July 2017 31 Day Challenge

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July 2017 31 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,994 replies, has 126 voices, and was last updated by  Chitown Gal 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • @bert1802.
    I grow beetroot up the allotment and pick the newest leaves off the growing crop to add to our salads turns out it’s one of the richest sources of potassium.
    I’ve never really worried about vitamins and minerals too much as my diet has always been full of fruit and veg. I think where I went wrong is portion sizes refined carbs and sugars. Hopefully lesson learned.

    Day 14/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    Day 13, USA Kansas, FD

    Day 12 was an unexpected FD in that I was so busy that I didn’t eat anything… until dinner time on Day 13. I could have made today a nfd, but my stomach wasn’t up to handling more than the 800 calories today anyway. I’m most likely going to be ravenous tomorrow as a result.

    Day 14 – Tokyo, Japan – FD 84kg

    Been a busy week.

    Day 14 – Mornington Peninsula Australia – NFD

    Day 13, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD

    Hello all, the end of a long – exhausting – productive – fun day.

    Still maintaining, just had a hot bubble bath and a glass of wine so I am ready for bed.

    Wishing all well.

    Day 14 | Sydney Australia | FD

    Trying for a 3rd fasting day in a row today. That will make 6 fasting days for the month so far.

    Broccoli with melted cheese mid morning was perfect. Followed by fresh strawberries.

    I don’t feel hungry, weak or light-headed at all. If I “hit the wall” I will break the fast, but as long as I’m feeling this good I can’t see any need to.

    Day 14 | Brisbane | FD

    Day 14 – Nuremberg (but travelling back to UK this afternoon – FD
    Hoping for a successful fast day today but not sure how well it will go whilst travelling. I have a 2.5hr train journey followed by a flight back to London. Will have yoghurt and fruit for breakfast and then have a meal replacement shake and protein bar to have later. First time I’ve tried with eating breakfast and with not proper food. I don’t want to make a habit of it but let’s see how I do today.

    Day 14, UK, NFD

    Thanks to everyone showing support during my plateu period. Appreciate it.

    Weight this morning back to where I was on the 12th.

    Day 14 UK CD

    All’s well…

    Day 14 UK FD

    Day 14 – UK- FD

    Day 14 – Northumberland, UK – CD

    Must get back on track today after a blowout kind of week, but BBQ later so fast day is probably out.

    Day 14 Belfast (well Wicklow ) NFD
    Overindulged yesterday in the sunshine on elderflower cider.  Oops
    @bert  living in a RV/trailer = life on a plateau – too many indulgences!  I’d need to get to maintenance first!  My downfall for sure!
    Flour baby bon voyage!
     @metatauta Dublin is a very different city from the 70s – very vibrant and cosmopolitan and Wicklow is very beautiful. My future lies here as both my boys have serious relationships with Dubs. YS is has bought a house here and oldest son is moving here soon too to be with his girl.  Both boys went travelling to Canada with a visa for two years and met Dublin girls.  The rest is history as they say.  In this global world, from a selfish point of view, I’m glad they’re going to be just down the road rather than a big flight away, although I’d never stand in their way.
    @lilymartin I share your fat cells! Lol!
     @basyjames I read that too and have cut the diet drinks.  The enemy creeps up from behind!
    @coda have’nt seen the low GI bread – will keep my eyes peeled, not that I need any other temptations!
    Welcome @ellie Rainbow. Great support here on this forum
    @SteveToonTaxidriver for the tip about beetroot leaves.  I have some growing in my veggie plot so I’ll try that.
    Aiming to have a more controlled day today.
    Onwards and downwards!

    Day 14 – FIN – NFD

    I came in at around 460 kcal on yesterday’s fast (a ready-to-eat meat soup for lunch followed by a banana, an apple and a few cashew nuts as snack and 200 g curd with a tsp of honey and cocoa powder for dinner; 2,5 l water), and was met with 59.9 kg on the scales this morning. Not bad when taking into account that I was up at 61.3 kg on Tuesday morning. I might do a weigh in on Sunday as well just to get back to my usual weigh in schedule…

    Day 14, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Registered a new low this morning (133.5lbs). Today and the weekend will be controlled.

