Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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  • Hey RT, Sam played really well and gave it her best shot but Coco played better. She’s in the doubles with her mate Kuzzy, and they knocked out the 8th seeds in R1 🙂

    Thanks for the video link RT – I will certainly try and see a different interpretation of diet! I sympathise with the pound-weighers as although I weigh in kg I measure in inches as I notice a lot of Aussie fasters do too – just can’t drop the desire to be the idealised 36-24-36 that I was raised on ⏳Happy to report another loss this week (despite my prophesy of doom) in fact a whole 1.6kg over 2 weeks which means I probably didn’t gain last week in my week off or my over-indulgence in “confusion soup” this week (loved the zucchini for cucumber RT!) So Phew!! A new week ahead – enjoy the weekend wine for those so imbibing – my weekend weakness.. .Cheers

    Confusion soup Smiley

    Well I’m not too bad switching between lbs and kg… as long as it’s in my reference range: my top weight down to my maintenance weight!

    Anything beyond that, thank god for a smartphone calculator!

    (Peeps head round door of this thread):

    Hello Everyone

    (Polite bow)

    Just had a quick read of the latest posts here, as I do occasionally.

    @lori_pa “Jeans of Truth” – that is GENIUS 🙂 Am going to hop over to my regular thread https://thefastdiet.co.uk/…/if-your-clothes-are-looser-but-the-scales-are-the- same-read-on/ and share it. Where do I send the royalties cheque, Lori? 🙂

    Hello Bootsy Badger (Bootsy) and welcome, hope to see you in here 🙂

    Happy & Spring I can often swap between kg/lb and ft/inches and cm’s. When crafting I’m in inches and when measuring body loss it’s cm’s but aiming for the ideal 36/24/36 model too 😆 – Love the term Confusion Soup ha ha ha Smiley

    I don’t have such a problem going from inches to cms, and I use gms when baking unless I’m using an ancient recipe.

    Hi all,

    We are at Lorne today (Great Ocean Road ) and just had a lovely lunch at the restaurant right on the beach. The sky is blue, the sand is gold and the water is true aquamarine, spectacular! Lovely see all the kids enjoying their holidays, as RT’s Dad would say, “you wouldn’t be dead for quids!”

    All this talk of hourglass figures and I am surrounded by bikini’d bods. Encouraged to see lots of healthy ones, the fatties must all be back in the burbs hiding in the Food Courts! I have adapted to metric in weight, although old enough to remember imperial, metric much simpler. But with anything to do with length, still think in inches and feet….just say I am a late adapter!

    It’s a long weekend here in Australia, Australia Day celebrations and public holiday on Monday, another excuse for us to eat and drink! Yum Cha with friends on Sunday, so thinking a Saturday fast might be wize. If I combine it with a day in the garden I won’t even notice!

    Cheers all! (Back to watching the beach cricket)

    We are also celebrating the Australia Day long weekend by the beach, Nama. 24 hour fast and low cal meal yesterday, set us up for pancakes for breakkie, watching the waves, and Italian veg foccaccia for lunch in a little cafe today. Low cal fish and salad for dinner. Plenty of stairs here to get a workout. 🙂 Purple

    I celebrated at the beach in Adelaide last year as the Monday BH was my birthday, and we had a birthday beach breakfast BBQ 😛

    Well, Happy Birthday Amazon dear! Even less of you to celebrate this year 😉 P x

    Thanks Purple, it’s not until Tuesday but the celebrations start tomorrow!

    Hey Amazon. ..party early. ..party often! 😉 P

    Good morning/evening all

    Oh how I envy you Aussies having fun in the sun! It’s -2c here this morning, thick frost, but very bright and beautiful. The view from our bedroom across the countryside looks like a Christmas card.

    It’s a fast day for me after a lovely evening catching up with a group of ladies I did a professional cooks’ course with, as a hobby, over 20 years ago. We meet up a few times a year at one another’s houses and everyone takes a dish, so the food is generally pretty good! OH, bless him, drove me there and came to collect me, so rather a lot of wine was consumed!

    The Italian meal we were going out to tomorrow to celebrate another friend’s birthday has been postponed – something of a blessing in disguise.

