May 2017 31-Day Challenge (1st Anniversary!)

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May 2017 31-Day Challenge (1st Anniversary!)

This topic contains 2,268 replies, has 131 voices, and was last updated by  Moammad 2 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Day 22, London, UK, NFD

    @coda, what a fantastic surprise!! I did something similar for my mums birthday during my 1st year at university……………… I said I had to study, but arrived home unexpectedly……………….. bags of washing in tow of course!!!! I’m glad you had a great day!!! Have you ever thought about renting your family out??? I’m the imaginative one in my family, I wish I could surprise myself!!!!!!

    @lilymartin, I frequently visit the rocky side, not by choice, it just seems to pop up on my smooth path every now & then!! Whether on the smooth path or the rocky outcropping, as a group we’ve ALWAYS got a hold of your hand, try giving yourself a break, don’t be too strict, keep FDs very low carb, drink enough water so you feel like your sloshing about!, re-read your past post where success was evident, relax and BREATHE!!! Do not deprive yourself but stay mindful, Stress makes weight loss difficult if not impossible – DO NOT LOSE FAITH, this DOES work, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t work for you (you’re not an alien are you??) I’ve got a tight grip of your hand!!!!

    @lumat, I’m giving you the ‘pat’ (shove) on the back to boost you back onto the wagon!!! So, you fell off and had an ‘epic face stuffing weekend’, been there, done that……… now you’re back on the wagon, strap yourself down and don’t look back…… you’re not going that way anyway!!!!!!

    @xrox, I’m planning to add exercise to my June challenge, no excuses ……’I can’t exercise………. it’s a FD!!!’
    If you could start your posts with the ‘Day’ corresponding with the date rather than your personal timetable, it will make it easier for the challenge leader (@pissupoosa for May) to keep track, so as an example, for me today is Day 22, London, UK, FD. I love the visual of pushing through the barrier based on vast amounts of FAT getting shoved in the furnace, that will motivate me in June!!!

    Good luck everyone, keep the faith, eliminate the weight!!!!!

    Day 22 Hampshire, UK – NFD

    I had a funny day on Saturday. By complete chance, I didn’t get the opportunity to get anything to eat until 4pm.

    Regrettably, I couldn’t turn it into a FD as I was heading to a friend’s house for dinner.

    Quite weird though as I am sure five years ago I would have thought I was about to pass out if I hadn’t managed to eat until 4pm! Funny how our perceptions change!

    FD for me tomorrow! I hope I can get to 8-stone-something by the end of this month!!

    Keep on casting off those pounds everyone :0)

    Day 18 16:8 NFD
    Day 19 16:8 NFD
    Day 20 16:8 NFD
    Day 21 16:8 NFD
    Day 22 FD – wavered a bit today possibly up to 6-700 cals but still very light on with a dinner around 300cal.

    Inspiring to read about the great losses!

    @coda – what a lovely hubby – it sounded fab!!

    Remember that hunger comes in waves: have a hot drink, ride it out, then pat yourself on the back 🙂

    Day 22….. Florida…..NFD

    Sorry, I was MIA for the last couple days, but I needed to reevaluate me. I feel as if I become complacent with 5:2, attempting it but never really full heartedly doing it.

    So, I went completely off the lifestyle, but I’m back with a new game plan.

    So here I go!

    Start weight 144lb
    Goal weight 130lb

    16:8 daily
    Tues and Thurs will be FD
    Mon, Wed and Sun….. Controlled day
    Sat…. Free day

    Okay well that’s my story!

    Chin up Princess….. your crown is slipping!

    Day 20, Belfast, NFD
    Day 21, Belfast, NFD
    Day 22, Belfast, FD

    Ooh, the usual weekend treats happened! Anyway, back to porridge today. Good luck all FDers today!

    Day 22 Notts UK BSD

    Well have just caught up with the last week’s post and picked up some recipes to try (thanks everybody).
    @strawberriesandcream Yes I did have a great week, but I also learned that my knee will allow me to walk for longer than 10 minutes (long story short had a fall end of 2014 and now have metalwork holding my tibia together – still get pain if I try anything too strenuous) but gentle walking is OK. So that’s my challenge to build up walking time day by day – Tilly will need to be carried from time to time – well she is 12!!
    I think somebody has already posted that this is a life journey not a diet that will end one day, so I think I get that now and am ready to start that journey – with the help of all you guys.
    So onwards and downwards – bon chance everyone.

