Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,301 through 2,350 (of 16,657 total)

  • Why are you eating “up to 500” AO? 500 cal is a maximum and probably far too much for most women. I started with 400 and quickly reduced it. 340 cals is my fast day now and I’m no longer trying to lose weight. 500 is a very rough average. Try for less if you can. Cheers P

    Thanks bay.
    I have done a lot of exercise and I know that it has helped in whittling away at the waistline and everywhere else.
    I’ve given away a whole wardrobe of clothing. I’m going to try to get through the winter without buying too much. I’ve got quite a lot of stuff that hasn’t seen the light of day for a while, plus a couple of pairs of trousers I bought at the beginning of last winter that were very tight. That should see me through to the spring, and I am hoping that by then I’m looking at maintenance :fingerscrossed:

    Well done on your success aamazon and Weemam.
    Horrifyingly, I have gone from a 109 cm waistline 18mths ago to 79 cm now. And I seriously wasn’t regarded by many as fat! No wonder I fit in small clothes. But all my fat is now on my waist. Bone everywhere else so a lot of swimming this summer! P

    Well done, Weemam. What a great loss! Keep up the good work ! Cheers, B 🙂

    I have just read all the posts from last night ..ALL so positive .
    I am so over the moon with this WOL .

    Now this is going to sound so mad BUT . OH bought me a really fancy bracelet when we met . Not something I would ever wear and only costume jewellery BUT I love it because he bought it for me . 56 years ago :). Now I have been a stone or more lighter than I am now and it has never fitted me . This morning I tried it on and it fitted me . a wee bit tight BUT it fitted me . This proves that we loose lots more inches on this WOL .

    Today is a fast day so that is the reason I am clearing out . I am a terrible hoarder .

    One of my DIL ( I always say “I couldn’t have knitted her”) joked with me some time ago that I needed to get rid of some of my “rubbish” as she calls it .She said she would need to clear it all out someday when I had gone lol I answered that It didn’t matter as I would be dead and gone gone before she had to clear it out lol . This was all done in fun but it made me think sooo I am getting rid of we bits . I stress the word wee lol .

    SAMM I am so happy to read that I eat a lot of the foods you listed .

    I still have a way to go to get to where I wanted to be . I lost 4 pounds off 5 stone about 5 or 6 years ago and I would love to get to where the 5 stone loss would have been . I think that is about another 20 pounds or so . We will see how I go as I don’t want to have an auld haggard face lol :).

    I am off now to see what else I can find to throw out .

    .. have a brilliant day all of you and be good .

    Wee xx

    PVE I am working my way down … last week it was closer to 600 cals on FD’s, this is only my 3rd week and I feel comfortable doing this at the moment … I have a very large amount to lose and will not be going too low too soon as for me it would be unsustainable at the moment … so far I’ve lost 4.9kg in 1 1/2 weeks (3.7kg week 1 and then in 3 days I lost 1.2kg when I adjusted my weigh day from Tuesday to Friday) 🙂 . Wow, 30cm off your waist too PVE 🙂 well done you!

    Wee I hear you re losing back to where we were … I have a lot more than 20lb to get to where I need to be, even more than 20kg, I don’t want to say exactly how much I need to lose to get into the middle of the right weight range for my height and bone structure.

    I’ve noticed differences like the amount of room I now have on a bus or plane seat, or when I go to the cinema.

    Some people would say I should loose more . according to the charts I should loose more BUT when I get to the 5 stone in total ( to where I was a few years ago) I will be over the moon , I will be a real WEE Mam lol .

    When people asked how much I had lost I used to say ” almost 5 stone” . I want to say “5 stone ” just 4 pounds a difference but my goal 🙂

    Well done Aussie . Reading inspirational posts like yours is what keeps us all going

    Wee xx

    I agree with PVE, Amazon. No need to get to the 500 calorie mark if you are satisfied with less. The basic idea is 25% of “normal,” but like most calculators, using 2,000 calories as a normal day is easier. I find that putting off eating until later in the day and sticking to a 16:8 window makes it easy to eat fewer calories on fast and non-fast days.
    Thanks all for your inspirational posts! I did a proper fast day yesterday, high-fiber cereal with berries and almond milk (100 cal) and stuffed acorn squash for dinner. It was an early-to-bed night, as I am still trying to shake the cold I have had for over a week. Today will be at least a semi-fast, and tomorrow a full fast because I am doing one of my on-the-road workshops. Traveling tonight, presenting all day tomorrow, and then traveling back, so not a lot of opportunity or access to food.
    I just read a really interesting blog about habits and enjoyment. One takeaway was that you enjoy things more when you indulge infrequently. Ice cream or wine every day is less enjoyable than occasional treats. Here it is, if You’d like to read further: http://op-talk.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/28/dont-do-the-things-you-love/?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&bicmp=AD&bicmlukp=WT.mc_id&bicmst=1409232722000&bicmet=1419773522000
    I am using it as motivation to cut my wine intake! 🙂

