The Fast Diet arrives in the USA

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The Fast Diet arrives in the USA

This topic contains 106 replies, has 47 voices, and was last updated by  susan j. 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Sandee, I am in England and am about to do my 14th fast day on the 14th. I have lost weight, 7Ib but this has fluctuated, my lowest weight being a 10 Ib weight loss after about 4 weeks. (I am a 64 yr old male by the way). What I would say is do not give up. On your non fast days what do you mean by “normal eating”?. It may be that you eat far more than the recommended daily calory intake and this may push up your weight. Look at this and remember that on your non fast days do not “pig out” as we say over here but try a sensible approach and be more aware on these days. Also please do try to excercise a little at least 3 times a week. A 200 calory loss each session adds up to 600 calories a week, even walking is good.But check with your Doctor first. Good luck with the diet hope the wedding goes well for you and your families.

    Regarding Omar’s post…personally I could never go without food (Eat, Stop, Eat book), that is why 5:2 is so perfect for me. Eating my 500 calories a day, twice a week, makes this plan livable for life.

    That said, I’m reading everything I can on alternate day fasting, even though I know I’ll be following ONLY The Fastdiet for life. Dr. Mosley and Mimi took a wonderful concept and made it livable. Thanks to you two.

    sandee, like Dr. M says in his book, if you weigh yourself the day AFTER a feed day, your scale will show a weight gain. He tells you how to handle weighing in his book. It’s the downward trend over time that counts, not the day to day fluctuations.

    Thanks for the help guys! I will keep you posted on my success 🙂

    @sandee step away from the scale! Of course, this comes from an habitual step-on-the-scale girl =) Weigh yourself just once a week…same day, same time, same clothes (or nekkid!) You will find more happiness in weekly weights vs daily weight (which is better for maintenance).
    I lost 2lb first week…Hubby lost 2.6. I am amazed at the energy and clarity I have on fast days. Thank you, thank you for this “diet”

    Heard about this on the Diane Rehm show this past Saturday, and immediately started researching it. Monday, I started the plan with my first fast. I’m a vegetarian who does not eat processed food, and could not understand why on earth I was gaining weight. Yesterday’s fast was incredibly difficult for me, and I almost threw in the towel. Today is a non-fasting day. I went to sleep last night with dreams of the huge plate of pasta I would be able to eat today. After religiously checking caloric content during my fast, the light dawned. I have been eating foods that are considered healthy, but never gave a thought to the amount of calories I was consuming. That was a shocker! Instead of immediately leaping out of bed to eat a big meal, I made a cup of tea and had 1/2 cup of yogurt with 1/2 banana. The fact that I don’t have to censor myself today means there is no pressure or feeling of guilt. Instead of that fact making me binge, it’s helping me decide that I don’t actually want as much food. I’m listening to my body for a change!

    The 5:2 Intermittent fasting was originally introduced by Prophet Mohammed, this is what Dr. Mosley confirm, and he is highly appreciated being fair and frank. Besides the obligatory Fasting Month of Ramadan, prophet Mohammed used to do some other regular voluntary fasting including the two days a week fasting (Mondays-Thursdays) all year long.

    Though, When Prophet Mohammed was asked about the best fasting, he answered ” The best fasting is the fasting of Prophet David” which is the alternate day fasting(fasting every second day)..So, though he followed the 5:2 fasting diet , he proposed that the alternate day fasting as the best. But, it seems, it is too heavy for the people to follow. So, this is why he might preferred to follow the first. By the way, Dr. Mosley almost had the same experience as it appears in his documentary 

    The Islamic fasting includes abstaining from all drinks and food from the dawn to sun set which is almost 12-16 hours. Unlike Dr. Mosley diet, Muslim are recommended to eat regular meals before and after fast. Regarding breaking the fast, prophet Muhammad used to start with a considerable amount of water alone or plus 3 dates, and then have the major meal after around 40 minutes (he used to attend the Sunset ritual prayer before the major meal). Muslims are also recommended to have a nap during the fasting day.

    Not only this, Prophet Mohammed also followed and instructed a restricted calorie diet, as it is shown in his following statements( my own translation):

    “we are nation (Muslims) that don’t eat until we are hungry, and whenever we eat we never get full (satisfied(”

    “the son of Adam would have never fill a vessel worse than his stomach”

    He also tells that:
    “Stomach is the home of disease, and Regime(diet) is the key of medication”

    I read some nasty press in U.S. People mag (on-line) about 5:2. Of course I gave them my snippy retort.

    It’s times like this I wish I lived in the U.K.! I’m losing weight for the first time in 20 years. I can’t even begin to tell you what a feeling that is. This is it for me, for life. Can’t wait for the cookbook to be released here.

