Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 7,801 through 7,850 (of 14,786 total)

  • Good morning team, welcome Frangipani, being a typical Aussie group, we will probably call you Fran, as we shorten everyone’s name 🙂 you will find the sweet tooth leave you after a while, and one trick we have found is especially on fast days, and if evenings are hardest we save 50 cals for a Jarrah low cal Hot Chocolate to have before bed 🙂 it satisfies the sweet tooth as well as a craving before bed. Days at home, as you described are best served making up a big pot of fresh veggie soup 🙂 it’s so yummy, filling and low cal. Put everything in it, a few stock cubes and cook away. When you serve it up, add some chicken breast you have weighed and counted into you cals 🙂 then divide the rest up into zip lock bags and freeze for other fast days, I find chunky veggies better but you can put the wizz through it if you prefer 🙂 but as PH said above, the protein is what helps keep you fuller for longer. A hard boiled egg late orvo seems to held you till dinner. Please ask any questions as they arise.
    PH I wondered how you were skipping through Canada, thought you moved!
    25 predicted here today, just so perfect, ideal for gardening, my son has done the cow shed out for me, although it’s sheep down there at the moment, so all clean and fresh, getting to be heavy works for me these days. I’m going to be “playing” in my two green houses, weeding my orchids which are blooming, budding and getting ready for a lovely display. So feelin’ good team. Get out and enjoy your day, all the exercises count to burning cals team as well as improving your life 🙂 and well being. Don’t forget planning for our fast tomorrow, be prepared so no slip ups happen, get some water in the fridge, add a bit of lemon chunks or whatever you like 🙂 and with the warmer weather predicted again, good salad day wooyooo! Cheap on the cals and with a piece of steamed fish or chicken, peeerfect!
    So, a good day for making some tracks team, not following someone else’s path 🙂 and its still YOUR day, so a nice glass or two of wine could well be on the cards 🙂 xxxxx

    Hi Frangipani, Lovely to see you in this group!
    Every time I tell myself I am managing the fast days easily, I go and have one that is really hard. But it is soon over, so it just fades into the background, and I still do it, so it makes for success!
    I think you are exactly right to keep busy! Afternoons are hardest for me, so that is when I try to occupy myself.
    Soup is also my standby, infact I have it every Fast Day for my evening meal. So many good soups to have!

    GoGal I saw the Walk for William on the news, and all the kids in Spiderman suits made me teary. The family would have felt so supported, and hopefully something will come from it.

    That photo of you sounds just gorgeous Fit2!

    Today I am going to make a big ovenbake for dinner and then lots of portions in the freezer. Please send good wishes that I make it truly delicious! Otherwise I will be eating miserably for a couple of weeks!

    Loved to hear of you skipping to Canada PHats! I am planning to skip to Sydney soon to talk to my daughter and see my delicious granddaughter!

    Hello everyone,
    This is my first post. I am a 50 year old male from Melbourne Australia and have been following the 5:2 diet for 9 weeks now.
    I am 180cm tall and my starting weight was 83.8kg.
    What I do is as follows : Fast days are Mondays and Thursdays. On these days I eat nothing until around 6pm when I usually have 2 boiled eggs and 2 slices of bread with margarine. Maybe a small bowl of cerial too if I’m starving. But I find the eggs quite satisfying and then I’m okay until breakfast next day.

    I am a black coffee drinker anyway so on fast days I just have black coffee and water during the day. I do get hungry at times obviously but the hunger does go away if you ignore it. The first 2 weeks or so I was getting some headaches but these were only in the first 2 weeks.

    I was not really overweight to start with, but a little flabby around the middle. My goal was to get down below 80kg nd I’m now aiming for 78 kg.

    I weigh myself daily every morning after breakfast and record my weight in an excel spreadsheet.
    This morning I was 79.6kg. I have average losing about half a kilogram per week.

    I am very happy with the diet and think I will keep doing it indefinitely.
    I don’t really count calories as I said on my fast days I just have a small meal around 6pm and on the other days eat pretty much what I like.

    Hello team. Welcome Fran. You will find that we are a supportive group. Yes GG when one thinks of what William’s parents must be going through our overweight issues seem trivial. Anyone who can abuse children and animals is not sick. They are plain downright evil and should be locked up FOREVER. That goes for domestic violence too. We’ve seen far too much of that of late.
    I have more proof that our new way of eating does work. Since I’ve been sick for almost a month now, I’ve gained 3 kilos. I’ve not been counting calories and no doubt been over my TDEE often. We eat a good healthy diet but no doubt too much food on my plate. So the weight just slowly piles on again if one is not vigilant. I’m not unduly concerned as I must start feeling better soon.
    CG thanks for the tip re Roo mince. I will give him smaller portions. We had pork chops last night and OH left a bit on his plate. I diced that up and he enjoyed that. I guess I’m just not used to dogs who are fussy eaters. I’ve had Golden Retrievers for the past 35 years and they eat anything. Oh yes CG and I agree with you re Venus and Serena. I am not a racist, anything but. However I don’t enjoy watching them play. I’m currently recording the two Italian women’s finals. Their stroke play is excellent and they are great to watch.
    I’m not sure who’s in the men’s finals. Federer and Warwinka? Think Djokovitch must be there too.
    Enjoy your day team.

