Little Voices January 2016 Accountability

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Little Voices January 2016 Accountability

This topic contains 339 replies, has 38 voices, and was last updated by  SDS 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I have 11 signed up for our January accountability challenge (names below). Object – plan your fasts and stick to them and stay within your TDEE for non fast days. Weigh at beginning and post your starting point (if you want) and weigh at end (by all means post weight lost weekly throughout the month if you wish) but we are focusing on sticking to our fast days and TDEE on non fast days rather than numbers on the scales. Hopefully the end results will reflect the effort. I want to know week by week if you kept to the plan, how did you manage it, what did you think while doing your fast days – what went wrong if you didn’t and what can you do next week to make up or make sure you don’t go off track again.

    Tell us if you are incorporating exercise into your routine.

    Start date is Monday January 4th end date is Sunday January 31st.

    Already signed up
    Me (Coda)
    Golden Sun
    Third time lucky

    Again here is the link for the blank calendar – you really have no excuse!
    customise it for the month you want

    For me I am committing to 3 fast days a week for the month of January – Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I have written them into my calendar and this should get 2016 off to a good start.I will be posting my starting weight after weighing in on Monday morning (4th)and will post my final weight on Monday 1 February.

    What days are you committing to?

    Hi Coda

    Please could I join in? Feel like I will need extra motivation for Jan after a very busy couple of weeks of eating!!

    I do my fast days on a Monday and a Thursday

    Hope you had a good Xmas.


    Hello Coda, I would like to join as well. I do my fast days on Monday and Thursday. Happy New Year!

    Hello Coda,
    Would love to participate in your challenge.


    Hi there 🙂 Could I please join?! being apart of this I think would help massively


    Hi Welcome Bethel, Billybunter, Jo15 and Summer2016 and glad to see all but one (you know who you are)!! have put some info on your profile. Go on put on some information about you and a goal of what you would like to achieve. Previously on Little Voices challenges the focus has been on what weight you would like to loose for the month and while setting a goal is good – something to aim for – I found if I didn’t quite achieve it I felt a bit down. So for this challenge I decided to change the focus this month from a number on the scale (some of our members are almost or are at their overall goal, so their weight loss has slowed somewhat) to the number of fasts. I am hoping if the focus is on the fasts you commit to each week and you stick to your TDEE for your non fast days then you will not only see results on the scale but also in your clothes and if you don’t need to loose anymore you will still get a sense of achievement in sticking to the plan you made at the start of the month.
    Have you marked in your fast days on your calendar, do you need to add an extra day in there – go on push yourself – have you checked your TDEE? Are you ready to weigh in on Monday and begin? Lets go for it!

    I have put 12 fast days in for the month of January eating between 400-457 on fast days (quarter of my TDEE). TDEE varies between 1830 & 1598 depending if I get out running. I am pushing myself this month to 3 fd’s a week rather than my normal 2.

    Give me your total fast days for the month of January – and don’t forget perhaps add an additional one somewhere – just to push yourself a little 🙂
    Write them in and commit! Remember you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step!

    Hi there – I would like to join.
    Fast days will be mon, Tuesday and Thursday
    I will weigh in Monday 4th and post my stats.


    Hi Mrs Pepperpot welcome. I see there is no info on your profile – go on tell us a bit about yourself, where do you live and any goal you may have.

    I’m committed to Mon, Thu for my fast days, will attempt one additional Wed(13th Jan) as a stretch goal. I’ll post my stats on Monday.

    Thanks for the motivational challenge, just what I needed.


    Well done Billyb.for committing – if you haven’t already write your fast days into a calendar. Link is in one of the posts above for blank ones you can print and use. Now I want you and everyone to visualaise. I want you to think how you will feel as you get each fast day under your belt (yes even before you begin the challenge). If at all you think you can’t or it is going to be hard, rub that thought out and replace with can and see yourself finishing the day successfully. We are preparing to succeed in our challenge!

