Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Same here Jade, just about eaten my own weight in chocolate and cake today because I reckon if anything is left tomorrow I won’t be able to resist…..😳😈 Wow, you sound like an amazing baker too…..very hard not to do quality control πŸ˜‰

    Good morning /evening team. Fit so lovely to hear from you and that the party was such a great success. With only a few hours sleep you will need a week to recover. What a fabulous time to look back on and remember and I do hope everyone was snap happy with phones/cameras, as memories do blurrπŸ˜€
    Jade well done with the fight on weeds, a never ending war in every garden, but with regular dilligence you will come out in front and have the pleasure of a beautiful garden to look at and eat from ☺️ Remember plenty of mulch too, it my magic potion☺️
    Annie, are you still with us, we haven’t heard from you for a while, I hope things are going well for you and you are feeling better. Life doesn’t offer more than you can cope with, so soldier on in true AUSSIE DETERMINATION style☺️
    Gyps your plans for our next reunion sounds incredible, I agree a few days wont be enough to cover it all. I’m sure with your suggestions and PH’s admin experience, we will all be in good hands πŸ’ž
    Fasting day today team, and oh so needed! It’s quite cool here so lots of hot drinks and soup I think will be my fillers todayπŸ˜ƒ How easy we get away from our new resolves. Although I re-read somthing Michael said as in “only two fasts a week, then eat whatever you want on the other five days” boy have we all taken that to the letter! I still find it interesting, that no real mention, or push, was insisted on in the original doco regarding TDEE? Counting cals on non fast days or being cautious of choice or portion control. Do we pressure ourselves unnecessarilly? When we all first started and followed that specific plan, we all lost most of our weight quite quickly, no plateaues, dead easy! 😊Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Although our appitites have shrunk with the weight we have lost, we still check MFP daily to see if we can indulge….more “food” for thought 😏
    Last day of the long weekend too team, stay off the roads if you can,usually the busiest of the year and most dangerous so stay safe.
    Our future starts with what we plan today, so make it countπŸ˜€πŸ’•xxxx

    Morning/evening. Well I have been out for a small walk this morning. My chiro has suggested I take a five minute walk before I do ANYTHING in the morning. I walk up the hill from our place and it is about five up and five back. It doesn’t feel as strenuous as coming up the hill from the village to the house. Anyway, I am giving it a go. Right now I am sipping a star anise and ginger tea and looking out the window across to Mt. Victoria. Looks like it will be a nice day but a bit chilly.
    Everyone sounds like they had a nice Easter Sunday.
    FIT – you are a machine! The party, hardly any sleep, looking after everyone and then singing at mass.

    Today is a day of washing so that we have everything we are taking away, clean. I feel the pull of the beads today so might do a little beading, read some of my book and maybe catch up on some DVD series I borrowed from the library.

    Well done Genie, it takes all my effort to walk from my bedroom down to the kitchen when I’m first up! Enjoy your day, the excitement is mounting for your trip, I think most of us were exhausted before we even left due to the packing and repacking, it’s the fun bit πŸ’•πŸ˜ƒxx

    I agree CG. The planning and packing is the fun bit. I always worry a bit about how it will weigh but last year I earnt some Kathmandu points and bought a portable luggage scale. No need to worry now. I always weighed the case on the bathroom scales before going, it was more the coming home weight.

    Yes, you do have to expect to bring extra home πŸ˜ƒ But no matter what you pack, you still have “what ifs” weather etc? I got on the bathroom scales then picked my bag up and reweighed, it worked ok, but your gadget sounds better πŸ˜‰ Enjoy the thrill of it all πŸ’•πŸ˜€xx

    A little Easter Monday funny.
     photo image_4.jpeg

    Very funny, we read and see things as we want!πŸ’•πŸ˜€xxx

    The week of WTF is behind us along with the Easter weekend.Now can we all get back to the seriousness of 5:2 ? I say that light heartedly as this is a WOL that is so doable. We have all come along way in our weight loss goals
    So now that our lives are back to normal routines….LETS BRING IT ON WITH MORE GUSTO THEN EVER BEFORE…… The cooler months are around the corner….GET THOSE 4P’S TO WORK THEIR MAGIC WITH OUR FOOD CHOICES……WE ARE AUSSIE DERTERMINATION …Not afraid to say no….but yes to portion control,less or no carbs and plenty of good choice protein to keep us full.
    FIT-That was some party that you had for your OH 8hrs of such wonderful craic. You and your daughters did a splendid job.Your OH will have such great memories. Hope your voice was in fine form at mass.You are a legend with hardly any sleep on board.
    GENIE- The cartoon says it all.LOL. Love it that you enjoy packing…..I packed sooooo much for WTF and wore 1/2 of it.Even then it took 2x to sort what out I was actually going to take.
    GYPS-The Northern reunion plans sound wonderful …..7 days to really enjoy your part of Oz seems better than 3 days of trying to fit in all the wonders that you and GAWDMUTHER will be organising for us……I have started my coin jars ,one for $2 the other $1maybe another for 50 cents.
    SJ and PH expect your parcels this week as I sm posting them tomorrow.
    CG-I have the “nanny nap bug” have had them often since returning home.
    Will do a fast tomorrow ,as to many lunches and impromptu dinners over weekend to fast today.
    Have a FAB WEEK……..GO GAL

    Hi GG, lovely to hear from you. I do hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable EasterπŸ˜ƒ The Nanny naps work! I find I re-charge when I have them, so hope it worked for you…..and it’s nothing to do with age πŸ˜πŸ’•
    The Qld reunion sounds fantastic, you can sit back and enjoy this one and let others do the organising 😊I’ve got my jar on the go too. My fast today was awesome, no hunger either. I hope yours is the same tomorrow. Enjoy you evening, Hi to o/h β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•Xxxx

    Hi all!
    I’m still a bit groggy from lack of proper sleep because my daughter had to leave for the airport at 5am and I was awake to see her off. My darling OH drove her there thankfully. He’s gone back to bed and I’m running the dishwasher (again)! Our last guest left at 4pm yesterday and I just crashed on the couch so there’s still a lot of the clean up to do…..sign of a good party, I reckon! πŸ˜΄πŸ’€
    Genie, love the cartoon…..I’ve finished my chocolate mountain this morning (“because it was there”!) So already scuppered my fast but I’ll try to limit my calories for the rest of the day and see how I get on. Happy packing….it’s always fun! It’s great to have a proper luggage scales to avoid hassle at the airport. Great job too on tackling those hills!πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
    CG, I think there are hardly any photos because I was just too busy to take them but I think my BIL got a few. I agree with you about nfds in Mosley’s book and doco….it certainly wasn’t made clear or stressed how important TDEE is. I need a major shift in my mindset still to get on board with that as nothing is going to change with my yoyoing until I do.
    GG, the northern reunion will be different to WTF but just as special and amazing…..not because of location or duration but because of the people! β€οΈπŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©I can’t wait! It seems so ridiculous to be looking to something so far into the future but I can’t help wishing the time to fly by!
    I have to get off my backside and pack for France, we leave very early on Wednesday morning. I’m also on duty with my sister today as it’s a bank holiday so we have less home help. I’m kinda running on empty but I’ll have a nanny nap later this afternoon and that should do the trick!
    Best of luck and love to you all for the week ahead πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ’žπŸ’ͺ

    Hi all, busy day with visitors today, blew fast day with roast chicken and all the trimmings. Just can’t resist rich gravy with roast spuds and can’t penalize others by not making it! Oh well, I’ll start taking my own advice tomorrow. Salads!

