Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 12,651 through 12,700 (of 14,786 total)

  • Hi all, very lat posting for me today. Fast day yesterday went well and I also had a good workout at the pool. So feeling good. Today had to take my beloved X trail to the garage to get the air bag fixed that was recalled and Nissan dealer about 3/4 hour away so OH had to come and pick me up. Did a lot of things in Town , renewed licence, claimed HCF, visited credit unioni to sort stuff out, picked up sewing machine from man who did service for me whilst away and had a nice coffee with OH. Garage still not finished with car so we have come home, will have to travel back this afternoon to pick up. So full day doing not so very exciting things but good to get them over and done with.

    UP. Really feeling for you ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ also you Annie. Hope you both feel better soon.

    Gyps. Everything sounds great re caravan park, fishing etc. is it Palm Cove Caravan Park. Will google.
    Loved the explanations of all the different types of Osteo. I too wondered what the difference was especially between the perosis and Arthritis. So I only have Osteo Arthritis and Rheumatiod arthritis. Have had bone bone density tests and on the borderline but still OK. What do you call the condition that the bone deteriorates and just wears out with old age.? Like hips and knees that need replacement etc. you are such a fountain of information. Pops. Have to go. Garage has called. Back in a couple of hours.

    PH people with Ostio arthritis are the ones who need to have hip and knee replacements. The thinning of the bones is called osteoporosis.

    Hi folks. I’m very sluggish today as still feeling lousy with this ^%#+โ‚ฌ flu. Isn’t it bizarre that the human race can land men on the moon, launch satellites into space yet we still succumb to some minuscule viruses that are barely visible with a microscope? While at the game reserve we met a very interesting woman. She’s an American who works for the WHO and is an Epidemiologist. She has been based in Africa for many years. She was recently helping with the Ebola outbreak. According to her, many germs and viruses are mutating and we still don’t know how to stop this. Scary stuff.
    And on that bright note I will leave you for today.
    I will keep September free for the next WTF reunion. That would be 2917?

    Hi ADers how are we all? Doggie is back, Annie has posted to check in, CG’s toe is OK & her iPad is OK too, Up sure hope that migraine cycle has up and left you {{{ }}} to you, GG has been enjoying some eye candy via Skype!
    Jade we have some things in common re our OH’s: I too always look for the bright side cos he has the pessimistic/down side covered in spades (artistic temperament) plus I too can barely watch a movie and remember the plot. We go to watch a movie & OH says 5 seconds in NO we’ve seen it. And I’m saying No no we haven’t then he’ll tell me the whole plot & I’ll say Ooh that one! Frustrating!!
    Annie sending hugs your way {{{{ }}}} till you’re feeling better too. Despite you saying you haven’t done a proper fast it sounds like you made some very good choices over Easter so well done, esp when you’re feeling under the weather. 5:2 will wait for you.
    Fit have a fabulous time in France!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy practising your French that’s the part I love too!
    Genie sounds like your back REALLY does let you know straight away that it’s not happy Jan. That must be nasty! Carcassone is a beautiful place – did you end up staying there?
    Gyps thanks for your concern & the wealth of info. Yes osteoporosis has been addressed. Been to a specialist & have regular scans after having 3 minimal trauma fractures. Now have injections as my usual med was blacklisted for causing heart attacks – BOY you can’t win can you! Take calcium & vit D supplements. The scoliosis is causing some troubles but the osteo has realigned me pretty well (according to my podiatrist as I had to get my orthotics adjusted & he as impressed with the improvement). However the osteo did point out that my body is readjusting to the change in orthotics & from the work he’s done & it’s going to be niggly for a while till it settles down. The osteoarthritis is probably the biggest problem & yes I’m already having trouble with my piano fingers. Funny the music coordinator said to me one day Sometimes you play an unusual ending chord that sounds quite good. And I said to him Oh that’s just the arthritis making me hit the next note instead of the one I intended to play! Anyway after all that he’s said Have a break from Pilates as you’ve lost your confidence with it. When you come back from your holiday start up again cos your core strength is really important for you. So will go with that for now. Did say that next choice would be water aerobics. OH several of you mentioned anti inflams. My osteo is not a fan & has put me onto Turmeric from the chemist. See how we go.

    Phew sorry about all that ladies. Time to go & get some lunch ready. A bit late today as OH has been to the dr. suejen XXXX

    Hi all, another busy day enjoying myself. OH and another friend took a trip to town and made use of the 3 lunch vouchers that came with the Easter egg prize. I did enjoy it, mostly authentic Italian pasta! Ooo! and several glasses of wine.

    Oh, well, Easter is truly over now. time to knuckle down. God Bless the moon! I got on the scales this am and am back to my mid 86 kgs. (without a successful fast day since WTF yet). So, Cool, the trip never did me any harm attall! And I so appreciate my convenient little village after ant status in the city hive!

    But I do envy you Fit, with a French reno in the countryside!. I think I would like the country aspect of travel rather than the city experience. But so glad I have opportunities looming for whatever us WTF LOSERS get up to next! Not sure we should change the name, Fit, but I’m open to suggestions (cackle).

    Annie One day at a time, mate, it takes the body a while to re-adjust your own cortisone levels after taking prednisone. And your immunity will be down, so boost it with fresh fruit and veg, avoid breads, maybe dairy and anything highly processed. Best case scenario: Ditch the job, reduce the stress and get the hell out of traffic fumes whenever you can. Migrate to Queensland and take on small town poliics. With your skills you’d be mayor in no time! And the Italian communities up here don’t go for skinny minnies, if anything, bias is against them. Big is beautiful! I had to eat seconds at the buffet today or mine host would have been offended. Even tho it was a free lunch and out of their profits, hospitality came first. Such beautiful people the Italians. And the calibre of people around one makes all the difference to the quality of life. Don’t waste your big heart and brilliance on those lousy

    Hey Dawg! Welcome back! Glad you had a good time. Hope you think about attending our next reunion. It was a blast!

    Jade and GG, skiping? now that will be a combination…..Chainsaw gardening and creative invention….My Feathers survived packing and I do believe my hat was the winner! I’ll treasure it!

    CG glad your Ipad is fixed, mine is still a mystery, but will be handy for travel. We may have to get you into steel caps it the cows keep trampling your toes. Had you tetanus shot yet?

    SJ, excuse my preaching last post(eyes rolling)… I’m sure you have the situation in hand. It’s just that now I know you, I’d worry about you worrying about other’s feeling to the detriment of your own, so you just remember, ‘the squeaky hinge gets the oil’ and don’t settle for less than effective care of YOU!

    UP, we forgot to explore your synaesthete colour thing. Did you align any of us with colours. Or is it the letters of out name spelling that does that? Interesting. Sad about the headaches spoiling your Easter, Hugs.