    I have a question. If one only eats one meal in a 36 hour period – albeit 1000 – 1100 calories – does it still qualify as a fast day? My thinking is that the body still gets the fasting time to do all the important repair work – it would just mean that any weight loss would happen more slowly.

    Welcome @ellie Rainbow – I believe you are the first challenger from Cork since I joined in February.
    @molij & @hannahwatto – well done on your great progress 🙂
    Enjoy your holiday @awilson – may you have lovely weather for it.
    @basyjames – yes, aspartame is part of the whole food industry wide scam on how to lose weight. Whilst my journey has been slow – 13.5lbs in 5.5 months, I eat full fat greek yogurt vs all those fat free aspartame sweetened products that I used to cram my fridge with. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to eat proper food and eradicate weight too. So much more sustainable.
    @big_bill – such a simple idea but sounds delicious – Broccoli & melted cheese – lovely.
    On the RV debate. Our plan is to buy a van (would love a VW if we can afford it) and OH will fit it out himself. After finishing the house refurb and shortly the garden build, he will need another project. Our doggie is not getting any younger and it will be lovely to take her with us on holiday.
    How’s your week going @lynzm?

    “Don’t use the weekend as an excuse to give up on your goals” – author unknown. And after me repeat 100 times on the hour every hour……

    Day 14, Gozo, Malta, fd

    I’m at the hospital with my granddaughter. Today the pediatrician might send her home. Yesterday evening her drip was taken off and she’s eating toast, rice cakes and drinking water now.

    Today I weighed 66,8 kilos and today is a fast day for me.

    Onwards and downwards have a great Friday everyone

    Day 14, Wales UK, NFD

    Scales up 0.2lb today after good FD! May have to give up weigh ins till 1st August.

    Day 14, Belfast NFD
    Day 13, NFD
    Day 12, NFD
    Day 11, NFD

    It’s holiday tine in NI, so have been overindulging (slightly 😜). Family barbecues and so on.
    Hope a few big walks with the dogs will help work it all off.
    Hope everyone is well….I must catch up on these posts!
    Good luck today!

    Day 14 – France – NFD

    While others are marching up the Champs Elysees, I’ve been making washing liquid and toilet cleaner. Yes … bank holiday today!
    Weigh day: Nothing, zero, nada. Am I already hitting a plateau after 5 weeks? Almost broke my FD yesterday, felt frustrated and tired and the biscuit tin was just a whim away. Soooo, while debating with Self, I read and re-read your posts, old and new. And got over it, so thank you team!

    @Strawberriesandcream oh dear, it’s already weekend for me and I seriously feel like eating something naughty. If I do, I’ll think about you!
    @awilson I’ve only used coconut flour but imagine it would work with other types. I’m really going for low GI, to combat my blood sugar issue, and even for bechamel sauce, etc I use chickpea flour or barley … all very nice. Let me know how you get on.

    Have a great day x

    Day 14 Newcastle UK NFD.

    Day 12-13-14 – Scotland – NFD
    What a disaster…What’s happening???

    @strawberries. Really depends what you are trying to achieve when you say youre “fasting”. Also depends what you are eating to break your fast. If you broke your fast with dinner then next day and it was 24 or more hours then maybe you would have got to a ketogenic state. Maybe? Initially it was taking me 48 hours to get to a ketotic state. It now takes me 24 hours, so Im in ketosis for a solid 12 hours before breaking my fast. Buy yourself a BG meter that also measures ketones and see if you are able to get into ketosis. Watch some you tube videos by Valter Longo on the subject.

    Morning all!

    Day 14, London U.K., FD

    Yesterday was supposed to be my FD but hubby came back from the States jet lagged and couldn’t face it so we delayed a day. Looking like I’m losing a lb a week but main thing is im sticking to my goal of two fast days a week to start with and not finding it impossible!