    Hi team, I’m drunk on happiness on this glorious day in the garden, just in for a drink! Parley, your doing well, as most men do who join us. Try to stay off bread on fasting days! Too many unnecessary carbs. Have a salad with the eggs or a piece of steamed fish or chicken breast. You can buy pre made salads at the supermarket and add low cal dressing or just balsamic vinegar and a squeeze of lemon juice 🙂 So much nicer, healthier and less cals. Have as much as you want and pile your plate up. Have a poached egg on top like a Caesar salad, just so yum. Drinking water, teas or coffee is fine, you can also add a miso soup (available in packets around the cup a soups) and very low cal and satisfying, as is LaZuppa cup a soups, 24 cals I think and quite filling. Stick with it, 5:2 is proven and a success especially with men and again, welcome 🙂 Oh, work out your TDEE in the How it works section at the top of the page too, it helps to know 🙂 and My Fitness Pal is free to download to calculate you daily cals and keeping a record. Don’t forget for men, 600 cals on fasting days 🙂
    Doggy, I cover the mince (any mine) in water, empty a packet of homebrand mixed veggies over it with a hand ful of rice or two or pasta, stick the lid on and let it cook, stir every so often, and when cooked, cool. My boys love it. I freeze it in portions and know exactly what’s in it, 🙂 plus it’s cheap. Chicken mince works well too 🙂
    Well, back to the green house, happy day team, get out and smell the roses… 🙂 xxxx

    Welcome Parleycross! How did you come up with that name?
    You must have started 5:2 at about the same time as me. 🙂 I’m a Melbournian too!
    What a head start you have, liking your coffee black! I think my calorie count for a Fast Day is always a bit higher than recommended because of milk in my cuppas!
    Congrats on passing your first goal so quickly!

    CG what fun you are having this glorious day!
    My baking pan, full of layers of delicious things, is in the oven, so now I will do a bit of outside pottering too!

    Cinque I’m sure your roast veg salad will be yummy, you can’t go wrong with veggies 🙂 plus you can have them with any added protein, chicken, steak , fish, whatever! Enjoy 🙂 xxxxx

    HI All just arrived home and unpacked. As you can imagine we had a wonderful time watching the Eagles final – it was a great match & we were in the 2nd row, plus just beside the race where they come in & out. The atmosphere was brilliant!
    MY good news is that I went to Sportscraft sale & I bought a nice pair of skinny size 14 capris in a lovely blue, pulled them up thinking Yeah this’ll be fun trying to squeeze into these (had a 16 too just in case). But they fitted perfectly! Obviously they’re stretchy which helps but I’ve always had soo much trouble buying pants & used to try on every style in the shop till I found something that was OK. So one happy camper here. 12 kilos does make a big difference. Also couldn’t resist buying 2 plain knit tops with 2/3 sleeves on 50% off, one bright orange the other dark blue. You could wear them anywhere. Yeah for 5:2.
    Will read up all the posts in the morning. For now enjoy the rest of your evening & make sure you’re ready for tomorrow. I have some lovely broccoli spinach & potato soup in the fridge that I made last week with our broccolis from the garden. It was a bit tame (didn’t growl enough at me!!) so I added more salt/pepper & lots of garam masala. That fixed it!! We had a lovely weekend. sj XXXX

    Hi All!
    Just recuperating after last night’s hen do….and resting up before my girlie night in with take-away and wine……5:2 not really getting a look-in this weekend. Will be lunching out tomorrow too….oops!
    Fran – welcome! Yes, it does get easier over time, especially as you experiment and find what works for you. I also have a very sweet tooth and while it hasn’t gone away, I don’t indulge to excess the way I used to, so some positive changes have happened in this wol (way of life). Keep busy and keep asking questions and you will be well on your way.
    PH – I have a lovely vision of you skipping across Canada!!! I often ‘skip’ across the UK to my daughter who is in college there. For anyone new here, I’m from Ireland but have been declared an honorary Aussie by these wonderful people on this thread. 🙂
    Parleycross – PC? – welcome here too. You are doing extremely well, so keep up the good work. Slow and steady wins the race 🙂
    Doggy – didn’t get to see the tennis, but amazed to hear about the two Italian ladies in the final. Federer v Djokovic in the men’s final…hope Federer wins as he is such a gentleman and I find Djokovic a bit arrogant. Glad to hear Pepper is eating better – CG has the best advice on every topic!
    Cinque – your dish in the oven sounds very tasty indeed, enjoy 🙂
    SJ – what a wonderful weekend you have had and skinny size 14 trousers and new tops too….woohoo for you! 🙂 🙂
    GG – thank you for compliments! Hope you nice weekend after the walk….hopefully the publicity will help the family to get some answers and support.
    CG – how lovely to hear about all the pleasure you are getting from your garden and it’s wonderful that Glen could come and give a hand with the heavy tasks. Enjoy the fruits of your labours and have a terrific week.
    Hope everyone else is doing well in this brilliant wol and wishing you all the very best for the week ahead! Xxxxx

    Hi Everyone ?
    Wow !! What can I say except that I’m blown away by all the support & welcomes I have received today on here. Thank you for the warm welcomes & all the tips & encouragement, it has just made my day. “Fran” it is lol…. Thanks Countrygal ?
    Well it’s after 10pm Sun night, just having a quick check in here before bed. Fast day tomorrow so I’m sure to be joining you on here tomorrow. My back has been playing up a bit today, so I have behaved myself. My son came over for a roast dinner with us this evening.
    Good night to you all and thank you again ! I’m feeling so positive after reading all your posts that I’m going to succeed at this. How could I fail with all this wonderful support here!!! ???
    Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow !!
    Thanks Fran ?