    Glad everyone has had a good Easter. the party went well by the sounds of it, Fit!

    GG I forgot to send you my postal address. it’s no secret. so it’s

    PO BOX 55
    QLD. 4850

    I think the rain has gone and it wasn’t so hot today, so hoping the summer is on its way out. Time to tame the jungle again and look forward to some camping trips. Haven’t heard from the Gawdmuther, so assume she is out on the reef, or island hopping. We’ll catch up after the Easter exodus. The roads ae jammed with caravans and tourists heading home from our beaches. The weather has been kind. I’m off to watch a movie with OH, so I’ll say good night all, xx gyps

    HI All very late posting today. Everyone has been busy in their part of the world but especially Fit – WOW what a celebration Fit!!!
    We decided today to do a walk on a lovely track that leads to a little town with a nice cafe. 7-8kms for the round trip so I took my backpack just to carry 2 small water bottles. But my back/neck are obviously not up to it yet & I had to stop quite a bit & do various stretches. By the time we got home I was ready for panadols & bed! Will be talking to my osteo tomorrow about a possible move to water exercise as pilates last week really wound me up again – just not happy with where we are with things at the moment so we’ll see. Anyway apart from the back it WAS a lovely walk with lots of trees & shade & birds. Disappointing part was that the patisserie was closed so only other option was the local service station so you can imagine what choice we had there! Definitely not a FD for me so will do tomorrow & Thursday.
    Like some others have said really need now Easter is over to get back into the swing of things. And Gyps tells us it’s the right time to do it – so let’s get down to it gang & do some serious planning & preparing & use our persistence & perseverance when we need it!! πŸ™‚ suejen XXXX

    Hi team, Fit you must be so done in, try to rest as mch as you can. Sleep seems to be the one thing you have missed out on and you worked so hard leading up to the hig celebration, so put your feet up when you can, but more importantly, plenty of shut eye πŸ˜‰πŸ’ž
    Suejen, I’m sorry to hear of your back and neck problems. Have you had xrays? Something is definately going on that needs looking into. It effects every day living, I know, so before it gets any worse, please see your doctor and he can guide you to the right people. I wish you luck and feel your pain and frustration.πŸ’žXx
    Bed time team, another successful fast done and dusted ☺️ Best for quite some time actually. Nighty nite all, sweet dreams πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•xxxxxx

    HI CG yes had x-rays. I have a triple whammy of osteoporosis, osteo arthritis and a scoliosis which goes to the left in my neck then to the right in my back. The osteopath thought we should be able to get it all under control but it’s not happening. It’s all just flared up late last year. Well it’s been coming on longer than that but we’ve been able each time to get it back to pretty much normal each time so that I can manage everyday things, as you say.
    See how I go tomorrow as can’t go on with it like this. Maybe I need osteo plus other treatment but most practitioners don’t seem to suggest doing that. They each like you to just do their method. Or I go back to my dr to discuss again.
    Glad you had a very successful FD CG – WELL DONE!!! I will try again tomorrow. πŸ™‚ sjxxx

    Gypsy we had roast chicken too.
    Fit we are twins even more. My daughter is leaving for the airport tomorrow at 5 am! My husband is driving her!

    I have had migraines all over Easter. Grrr

    Hi all, late posting tonight.
    FIT.. Awsome partying. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸΎπŸΈπŸΈπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I’m impressed..there is NO way I could keep going till 5am and starting at 9pm? I hope there is someone in the group who will be able keep up with you at the Northern Reunion. I’ll bet you are looking forward to France when I hope you will be getting a well earned rest and stopping to smell the roses. . Between the preparations for the party, then the party, and looking after your sister, and singing at Mass ceetainly been busy but what memories you have made for you and your wonderful OH. Sounds like the girls did a sterling job also.

    Jade..just love your posts.πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• you seem to put a lot of effort into everything you do in life. It is so good to wake up each morning and see what you and Fit have got up to during the night.

    Genie. Getting close now.πŸ‘šπŸ‘•πŸ‘–πŸ‘”πŸ‘—πŸ‘˜πŸ‘˜ Up to the packing stage where you change your mind regularly. My darling SIL gave me some good advice once regarding packing to travel….she said to me that no one knows you where you are going so the best things to pack are the ones you are most comfortable in. I took her advice and when I look back over my photos from various trips I notice the same outfits quite a lot. Same went for WTF took smarter outfits but wore my most comfortable cool clothes. enjoy the process.

    CG. Well done on your fast day. I still have not got back on the straight and narrow yet. Did two fasts last week but today spent the day at Daughters having BBQ lunch and a day in the garden watching her and OH planting out a lot of shrubs and doing a few alterations to some clothes she bought. Then she had nice nibbles and drinks for us when we finished so no fasting.πŸΉπŸΊπŸΊπŸ§€πŸ§€..hopefully tomorrow.

    SueJen. You certainly set yourself a challenge. πŸšΆπŸƒπŸšΆπŸƒπŸšΆThat is such a long walk so well done for finishing it, what a disappointment that the reward was not open at the other end.. Patisserie…to…service station….😞😞😞 . Good on you for taking another look at what is best for you on the exercise front. .Look after yourself, pamper yourself for a few days πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•. I too have to concentrate on getting back on the straight and narrow. Starting tomorrow.

    GG. Your nanny nap bug has finally caught up with you!! 😴😴😴 Embrace it my dear as you obviously need it. I guess it takes you longer to come down off your “high” than the rest of us, we all fell in a heap much sooner..your Easter sounded Magic.

    Annie….Hope you are OK..πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    GYPS. Your suggestions ALL sound fabulous. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽ£πŸŽ£πŸ›₯πŸš€πŸš πŸš‹πŸš‘πŸŽ§πŸš£ OH and I are thinking we will take the Van and travel up slowly, stopping along the way and so he will also participate in the fishing etc with the fellas. That is If we are up to it health wise at the time. I will probably stay with all of you and he will find a park somewhere and stay in the van, He will probably be sick of me being around all the time after the long trip up . Likes to get off on his own so this will be perfect. We have been planning to take a trip to Cairns for some time but just never got around to it. Maybe we were waiting for this??