    Hi to Genie and Vego. PH, belated congrats on your anniversary! Have a good nite everybody. Cheers! gyps

    Back again. SJ .. I believe tumeric is supposed to be good. Did not know you can get it from the chemist, I will have to give it a go also as I hate taking Celebrex every day. Bound to do do my stomach no good over time, have tried to get off it so many times but find it hard to move after a few days. Hope you can avoid them…Please let me know if the Tumeric helps. I certainly hope so for you. Very sensible recommendations. Hope you get back to your usual self in no time..meanwhile enjoy your lunches and wine ๐Ÿž๐Ÿง€๐Ÿท๐Ÿทon that lovely outdoor space you have.

    Doggy..thanks for the info. Thought that was the case. Great that you are planning to join us for the Northern adventure in Sept Next year. Sounds like we will have a good roll-up. T
    He more the merrier. Sounds like you had a great holiday. I’ll bet Africa was very special๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿ….
    Hope you get over your bug soon.

    Jade. We had Toyotas for years. They are very reliable and we loved them OH only sold his Hi-Lux last year as it had a covered in back and he kept backing into things. ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ like trees and trailers etc. Kids made him promise to sell it for a 4WD with more vision, in case he ended up backing into a person. I always had a Camry as my car until I needed one that suited my bad hip better. Loved them….. X-trail fills the bill now as it has an extra large front door which enables me to get in and out properly and pleanty of room for my walker in the back without taking up all the boot space. Funny how our requirements change as we get less mobile. Looked at the Rav,s but not enough boot space and door not wide enough. Love my “Gertie” as I call her. Can’t believe I took all of that time talking about cars๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„boring….boring…
    Must be getting senile…

    FIT are you there yet? Can just imagine you and OH riding you’re bikes ๐Ÿšฒ๐Ÿšฒdown the road to a little stream with a bridge over it and a lovely romantic picnic spot. Basket filled with a nice Red wine ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿง€๐Ÿž๐Ÿง€๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿทand French bread stick with heaps of butter and cheese….enjoy before you get into that painting. Boy I must have lunches and wine outdoors on the brain. Might just have to do that myself and give myself and OH a treat.

    GG . Must have been fun skyping FIT. What a great thing to continue doing you are. Great one for keeping In touch with us all. Love you for that. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    CG. So pleased you were able to get your iPad working again. What a saving ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ. I can relate to spending all day o. The phone to Apple Support. Thank goodness you finally got it all worked out. Like loosing your right arm. I’d be lost without mine.

    Well OH calling me for dinner so best go. Have a great night or day, whatever part of the world you are in. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    Yes, Gypsy but it depends on who you are. When I hear Gypsy I see dark green but Zelda is bright yellow! That other name you have is more a washed out crimson. Hard to describe. Take your pick. Yes, everyone has a colour. Will post later. It is not something I can control. I hear the word and see the colour.

    oooooh Spooky Upt, I’ll be interested to see your list ๐Ÿ˜€ I hope you are on the mend โค๏ธxxxxxxx

    PS, I see I crossed with several of you. Ph. Not sure what the van park is called but it is in the beach front of Palm Cove, there may be another there, too, but the one I prefer is the council park. not as expensive or flash, but clean and not fenced in like the private ones, it has old,well established trees and open views of the sea and islands, plus the sea breeze. If you google Earth pictures, look for the jetty and it is across the road. Last I priced it the tariff was $25/pn, but that was a couple of years ago. and September is peak season. , but weekly rates are cheaoer. Gawd and I will be looking into it. Let us know if you spot other places of interest. Oh, and Dawg is right re the osteo arthritis occurring in weight bearing joints prior to hip and knee replacements. It’s the pain that sends folk to the dr. but it’s the wear and tear of (usually aging)joints that causes the Osteo arthritis, not the reverse. What causes the wear and tear is varied and individual, including spinal misalignments from scoliosis, RSI workloads, Osteoporosis, and one other biggie is chronic, systemic inflammation. Which pretty much comes down to either autoimmune disease, like Rheumatoid Arthitis,(but there are others) or simply the food we eat. I believe Processed foods cause chronic inflammation and pretty much lead to all of the above. It boils to the viability, or not, (Annie) of our immune systems. ‘you are what you eat’ and if we replace what our body needs with chemicals and dead food depleted of nutritional value, it is struggling on a diet of toxins and mutates. Dis-ease is the result. Including cancer, type 2 diabetes, and you name it. Big subject. Depressing when we consider the impossibility of giving up all the lifestyle perks we have gained from just being able to have an extended shelf life for food. From bottle fed babies not needing a cow in the back yard (or a wetnurse or they die.) to houses now being built without a kitchen because nobody cooks, it’s frozen, prefab, and jazzed up with food colouring. So we can’t address all that. But we can try to give our body half a chance, some of the time. It so wants to serve us. And I am no example for anyone to follow. I may know what I know, but I still don’t do what I preach. But I did invent my own booze minus man made chemicals! And I have a lettuce at least every other day. Eat fresh, when you can. Grow it if you’re able, but most of all, FAST TWICE A WEEK! to at least give your body a chance to dump some toxins and rest between attacks! I rest my case. 5:2 can save your life. be in it. xxx gyps

    Gad, UP! Spot on! I do sooo feel a washed out crimson at this point! I need some of my organic poison! we must have more to do with each other , love it! I feel best when I’m Gypsy (especially ON the gypsy)so Dark Green is equal to rich with life. and Zelda is nothing if not positively yellow!(witch makes all this trouble and then hides out….usually in the fridge…. I’ll just go check.. ) xx gyps . so fun talking to you girls..

    Golly Gyps, how frightening all the food toxins you talk about, I think I’ll sit back and eat a lettuce leaf with nothing else, but even IT was probably forced ripened! ๐Ÿ˜Xxxxx

    Same very interesting discussion about colours……had mine done years ago with a photo…..had pink and crimson around me.
    UP hope you are feeling better ((((((hugs))))) to you.
    I have had a wonderful day because I spoke to JADE! The sound of her voice was wonderful ,not Louisiana based like I expected. Jade is vibrant with much energy and fun, perhaps even a cheeky mischievous side that I heard in her voice. We will have a humerous reunion with our lark.Jade emailed me back saying she was in alittle shock because I really was real. LOL. Hopefully she will have skype up soon.THAT WILL REALLY BE A HOOT!!
    Think I will also be having lettuce a bit more …..scsry stuvff Gyps. Could not agree more with sticking to fasting. As we know it works wonders when we have a successful FD.
    Another agreement was your facinator ….it was a winner as the person is wearing it. It pleased me sooo much to see how well each of you wore them to compliment your outfits……GO GALXXXXX

    GG the compliment must go to you. I lost count of the people saying how lovely mine was and where could they buy them๐Ÿ˜Š You definitely have to do a stall online Now for the gay Mardi Gras, you’d make a fortune……with the feathered hats โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’•Xxxxx

    HEY CG ….YOU WILL HAVE TO BE MY BUISNESS PARTNER. ..IF I ever decide to do anything like that….?The proceeds would always go to a couse……Like all the future reunions that this group of awsome women will plan.๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ’•……GO GALXXXXX


    Ah, GG, I’m delighted you must have had an authentic reader do your colours (they are few and far between)because ‘Pink’ is love and ‘crimson’ is life passion. And blind Freddie would feel that truth within 10 paces of your presence when you are at full throttle. Just be aware that the other side of your coin is ‘grey’ for burnout – and that is typical of the ups and downs of your mixed hand. Fire/earth/and air, as I recall. It was a head spin.

