HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 2 months ago.

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    [post removed]

    PreciousBooBoo – I note in your last post that you referred to my initial support for you regarding recent posts in the Maintenance Chatbox. I waited for a response from them, and none came until you remarked that there had been no response – I had just assumed ‘they’ did not respond because what I had said was true.

    I admit I have spent my life keeping quiet in order to ‘keep the peace’; I learned this as a young girl with a brute of a father, “any more of your lip and you’ll know about it!”

    However, as I have grown older and hopefully wiser I am now able to be more assertive, but it can still be difficult – I admire your strength of character Boo.

    Femme x

    [post removed]

    Thanks Hermaj x

    Hello to all LOACA. I just popped in to have a read of posts and do a personal update only to discover that there has been some sort of an upset. Not sure what or why but I am just wondering what to do. I have never joined any other forum or Facebook because I have heard that things like that go on. I joined this one for a bit of support and so I could maybe support others who need it. I thought this one would be different because it is made up of like minded people who wish to lose weight and improve their lives. I probably sound a bit pompous, but I’m just a bit confused and disappointed.

    Least said, soonest mended WN. We can’t always agree. It wouldn’t be real.


    …and hey! How is Wilber? You’re his Nanna? I’ll be a Nanna for the first time in December! I’m excited!

    You’re welcome Smiffy. I was quite shocked to see you in the line of fire and to find myself alongside you.

    I’m going to keep a low profile and probably stay away from this thread, at least for a while. I would hate to lose my rag online. As I think I’ve said elsewhere, if I go off on one I make Osama bin Laden look like Mother Teresa. It would be ironic if I were modded for trying to defend myself. Although I don’t strictly qualify, the Maintenance thread seems peaceful and friendly. So those who don’t find me totally obnoxious know whee to find me.

    WN, you’re not at all pompous, just, understandably, bewidered. Perhaps for the time being, you could find another, happier thread on the forum and make that your regular “beat”. You can always keep tabs on things in general by clicking on Recent Posts and Active Topics join another thread on the Forum. It would be a pity to lose a nice sensible cyberbuddy like you.

    Hi all
    Oh Crikey
    I read more than I post, and it’s been sad reading lately. I am raising a glass of wine to all the troubled LOACAs and hoping that equilibrium and mutual support and understanding can be restored.


    Yes cheese please, totally agree, how things on here have decended into a slanging match is beyond me, very sad.

    Hi Hermaj. Thanks for your kind words. Will research other threads. I was just a bit shocked really. I’m sure things will settle down soon. I have had some good support from people on this thread and there is bound to be similar on others. WN.

    Good morning ladies of a certain age.

    Was shocked when I logged in for the first time since Friday to read all the heated posts. It’s as if I have somehow entered a parallel LOACA universe.

    As I don’t intend to even appear to take sides in this (to me) mystery debate, I will just say that I am very sad that things have descended to this level and hope everyone will take a deep breath, try not to take offence at what seems to be deep misunderstandings and also try to remember that we all joined for mutual support and encouragement.

    Best wishes all. Nicky xxx

    Hi Hermaj, sorry, missed your earlier post about Adam Hills. I just love his humour. Barry McKenzie was a bit OTT for me.

    If Adam’s music quiz show ‘Spics’n’Specks’ is every aired on UK TV then I recommend it. One night he stripped off to a Frank’n’Furter outfit (Rocky Horror Show) complete with heels and fishnets – fantastic! Especially impressive when one remembers he was born with only one foot.

    Best wishes, n xxx

    Hi Luv2

    It’s happened, HIP HIP HOORAY, Finally after a two and a half week stasis I’ve lost another pound. Trying that low carb option on my non fast days must have shifted it. It’s been said in the past that just changing your routine will do that. CHEERS.

    Hi fellow LOACA’s

    Lets get back to business. We are a support, ideas, help site, and I for one have appreciated all the wonderful encouragement and enthusiasm I have read over the weeks.

    Have a lovely day.