    Hi to everyone I’ve missed..time to turn out the light and get some sleepπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

    Back home again after getting my sister sorted, she was a little better and easier to manage than of late so maybe she noticed the enormous bags under my eyes!
    Gyps, I hope you get the better of the jungle and that you enjoy the camping. Love to the Gawdmother too!
    SJ, so sorry to hear about your neck trouble….that is a very difficult combination of problems to deal with and I hope one of the medics looks at the overall and entire picture. Hugs (very gently) to you πŸ’ž
    UP, that’s an amazing coincidence! I hope your migraines clear up soon, my older daughter suffers from them too and I know how debilitating they are and how hard to treat. Take care, twin! πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©
    PH, by the sounds of things from the WTF tour, I’ll only be trotting after you! πŸ’ƒπŸƒ What lovely times you and your OH are having helping and overseeing your daughter turn her new place into a lovely home. Enjoy it all β€οΈπŸ’•
    CG, well done on the great fast, you are awesome! I’ve given up totally on today, there are just too many leftovers to be finished by tomorrow. My SIL who missed the party called in and of course we had to share birthday cake as well as a few stories! I’m actually not too tired now but I’m taking it easy by doing a job, then stretching out on the couch for a half hour before doing the next one. Easy, peasy! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘

    Ha ha Genie, that cartoon reminds me of every time I’ve scarfed a “100-cal” serving, only to find the little packet actually 5 servings. Right, but those labels are so small….
    CG, interesting thought about how easy this was before I started tinkering. I have recently gone back to that simplicity save for my anti-sugar efforts. OH HA HA HA I can’t even type that with a straight face after yesterday. Little Rosie the terrier’s mom left an Easter basket on our porch, unfortunately not just dog treats either. So when we got home last night, suddenly I was surrounded by Easter eggs. And what do you know, today I am not. Yep, all gone, and a valiant effort it was, but the house is now clean for today’s FD. Ah well, life goes on and it’s a new week to strive for perfection ⭐️ It’s good to hang out with folks who live so many hours in the future, so you can show me the light.

    Fit you are a legend of energy, you haven’t stopped in days! I hope the prep for France isn’t too hard, but at least once you get there you can relax. I hope? Somehow “relaxing” and France don’t seem to go together. I think some good french wine and nana naps are in order and stat.πŸ·πŸ’€ GG glad you are partaking in those, because you set the high bar for effort with the WTF production. What an amazing feat you pulled off, and now the baton is handed to Gyps for a possibly week-long shebang! πŸŽ‰πŸ‘― I am still gently working on OH to get him to Ireland and then possibly to Oz. Lately I’ve been working pretty hard just to get the poor man out of the house; grief is a weird little bug. Like termites, you don’t realize what’s even going on inside. PH I love that your OH likes to get out on his own – are you into the fishing too? 🎣 (I copied your emojiπŸ˜‰) – my OH likes to be part of a pack, of two πŸ’• but honestly I’m usually just not into his hobbies. But shh, I’m still leading him on after 25 yrs πŸ€”
    Sue I feel for you with the pain and hope that can be sorted one way or another. Cheers to you for getting out for all that walking, but oh dear… visions of a romantic dinner dashed. Hope you can try again soon, it sounds like a lovely walk. And Up, hope the migraines have subsided? They are wicked little inventions of Satan.πŸ‘Ώ
    All right, time to go take my mind off food. It’s spring break here and I can garden all week! Part of Rosie’s Easter basket was flower seeds, and amazingly I haven’t eaten them πŸ˜› so I think it’s time to go plant something! β™₯️β™₯️jade xxx

    Jade, France will be a bit of a mixture of work and relaxation this time because we are in the middle of some renovation of the upstairs of the house. A guy is coming to build some partition walls and we’ll be helping out moving and clearing things and possibly painting if I can work around the guy. But, apart from that, there will be lots of walks on the beach with our dog, aperitifs with the neighbours and mooching around the markets… well as trying to improve my French…..lots of fun! Enjoy your Spring break, gardening and chocolate eggs sound like bliss for you πŸ«πŸŒ»πŸ«πŸŒ·πŸ˜ƒ

    Whew! I have been digging more weeds and then planting the flower seeds. It’s a shame I didn’t go bury those chocolate eggs in the dirt, maybe I could grow a big fat bunny! Instead of looking like a big fat bunny πŸ‡πŸ‡ Thank heavens there is no food-fest on the horizon, as far as holidays. Funny, OH got through yesterday eating one mini-cupcake. One.😑
    Oh Fit, painting?? Don’t strain anything, especially your wine-drinking arm πŸ’ͺ🍷 The renos sound exciting though! Long walks on the beach in France, too- I’d paint a few rooms for that payoff I suppose πŸ˜‰ It’s great that you and your OH can work together πŸ’• on such a slice of paradise πŸŒ…πŸ˜
    Meanwhile, back in the mudpits, I need a serious hen-showering. OH wants to go look at a new car (new to us, anyway) and they wouldn’t even let me sit in one for a test drive in my current condition. And my hair, good lord a nest of eagles could fit in there. πŸ˜‚πŸ¦ƒ (ok that’s a turkey but it could fit too). See y’all later! –jade xxx

    Oh, Jade, you’re a howl! Loving the image of turkey hair, mud and hen showering! πŸ˜‚ I did a bit of egg burying myself….in my big gob!! OH and I have a symbiotic relationship…..he doesn’t pick up a paint brush and I don’t go near the kitchen……otherwise, divorce could be on the cards! Best of luck with the new, old car and wishing you many happy and safe miles of motoring!🏎

    Hi all, the first day for most of us to get back on the 5.2 plan in earnest once again now that the Dreaded Easter Bunny has been and done his damage. happy Fast Day. WE CAN DO THIS,!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ€—.
    SJ. Our posts crossed last night. It is good that you are addressing your health issues with your Osteo but you may be overdoing the exercise a bit, if you are in a lot of pain again then you may need some anti-inflamitory meds to get you back on track short term. I see my Osteo and my Doctor regularly, one for movement and exercise and one for pain relief. Just a thought as onmy you know how much pain you are in.😰😰😰.

    UP. Migraines are the Pits…and to get them over the Easter break when your beautiful daughter was home even more so. Hope you are feeling better.

    CG you have been setting a great example to us all by getting back fasting ….we will all get there eventually…hopefully today now the Easter break is over and we have no more excuses…πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

    Fit. I am trying to imagine Frence with an Irish accent. It would be beautiful. Love the rules you have in place re OH in the Kitchen and you with the painting…does sound the opposite of what used to be the norm…great stuff.πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— in our house it is me out of the Kitchen and the Painting…I get to do all the cleaning up after OH when he makes the mess but am happy with that.

    Jade. I have this mental picture of you dirt from head to toe, standing in the yard with it starting to drizzle and a turkey trying to fly off out of its nest of hair but getting stuck …sooo funny. I do admire you though for doing the gardening thing on top of all your workload teaching. Where do you get all of your energy. .
    Good luck with the new/old car search. . My OH just loves to get off on his own..mostly goes fishing for a few days, takes his boat and tent and off he goes. Has been doing that all of our married life. I love the peace and quiet of it all at home when he goes also. Not sure I told everyone but when we were away we celebrated 45 years of wedded bliss, with all of its ups and downsπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ‘°πŸ»πŸ‘°πŸ». Our time out from each other is very. Much part of that from the beginning… And of course the fact that he did not want to travel but was very happy for me to go with girlfriends……meaning I could do twice as much hahahaβœˆοΈπŸ›©πŸ›«πŸ›¬. What a gem… Since our retirement I have had to learn about Rugby League..his other love so that we have something in common. Actually enjoying it now.