    Good morning team, another perfect day weather wise coming up 🙂 how easy is it to feel good when the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and there is warmth in the air. Fast day for most of us, Fit, you are exempt due to more socialising 🙂 have a ball, 5;2 can wait and after seeing your photo, doubt it will make any difference to you 🙂 lucky girl! With this warmer weather our long awaited salads can rule the meal choices, all so easy, low cal and full of flavour, you are only limited by you imagination team. Either with a piece of steamed or grilled fish or just a tin of tuna, what could be easier? I’m starting back to water aerobics this morning, so up really early, feeling like a kid at Xmas, have the okay from my physio and chiro, but told to only do 20 minutes to start with, so will go a bit earlier to get some walking and muscle warm up done first 🙂 ….be interesting to see how I pull up tomorrow although I will be going gently as my back and body allows, as I’m planning to go again then! I hope your Monday and fast is a happy one, stay positive, we know 5:2 works YOU CAN DO IT, our AUSSIE DETERMINATION will keep you strong, so BRING IT ON team!!! 🙂 xxxxxxx

    Hay team, just saw the weather report, can you believe 27 in Melbourne? Wooohooo, I believe we are going to fall back to earth with a thud later in the week with a top of 13! Oh well, enjoy the warmth whilst we can….Fran, stay strong, we are all here for you so all the encouragement and support are here when needed if struggling so let us know how you’re going…YOU CAN DO IT! 🙂 xxxxxx

    Hi all, Thank you all for the welcome and the kind words and advice.
    Cinque, I was actually born in the UK and moved to Aus as a child. But where I lived in the UK was a small town and a big crossroads called the Parley Cross. anyway I haved used that userid in lots of places now and am stuck with it I think. What about yours ?

    I’m very happy with results so far. Although you don’t always lose the fat from the places you want to lose it, like love handles etc. but the weight is going down. I suppose eventually it should disappear from everywhere you want it to.

    On non fast days I find I do indulge a bit. Eg occasional chocolate bar if I get tempted at the supermarket and fish and chips with the kids but weight is still going down so fast days are compensating.
    I do bootcamp classes 2 to 3 days per week too which will help.

    Thanks for those menu ideas Countrgal. I will definitely try them out for some variety on my fast days.

    CG I know! It is amazing! (And it was such a hot night!). I hope I can do more in the garden today (I have the world’s tiniest garden, mostly pots, out the front of my flat).

    It is great having honourary Aussies on this thread who kindly write posts while we are asleep! So nice to read in the morning!

    Fast Day today. Glad of it! My tray bake was yummy, it had pasta in it. While I stand by my home made bread, I am not sure pasta suits me. It was delicious (so I had second helping!). I will do scientific experiments (kind of) as I eat through the rest (on non Fast Days) and decide whether pasta can stay in my diet or not.

    Yes, I ended the day feeling overfull and not that happy!

    Of course, it mightn’t have been the pasta because when I was shopping I was enticed by a packet of chips. I decided not to be mean to myself and thought I could do (another) scientific experiment to see if I could just eat a few. I ate some on the way home (very yummy) and then spilled the bag as I was getting things out of the car. So they ended up in my compost bin!

    (But was it the pasta’s fault that I was enticed by the chips?) More scientific experiments needed!

    I might do my Fast Day a bit differently today as I have a meeting tonight where they provide food. I offend people a little if I don’t eat (after they work to provide it). So I think I will have soup for breakfast and then have just a little bite there. I don’t think I will fail, but if I do I will fit in another Fast Day this week.

    Best wishes everyone!

    Cheers to you all!

    Hey Parley, I took so long writing my post that yours went up in the meantime! I like ‘Parley Cross’ I imagine people meeting to ‘parley’ at the cross roads.
    I am the fifth child of seven, and one of 5 sisters, so 5 has been a favourite number of mine, and when I started learning Italian, I just loved their word for five! For some reason it came into my head when I was asked for a username!

    5:2 is great at how you can make it suit your life and still work well!

    Well so much to read and so much happening. Welcome parley. Nice to have a male perspective. Whooo boot camp..oh to be that fit again! You sound like you have been having great success. I am only two weeks in so. Looking forward to getting results like everyone else. Had a nice day yesterday exploring a nice caravan park not too far from home on the bellingen river. Lots of people fishing so looking positive. On,y takes 45 minutes from home so will be able to tow the boat down while hubbie tows down the van and we can set up for the week and hubbie can fish till his hearts content and I can come and go from the van or home ..whatever I like, whenever I like. Perfect..

    Doggie and CG ..interesting that you get too mince for your best friends..(pets for newbeys)I have been using kangaroo mince for my spaghetti bols for years now. It is so lean that it is perfect. I get 1kg pkts from Coles and fill it out with lots of zuchini and carrots, grated, and onions and garlic and then add 2 or three tins chopped tomatoes and some tomato paste. I then freeze into 8 serves into the freezer. Serve it over zuchini spaghetti or whatever you prefer. Works out as a great low cal dinner for when you are in a hurry. Hubbie loves it to take fishing when he camps overnight on the beach, he just emptys a can of spaghetti into it.

    Fran, good luck with your fast day. Lovely that your son can pop over for a meal with

    Fit ..Wow sounds like you have had a blast of a weekend. Way to is certainly for living it up when you can..

    Suejen sounds like a fabulous weekend. Watching your team win live!!! And then having a shopping spree where you find you can fit into size 14… HEAVEN!?????. My Broncos live to play another day as well.