    So, Good job you live near water and spend time in the open air. Your balance is sooo tied to the elements! You ‘feel’ the whole Universe. And that can be enervating, if not a downright confusing, emotional turmoil. So when you feel, either ‘out of control’ or exhausted, (and the ‘Pits’ lurk), take your shoes off and walk in the Earth, then go sit on a jetty over water and light a candle (in a protected glass container)and just be still. Be still and breathe til the candle burns down. It will challenge you, you will want to get up and pace, rush the candle along, hurry it up and possibly swear at me. Stiff. Just do it. Drift in meditation, the moon or any perceived problem (without trying to solve it) And you will have all your elements in harmony. The answer will happen. PEACE will give you the clarity you seek.

    Nite, kid, your did good with your feathers and we love you for it. xx gyps

    CG, No worries, boss, I am no Zealot on doing the right thing via a lettuce leaf. Hell, I’m following you! and never felt better! Lead on. xx gyps

    Gyps, what a beautiful, peaceful reading and so apt for our girl, I’m hanging for Up to see my colours so you can do mine โ˜บ๏ธ… soldier on Gyps, you are doing well, just thinking and talking 5:2 IS on your mind, so you are probably more cautious than you give yourself credit for โ˜บ๏ธโค๏ธNighty nite xx

    Hi gals. What an interesting read since I posted earlier tonight. It seems we have another in our midst who can “see” us. How exciting. Thanks for the info gyps about looking up on google earth. Will try it now. Love and hugs to all ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    Gyps. Just looked up google earth. The caravan park looks perfect. Now. What is the name of the resort you have in mind. I’d like to look that up too. There are so many that I forget which one you suggested and can’t remember which page your post is on with the info.

    Too bad we did not know what we know now about eating fresh.. Would have been growing our own vegies much sooner and not eating the crap we have all been eating. My oldest son and his partner have had it all down pat for years No processed food. no sugar. And buy local preferable organic. We thought they were mad at first but now all of the family now follow the same path. At least they should not have the problems that I am having if this theory is correct. The big food manufacturers have a lot to answer for. Mind you we have always eaten vegetables and fruit..but what were they sprayed with!!! Gawd!! Still eating the fruit!! Oh well at least I wash them now, and grow our own vegies and salad vegies. And very little processed food…it’s a start I guess. to bed. Nite nite all ๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค

    Oops. GG. Talking to Jade…. Wow you do reach out to our OS friends…love it. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    Oh dear heaven, GG you knocked me for a loop last night!! How absolutely great to talk to you, just to hear your beautiful voice and yes indeed to know you are real. Hey I live in the great big crazy states and way too many things don’t ever seem real here. I will need to send all my saved pennies to pay for that. Ha that came out penises at first, don’t have any of those saved! But funny, I was so excited then about 20 min later dropped like a STONE into bed and slept till NINE A.M. And oops we have to be off to the car place to finalize the purchase in 15 min. Ha! But gosh could you call me every night? That adrenaline rush is just the thing for terrific sleep. Just kidding I have downloaded Skype now just have to learn how to use it ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‚โ™ฅ๏ธ

    Love to all will catch up later OH is about to pull me out by the hair to get going. And god knows I have plenty of it. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ jade xx

    Good morning/evening team, brrrr, it’s gotten so chilly here, it really makes it hard getting out of bed in the mornings. I got up through the night to grab my big polar fleece blanket and bed socks it was icy last night. Time for full winter bedding from now on I think! I hope you all slept well and ready for another full day ๐Ÿ˜Š No matter what it involves. Grab it with both hands and just run with it.
    GG it’s wonderful you contacted Jade, and Jade I bet you carry that excitement for quite some timeโ˜บ๏ธ Once you have Skype up and running, you can have a chat to us all๐Ÿ˜€
    Most of you will be fasting today, so use your AUSSIE DETERMINATIONS, as we know, some just flow, others have speed humps in them, but YOU CAN DO IT. I did mine yesterday, which I found easy enough which was strange for a cold day. That too may have been why I was so cold over night? Time to get a casserole on for your evening meals to keep you warm. They are very easy to calculate with MFP and also easy to freeze in portions for other fast days to have at the ready๐Ÿ˜€ Even if you have a cook up on the week end, to be prepared for over the coming colder months, it stops you just “grabbing” for the sake of food when you’re so hungry ๐Ÿ˜
    So a day for a challenge team, as your cap and t-shirt says “BRING IT ON”๐Ÿ˜ŠWE CAN DO IT!โ˜บ๏ธโค๏ธXxxxxxx ( have you worn them yet?)๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜Š

    Hi team. I’m slowly trying to catch up with what has been going on. My commiserations to those of you who have ongoing health issues. I will skip over mine as its a right pain in the “you know where”. My poor ribs are sore from coughing. No use going to a doctor as its a viral infection and antibiotics will not help.
    Up I’m fascinated by your synaesthesia. I heard a program on the topic on the ABC some time ago.
    CG I’m glad that your iPad is fixed. I just love mine. While I was away I did not always have WIFI access. Someone showed me how to use my iPhone as a modem for my iPad. It was able to connect to WIFI. GOK how it works but it does.
    I’m not fasting again today as I need to shake off this wretched bug.
    Enjoy the day everyone.
    XX Doggy

    Hi all, I think I may finally have kicked the migraines for this time. Touch wood!

    PH, unfortunately the colours I see are probably useless in telling you anything deep and meaningful. Current theories on synaesthesia seem to favour crossed wires. I will add a link for those who are interested in reading further. Mine is called colour grapheme, and the colours are projected.

    Another synaesthete would see completely different colours. Also, if I were able to choose colours, I would choose some nicer ones than some of the drab things I see. Just FYI, I could never call one of my children a name that had a drab colour. All names starting with N were out for starters!
    It adds an interesting dimension when one is a teacher and has certain other names also ruled out!

