Aussie Determination

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  • Lots of sympathy Doggy, I hope you can have a gentle time recuperating, and then no more relapses.

    Thinking of your GD CG, it is scary, but how wonderful that they have caught it this early. Will be crossing fingers and sending good wishes at operation time.

    Hi to everyone else! PHats, it is such a great country! So lucky to be here! I am having a nice non Fast day! Soup for lunch very soon!

    Morning all how are we today? Doggy I know you’re still not well & that’s certainly not what I wanted to hear – or you to experience either. {{{ }}} for you and wishes that a full recovery is just around the corner, you just can’t quite see it yet though. Sit back & take it easy. One of my kids on the school buses I look after was coughing right in my face today (after being absent from school other day) & I thought Uhoh that wasn’t good (as I ducked out of her way!). You have every right to be P…ed off girl.
    PH you’re right we are so blessed to live in this country, & your son really knows how to make the most of it. Good on him!
    Cate definitely make sure you eat plenty of protein. That’s what keeps you full on FD’s. I can’t do without it….I cave in without protein. So my HB eggs are a lifesaver. You’re right that being a grandma is so worthwhile & worth the effort of keeping a relationship just for the grandies. I’m in that position with a daughter at present. She is being influenced by daughter no 2 with a personality disorder.
    CG praying for your GD and of course your D but sure that it will all go well. Keep us in touch. Emailed my d yesterday just asking where we’re at with the promised meeting. Her reply was “Have had touble with bursitis in my shoulder so been busy treating that. You’re next in line. Will let you know.” Oh you just gotta laugh sometimes & let the harsh words go.
    Yes Fit I couldn’t do without skype calls to my family in San Fran. We have seen 2 daughters grow up before our eyes. My son is an expert at juggling a laptop & a baby around the house. We see bathtimes (laptop on the sink), mealtimes, story times – all sorts of things. And then occasionally we see just my son & DIL when all the kids are in bed & we get better chats! It’s great!! Been a bit harder since no 3 arrived as they’re so busy & finding it tougher with 3 kids. They’ll get there.
    Well into another day. It’s tipped to be 24 today WOOHOO! but from the cloud cover I get the feeling that the forecast’s changed – we’ll see. Either way off to look for spring wildflowers & do some photographing. 24 would be lovely but cloud cover makes it comfortable for a walk too. Enjoy your day all and our fabulous 5:2 WOL. Had a lovely spring tart yesterday with vine ripened tomatoes & fetta & basil on top of a fetta quiche mix. Was so summery & lovely. It was our first meal for spring under our back patio & we loved every minute of it. With a good glass of sav too of course! G’day to all the gang suejen XXXX

    Suejen, every time you tell us what you had to eat….I want some! Could you give us the recipe please, it sounds pefect for when the tomato influx happens 🙂 and with your daughter! Put her in a pidgeon hole and deal with it later 🙂 a seperate compartment to today, so you can enjoy hassel free 🙂 Have a lovely walk sj all the best to you 🙂 xxxxxx

    CG have just put up the Fetta & Tomato Summer Tart in our recipe thread. And what’s even better I plugged it into MFP & it’s only 273 calories a serve. So you could have it on either FD’s or NFD’s. I didn’t actually use red-fat fetta so it would be a little more. It’s easy peasy too so give it a go!
    Enjoyed the second half of the tart down at the beach on the rocks. We enjoyed just sitting and watching so much that we didn’t do much of a walk. The young grommets (young surfers) were out catching the waves. They MAY have been grommets or they may also have been tradies who heard that the surf was good. Everyone in town knows that if the surf is up your tradie won’t turn up or he MAY ring with an excuse. Oh…. sick today/mother’s sick/wife’s sick/kids sick etc etc and we all just have to wait!! Most of the tradies down here are keen surfers. So your house gets built in their own good time, or your lights get fixed or your plumbing gets looked at. It’s the price we pay for living in such a lovely area. suejen XXXX
    And yes the temperature is 25! Summer’s on its way.

    Oh yum suejen, it sounds perfect. I think I said before my SIL’s brother lived there, he was a spray painter and very keen surfer. He used to go before and after work, but moved a couple of months ago to Qld., new partner etc, change of lifestyle…… But still a keen surfer. It’s the price you pay where you live, I’m in the country hills with no mobile reception, so tradies have a problem, some enjoy the peace others not too happy incase they miss work 🙂 thank you for the recipe, might make it tomorrow xxxxvc