    Jackie T xx

    Bonjour lovely LOACA – how I agree with the many comments about this thread; I definitely need everyone’s support and ask that we take a deep breath and continue as we were. I know this is the best thread for me to post on; we understand each other being at virtually the same stage in life; we’ve experienced life and are able to empathise with not just weight gain issues, but with many other issues too. We make each other laugh and enjoy distant memories of our childhoods, we have so much in common – don’t let us loose it!

    Jackie T: well done in losing another l lb; I like you have not lost anything in the last fortnight and am hoping after FD16 tomorrow something will have shifted.

    Lizzypopbottle: congratulations on your soon-to-be new status – a grandmother! I have two girls here in France and a two year old, Max, in the UK (he’s coming to visit this week, brilliant). One of my girls is only 4 months old and her personality is starting to shine through. It’s such a fun time for me and I love being hands-on (but not interferring) so when the time comes for you, you will be thrilled. They really open your eyes again to the magic of the world, and you can enjoy being a child again – they say that if you keep the child in you you will be forever young!

    This might be of interest to many of you – Michael Mosley is again on TV starting on Monday, Aug 18, BBC2 at 9 p.m. (english time); a new Horizon series entitled ‘Health Dilemmas’, the 1st of 13 being ‘Should I Eat Meat?’ I am sure that Michael will as usual be his entertaining and informative self, and of course ‘easy on the eye’ for we LOACA. I know I shall be watching.

    Enjoy the day
    Femme x

    Hi Femme,

    I’m certain you will be successful. That pound is but a fast away.

    If anyone missed Michael’s documentary Eat, Fast, and Live Longer or something like that, you can find it on BBC iplayer. I believe it’s part of the Horizen celebrations. Will definitely be recording his latest programmes.


    Jackie T

    Hurray for you JackieT! It may have happened anyway, but shifting things up may add some flexibility to your formula. So happy for you.

    Ditto to Femme….hang in there. Often when I go a couple of weeks with no loss, it all makes up for itself and I will lose 3 lbs 3 weeks later. Have no explanation for how or why….but often it works itself out in the end. Just try and take the long view and “stay the course” as they say.

    Next week my 7 year old grandson is coming to stay – and I don’t know how I am going to stay away from temptation in the form of cakes, biscuits, yummy puds, garlic bread etc! When he was born he needed an operation immediately as his oesophagus and his trachea had got mixed up and he couldn’t feed. (It’s called TOF syndrome). He still has a few problems relating to food – gastric reflux, food getting “stuck” etc, and continues on medication. He is also as thin as a rake – still in age 2-3 underpants! Consequently we do our best to feed him up, give him the food he likes and, well, spoil him to bits! He is also a dear little boy so it’s not difficult.

    So this coming week is going to be tricky for me, I think I will just go with the flow and get back on track the following week. Any other doting grans out there?

    Cheeseplease – Like you I have my grandson coming to stay next week – yours sounds a little treasure, and spoiling our grandchildren is what we do best. Max is only 2 and quite a handful so it will be interesting to see how Chloe, who is 4, and a very sensible, quiet girl will tackle him. I’m really looking forward to seeing them together. Chloe has completed her first year at maternelle school and at the moment is of the opinion that all boys are ‘naughty’!

    Like you I shall go with the flow, treat it as a holiday, and enjoy the fun; I’m planning a picnic at a nearby lake with lots of goodies for everyone.

    What better excuse do we grans need to take a week off the FD?

    Femme x

    Hello Cheeseplease
    I know how you feel. I am so sorry your little one has a few health problems. I am happy you spoil him to bits.
    I am a doting Nonna- both my 2 year old and his little brother of 4 weeks are perfect. I wish they did not live 1200. Today the two year old sang Twinkle, twinkle and Robin(not Mary) had a little lamb on skype. It will be a while before they can come and stay. I go and see them every month.
    One day I had the bambino on my shoulder( two weeks ago and he was 2 weeks old). He was sleeping. I thought to myself- life can”t get any better than having a little baby snuggling up. My daughter gets a bit exasperated as I like spoiling my grandchildren.
    Dear LOACA
    On another note, I am now into my 7th week of FD. I have lost about 6 kilos – a stone I think. Like us all. I find this diet works! Thanks to discussion on this post I eat few carbs and none at all on FD. Thanks for that suggestion.
    But it’s the energy the lower weight is giving me, I notice most.