    Enough of my rambling. Must get up and at it. Have a great Fast Day. Everyone who is doing it today and remember…..We will Smash it…πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™

    Congrats, PH, on your anniversary! 45 years is some achievement! Woohoo! OH and I spend a lot of time together, always have since we began married life as two teachers getting home early in the day and also having long holidays. Then he left teaching and started working from home so we spend all day together. So, having little breaks away from each other is very healthy for us…..probably essential! Not sure my French accent is anything to be admired but thanks for the compliment! Best of luck with fasting. πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ƒβ€οΈ

    Good morning/evening team. Still no rest for you Fit with your plans for France πŸ˜‰ Although being in the midst of a reno project can be fun, also it’s rewarding watching it all come together. Remember to take care of your neck, now that it has weakened πŸ’•
    Jade, gardening is a fabulous hobby and find you lose yourself in it. Time just goes and food is something you don’t even think about. Perfect activity when fasting too πŸ˜‰
    Up I really feel for you with the migrain, I get clusters and you just never know how long they will keep coming. Rotten things dear friend, do rest up, lay down and don’t force yourself to do anything, wait until it passes.
    Suejen, i have exactly the same as you in my spine, the surgery only fixed one complaint. Oh the things that come on with age aye? I can’t get through the day without anti inflams, have done for years just to get through, so maybe it’s time for you to think about using them on a regular basis. They do help and usually work. I’m of the opinion that I don’t have a lot of years left, well in comparison of how far I’ve come, so these years might as well be as comfortable as possible πŸ˜‰ Funny too, mine deterioted even more so when retirement got close, in fact, I did take retirement early because the pain was so bad so it’s a bummer. We look forward to “our” time in retirement after working all our lives, then our bodies let us down, take care dear friendπŸ’žβ˜ΊοΈ
    Very chilly, real Autumn weather now, heater going too, and the air is crisp. Yesterday I really rugged up, could have been fasting making it feel colder, but the colder months are really starting to kick in. Off to the dentist later for a second opinion, I think I do have an extraction on one tooth due, but will get a full check up and await the verdict. Then off to my doctor for a tetinus shot, Lexie trod on the SAME toe as Danny the other night, so I have it well wrapped and padded but it’s oh so tender 😏 Oh well, just one of those things. Good luck if fasting team today, talk yourself into the right mind set, YOU CAN DO IT, warm drinks too if it’s cold where you are, it helps keep you fuller. Stick with your plan and this magic way of eating. πŸ˜€ So very easy and doable as you know. We are living proof it works and this way of life is here to stay☺️
    “Life is lke a sheet of snow, be careful how you tread it, for every step will show” πŸ˜ƒπŸ’•xxxx

    Mornin’ CG!
    Oh, your poor foot! The joys of having large pets! Best of luck with your tooth too……looks like you’ve a case of foot and mouth disease at the moment! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for the reminder about my neck while painting….. I enjoy decorating but don’t want to aggravate the arthritis again. I really notice the cold when fasting, it makes a huge difference to the body’s ability to generate heat and stay warm. I always have to rug up too on fds. Get your boys to snuggle up for extra body heat! πŸΆπŸΆπŸ’žπŸ’•

    Hi Fit, yes things come in group lots don’t they. I can sail along smoothly, then bang! Either my back pain deteriorates, the animals nudge me or stand on me, all part of life I guess. But, still wouldn’t swap it for the world ☺️ Sometimes we can all wonder why we bothered to get up in the morning, but self pitty is a no-no, life is still wonderful, and beats the alternative πŸ˜‰ It must be getting close to sleep time for you too? Rest up, try for an earlier night for catch up. You are such a goer, my friend, don’t burn yourself out πŸ’•πŸ˜ƒxxxxxx
    PH happy anniversay although belated, thats a fabulous innings, and if having time apart is what works for you, then do whatever it takes β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•Xx

    CG, you’re a real warrior! Things can come in 2’s, 3’s, 4’s or more……nothing gets the better of you and you’re right that self pity doesn’t get you anywhere! I’m not really the goer that you think, I do a lot of lollygagging around on the sofa as well! πŸ˜‰

    PH, 45 years!? Happy happy anniversary πŸ’‹πŸŽ‰πŸ’•!! Me time is important and I’m glad you both have a big share of it – but no worries here, my job allows me plenty, especially as I’m expected to be at school often when I have no classes. So I can leave during the day for shopping, girl lunches etc.

    Oh dear, CG how painful to have the same spot trod upon πŸ‚πŸ‚ but how like you to talk your way through it. The temptation to get discouraged is strong but as you say, there is no alternative if we are to enjoy our “golden” years! I too have taken the anti-inflams for many years, and though I try to take a day off here and there it is better to grease the track than to grit my teeth all day. Hope you get some relief xxx

    Fit did you finally get yourself to bed? πŸ’€πŸ’€ It must be exciting to contemplate a trip to France but do rest up and don’t try to paint the Sistene Chapel dear girl. I wish my OH would shoot me out of the kitchen. Unfortunately when it’s time to paint, I’m in charge there too. He is good at compliments, I’ll give him that!

    We managed to get ourselves a new car, first time I’ve ever had a Toyota. I hope their rep is well deserved, because it has a boatload of miles on it. They were nice enough to let us borrow it for a few days so that we can have our mechanic tell us its actual prognosis. Gives me a good feeling that they aren’t afraid to let us have It checked out.

    We are watching our favorite team, UConn women, in the natl basketball tourney. Gosh they are so fast and good, but they are playing Texas and those girls aren’t too shabby ether. Good game so far for the UConn fans, as they’re up 15. I’m the only yank here lately aren’t I… πŸ€” Never mind then! (What the heck happened to Bert?) Ah well – have a great day Aussies, I have started my jar !!!πŸ’°πŸ’°–jade xxx
    ps: right, about 5:2, YES I’ve managed a FD thanks to some 130 cals/cup chicken tortilla soup. Yum. 🍲

    Fit that sounds so funny as we don’t do lollygagging at all! Does that mean lying around AND stuffing your face with lollies too???!
    Thanks for your thoughts everyone. Seeing osteopath today & then will decide on dr after I hear what he says. PH sounds like your osteo gives you exercises – mine doesn’t do that much, mostly says just keep moving & don’t sit too long. Will see about pilates after that too. Cancelled this week anyway. CG I’ve been thinking the same about retirement too – everything seems to have progressed really quickly since then? Or is it just that we push ourselves until then I’m not sure? At least now if I need a nap I don’t have to worry about being out the door at 3pm! Didn’t realise that you had all the same conditions CG thought yours had all been fixed with the op. You really are an aussie battler to have kept on working with all that! Oh your poor toe…nothing worse than having someone step on a toe you’ve already injured!!
    PH you may be right about overdoing the exercise as that’s probably what my osteo will say. It’s just that that’s the activity that my OH & I love to do together so will be really hard if I have to drop out of it. We’ve been nature lovers & bush walkers from right back before we were married. But as both you & CG have mentioned anti-inflams will discuss that with my dr. PH you’ve really got your relationship sorted with OH & worked out what works for you both. I really admire you for that as his depression can’t have been easy over all those years but you’ve made it work!
    Oh Jade the mental pictures you paint for us…..hilarious!!! I trust OH did eventually let you get into the proposed new car/s – you passed muster??!!
    UT hope you’re not to sad with D leaving & that you had some lovely time together.