    Hi Billyb. I make that 9 fast days? If everyone could give me their total fast days for the month please? If you are doing 2 each week that should be 8 in total but if you would just confirm and think about what Billyb is doing and put in an extra one – because you can do it! That way you have written it down and the first step to being accountable!
    Plan what you are going to have for your calorie allowance on your first fast day, when are you having it – do you space it out or do you have it all in one go? I have one meal in the evening of my fast – a few slices of red onion fried in 1/2 tsp of butter, one can of heinz tomato soup, pour into a bowl and top with 1/2 oz of cheese – delicious and well within my calories – sometimes I even push the boat out and have a slice of ryvita!
    Don’t know if any of you use myfitnesspal – this helps keep track of calories and you can scan food labels to get the calorie content. This month I would like you all to keep a rough track of calories on your non fast days. Do you all know your TDEE? Remember take the first step – plan and visualise (that may be two steps) but this is the start of your journey lets get it off to a good start!

    Remember – ‘I think – therefore I am’! You are what you think you are – start thinking of success – you will complete every fast day, you will keep within your TDEE and you know what – you will!

    Hi Coda, I’m going to commit to 12 fast days from the 4th to the 31st (Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week). I fell off the plan over the past week and I’m ready to get back to it. I’m going to try the one meal in the evening approach so we will be fasting twins.

    Welcome to the new folks and good luck to all!

    Mrs Pepperpot is that 12 fast days for you too for the month of January?

    Hi Fastinlady – good to hear from you! Well done for committing! I like the idea of being fasting twins lol.

    Well done Jo15 you have been doing well as I see from your profile lol!

    Mrs Pepperpot – you have been through a tough time and still not out the other end just yet but you will get there! It is good you have set mini goals – this gives you something to aim for while reaching for the ultimate goal. It’s also good that while all the horrible stuff is happening you are taking control of other aspects of your life, ready for when the other stuff is done and dusted.
    What part of the world are you living in? Perhaps just one wee thing to tweak – you say you will try to do 3 fast days per week – what about I will do 3 fast days per week?

    Knowing is not enough – we must apply. Willing is not enough – we must do!

    Hi CODA, and welcome to all the new names. New Years Day here in New Zealand, so a great day for resolutions, usually not kept, but with Little Voices it’s a different result!

    Great to see so many making the commitment to accountability. Where are you ACTION? Missing in action at the moment it seems 😉

    I’ve had a terrible run of failing to stick to my fast days or within TDEE since we finished the Christmas Challenge so it’s back on the horse for me! CODA put me down for 10 January fast days, starting from the 4th. I also commit to a dry January 🙏 except for 4 social occasions 🍸already planned.

    Happy New Year Chipmunk – glad to see a familiar name. I have put you down for 10 fast days – good for you and good luck with most of a dry January!

    A few of the ones who signed up have yet to commit to the number of fast days – let me know how many you are committing to?

    Don’t know where Action is either – hope everything is ok – it is not like him at all 🙁

    For those you have already celebrated the dawning of the new year and those who have yet to welcome it in, may 2016 be a good one!

    Remember as you think, so shall you become!! Think slim, think positive, think success, think you can do it – a step at a time begins all journeys. x

    May I join please. I’ve been fasting since July but had a pretty gaping blip through since mid- October- gosh, much longer than I thought! I live in Egypt, currently visiting parents in England but back to normal on 7th, planning 3 fasts a week, M/We/F, so 12 in total. Happy new year everyone, may 2016 be healthier and happier!

    Happy New Year everyone. I’d love to join you too. I’m keen to get back to fasting after the Christmas excesses. Will fast tomorrow then Mon, Tues & Thurs weekly. I’ve really missed that fasting feeling! I live in the UK, started 5:1 in Nov and lost 9 lbs before Christmas, dreading the scales but know I’ll quickly get it off again.

    Thanks Coda, I just discovered myfitnesspal, will be eating clean and adding my foods to this little app.

    Best Wishes to all for 2016!


    Happy New Year to Everyone! Hope that 2016 brings success, health and joy to us all.

    A big warm welcome to new Little Voice members. I’m sure you will find this forum friendly, supportive and motivating.

    I am committing to 8 fast days during this challenge. I haven’t scheduled exercises for thischallenge yet but that will be done by the 4th 🙂 I’m contemplating doing the plank challenge again. Here is the link again for new members.