    Wow Kiwiwiwi, what a fantastic achievement, well done on your weight loss. I have also lost about the same amount but over ten weeks – if the scales are to be believed, that is. I do think cutting the carbs plays a big part, I am cutting back on them a bit on non fast days as well.

    It is hard for any grandparent being far away, I agree that a sleeping baby on your shoulder is the very best feeling. We were 160 miles away from ours, which was bad enough. We moved 18 months ago and now live 30 miles away – half an hour by car – which is much better. Sadly we moved away from friends where we had been living for 14 years, there always seems a price to pay!

    Enjoy next week Femme Anglaise, two little ones is going to keep you on your toes! Great fun though – and part of the job description for grandparents is spoiling duties – enjoy!


    Dear Cheeseplease
    Thank you for your lovely reply. Yes 1200km is a distance(I forgot the km).
    We both deserve a pat on the back for our weight loss.
    Enjoy your grandson.

    Salut Femme anglaise
    Have a lovely week. What language does everyone talk in? I imagine your French grandchildren speak French. Do they speak English too?
    My wee Robin speaks Italian and English (but neither very well yet) But he is also exposed to French. These international families!

    It’s the end of a beautiful Indian summer day here.

    XX KiwiWiwi

    [post removed]

    Dear Precious BooBoo
    I missed all the posts which you objected to and so I did not comment at the time. It is good to clear the air and certainly I agree tht as this is a support network, we must not indirectly criticize others through inappropriate comments.
    I really miss your posts when you do not intervene.
    But I understand that you are not as active as when I started the FD 6 weeks ago.
    Someone said that when they are out of contact with the posts for a while, they go back to read yours, I do too.
    You are very supportive to us all, but do you get enough support from us?
    Thank you BooBoo
    I really appreciate your help and encouragement.
    XX kiwiWiwi

    Don’t worry, booboo. I shan’t bother you again. I don’t regret using the word “attack”. From where I was standing that’s what it felt like.

    And I still think not intervening was the wisest move. What did you expect me to do? Perhaps tell you that you were right and everyone else was wrong? Or maybe ride in on a tall white charger and sweep you away from all those nasty people?

    Sorry, I’m a short, still-fattish,dyspraxic woman,who’s older than God who would almost certainly fall flat on her face (I won’t offend any delicate ears by crudely stating the part of the anatomy I really would fall flat on)and herself have to be swept up by some kind person.

    As it seems I’m now Public Enemy Number One as far as you are concerned, I’m going to cease posting on this thread. I dare not risk upsetting you and probably others.

    Anyone who thinks I’m still worth talking to can track me down via the Recent Posts link. There are some lovely people posting here, who for a year and a half I have so far managed not to offend. I should be sorry to lose touch with you all. So I hope it’s au revoir rather than goodbye.

    PS I don’t remember seeing any of the so-called “offensive” posts. For that I apologise. They must have coincided with a period when I was only skim-reading the forum exchanges. I do still work for a living, having to meet very tight deadlines, of which I’ve had several in the past few weeks. This means I don’t always look at posts as thoroughly as I should. Again, I apologise.

    Hi Femme Anglaise

    Yes I’m very excited about becoming a grandmother to our expected little boy (who might possibly be Max! It’s on the list!) By the time he’s born (mid-December) I hope to have been at my target weight for some time. I’m fasting tomorrow and hoping to make up to some extent for the fortnight of unrestricted eating when I was away from home. I’d lost 9lb but put 3lb back on. I’m not worried though. Fasting certainly works!