    Off to walk the dogs whilst the ground is still hard, then shopping for mother. Hope to get chance to post more later. Lovely to see so many new joiners – you’ve come to the right place!

    Smiffy x

    Happy Birthday for Tuesday, Amazon. 🙄 😉 have a lovely day. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Good morning Fast Trackers,
    Well it has not been my most disciplined week, I find that when injured it seems to effect my self control too. My pulled rib cage muscle is still not healed so I will be taking it easy at the gym and yoga today. Bowls again this afternoon and then more ‘eating out’ tonight. Then we (girls) are heading to a pub to listen to live music. I will not be drinking! Can’t afford the prices or the calories. I promise to order a sensible meal too, fish and veg. Yesterday (out for a late lunch with my son) I had ‘cattiatore calzone’ at ‘Ask’, I love Italian food(yum) but so many calories, it doesn’t bear thinking about. To add insult to injury I had a ‘latte’ too. There really is no hope for me, if only ‘guilt’ could burn double calories. I stuck to water at my girls DVD night but ate lots of crisps and pop corn. The film on offer was diabolical ‘Magic Mike’. Utter rubbish.

    I have just ordered a ‘Mary Quant’ checked dress for a 60’s night next week, combined with fishnets and long boots should be interesting. Just practising 60’s makeup, remember Twiggy? I am pleased to say she is still going strong and has just been chosen as the face for Loreal face cream. Good for her.

    Fasting today, saving myself for the meal tonight.

    Have a good day everyone – heading for the gym scales, fingers crossed.

    P.s. I can do the maths to convert kilograms to lbs, to stones but it seems such hard work. I have decided that I will just switch to kilos and have done with it. While I am at it I will switch to centimeters. I think it’s probably about time us oldies took decimalisation on board, after all it has been around a while now. But at bowls I will need to keep to feet and inches, there is no way them old folk will change their ways. Ha ha.

    Good to hear from you Smiffy.

    Woot woot HAPPY BIRTHDAY Amazon for Tuesday 😀 have a wonderful day (mind you we’ll probably chat online before and during your birthday)

    Jojo you’ll find after a while that it becomes easier, it’s great that we can measure in 100g lots on the scales and cm’s seem to shrink quicker than inches 🙂

    Well the nesting boxes are all ready for the girls and the roosting rails are in place just need to get the girls tomorrow 😀 we’re taking the granddaughters but they don’t know what we’re getting so it will be a lovely surprise for them.

    Good morning, all! Finally going back to work today, hope I can handle my 1-day week! So envious of the beach talk, Purple and Nama! Soak up some Vitamin D for me!
    I can picture you in the Mary Quant dress and fishnets, Jojo, you will be stunning!

    Hi there JoJo. I am with you on switching to metric, except… I will always be 5ft 5″! I can’t seem to get my head around metric height.

    For weight, I work mostly with kg because that’s what the scales use in my house but also calculate losses in lbs and stones, coz then it feels like a triumph three times!

    Hello everyone from a really wet and windy Scotland . I am off to get my hair done in about an hour . Amazon Happy Birthday when it comes pal . .
    This auld yin is sticking to pounds and stones lol .
    Jojo I was married in 61 and the style then is what they were like in the Grease film .I had flicked hair and velvet hair bands and petticoats with layers and layers of net
    Weight stayed the same this week but clothes are slacker . I always dreamed of being lighter than my OH and I am almost there . I tried his jeans on last night and they fitted me except for them being about a foot too long lol . Fair made my day .

    Welcome all the newbies . THis IS the place to be .

    have to go get ready so I will catch up later 🙂

    Wee xx

    Well, my first week and having been exemplary since Monday, FD days on Mon and Thurs, I succumbed to toast marmalade and Lurpak this morning (Lurpak is my downfall along with Hagan Daaz Ice cream!)

    I know I am allowed what I like within reason on NFD but feel guilty about my piece (actually 4 pieces) of toast.

    Just wanted to share that 🙂


    Afternoon all.