    CG.. So great you can get back into the water. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to move around not and not put stress on everything. I love my physio exercise classes
    In the hydrotherapy pool twice a week with a group of ladies and men that are a great bunch..I love it so much that you can go and do your own thing in the hydro pool at lunchtime each day so if I am ever in town the days I don’t do classes I go for another session. Love it.. Love it.. Love it.???

    Clinique. Love your attention to detail with your research. Hopefully you will publish your findings!!???

    Well good luck to all with FAST DAY. …positivity rocks????

    Love to be able to edit once I post. Does anyone know how? Of course ‘too’ was supposed to be Roo…??

    CG – so glad you got to enjoy some lovely weather. I’m back after great catch up with my pal. I had crabmeat ravioli….mmmm, delish!! Even though I’ll be having lunch out tomorrow, I think I’ll try to have semi-fast day because I’ve really overindulged all weekend and I will be disheartened if I have too much ground to make up when I weigh in on Wed.
    Fran – sorry to hear you’ve been having back trouble but it’s yet another topic CG can give you first-hand advice about…..honestly, she’s a walking encyclopedia on just about everything!! 🙂
    Cinque – I feel the same about logging on in the morning and finding lots of interesting posts and news have appeared while I was asleep. Looking forward to hearing all about your experiments 😉 but there is no such thing as a ‘fail’ in this wol because we are all learning more about what works and what doesn’t so adapting/rescheduling fast days to suit our needs is another way to success – keep up the good work! 🙂

    PH – to the left of your post and under your username and the word permalink, there is an option to edit which is available for five minutes after you submit your post. Sounds like you’ve been having a fab weekend too. 🙂

    Oh Fit, I hope I don’t come across as a “know-it-all” my knowledge basically comes from years of reading, age, experience and the experiments 🙂 and its lovely to pass that wisdom on. If I was so clever, I would never have needed 5:2 in the first place! But knowing and doing……..had a ball in the pool, feeling very alive, look out weeds, here I come 🙂 sleep well Fit, sweet dreams, the rest of us, get out and live 🙂 xxxxxxx

    Hi all. Welcome Parley. You see to be doing very well so far. You must be very strong minded to fast until 6pm. I doubt if I could.
    Fitto yes I too am a Federer fan. His mum is a South African like me so I feel some degree of kinship.
    CG once again thanks for you tip re mince. I’d been giving it to him raw but will cook it in future. Also need to add some rice, veg and pasta as you suggest.
    I was wondering if any of you would care to share your weight gaining experiences. ie. Have you always been a bit overweight or is it the dreaded middle age spread? I have always been on the skinny side in my youth and till I hit th evil 60. Gradually since then the weight has increased. I’m sure it’s also because I’m not nearly as active as I used to be. I worked as a theatre nurse and was a mad keen gardener so very active. Due to bung knees and back I’ve had to give up the gardening. I’m sure I still eat as much as I did before though and that’s the problem. Once I’m well and truely over this B lurgy I’m determined to start losing weight again.
    Enjoy your day team.

    Doggy, your welcome, but remember to cover it with water, that cooks the rice/pasta which swells. I agree with the middle age spread BUT eating as much as you used to? My appetite dropped but the nibbles started after dinner, usually chocolate! Then toast or dry bikkies for supper grrrrr, adding an extra meal to my days. It was contentment eating after being in an abusive marriage for so many years and then finding my freedom 🙂 I too was skinny in my teens early marriage years, but different cooking styles started, Italian being my favourite so pasta became the norm! NOT NEEDED in AUSSIE foods or our diet! Going back to our original meat and three veggies has been the big key to my weight loss on NFD’s especially salads when weather permits. So no more pasta/rice for me, I also became quite good at Asian cooking AND fried rice, another NO-NO …..stir frying is fine, but the rice!!!…………your doing really well, that lurgy has held you up, but once totally over it, things will be back to normal, and yes the occasional fish and chips are fine, it was our BIG treat when I was a kid 🙂 xxxxxxxx

    Morning all how lovely to read back over all the posts & there’s plenty of them! I too agree with you CQ re the posts that pop up overnight so it’s great to have honorary aussies in the forum like Fit. We get 24hr encouragement really and CG is just a great poster of encouragement always.
    Doggie I was never pencil thin as bigger in the hip/thigh area but pretty good. After 3 kids I’d put on weight so went on a diet and lost it pretty easy – back to being pretty slim. I think once into my 40’s I had to keep going on diets every few years. The weight really piled on in my 50’s and I let it get out of hand. Tried lots of weight loss regimes, spent quite a bit of money only to have it return each time – as I hadn’t changed my eating habits for good. Did manage to get down to 66.5 from 82.5 once with Easyslim around 2000. After that the same old story, finished up back at 82.4 with sporadic efforts to lose a bit. Found it all quite depressing & hated looking in mirrors or shop windows.
    5:2 has been the only WOL that I enjoy and will continue as it’s NOT a diet & I can eat every food group, no supplements, no points or great recording of foods/food groups, no SET meals that require fancy ingredients that you never use again. the benefits just go on and on!!! I believe that because I put weight on so easily these days that I’ll need to continue 5:2 in some form forever, maybe even 2 FD’s. I read a lady’s maintenance blog the other day & she said that she’d had to revert back to 2 days, or at least 1 full & a part FD to maintain. So that’s my story. I feel that having a hysterectomy in my mid 30’s had quite a bit to do with the weight gain but also hereditary (mum/sister quite large).
    Thanks one and all for your well wishes re my weekend. It was a lovely time & will be a lovely memory to look back on. Have gained some weight of course but it’ll be gone soon. So onto today’s fast to kick some weight to the kerb, learn what suits you on FD’s as your best routine, & learn from each other. I think perhaps that’s the greatest attribute of this group – we’re very willing to learn from each other….tips, tricks, good foods to look out for, recipes etc etc. So have a great FD all and stick to your plan. Off to boil my egg. suejen XXXX