    It was Aussie Oma who mentioned eating 500 calories. I agree that if we can be satisfied with less that is good, and I can see her point about having a lot to lose and a long way to go so she is easing herself into fasting slowly.
    My TDEE is more than 2000 calories and I am having 500 calories on a fast day and trying to keep under 2000 on other days, and 1800 if possible. I start eating late almost every day, as I am rarely hungry first thing.
    I am also fasting more than 2 days per week.

    what I understand about tomatoes is
    1 dont eat the green part left bejond where the stem connects. Its toxic

    but the less acidic the tomato mattet is the more benifit. Say in order from least healthy


    if you love and I do MEAN LOVE tomatoes try to add as much tomato paste to what ever you can.

    I put it vegtable soup until it tomato vegtable soup

    Yay! Another fast day almost over 🙂

    Hello all

    What a lot to catch up on! Everyone seems to be really positive and so much is happening.

    Hermaj – what a tremendous achievement – you must be flying high now it’s all over. Pity you don’t drink – it certainly calls for a popped cork or two. Roll on results day, I’m sure you will be flying even higher then.

    Aussie Oma – what a lovely welcome to your new job. It sounds great – such diversity. Hope all goes well. I agree with you about not going below 500 calories on an FD if you don’t need to. I am pleased to say I weighed this morning and have lost 1.5 lbs since my last weigh-in 10 days ago. I’m pleased with my progress and it is melting away slowly without me feeling too deprived. I don’t count calories on non-fast days, but try to eat sensibly, (thanks Samm – I eat most of the recommended foods you mention) and I make sure I don’t exceed 500 when I am fasting, and so far it works for me. I have lost just over 2st with another stone to go. I will then assess what I want to do, as, like Weemam, I don’t want to end up looking old and haggard!

    Jojo – continue to enjoy your break. We are all in agreement that it doesn’t matter if you go up a pound or two, it’s only temporary and will soon come off.

    Amazon – your trip to Madagascar sounds incredible. I’m not sure I could have done it, particularly the crawling through rock on my back bit. You’re amazing! I haven’t started the Callanetics yet as my poor old Mum hurt her foot over the weekend and I’ve been spending a lot if time with her, shopping etc. She lives 10 miles away so I am a bit tired when I get home. Hope to get going in a couple of days. Isn’t it great when you have to get rid of clothes that are too large? Like PVE. I have found I can get into things that I couldn’t when I was half a stone lighter. I thought maybe it was because this WOE burned more internal fat around the organs etc, and therefore affected the measurements, but reading about Weemam’s bracelet, maybe that’s not the case. Interesting.

    Ply, your son is a very gutsy guy. How proud of him you must be.

    Hi to everyone else and keep up the good work

    Smiffy x

    Aussie Oma only the 3rd week and your down 4.9kg (i like the metric i understand it more better 🙂
    awesome work good on YOU !!!
    Personally there is nothing more satisfying than seeing positive results = reward for effort Hump Day Come at Me ADF
    may the force be with us ALL..

    Hi Smiffy, RT.

    I’ve only done the Callanetics workout a few times without the pelvic exercises as I have a knee that has had a couple of surgeries and doesn’t cope with them too well. I have been doing the back stretches (in the book) every day, as my back is stiff when I get up in the morning and they release it and enables me to just get on with my day without worrying about it.

    As for Madagascar, I love travel and I try to choose trips that are slightly different. I was booked to go to South Africa but the trip was cancelled at the last minute so I went to Madagascar instead as there was a space available on the right dates for me, and it was somewhere on my list of places to visit.
    It isn’t the first time I’ve found myself in a situation where I’ve had to do something I wasn’t 100% happy about, but doing it wasn’t as scary as thinking about it, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as walking across a rickety old wood and rope bridge in Sri Lanka 😆

    Hi Ply, I enjoyed the article. Thanks for posting it. I also eat most of Samm’s list. We have wonderful berries here at the moment, and I am making the most of it with Greek yogurt, blueberries and chia seed for breakfast.