    Well need to get my day started & plan my FD. Has to be a good one to make up for that service station lunch yesterday! Even a 7km walk didn’t stop the weight gain of that – no healthy choices there!! So off to MFP now. suejen XXXX

    Sue I will keep a good thought for you as you sort out the osteo pain. Know exactly what you mean about loving to hike, it’s my fave too. Lovely that you and OH have enjoyed it since your early sweetheart days πŸ’•πŸ’• luck dear friend πŸ€ and tell your osteo there will be a hornet’s nest of Aussie determinators descending on him if he doesn’t get you fixed up right. I might even have to pull an eagle out of my hair. xx

    Do I detect some concern for me… regards to “my highs”? I live with an OH who is a wirl wind at the best of times…..he keeps me high. Since his diagnosis it ha been a priority for me to be as happy as I can …leads to excitability which is sometimes exhusting. I do things with love and passion…..whoever I am with has me 100%. I have been in dark places …..not for me…I like my world to be full of love and flowers ( which is not really possible… but I try)No wonder I did GYPY’S head in. Thank youxxxx
    UP-Hope your feeling better….what a bummer to have the migraines over the long weekend,
    SJ-Have you tried a pain machine? Small electrodes are pkaced on different areas of you body with a amplitude of current that can relive pain .Most physio have them …..hope you will have SD ome answers today.
    CG- IN THE WARS AGAIN….LOL AT FIT’S COMMENT about foot snd mouth disease. Maybe it is time to stop wearing your thongs in the paddock. Take care of yourself….remember you are fue for that Tetanus shot.
    JADE- have fun car shopping. I lol st the image of you too in your garden. Bird nests make really interesting facinators….they have alittle theme all of there own …really can picture the mud ,twigs and keaves in your tangeled hair….you are suvh a HOOT!
    GYPS-PLEASE keep that oversized croc away from us next year…..that would really create headlines if he happened to fancy visting on our reunion.
    SJ ,PH AND GYPS parcels are on their way to you.hope they arrive by the end of the week.
    Allthe best……GO GALXXXXXXX

    Hi team. Well here I am back after over a months absence. We had a lovely holiday, getting to meet up with many family mangers plus old friends. We had a total of 8 airplane rides and I can assure you that if I don’t see another airport for years it will be too soon. Unfortunately I manged to pick up some lurgie. It’s almost inevitable when one is confined in a relatively small space with so many people. Anyhow I’m sure I will get over it soon.
    This morning I took to my scales with some trepidation and could not believe my eyes as I’ve not gained any weight. Mind you, it was very hot and we eat a lot of BBQ type food with plenty of salads and fruit. Not too much in the way of carbohydrates and hardly any desserts, plus no junk food. BUT South Africa make some great wines and I did not stint on the Savignon Blanc! I’m not going to start on the 5:2 again until I’m feeling well again.
    I’m so glad you all enjoyed the WTF reunion. I’ve had a look at the pics and they look great.
    One of the highlights of out trip was a visit to a game reserve. We saw lions, elephants, leopards, cheetahs, giraffe, rhino, wildebeest, zebras and thousands of different antelope. It really was wonderful.
    I will gradually read all your posts and get myself back in the swing of things.
    XX Doggy

    Hi there Doggy wonderful to hear from you & to hear that you’re back safe and sound…..well almost, minus the lurgy thing you picked up. It IS inevitable when you’re so confined & especially with the number of rides you had!! But FABULOUS that you did not put on any weight WOOHOO!!! Well done and even with great Sav Blancs to wash the food down. You’re a legend girl. πŸ™‚ Great to have you back.
    Yes we had a truly fabulous time at the WTF reunion. I find different memories come back at different times & I find myself smiling! Let’s hope I don’t do that in the middle of the supermarket or something. But then CG you always reckon it pays to make people wonder what the hek you’re smiling about LOL Your trip to the game reserve sounds just magnificent. Would have loved to be there for that one. suejen XXXX

    Hi team, back from all the torture of the morning. THIS dentist said one extraction, two fillings, one cap and a clean, yohoo, better than the last idiot who suggested taking them all out and get falsies OR $2000 per tooth to do it cosmetically! After the check up, then exrays, he said being such a long consultation he wouldn’t have time for the extraction, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief, so went to pay only to have the dentist return to my side saying his next appt was late so he DID have time if I wanted….so one tooth gone 😊 no where near as bad as I anticipated, phew, so now just a couple of fillings, a cap then a cleanπŸ˜‰ So I’m very happy…..I had an hour to fill before seeing my doctor so bought fish and chips( actually potatoe cakes/scollpos) oh so yum, absolute years since I’ve had them ☺️ And beautifully fresh. Then off to the doctor, Tetenus shot, a few scripts and she was worried about my lack of energy, so has ordered blood tests, especially my vit B, thyroid etc……so today felt like a full service as we do on our cars. Oh and the toe is heeling fine, I do usually wear covered boots/shoes in the paddock, just got slack,!
    Jade, you’ll love the Toyota, I drive a Rav 4 and just love her, she is grey, her number plate is ROU!!! So I call her Skippy I feel very safe in her, it’s bun height for getting in/out, and the boot is easy access, I hope you enjoy itπŸ‘Œ
    Doggy, welcome back, we have missed you. How wonderful seeing a game reserve, animals in their own homes and not cages! Please keep next September free so you can join us in Qld for our next reunion, you’ll love meeting the team, each and every one of them are lovely☺️
    GG, you are wonderful with your energy level and I know it’s not always easy for you, and I know you give 100% with everything you do. Your enthuiasm is infectious and I love you for it as we all do. πŸ˜‰πŸ’•
    Suejen I’ll be interest to know what the medical out comes are for you. Walking is supposed to be the best exercise of any, so I wouldn’t be stopping it, maybe at a slower pace and definately rest or sit whilst doing it if needed. Yes, I’ve still got bulging discs, and ostio, but hay, I’m still moving πŸ˜€ and my AUSSIE DETERMINATION won’t let me give in, I’m bloody minded and love where I live so take each day as it comes. I don’t mention it because I guess I’m so used to living with it, I just get on with lifeπŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
    Time to feed my beloved cows so will finish my yummy hot coffee then attend to them, then the boys and Maggie, then me last, if I’m hungry, I actually have raisen toast for brekkie today, very very rare, but gee I enjoyed it and wasn’t sure how my mouth would be after the dentist so got food in while I could😏xxxxx

    hi, all – I started a reply but went back to try and keep track of things I wanted to comment to and lost it all… there was such a flurry of activity for a couple of days on this thread, and whilst up in Perth I was reading but had no time to reply, so will miss a lot now that I wanted to say probably. Oh well…

    Firstly, I was sorry to hear you’re having such problems with your back, Suejen, and really hope you and your osteo can come up with something that gives you more relief, and that you don’t have to curtail your bush walks too much. I don’t blame you for loving that, especially as such a nice thing to do with your OH and around your area it would be gorgeous. My OH and I did a bit of a walk the other day down here too. It was only 1 and a half hours, but we were both buggered after it… hehe… we’ve recently joined the gym and are trying to get our fitness up, but it sure doesn’t take long to lose it, I find. I’ll be heading off there shortly actually.