    Hi All!
    PH – sounds like your son has life sussed; what a brilliant accomplishment – to find a beautiful site and then build his own home – the sense of pride and achievement will be well deserved.
    Doggy – so sorry to hear you are still suffering from the dreaded lurgy! This is a symptom of modern life and the overuse of medications….the rise of the superbugs. Also, people can be so selfish and insensitive; spreading germs around without a thought for others. Having taught for many years, I was still amazed at the way parents sent very ill children to school despite letters home outlining the reasons why this should not happen. I know it is hard for working parents to deal with a sick child, but that has to be part of their plans when they choose to have a family – children will get ill and usually it’s contagious! Please take your time getting back on your feet and let yourself be looked after by others if at all possible.
    SJ – I sympathise with you too on the hazards of the job. I think the reason I became so healthy at school is because I became immune to every bug going, having been exposed on a daily basis from early on in my career. Sorry things are not moving on with your daughters; mental illness is a game changer and normal rules don’t apply – so you are right to bite your tongue and put that part of your life in a box for the moment. (( )) Sounds like you had a lovely day with OH, fine weather and fab food…good on ya! Isn’t it wonderful to be able to share all the little moments of your grandies’ lives over skype and it also means that your face and voice are familiar to them – it makes up for alot. Must have a look at your spring tart; it sounds delish and low in cals! 🙂 Enjoy the lovely weather, the flowers and the photography xxxx
    CG – what a wonderful description of the relationship with your kids….a real blessing. I’m sure they rely on your advice and support quite alot and they’re so lucky that you have been a positive influence in their lives. My older girl is very quiet and doesn’t really share her feelings when she’s upset or worried, until it’s at crisis point. She’s very private, so it’s hard to help her without upsetting her further. The younger one is more open and lets us in more, which is reassuring, especially as she is away from home at the moment. We all want to be there for our kids, but it’s not always easy because they each have their own personalities and ways of dealing with issues.
    Weighed in this morning and I’m back where I was before last weekend’s blowout, so that’s good. Must make tomorrow a very good FD because I have an overnight hen party to go to on Saturday and a girlie catch up with one of my best friends on Sunday!!! Looking forward to a fab weekend 🙂

    Good morning team, are you ready for fasting? They come around quickly I know. Often when we don’t feel like it too. It’s only one day, tomorrow will be here soon, so make the most of it 🙂 Your results show how well it works and if a plateau is holding the numbers off from moving, know you are doing your body a healthy favour. Lovely looking morning here, hopefully it continues for the day, it seems to make fasting easier. Remember to give yourself that mental shake up to keep going, your positive thinking is your key, and check out a before photo of yourself if you need a bit of incentive 🙂 it does help or even an early photo of what you want to get back to, any trick to get the motivation happening 🙂 Have a happy day team, enjoy what you do, you are doing 5:2 for YOU and the benefits it brings, so…BRING IT ON 🙂 xxxxxx

    Morning CG and all the rest of the gang! Had one of those days when I couldn’t stop grazing….healthy snacks most of the time like fruit or handful of nuts, but I just couldn’t stop eating! Will have to be very focussed and determined tomorrow – my incentive is my godson’s wedding next month so I’m going to keep that in mind. BRING IT ON! 🙂

    Hi all,

    Well survived my third FD yesterday and feel it is getting easier..did not eat anything at all until 2pm and then had my morning green smoothie and an egg. Felt quite full and did not require anything until 5pm when I had my miso soup for the pre dinner hunger pangs. Hubbie cooked me chicken marinated in a bit of soy sauce and lemon juice 100g zuchini 100g sweet potato 50g and broccoli . Very filling dinner. All up 470cal. Will put the smoothie recipe and the miso soup recipe on the thread for anyone interested later today. Very pleased with myself. Am blessed with an OH that loves to cook dinner each night and is very supportive.

    Doggy, hang in there, you will eventually beat this dreadful virus. Just be nice to yourself and lots of rest.

    CG . Thanks for your comments and has I too am pleased I joined your group. It is great to have everyone’s support and be able to share our ups and downs. Your life sounds mush like ours was when we had our acerage. Only it was OH on the tractors as they were not really user friendly .. Too old. He loved it though. Now we have moved into a little village on a house block with amazing views of the escarpment and range at the back of Coffs Harbour. So peaceful and hubbie already has half of the block under veggie gardens and a plant nursery striking plants to give away to all and sundry and is happy growing things but misses his tractors.
    I too have a great relationship with my daughter. She is my best friend and we talk about everything. She has been in WA for 10 years working in remote communities and is moving to within 20 minutes of us at Christmas time. Can’t wait????

    SJ. Yes Skype has certainly changed lives for all who are a long way from children and grandchildren. Good luck with your daughters , you seem to have dealing with it down pat. It is challenging sometimes with family but the most important thing to remember is that deep down they love you and if you roll with the good and bad and keep loving them eventually everything will come good.

    FT it is true that all kids are very different but really special in there own way. As long as the lines of communication are Open and love and support when needed is flowing at our end then that is all we can do. My youngest son is exactly like your oldest daughter . Keeps himself to himself and then you get the 2 hour phone calls when he feels like talking. So happy he has found his partner to share his life.

    Not sure if I will weigh in this morning after my fast day or wait till Friday yet.

    Have a great day everyone…???

    Hi all. Still having trouble getting emails.

    Doggy, how annoying and unpleasant! Turns out none of us have been immunised against the right flu anyway this year. What can you do? I love that they are calling it the Brisbane flu, not very comforting!

    Lovely to read about everybody’s families. Sounds like we are a good bunch of parents. Also more proof that it doesn’t matter how old they and we are, we never stop worrying. If I had known that earlier I may not have had 4!