    Warm wishes

    Hi, All,

    I’m going to be back from my holiday in Cuba on January 13, so I will check in here after that. In the meantime, happy new year!

    Hi, can I join up? Need to lose the two kilos put on over Christmas break. It wasn’t so much the eating, but the sitting around got me!! I am committing to 12 fast days this month and planning an exercise regime starting with 10,000 steps a day. The great thing about this year was that I didn’t panic about those extra kilos because I knew once I got down to business we will soon be parting company!! I find that not eating on fast days until tea time is so much easier, as once I start it’s hard to stop, and nobody notices during the day and that way I can eat a decent meal at night, and if I’m on my own for tea I can have a 400 cal frozen dinner and not have to cook! I only had out all the treats on Xmas day, after that, I only left the ones out that I can leave alone! It stopped the endless snacking! Everything else has been put in the freezer, cut into little portions to enjoy on my non fast days. So this week I will be fasting on Monday, Thursday and Saturday, after that it’s back to Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so good luck everyone.

    Hi welcome aboard Jessie, Rommy and Zen – I have put you each down for 12 fasts for month of January.
    I think the past couple of days have been the worst for me as I seem to have been snacking more and am looking forward to getting back into a routine and getting back on track to begin the next part of my journey.
    I haven’t heard from a few of our previous little voices that said they would join this challenge as to how many fast days they are committing to and some of our previous members have not been back on this forum for a while. I hope to hear from you again as I know I found your input helpful when I joined little voices back in July.
    I hope you are visualising the new you and visualising your first fast as to how successful it is going to be.
    Well done to those committing to exercise as well as fasts – write it into your çallendar like any appointment you need to keep.
    That’s a good idea about putting things into the freezer, I have some chocolates I could put away there – out of sight out of mind.

    I’m commiting to 8 fast days for the month. I always do Monday’s and then either Wednesday or Thursday depending on plans for the week. I always decide at the beginning of the week which day though as otherwise there is temptation not to commit fully!
    I also try to go for a run twice a week, on a Wednesday and then on Saturday or Sunday. I find doing exercise really helps me focus on what I’m eating as there is no point in going for a run if you eat rubbish afterwards.

    I know that this month is about commiting to fast days and keeping on target for non fast days but I’m also going to set myself a goal of 5lbs lose as it helps me to have a target!

    Hope everyone had a good new year, I’m looking forward to Monday, feeling sluggish after the food and booze excesses!

    Hi everyone, hope your Christmas and New Years were great. I see lots of new names which is exciting. Coda will be fasting Monday, Wednesday, Friday starting this week so 12 fast days in total. I was pretty good through the holidays but I am a little fluffy. Hope to trim up. Good luck everyone. Let’s crush this

    I’d like to join, it’s been a while since I followed the programme. I had success before and in spectacular fashion I’ve undone all the previous achievements. Moving on and starting fresh, I’m currently overweight by the equivalent weight of my two year old son 😲. For both my family and I, I need to promote and encourage a healthier lifestyle.

    I commit to 12 fast days

    Hi Running north glad to hear from you again, what is the weather like in your part of the world at the moment? and welcome back Nirvana!
    Jo I am sure if you stick to your fasts and stick within your Tdee on non fast days you will attain that goal of 5lbs. It does help to have goals within goals. The big ultimate one but lots of mini ones to achieve along the way.
    When I started this plan I wrote down on a card my starting weight and then went down in 500g increments. As I achieved that weight I wrote the date I attained it. I also use the tracker on this site, I can see the blips along the way but I can see the overall downward trend.
    I also want each of you to think if you are having a tough time what would you say to someone in the same position. Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and we should treat ourselves with the same consideration we would show to others but remember visualise success – see yourself tick off your fast days on your calendar, give yourself a gold star and as each fast day is achieved you will feel your clothes looser and you will be invigorated to succeed.
    For any rugby people out there, when Jonny Wilkinson lined the ball up for the final kick of the match the year England won the RWC. He had visualised that same moment time and time agaiñ in his mind. So make sure each night as you drift off to sleep you see yourself completing this challenge and how you will feel at the end. you may not be winning the RWC but what you will achieve for yourself may be even more important, a healthy body and happy mind.