    Hi team, how are you all going with your fasting? I’ve blown out a bit, 200cals, well it will be by days end, not overly worried with all the exercise I’ve done today, although that’s only cheating myself, so it will be interesting to see if any loss this week for me.
    I hope you are all hanging in there, stay positive keep the faith YOU CAN DO IT, don’t follow my lead. I was enjoying myself out in the greenhouse, so many orchids in Bloom already and so many spikes full of buds, I was sipping away on a couple of celebratory whiskeys and zero 😉 whilst weeding and staking them. Ho hum, first really good day in the greenhouse since my op and NO guilt attached 🙂 xxxxxxx

    Hi all
    CG. Love the idea of celebratory whiskey ‘s, I like mine with ice and water. It is the one thing that I find hard to curb so have decided to have none in the house until I lose 6 kg. great incentive for me. My drink of choice till then is a glass of ice covered in red wine.
    Doggy. I had an hourglass figure up until I had my children,you know the 36..24..36 type. never small and looked great wearing clothes size 16 to 18. So that is my goal. To get back into size 18 and then see. Put on 5 stone, as it was in those days , with each pregnancy due to hormone imbalance.. Got it off twice but had three children…….only got half of it off the third time. Then when the youngest started school I start back working in an office and you know the rest. Stopped playing so much sport and got bigger and bigger. Have tried almost every diet on the planet Up and down….then did the sure slim program and lost 26 kg and kept it off till the advent of my 3 hip replacements and back operation.
    Now doing some exercising again and with the help of the new wol with 5.2 hope to get back to original weight and stay there.

    Your orchids sound beautiful. My you have many talents CG ..

    My fast day is going well. On track for 470 cal once dinner over.
    Not much time to chat as busy packing caravan to go down to the bellingen river caravan park we discovered on the weekend. Strike before school holidays start..not sure of signal so may be off line for a few days.
    Hopefully everyone enjoying life to the fullest and having fun.
    Fit…Thanks for the tip on editing


    Eveing team! Late post…..but….better late then never. My fast day went well. With the sun shining brightly and a somewhat gentle breeze I weeded and did a clean up in a small area of our back garden that in the coming weeks OH is going to do some amazing landscaping in. Had a fried egg with a bowl of lettuce and almonds cherry tomatoes with homemade mayonaise for lunch at 1pm that was much needed fuel 3pm a tub of mixed berrie yoghurt, Dinner tonight is corned silverside, broc, carrots(boiled potatoes for OH).
    If in my blurred state in the past days I have overlooked our newbies a BIG hearty welcome to PH, FRAN and PC.Hope that you enjoy this extremely dedicated thread of AUSSIE DETERMINATION.You all seem to be doing so well… keep up the good work ….you will be so addicted to this WOL and WOE that the word diet will never again be used because its not a diet! It’s making sensible sustainable food choices with your favorite treats still there for you to enjoy on your NFD’s. YOU CAN DO THIS and ARE NOT ALONE in this well proven WOL.
    I am now going to enjoy a well earned SAV ( to cool me done ….Am a Tad sunkissed tonight)……..:)))……GO GAL XXXX

    HERE,HERE PH…..Our posts just crossed.have a wonderful break….and ABSOLUTELY !!! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WHEN WE SET OUR MIND TO IT……GO GAL

    Hi All!
    CG – you are far from a ‘know-it-all’! Just wisdom gained from experience which you share while admitting your lapses or weaknesses….totally human! 🙂 Delighted to hear you had a great time in the pool, looking after your orchids and enjoying the medicinal whiskeys! 😉
    Doggy – so sad that Roger lost the US tennis 🙁 My weight story is very similar to women of a certain age. I was skinny growing up, into my 20’s and even after my first child in my early 30’s. I also played alot of sport up to then. After second child the weight began to go on, even though I didn’t change eating pattern…I think, as you age, your metabolism changes and you don’t use up the calories as efficiently. I have a very sweet tooth and continued eating sweets and chocolates as I had always done…with the inevitable results!! By my late 30’s, I was playing less sport and put on about 10kg. I know that doesn’t seem like much to many people struggling with severe weight gain, but it felt alien to me and I wasn’t at all happy. I did the Weightwatcher’s programme and lost about 14kg….back to the weight of my youth and I was probably a bit too thin. I gradually settled about about 10kg down and was quite happy. Got complacent and before I knew it, I was steadily getting heavier and heavier. I tried WW again, but somehow couldn’t get into the rhythm of it again. Then I saw Dr Mosley on tv and bought the 5:2 book and found this forum. I have lost about 7/8kg now and would like to lose another 2 to have some wriggle room. I also keep having weekends like the one just gone by and need to fast to keep myself from gaining again. Phew!!!! Sorry for the long story….but you did ask!!!!
    I’ll keep it short now and just say hello to everyone and have a great week!! 🙂