    [post removed]

    Bonsoir Cheeseplease – I will enjoy my little ones, you do too. I’ve not seen Max since the beginning of this year! We do try and skype each weekend but it will be so lovely to see him here in France.

    As previously mentioned I moved here in 2011 shortly after my daughter and family returned to France; not long after that Max was on his way. Like you when I moved I left behind a lovely group of friends, one whom I have known since we were at college over 40 years ago. I miss their friendship and do try and get ‘up north’ at least once a year – when I do it’s as though we last met a week ago. I also miss where I lived, so near the Lake District, and lovely towns like Harrogate.

    Kiwiwiwi – tiny newly-minted babies are lovely; Lea is now 4 months and just beginning to show her personality; and the way her big sister cares for her is very touching. From the moment Chloe was born her mum and I spoke english to her and daddy only ever speaks french. Initially when she began to speak she would mix the two languages and use the word that was easiest at the time, but in a very short time she would switch from speaking english to me and mum, to french to daddy, seamlessly. It really is amazing to hear.
    Chloe knows that grandma is learning french and has begun correcting my pronunciation, especially words with ‘r’ – she rolls them beautifully but I still struggle. We also have access to english tv and I have to say that CBeebies are brilliant and have definitely helped Chloe’s language. Of course, when she is at school french is spoken, and the maitresse (very difficult to pronounce) is amazed at her ability to speak two languages; they were worried she would be behind with her french but this has not been the case.
    We are now doing the same with Lea so it will be interesting to see how they speak to each other.
    I think the girls are so fortunate, learning two languages with ease, and also learning about two cultures. I just love seeing Chloe greet her friends at school by kissing each other on both cheeks, it is so charming.

    Time for a cup of tea,
    Bonne Nuit,
    Femme x

    Hi Femme
    How wonderful that Chloe is bilingual. My dad was in the Army and was posted to Libya (pre Gadaffi) when I was 4 for 6 months. I went to a nursery school run by French nuns who always spoke French to the children and apparently I became quite fluent in a very short period of time. Needless to say when we left I forgot it all – I do so wish I could remember some of it now!

    Bonne nuit!


    Oh dear playground is right. What a shame!
    I’m very new to this and have nothing to lose so here’s my opinion.
    There were some fairly judgemental and tactless comments made on the maintainance thread- there’s your first clue. A thread for people who have been successful and are now continuing to control their weight. Think of ex smokers ex pats ex anything – there’s a tendency to be intolerant of others who may be unable to follow suit- I’ve been guilty in the past. Several years ago after a good result at weight watchers a work colleague (who was overweight) seeing me for the first time congratulated me and asked for my ‘ secret’. Partly due to being Scottish and therefore incapable of accepting a compliment gracefully I blurted out-” well it’s not rocket science I just ate less and moved more”. I can still remember the hurt look on my friends face – my bad!!
    Takes deep breath
    Precious boo boo you seem to have taken these comments very personally and also brought them to everyone’s attention. I and many others wouldn’t have seen them as we are not as yet on maintenance. That I think is the beauty of these forums a group of people with similar interest/age/approach to this wol.
    You are an articulate woman of conviction and strong opinion – but please remember it is just that an opinion. Everyone has one and no one is more valid than any other. You have reacted very strongly to a perceived lack of support but your opinion is yours alone.
    I’m sorry to see some established members of the group either silenced by the conflict or ‘jumping ship’ especially their post were very amusing and interesting to me. You may not be aware but (in my opinion) the tone of the posts you made directed to them seemed harsh indeed.
    The only reason I have taken time to write this post is because when I joined this forum a month ago I was delighted to find a group of supportive women trying to improve their health and well being – and you instigated it!!

    BooBoo, enough is enough, and I don’t think anything more that I have to say would help the situation. I have never joined anything like this before, and I sure as hell won’t be doing it again. It was great while it lasted and you were a brilliant leader before this unfortunate episode. Thank you to you and all the other LOACAs I have got to know, for all your encouragement and support. Thanks Her Maj for trying to help but it’s over and out from me.