    Having a very small late breakfast today as I have a buggy fit class at 12. First time I’ll have excercised on a FD so hopefully I won’t pass out!

    Good luck today Fasters!

    Day 14……Florida…..FD

    Good Morning! Thank goodness today is the last working day of the week. I’m done about over it. It was an odd eating day for me as well and to. Be honest not sure if I actually could consider it a FD. Only because I know I was over calorie wise but my eat times we odd. I was in a fasted state from 7:30 pm until 12:00pm the next day. Ate a small but filling lunch then I was in fasted state from 12:30pm until 9:30pm. My belly started to feel better and I was craving marmalade on toast. So, I had two slices. I’ve haven’t eaten that late in ages! Today is definitely an FD as I do weigh in tomorrow.

    Big Viking…. Glad to hear life’s road has straighten out for you. Keep up the great work!

    Steve toon…. I’ve never had beetroot before, I’m curious now. I’m going to see where I can find it here in the states and give it a go!

    Big Bill….. Broccoli and cheese is one of my favorite lunches of all time. Not only cuz it’s good but but also because it fills you without giving you that heavy feeling.

    Debster….. enjoy your time, this WOL will sit be here waiting when you get back…. just don’t let go of my legs….. I’m slowly descending down plateau mountain….. if you let go, I’m afraid I’ll just bounce right back up their smack dab into someone’s tent.

    Okay well, I’m off to see the wizard…. the wonderful wizard of oz!

    Oh no….. I think I’m getting the urge….A whim away, a whim away, a whim away!

    Day 14 Oxford FD

    Second FD this week – happy to be back in the flow of normal life this week after disruption of not being able to have any FDs at all last week (not at home, pet sitting 6 animals followed by hen do).

    Not weighing myself yet as have monthly visitor. Been flat as pancake this week but have had 2 x FD and ok rest of time.

    Plan next week is to have 3 FD on Mon, Wed and Fri.

    Still want to lose 2 this month.

    Day 14 – UK – NFD

    Day 14 Akron OH, FD. I started my first water fast 6pm Wednesday night, I am hoping to keep going until 6 pm tonight. Trying to break poor snacking habits I picked up on vacation. So far it’s working. I almost caved yesterday evening but reading posts on this forum gave me the extra mojo I needed to make it through. Thank you all for being willing to be vulnerable.
    We are worth the effort, onward and downward my friends. Thanks for the tip @strawberriesandcream “the weekend is not an excuse to give up my goals”

    Day 14 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went just fine, about 750 calories, back to 158.8 this morning. Maintenance at 6:1 seems to be just right as long as I am very mindful on my NFD’s.

    New computer is up and running – yeah! The service I have used for backup (Bask) will have to replace my files when I have time to sit here with them. Right now, I am just happy that Google Chrome saved my bookmarks when I sign in. Looks like Firefox does that now too, but I didn’t have a sign-in with them before. This keyboard will take some getting used to though.

    “Allons enfants de la Patrie,
    Le jour de gloire est arrivé!” [hear me singing “La Marseillaise?” ♫♪♫ ]

    Happy Bastille Day! I believe that is one of the most stirring national anthems around.

    Onward and downward, everyone!

    Day 14, Mumbai, India FD

    Good FD so far. Want to lose a total of 10kgs by the end of July. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    Day 14 – USA – FD

    Very upset this morning…a raccoon attacked 3 of our hens, climbed up the fence and got in between the tarp over the fence and cornered them in their coop, which is open all night but their run is fenced in. One of them lost an eye…my OH scared him/her off, so today we’re going to lock them in their coop, get a live trap and wait. Our game camera showed it to be a huge raccoon, bigger than my dog! The injuries to the girls are mostly on their heads and there’s feathers all over the run. It’s heartbreaking. We were going to get a roo tomorrow to start mating them and getting a few more chicks for layers, but they are so traumatized at this point, we might wait for them to heal.

    @metatauta — oh so sorry for the raccoon attack! Yes, how heartbreaking. Hope you’re able to catch that big one!