    I have done my 2 fasts for the week and am up a tad. I need to get my act together but it is not going to happen yet. I am off today to the northern tablelands of NSW for a few days and we will be lunching and dinnering for days on end with friends as we lived there for many years. My husband has a work commitment which means we will be wined and dined there too. Not to mention that my husband will want to stop at Glen Innes KFC on the way. Ho Hum.

    It will be cold there too, not very helpful!

    Have a good fast all.

    CG. Just going to make your coconut Chris slice and was wondering how many slices you cut it into.

    Also could not wait fir tomorrow to weigh. Lost another KG ..stoked..???

    That is cocoanut chia slice. Hate this predictive text…

    Hi everyone. Thanks for the good wishes. I so agree that people who are sick should stay at home and not share their germs with all and sundry. Yesterday I phoned my hairdresser and told her I was crook but badly needed a haircut. I told her I was not coughing anymore and would keep my ferns to myself. Well I’ve just got back home after a lovely haircut and a good catch up on hot local goss. Even if I don’t feel better I look better. Isn’t it interesting how hairdressers are like everyone’s confessor.
    My sympathies to those with difficult relationships with their kids. I have two friends who have daughters with Bi Polar. Neither of them will take their medication and give their mothers and other family members hell. It’s so very difficult.
    Take care team and hang in there if you are fasting. Remember it’s just for today.
    XX Doggy

    B Autocorrect. That is germs and not ferns.

    Morning all. Got well and truly soaked this morning with my buses job despite a jacket and boots and an umbrella (jacket is too short for the job). So missing out on pilates & came straight home to have a shower and warm up & have a hot choc (that’s my evening drink gone!). I popped the kids I look after in between buses in my car I felt so sorry for them. Being kids half of them don’t wear jackets or coats & so they then sit in their wet clothes all day. I came home so cold & wet I was nearly going to cave in & not do a FD but I’m using my aussie grit to hang in there & stick to the plan.
    Doggie soo good your hairdresser agreed to give you a haircut. Makes you feel/look so much better. Hope she gave you a good scalp massage too to soothe you?
    PH another kg boy you’re really rocking along!! Well done to you!!! Great for you that your daughter is moving much closer – you’ll love it! Your OH sounds like mine. We have just 1/2 and acre & he keeps on converting more & more land into vegie beds. They seem to pop up all over the place. He too grows seedlings in a little hothouse. So far they go in our garden but eventually he’ll have to start giving them away!
    UT know what you mean about getting your act together & wouldn’t be surprised if my scales say the same. Last night we had our bestd friends come over for a drink (he’s our dr also) & he shared that he has a very aggressive prostrate cancer & will be operated on in 3 weeks. What a shock! Consequently I drank too much & had too many nibbles esp nuts & our own marinated olives. So not expecting much tomorrow. Didn’t have any dinner maybe that will help a bit.
    Fit thanks for your kind words & encouragement. You do so well replying to all.
    CG how is your pain going? You haven’t mentioned it for a while. Is the medication working for you now? I sure hope so. And how did you pull up after the physio the other day?
    Well onto another FD for most of us. I’ve changed to just having a coffee in the morning & then fasting for as long as I can till my HB egg or a vegemite drink. It was more habit that I had breakfast in the morning, not actually hungry when I thought about it. So why eat when you don’t need to?! Hope your day is all planned – if so you WILL succeed. We need more like PH with her losses so who’s it going to be this week? Summer soon then we can all report losses I reckon. suejen XXXX

    Hi team, been off line all day with power works going on in our little town. You really feel third world. Literally everything we have is controlled by electricity. Fortunately I have gas hotplates (although bottled gas here in the country) so was able to make a hot drink but such a quiet time listening to nature. I filled the arvo with an appreciated Nanny nap. Buggar of a night last night for some reason, but just woke to power back on and lots of posts. Purple you are jogging along on this joyrney beautifully. Well done 🙂 when you hit your first speed hump, remember how good a loss feels because they become a bit fleeting so keep the faith as it will happen 🙂
    Doggy a hair do does help lift the spirit, especially if your happy with it. And we all know how disappointing a bad one is too 🙁 and agree how a hairdresser is our “cheap” phsycologist!
    Up I wish you a lovely time catching up with friends, golly, with the time you spent over seas and how well you did, I’m sure you will have no problems holding your own, ANND 5:2 is only part of your life remember, not ALL of it 🙂
    Fit, we all get the grazes on for some reason, not as if there isn’t food available at the plenty, sometimes our taste buds just can’t decide on what satisfies them. We know we are doing it but just can’t seem to stop. In some ways I believe our system is lacking something, we are being so careful in our choices, maybe it’s extra salt or just variety? But you’ll get past it, hang in there.
    Well having a hot latte, I just made, not packet mix so able to measure true cals for my fast, but woke up. Freezing cold, as you do, and just about to make suejens tomatoe tart for dinner. Drove into our neighbouring towns to get the feta this morning, they have a tiny IGA there, which is handy and stops impulse buying with lack of variety being small. Apologies to anyone I haven’t answered, boys needing a feed, then a tart to make, good luck with the rest of your day… 🙂 xxxxx