    Doggy – should have said I hope you are completely better very soon and I know you will successfully be losing those pesky kg when you are fighting fit again. 🙂
    SJ – I’m with you on seeing myself on 5:2 for life….this way we can have treats and the odd blow-out and enjoy special occasions knowing that we can keep control of our weight and get back to whatever we are comfortable with. It also means we are pleasant to be around and not bringing everyone else down complaining “Oh, I can’t eat that, I’m on a diet”. Having seen your ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos, you have come a long way and look terrific now! 🙂
    PH – you’re welcome for the editing tip. Hope you keep on enjoying your trip and have some lovely weather along the way.
    GG – sounds like you had a fabulous day in the garden, what a wonderful OH to be doing all that wonderful landscaping…I’m sure it will be beautiful. Enjoy the SAV! 😉
    Older daughter and I just assembled the Ikea coffee table and the room is all complete, except for the sofa and chair arriving tomorrow. Can’t wait for younger daughter to get home tonight and get the surprise of her life! 🙂 🙂
    Off soon to lunch with my ex-colleagues from school -so really looking forward to that! Life is great…..BRING IT ON!

    SJ – reading back on my comments, I hope you don’t think your ‘before’ picture was awful….please forgive me for putting my two great feet in it and for causing any offense. I’m so sorry if my intended compliment came across the wrong way 🙁 xxxxx

    Fit, I’m sure sj wouldn’t be offended, we put our before and afters, on to prove a point with our losses, besides, us Aussies have broard shoulders and know your intentions were kind 🙂
    Good morning team, had a typical fasting night with very little sleep. Had a huge down pour at 4:00am, just magic lying in bed listening to it, but it worked as always, when I want to enjoy the sounds, I fall asleep! Rain just started again, it’s 6.00am so the gardens will be rejoicing 🙂 and the tank staying full’ish. So off to water aerobics this morning again, I pulled up better than I expected especially with working in my green house too 🙂 so getting a bit of fitness going at last! Have a wonderful day team, enjoy whatever you do, and yes, our 5:2 is certainly a life long life style now, so easy, and so forgiving 🙂 and very rewarding. No gain is better than no loss so be kind to yourself, your body IS adjusting all the time, it has taken years of zigzag dieting, bad food choices, so give it time and enjoy the ride 🙂 and BRING IT ON 🙂 xxxxxx

    Hi All!
    My scientific experiment went well yesterday, in fact I didn’t eat anything, except milk in a few cuppas, until I got to last nights meeting and then I had half a salad roll, which is what they had on offer. I think that probably came to around 500.

    Purple Hats did you find the edit option? I ask because I chuckled that your predictive text changed my username to Clinique! Very good for a scientist!

    I did a little bit in the garden yesterday and hope to do more. It is that time of year. It got a nice water from the rain overnight! Dogsabie I am so sorry you are unable to garden now, it is hard for someone who has been a gardener, to have to stop.

    Enjoy those water aerobics CG!
    Cheers everyone!

    Hi All finished FD at 470 cals so all good, despite feeling very cold all day. Just had extra hot drinks.
    Fit you silly goose you’re like me I think…very soft-hearted. Of course I wasn’t offended by your comment. My before photo was a shocker & it upset even me that I was like that!! But at least it sent me on the right track. No offense at all Fit. I do find it amazing though how you can look in the mirror for months on end & think you look ok, but then you see a photo & you think OMG do I REALLY look like that?! What is going on with our brains there?
    Well today is OH’s birthday so waiting for suggestions of what he might like me to cook. Looking like a smoked cod casserole (family favourite from way back – yummy) and a lemon meringue pie. So…..not watching my TDEE today! Plus of course a glass or 2 of his favourite red. A bit of cooking to keep me busy. Also heading out in a short while to play for the oldies at our local home. They have a mini church service once a month & they love to sing songs.
    Enjoy your day all. CQ you did well with your day esp since you work. I’ve also started not having brekky or lunch & wait till I’m truly hungry to either have a HB egg or a miso soup. Works well for me too & doesn’t wake the hunger dragon. You also get more calories for dinner – if you wish to! suejen XXXX

    Hi team. Thanks to those who gave us their case histories. It would appear that we are mostly in the same boat. Since you my weight gain started about 10 years ago I’ve been on and off The Atkins Diet more often than I can remember. I have lost weight on it but and its a big BUT the diet is just not sustainable as its too restrictive. I totally agree that I too will probably stay on wiht this WOE for the rest of my life. It is doable and not complicated. Once I’m over this bug I’m going to revisit my BMI & TDEE and be more careful with weighing my food. I’m actually looking forward to starting again as I felt so well on the 5:2 and it’s does good things with ones brain.
    CG thanks I’m busy cooking up the Roo mince as per your instructions. It smells very nice too and if the little bugger does not eat it I’ll probably dish it up for hubby and myself.
    Enjoy your day team.
    XX Doggy

    Doggy, he he, 🙂 that’s not as silly as it sounds, when my gorgeous Dad was alive, and after we’d lost my Mum, he watched me cooking up the boys “casserole” and said the same thing, not being a cook and missing Mums cooking, I said all you need to do is add a few stock cubes, use real premium beef, and maybe instead of water, use real stock! He loved it and it became a favourite, BUT when I’d ask what he was having for dinner (I used to check he was eating properly) he used to say, “dog’s dinner” ! 🙂 xxxx

    Hi all

    wrote a long post a 5am this morning and it all disappeared!