    Anyway, just for fun I will tell you your colours. These are based on your actual names and not your handles.
    You know who you are.
    Gayle-light green
    Sue-a light pink
    Lotus( that is a light yellowy green) is actually purply red.
    Carmel is deep blue
    Janeen is a mid pinky purple ((Gosh, I need a paint chart!)
    Anyone such as myself whose name starts with A, is often red, so that is you and me Fit, but Annie for some reason is a more subdued yet Anne is the basic red.

    So there you have it, who have I forgotten?
    Jade, I think your name overrides my brain! I don’t know your real name.
    I looked through emails and some seem to have left us but Yvonne is a creamy yellow and Margaret is a deeper browny red.
    Make of it what you will!

    Doggie, I forgot you! But I think that is you at the bottom of my last post, is it not? Otherwise let me know!
    Yes, it is of interest to me. Can you believe I was an adult before I read an article and realised that it was a thing and that everybody else wasn’t the same. That had never occurred to me! Anyway, they were looking for subjects to study so I signed up and know so much more now!

    Mornin’ CG! I’m pleased to swap out the cold weather with you, very happy it is getting warmer here. This southern girl is used to tropical weather. Aren’t dogs just the best ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถwhen the chilly nights come around. And how great that you got your iPad fixed!! And in time to cancel the other, brilliant.

    Oh the additives in food…just awful, and of course sugar is my nemesis. The Easter bunny flat mowed me down this year, and the aftermath was even worse for having avoided sweets in the previous weeks. Internal carnage I tell you. Oh my, never again (said with fingers crossed behind the back). I hope I can be strong enough, I feel so much better without all that crap in my system.

    GG how lovely was your reading from Gyps, sounds just like you. Truly your phone call was about the sweetest thing I can remember. Still can’t believe it. I have downloaded skype but not opened it yet, it was quite the day of car buying here, wiped us old timers out, OH is now snoring on the couch and I was thinking of grading a few papers but that hasn’t happened. ๐Ÿ˜‘
    PH, loved hearing about your cars. It’s kind of emotional for me, I had to kiss our ancient rusty truck that we traded in, we had some good times….but just needed something more reliable. Never knew if or when the old one would start. It was 25 years old!!

    Doggie so sorry you are suffering through the flu – trips can do that, the adrenaline keeps you going but you get worn out – at least I do. I think I get sick after every exciting time I have ๐Ÿ˜‚ Surprised I don’t have strep after last night ๐Ÿ˜‰ Up, you are feeling better, I hope? I never knew anyone who saw colors like that, fascinating. I suppose jade is green ๐Ÿ‘

    Goodness it’s dinner time here and I haven’t gotten a thing ready. Somehow I am still full from lunch, I wonder how THAT happened. Maybe I should let OH keep sleeping and just skip it? I’m sure that’s what normal people do, maybe I’ll try it! Hugs to all – jade xxx
    ps oops crossed with Doggie and Up – Up see what judi does for you but if it’s bad just stick with jade lol. xx

    Morning all Evening Jade & Fit’s probably n transit. Congrats on the new car Jade but ooh the picture of internal carnage is not so great! Ha by next year you’ll have to eat less or there’ll be a civil war going on ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ve been skipping meals quite a bit lately….like you, never used to. Sometimes it’ll just be a piece of toast or an egg or a few pieces of meat/cheese/lettuce or nothing at all. Listening to our hunger more I guess which is EXTREMELY rare for OH!!
    UT how interesting re your colour grapheme ability. Do you see this only from the name or is it when you see the person too? And is it from the written word or the hearing/speaking of the word? S’pose if I wasn’t so lazy I would just look up the link! So glad you think you’ve broken the migraine cycle ๐Ÿ™‚
    Dawg look after yourself & get better soon. Are you looking back at photos of your trip & enjoying them while you’re getting better?
    CG WOW you’re having nights that cold already! We’ve gone to the quilt but even then it’s a bit hot by morning – can’t win sometimes.

    Well today is a free day as far as I know & looking cloudy so good for gardening. Gotta get this garden in order. It’s only 10 days till the next Open Studios Exhibition for OH so the garden & house need to be spanking clean & attractive. I was hoping that OH might have made a very arty sign for the house for this year but it didn’t happen – still too busy painting. He’s pretty lucky this year as he has paintings in a jewellers shop in the main street as well. They are part of the open studios trail too. Also branched into greeting cards & prints.
    That goes for 2 weeks then we have 1 1/2 days to clean, pack & leave for our trip to meet Madeline our new GD in San Francisco. She’s so mellow it’s not funny but great for a no 3 child. We have 6 weeks with our son/family & 3 weeks in Canada by ourselves. A LONG trip – our longest away ever!
    Onto another FD with gusto!!! Gyps says it’s the time to lose so gotta do a really good one. Everyone with me who’s fasting today. Go for it guys. It’s the crux of our 5:2 WOL. Where would we be without it…I know where I’d be, back in the mid 80’s by now rather than 69’s. Yeah for 5:2 & wonderful friends ๐Ÿ™‚ {{{ }}} suejen XXXX

    Up I’m glad you are feeling better. Your enigma has me fascinated โ˜บ๏ธ Do you visualise the name to see colours or have to see the person for real. As a lot of us have the same name, we rarely have the same personality?

    I just looked up Psychological Properties of Colours uk, and really happy being green โ˜บ๏ธ It does seem to explain me to a “T” xxxxthanks Up xxxxx

    Hold onto your socks ladies, thanks to GG whose sweet voice was heard by OH for all of 2 seconds, he wants to visit Australia next year and do the WTF. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—I mean WTF for real!!! My heart is racing โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ uh oh now I’m worried what could possibly happen tomorrow night to top this, GG will you deliver flying elephants to my door?? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆI can’t thank you enough and will do my best not to let the spell wear off. Oh wait…spells…Gyps?? Well, what a day, new car, new adventures…..unbelievable. โ™ฅ๏ธ๐ŸŽ‰

    Oh Jade…WHAT GREAT NEWS๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜โœˆ๏ธโœˆ๏ธ. GG you sure do work miracles. What a time we will have next year…all of us together….WOW!!!

    Not fasting today as it is Bridge day so have had a lovely day out. Bridge and then lunch with friends and now ho,e resting my back before daughter arrives for dinner. Ain’t life grand!!