    I went to the supermarket after my doctors appointment this morning (ears scheduled for syringing next week 😮 ) and when I unpacked my shopping a small baguette had sneaked it’s way in Smiley so I’ve just eaten it filled with cheese and pickle.
    Salmon with a green salad for dinner so no damage done 😉

    Smart mart. If you’re just beginning , then the 2 succusful 500 csl days are all you need for success. Any week with two 500 cal days are still a success , I’ve tried 4:3 many times and only had 5:2 by the end of the week , so I never felt guilty about it.

    Marmalade is healthier than most people realize , especially if it has real orange peel in it.
    What I’m noticing is that you like orange! Perhaps further down the road you experiment with other orange recipes that are lower in calories so you can keep the flavor, but dump the calories and guilt. Also with many other food I can only eat on a feed day I keep a list of foods and flavors that I would like to keep eating , but need to eat in beneficial way. For example, I used to eat bologna sandwiches, but now I eat the skipjack without the bread on fast days. I stopped eating bread on and lunch meats on fast days. Then as tweaked the alternative way , started eating the healthier ways of the same thing.
    Oranges the same way. Love em, but I find ways to make them work for fat loss goals.

    There more vitamin c in the white pith than in the juice.

    I eat it this way about once a month.
    I zest the orange off the outside of the a plump orange.
    I then carefully peel the pith away from the juicy wedges.
    I cut the white pith into wedges so they can cup foods.
    I lime to put healthy wasabi/ tuna/ and walnut in the wedges or use the pith wedges like a chip to dip.
    Basically. Doing my best to eat the whole orange on feed days.

    I put the zest on salmon and slow cook.

    After reviewing searching. Health benefits of …. Orange , orange pith , orange zest

    One site offers this. I copied and paste.

    Adding orange zest to a recipe is a great way to improve the flavor, but did you know that there are actually many health benefits of orange peel? Most people simply eat the orange and discard the peel, but they miss out on the nutrition contained in the peel.

    Next time you eat an orange don’t throw away the peel! Instead, zest a little bit of the peel to add to your favorite salad or side dish.

    Here are 7 health benefits of orange peel.

    Heart Health
    Hesperidin is an antioxidant found in oranges and there are very high levels of it in the peel. Hesperidin helps protect the heart by lowering blood pressure and regulating cholesterol levels. Adding a little bit of orange peel shavings do your meals will greatly increase your consumption of hesperidin.

    Digestive Health
    Fiber is an essential element of a healthy digestive system and orange peel contains high amounts of fiber. If you are experiencing constipation, orange peel can help to relieve the constipation. It also promotes healthy bacteria production in the intestines.

    Hangover Cure
    Many people swear by the orange peel hangover cure. Throw some orange peels into boiling water for about 20 minutes, add salt, let cool, and drink.

    Bronchitis Treatment
    To help with bronchitis, place some orange peel in a glass, add hot water, and drink it throughout the day.

    Weight Loss
    High fiber, high nutrient foods are the perfect thing to eat if you want to lose weight. Orange peel provides the fiber and nutrition that you need and it also helps to suppress your appetite. Try drinking orange peel tea if you don’t want to add orange zest to your meals.

    Orange peel will help to reduce chronic inflammation in the body, which can help with many different health conditions like heart disease, arthritis, and cancer.

    Bad Breath Remedy
    If you have bad breath, forget mouthwash and chewing gum. Instead, chew on a piece of orange peel to keep breath fresh.

    Know of any orange peel benefits we’ve missed? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

    🙂 Thanks SAMM

    I think it is time to make a gluten free orange and almond cake. I’m sure the benefits from the whole oranges and ground almonds far outweigh the risks from the sugar 😉

    MMM a recipe to share?? 🙂

    I’ve not made it! A friend made it for my birthday last year. The oranges are boiled whole until tender, cooled and blitzed in a food processor, then mixed with eggs, oil, ground almonds, sugar and I think some baking powder. A syrup made from OJ and sugar is poured over the cooked, still warm cake. It is fab as a dessert with some cream, yoghurt or ice cream and also good cold on it’s own.

    I love reading SAMMs informative posts but there is so much information I’ll never remember it all. I shall have to start writing down the bits that really interest me 🙂


    1 of of many pages on this thread.

    I’ll make a page that covers all thing that are important.
    Accidental, preventable, and age related risks of death.