    Day 22 – Cumbria UK – FD

    Yesterday’s NFD went a bit OTT – DD returned home from her holiday with her BF – newly engaged 💏 so after hugs and congratulations – a few drinks, nibbles followed by dinner and more drinks, definitely no thoughts of calorie counting………….all very enjoyable though. Both looked well after their holiday and very happy. Thank you for your kind wishes @okeydokey @metatauta @Strawberriesandcream

    Woke up this morning still feeling full – not surprised so welcoming a FD – low cal fluids only with some of my homemade Kefir this evening is the aim of the day!

    Some great inspiring posts recently – @Strawberriesandcream @saffy420 @lilymartin @flourbaby – all reminding us that this is not a diet but a WOL and that it does work; but maybe not at the same speed of weight loss for everyone – some have a straightforward journey, others meander but we will all get there at the end in our time!

    @coda – what a wonderful story, from what you shared with us previously I just knew that your OH would manage to surprise you – what a lovely family you have – very precious memories being made 🤗
    @xrox – I too exercise on FD – going for hikes in the fells where I live or doing a 1.5hr Yoga class with no problems and as others have said it sometimes seems to lessen feelings of hunger!
    @lumat – Even if you can’t physically see the results in front of you, every single effort is changing your body from the inside – Don’t be too hard on yourself – you can do this with the support of your global family on here – HUGS

    Adding myself to the pocketeers list for Day 22 – also anyone else I picked up was planning a FD – AS TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
    @steve toon taxi driver

    5:2 is a WOL and not a DIET – therefore it’s a permanent way of eating and it’s all about creating healthy habits, rather than restrictions!
    I think that most of us with time realise that all things can be enjoyed but in moderation – not everyday and certainly not in the portions we may have eaten in the past…..

    “ONLY I CAN CHANGE MY LIFE. NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR ME” Carol Burnett – so sit back and focus on all that is positive, beautiful and wonderful in your life.

    Day 22 – Chicago, Illinois USA – NFD

    Day 22 – USA (Utah visiting)- FD

    Going to do a 800 calorie day today to keep on my maintenance.

    @coda – how sweet! I so look forward to meeting both of you in Chicago!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 22, London UK, FD
    Day 21 NFD
    Day 20 NFD

    I seem to be about the same weight & measurements as the end of April! but feeling good and going for walks every day.

    @BrightonBell we’re going to Isola di Capo Rizzuto; a beautiful, restful hotel – Praia Art Resort in Praialonga. The nearest largish town is Crotone (approx. 20km away) – going 2 weeks tomorrow

    Day 22, USA, Missouri Ozarks, FD

    Hello all, back to fasting but might have to add more calories to my one evening meal.

    Today’s weight 141.2, below goal weight of 145.

    Felt very light this morning, not thin, not skinny, just light. That is exactly what I am hoping to maintain. I want to be fit but strong (this weekend I picked a 50 lb mineral block out of the back of the pickup and carried it several hundred feet as we forgot to unload it at the feeder. My husband said we could have driven it down there – I said, I will never get triceps like Pippa by doing that…. (Doubt that he knows who Pippa is).. Loved the wedding photos, by the way. Love the entire Royal family, especially Charlotte and George, how adorable are they?

    Exercised a LOT this weekend.

    Ready for an eating right, drinking right, exercising right week ahead. Wishing the same to each of you.

    May is flying by! Day 22 Akron OH, FD 1 b2b. I have found that I like the b2b better than single FD. I feel really energized during my b2b. I fell through the cracks on Saturday, I didn’t stick to 16:8 and went way over my TDEE, did much better on Sunday; stayed within TDEE and stuck to the window. The trick is not to eat until I’m actually hungry(what a concept!). Lesson learned. Adding myself to the pocket fasters
    @steve toon taxi driver

    Day 22 – USA – NFD

    Day 22 – MT USA – FD

    hello again – @lumat – Come on, you can do this, we are all with you, don’t worry – just start again. You do realise that nothing you have done/eaten in the quantities you have has not been the same as we have all experienced over time. The times (hopefully now never to be repeated) I have travelled home in a car and eating something before I got home and hiding the wrapper because 1 I didn’t want to share it and 2 so I could pretend it never happened. I can’t imagine there is anything anyone on this group has done that someone else has not done the same thing – should that be falling into a large tub of ice cream or a meeting with a large block of cheddar cheese. Don’t beat yourself up – this happens to us all and not unique to you. It is what you are going to do now which counts.

    @pippapah – yes off course you can eat what you want but there may come a point that what you want to eat is not getting you to where you want to be. Then you have a choice about what you need to do and off course the operative word as you say is ‘within reason’. My post about feast and famine explains it well. Will eating this piece of cake get me to where I want to be? Will it delay me getting there? Only you can decide, some feel it better not to tempt the dragon, others decide they don’t need that particular food/drink in their lives any more.