    I was skinny until I moved to Scotland – I have it in my head I put on weight almost immediately, but I found a box of underwear a couple of days ago, some of the knickers are TINY, so I presume I was at some time. Some folk have put on weight through stress, I put it on cos I was happy! Cooking is my delight, cooking three meals a day was obviously my downfall. Having a baby at 38 probably did a lot of damage, still losing the baby weight and my boy is 20 now. Whilst low fat is now regarded as a bad thing, must admit that I never ever did low fat, but perhaps my talent to do wonderous things with a slab of meat, some veg and a pint of double cream, or heck a bit of pasta, pretty much any ingredients and a pint of double cream, and my brilliance at Dauphinoise potatoes, beef stroganoff and my party piece, beef wellington with home made chicken liver pate and home made puff pastry, and I haven’t even mentioned puds! – a calorie laden pattern emerges!

    Having pretty much given up all these things, I’m surprised I’m not losing at a much faster rate!

    Anyway, beginning to get back to normal, though been feeling weepy and very depressed, an alien concept to me. Feels weird.

    So glad to see your posts CG, there is a definite spring in your prose! So good to read – pass us all a glass of the stuff you are drunk on! Glad to hear you are getting better doggie, and some great reading from everyone. Hi to the newbies, I’m another honorary Aussie, English living in Scotland, only connection is that I’m in love with Simon Baker and in lust with Hugh Jackman, which I feel is a huge connection! Hubby has relatives over there too. Loving all the AUSSIE DETERMINATION!!! You all make me smile!

    But where is our Bard????????????? Missing her like crazy!

    Melina, it does take time for your body to adjust and it effects all aspects of our living. Is your depression from feeling deprived? Don’t wait to get it checked with your doctor, it could be something underlying. We all lose at different rates too so don’t judge by others. If you are eating under or up to your TDEE on NFD’s your doing everything right 🙂 so hang in there, IT WILL HAPPEN 🙂 and what I’m feeling drunk on is the sunshine and being out in the garden, if I COULD bottle that feeling, I would 🙂 xxx

    Hi CG

    the weight is coming off well, restarted on the first, and 4 lbs down. Its nice to be focused. I’m just feeling so sad, – my usual state is I’m so cup half full, well overflowing actually, and I’m like a duracell bunny, people avoid me after a while, I think I wear them out.

    I once got 8 strangers to follow me because I just knew I could get home from Barcelona to Edinburgh when every flight in Europe was cancelled, the Spanish trains were all full, the french ferries were full and the french trains were on strike. I even managed to get a car upgrade and a one way hire, apparently the only one they allowed at Gatwick Airport (we got a taxi from Dover to Gatwick, one of the strangers was able to get her company to pick up the tab!)

    I’m sure I’ll be back to normal soon. Probably when I start sleeping, which might not be any time soon, haven’t slept for days. You are perking me up already with your talk of sunshine, not that we are likely to see any tomorrow (rather today) ourselves.

    Jumping in here just in case you all thought I’d fallen off my perch!! Just been flat out like a lizard drinking. Spent all last week going every day to take care of my 15yr old granddaughter who had a bad case of glandular fever. My daughter was not able to take time off as she had her year 12’s doing mock TEE so that left me.
    Managed to come in at 426 cals for FD yesterday but think I’ve stalled again as far as weight loss goes.
    CG haven’t read all the posts yet but from the current page you are sounding so good. Got your mojo back. 🙂
    Lovely to see all the regulars and some newbies, welcome. Wonderfully supportive group to be in.
    Doggie will get around to a bit of a weight profile soon but I’m being distracted at the moment because OH is watching what is unfolding on TV next to me. Am seriously thinking of moving my computer desk. As this is not a political forum I won’t comment except to say Whew, what a difference a day makes!!
    YY xx

    Melina, sleep deprivation is a big factor with moods as well as hormones but a chat to your doctor wouldn’t go astray. Your doing really well to lose your weight and maybe the system is craving pastries, etc so the complete change over is effecting you? Don’t deny your self too much on NFD’s, do it slowly, just count them into your TDEE, see if that helps 🙂 good luck xxxxxx
    Yy, lovely to year from you in your busy life. As long as you are taking care of YOU too, I’m sure everything will come up roses for you 🙂 xxxxx

    Best wishes Milena, make sleep your highest priority! Fingers crossed you can get a few nights of good sleep (sleep hygiene tips, doctor visit), and you will feel a new person.

    Best wishes to your granddaughter YumYum, I hope she recovers soon, I know it can take quite a while.

    And yes, whew! 😉

    Mmm, well… Milena, I’ll have wot yore havin’.. and Yummy, wot you said (so eloquently) All of it. Including the political ramifications! and, agree, CG you (still)sound like a star to follow! Without reading a month’s worth of posts, I hope that means you feel better. Plus, Suejen, couldn’t agree more re the practical versatility of 5:2. It adapts to our circumstances. I’ve only had a chance to read one page so far, but glad I found youse, plus Dawg, Fit, GG and a goodly number of newby’s on it. Good to know the whole world didn’t get blown away by the bomb(that flattened my world).