    Then exercise articles
    then fasting articles
    then nutrition dense foods
    then the differences of fat loss food, health foods, healing foods, pre&probiotic foods, and anti cancer foods.

    each time I learn something I try to put it into a menu on schedule and see if it’s doable.

    For instance. Sprinting

    i now park in the furthest parking spots available and that’s how i fit sprinting into my life.

    Thanks SAMM 😛

    Good Morning Fast Trackers
    Nicky nicky08 Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) 😆
    Well the scales of justice after the 4 days of pure indulgence last weekend was a rather pleasant surprise I have to say – 600g I am bloody rapt 😯 this 19/5 window really is a good fit for me personally and a very doable lifestyle on one meal a day on a non-fast day up to TDEE for a 180cm male 51yo and goal weight of 70kg is 1890cal and it is bloody hard to do on one plate I don’t care if I have some left over calories 😆 Rump steak a big one @ 320grams cooked medium rare 😎 – 2 eggs–veg-grilled tomato is 553 calories and an epic feed trust me 😆 with 1337 calories to spare 💡 all good

    Steak – Rump Steak, 320 g
    250 0 8 44 0 0
    Vegetables – Steamed Mixed Vegetables, 2 cup
    100 18 0 12 0 0
    Generic – Grilled Tomato – 100g, 100 gm
    18 4 0 1 0 2
    Eggs – Poached (whole egg), 2 large
    147 1 10 13 294 1
    Coles – Tomato Sauce, 20 mL
    23 5 0 0 190 5
    Colemans (Holbrooks) Rsa – Worcester Sauce, 25 g
    12 2 0 1 150 2
    Subway – Salt & Pepper, 1 tsp (4.0g)
    3 1 0 0 1,163 0
    Add Food
    Quick Tools
    553 31 18 71 1,797 10

    the 14000 steps a day walking I really enjoy it’s my thinking time whatever the weather although the warmer/hotter the better for me. Agh gee lunch on the beach does remind me of a scene from the film Shirley Valentine I have to say 😆 Nama you are spot on “you wouldn’t be dead for quids” 😆 enjoy the Yum Cha I have not had the pleasure of the experience as yet 😳 Lorne the home of the Falls Festival for New Year’s great adventure their 😉 AO the anticipated new chook run and fun is addictive that’s grand parenting 101 right there loveya work happy days
    Ok losers you know who you are 😆 have great weekend with
    Peace love & happiness RT

    Morning fellow fasters, hoping to have another lovely day here. Off to get the chooks this morning but collecting granddaughters on the way (will be a big surprise for them, they just think they’re going to see their Dad’s favourite cousin). I want to get the chooks while there’s lot of daylight for them to get used to/settle into their new home.

    Smart the beauty of this way of life (WOL) is that it is free choice on non-fast days (non-FDs) and over time you will find your choices change, I know mine have and many of the others in here have too, the only thing I did was on FDs work my way down from between 500 & 600 calories (when first starting) to 400 or less calories, in the beginning I did count everything everyday, however I don’t count calories per se on non-FDs I just ensure that I do not go over my goal weight TDEE with my food choices as over time you get to know what everything and their portion size is in calories. I know if I do go over that I will either not have a loss or only a very small loss or may even have a slight gain. Although having said that on Fridays I eat whatever I want. The other thing I do (again this is me, you may have something else that works for you) is each 18:6 that means every day I eat within a 6 hour window, often it’s less than that but I rarely eat outside the 6 hour window. So, I have lunch (when I have it) at 1:30 to 2:00pm then eat my main meal around 7pm and that’s it, no more food that day. On FD’s I have one meal per day only unless I have a Bovril/Bonox type drink when really struggling (which I do less and less now).

    I’ll step down off my soap box now 😆 and will chat more later 🙂

    Alas, I cannot take credit for the “Jeans of Truth”. I read that on Facebook on a 5:2 thread. I thought it was awesome and have been spreading it around to those who could use a boost after a disappointing outing with the scale!