    @at – I see good news about your friend – and congratulations on the engagement of your daughter – double reasons to celebrate. I have really enjoyed your posts especially of late – they seem so relevant to me – little God breezes to help me along – thank you.

    Second post:
    @at thanks for adding me to the pocketeers list. And wise words too…I don’t think I’m ‘expelling’ the weight as quickly as I had done a few years ago on the 5:2, but it’s not just about that for me now. This has to be a WOL for inner health too.
    @coda what a lovely surprise! Just lush!
    Can’t believe it’s day 22…where is the year going?!

    Day 22 – NFD

    So no loss but lots of 🍷 consumed over the weekend!!! I’m amazed I haven’t pressed the reset button back to my starting weight! Will put my best efforts into this week to hopefully hit my goal for May. Summer clothing is now on 😎

    Day 22, Germany, FD

    @chitowngirl – Happy birthday!!

    Day 22 – FIN – FD

    It’s past 17 o’clock here and my fast is still unbroken. I originally planned to do a liquid only fast today, but it’s my sister’s birthday and I’ve been baking a cake (seems to be the theme word for the month! Not surprised there hasn’t been much progress on the scales lately) for her. I’m probably going to join her in the celebrations and give it a try. Not the best thing you can eat on a FD, but hey, it’s allowed. I’m now calculating the amount of cake I can eat to stay at the very least within 800 kcal, lol.

    @okeydokey It is! I hope you get the chance to give airsoft a try. I must say that you could really feel you’ve done something afterwards – I was completely depleted of any energy most of yesterday.

    @coda What a wonderful birthday surprise!

    Pocket list for day 22:


    Day 20 – NFD – Toronto
    Day 21 – NFD – Toronto
    Day 22 – ? – Toronto

    We have a long weekend in this part of the world (Monday holiday today – yipee!) so i am undecided whether this will be my typical Monday FD or not. I would like it to be but am feeling hungover (lol) and meeting my MIL and her friends for coffee soon – if I can get away with just drinking a coffee I’ll make it a FD. However, if the ladies want to end up getting a lunch, I will make it a NFD and fast tomorrow. Will keep y’all updated. Oh, and generally, this has not been an overly indulgent weekend in terms of food (although 2 birthdays were celebrated and 2 slices of cake eaten!) but it has been indulgent in terms of my wine intake which is never good for weight loss. Drinking all the water I can to reverse some of the ill effects!

    Day 22 second post
    Thanks to all the lovely mountaineers who sent a verbal helping hand to assist with the rocky terrain! It certainly helps when the going gets tough.
    @strawberriesand cream, you are most welcome to join me – holding tight as we speak
    @coda, as usual you are an encouraging and supportive voice on the road
    @flourbaby, holding tight to your and others’ hands over the rocky places!
    @lumat, no slap on the back but a suggestion to put on your hiking boots and just put one foot in front of the other for a day or 2 and see what happens. The scenic route beckons if we just get over the boulders in the path ( read overeating or carb heavy meals for me/ overdoing NFDs for some/ other issues for some) all obstacles we can conquer.
    @bert glad you are back with your mojo in tow.
    Bless you all.😇

    Day 22 – SW WA USA – FD

    Going for a liquid FD.
    Off to work so will comment later.

    Pocket list for day 22:


    Day 22 Maine FD

    Good morning all – missed reading posts this morning – will catch up later….topsy-turvy day, but feeling strong & relieved to be fasting!

    Make it a successful day everybody!

    Day 21 Florida USA NFD Today, with going out to lunch and dinner, it was hard to stay under my TDEE. I did 20 minutes of lap swimming so I hope that helped. I really don’t like an overindulgent day. My dinner hostess served rich chocolate cake for dessert. I’d honestly rather enjoy just a bite of a good chocolate bar than a piece of cake.
    Day 22 Florida USA NFD Unavoidably, there’ll be one meal out today but I’ll do better than yesterday. No time (or energy) for exercise today but housework counts, right? Have been doing a lot of that this morning. Greetings to all worldwide! ✋️

    Day 22 – West Mids UK – NFD

    Back on track today, had an exam last week so struggled to keep to plan
    Day 22 Weigh Day 11st 13llbs
    Day 15 Weigh Day 11st 13llbs
    Happy that I had no gain – total weight loss so far 4lbs