    Hi All!
    So excited that my niece who came home from Oz with her new baby will be coming over to visit today. I just can’t wait to get my hands on the little fellow and hug him to bits! (I’ll just warn ye now, if we do have our grand reunion – I’m a hugger!! 🙂 🙂 ) I’m still going to fast today, even though we’re going out for lunch, because I have a busy social weekend ahead….and I’m meeting my ex-colleagues for coffee on Monday too. Life is full and good at the moment and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it!
    PH – it’s lovely to hear how well you are doing on this wol…another great loss and trying out new foods and recipes…..go you!! 🙂
    UP – you have the right idea about tightening the reins – at this stage, we need to be more vigilant and exact to keep losing. However, a few days of enjoying time with friends and colleagues won’t spell disaster…..if you gain, it will just be temporary and you will lose it again, no problem! Enjoy your little break. Xxx
    Doggy – so glad you were able to get your hair done, what a treat when you have been feeling so crook….hopefully, it will give you a boost and you will be feeling better soon. Hang on in there!
    SJ – well done on sticking to your guns after your miserable day!! (( )) So sorry to hear about your friend’s illness, what a shock to get. I hope his treatment goes as well as possible. I’ve been skipping breakfast too for the last week or two and I’m finding it quite an easy way to fast….I don’t get hungry until quite late in the afternoon usually so it’s not too hard then to hold until dinner in the early evening. Today, I will have lunch with my sisters and niece, but that will be my only meal for the day……I think that will work too.
    CG – I know what you mean about being without power, it’s amazing how much we rely on it for everything. I too have a gas cooker, so that when the power goes, we are still able to feed ourselves. Sorry to hear you didn’t sleep so well and are feeling the cold. Wrap up well, have lots of warm drinks and a nanny nap or two….take care xxxx
    Hope all the rest of our gang are doing well….drop us a line to let us know how you are doing.
    Gotta get up off my backside now and get my chores done before my gorgeous grand-nephew arrives! Happy fasting, non-fasting or weigh-ins…whatever!!

    Oh Fit Happy Day, oh happy day 🙂 what a lovely time for you, I’m a hugger too, and never afraid to show affection 🙂 my whole family is (and was) so a learnt passion 🙂 We want all the news! How gorgeous and cuddly, how sweet they smell…all the rest…enjoy, out with the camera 🙂 xxxxxx

    Suejen, the tart was beautiful, will now be a “go to” I sprinkled dry basil and thyme through the beaten egg as no fresh on hand and sliced the tomatoes into pastry before pouring egg on, then cooked it all together, but loved it all, thank you, I had it with coleslaw so not too perfect with my cal count, but who cares, all low cal and yummy 🙂 xxxxxx

    I hope you had a wonderful day with that baby today Fit2! I bet you hugged him to bits! Ooh you make me miss my granddaughter. I love love love skype, but it is the hugs I miss!
    I’m glad you have your power back CG! That meals sounds delicious!
    PurpeHats, nice to have three fasts down and feeling it become part of normal life.
    SueJen, cheers for keeping your Fast Day going.
    Doggie I am glad you got your haircut, and that you felt well enough to!

    My latest theory is that my body has its own mind about the rate it loses weight that is only tangentially related to all these Fast Days. It just wanders along at its own pace, and then one day boom and more weight has gone.
    Today was one of those days. Lovely! I wonder when the next one will be?
    I have a Fast Day tomorrow, so think of me when you all wake up and then go to the loo and then jump on the scales, and then decide what you will have for a non Fast Day breakfast!
    I am looking forward to tomorrow! I am catching up with my friend who is also doing the 5:2, with her husband, but they have been overseas for more than a month and I don’t know if they were doing it while traveling.
    Night all! See you tomorrow!

    Awww I hope you lots and lots of hugs Fit 🙂

    I had a bit of failed fast day at 750 Cals today… Oh well, tomorrow’s another day, hopefully try to fast again.

    Best of luck Cinque!

    Best of luck other ADs too for weigh-ins!

    Cinque hope your fast prooves successful for you, Lotus mine is about the same, but so much better than a normal day, so we soldier on smiling, happy we are trying and knowing we are healthier, with no guilt involved 🙂 xxxxx

    Just back from lovely lunch with my family. Oh, that baby is just so gorgeous! 🙂 He is incredibly good and sociable. He smiled and gurgled at us all the time and he has the cutest dimples. He was wearing jeans with coloured braces to match his shirt and he had tiny white converse on his feet!! He slept on my sister’s (his granny) lap through most of the meal and when he woke up, he charmed the pants off everyone in the restaurant. I had loads of hugs and I hope to see lots more of him before he goes back to Oz at the end of October.
    Cinque – well done on your loss and enjoy catching up with your friends. Yes, skype is marvellous – maybe one day, they’ll invent a way to hug across the airways!!
    Lotus – that is not a failed day of any sort…’s much, much better than a normal day and waaaay better than what we would have done in the past!!! 🙂
    CG – sounds like you did a very tasty version of SJ’s tart……glad you enjoyed it xxxx