    Smiffy, Good to hear from you 🙂

    Lovely bright sunny morning here today. Will fast today as off to see friends tomorrow for a long and indulgent weekend. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi everyone … well it’s another beautiful morning.

    Amazon my TDEE is up over 2000 cals per day too (I will adjust after the first 10kg and every 5kg after that). I agree with you and PVE that if you can do with less on a FD then do so but at the moment, and I mean only another week or two, I will eat to where I need to 🙂

    Smiffy, on my non fast days I’ve been putting in the tracker all that I have eaten and I don’t even get anywhere near my TDEE and I think that’s because I’ve changed my portion sizes and have what I want, including a snack if I so desire which isn’t often. The closest I got to even my BMR was still a couple of hundred lower and that is on the day I go out for dinner with friends when I have my chocolate sundae (large I might add) but admit that I don’t and no longer can eat the whole main meal. So overall over the week I’m eating a lot less with FD’s up to 500 at the moment. If I’m not hungry I don’t eat, simple as that 😀 again this is me and what works for me may not work for anyone else 🙂

    Rouge weights I find easy in either “language” but struggle with cm’s … if someone says someone is 180cm I’ve got absolutely no idea how tall that is, but if they say someone is 5′ 7″ then I have a good idea of how tall they are if that makes sense (even in my craft work I prefer using inches, lol) but as I’ve got metric for weight I also use metric for measurements in trackers (then check on the tape measure for the inches, lol)

    Wee that’s a great goal to have, once you’ve lost that 5 stone you can see if you want to lose any more or not … love your humour btw 🙂

    Thank you to everyone in this thread for helping me with this WOL as having others to talk with helps 🙂

    Morning/evening fast trackers
    Sorry AO. As Ply said, it sounded as if you felt satiated but “had” to eat more to reach 500.
    I started at 85 kg and lost weight consistently at 1 kg a week by setting my TDEE at a lower level. I found by losing the initial 10 kg in 10 weeks I was highly motivated to continue. I regularly reassess my goal and my TDEE. OH’s success with his diabetes was/is a clear indicator to us that this system was/is healthy and effective.
    I had never been on a weightloss diet in my life so wasn’t carrying any mental baggage. I had no real expectation of failure. We are all different and approach everything as we need.
    I wish you well.:)

    Weemam…I was also staggered about where the fat had been. Rings slip off, hats cover my eyes, shoes slop around. OH had to keep getting links taken out of his watch band. Fun, isn’t it?
    Cheers P

    Good evening fast trackers,
    So much to read but I am afraid I am too tired, too much sun, yoga, swimming and food. Baked Alaska tonight, madness. Totally out of control now. I am seriously considering staying in bed tomorrow to avoid the bloody restaurant.
    Seems you are all doing well, congrats.
    Herman, you must be very relieved, I can recommend a massage after studing hard for so long, I bet your neck is agony, I know mine was when I did my degree a few years back.
    More yoga tomorrow at 7.30 am so night night

    PVE no need to say sorry, no offence taken from either you or Ply. No I don’t eat until satiated, just so that I’m not going to bed with tummy rumblings (I also drink extra water before bed too 😆 as I reckon I’m still a little dehydrated overall). All I can say is that your start weight is one of my mid-way goal weights 😉 and that is still a fair way away as I’m still in 3 digits but getting closer to 2 IYKWIM. All I’ll say is that basically I need/want to lose half my starting body weight to get mid-range weight for height etc.

    Hi Jojo sounds like a wonderful day for you … have an awesome day tomorrow.

    OOOOOH! THE FREEDOM to eat whatever I want on a feed day 🙂

    I want red mini sweet peppers stuffed with red bean hummus. AND mini sweet peppers stuffed with pizza toppings. With sweet tea- stevia of course. I the mood for a whole lemon too.

    Plan to load my carb for tomorrows fast/walk with oat bran and raw pumpkin flavored to taste like pumpkin pie but with walnuts in it. Looking forward to taking family out to dinner tommorrow to cracker barrel , will be my fast day, but I discovered I. Can eat from their menu on a fast day.

