flew recipe, will try that soon.
    Hi Audrey, can’t believe you’re almost my neighbour! Thanks for the advice, reading this forum has helped keep my mind off food but I’ve got nothing else done all morning. Dog walk and house work soon – exciting way to spend a Saturday hey?


    I too am out soon, going tesco for much needed food shopping.

    Keep in touch, let me know later how you get on. Do try the fat busting brits forum too, I think you will like…..

    Cinque sleep well cu tomorrow. ….


    Well I didn’t quite manage it yesterday, but I’m not too angry with myself. A friend came into chat and I ended up a bit weepy and after she’d gone I ate; I know I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t stop myself – didn’t seem to have the mental energy to be self-disciplined. Comfort food? what is it about food that “comforts” us? Anyway I managed to keep it to just north of 700 calories, which is not as good as 500 but better than a binge! I’ll try again tomorrow I think – nobody visits/phones on a Sunday here. 😉

    Nice to see new people joining us – welcome to you all.


    Welcome Zen. I know Nantwich well, having lived in a Chester a few years ago. How is the fast day going? It’s important to keep well hydrated and, if all else fails, have a sleep! What kind of dog do you have?

    Hi Elf, It sounds like the day went as planned, easing yourself back into 5:2 mode.
    Food is an excellent comforter, isn’t it, and so often it is an important part of being with friends.
    I hope today you have a great fast and can do all the other comforting things.

    I hope your Fast Day went well Zen, and that you had a good walk with your dog in the rain! I wonder if you will experience the lovely morning after, when you wake up feeling really good, and surprisingly not hungry.
    ? And I hope you enjoy that recipe when you get around to making it. I plan to make it again very soon.

    Cheers Audrey, i love that shopping trip when you get home after being away!

    Cheers to you too Blaise!

    It is Sunday here and nice Australian weather, unless it gets too hot for my seedlings. I’m hoping to potter around and get things done. Fast Day tomorrow I think.

    Hello All

    I am also in Australia – far north Queensland, where it is getting steamier by the day! I am 59 and have been struggling with the creeping kilos the past few years. I have been low carbing for about 15 years, with the occasional lapse. I find the IF wol very convenient to follow – have never been one for counting calories or weighing stuff.
    Thanks Simcoeluv for the low salt link. I was trying the low salt approach because I’d read that it helps with the symptoms of Meniere’s, but really I couldn’t see any difference.
    This is such a helpful and supportive forum, lots of useful ideas, thanks.

    Hello Utterchaos and Welcome! Great name!

    I am the same with loving 5:2 because it is easy and natural. I enjoy watching the process with minimal calorie counting and weighing, I am fascinated by how the changes feel and look.

    Hi everyone. I’ve just joined and I’m not too sure where to start. I’m 60 and had a hysterectomy in 2001.
    A bit over two weeks ago I had my gall bladder out due to stones and pain.
    After having a good think (very hard work) I’ve decided to try the 5:2 eating plan.
    I am 165cm and 93kg. I have lots of fat around my belly. I’d like to weigh 80kg. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
    Apart from perspiration I don’t remember any side effects of my hysterectomy. I was so relieved to not ‘bleed’ for up to 20 days each month!!

    Hi Athenusia! Welcome to you!
    I think 5:2 may suit you really well. You will love losing that extra belly! Don’t be in too much of a hurry. Make it a way of life, and changes will come.

    I hope you are recovering well from your op.

    Btw I had my ovaries out when I was 50. It was a bit of a shock to be thrown straight into menopause! About 3 hot flushes every half hour!
    You must have been so glad though! 7 days bleeding was more than enough for me!

    Have you thought about your first Fast Day? When it will be, and what you will eat?

    Morning from England ladies…..

    Welcome to our newcomers you have come to the right place. We are all supporting each other here so if you need help just shout.

    Zen how did your first fast day go?

    Utterchaos and athenusia keep in touch, Cinque how are you doing, it’s wet n windy here in Cheshire not too cold as yet though!

    Keep in touch


    Just popping in to say ‘Good morning’ to all you ladies and welcome to Utterchaos and Athunusia.

    It’s a right dreich day here – typical November weather – so I’m going to do some baking to take to my Arts and Crafts group tomorrow afternoon. It means turning up the Rayburn and the kitchen will be wonderfully warn and smell of tasty things! (Perhaps that’s not the right thing to be saying on a weight loss thread?)

    I’m hoping to get down to around 700 calories again today – not a proper fast, but I feel I can cope with that at the moment.

    Thanks for the welcoming messages everyone, what a friendly bunch you are! Chester is lovely, Blaise, cant beat a shopping trip there. I’ve a springer spaniel who walk me really.
    well my first day was amazing! I got a little hungry but kept busy all afternoon and suddenly it was dinner time and 500cals seemed like a feast! I expected to suffer a lot more. And yes, Cinque, I woke up feeling not at all hungry! In fact, and tell me if this is a bad idea, I’m considering doing another fast day today as its 11am already and I’ve not eaten. Reckon I might make it through until dinner, and if not no harm done.

    Good morning everyone, the weather is heating up in Melbourne. 27C today and hotter still for the next three days. Luckily my flat takes a while to heat up.

    Zen, so glad you had a good first Fast Day! I have never done Fast Days back to back, but it seems everyone has to work out what suits them, so worth a try!
    My suggestion would be not to go TOO gung ho, it is not a sprint, not even a marathon, but a way of life. But you will need to work out what is right for you. Some people love back to back Fast days.

    I hope you have another good 700 calorie day Elfstone! Your kitchen sounds wonderful! Just because I am not eating much, only means that what I do eat should be the best, most delicious, freshly made food: preferably cooked in a lovely kitchen!

    I am having a Fast Day. I’ve got a meeting tonight, but I will have my soup before I go, so hopefully my brain will be in gear.

    Off to have the most delicious, freshly made cup of tea! Catch you later!

    Morning cinque

    It’s evening here and a very wet n windy one too!

    Have a great day, I will catch up in the morning as I am off to bed now…

    Enjoy yourselves ladies, we are only here once better make it count….


    Hello Everyone,

    I will be starting my first fast tomorrow. Wish me luck and I look forward to meeting everyone.

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