    So pleased you seem to have sent those pesky migraines packing UP. And love the colours. Will look then up. Named my daughter NIcki so must have a look what I have done. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

    Just q short post this time as need a nana nap. ๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

    My goodness! I don’t believe it!! Jade you are coming too โ˜บ๏ธโค๏ธ GG who would have thought our meet up in Melbourne last year would start this fabulous AUSSIE DETERMINATION travel club??? It’s beyond our wildest dream, when I suggested to you we do it again next year, neither of us expected the turnout with the WTF tour, now we have Fit and Jade coming next year from overseas ๐Ÿ˜ WOOHOO ! We are doing better than Michael ๐Ÿ˜‰ I bet he only gathers locals at his functionsโ˜บ๏ธ
    Jade once you hook up your Skype, you will hear a lot of Aussie accents, so get used to it mate๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’•xxxxx

    YES…..CG …..Who would have thought that our meeting would turn into something magical…..In truth ,I do believe we knew that the thread would lead us to a world filled of inteligent, professionl, strong loving humorously gifted women and the one or 4 males that joined us.
    We have been soooo lucky! AND ITS ALL DUE YO YOU!
    Together,we encouraged and rallied to the side of each person who needed our support in the 1st few months of 5:2…now we are a strong confidend group.WELL DONE TO ALL OF YOU FOR MAKING AUSSIE DETERMINATION WHAT IT IS……A PLACE TO BE YOUR SELF WITH OTHERS WHO WANT TO SHARE THEMSELF WITH YOU.โค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’……GO GAL

    Ooo! Did I read right? The yank’s coming with hubby? Whacko!….gulp…. I am sure on the mat as tour guide!. Thank God for Gawd and PH! Gawd will be tickled, she has been to the States a few times and loves it. Her daughter married an American man and they live in Australia now, but her GD’s x2 have cute yank accents, gorgeous! We are very pro yank, so OH will be in good hands, Jade. Mind you, if he has already survived cyclone GG, he’ll make it, no sweat! Good on her!

    And Cairns district is the place of variety for a mixed gender round up.

    So long as everyone is happy with the casual, relaxing accent on things, with an eye to best deals and reasonable budget, it can’t miss. Palm Cove, in particular, has an international double standard and there are plenty of posh outfits that fleece the international tourists rotten. But the locals have a lot more fun for half the cost by knowing the terrain. And now we know each other, I think it’s okay to say we want a more authentic visit with our friends, and we girls are fine to share accomm. I suggest we go for more convenient to the action and holiday atmosphere than Secluded in a gated resort. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we are budget conscious and want True Blue. We don’t have crowds, congested traffic, pick pockets, bag snatchers or much in the way of criminal activity up here and nothing moves in a hurry. We don’t even allow daylight saving to disturb the milking cows or our lifestyle, so think Qld time.

    Of course nothing is set in stone and we will be looking at our options , but as a guage of what can be done from Palm Cove and a look at the area, I have added a link for OH’s benefit as well as us girls. Much can be done without personal transport, but of course there are tour costs. But with 2 of us living up here and PH coming overland we will have some vehicles. A plan could be to check out the hiring of a minibus (like the shuttle busses in the city) if we don’t actually find a mate who’s got one. that way we could tailor our own tours, and maybe afford more. It all depends on numbers. (and Gailo has two troup carriers on her property). So don’t get depressed at prices, just have a looksee everyone, and think about what tours appeal and then we can have plenty of time to accommodate different interests and grab specials as they come up. Don’t think we can book ahead much before 2017 ticks over. So it’s all just something to drool over in the cold winter months (for those who have them!). You will note all the hot months are dirt cheap on deals, but I don’t think you’d enjoy 40 degrees and 80 percent humidity. So ignor November through April. May to October is the goal. September the Ideal.

    In the below link you can see most available tours and accom. plus a map of the cove (It stops short of the van park PH, but it is there just across from the jetty. Look up ‘PARADISE ON THE BEACH’ as my suggested accom. It is above ‘APRES’ RESTAURANT TAVERN’ and about centre of the beachfront esplanade. Which is the same street as the van park. And if anyone plays golf it has a ripper course right there. going to have my boiled egg now. thinking of all this has made it easier to fast. I need it! but the Sav Blanc is calling, it’s sundown…. Noooo! tomorrowwww! xx gyps

    UP…..thank you for sharing your gift with the team…. They seem to be happy with their colours. Synasthetics is a very interesting phenomenon. It shows that there are many unknown miracles still to be investigated about the human and animal neurological makeup.
    I have seen a pic of JADE….Such a gorgeous cute face, only head shot AND ONLY HALF HER FACE,light brown hair without the tousled hair of mud and twigs blue/green eyes.Stature ? small. But a face of mischief and fun times .OH is another eye candy guy.
    . I will have a FD tomorrow . Ended up being needed at my 2nd job of 4hrs of cleaning….I was famished by the end of it. Got stuck into a soy flat white coffee with a salmon ceasar salad THEN 2 TIM TAMS so the planned Fast went out to sea.
    Hope all of you did not fo the same as me.

    All the best for the weigh in tomorrow..
    Have a great night
    JADE can you send the local toy store number they may have a toy elephant with wings that they may deliver for me……FED EX.

    Wow! I can’t go away for five minutes but there’s a riot of activity on the thread!
    Jade, you’re coming too, amazing! Brilliant! Wonderful! Terrific! Woohoo! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽŠโœˆ๏ธ๐ŸŒ„๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿพ๐Ÿน๐Ÿธ๐Ÿท
    Just got a chance to log on in the hotel near Calais which we reached last night after horrible drive through UK on congested motorways. We left home at 6am and got to hotel at 11pm! Very, long, tiring day. Hotel were brilliant and left us beautiful salad in our room with half bottle of Muscadet…..went down a treat! About to hit the road again now and get to our place mid afternoon.
    Sorry can’t reply individually but hope all the aches and pains subside for everyone. Best of luck with travels, fasting and saving for 2017. I’m bursting with excitement. ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ“ฏ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ชโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’ž

    Hi, all, there were lots of posts I’d wanted to reply to that I’ve noticed coming in, but now will take too long to find them in the limited time I have to write now, but maybe I’ll get a chance to have a look tomorrow as there were some really interesting things I was reading.

    Gypsybell, I get the idea you’re psychically/spiritually inclined, is that right? And UP, you see things (and people) in colours, something like synesthasia (from memory of what you were discussing, though spelling is off, I think!). I’ve heard of that before and thought it sounded fascinating, and of particular interest to me because I love colour (I do glass work and putting colours together in a pleasing way is my thing there, plus mucking around with eyeshadow, as in makeup, again to try and get pleasing colour combinations). Do you enjoy having that gift, or is it something you’ve always had so don’t think of it as anything particularly “special”?

    It’s great so many of you have met and formed such a strong bond. I did likewise with a group of women in Melbourne (there are 7 of us altogether), whom I met through a dating site forum. That was 8 years ago and we’re still going strong, and I have a hunch these friendships you’ve formed here may go exactly the same way, which is a glorious thing. You never know where things are going to lead in life, do you. A great support in a 5:2 lifestyle forum can have unexpected benefits.