    Day 19 NFD
    Day 20 NFD
    Day 21 NFD
    Day 22 NFD
    Day 23 FD

    Day 22, Germany, FD

    2nd post

    Ahem. Today’s fast day has turned into a controlled NFD. I was having no problem at all and ate my meal at 4pm. However, OH is stressing over a little DIY job (after a lifelong job as a builder….) and felt the need to have the last two bottles of beer in the house. As we have a pact regarding alcohol (old story from around 3 months ago) either both of us have a drink or neither of us. This will be the first Monday night in over 3 months – apart from recent holiday – and I’m not going to stress about it. So I am having a couple of glasses of Rose and finished a small lump of brie that really wouldn’t have lasted another day. I feel relaxed about my decision and will fast tomorrow and Wednesday instead. Flexibility is the name of this game – so no reason to ever feel bad/guilty – so long as we all just keep on keeping on. As Frank Sinatra sang ‘That’s Life’….

    Day 21 – NFD
    Day 22 – FD

    It’s great reading everyone’s posts. Everyone is so dedicated to their mission, and even when they feel themselves derailing, they are dedicated to getting back on course. I’m so glad I found this forum.

    Day 22 – UAE – FD
    Day 21 – UAE – NFD
    Day 20 – UAE – NFD

    I have been busy and not checking in a few days. A lot of catching up

    Just want to say thank you all for the complements for reaching my May goal especially @okeydokey, @olina, @coda, @annemarilyn, @metatauta and @Strawberriesandcream.

    I have been receiving a lot of compliments at work for losing weight and all asking how… Even my wife started to call me Charlie Chaplin as my trousers noticeably started to look loose on me

    Second Post, trying to catch up on reading.

    AT – best wishes to your daughter on her engagement and my congratulations to the lucky guy ! How exciting.

    Coda, what a sweet surprise, it all sounded wonderful.

    Okeydokey, how inspirational your success is to so many of us.

    xrox – welcome ! To answer your question about exercise, I exercise every single day. I just love to feel the movement of my body and feel my muscles stretch, etc. If for some reason like logistics that I cannot hit the exercise room, I certainly do stretches or resistance bands or something. I love countertop pushups and chair tricep dips which one can even do in a hotel room on vacation or something like that. I even do that type of exercise at work as well as some over the door resistance bands that are great.

    ChiTownGirl – HAPPY BIRTHDAY and MANY MORE !!!

    Taraga, Way to GO !!! (and Charlie Chaplin was rather cute)

    Second post
    Just a big thank you all for the encouragement. The last couple of weeks have been difficult for several reasons, but I managed to stick to the plan without being too strict or rigid. Last week I saw 58kg on the scales…my target for this month is 57.9 and I am a champion in self sabotage! Anyway, today has been great. Not hungry at all (maybe I’m still full? 😊) and I managed to eat around 400cal. I feel already better! The boys are asleep and I’ll hit the bed soon too 😴

    Day 22, Pacific NW USA, NFD; Day 16, 19, 23 FD (all the other days were 16:8 NFD’s)

    Everyday when I try to catch up reading and then get interrupted or fall asleep it means one more day that I haven’t checked in with you all – instead I will break with my normal habit today and write first, so here goes a summary!

    My weight is wavering right around 164 lbs. over the last 2 weeks. I’ve had 2 good FD’s per week. I feel good about my TDEE on NFD’s. I will be more active and exercise a little more with the better weather but I don’t usually shed extra pounds because of my cardio exercise, I exercise because of the additional health benefits. I am conflicted because my plan was to lose some pesky weight this month and I seem to be in a maintenance mode with 2 FD’s per week. I feel good about my health advantages of fasting but there’s still that little roll above the waist of my pants and skirts and the upper arm droop that I’m vainly wishing weren’t there. Nevertheless, I will carry on and try to figure this out!

    Day 22 Portugal FD

    Gosh I have missed almost a week of checking in. All NFDs. Stressful week last week with daughter’s exams, lack of sleep and general stress. My head was not in the game at all. But just completed a FD today which I think went well.

    2nd post

    @chitown-gal – Wishing you a very Happy Birthday – missed that when I did my first post 💐🎂🎈🎁

    Hope my fellow fasters are all going strong – I changed from a low cal fluid FD to an under 500cal FD instead so all good.

    Brilliant yoga class this evening – really missed it last week when I was down south visiting friend


    Day 22, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Fast day turned into nfd.

    I hope to find the will power to do some fast days to lose the two and a half kilos I gain over my target weight. Have a good night everyone.

    Still day 22 –

    @fatrabbit – down another pound, wonderful! What fasting pattern are you on at this time?

    @bigviking – good for you for hitting a BMI of 25

    @lumat – hang in there, we can do this!