    Lori that’s why I measure too as sometimes the scales either don’t move or don’t move in the right direction BUT the tape measure continues to reduce 🙂 Still like the Jeans of Truth though, very apt 😀

    Hi Lori (and Bootsy),

    I’ve been kicking around on the forum forum for a good few months now, and seem to remember that there were some ‘trousers of truth’ for a while last year. I’m holding out for hosiery of honesty or culottes of candour though…

    Yes, trousers of truth is an old one, but a good one (Max Smart). And we must not forget “dresses of desire”. 🙂 Purple

    Ha ha P, I have a dress of desire hanging on my wardrobe as we ‘speak’. It is my goal size, and fits me now, so why ‘desire’…? The weather won’t be good enough for another 4 months!

    I was like that with summer dresses Happy. Then, when summer came, they were too big! I found the same as a favourite, in a smaller size, on special, last week. Win! 🙂 P

    The smaller clothes are my favorite part! I have donated so many items, including some favorites. I have a few nice skirts that I am going to tailor. I just joined this service called Stitch Fix, where you enter all your size informations and preferences and look at lots of photos of clothes and say whether you like them or not. Then, a stylist puts together a box of five items for you and sends them by mail, along with photos of ideas about how to wear them. You can keep any or all. Whatever you don’t want gets sent back in a postage-paid package they include. I loved everything in my first “fix”, and it is great fun anticipating the package and trying everything on! I got a chevron print dress, a striped tunic top with a longer chiffon hem, some dark skinny jeans, a butter-soft faux-leather jacket, and a necklace. All what I would consider my style, but each a little different and not necessarily what I would pick out myself. Really flattering on as well. I signed up for every other month, so we will see what March brings!

    Well it’s a size 8, and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be size 6! So it’d better bl**dy fit when May arrives! I always have my creaky padded bra to fall back on if the pancakes get any flatter…

    Ply, the smaller clothes are not my favourite part! It’s expensive! And some of my chubby frumpy clothes are barely worn (let alone worn out!).

    My favourite part would be the bit where the elves altered all my clothes in the night…

    Hi all,

    This clothes talk is helping me to resist buying at the sales. Must wait til goal to spend too much! My belt is my best friend at present.

    Amazon/Smart the flourless Orange &Almond cake is my favourite and I always make it for special occasions, it looks beautiful on a nice platter, decorated with fresh flowers from the garden (roses and lavender look great) and all dusted with icing sugar. I can post the recipe if you want it. I did laugh at the sneaky baguette getting into your bag, it deserved to be eaten!

    SAMM thanks so much for all your info, very good of you to post it all in a special spot. Michael M will have you on the payroll next!

    AO I didn’t get round to congratulating you re your great loss this last week, you are a star! Have fun with the chooks!

    Weeman enjoy the hairdresser. Thanks for the giggle re trying on your husbands jeans! Very funny mental picture! He will have to hide his clothes from you! I often buy men’s jumpers because I have long arms and need the extra length, plus they are cheaper!

    Jojo the fishnet stockings sound very sexy! Thanks for reminder re Twiggy, is she really still working, that’s incredible. She was gorgeous in the 60’s!

    RT I am glad you didn’t do too much damage, but it was well worth it! That is why this plan is so amazing, we don’t give up when we trip up! Love the movie Shirley Valentine, especially when she gives the husbands steak to the neighbours dog! Our beach lunch wasn’t quite that romantic, school holidays and kids everywhere, but it was still beautiful with amazing weather and magnificent ocean very close. And I had a scotch fillet with fries and a beer, heaven! Hence the fast today with the Yum Cha looming tomorrow! Luckily my weekly weigh is Tues am (after mon fast, I am not stupid)!

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend, let me know if you want the orange cake recipe. X

    Morning all, I’m glad it’s not a FD for me with all the talk of orange cake… yum, one of my favourites too. Have indulged in a baby breakfast burger at the local farmer’s market this morning (no babies harmed in the making of the burger) and came home with lots of fresh goodies for the weekend. Ply, the stitch fix sounds like a great idea – are you in the UK? I’d love to be more adventurous with clothes so something like that would be a great way to do it (rather like book club, which I love cause it makes me read books I’d never choose and would have missed). Today I am going to make tomato sauce, tomato relish and passata as I picked up a large box of sauce tomatoes this morning and the weather is perfect for it. Also have a cumquat laden with fruit, waiting to be turned into marmalade. I’m feeling very domestic goddess-y today 🙂 I love ‘the jeans of truth too but it kind of backfired on me – after a week in smaller jeans I ended up feeling fat & bloated (forgetting that some months ago I couldn’t even get them on) so I think till now the baggier clothes have made me feel lighter/good about the loss. Given I don’t want to end up looking like a bag lady, I’ll just have to keep reminding myself they aren’t tight because I’m getting fatter, they tight because I’m getting thinner 🙂 Ah, the psychology of weight loss. Have a lovely weekend all.