    I sure hope it catches on over here like it has in Europe.

    i’m from the usa in pa female. a 6th day of intermittent fasting has passed mon-frid lost 10 lbs yay! i’m so glad i came across this. i’m type 2 diabetic had blood test done all results were lower yay yay yay!! dr is watching. still have 2 take meds 4 cholesterol & h blood pressure etc. any other diet was not working and no fun. i only weigh myself after 2 fast days only. on non-fast days it is hard 2 eat what u use 2. ur body does not need or want it u are eating 1200-1400 & sometimes lower. when u could eat more u don’t want 2 weird but cool. the usda gov site helps it tracks everything. never realized how much i use 2 eat. now i really enjoy the treats i give myself on non-fast days like the 8 dorito nacho cheese chips have not bought those in years 🙂

    I have low carbed for nearly 6 weeks and was kind of stuck. I did the “fast diet” way, sticking to my low carb, but eating way way less – only around 600 calories, and in five days, lost another 3.5 pounds. I had been losing nothing for weeks before trying it. I will continue this eating style. What I like is knowing I can sort of go back to ‘normal’ the following day, so feeling a little hungry two days a week isn’t so bad. My waistbands really like it too! 🙂

    I’ve been eating lunch and dinner on fast days instead of breakfast/dinner. Can I have a bit of 2% milk in coffee (1 tablespoon?) and still consider the morning a fast?

    Started yesterday with my husband , not a bad day at all, today will make healthy
    Choices and perhaps a glass of wine, woke up not very hungry,but…….feeling
    Good we would both like to lose 10 pounds and keep it as a life style!!!!
    Will keep all posted!!!

    @california: good luck from pa. what did u both have ur first day of fast?

    Just did my 2nd fast day…is it ok to “work down” to 500 calories? I just have a hard tome eating less than about 650. Today was easier, but still not at 500. I worked out today – burned about 330 calories. Do I deduct that from what I’m consuming? Thanks for any insight!

    Michael and Mimi, Thanks!
    I have just started the 5:2 (actually I do a 4:3) and find the program very easy to follow. Nothing like an induction phase, what to eat and not eat or always counting calories. I too have seen some negative press but little proof that the program is harmful. I know that everyone is different and what is good for one may not be good for another.
    I have noticed that I tend to make better choices now that I am on the program (as far as food!). 2 times that I don’t want to give up are caffeine and alcohol.
    I usually do 2 meals on fast days. The noon meal is mostly a pop in the oven diet dinner of between 200 and 300 calories and finish with a nice salad with low cal dressing.
    Again, thanks

    Ditto the thanks to Michael and Mimi! I am an American living in Japan and first read about the diet in the NY Times. I purchased the book on Like sierratee, I’m also starting with 4:3 instead of 5:2. I wouldn’t say it is easy to follow, but I’ve managed to stick with it so far. After only 1.5 weeks, I’ve already seen inches come off my waist.

    diet and exercise beginning at 10 pm tonight. The programs, part of PBS’ “Exploration Wednesdays,” follow Dr. Michael Mosley of Britain.

    Hello UK! I bought the book (Kindle) following the GMA segment (this just seems to make such good sense to me) and had my first fast day two days ago. It was a snap! Actually looking forward to my next fasting day as I do like that lighter feeling I have. I think I might rather forego eating all together on fasting days and stick to hydrating on those days. Thank you Michael and Mimi for sharing your research and your experience. I am hopeful that this becomes my new way of eating.

    Good morning!

    I have completed 4 weeks on 5:2 and have lost 7.5 lbs. I am thrilled! As a woman in menopause I have not been able to lose this much in such a short time in YEARS.

    In case it hasn’t been mentioned, The FastDiet made #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, hard cover Advice section.

    I am so happy to find a diet I can make a lifestyle and live with forever. Much thanks and gratitude to the authors of this book. I look forward to the cookbook hitting U.S. shores.

    Our fast consisted of soup!!
    Today is our 4th fast much easier,
    Having 5oz of chicken & spinach for dinner, can’t wait
    Will weigh in tomorrow

    May I ask what your goal is 10 lbs in 6 weeks is fantastic!!
    Keep up the good work

    @california: i have a long way to go. when i was diagnosed w/ type 2 i was slim size 4 @ 150lbs then i started gaining weight up to energy @ all. luckily with this diet now i’m 207 lbs since march 2 2013.allot of energy. i will only weigh myself once a month. it drives you crazy when u see a gain. so far it is going lower :). i just made a butternut squash soup on fast day and pea soup. i’m going to go ur way, soup. what was ur soup? i have a hard time figuring out what to eat. if you go to the rachel ray site a viewer tried this diet she does her non fast day very differently. what r ur goals? Wish u both continued success!

    @joyce Coffeehead so so true. wish the cook book was here

    is there an american forum w/ recipes so we could exchange them? or is there someone who is a technical guru would create one.