    Smiffy x

    Ditto from me Smiffy.

    So sorry to see you go and hope you and your partner can support each other in your quest for a healthier lifestyle.

    I’m not into playground politics – don’t know what sparked all this but the atmosphere is very chilly and I’m not into offending people accidentally, so it’s also goodbye from me on this thread.

    Fortunately there is a wonderful supportive mob in my own backyard on the Southern Hemisphere thread and you’ll find several familiar LOACAs there.

    Best wishes everyone and keep up the good work.

    [post removed]

    To the ladies of a certain age. I am 69. I started the 5:2 one year ago. I was enthused because I wanted to find a way to get lbs off and KEEP them OFF. In 8 months following the 5:2 I lost 24lbs. I continue to use it to keep it off and find it quite easy. The weight came off my rear, thighs mostly as well as arms, legs. I went to a size 8 slacks (American) and size 10 Petite top. My husband lost about 16 lbs and continued so that he could maintain. It looked like he had stabilized at new weight. Well he did, but he dropped another pant’s size to same he wore in college. His upper body did not shrink in the same way. We think that it is true, fat is lost, but not muscle mass. Will say we have our own work out we used previously so there was no change in that. We are both encouraged because we know we can keep the extra lbs off.

    Hi! Just a reminder of our commenting guidelines, in particular, we don’t allow personal attacks. If you have an issue with someone posting something you feel is unacceptable, we ask that you let us know by using the “Report post” link in the right hand corner of each post rather than taking it up with the poster here. (You will only see the link if you’re logged in…)

    We’ve gone through and deleted some posts which fall foul of the above guidelines and do hope everyone can move on from this.

    Hi Smiffy, NickyF, Hermaj
    Oh dear, I feel a real sense of loss. Where will I find you all, have you gone to a particular thread or how about starting another if that won’t work. I shall be so sorry if the wonderful support and online friendship disappears into the ether.



    Bonjour – FD16 today and not really feeling in the mood for it. I note that ‘fastdiet’ has felt the need to delete some posts because they ‘fall foul of the commenting guidelines’; that is unbelievably sad.

    My philosophy throughout my life has been to listen, to not judge, to accept we are all different, we all have our problems, life has treated us all differently; but to help others, and be kind to people, especially women.

    I do not partake in Facebook, I do not twitter; mainly because I did not want to get involved with exactly the situation that has arisen here. Just because people are faceless and anonymous, why should they be able to be cruel to each other?

    There are lovely ladies on here, I value what they say, I may not agree with some comments but others might not agree with me, but we can all learn (no matter how old) from each other.

    I shall keep on posting here, hope you will too.


    Hi Cheeseplease,

    Great to hear from you. Losing touch with people with whom I have so much common ground, specifically you, Nicky and Smiffy, as well as a few other good guys, was my only very genuine regret on leaving LOACA.

    Nicky and I have already caught up, I’m trying to remember whether it was on the Maintenance or the Jo-jo thread. If I check now, I’ll automatically delete this post. Also some of our other friends are already posting on threads of mutual interest. We can always catch up with each other, and other cyberbuddies by clicking on Recent Posts or Active Topics.

    What a good idea to possibly start a new thread. I won’t volunteer for the moment I’ve got a hell of a lot to turn around today for the day job. But I’ll be more than happy to climb aboard. Howabout calling it “Beyond the playground” – or is that too naughty?

    PS Even though I’m avoiding LOACA, I’m still checking the LOACA recipe thread. Some seriously good stuff there, ranging from delicious but 5:2-friendly dishes a to a few naughtier ones for special occasions.

    Hi Hermaj, NickyF, Cheeseplease & Femme, tartan lass & Karen (and anyone else still reading this thread)

    I really don’t want to lose touch but all this has left a rather bitter taste. For most of my working life I was paid to deal with contentious issues – I don’t want it carried over into retirement!