    So Hi gang, and welcome to those new to my sagas. I’m the drama queen. Indeed, I have recently come to accept that I own the title! Anyway, to make a looooong story short, I set off to the city with the leprechaun a few weeks back, to get the ghist of his future expectations of budding liver cancer,
    (no solids there, just watch and worry) only to end up in the palliative care unit of my old alma marta (hospital), on the end vigil for my best friend’s husband( and my biker mate). In due course we buried him and proceeded to a memorial ride (as is required for a biker’s funeral honours). It was mega, over a lot of miles, with upward of 300 bikes in the cortege. I delivered the eulogy and returned to my scrub hut in emotional tatters. Only to find several messages from my daughter. It appears she has multiple (underarm)tumours not yet diagnosed. So I leave again in the morning to face what may be. I may be gone again for an indeterminate time, but whatever S**t hits the fan, I WILL return. I have maintained, if not participated and hope to continue my personal journey to better health (may I survive to enjoy it!) It’s just a matter of time before summer and old age incarcerates me into an air conditioned cocoon (and time to play with my friends online). But I must say, it’s getting bloody hot early on all fronts in my world! Hope that equates to weight loss! I am still sitting in the 85K range. With not a chance of giving up the sav at this point! Cheers! xxx Gyps

    Hi All!
    Sun is shining again here today so that is great bonus towards feeling good. Sorry to hear you are struggling with feeling low, Milena – try and get out and about and meet people, doing the things you have always done and it might kick-start your system into feeling like your old self again.
    Aw, SJ – you are a gem….big hug to you ( ). Your ‘before’ photo was not a shocker at all but I’m so glad you are much happier when you look in the mirror now. Have a wonderful birthday celebration with your OH….sounds like a lovely day for you both xxx 🙂
    Doggy – sounds like you are getting your mojo back too and that Pepper is a very lucky and spoiled pooch!! Hope you keep on getting stronger every day.
    YY – good to hear from you again. It’s great that you could be there to look after your GD – glandular fever is a very nasty and debilitating dose…I hope she’s on the mend soon.
    Cinque – you’re doing very well with your experiments and FD – keep up the good work.
    CG – that’s wonderful news that you are getting on so well with the water aerobics…good for the body and the soul!!
    My daughter came home last night and was very impressed with the newly decorated room; the sofa and chair are arriving today so that will be the finishing touch….yippee!!! OH, two girls and I are going out for a meal tonight and then a comedy gig…should be a great night. So, I’m going to try semi-fast with just breakfast, nothing during the day until meal tonight with just main course….we’ll see how it goes!
    All the best to everyone; newbies and old hands 😉 BRING IT ON!!!

    Gypsy – our posts crossed. So sorry to hear about all the bad news you have experienced lately. You are amazing to keep on going…..and I know you’ll say what else can you do? You are so strong, loving and giving to everyone. I hope your daughter’s diagnosis is as benign and treatable as it can be. You really don’t deserve all this worry after all you have been going through for the last few months. My heart goes out to you. Please mind yourself and enjoy as much medicinal SAV as you bloody well want!!! Xxxxxxx

    Good advice Fit….hic… taking it. Though must say it’s effing weak of me to be winging when I’m just fine. Guess it’s just a game of Russian roulette for associates at my age. But, bugga, kids are supposed to survive me!

    Not whinging, Gyps, just sharing and definitely not weak!!! Life is a bugger at times but offload here and we’ll do our best to shore you up!!! Xxxxx

    Oh Gypsy, my heart just goes out to you. I have only just read your welcome post. Fell asleep on the couch in front of telly, buggar! So having a coffee and will try to sleep tonight.(bloody age taking over!) I can hardly walk, sore legs from aerobics, so they must be working! Gyps, I so reinterate what Fit has said regarding your daughter. I know the jury is still out, but early days and time for hope 🙂 and the prayers your sending to be answered. I know as we age we start to accept the loss of long time friends, no matter how hard, but not our children, you for one knows how wonderful medical science is these days so there is always hope 🙂 xx You just don’t seem to be winning these days, it’s just so bloody unfair! Please know we are here for you with love and prayers. Your cheeky personality is still shining through, please don’t lose your seny of reality and humour, your not alone we are your sounding board, we are your “cat” to kick, so stay in touch 🙂 xxxxxx and safe travels xxxxxx

    Good morning team, well after a wonderful sleep, feel really good, no soreness from the aerobics either 🙂 so getting a bit fitter will help my over all well being and strengthen muscles I haven’t been using for quit some time now 🙂
    Today isn’t a fasting day for me, just a PC (portion control) day 🙂 like that?? But meeting up with a friend for lunch so hoping the choices are in my favour, and if not, will miss dinner, maybe just a hot drink. That’s something else I keep meaning to say, missing a meal will not hurt you, don’t eat by the clock, why eat if you’re not hungry. If your meal is prepared, have it tomorrow. I often wonder if it’s better to eat our main meal in the middle of the day to let it digest well before bed. Just a thought.
    Happy positive day to you all team, and to our sickies I do hope are well on the mend, safe travels Gypsie, thoughts are with you and the next few weeks for results, please look after yourself, and yy, start putting yourself first for a while. 🙂 and Fit, hope you had a lovely time with your daughters, loved our communication too…. 🙂 xxxxxx

    Isn’t is surprising how much you can see when you clean your glasses and your ipad screen! 🙂 xxxxxxx

    Gyp, you and yours are in my prayers – though I sometimes think when it comes to God I’m not so much agnostic as antagonistic – all well saying, as my nana did, God will only burden you as much as you can carry, well, if god was a woman she would have either made us a little better or used the brains she gave man which was able to work out how to get to the moon, to sort out illness instead!

    I spent today having a good talk with myself, so no more the whingin’ pom, I have a wonderful life – relatively anyway (well, the sun was shining unexpectedly, and it got to 12 degrees, almost a heatwave in Scotland) so I have pulled myself up by the bootstraps – positive thoughts only from now on – and I’m sending them your way!

    Have a great day team!!!! Its a wonderful life!!!

    and a bit of desderata – food for thought

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

    Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
    With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

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