    Hi Amazon

    Just watched fun Woodies doubles match live at Oz Open. Lovely hot day. 😉 Bay

    Hi Bay,

    Are the woodies still playing doubles for real or was it a warm up/exhibition game? Keep a hat on today!

    Made through to bed time no eating. Just teas of all sorts. I’m a hungry jack!

    Going to bed to sleep on hunger.

    morning will be a bowl of pumpkin in oat bran.
    moving barly to the gluten list of foods to avoid for me myself and I.
    Also soy is moved to the banned foods list .

    May experiment with avocado and oat bran .
    I like to dip food on feed days. Hummus made healthy is a staple, but may be nice to start finding other dips . I find it very easy to blend in some of the health foods into the dip or as the scoop. So thing like lemon pith I can’t figure what to do with . So it typically goes in the hummus dips .

    So will be experimenting also on my saturday cooking time. Using the oat bran in places where I used to eat rice. Thinking shrimp, oatbran, avocado, walnut in a tumeric/coconut paper wrap..

    I love my saturday lunch experiments. Its my time to try fast day foods. If I like and enjoy them I move them over to fast days.

    Coconut paper wraps sound interesting Samm.
    OH nodded when I read your post re shifting soy to banned. He says “Soy is evil” !!!
    Just finished prawns, salad and wine on our holiday verandah overlooking the sea. Stunning day.
    You’d enjoy this Samm, we’ve just been on a river cruise here and OH kept ogling people’s yachts muttering “Lucky people” as we sold ours last year. P

    Hi Nama

    Woodies and other legends playing for fun. They were hugely entertaining, particularly LeConte and Woodbridge. Both had a ball. And so did the crowd. 🙄

    Beautiful 28C sunshine with breeze all day. We walked along the Yarra River under the trees. Melbourne is so lovely in Summer. 😉

    Yes, please to the GF orange almond cake recipe.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Purple, your holiday sounds as good as mine 😉

    Amazon, we watched the Canadian Raonic win in straight sets. And the French girl Cornet lose her match. They are all such strong and entertaining players. But that’s my once a year day at the tennis. 😉 Bay

    Hi Bay,

    Sounds like a lovely day at the tennis! Hope Jojo doesn’t expel me for putting cake recipes on her thread, but it’s healthy, just ask SAMM about oranges!

    Boil 2 oranges for 45 mins. Drain water and cool oranges. Put in blender and blend all to a pulp, including skins. Beat 6 eggs and one cup of sugar. Add orange pulp, 200g almond meal, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence.
    Grease and line 9in springform tin, bake in moderate oven one hour. Can ice with lemon icing or just dust with icing sugar. Yum with whipped cream, but I didn’t say that! Very moist and freezes well.

    Morning all.

    Blue sky, sunshine but cold this morning.

    I love hearing about everyone’s clothes experiences. I have a sleeveless LBD that I bought a very long time ago, too tight in fact I couldn’t do the zip up. It has sat in the wardrobe lonely and unloved for 20 odd years. It is sleeveless, fitted and knee length so the style is timeless. I tried it on last week and it is a bit snug, but I can do it up. I am looking forward to wearing it very soon. There is a black lacy skirt that has been in the wardrobe even longer, and I know I’ve worn it once or twice. I can’t believe my waist was ever that small……………..

    I’m going out for dinner tonight so am trying not to eat until then but I’m having visions of toast with marmalade. Now who was it who mentioned that yesterday 😆

    Have a great day/evening everyone.

    PS, I hope someone takes a photo of Jojo in the 60s outfit so we can see how good she looks in it!

    Woodies were playing a Legends match.

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