    And I’m so pleased for you, Jade, that you and your OH are getting to come over to Oz for everybody’s next meet up. I think you’ll have a great time ๐Ÿ™‚ I think you asked me (and someone else did too, I think, but I can’t remember who, I’m sorry – I’m struggling to keep up with all the names) if I’m vegetarian, and yes, I am, although do eat prawns and squid rings, so can’t say I am 100 per cent, but more or less, yes ๐Ÿ™‚

    I had a good fasting day today, and already knowing there’s the support of this group was helpful to me, so thank you, lovely ladies, and hope everyone else’s day went well too ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ha, that was an exciting development for me! GG, loved swapping photos with you – sorry I am usually the photog so few to choose from of me ๐Ÿ˜Œ OH sure was happy about his truck eh? Gyps no worries on our account, OH owns nothing but jeans so probably would be turned away from a gated place – had to force him into a tux many years ago and it was like hog tying a wild animal. PH, your caravaning is more his style though the thought of driving anything large is rather scary, we are notorious fender benders even with regular cars, it’s one reason we never buy new ๐Ÿ™„ Will have to finagle some stuff at work in Sept 2017, a bit into a new school year but could surely shift a week. Wonder if I could just Skype my classes…

    Vego, yes I had asked whether you were vegetarian. Don’t know how you do it! I have tried but missed seafood, bbq, fried chicken…. Oh sorry is it a FD? ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Now they raise chickens the size of ostriches so I know that can’t be good….but one battle at a time, right now sugar is my target. Nice to hear of the success of another online group, I’ve never been active on a forum before, and this group does seem to have magic in the connection we feel. โ™ฅ๏ธ All due to CG for putting herself out there. ๐Ÿ˜˜ what a thing you started!

    My young cleaner is coming today, so I need to go tidy up, plus finish washing the 800 lbs of clothes that are OH’s full jeans collection. I think he is packing already! Fit we are still bound for Ireland in late May, but dear lord he’s a waffler, truth be told he’s quite the homebody. Need to pin him down on actual dates and book the air travel. Will try to get that nailed down this week!!! as well as a second FD today but may have company tonight, I need to get healthy to handle all the excitement of future world travels ๐Ÿ›ฉ๐Ÿ›ฉ๐Ÿ’•jade xxx

    Finally got to our house in Normandy but have come into a local town to avail of wifi (in a tavern, of course!) So I’m sitting here sipping kir and looking out over a very pretty square with a magnificent gothic cathedral ringing out the bells at 7pm. It’s a hard life! ๐Ÿท
    There’s no way I can go back to answer everything now but I’m thrilled with all the connections being made by multimedia……soon to be in the flesh as well! ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ
    Well done, GG, as usual for getting in touch personally with Jade and drawing her even more into the fold! ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‘
    Vego, we eat nothing but fish and sea food when we’re here in France because we’re right next to the coast. We’ve already bought prawns and salmon for this evening! Yum! I don’t think there’ll be any fasting going on for the next 12days so there will be lots of catching up to do on my return! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜‹
    CG, brilliant work getting back on track so quickly….fab news! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    Jade, your upcoming visit to Ireland will be extra special now that I know you’re going to Oz as well. We can try Skype the ADers while you’re over and send some photos too. It will be magical! Am I right in thinking you’ll have a group of students in tow? If you can get away from them, I’d love you and OH to come and stay with me and I can give you a tour of the Royal county of Meath! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’
    Up, I know we’re really twins now with the same colour…..even our names are practically identical if you just swap the letters around a bit! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉ
    SJ, I’ve just had the first encounters with the neighbours and managed to struggle through the conversation with lots of nodding and smiling at what I hope were appropriate times! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    Big bonjour to all the rest of you gorgeous ladies. I hope I’ll be able to keep in touch fairly regularly…..bisons a tous….which means, kisses to all! ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’•

    Oh, tough life indeed Fit! I think if I had wifi at home I’d rip it out so’s to be forced to the pub๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท

    Yep, we’ll be with students and booked into UCD, which actually is great – solo apartments with common areas. But would love to tour your area! Not entirely sure of the schedule but should have plenty of free time. Believe it or not, Ireland is the tougher plan than Oz right now, because it is staring us in the face. OH is a massive dreamer/procrastinator whose best times are preceded with me dragging him to the airport and then plying him with alcohol. Once at our destination he is the life of the party๐ŸŽ‰ Seriously it is like starting a Model T.

    Cleaner is here, so I’m holed up in the basement with the puppies and a stack of papers that somehow are not grading themselves ๐Ÿค” Jealous of you at the pub! Enjoy your kir ๐Ÿ’• I’ll give myself a Skype tutorial as a reward for marking a few papers, Email me your skype name? jade xxxx

    Where are my manners…Fit, thank you so much for your kind offer to open your house to us!! โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ Can’t wait to meet up WHEREVER in the Dublin environs and then skype the Aussies ๐Ÿ’• Xxxxxxx
    ps: OH thinks I’m real player knowing such lovely people all over the world ๐Ÿ˜ – he is usually the connected one!

    Good morning-evening team, so much excitement from our o/s members too. At least with meeting up in Ireland you won’t be strangers when you come on the Aussie tour๐Ÿ˜Š Not that ANY of us are strangers here….strange sometimes, but not strangers.
    Fit how lovely it sounds where you are, sipping away whetting the appetite for seafood๐Ÿ˜Š I hope your weather is kind for you. Are you pleased with the work done on your house?
    Jade your o/h will fit right in here, Aussies are very lay back and being up North, could find his jeans a bit over dressed, as in that heat, it will be shorts most of the time I would thinkโ˜บ๏ธ
    I’m up extra early, heading off for fasting blood tests at 8:00 then a massage at 9:00 so hoping to grab a coffee between. I hope all your fasts went well yesterday if you participated and that the scales are kind when doing your weigh in ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Have a lovely day team, whatever you do, make it whole hearted, no half measures are good enough for our AUSSIE DETERMINATIONS team ๐Ÿ˜‰โค๏ธXxxx

    Ive got a lot of catching up to do with these posts!
    Wanted to post my weigh in even though its disappointing. Actually weighed more this morning than i did last friday ๐Ÿ™
    Ive been so happy with how I cope on fast days, however on other days i let all the hard work slip. Didnt help that this week has had the left overs from easter, and my partner whos been away for a couple weeks finally came back, and weve been enjoying eating out together a bit too much.
    So very disappointing for me but i know where ive been going wrong and i know i need to step up my game on my other days. I hope all you lovely people see some successes on the scales this morning!

    Hi all. Jade that is wonderful news!

    To answer question from Vego and CG. I have always had this extra sense but never thought anything of it and still don’t because it is just like seeing and hearing. You just do it. And you aren’t thinking about doing it. As I said before I was an adult before I realised that I had something different from most people. I remember my parents trying to trick me when I was a kid one night in the kitchen. I remember wondering why they kept asking me questions that I had already answered such as “What colour is Friday?” I now know they were just trying to work out whether I was just making up colours.
    Years later when I stumbled across the article I talked to my dad. He said they always knew I had it. Why didn’t anybody tell me that it was a thing, had a name and isn’t something that happens to everyone. Major fail, parents!