    Fit how lovely for you all, I totally ubderstand your sister having him on her lap all through lunch, a magic time for her. Nothing replaces to cuddling of a little baby, they are so precious and he sounds a happy and contented little person. Only just up, having my first milky coffee so will weigh in and shower later then off to my chiropractor this morning and a bit of shopping “please God, let me stick to my list!” 🙂 xxxxxx

    MIA last week selling charity badges in icy weather. This time at least we got some much needed rain. I came home bitterly cold. It takes a long time for the house to warm up. Slow combustion heating. I still managed to keep my weight in the 74’s. I had sore back all week. This is my back muscles getting used to the new position of my stomach. Once I can keep the weight off for a month then I will go through my clothes again.

    The weather has brightened up yesterday so I was able to get back outside in the garden. Another garden bed ready for the tomatoes. Today hopefully the sweet corn beds will be weeded. I will only have a couple of more days until I have to go away and look after my little grandson while mum and dad get the house ready for his first birthday Saturday week. If I can maintain this for the month with all the celebrations I will be happy.

    Hi everyone. Had a very full day yesterday followed by an invitation to b.b.q dinner and cards at a friends place. So enjoyable. BBQ with a selection of salads is such a great way to eat out as you can choose what you eat and mostly it is 5.2 friendly. Stuck to my two glasses of red wine in glass full of ice and so in reality was only one glass so feeling very good about this. Looking forward to many more throughout the summer. Thursday is my appointments day and so yesterday one of them was to a lady who does my eyebrows and feet, I cannot bend down to my feet so have a mini pedicure each two months and my hands shake so cannot do my eyebrows. Anyway this lady has been doing 5.2 it turns out had has lost 28kg. What a discovery so swapped Recipies and had a great old chat. I’m going to try the chocolate pancake recipe she gave me as she tells me she is addicted to it..if it is good will put on the recipe thread..a friend who’s daughter works at the largest blueberry farm just gave me an ice cream container each of frozen blueberrys and raspberrys. So lucky..and received the 20 week scan from sons partner ..all well and healthy which is the main thing, they decided to find out the sex and I am having a granddaughter……so excited as love sewing and looking forward to making lots of pretty things,for her to wear.. Ain’t life grand?????

    Fit, what a great day you have had. Babies make everyone around the feel so full of love for everyone..hugs and cuddles are to die for!!! I too am a great hugger. My nephews swear that they are medicinal.. even now when they are fully grown up. Even at work all of the girls who worked for me called me Nan because I thought at the time I would never be a grandmother. It was great. And they would come in to my office for a hug when they needed one..not supposed to in this day and age but who is not going to hug someone who calls you Nan when they are upset.

    To all of you beautiful people who keep on encouraging me…remember I am just starting and would expect to get good weight loss. All of you have been doing it for a while and have already achieved what I am doing now…good on you all for still sticking to this wol.. If you have trouble with your fast day every now and again just be proud of the fact that you are still doing them….you all are amazing..?????

    SJ .. Sounds like you had a challenging day. The children are very lucky to have you looking after them. It seems children everywhere have an aversion to wearing jackets ect to keep them warm and dry… Sorry to hear about your friends illness. I know how it feels it is quite gutrenching to have to deal with news like that and your reaction is exactly what it should have.. To hell with watching what you eat and drink..whatever you need to do in those circumstances is perfect for you…
    Your husband could be a twin to similar.

    CG yes power outages seem to be a way of life when you live in and around small villages. We too have a gas stove for those times and it gives you a perfect excuse to have a nana nap or read a book etc..
    I do my posting on my ipad whilst lying down waiting for my medication to work in the mornings, so good to have all of this positive reinforcement at the beginning of each day..
    As the owner of the store would say(can’t remember his name) in “Are you being served” , whilst waving his walking stick…”YOU ARE ALL DOING VERY WELL”

    Bye for now and have a great day☺️☺️☺️

    What a lovely positive post PH, you are doing so well and that attitude will reward you.
    Well team, I just did my weigh in, I was originally plateaued at 75k after losing so much weight, then pre and post op with either not fasting or doing semi half hearted fasts due to pain issues, went back to 79k, then finding out these new meds caused weight gain, decided to knuckle back in. To me weight gain is only appetite increases and not being in control. As you know I’m pretty bloody minded, full of AUSSIE DETERMINATION, and this morning, I’m back down to 75.1k WOHOOOOOOO
    so BRING IT ON, I’m in control again!!! The next few weeks will be telling, but I CAN DO IT and SO CAN YOU 🙂 🙂 hope it’s good news for you all this morning and as I have said before, tomorrow the loss often shows better on the scales, so check it again 🙂 happy Friday team, it’s your day so get out and live it 🙂 xxxxxxx

    Good morning team. I have been MIA for awhile.Life got the better of me and emotionally I felt that I could not post. I miss my Dad every day.I know he is with me and I have such wonderful memories…. with Fathers day last week it was tough.
    No changes on the scales for me still clinging to 73.kgs
    FIT- so happy that you had such a lovely time with your new GC. little people are just awesome to have with their smiles and those beautiful sleepy eyes.
    Hugs to all that are still not well….. thinking of you all.
    FYI- tomorrow is WALK FOR WILLIAM DAY….. William Tyrell is a 4 yr old boy that went missing from the mid north coast of NSW 12mths ago tomorrow(3 hrs away from where I live). My heart aches for his family. My OH and I are doing the walk. If there is a walk orgainised in your part of Australia or the world, please show your support and join in.