    OH has persuaded me that I would be cutting off my nose to spite my face if I stopped all contact, as it was largely the help and support of you lot that helped me lose the weight so successfully, and as I’ve still got a bit of a way to go, he thinks I should hang on to you!

    The idea of a new thread is great, though I’m not sure how to start it, and in any case am off to Wales for a week on Weds where there is an almost non-existent signal. Any other volunteers? As for possible names – ‘The Grown-up Ladies’? ……… ‘Oldies but Goodies’? ………… ‘5:2 – The Mature Approach’? OH suggests ‘The Help & Happiness Group’ Any other suggestions welcome.

    Smiffy x

    I’m not sure if it’s just me and you now Femme Anglaise?……

    Well Ladies – what a difference a day makes as the song goes……

    I very much regret taking objection to those posts as I have come out of it much, much worse than the original poster….

    I am aware of the forum guidelines of course and there is only a condition about not making ‘personal‘ ‘attacks’ on other posters; I have great difficulty with that word and find it extreme and highly exaggeratory.

    But there is no condition that posters do not make comments that could be construed as insulting or derisory – IN GENERAL – that could offend other people.

    Like labelling everyone who is ‘fat’ (not my wording) as being ‘miserable and pathetic‘.
    At the moment on this forum; that kind of comment is totally acceptable and I don’t think that is right. And some of you who have now left this thread have joined the thread of the person who actually posted that remark so it does seem to me; there is really no justice.

    Regarding some of you who have made a mass exodus from this thread; I am really disappointed in that. It seems the shedloads of support I have handed out in over a year counts for pretty much nothing when things go a bit awry.
    So to answer your question tangatawiwi – ‘You are very supportive to us all but do you get enough support from us?’ The answer is clearly NO.
    That’s me put firmly in my place then.

    Hi lizzypopbottle – Thank you for your sound good sense.

    Hi Tartan lass – I appreciate you taking the time to at least have a look at what I took exception to in the first place; it seems many regular posters on here couldn’t even be bothered to go to that small effort so that they might be able to even vaguely understand where I was coming from.
    As you say we all have our own opinions and in my ‘opinion’ it‘s okay for others to openly encourage said mass exodus and continue to make inflammatory comments but not for me to simply state a few home truths….

    Smiffy – I too dearly wish you had not posted on this thread about this issue…and now you’ve left the thread totally which does sadden me.
    I didn’t ‘attack’ you smiffy, not in any shape or form; I merely responded to your post and I resent being accused of that. I would ask you to read the post again with new eyes but it’s gone.

    NickyF – I didn’t even realise you had said the word ‘cr*p’ on this thread; but because of all this hoohaa I haven’t had the chance to acknowledge your apology which was unnecessary anyway.
    But you’ve jumped ship anyway, so………again I’m disappointed.


    I have no idea what all the drama of previous posts were about, so I am just responding to your first request of ladies of a certain age! LOL! I have actually been doing following this lifestyle….I no longer refer to it as a diet, as those were something I could not live with in the long run, for almost 18 months! I have lost 35 pounds from my starting weight. I have lost a few pounds repeatedly if there was a special week of events, ie., holidays, county fair, wedding! but I always knew I would just shift a fast day here or there as needed. My blood work and blood pressure have all been adjusted to the great side for being almost 56! I have dropped 4 sizes from when I started and I can walk an easty 5 miles a day if I have the time, but always 3 without huffing and puffing for only a mile like when I first started. Did I have weeks of very little change…yes. But I knew that I had to be in it for the long haul. I really used the health benefits, as my motivators, instead of the weight numbers in the beginning. I watched the long term effects of diabetes on my dad and knew I didn’t want to go that direction if I could choose to avoid it. Keep plugging. I feel so much better physically and emotionally than I did when I started. I wish I had not lost my previous login to this site as I am not a newbie to eat and had several posts logged, but seem to have lost my spot when they changed the name of website. Hope you stay focused on the great outcomes that will come your way!