    It is totally about the sound of the word and really has nothing to do with the person, sorry! If I hear the name I see it in my minds eye as a colour. If I read the word the same thing happens probably because you internally say the word when you read. I don’t really know. Days of the week, numbers, letters and names plus certain words such as bell, all have colours.

    Anyway, I am about to look up Gypsy’s link!

    Hi team, back from the vampire (blood tests) and the massage ๐Ÿ˜‰ She found my hamstrings very tight, thanks to the concrete in Sydney ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Golly, did she give them a workout.
    Gyps can you please work some magic on the moon….I’m constantly tired but sleep keeps eluding me? I’m a walking zombie, things are being done from habit rather than pleasure, even the simplest things are a chore. I’m going to start back on the tablets I got last year when having the same problem, if I can find them, they were from the chemist, and I found after only a few nights using them, my body clock reset itself.
    I’m still on 70.2k but that’s apt to zigzag as usual, but thinking of it as my “stable” as it gives me a level to work on. Stay with it team, keep the positive vibes going, we all need them, I AM living proof how this wonderful way of L & E works, there IS no magic, just being bloody minded, a non defeatist, and using true AUSSIE DETERMINATION! We all know right from wrong, and we also know how forgiving 5:2 is, so the choice is yours ๐Ÿ˜Š Don’t deny yourself those treats, just use common sense with portion control and you win ๐Ÿ˜‰ You ARE winning…….and look at the fabulous team/family you are apart of, no wonder we are all having such terrific success ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜€xxx

    Up how fascinating that answers all my queries about it. But fancy your parents not explaining it to you. Did they maybe think it was something weird & best left alone?
    Morning Aders my weigh-in this morning sees me back down at my lowest 69.3 but still no more loss. I think I’ll be 69 forever! I know I was much more content with my shape at 65kg (16 years ago mind you when I last had a successful weight loss). Actually had a waistline rather than the roll around my middle. But I’ll just keep on keeping on & see what happens. If nothing else at least I know that 5:2 will keep me where I am!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Jade how exciting & stupendous & wonderful (YES all of that!) that you’re going to meet Fit soon but ALSO………that you’re probably going to come out to the next WTF in AUSTRALIA. I find that just incredible…and Fit too (and eye candy OH’s!) what more could one wish for???!!! CG you have a lot to answer for AND ALL OF IT FANTASTIC LOL !!
    Shell have you worked out your TDEE for NFD’s & sticking to that? That should have you losing as I seem to remember you’ve only just started when your weight loss should be good. What about your exercise levels? Portion control? Work on it this week & hope you have a much better result. It’s worth being really diligent for a week on every day to show you how much of a difference it makes. Motivating!
    CG haha you’re right, strange sometimes but definitely NOT strangers! Ooh enjoy that massage. Thinking about one myself after all my osteo work.
    By the way does anyone know how to do group Skype sessions? I tried once with our family but it didn’t happen also not sure how many people you can have. Would be great though!
    Fit enjoy those conversations or nod/smile sessions! I find when I get over there that it’s soo much faster than on my tutorial CD or whatever I’ve practised with. I get key words & like you can sometimes work out what the topic is!!! The thing I find MOST frustrating is when they decide to revert to English for you (sometimes with a roll of the eyes!) & I’m thinking NO I want to practise my French!
    Veg we have another arty crafty lady in our midst. Sounds like an interesting group of ladies that met through a dating site & still meeting 8 years later. My the world has changed hasn’t it! You must all have lots in common as we do here?
    Gyps did you get through that FD WITHOUT the sav blanc????? Boy you’re in full swing planning mode already even though it’s 18 months or so away!
    Off to nearest town today to take my friend up for an app’t. She has chronic fatigue & is just too tired to drive herself. Shall have a coffee afterwards.

    GG you’re so right: Aussie Determination is full of intelligent, professional, strong, loving, humorous women. ๐Ÿ’• Sums us up well I reckon. Have a super day all. suejen XXXX

    Morning all.
    SJ, yess! I knoooow! I’m so excited by the whole prospect! And I have a hard act to follow after GG and Lotus set the bar so high! I know a bit about organizing group things. Especially in the lay back North. One has to get it out there with date claimers far in advance to the event. So all the factions have time to budget and organize their own calendars, work leave etc, and warn relatives re clashing with major stuff like weddings etc. Then it goes on the backburner. Except Gawd and I will have 18 months of excuses to go ‘research’ the route and venues etc…. So bear with the following burst and I’ll just do one liners for a whole month! promise.. (cackle) Shuddup Zelda! This is serious…. Whoopeee!

    I did fast well with nary a drop of the vino yesterday and, CG, am happy to report I’m back to 86.2 kg. Phew! If I never go much further down, I am sooo happy I can prevent going up! But it will be interesting, like you said, to see if the recent blow out resets the metabolism to make intermittent fasting more effective again in wt loss.
    As it was in the beginning. Ha! That sounds biblical! but while in thanks mode, I do appreciate the health benefits, even when stuck on a plateau. No sign of my diabetes destabilizing.

    Even with top of the range, Hard Rock Cafรฉ steaks and 72 dollar lobsters! (I must have been mad!)Oo! but it was yum! and I was thinking it was just a once in a lifetime thing at the time. But that’s changed. It’s now a reasonable life focus to get to the next one!

    It has opened the doors to international friendships. What a thing!