    First I order water and ask for Lemon wedges I bring my own stevia natural sweetener.
    Then I order the grilled fish dinner. With sweet carrots, okra, and turnip greens.

    I then box half of everything to have for lunch on the following feed day, only I get to eat the corn muffins.

    I mention from time to time about red beans and catfish have a special role in my IF Intermittent Fasting.
    Only those two foods help with an enzyme that makes us sensitive to the full feeling. The full feeling chemistry cannot be duplicated unnaturally . We actually have to be full to feel full. But red beans and catfish both have enzymes that make us sensitive to the full feeling. After reading micheal Mosley’s myths thread. I blend my beans in mixer with water to point where it’s nearly a a runny batter of hummus. That has proven to myself to become a 4 hour hunger management option fo many many fast days. 300 cals red bean hummus at noon , then 300 cals cat fish in the same fashion seasoned of course at 5 pm

    This way on fast days if I can make it to noon. I may not be ” HUNGRY” til 8:30-9pm. And simply go sleep.

    I’m finding on my B2B days that use the red beans and catfish I buy from going out to dinner. Wednesday, then eat from the box on Friday. Saturday I have the boost protein shakes in icee form with my own dark bakers chocolate, and coffee – A bitter choffee to sip on all day ad I do nothing but sit around watching tv in my home theater chair. Thank goodness for dvr technologies so I don’t have to watch food commercials any more.

    1 coping strategy I have when Im starting to get hungry after lunch and have an hour or so before dinner. Is to simply get busy in a distraction. Like reading something online about health foods , or exercise. Basically feed my brain with info. I have a long list of Heath issues I’d like to understand, and most curious about how to make how I shop and store my foods . I’m keen on dried fruits , and frozen vegtables.
    This week on my agenda for reading is to get a full understanding of Callanetics . As I too was hobbled by an injury and slowly kept strengthening all the muscles around the pain. And now out walk many of my co workers whom are straight out high school from track team. At 47 it’s just a thrill sometimes to hear the say they can’t figure out how I do it. 🙂 good shoes, good strength training, know how march, and sprint. Increased my vo2max, stay hydrated, get great nutrition and rest, and think of the whole day. Font make everyone happy, just the boss. I’m rambling.
    Good luck this week.
    Vegetarians please remember to eat a brazil nut for selenium.

    Aussie I am with you in stones and pounds and feet and inches lol . I am too old to change that now lol . I have to ask Hubby to change them to Kg and Cms lol .

    SAMM you are amazing with all the things you find for us . Thanks pal .

    Wee xx

    Good morning fast trackers.

    Two good fast days under my belt, another 0.2kg up in smoke and 1cm more off my waist. So far so good – 10.3kg (about 23lb) fat and 15cm (6″) from waist lost in total. ‘Only’ 10cm from waist and 25kg to go 😉

    Just about to have first café latte for the week – yummmmm!

    Keep up the good work everyone. N


    You’re right!
    I’m on quest for a feed day treat at least once a month. My most favorite sweet!

    Coffee ice cream. Oh. That definitely ease the psychology factors of fasting so often.
    Thank you very much! Very very much!

    In fact and pardon my TMI , my first wife and I made a monthly habit of taking turns pampering each other.
    One ritual was draw a perfect bath and serve ice cream in the hot bath. Now that I understand healthier PH of bathing I think I’ll take that back up. As a seldom but cherished practice.

    Just a reminder to add prunes to feed diet as they may be listed as the best source of beneficial anti oxidants and useable calcium from a fruit. I enjoy them with oat bran at breakfasts, very cheap and easy to store.

    PVA 1kg a week for 10 weeks and I would be highly motivated to continue as well,there are so many good stories on here its amazing how not following the herd mentality and saying it is ok it is alright to miss a few feeds and or breakfast the results speak for themselves impressed much
    may the force be with all of us.

    NickyF its a top day in Naracoorte as well and 10.3kg down for you is fantastic never take for granted or underestimate the achievement im inspired
    happy hump day

    Thanks RT, you too. Naracoorte is such a lovely place.