    Hello everyone! Boy I missed out on all the excitement (or commotion) here!! I was away for the weekend and still playing catch up but wanted to quickly greet everyone. I’m fasting today and as of last Friday morning was down a total of 4 lbs. I didn’t eat very well over the long weekend as we were at an Antique Sale and Flea Market for a few days and concession stand food isn’t the greatest! I’m not going to disappoint myself and get on the scale until after my two fasts this week. If I’m up, I will be hugely disappointment and likely derail myself! After all these years I know me so well!!

    Hope everyone that is fasting today is having a great day (and to those not fasting as well!!)

    Newme x

    Hi tucson

    Thank you for giving us your FD story; I was just discussing with my husband how you could have been on the FD to 18months and he reminded me that the original MM documentary was on around 2 years ago now.
    Doesn’t time fly?

    35lbs is a great weight loss; you must feel like a different person what with that and all your improved health markers.

    Well done you.
    (Not sure what you mean about changing the name of the website? Do you think you might have been on a different site? This one has always had the same name to my knowledge).

    Hi newme@50

    I wouldn’t describe any of what has transpired as ’excitement’ newme; if you haven’t had a chance to read back you won’t have seen open encouragement from some for everyone to leave the thread.

    So perhaps you too will exit; I hope not but it’s obviously your choice.

    Good idea re-avoiding the scales when you know you’ve been less than exemplary. Any possible gain should have disappeared by the time you’ve done another 2 fasts.


    Smiffy et al,

    I had vowed never to post here again, but until we set up an alternative thread it’s the only way to contact you lovely ladies. You can catch me, and Nicky too, on the Maintainers thread (although I don’t yet qualify)or on JojJo’s thread (don’t qualify for that either, really) both of which I feel will become regular ports of call.

    Where are you off to in Wales, Smiffy? Wherever it is have a lovely restful time. I hope it stays fine for you.

    It would be brilliant to start a new thread under one of the witty titles suggested. I would favour 5:2 – the Grown-up Approach, 5:2 – the Mature approach, or maybe Kind, gentle – but determined, or We Can Work It Out.

    As technoklutz extraordinaire I hesitate to volunteer to arrange it. I’m in enough trouble already and would hate to bring the whole site down by hitting a wrong key. Especially, when my addled brain is trying multi-task.

    Honest, you guys have no idea of my destructive power, my most spectacular feat to date was to set light to a Co-op stamp machine at the check-out by just standing next to it. I’ve seen countless tills go down as I reach the front of the supermarket queue. My brother can turn streetlamps off by just standing there minding his own business.

    However, if someone less ham-fisted – and less weird – were willing, see below for the link that includes the relevant “How to” instructions. If by the end of the week no one has been able to do it, I’ll try, with fingers, toes and everything else crossed, but don’t say you haven’t been warned. 🙂

    Hi Precious BooBoo and All

    I’m soon to become a Nanna so I need to be fit and strong to welcome my baby grandson in December. I’m fasting today. I’ve just eaten my first food of the day – a conference pear. I’m enjoying fruit so much more since I began the fasting WOL. Before I go to my karate class, I will have homemade coleslaw with the barest amount of mayo (1 tsp max) to make it edible (easy on the onion!) and a hard boiled egg. It’s really filling and sustaining. That’ll make about 200 cals so far today so I’ll eat another 200 cals when I get back. My TDEE suggests slightly less than 500 cals for my fast days and I do include a little milk in my coffee.

    I used to anticipate fast days with trepidation but now I enjoy the feeling of being in control of my appetite. Looking forward to positive results on the scales tomorrow morning!


    Herman, et al, just wanted to say that the 2 lbs per week is not a requirement for joining Jojo’s thread, but instead a goal. We are a determined bunch, dissatisfied with very slow loss, se we are always seeking ways to tweak the diet and exercise to make as much progress as possible. Any and all are welcome!

    Hi Smiffy

    You can probably tell; I was typing my post as you were posting yours; well I’m glad you are not leaving the forum totally but feel incredibly hurt by your solution to that.


    [post removed]

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