    Hopefully it will give the Leprechaun something to survive for. I can see him getting interested in being a co-host now blokes are coming into the picture. Poor love is depressed after just having his 73rd birthday and no closer to dying! And I sure can relate to having to use a crane to get him off the couch! He has been very generous and tolerant of me having a good time, but he’s been in doomsday mode on his own behalf, re the cancer watch situation. I keep telling him he’s just lost his mojo and is boring himself to death. (chuckle) He accuses me of keeping him healthy on green shit, when any self respecting Geordie would have finished himself off in the pub, years ago! I apparently derailed his destiny (12 yrs ago This Easter.) A widower โ€“ he had decided on a liquid diet in preference to his own cooking. But the salvage was easy. He usually rises to any challenge. And heโ€™s not anywhere near terminal, just needs an adventure! He presently sits up all night in his chair to watch the overseas soccer in search of excitement, ( used to play Gaelic Football). So he’s a sport starved exile and very into the current world news, plus has the gift of the gab. He’s the tour guide from hell when it comes to out of the way experiences. Our first adventure was a classic. I wanted to do an outback tour of country pubs in search of material for a fundraising bush poetry collection and he agreed to be my co-driver. Ha! I never got near the wheel and ended up spastic on the whackiest pub crawl of the West! We did the Roaring Forties (the Daintree scrub trek, over racing river fords, and yes, alive with big lizards) and every pub from gnome to Cooktown! I never wrote a word, I was too busy living it! Anyway, heโ€™s abandoned dying for the moment and just bought a ripper truck to tow our van. Iโ€™ll be able to lug extra chairs and distilled supplies, no sweat. Iโ€™ll be trying it all out with the Gawdmuther over the next few months. It comes with the largest size Engel (camping freezer) so thereโ€™ll be no shortage of ice for your drinks. BRING IT ON!
    Jade, your bloke should fit right in, tell him to chuck in some shorts and thongs, but jeans is the usual attire for our blokes (I forget what you said he retired from, was it teaching? What are his interests?) The Leprechaun has done a variety of things, including military(red beret โ€“paratroopers) and he was the in charge of security at the world trade centre. He started out with his dad and brothers in the Newcastle coal mines and was a rigger on the building scene at one stage. He ended up gold mining in my territory. And I never meant you would need to be driving. Gaaark! On the wrong side of the road over here for you! Plus there are some pretty torturous scenic drives up the tablelands we’ll be taking you on.
    I have a spare brother (66 and single) I can always lure into any adventure, so heโ€™ll step up with another Land Rover if need be. (And a guitar for a singalong?) Plus my son lives in Cairns and has a bus licence, to transport students to sporting fixtures (heโ€™s a sportโ€™s master/tennis coach) if our tour coincides with school holidays we may be able to use one of his collegeโ€™s mini busses. (Iโ€™m their old school nurse, so still in favour). All will depend on where things are at in 18 months time, but I thought it might help hubbyโ€™s to know the terrain, so they can work on that, or come up with questions arising out of it. So this is a looooong post, but weโ€™ll get it out there and then get back on topic! Or theyโ€™ll think we are a travel blog!
    Anyway, Youโ€™ll all want to see the joint and do a spot of exploring. In different directions, maybe. Our blokes will be enlisted to drive, or Gailo, me, too, for that matter. PH’s feller sounds pretty hardy, too. No worries, the overseas contingent can just relax and enjoy the scenery, or the pubs, the fishing or just yarns around a campfire (because wherever The Gawdmuther is you can depend on it, there will be a fire). I am definitely leaning towards setting up the vans for an outdoor experience (as well as our creature comforts in accommodation, girls). Brother Chris has one, too, so Instead of restaurants and takeaways as the only option, we can have Picnics under a tree by the sea, Aussie steaks (home grown) and prawns, fresh caught if theyโ€™re running, with barra and mackeral on the barbie. Plus more stars at night than you will ever see in a city. It’s all do-able and nothing is anywhere near as expensive as the city. Or congested as what Fit is describing, to get to the beach! Erk! Mmm, but the French wine and atmosphere would be something to experience.
    Fit, So glad to hear you like seafood, Wait til you try North QLD mud crab! Gad, โ€˜Normandyโ€™ is a place of folklore! Piccies please!
    So SJ, what about your OH? Great landscape fodder over here…..
    And UP, you might remind your hubby we are probably related if heโ€™s from the Bach dynasty…. BTW, what colours are โ€˜Bellโ€™ and Bach?… sombre, no doubt….
    OK, Iโ€™m going now, puff, puff, ..exercise calls.. Stay on the path xxgyps

    Golly Gyps, you make it all sound so perfect! Burra AND prawns on the barbie, yuuuummmo ๐Ÿ˜‰ Definitely a 7 nighter I would think, maybe first week or two of September? I think GG has a b’day, her Mum I think, later in the month, but at least we can zone in on a few dates now. So if everyone could give an availability it could put you in the picture for planning ๐Ÿ˜€
    Gee, we thought we were in exhausted after Sydney, and we didn’t travel far did we, pretty much the shopping complex over the road? We will all need till xmas to get over what you have planned, and we will be ready with Queensland sun tans for summer ๐Ÿ˜‰ No tanning booth needed GG๐Ÿ’•
    Gyps I’m glad your weight is stabilising, it gives you something to watch now, and to cheer on and share any drops which WILL happenโ˜บ๏ธ
    Give my love to Gawd, she is the life of any party, I have never met anyone with so few, if any, inhabitions๐Ÿ˜€ She’s a gem, you are a compliment to each otherโค๏ธ
    Oh, and it’s Friday team, week end soon, so feet up, relax, time for a wine or two if you like, my bourbon has just decided it’s time๐Ÿ˜€ And a tipple of Gyps’s marvellous concoction with the honey tonight should do the trick to get me off to sleep โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’•Xxxx

    PS. Shell, Don’t let it get you down when the scales seesaw. Just keep going til it is a natural lifestyle to fast twice a week. . You can then invest more or less effort and manage your weight. the magic is in having any control at all! at least a system that allows you to have an Easter blow out and then just get back on track. You will live longer and feel better with 5:2 in your corner. Settle in. And do join our reunion plans if you want first hand motivation from this mob. You won’t regret it.

    Vego, Hope you will be in the fold then, too. If you have never been to North Queensland you should . The glass bead crafters and silver workers in the Kuranda markets would interest you. I do dabble in the family business when all else fails, but have never professed to be either psychic or spiritual. I think I’m just an accident of birth. My stock explanation is: I was born so crosseyed my eyeballs were alternatively back to front, depending on which way I was looking, so I ask: “did it give me insight”? …. sigh… they straightened them (my eyes)but that could explain why parts of my brain are just a mystery to me now, I can’t eyeball the situation…

    Well… I have been sooooo good, but the sav boddle awaits…. is it too early? Nah, It’s five o’clock somewhere! Cheers! gyps.

    Ah, but…
    Dawg, I see you. It is all about your immunity. For a year now I have watched you catch everything going and it goes hand in hand with IBS and insomnia and systemic inflammation issues. Not to mention the cause of anxiety attacks. Bet your cortisol retention is high. You don’t want that to continue. Can I suggest you see an immunologist? get to the bottom of why your immunity is not repelling the bugs. Or as a short stop til you can, Alkalise your system.(supergreens, tomatoes, cucumber, probiotics etc, I’m sure you know the drill) Plus, if it also comes with the hayfever type sniffles every time the weather changes, or your environment, get your doc to prescribe the new inhalers, there are several combinations, but ‘Seebri’ Breezhaler will put him on the track. I’m just through all those type investigations myself and the difference in breathing is dramatic since taking it for just a few weeks. Breathe is everything, so it’s a good place to start. Sorry you’re crook. xx

    So I’ve done my one liners for a month….. oh well… I may be off line for a bit soon so youse can all rest up… byee!

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