    Thanks for the welcome Genigal, Gogal and Gypsybell. Genie, I used to have an ex boyfriend who lived in Warburton to visited him often. It’s a lovely place. Thanks for the kind words from a couple of you re overcoming the anorexic phase. I was only 14 and it was all very weird, but I’m definitely lucky that with my sister’s help I got out of it quickly. It was only for about 6 months, but enough time for my periods to stop and my breasts to disappear. One thing I notice about my fasting days that is so different to an anorexic state (and why I feel it’s totally safe for me to do it) is the quality of the “hunger” is totally different. In those days I’d think about food all the time, dream about it, look forward to the next meal just so I wouldn’t eat it, that kind of obsessive stuff. I find on fasting days it’s nothing like that. I have a certain amount of hunger, but it feels quite pleasant, not “gnawing” – not starving basically πŸ™‚ Anyway, yes, all good on that front, and all that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, and all that….

    Purple hats, thanks also for the welcome. You sound like you’re doing very well and nicely on track, good on you. A shame for you that your grandkids are so far away πŸ™ but that’s life, isn’t it. At least they’re nice places to go and visit them in, even if it’s not too often!

    Everyone sounds like they had a great Easter, and Fit had a wonderful 60th party. You’re in Ireland, are you? A place I’d love to visit one day. Even though I was a pom, I never got to Ireland (although have had plenty to do with Scotland).

    I had a great day and managed to eat only one Easter egg (which I hadn’t been intending to do at all, but my grandson gave us all one of his after his egg hunt because he wanted to share with us – which was so heartwarming I definitely couldn’t refuse it!!). My fast day went well yesterday, and lost another .3 of a kilo, so nicely on track, I feel.

    Time to gird my loins and head to the gym!!!

    Hi all, I’m late and it’s a rush job, by the time I get to scan the post its time to get up and do some chore or other, doc has me on not sitting for more than an hour before moving and doing chest exercises, Plus the resurrection of order is ongoing, with many interruptions. life is a little cooler so everyone is out and a bout visiting.

    GG, ta for the bags I will keep an eye out for them. And don’t fret re the wild life. There won’t be a problem where we are going (but croc feeding and boat viewing is on offer if any adventurous want to do the Daintree riverboat run. It’s much like the amazon jungle).

    PH, your van plan is a good one. Gawd will likely get you to turn into her property and try the fishing it’s on the way to Cairns and past me. we’ll have a plan by there’s a good van park right on the foreshore at Palm cove, Council run and very reasonable rates and big shade trees and a jetty opposite for rod fishing on the tides, it has a bit of reef just off shore so they do get mixed fished. and it’s Only about 500 metres from where we’ll likely be staying(with x amount of eateries and bars in between, palm cove is like a mini Gold coast strip, with no highrise and natural beach and Palm trees,as well as huge paperbarks for shade. It’s very Australian, and has boutique shopping and good restaurants. I can see Gawd and I getting our vans set up there for the blokes and Pete bringing his boat. The leprechaun ‘s involvement will depend on his health. I will feel better when his next MRI id done. I hope. It’s due in May. Best I get off this and go prepare hime a healthy salad! Sorry I didn’t get to read all the great posts yet,, but flicking back I loved your cartoon, Genie! xx gyps

    PS….And Suejen, osteo porosis, osteo arthritis and scoliosis, are scary words, but VERY common, not fatal and very treatable. Most of the population over 50 has one or all of them to some degree. Don’t let your osteo scare you and definitely consult your doctor re treatment through medication and supplements. Your difficulty or ease of mobility is your direct guage re degree of concern you should address. Individual assessments are required. They are separate issues. And it is only because they all relate to the skeletal system that you osteo is zeroing in. Because that’s his whole career focus. So he makes his living from making the most of your client status. In an ideal world that’s fine, but it can tie up your time and finances and not be the optimum way to address any of those diagnoses’.

    I can tell you what each likely requires, but it all depends on your pain level as to degree of treatment or urgency.

    To start with.

    1. Oseto porosis is your main focus. That is your framework and your weight bearing mechanism. Porosis can be a simple matter of diet or calcium supplements. Or, if it is a disease process causing calcium to leach out of your bones, it will require injections and a specialist’s attention. If you have a history of fractures etc, be diligent there, and get as many opinions as it takes to get your system stabilized. Ie.. get your osteo’s written report(he has to supply it as a medical referral if you request it) and take it to your Dr. If you have not had full body xrays and bone density studies done, you will need to and he (your dr) should order it, if he is concerned. He may not be, (by bloods and pathology results) and may just sooth your concerns or just order supplements or diet changes.

    2. Scoliosis: I’ve seen you walk, your posture is good and you don’t have an overly accentuated neck hump or a deep back curvature and your hips are even. You don’t limp noticeably. Your scoliosis is mild and not likely to be a major issue. Unless you have back pain already and some disk erosion from the misaligned sections, causing pressure on nerves (what CG has just gone through, and her GD is an example of Scoliosis requiring surgury). Your bones are held together and supported by tendons, sinews and muscles, they will all inflame and cause pain if bones aren’t where they should be, but putting them back is a dicey business. I can tell you to strengthen your abdo muscles to help prevent your belly weight pulling your back out of alignment, but anything to do with tendons and spinal pinching is a neuro surgeon’s field. I would only trust a chiro or other manipulator to mess with my spine AFTER a neuro has assessed it. I have had two spinal operations and the first was directly caused by a chiropractor. He manipulated my ‘sore neck’ which it turned out, was actually fractured. I’m extremely lucky I happened to be the ex scrub nurse of a Neuro bod, who saw me urgently when I rang him personally re my limbs going numb. I don’t trust far reaching diagnosis’ from any practitioner who doesn’t have Xray privileges and uses them. Or refers what he can’t see to someone who can, before making a treatment plan.

