My Fast Diet Accountabilty

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My Fast Diet Accountabilty

This topic contains 104 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  sabina 5 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 5 posts - 101 through 105 (of 105 total)

  • Day#6

    Week#1 weight 142.2 (-4.0 lbs loss)

    I feel so much better and in control, now that I know how much I am eating and if I overeat I know how much I have to burn doing workout.

    I did burn 400 cal on treadmill last night to cover for the extra pizza I ate.

    I ended up having breakfast this morning. My sweet hubby had a nice breakfast ready for me in the morning. I felt bad to say no. I did a good morning workout. Today is my non-fasting day. I would try to stay between 1700-2000 cal.


    I had great fast day today, got my steps,really tired now!


    I had 13k steps, went for a run. Ate decent too.

    I have been tracking very well, I am getting the hang of it. I have been staying within my calorie limit. I had 2 fast day under 500/ 1 day around 800 cal. My non fasting days are between 1700 to 2000 cal.

    As for workouts, I got 80k steps this week. I also woke up every morning to get my workouts in.

    I am very happy with my progress so far.

    Day #11
    I missed to report yesterday and didn’t get my 10k steps. I did have a decent fasting day though.

    Today I am back. I got my steps and a decent non fasting day. I am still tracking my food.


Viewing 5 posts - 101 through 105 (of 105 total)

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