    @joyce Coffeehead: forgot to say congrats!!!!

    Thank you so much! I don’t know of any American forum, I belong to the international 5:2 forum and am really enjoying it! People from all over the world – Italy, UK, etc. are logging in. This way of eating is taking over the world! ha ha!

    Let me know if you need the link.

    P.S. I weigh in again on Monday. I feel so much lighter! And I just eat what I want on feed days!

    Michael and Mimi, so very grateful for your book!

    I would like to add that an official Fastdiet forum would be very nice, kind of like Weight Watchers has their own “official” website with forums. I hope it’s in the works.

    @ coffeehead & california: The complete full video is on pbs now & will expire. it is called Eat, Fast and Live Longer with Michael Mosley. next wk will be The Truth About Exercise with Michael Mosley i’m really curious about that. it’s nice that he became the guinea pig w/ all these docs monitoring him.instead of an infomercial.i love this (little effort lifestyle diet). thanks again mimi and michael. it was cool re-watching this video today. i got home early i only drank water all day and am going to have a 500 cal dinner @ 7pm this is a big change. will weigh @ end of month to c if this worked. send me the link it is not the uk one is it? yes just weight watchers ur so right.

    @california: u will not take long to take off 15lbs if that’s all u need to do .just do what mosley is doing one fast day a wk to stay healthy. i was too curious had to weigh myself since i only drank water all day down to 206 lbs yay that means since 3/2/2013 12 lbs. what a great feeling.:) not irritated in fact i have more energy.

    7th day and loving it. Bad knee arthritis feels great, skin really healthy even the hair is healthier I am at my infamous plateau of 200lbs @ 6’2″ have lost 15 lbs which a part of was the Warrior Diet concept but like this far more and really want to get exercising on fast days but nervous…Bike 10-20 mi. swim 1/2 to a 1 mi or stand up paddle or surf for a coupla hours. Obviously not on the same day but would love to hear from anyone that may have that level of exercise and find out how your feeling and how your body has responded.Thanks Mimi and Michael this could be the lifelong answer I have been desperatley searching for.

    I was so excited to finally see Michael’s show on PBS in the US this past weekend. And USA FastDieters, Amazon will ship Mimi’s FastDiet Cookbook starting June 4th. You can preorder now. Cheers!

    Note: Lollyzam: I use half & half (1 tblsp) in my morning coffee. But you have to count it as part of the 250 breakfast. The kind I use has 35 calories per two tablespoons. It’s one of those daily pleasures I can’t give up. K

    I decided to try the fast/feed after watching MM on PBS and already look forward to my fast days. I don’t have a lot of weight to lose, but was interested in the other benefits. What I have noticed is I feel more awake, aware, and upbeat on my fast days. The only downfall is I am hungry when I go to bed and have difficulty staying asleep. Does anyone else find this?

    Good morning everyone!

    I have other members of my family on this plan, and I am starting today. I’m very excited to begin this journey. I feel I’ve found a plan that finally “clicks.” I have the book and now the cookbook on pre-order.

    My fast day is today. Lots of tea with milk always keeps me full and satisfied. My main meal will be a protein shake toward evening, plus some additional stuff to equal 500 calories.

    Michigangirl, today is my first day starting 5:2, but another member of my family saves most of their calories for evening. I’m going to do that too, because if I don’t eat at bedtime, I can’t go to sleep. It’s been my habit for years, and I’m not going to break it now! So I’m going to drink a lot of tea with milk (counting calories in the milk) during the day. Tea with milk really fills me up, so this will work well. Then I’ll have the majority of my calories toward evening.

    Is there a beverage you like that can fill you up? I’m also taking fiber to keep me full. Dr. Oz recommends a fiber called Glucomannan, so I’m starting that today as well.

    I’m determined to make this work for me!

    Hi from Atlanta GA! I’m in my 3rd week on the Fast Diet and absolutely LOVE it! I’ve lost 5-6 lbs and can’t believe how good I feel. Maybe it’s my imagination, but my mood is better, I’ve had no headaches (normally 2-3 a week)and even though the pollen count is off the charts here, I haven’t as much as sneezed! Would love to hear if anyone else has noticed this wonderful “side effect” or if it’s just psychosomatic?!? Thank you Dr. Moseley – if I could, I would give you a big hug (It’s a southern thing – we can’t help it)

    Hello, I’m a rather staid and reserved 63-year-old woman writing from a still-chilly Britain in Springtime – the daffodils are JUST starting to burst forth but they are yearning for some sunshine. It’s so much fun being in contact with the energy and enthusiasm of – can I say ‘all you folk’ without sounding condescending? – all you folk in America! Thanks for that and all best wishes to all newcomers to the forum.