    3. Osteo Arthritis: by the breakdown of its name (which is derived from medical latin terms) it means: ‘osteo’ referring to ‘bone’, ‘Arthro’ (ref to) ‘a joint’ and ‘itis’ meaning ‘inflammation of’. So osteo arthritis simply means
    ‘inflammation of a bone-joint’. It is localised to one, or maybe a few joints, and is usually treatable with rest and anti inflammatories, physio and postural changes/exercises can help. It happens in response to some physical injury or damage to that joint. and is often a repetitive strain cause. It’s not scary, just bloody sore and inconvenient. It is not a systemic disease and is not to be confused with ‘rheumatoid arthritis’, which is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks its own cells and is a nasty situation. I would have to say I really don’t know anyone in my age bracket who DOESN’T have osteo pain from some joint.

    and Sue, your piano playing fingers are a likely target. Porosis won’t help anything stem erosion leading to osteo in rsi. So I’d get on top of that post haste. Hope that helps. now I better do what my dr told me to about an hour ago! off the butt! Cheers, gyps

    Oh my so many posts since I last came on. I am sitting here waiting for the Australia vs Jordan game to start. This is our road to the World Cup. I don’t think I mentioned I am a mad soccer fan. OH is from Glasgow and I embraced the game. LOVE IT!!!!
    Got through my FD today. Just enjoying a herbal tea now.
    FIT – from what I read do I understand you are renovating a house in France. If so, I am sooooooo jealous. OH and I had dreams of doing that and on one of our trios we even looked at a few places. We were searching around Carcassonne. In the end we decided it was not practical for us and decided we would rent for a few months instead.

    PH – congrats on 45 years. That is wonderful.

    BACK SUFFERERS – I can identify totally. Mine is very tenuous and can lay me out flat for one to two weeks if I as much as stand and reach across a table. I am very wary of twinges and have now learnt to to get to the chiro/osteo straight away. The last episode was in Musee d’Orsay in Paris. Just as we arrived I bent over to pick up my handbag and BANG I passed out on the spot. Thank goodness I could still hobble that time.

    Oh, game starting. Off to watch. Night all and good morning to FIT and Jade.

    Hi all! Very late posting this morning but I have a good excuse…… I was skyping with GG! We had a fantastic chat and she gave me more stories of the WTF, so lovely to hear. Just whetting my appetite more for Palm Cove….or should that be Palm Coven!! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ Well, we have to come up with a name for the next reunion! Thanks for all the goss, GG. I’ll be home again before your birthday but I hope the build up is exciting and fun too. πŸ’žπŸ’•
    CG, I’m so sorry you’re having trouble with your iPad and I hope it’s sorted soon. I’m really sorry to have missed out on skyping you today but I’ll definitely get on to Skype you as soon as I’m home and I’ll keep in touch as much as I can from France. I’m so glad you have the worst of the dental work over and that it’s not going to be as bad or expensive as you first thought. Take care of yourself from head to toes!! Best of luck with the blood tests too, hopefully it’s just leftover tiredness from WTF. πŸ’ͺβ€οΈπŸ’žπŸ’•
    Jade, congrats on the new car. Toyota is very popular here, although we haven’t had one ourselves. I’m sure you’ll have many happy and safe miles ahead.
    Yeayy! Dawg! You’re back! What a wonderful trip you’ve had and no weight gain…..awesome! What amazing experiences you’ve had…..brilliant! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ Pity about the lurgy but I’m sure you’ll be better soon.
    SJ, try and keep up the gentle walking but maybe pool exercises would help too. Get the best advice you can and take heed of all the experienced ladies here. Au revoir, ma cherie!
    Vego, sorry if I didn’t welcome you properly. It’s been a hectic few days! It was my OH’s 60th and we had quite a birthday bash! Huge respect and congrats to you for overcoming anorexia and having such a healthy and balanced attitude now to fasting and looking after yourself. Keep up the good work! πŸ˜ƒ Yes, I’m in Ireland. What part of the UK are you from and how did you end up in Oz? Hope I’m not being nosy but we all love to get to know each other here!
    Gyps, I’m loving hearing all about the venue for the next reunion….it’s going to be a classic and it’s great that there will be some male company for my OH….he’s not into fishing but can talk about anything under the sun and loves a beer or three! Should fit right in!
    Genie, we’re lucky that the house in France doesn’t need too much work because my OH is not a DIYer at all. I can do painting but that’s about all. We are getting a guy in to divide the upstairs rooms into more workable spaces for guests and then I’ll clean up and get painting when he’s done. We are in the northwest of Normandy. I believe Carcasonne is beautiful. I have a niece who is married to a Frenchman and they live in Bordeaux. They and their two little girls are coming to stay with us in July because the Tour de France (big international cycling race) will be going past our door and there will be lots of parties and events going on around it. Enjoy the soccer…. I used play many years ago!
    Now, I really will have to get going on chores and packing! I hope to keep in touch every couple of days and I’ll be back on the 12th April. Love to all! πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

    Hi all

    Just checking in as requested.

    I am still unwell and feeling flat. The minute i went to 5mg steroids every other day my head clogged up and i can barely breathe through my nose. My hayfever returned with avengence but i am not coughing yet. I also feel very depressed about it. I go right off them on Thursday and have to then wait a week and go for a blood test. During that time i have 2 weddings and a girls night out which wont be much fun feeling like this.

    Easter was fairly blah as i was mostly alone and telstra decided that Annandale did not need internet or foxtel over the whole easter period so i was off the air apart from my phone data which i used minimally.

    I have a few lindt bunnies stashed in a paper bag and i hope they dont start breeding. I will find homes for at least 2 of them tomorrow. Two are gifts for me and i havent touched them. I had about 10 tiny 5g eggs over easter and am quite pleased that i was within my calories every day. I was happy to skip my brekkie in favour of a hot cross bun at morning tea. LIke everything, its all about allowing for special treats amidst the healthy food i cook for myself.

    I havent done a proper fast since before easter as i havent felt like it. I will get back into it when i feel better. Meanwhile i will keep plugging on


    Hi Annie, so sorry to hear about your health and other issues that got in the way of you being able to enjoy Easter. You have a lot to deal with. Very well done on the restraint with the Easter eggs…. I was not nearly so well disciplined. Enjoy your social events and try to keep your spirits up! πŸ’ͺπŸ‘β€οΈ

    Late start for me, at least here – we’ve been to see the mechanic, who loves our new Toyota pickup. πŸ‘We are trading in an ancient one that was very creaky and too often wouldn’t start – ha like me a lot of days! luckily I’m not so easy to replace 😏

    Welcome home Dawg!! Your trip sounds like a grand adventure 🌌 and well done on the weight maintenance what with your daily exploring. Now if you’re anything like me…well obviously you aren’t because I would’ve picked up a few kilos BUT even so I am often tempted when I return home from a trip to re-engage with all my old fave foods, usually in the same day πŸ˜‹

    Gyps thank you for that useful information about osteo etc. I have wondered what the difference was – so helpful to have it explained. I have a fear of chiros, OH likes it but I went once with a sore shoulder and ran out the door before any crunching could take place. Sue, again my best wishes that whatever the affliction you are able to manage it and easily go on with your life. xx

    CG well done on the second dental opinion – ha, you almost escaped without the extraction, didn’t you. The dentists here are magicians when it comes to finding the time for a procedure. It’s funny, ours calls endlessly hounding OH to come in, and he just digs in his heels and refuses even if he is in pain. Then of course he ends up there for 6 hours when it’s time to pay the piper.