    @xrox – congrats on completing your 1st week & moving some weight

    @belfastsink – porridge on an FD? I like that. I thought most were sticking to carbs on NFDs. But I love porridge myself.

    Personally, I’m having a good FD so far. In a bit I’m calling to wish my my mom a happy 87th birthday. Trouble is she is in the hospital due to a fall and a surgical repair of a hip. So glad to hear that she’s progressing better than anticipated.

    Day 22 /23/ NFD/Melbourne Australia

    Just tried Acupinch for a muscle cramp in my left leg The technique involves pinching your upper lip. I was really sceptical but it worked.

    Have a great day everyone

    Day 22 : UK : NFD
    Today’s fast day has become more of a control day. I managed till mid-afternoon on liquids only, but once the fast was broken 500 calories just wan’t enough, so looking to stay under 1000 and fast tomorrow, and then either Thursday or Friday. I also need to get some more fluids on board before calling it a day.

    London | Day 22 | NFD

    Day 19 NFD
    Day 20 NFD
    Day 21 NFD

    Hi all, didn’t get a chance to post over the weekend. Unsurprisingly they were all NFDs!
    I had such a great time with my family. My nieces are full of beans as usual and I loved spending time with them 🙂
    I will attempt another 36-40h fast tomorrow – going on to Wed morning/lunch time.

    Very tired after an 8 hr drive. Will do a longer post tomorrow. Good night

    Update – decided to make today an FD after all!

    Had a controlled lunch with my MIL and the day will be ending at around 600 calories so definitely over the usual 500 cal FD but so be it!

    Day 22 | Alaska | FD

    Yesterday was a NFD but I was having a potluck at my house, so I decided to fast most of the day. Then I opened a bottle of wine, of which I drank most of. Then I was so busy socializing that didn’t eat until all the guest left, then I proceeded to eat an avalanche of food.

    I was surprised to have a .4 loss but chalk it up to being dehydrated. Hopefully, after today’s fast I will still come out ahead but today has been a painful day at the office. Tired and hungover. Not going to make it to my boot camp exercise class tonight.

    My in-box is so overwhelmed with forum posts that I’m completely overwhelmed and unable to read them. Think I will delete all and start afresh.

    Good luck to everyone with wherever you are at in the process.

    @belfastsink how I laughed when you said back to porridge. Not sure if this is an ulsterism but for all, going back to porridge means back to reality. Sorry @annemarilyn I don’t believe porridge was actually consumed.

    @onahealthyhigh interesting link for stopping cramp.

    Nite all x

    Day 23 NFD country West Australia 72.5 kgs
    Had a very good 300 calorie FD yesterday. Once again, thank you all for your support , it really does help.
    Feel good after a FD and was thinking about a b2b but the headache is lurking, just letting me know it is there so decided to opt for a controlled NFD, despite lunch out with my sister, and will have another FD later in the week.
    Have been reading about the effects of lack of sleep on weight loss and realise that I rarely go to bed before midnight and am often up at 6am so get by with 5 1/2 to 6 hours sleep instead of the suggested 7-8.
    Will try to tweak the bedtime routine to increase the zzzz ‘s and see if that helps.
    Stay the path people. We are in this for the long haul.😀

    Day 23 – Perth, W.Aust – FD
    Day 22 – NFD

    I might have reached goal weight, but I’m sticking to the 5:2 concept to make sure I stay there.

    MAY we all be strong, resilient, resourceful and aMAYzing.

    Day 22 lancaster 🇺🇸 NFD

    Day 22 FD St. Louis USA
    when a teeny tiny bit over 500 cals today. Took a coworker who is retiring to lunch so I skipped breakfast to allow for lunch. Still stayed pretty darn close. Planning my second have back to back tomorrow.

    @Chitown Girl. Happy birthday.

    As I have been so proud of all my yardwork, this morning I discovered somebody came and dug up big holes under my birdfeeder. Since it was night time I’m suspecting either raccoons are a skunk. Decided to move the birdfeeder.

    Second post here with a question. I made my first batch of kimchi this weekend. I used a recipe that you could use broccoli and cabbage. Boy did I not like all that massaging. However, my question is about the ingredients as I think I added a bit too much red pepper flakes. It is really spicy. I like spicy but maybe not quite this much. Is there a way to tone it down? Is that how it’s supposed to be?

    Hugs and prayers to all in Manchester tonight. Oh so sad to read the reports.

    @chitowngirl – Happy Birthday to you 🎶🎶🎶! 🎉🎉🎉

    Still day 22

    I echo @songbirdme‘s, thoughts & prayers for those in Manchester.

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