    Hi all. I’ve been reading all your posts to keep track of what’s going on. CG yes I too know about power outages. Every time we have really strong winds we seem to have a tree fall over the power lines and it’s another case of ” here we go again”. Mind you we live in The Roaring Fourties so you’d think by now they would have put them all underground. We have a generator for emergencies but don’t have a gas stove so that’s also a hassle. I recently bought a good battery operated table lamp as I was fed up with trying to find my way around with candles and the odd torch.
    Well the B flu is still with me. This has been going on for over three weeks now. The only thing that doesn’t seem to be affected is my appetite! I’ve managed to gain another kilo so am now back at 70. Says she as we are about to head off for Fish and chips. Our local fishmonger does the most yummy Flathead and chips. We are taking Pepper with us. There are pleasant tables and chairs on the esplanade and we attach his lead to the table leg. He’s good at keeping th ever present seagulls at bay.
    Enjoy your day team.

    HI Everyone. CG glad you enjoyed the tart – yummy isn’t it. Interesting that you put the tomato on the base. Have to try it that way as I’m definitely going to make it again. It was so summery/springy!
    Just a short post as we are heading up to Perth to watch the Eagles prelim final this evening & staying the weekend. Weighed in this morning at 70.6 so not much change there but didn’t quite keep yesterday’s fast. Had to use up some casserole chops & did a very simple recipe without checking the cals – it was almost 500 cals! Thank goodness I didn’t have much else for the day. That’s what happens when you don’t plan folks! No doubt I’ll be eating extras over the weekend but never mind life is for living and 5:2 allows us to do that without guilt or anxiety. Possibly won’t post till I get back unless we get some free time at the hotel.
    Have a great weekend all. CG congrats on your weight – WOOHOO meds and all girl!! GG lovely to see you posting here again & sending {{{ }}} your way cos you need them right now. Put your energies into other things like you’re doing with William’s walk until the pain eases a little. It takes time GG but you will heal. Doggie hope when I get back that I read you’re on the mend….that would be great! Enjoy those fish & chips too. sj xxx

    Hi all
    GL520 I must have missed your posts before. Nice to read about your gardens and preparing for a grandchild party how special. Congrats on maintaining so far and good luck with the next month.

    CG .. Well must feel really great..that is what our bloody mindedness can achieve and I am all for it!,,WOHOOOO to you back..????

    GG nice to see you back. Such a hard time for you and you did the right thing doing exactly what you felt you could do. Things will get better and you are already focusing on others. Good on you for doing the walk for William day.. Hopefully you start to experience some” I can do it days..” Soon.???

    Doggy. Enjoy your fish and chips..sounds great.

    SJ . Enjoy you weekend away and how great to be able to attend a live footy game. Hope your team wins!!! Our preliminary finals are on in the rugby league and am looking forward to cheering the Broncos on. A Queenslander forever once you are born there, even though I’ve spent the last 40 yrs living in NSW.

    Ive had enough couch time for now so better get up and at it again..

    Hi team, great to see some post and everyone out and about. The weather has picked up and gets us moving. GG, loved our chat the other night, you know how much you are in my heart and thoughts 🙂 {{{}}} cuddles to you kid xxxxx
    Our lacal IGA had flake on special when I called in on the way home from my chiro, so bought a lot to freeze up for fast days. Quite an expensive outlay, but lasts and my favourite fish, so it’s now divided up in the freezer ready! My Son Glenn is due this arvo, so getting quite excited, pork ready to roast with all the trimmings, I love spoiling my kids, and there’s nothing like Mums roast pork 🙂 Tomorrow’s weather is predicted to be perfect so we’ll go for a drive and lunch out, so nice week end for me coming up, with no hold bars or guilt attached 🙂
    I called into Mitre 10 for steaks for my orchids, been a bit remiss with the green house other than with watering, but so many in flower already lots of new spikes ready to open, even my slipper orchid is full of flowers, AND my Tulips and daffodils are a picture 🙂 so Sunday after Glenn goes, guess who will be playing in the green house. I think it’s mandatory a certain amout of weeds are added to potting mixes, orchid mixes, just to keep the gardener busy 🙂 ! So lots to do and thanks to my chiro, feeling better with movement. You know, it’s now 12 weeks in, 3 months, it’s gone so quickly, such a long path, and still a long one ahead, but back surgery is and I expected that, but so hate the reins on me. So much to do, so much I WANT to do, but following the rules, promised myself I would so by Xmas, it will be a new slim, painfree me 🙂 Oh, to you book readers, I just started Parky last night, really interesting, I love Autobiography’s of people I’m interested in. I once read both of David Niven and cried tears with laughter all the way, I also loved the honesty of Shirley McClains books. Anyway, have a fabulous day, make a memory and enjoy living 🙂 xxxxxx