    Day 14 UK NFD

    Day 14 USA FD
    Just hanging out again, enjoying the view from the plateau! While my body clearly prefers this approach, my brain gets so frustrated! I have not been sleeping especially well, so today, while fasting, I’m going to attempt to set myself up for a good night’s sleep!

    Day 14 – Cumbria UK – FD

    2 weeks into this July 2017 31 Day Challenge already!

    Had a lovely meal out with DD yesterday – thoroughly enjoyable evening all round even if I went over my TDEE somewhat….🥂to start and a very nice Merlot with my lamb dish🍷

    Usual Friday morning group walk today and only drinking water and tea with a dash of skimmed milk so far – no food planned for today but will have a glass of homemade milk raspberry Kefir before bed to help with a good night’s sleep. Hoping for a strong FD today to end a somewhat indulgent week and there is a party tomorrow night to help friends celebrate their retirement from work and their Ruby Wedding Anniversary………

    @ellie Rainbow – Welcome to our July Challenge – you have done this before and know what you need to do – You Can Do This! There is great support on this group – we are a wide mix from experienced 5:2 and newbies – some are maintaining nicely, others are stuck on a plateau for a bit and others are getting rid of that weight rather impressively and some are doing it at a slow and steady rate – all with various experiences and knowledge to share
    @ciren2 – eating healthily is good – stay positive and strong
    @Strawberriesandcream – sorry but I don’t think eating 1000+ cals in a 36hr period will count as a FD but it would be a good CD!! My understanding is that you eat your 1/4 TDEE/500 or 800cals in that 36 hr period depending on what version of 5:2 you are following…..
    @anna6 – hope you get your granddaughter home soon x
    @metatauta – what a horrible incident with your chickens – hope the stress does not put them off laying their beautiful eggs for you

    “Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.”

    Day 14 NFD North Wales
    Had a very successful FD yesterday. Made black currant jam, did some gardening and went to visit a friends puppies 🐶. I was so busy I didn’t get many hunger pains. That must be the way to do fast days. Looking forward to curry and wine 🍷 tonight.
    Sorry to hear about your hens 🐓 @metatauta. We have chickens and I often worry about foxes 🦊 getting to them over here.

    Would love to know how long some of you have been on the fast diet.

    Good luck to all of you today x

    Day 14, Rocky Mountains, US, FD

    @metatauta: Sorry to hear about your chickens!!! 🐔🐓🐣

    Thanks to all who congratulated me on reaching my July goal. Maintaining is also a lot of work. Several parties coming up. Have to undo these future indulgences with a few solid fast days.

    Have a good Friday everyone!😊😊😊

    Metatauta, that’s why we put the hens in the coop every night and shut the little door. After raising hens for nearly 40 years, we think we’ve seen it all. That’s why our coop and the yard are like Fort Knox — nothing gets in.
    Isn’t it wonderful to have a Fast Day breakfast with fresh eggs? Hope your Girls recover. Good luck.

    Day 14 California USA NFD

    A new low for me on 5:2 – 63.9. I’ve just come off of a B2B FD, plus Sunday was a FD, so I expect to go up and down from this weight for a while. Hopefully it won’t be a plateau, but even if it is, I’ll be plateauing low! This is the first time I’ve fasted 3 times in a week and I don’t plan to do it again soon, but I have a high school reunion the end of next week and would love to get down to 63 for that, although that probably isn’t possible so soon.

    @strawberriesandcream – congrats on your new low! That should be great motivation for the rest of the month! New clothes shopping trip?

    @laurealice – This is your first plateau after 5 weeks? I’d say you’re doing well! Plateaus seem to be common for most of us. With calorie counting diets in the past, plateaus were rare for me, but with the 5:2 they are pretty common. Seeing the same weight after a FD can be discouraging, but think past it. All of a sudden you’ll start to drop again. After 9 weeks I’m still averaging about .7 kg per week. And 5:2 is relatively easy for me so I’ll stick with it. The only time I count calories is on the 2 FD and I eat mindfully (mostly) on the others. On calorie counting diets like WW in the past, I felt like I’d been through a war by the end of 9 weeks! With the 5:2 I feel energized and looking forward to a new week. (I exercise very little, need to improve on that.) Bonne chance! N’abandonne pas!