    Strictly I suppose my hump day is Tuesday because I only work 0.6, although I work on the other days at home too – shopping, cleaning, washing, grandchildren (that part’s not work of course) 😉

    Interestingly, my OH has noticed that his weight has crept up a few kgs so has taken to skipping lunches on the days I’m at work. Of course, like most males, it doesn’t take much effort for the weight to slide off and I know he’s not restricting to 600C/day but am taking the credit for the decision. He said ‘if you can do it so can I’.

    cheers, n

    Thanks RT
    Another South Australian? This 5:2 stuff is growing like mad. I’ve been to Portland Vic and Goolwa, but not in between. Must go and check out Naracoorte…

    The other herd mentality seems to be “When you get older you will put on weigh” and “You need to put on weight when you are older or you will look scrawny” Hurrumph!
    I will not follow the herd! I need to look after my own health.

    Glad to hear your OH is taking control too, Nicky.

    Happy day guys, P

    Oh the chance to look scrawny 😆

    Morning all.

    Busy day today so up early in order to do some exercise in peace and without interruptions.

    My watch is on a migration route to my elbow!

    Hi Smiffy I must confess to using a weight converter to see what 2 stone really is 🙁 and 12.7kg is winning everyone seems to be achieving the desired outcome this is hump day for me in the ADF strategy and i am actually really very surprised by how little food i need to keep me going.having said that i have a desk job and these days get paid for what i know and certainly not for what i do..SAMM racking up 30000 steps on a pedometer and its all in a days work wow thats not how I roll…;)
    may the force be with us all

    RT Naracoorte is a lovely town. We have friends who live nearby the mount. I think I should use a pedometer as I’ve got no idea how many steps I take each day. I know that some I take more than others depending on what work I’m doing at the time. Just to get to 10,000 would, I think, be an achievement for me as I have primarily a desk job too.

    Amazon & PVE, I’m with you, scrawny is the new petite 😆 and lol re your watch 🙂

    YAY Nicky you’re going great 🙂

    SAMM sounds like you’re going to enjoy your feed day 🙂

    Wee I’m okay with the kg/g just not the m/cm/mm stuff (but use them in here as that’s what I’m tracking but for my own peace of mind I make sure I know what it really means, lol 😀

    It’s my scheduled FD tomorrow, although I’m still being reasonably careful today and thank goodness I have been as our sons want to bring their children over for dinner tomorrow night. I’ll still stick with my program as I don’t want to lose two full fast days for this week and weigh day is Friday however knowing the children they’ll want me to have something else and I hope I’m strong enough to resist.

    I’ll check back from time to time (I can’t access while at work at the moment so am only online either before work for a while and after dinner usually but dinner will be late tonight)

    Hi to Smiffy, Jojo and Bay plus everyone else on the fast track 🙂

    Hi Aussie Oma and other Fastrackers,

    I had a slothful day today. Watched grandkids in adventure playground, and fasted until 5 pm.
    After that, things went down hill at a great rate of knots! Had some dark chocolate and prunes, then cheese and crackers and a beer.
    Ah well, celebrating a whole week of being below 60 kgs has gone to my head. 🙂 🙂 clothes still loose.

    There is always tomorrow! Love this way of life.
    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Oh Bay! Chocolate and prunes!! That sounds far to healthy for a pigout 😉
    Enjoy life as an under 60s!!! Wooohooo! P 🙂

    Thanks for your kind comments, Smiffy. I genuinely enjoyed doing it, apart from deadline day where there were a lot of technical hitches and I only got to deliver with an hour to spare.

    Then not until yesterday did I realise I hadn’t noted the wordcount, which is a cardinal sin and may lose me a lot of marks. Normally, each assignment is accompanied by a printed cover sheet which we have to fill in, which includes wordcount. The dissertation doesn’t have one and it completely slipped my memory. Efforts to get hold of the demartmental admin person have so far failed. She hasn’t answered my email and I can’t get her on the phone as her mailbox is full.

    Yes, Purple, I have gone awol, but there ain’t and there won’t be any partying. I loathe parties and would prefer to write the whole thing again than have to go to a party (Told you I was weird!).

    I’ve never mastered the skill of being exhausted without also feeling depressed. I spent most of yesterday in bed. I couldn’t face fasting, I just ate what I could bear to eat – one scrambled egg for lunch and a wee butter bean salad with assorted veggies and oil and vinegar dressing for dinner – all a bit too carby/oily for a fast day but it probably didn’t exceed 1000 calories, so not quite a disaster. And for reasons I don’t understand I’ve gone right off tea of any variety. No doubt I’ll be better soon, when I’ve had a couple of good nights’ sleep and the bod catches up with the brain again.