    Hi Jeanius, I’m in California, U.S., and I can just imagine how lovely the daffodils look.

    Michelle, to answer your question, I am starting today, but another member of my family started a few weeks ago, and yes, they feel much better, both mentally and physically. I’ve been told some folks actually feel better on their fasting days than on their feed days. Wow! I sure wouldn’t mind that! I am halfway into my fasting day, and so far so good.

    just watched online @ pbs The Truth About Exercise with Michael Mosley wow i’m going to combine it w/ this intermittent fast lifestyle. i don’t have a stationary bike. wonder what i could replace it w/ michael or mimi?

    Wiltl – I watched the exercise show today as well and wondered if anyone else is doing it along with the diet, or are planning to. I’m starting tomorrow using an elliptical machine, but I assume you could do anything – even jump rope or do sprints? I did have a trainer once that recommended sprints instead of jogging/long distance running. He said to think about what a marathon runners body looks like compared to an olympic sprinter whose muscles are so much more defined. Only problem is I felt a little silly sprinting down the street lol

    Hi…need some advice. Haven’t lost anything yet, but I don’t have a lot to lose. Maybe 5-10lbs. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Another question – when working out on a fast day and burning approx 250 calories, is it ok to consume that amount in addition to the 500 calories? Any advice is appreciated. Thx

    @remi2012. that is what i have, an elliptical with no hand stand. fell off going 2 fast. going to move a bed behind it. maybe sprint up my stairs or hill. good luck keep in touch w/ the combo. u gave good ideas

    lavenderlilacs, The nighttime hunger is getting better! I am trying to eat dinner a little later, and discovered, as you have, hot tea really helps. My favorite is an organic apple cinnamon with a tiny sprinkle of stevia I got from Whole Foods. Best of luck to you with the 5:2!

    sarahbuz, I also don’t have a lot to lose but so far (knock, knock) it’s been almost a pound a fast day. When the going gets tough, remember the other benefits you’re getting (you may not get those by adding burned calories to your 500/day, but I don’t know for sure) – that helps me to stick strictly to it. It’s only a day, you can eat tomorrow:)

    Well my husband and I have only been on diet 2 weeks but so far so good, doesn’t feel like a diet at all and very surprised that the fast days are nowhere near as hard as I expected (i usually have no will power!). I am only a couple of pounds overweight, but for me I am heavier than when I was 9 months pregnant with my 2 boys! My husband has a lot more to loose, ideally 5 stone, but he has done exceptionally well, 6lbs week one and 5lbs week 2, overall I have lost 4lbs but am really chuffed. Just got the fast diet recipe book this morning from amazon and it looks really useful, the soups look delicious and can’t believe how low cal they are.

    Congrats to all who have already lost weight from the fastdiet approach! I’m only on my 2nd wk, but it’s going well so far. 3rd fast day was easiest yet. I mainly wanted to try this lifestyle eating approach to lower my cholesterol which is naturally sky high no matter what I eat. I haven’t see any posts about people who have had their cholesterol tested after being on this for a few months (other than Dr. Mosley). My BMI is normal range and I would like to only lose 5-10 lbs. Anyone had cholesterol improvements yet? Of course, I’m hoping for the other health benefits mentioned in the book & tv report.

    Sarahbuz; I wouldn’t think you’d want to “make up” the calories you burn during exercise. I feel much better when I exercise on fast days. And I usually do 60 minutes on the Elliptical machine. That’s about 600 calories. I do admit to feeling a bit lightheaded if I stand up fast later in the day but exercising on a fast day is a big “kickstart”.

    I really believe the 5:2 approach will work for me and I have already shared information with 2 co-workers and they are excited to try it also. I just began yesterday and I am still reading the US version of the book – yesterday wasn’t too hard so I am happy to continue on. Thanks again

    I have just completed my 30th fast day and scales show a weight loss of 16Lb. As a 64yr old male my BMI is still in the obese range but coming down. I did not have my blood and cholesterol checks done before I started this “Lifestyle” diet but have just had them done. I have some worries over them but hopefully because of my diet these will improve. Triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol are both borderline high. HDL readings on the low side and combined cholesterol reading is 5.4. I have a 25% Cardiac Risk. Blood pressure is in the healthy range. I know that I have to keep working on improving these readings and that sticking to my fasting days will help. Having done a little bit of research I am more aware of healthier foods to eat on my non fast days so this will also help. I also go to the gym doing cardio vascular workouts 3 times a week.
    I live in England but hope you all over the “pond” have success with this. Good luck to you all

    Hello, Couscous – I love your name, your consistently sensible and positive comments and your commitment to improving your own health and well-being using the 5:2 approach. Bravo, you, for doing so well – and long may you reap all the great benefits and results from your efforts.

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