    Day 14 Chicago, Illinois – FD

    Day 14 NFD St. Louis USA
    Weight 134.8
    Was disappointed that my weight hasn’t dropped in the past couple of weeks. However I started with the March group and went down almost 14 pounds. I did hit my original goal of 12 pounds and then decided to go for another 5 pound loss. I guess I’m at one of those dreaded plateaus. I remember when I tried alternate day fasting a few years ago. I lost weight but then I lost interest. I do find this group is helpful in keeping me more motivated. It’s challenging to keep up with all the post as I do enjoy reading them and would like to respond more. I’m so impressed at the way some of you keep up with it.

    All my best to all of you.

    Day 14 – McMinnville Oregon USA NFD
    Gads where did my willpower go!! I seem to be able to hold it together until the evening meal and then I do crazy stuff.
    We will be eating out all weekend so I need to get a grip.

    @anna6 – Hope all goes well for your granddaughter.
    @metatauta – What an awful trauma for you and your chickens. I hope you catch the raccoon, maybe he could be relocated.

    Day 14, USA Kansas, NFD

    I’m going to be controlling my non-fast days this weekend, because on my NFDs earlier this week I went a little too wild and ate what I wasn’t supposed to which has impacted my sugars a bit. So I’m getting myself back on track because I like being off medication now and I want to remain that way for as long as possible.

    Day 14, Florida, NFD.

    Happy Bastille Day to all our French friends and Francophiles everywhere.

    Fairly ok FD yesterday. I usually don’t eat but yesterday I had a light salad for lunch (290cal if I can believe the label) and a very small bowl of home-made chicken and veg soup for dinner. Hovered around 500 cal I think, but not my normal FD pattern, so I’m little disappointed in myself. Sunday is weigh-day for me but I really don’t feel like anything has shifted at all. And for all you fellow booze-hounds out there (pocket winos), my Fridays are traditionally homemade pizza and red wine night, AND we had birthday cake at lunch, so today is definitely way over TDEE. Oh well, one must live to have a new WOL!

    Hope your chooks recover well metatauta; never knew raccoons would go after chickens. Hope your little masked friend does not decided to make a habit of this.

    Day 14-15-16-17, Emden Germany,NFD

    Day 14 – UAE – NFD

    Weigh-in day today, 79.2kg, down 0.4kg 🙂 still under my maintenance weight.

    Day 14 – SW WA USA – FD

    3rd FD this week. Will plan to eat mindfully for a meal at a little French restaurant nearby – C’est la Vie, in honour of the day. That’ll be my meal for the day. Will enjoy lots of beverages to round out the day – iced Tazo passion tea, iced coffee, and lots of water on another warm sunny day!

    @songbirdme – glad you’re getting your new computer up and running. Earlier this year I had a major challenge with mine that ended up having to take it to the computer shop nearby. He found lots of issues. One of the ways he said that “junk” came in was via Firefox. So this time around, I’m only using Chrome/Google; not Firefox. Just thought I’d give you a heads-up.

    @awilson – enjoy your get-away. One idea – shorten your eating window – maybe a 16:8 or 18:6. Start eating later in the day if you know the evening is going to be a major time to eat. Remember this WOL is flexible.

    Day 14 Massachusetts USA NFD Successful FD yesterday, under 500 calories. Turkey breast, Cauliflower mashed, and salad for dinner. I’ve got the flavor perfect on the cauliflower now but still working on the consistency, could be less “whipped.”It’s been nice today to eat 3 meals. We’re having steak, sweet potatoes, and local corn on the cob for dinner. I’ll have to measure the steak on my food scale as that could drive me over the TDEE. I only weigh in at the end of the month so I don’t know what I weigh but I’m really in the WOL now!

    Post #2
    Skin on my tummy is definitely not as forgiving as it used to be. This may take a while to slim down, even after the fat has gone. Still… I’m NOT going back!

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