    One disadvantage of ageing, you can still deliver the goods but it takes somewhat longer to recover. To be fair, my goddaughter took to her bed feeling horrible for several days after she finished her degree last year at age 21. I guess it goes with the territory.

    Totally understand hermaj. Hibernate. Cuddle up under a doona. Listen to some beautiful music. Sleep.
    You’ve done a great job and we are all very proud of you. P xx

    Agree PVE time for Hermaj to hibernate … awesome work Hermaj well done!!

    Bay what a wonderful way to spend your day … I’m determined to complete another fast day tomorrow, luckily what I generally eat doesn’t go over around 400 cals unless I’m peckish and have a light snack (eg ryvita and vegemite) to settle the tum before bed.

    You deserve a good, long rest, Hernaj! I understand the exhaustion/depression connection. A little salacious/ mindless tv in my pjs is required on occasion, especially after an intellectually challenging project. Be gentle with yourself.
    I will say the same to you, Jojo! Enjoy your holiday. I am ready for strict adherence when you return! Miss you lots!
    Smiffy, AussieOnma, Bay, Amazon, Nicky, and PVE, Weemam; love your posts. 9 stone, 60 kg, 126 pounds is my goal as well. I may be finally back on track to lose the last few. Fasted Monday, ate about 600 cal yesterday. Woke up hungry this morning, so I just had an egg white omelet with spinach, tomatoes, and mushrooms with a side of melon at the hotel. 200 cal at the most, and I am having soup for dinner later, so count this as another fast day.
    SAMM, I am a coffee ice cream lover as well, especially Ben & Jerry’s with Heath bars in it!
    Have to run out before my presentation, as I forgot to pack my reading glasses! Horrors!
    Have a wonderful day, everyone!

    I had to Google Heath bar!
    I like ice cream but I rarely eat it, and it is not usually near the top of my choice of dessert, but coffee ice cream with Heath bars could change my mind, so I had better keep away from the ice cream aisle when I go shopping.

    Bread or ice cream were always the diet breakers for me . NOW bread doesn’t bother me BUT I still have ice cream once a week . Fine!! as long as I count it in (myfitnesspal ) MFP 🙂

    Wee xx

    Im looking at healthy foods pairing for synergy effect.

    looks like boiled eggs and cheese. But im betting I could also use a bit of tumeric .serrano pepper, and black pepper. Even a fast day. Since cheese helps block pain receptors if eating hot peppets like serrano pepper. Which is highest on the anti inflamation list.

    will be experimenting with. Perhaps put the tumeric in the yolk like deviled eggs .

    the pairing of egg and cheese had synergy heslth benefits because the eggs has the best compounds for absorbtion of calcium. Still resesrvhing that though.

    I wouldnt mind reinventing the wheel for deviled eggs to be a healthy power house of synergy healthy benifits.

    I dont think anyone eould think twice about the deviled eggs being HOT AND CHEESEY.

    perhaps a healthy quarter back sneak of health food for football parties

    Evening all.

    Feed day today. I had granola with yoghurt for a very late breakfast, and omelette, salad and flatbread for dinner. My treat today is a nice glass of red 🙂

    Have a good evening everyone.

    Hi Jojo,
    It’s so amazing reading your post because it looks like we have alot of things in common. I just turned 59 in September and was on WW about 5 years ago, I lost about 40 pounds & kept it off for a little over a year, then gained 20 back. I just started 5:2 on Monday. Today is my 2nd day of fasting. I got through Monday pretty well although I did get a headache, which could be due to lack of fluids. I’ve been so bad about not drinking enough.. trying to correct that. I saw on a TV show yesterday that it’s recommended that you drink at least half your weight in ounces daily. I know I am way below that!
    Best of luck to you!

    Good morning fellow fast-ers, another lovely sunny day here, summer is really on it’s way (I hope). Second fd this week for me, already had some water and will have some more soon.

    Hope you all have a fab day and I’ll catch up with you all later 😀

    Good morning fast(ing) friends.

    Hermaj, good to hear from you. Hope your wordcount problem is quickly resolved. So frustrating when someone goes offline at a critical time. After that do some serious self-cossetting. I still remember the next morning after mine was submitted I woke with a horrendous migraine which lasted 2 days. My OH said it was my body saying ‘I’ve done enough, now time for R&R’. We go while we have to but then it’s time to rest.