    To date I have 21 names signed up to this challenge but only 13 have committed a number of fast days. I know Mary is on holidays and will be joining in later but where are the others?

    Hi there Coda

    I commit to 12 fast days for January
    Thank you

    I love that this is an international forum because somewhere out there while you’re sleeping a friend is typing a message of support and encouragement. Just like this morning I sat down to my porridge opened up the tablet and found lots of encouraging messages throughout this forum. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In this instance it is because even if you’re on a fast day and abstaining from breakfast you can catch up on the support of others and lay down the foundations for your day ahead. That’s what I’ve just done, it took no more than 30 minutes was completely free and really positive.

    Hi Coda and everyone here, newbies and oldies (meant nicely)! Great to see that little voices is going strong and giving lots of support to everyone. I too am worried about Action, wherefore art thou? I do hope my and Ups suggestion of taking a peak at your bronzed, toned 6 pack hasn’t put you off joining in. It really was just a giggle over a delicious meal and fun get together that we remarked how we have a picture in our minds about various people, and what they would think of us, after unloading all the pounds. Please come back Action, we miss you and your words of wisdom. Do hope you are well.
    I have managed to increase by 2.5 lbs over the holidays. Too much rich food, of course, not too much drink, no exercise, etc, etc, and we are just on our way out for Sunday lunch – the last big meal of the season. Can’t wait to get back into my routine and fasting again tomorrow. I am fasting Monday’s and Thursday’s. So 8 days this month. My aim will be to cut my calories down to 1/4 of my TDEE instead of sticking to 500 cals. I only have an evening meal on fast days, so I should be able to do this. I think it works out to less than 400 cals. Back to exercising again this week too. I shall have to change things around, as I am working part time again, and never know my hours till the week before. My aim is to get to goal of 9 stone, preferably by the end of January, so a reduction of 5 pounds is what I’m going for.
    Do hope all you newbies find the support you need on this thread, it’s a great group of people, and we are all here for one another.l. Here’s to a slim and healthy 2016. TTL

    Hi Coda, the weather here has been surprisingly above 0 the last couple days. I blame global warming for 0 degrees in the arctic. It has made cross country skiing and ice fishing very plesent. I just wanted to add to the shout out for action. I hope he has enjoyed his holidays and comes back to join the group soon.

    Nice to hear from you TTL I have you down for 8 fasts and well done on working within your tdee. I have Mrs Pepperpot 12 and still waiting confirmation from foomsy,GL502,S1u2e3, SDS, Summer2016 and upagumtree.
    For those beginning their first committed fast of 2016 on Monday 4 January – ask yourself if what you are going to do that day is going to get you closer to where you want to be the next day, the next week, the end of the month?
    Good luck everyone and remember if you are having a difficult day put it in writing here first before you break your fast or eat something not planned. You usually feel better and someone maybe available to offer you the words of encouragement you need. Sometimes we have a mental tantrum, we want foods we know we don’t really want but with this plan you can have them – tomorrow and you know what, by the time tomorrow comes the tantrum has passed and we can say no quite easily and stick to the plan. Think of the reasons why you are doing this and visualise! If you are tempted what is your plan? A glass of water? A quick run up some stairs? Do you have any strategies you can pass onto others that have worked for you in the past?
    Looking forward to recording a 100% success rate for first fasts – let me know daily or weekly whatever suits and you can post a starting weight if you like or keep it to yourself.

    Meant to say Mrs pepperpot well done for the change from I will try, to committing to 12 fasts. Just take them one at a time, breaking them into smaller goals. If you do one you can do 2 and then 3 – you then have completed 1 week and if you can do 1 week you can do 2!
    Running north I think I would just hibernate lol!

    Hi Coda
    Please sign me up.
    Yes, I too gained 5 lbs but after all I did eat a lot of chocolates.
    Have fasted Jan 2 and today so have a head start for the beginning day of Jan 4.
    My starting weight is 160lb today.
    I do not have a weight goal but I do have a goal of getting off a medication which I think is causing my hair to fall out. So I am fasting fairly heavily.