    Hi All!
    Thanks for all the nice comments about my little grand-nephew……he is a dote and it’s lovely to see how much joy he is bringing to my sister’s family too…..precious times 🙂 <3
    GL502 – sorry to hear you suffered in such bad weather and hope you managed to get warm and cosy. We have an orange weather alert here for the weekend, with torrential rain forecast….brrrrr! Enjoy your gardening and grandson’s birthday….happy times ahead for you too.
    PH – sounds like you had a lovely time being pampered and at the BBQ. Enjoy this wol which you have very successfully embarked on. Great news on expected granddaughter too….best of luck to your son and partner! 🙂 Agree with you about the hugs too; I often hugged children at school and got hugs from them unprompted…it’s natural. How are children supposed to recognize and experience normal human contact, when no-one is allowed to touch them? The world is gone mad.
    CG – we always had complete faith in you that you would beat that plateau when your system was ready…woohoo for you; you are already looking fab, so enjoy this feeling of being in control and back on top!! 🙂 🙂 Hope you have a brilliant time with your son and enjoy feeding him up! Xxxx
    Oh, GG, I so feel for you. I’m not at all surprised that you are finding life hard at the moment. It’s very early days for you after this enormous loss and it’s only natural that you didn’t feel like posting here. The sadness will always be there but the good memories will hopefully win out as time goes on. Remember that you had very precious times with your dad in his last days and let the love you lavished on him sustain you now. How wonderful that you are making the time and effort to get involved in a charity walk……your dad would be very proud of you. Sending lots of hugs to you (((( )))). Be kind yourself and take time to get back into normal activities.
    Doggy – enjoy the fish and chips and keep on recuperating until the ‘flu has passed….don’t try too much too soon.
    SJ – have a great few days away; 5:2 will wait for you to pick up the reins again when you’re ready so enjoy yourself xxx
    Off to do weekly chores for my sister and then hoping to tackle that IKEA coffee table again, the old sofas are going tomorrow and the new ones arrive on Tuesday; the curtains went up yesterday, so we’re just about there now…woohoo! 🙂 Very busy weekend ahead; hen party tomorrow, girlie night out on Sunday and lunch out on Monday……why does everything happen all at once? 😉 Oh well, just have to make the most of it!!!!!! Poor me! 😉
    Have a great weekend, everyone xxxxx

    Might be offline for the weekend……alot of socializing to do. Hope you all behave yourselves in my absence!!

    Fit, have a ball, a lot to look forward to, I received an email regarding a picture of you in your off the shoulder dress, but it’s not showing on our thread? Unable to open it in my email? Have a great week end, Glenn is doing some farm chores for me now before we “clean up” and go out for lunch 🙂 xxxxx

    I wrote a big fat post last night and the site ate it. In fact it happened twice, and the second time was this thread, and I was so frustrated I went to bed! I will try to control c before I hit submit (but I bet I will forget).

    Apart from that I had a lovely Fast Day yesterday. It has been a busy week for me, but I think being on the 5:2 helps me manage. It isn’t just being a bit lighter, or not having to plan meals two days a week…. it definitely suits my constitution and is overall good for my health to have those Fast Days.

    Go Gal I will be thinking of you today, I am so glad you can be part of the Walk For William Day. The story breaks my heart and it needs to be kept in the front of people’s minds.

    Dogsabie I hope you can keep looking after yourself, it is so frustrating when you take a long time to recover, but it is important to take it easy, My awful chronic illness was first diagnosed as post viral fatigue, and so this is my soap box.

    Hoping you have a great time in Perth SueJen.

    Woot Country Gal, good scales! I hope you have a great time in this bit of good weather and I so hope that the painfree time is getting closer quickly!

    Hi Lotus your bad day sounds fine in the long list of days passed! On to the next one!

    No fast today for me!

    Hi Cinque, have a happy day 🙂 xxxxx

    CG – tried to post picture promised long ago and thought I had found a way to do it, but then it wouldn’t work. Back to the drawing board!

    keep trying Fit, soooo looking forward to it, even attach it an email to me, you should have my address 🙂 xxxxxxxx

    Hi team. Suejen I’m not really a footy fan but did notice that the Eagles beat the Hawks so you must be happy. Actually I’m a Luke warm Demons fan. I can’t remember when they were last in the top 8 not to mention the finals. What about Serena Williams being beaten by an almost unknown Italian player.
    I won’t bore you with my ongoing flu issues. It’s just so frustrating. I’ve 101 jobs to do in the garden but haven’t the energy or motivation to get stuck in.
    Pepper the pooch is well and truely in the dog box. He’s a very fussy eater unlike any previous dogs Ive owned. I’ve just given him some Wallaby mince that he wolfed down. Then a nasty noise from the passage and he’d just vomited the whole shebang up on the carpet. Thank you very much Pepper!
    Enjoy your day team.
    XX Doggy