    OA happy FD in the sunshine – still cloudy here but hope it clears soon. Always feel a bit down when the weather’s dull.

    Feed day for me – mandarin juice and granola with yoghurt for breakfast (sound familiar Amazon?). Now writing the shopping list and planning the week’s menu.

    Keep up the good work everyone.

    Morning all.

    Nicky, I make my own granola and yoghurt, inspired by my Adelaide friend who has been doing it for years. When I was there in January, her granola was so good, and much healthier than anything you can buy ready made. Only for non fast days though and it sees me through until dinner. I vary what I put in it so it is rarely the same twice, and use much less honey/syrup than any recipe suggests.
    FD3 today, and I have steak and either a nice big salad or some steamed veggies for dinner this evening followed by some grapes which I bought after reading one of SAMMs posts about the most beneficial foods. The thought of that will stop me from wanting to eat before then.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Hello all,
    Wifi problems here so I won’t risk writing any more, last two messages in space somewhere, speak Sat.
    Be good everyone
    Love fatty girl jojo xx

    FD went well today … only had 2 Bovril’s so far, dinner will be soon, very low calories today (fingers crossed).

    Jojo hope you’re enjoying yourself immensely 🙂

    Hermaj did you get the word count issue sorted?

    Nicky and Amazon go you girls with the granola 😀

    SAMM and Rouge hope all’s going well with you.

    Smiffy and Wee hope you’re still on a losing streak (pun intended)

    Hello and welcome Martha (meastman912).

    Ply looking forward to hearing more about your losses in the coming weeks while you whittle those last few pounds/kg’s away 😆

    Hi Bayleaf. Glad you’re having good weather. I love a slothful day! Sadly I don’t get them very often. We are into the last days of our beautiful summer and goodness knows when we will get another like this. It has been wonderful. The evenings are drawing in now, and getting chilly, which has put paid to sitting in the garden with a glass of wine on non-fast days! Enjoy your weekend – guilt free!

    Hi Amazon. Unfortunately my Callanetics book is still in a box in the garage in Wales, so I’m not sure what the neck stretches are. Are they on the DVD? I also feel as if I need oiling first thing in the morning. As I remember it, there was a separate section at the end of the video for those with back problems, so when I finally get around to unpacking the new DVD, I will have a look. I was busy with my mother again yesterday, and don’t think I will be able to fit it in again today, but may well start the Callanetics ball rolling tomorrow. The spirit is willing…..! At least I’m getting plenty of exercise walking the dogs.

    Hi Ply – hope you’re feeling much better and that your presentation went well.

    Nicky F – you’re doing really well – fantastic.

    Rouge Trader, Weemam, Aussie and Oma – I’m a real dinosaur when it comes to weights and measures. Centimetres, kilometres, Kgs and grams mean nothing to me, even after all these years. I even have to convert anything over 14 lbs into stones and pounds. Thank goodness for computerised conversion tables!

    Samm – I’m a definite fan of cheese/egg combinations, especially a spiced up version. I will be eating more with a clear conscience on non-fast days now you have told us how good they are got us!

    Hi Martha – we’ve all been there! I’ve been a yoyo dieter all my adult life – losing large chunks of weight and then putting it all back on again. I’m finding this way of doing it the easiest ever, and hopefully I am far more likely to keep it off once I reach my goal. Good luck!

    PVE – like you, I lost a lot of weight very quickly when I started this WOE – I did the Fast Beach Diet, which was tough but worked a treat, and gave me the motivation to carry on at a slower pace. I’ve got a couple of things coming up over the next week, so tried a few old ‘dressy’ tops last night that I haven’t worn for a long time. I was over the moon at how good they looked! I think they fit better now than when I first bought them!

    Have a good day everyone. I know Thursday is a fast day for a lot of us, so good luck. I’m out with some girl friends for a pub quiz tonight, which will also include a meal, so postponing my fast until tomorrow. I will also try and keep the rest of the day as light as possible calorie-wise, and as I am driving, no alcohol will be consumed!

    Have a safe journey home Jojo.

    Smiffy x

    Smiffy, neck stretches are easy

    Stand up straight looking ahead, slowly move head from side to side going as far as possible each time x 5

    Chin dipped on to chest and then slowly move head to side raising your chin as you go until you are looking up as high as you can, and then back to chin on chest and to the other side and back x 5

    My lower back needs oiling first thing, but the stretches fix it.

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