    I apologize for not reading posts before posting my own.
    So, I see you want a number of fasting days as a commitment. Well I too do not want to be disappointed if I do not meet my goal.
    I am, therefore, not totally committed to you for my goal to myself. That goal at the moment is a reversed 5:2 – 5 days fast and 2 days eating. It may change partway through the month depending on how it is going and how I am feeling. I know it is quite a goal but I truly want to be medication free so I can keep my hair.
    This week my goal is 7 days fasting but of course 2 of those days are before your start day.
    If I can get off the medication that will be meeting my true goal for the month.

    Happy and SUCCESSFUL 2016 everyone!!!!!!

    Hi everyone, first day of fasting today down under. One of my food control tricks is to measure out my allowable snacks and pt them in a container, that way theres no misjudgement or underestimating. the internet is a wonderful thing, whilst looking up the calories in cherries I found that they are also recommended for gout, having had a sore first joint in my index finger off and on for a couple of years, that I put down to arthritis it made me wonder whether this was the problem. looking into it further I found the symptoms were the same, also found out that apple cider vinager could help, so I will be trying that for a while, i know it wont hurt and should also help my weight loss. I try to stay away from prescription medications when I can as I believe the more I use them, the more lazy my immunity system becomes.Like everything else, if you dont use it, you lose it.
    so goal for today is fast day of 500 cals or thereabouts and 10,000 steps. as its already noon here and im only up to 1208 steps I will have to set my alarm on phone every hour to make sure I do 1000 per hour. Have fun everyone and enjoy the day.

    Hi all, despite a bad start to January in that I have bronchitis, the silver lining is total lack of appetite! This means that I already have 2 of my committed 13 fasts under my belt and have already lost the 3lbs I put on over Christmas. Wishing you all a successful fasting January, and no bronchitis!

    Hope you feel better soon Zen – nice to hear from you PJBR – why not commit to 12 fast days for the month of January and if you do more then all well and good but at least you have a commitment? Sometimes it is better to take things slow and steady.
    I weighed in this morning at 76.1 which is a gain of 1kg – not too bad as in previous years I could have gained 3kg over Christmas. Rommy I have heard cider vinegar is very good to drink per say but I stick to my hot lemon every morning but maybe one day I will put in a splash of cider vinegar. Another wet and grey morning here in Northern Ireland – this has been the wettest Christmas I remember and it doesn’t seem like stopping 🙁

    Sign me up please, Coda. I’m committing to 12 fast days for January (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). I’ve done the odd half-hearted fast over the last few weeks while indulging in Christmas treats. The result is a 5 lb gain. Today, I feel motivated to start afresh for the new year.

    Happy fasting to all starting today!

    Hi Pickypixie – welcome aboard! Looking forward to hearing from all those who started their first fast today that they have succeeded successfully and their first fast is under their belt.

    To those who have missed Action Hero I received this reply from someone who knows him. Hi Coda. I cannot report from personal sightings, but his next-door neighbour commented on Friday that she had glimpsed him in his home office, hard at work. So do not fear, he will return I’m sure, and is probably lurking on the Little Voices thread when he can spare a moment. 🙂

    Hopefully we will hear from him soon.

    Those signed up are listed below and days committed if confirmed – If I have missed you out let me know.

    Bethel 8
    Billybunter 9
    Chipmunk 10
    Coda 12
    Fastinlady 12
    Foomsy – nothing confirmed
    GL502 – nothing confirmed
    Goldensun 8
    Jessie6 12
    Jo15 8
    MaryWWriter – will join when she returns from Cuba
    Mrs Pepperpot 12
    Nirvana78 12
    Picky Pixie 12
    PJBR 12
    Rommy5163 12
    Runningnorth 12
    S1u2e3 – nothing confirmed
    SDS – nothing confirmed
    Summer2016 – nothing confirmed
    Thirdtimelucky 8
    Upagumtree – nothing confirmed
    Zen123 12

    Remember for accountability in January, non fast days are to be included and monitored. No point in committing to fast days if you blow caution to the wind on non fast days – it defeats the purpose somewhat.

    Your only limit is you and if you stop being afraid and thinking of what could go wrong and think of what could go right – you will achieve a very positive January and a great start to 2016.

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