    Fit, the time approaches! From what you’ve described, I hope it’s just a pre-painting trip? Ha ha who am I kidding, you can’t sit still any more than the rest of us. Take good care that you don’t hurt yourself. 🍷(There is no suitable emoji for “don’t hurt yourself” so just drink a lot of wine and you’ll be unable to do any work!) You don’t want to end up like Genie in the museum – wow that had to be scary!

    Annie, thanks for checking in, it is good to hear from you. Feeling flat is no fun, I hope it lifts soon; all th 5:2 business can certainly wait, but I’m impressed you are rehoming the bunnies πŸ€—

    Hey Vego, welcome again – I also had bad food issues as a teen, more bingey than anorexia. Fantastic that you got that worked out. So…are you a vegetarian? By the way, I am in the US, an honorary Aussie like FitπŸ‘ but I have never been to Australia. Hoping to go! Oh and Fit, my OH can also talk about anything, he reads constantly and somehow never forgets a word. I can watch a movie and barely remember the plot a day later.

    GG, I am like you in that way… always looking for a bright side because OH is plenty busy looking for the other one. We tend to balance each other out. But I have always been that way. In law school, I had to give a presentation on zoning laws, and I was having such fun with some of the weird ones that my professor accused me of not taking the subject seriously. I assured him I was, but couldn’t he see how ridiculous some of them were? He had to agree with me about that!πŸ’ͺ

    Time to get some chores done – I also need to do something with this stack of unmarked papers! I would like to burn them!! 😈 Not a good career move. Goodness I’ve rambled forever – take care all! jade xx

    Hi Jade! Great news on the pick-up! You won’t get such a bone rattling now! I’ve spent most of today eating my way through the perishables in the fridge … that managed to include leftover Easter egg I’m not sure, but that’s what happened! 😱 And I still haven’t done my packing…..OH made the very silly mistake of saying it doesn’t matter if I forget something, we can buy what we need over there! So I’m leaving it as late as possible to ensure that I ‘accidentally’ do just that! For a smart guy, he can be extremely dense! πŸ˜‰ I think your pupils are very lucky to have a teacher with a sense of humour, especially when it comes to marking papers!

    Good morning/evening team…I’m still having computer problems, and my iPad has died following their suggestions. I spat the dummy and have ordered a new one, hang the expense, it’s something so much a part of my life these days, and I use it by the hour, so unsure when to expect it as they are not released until tomorrow and they have heaps of back orders! So will plod along with my desk top, which is refusing to update and has lost it’s speakers so unable to Skype!Funny, it wasn’t that long ago I thought I was up with the “Jones” having my desk top, boy, how times change! My biggest problem is all my appointments were on my iPad calendar, and with my memory fading, don’t know what is due!
    Anni lovely of you to post, things are not easy for you we know, but you have shown true strength and AUSSIE DETERMINATION with the Easter eggs, good for you. Give your body time to fight what is affecting it. 5;2 will always be here, and just being cautious of what you eat and how much will go a long way in helping your weight problems… icons on the computer, sorry
    Fit, silly o/h, of course you will forget to pack things, if you are a true woman…..heheh…..not just clothes, but new kitchen things, or linen, oh the mind boggles..something new for the house.(Things you meant to take from home, but forgot)……have a lovely trip, I know you will post if at all possible and we miss you when you’re not here. How long are you expecting to be away?
    Jade, how great the mechanic gave the okay on the new toy! Who gets priority with it? You or o/h? Could be an argument brewing…….and I love your idea of the Law, it depends who’s eyes you are seeing it through like most things.
    Time to shower, my mouth is uncomfortable but bearable, and glad it was yesterday and not tomorrow :)(I’m not starting back to the pool till next week, my heart isn’t in it at the moment) and the rest of the day will be onto Apple and Microsoft with the phone stuck to my ear to sort out these mammoth problems with our modern equipment. Oh, and I’m back to 70.1K so things are looking good.
    Think positive team, you ARE what you think, the mind IS in control of the body πŸ™‚ xxxxxxx

    Ha ha Fit I’d pack lighter than ever if I were you! Maybe just take the undies and makeup 😳

    CG brilliant job getting back on track and about to crest the hill of the 60s again – wow that was fast! Hope your new iPad gets delivered pronto. You really just can’t live without the emojis can you? πŸ€”πŸ˜”πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜’ and so true we all thought we were such bosses with those clunky desktops! I don’t have one anymore, OH does but rarely uses it. And yes, the toy is his, but that’s OK. For now 😈 ha. Goodnight all! 😘 jade xxx

    Woohoo team, my iPad is working again. I spoke to a terrific guy who got me up and running again. The new one will be cancelled! There is a way of controlling the off / on button (the original problem) with a “spot” on the screen, so things are looking up again. I also had my first multi vit B so wether that’s kicked in too I don’t know, but starting to feel my mojo coming back full blast β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•And I’ve saved over $1000 πŸ˜€ Gotta be happy with that! Hope you day is as good as mine is starting to be β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•Xxxx

    CG so glad that everything has worked out well for you. You had me worried last night when I could not skype or email you. Thank the stars you are back.
    DOGGY WELCOME HOME! What a eonderful holiday you have had . That month went slowly…it felt like ages since you last posted . Rest up and get rid of that bug. Well done on keeping the scales on low numbers.
    ANNIE THANKS FOR POSTING. had I have not heard from you ,was going to ph . Sorry the meds are doing their withdrawal thing…take it easy. Do what is needed to get back on track. I am a ph call away if you need a sounding
    Had a great skype with our FIT last night who will leave today for France ,even had a BIG HELLO from her OH .There is some eye candy there girls…..let me tell you!
    JADE you lucky girl to be meeting up with her in May. You to will have a craic of a time together… please.
    Oh is home today as it is raining ,job sites are full of muddy puddles… I cannot have my music going ….will have to resort to ear phones…….have a FAB DAY…..GO GALXXXXXXX

    Hi all, still struggling with my migraine cycle so haven’t been doing anything.:-(

    Wd, Doggie.
    Sorry to hear Annie,
    Hi to all. Will write more when well. Thanks for kind words.

    Oh Up, I’m sorry to hear that, they are miserable disabling things. Rest is all you CAN do, don’t push yourself with anything. Thinking of you dear friend and wanting to see your fabulousness smile back πŸ˜€
    GG, if there was anything big happening, I would ring you, I promise, but Apple support were on the phone for hours but still no results, and I couldn’t understand most of what she was saying?😏 But the guy this morning from S.A. Made such a difference😊 It’s like losing a body part when the iPad doesn’t work, we don’t realise how much apart of our lives they have become 😩 it’s rediculous…….Happy day team ☺️❀️Xxxx

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