    Poor Doggy, your luck has to turn for you soon, you’re having a rotten trot! My boys love Roo mince, it’s low fat too, Safeway have it in sealed bags, try him with that because it’s not too rich for their tummy ? wow, love to see the Williams girls get beaten, I know it’s been their life but golly, they carry on a treat! I don’t like watching them play either, even though they win, they seem so awkward and not a pleasure to watch, they concentrate on slamming the ball with strength, so every stroke is ready for with their stance. Have a relaxing day, as the weeds grow, they are easier to pull out 🙂 so no rush, just rest and get better 🙂 xxxxx

    Cinque – hate when I lose a post; so frustrating! Glad you are finding that this wol of life suits you so well.
    Doggy – sorry to hear you still not any better, I reckon Pepper is just going out in sympathy with you!!
    CG – I think I sent you that photo in an email but I’m not holding my breath!!

    Hi team, back from a beautiful lunch snd some shopping, it’s a large country town down here called Wonthaggi, my Mum was born there, so a lot of family history at the cemetary and about 45 minutes from where I live, so lovely country drive to get there on such a perfect day 🙂 couldn’t eat all my lunch, woohooo, and left a lot of it. I had apricot and. Macadamia chicken schnitzel, chips and salad, beautifully done, but these days, eat very few chips, most of the salad and only half the schnitzel, thank you 5:2 🙂 and no guilt not clearing the plate!
    Fit sent me a lovely photo team of herself in the off the shoulder dress she was in the dilema to wear some time back. She looks so tall and slender, a beautiful women, so incentive to keep going for us all with 5:2 🙂 thanks Fit xx
    I hope your weather is as perfect as ours is today whereever you are, cloud cover but quite warm 🙂 enjoy what’s left of your Saturday team and Doggy, I hope the weather is uplifting for you 🙂 xxxxxx

    Today was so uplifting….. The Walk For William in the beautiful sunshine around the beauty of Wallis lake on the mid North Coast brought so many people of the community of the the Great Lakes together. We all had hopes and prayers in our hearts and thoughts for William and his family. May they all work their magic to bring him home to them………GO GAL

    Hear hear GG, one cannot imagine the pain his parents are going through let alone the fear in the child, please God! Xxxxx

    Aw, CG, thanks for your compliments but are you sure you were wearing your glasses?! 😉 Delighted to hear you had such a lovely day with your son, exploring your roots and enjoying the weather. Lovely day here today too after the heavy rain last night, we didn’t get the worst of it in my neck of the woods, thank God. My old sofas are gone to the dump so now I can clean the wooden floor properly and be ready for the new sofa. I’m heading off for the hen party soon, a two hour drive to beautiful seaside fishing village with mountains as a backdrop and fabulous restaurants…yippee!
    GG – so glad your found your spirits lifted by the charity walk…..people are amazing the way they rally round when needed….will keep William and his family in my thoughts and prayers….you too xxxx.

    Hey FIT, I sent you an e-mail. You look beautiful and totally fabulous!….and YES I am wearing my glasses!……..GO GAL

    Hi All,
    Well this sounds like a great group in the forum to be in.
    Countrygal invited me to join you all so Thankyou ?
    I only started this week, I’ve done 2 fasts so far and still getting my head around it and sussing out what to eat on my fast days. I’m a pretty fussy eater when it comes to veggies etc.
    My downfall is I have a big, big sweet tooth so i have lots of adjustments to make.
    I’m fasting on Monday & Thursdays. First fast was fine, I was busy all day & out a lot. Not so good on my second fast I struggled big time, the day was miserable, weather was freezing and I stayed home with not much to do. I have realised I will need to keep busy on fast days if I’m going to succeed.
    Glad to be here, Thanks & Good Luck Everyone !!

    Hi all, what a wonderful time to be living. Children visiting, gardening, weekend away and football matches to be attending, Socialising to do and walking for William. How blessed we are…

    Welcome to the forum frangipani, you will find lots of encouragement from this great group of wonderful ladies. I have only been going two weeks and it is getting easier with each fast. I find that if you include protien in your fast day foods they stick to you longer. Like eggs, chicken etc along with veggies
    and my soup recipe on the Aussie Determination recipe thread helps with the times I need something for very little calories. Also if you have trouble with veggies have you tried making green smoothies? They are beautiful and if you get the right recipe can keep you full for hours for very little calories. you can find one of mine on the recipe thread that only has fruit and spirilina and wheatgrass and coconut milk. there are lots of Recipies on line. I add spirilina and wheatgrass to mine for a boost.

    Well must sign off as skipping Canada this morning and then off for a fun day with hubbie checking out another caravan park on the bellingen river where we plan to go for a few days and then lunch and calling in to the best tip shop in the area for hubbies enjoyment..

    Have a great Sunday everyone.❤️❤️❤️

    SJ looks like we both live to play another round. Exciting stuff. Watched the Broncos win last night in a thriller against me second fav team the Cowboys.

    That would be having a Skype hookup with my son and grandson…not skipping although would love to be able to skip!!!

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