HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,051 through 3,100 (of 7,330 total)

  • Hey Anto58

    It’s nice to have you ‘pop in’ so to speak.

    Thank you for your 3,000th post congratulations! The thread is a whole year old tomorrow! What about that?

    As you say; it will be a brave LOACA indeed who ploughs through all those posts now. Still well worth doing though; to get seriously motivated by all the different stories and levels of success. And also to get solace if things aren’t going as well as one would like.

    Sorry to hear about your daughter being in Jerusalem; is she taking a vacation there or working? You do sound as if you have a lot to juggle with what with your grandson, a full-time job and the pup! I have asked you about 3 times now! What did you call it?

    I totally don’t blame you for not fasting at the moment; I thought you had decided anyway to have the entire summer off. The up-side of that will be a welcome short sharp shock for your body after a fair break in between.

    ONwards and Sideways for you at the moment!

    Hi Purple, Hi all,

    I am in awe of your going 24 hrs w/out food on your fast day! You’re an inspiration for me! I hope to be able to claim that one day! I’m excited for this week, starting my lovely fast day today, looking forward to it as it makes me feel so great the following day…

    Wising you all loads of success….in everything you are doing…

    Hi AliH61, how wonderful for you that you can wear a dress from 19 years ago! Fabulous! You are great inspiration for me….I’ll keep on going, this is like turning the clock back to where we used to be…so we’re ‘youthening’, love it! And I find my heart getting lighter along with my body. I think it’s because I’m doing something so positive for myself. Doing 5:2 makes me happy: taking care of myself makes me happy. It’s new for me, because I’m so used to putting everyone and everything ahead of myself. Perhaps it’s an age thing….but whatever, I’m thrilled to be here now doing this. Truly life transforming.

    Hi littleliz and BooBoo, Thanks for the replies and encouragement. Liz, it’s a friend who’s under 5′ and, BooBoo, I’ve suggested she joins this forum. I’ll keep nagging. I think she’s convinced now that her height must be taken into account when calculating calories. She worked that out herself and is cutting down.

    Well done to all those who are fasting for 24 hours or longer. What a marathon! I will’ve managed 18 hours when I finally eat today but I’ve only saved up because I’m training this evening and an empty stomach interferes with my powers of concentration! I’m having butternut ratatouille and a hard boiled egg before I go out. The ratatouille is so scrummy that my skinny son enjoyed it with a sliced quorn sausage and a handful of pasta. Even then it only comes to less than 300 cals so I’m looking forward to having it on a non-fasting day sometime.

    Hi BlueOcean

    I’ve just read that you don’t know how much weight you have lost because you don’t want to confront the dreaded scales BUT you are now fitting into a white skirt that hasn’t fitted you for EIGHT YEARS!

    Wow now that is a yardstick to crow about! How fab must you feel and you should be really proud of yourself too.

    So without further ado; I am going to award you ONE of this week’s

    This is proudly awarded for fitting into a white skirt that has not fit for EIGHT LONG YEARS!!!!!!!

    Well done you! I’m not really sure why you disappeared away ‘by yourself’ to lose your weight – even whilst finding out what works for you – but BLOODY WELL DONE!!!!!!!

    Now in keeping with our LOACA thread tradition; we need an ‘acceptance’ speech from you. Make it as Hollywood celeb as you like; the more over the top the better!

    ONwards and Downwards!

    Hi AliH61

    Thanks for the recipes; please keep them coming as you can see they are appreciated by the folk on here.

    But much more importantly; I have just read about your news in the ‘getting into clothes that haven’t fit for donkey’s years’ category!

    I have now decided we will have to have multiple STAR LOACA of the week awards because there are so many of you doing so well!

    So without further ado; I proudly present you with ONE of this week’s

    STAR LOACA OF THE WEEK AWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is proudly given for getting into a frock that you wore for going away on your honeymoon 19 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But also for buying FIVE NEW DRESSES IN A ROW!!! That is my kind of shopping spree!

    We totally agree with you; what a great feeling and what a great achievement!!

    Now we need an acceptance speech from you Ali; make it as over the top as you like!

    (I hope I won’t upset you by saying; I know your husband is sadly no longer with us BUT I bet he is as pleased as punch for you and rightly PROUD that you have regained your wedding day figure……)

    ONwards and Sideways for you!

    Hi Lizzypopbottle

    The butternut squash ratatoille sounds lovely; how are you making that?


    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all doing? You will have read about AliH61 and BlueOcean being awarded STAR LOACA OF THE WEEK AWARDS for fitting into clothes that haven’t fit for many years.
    Please let us know if you are having lovely surprises in that department! It seriously motivates the rest of us!

    Hi Wilbersnanna – You seem to have taken to 5:2 like a duck to water! How much have you lost now? It must help having your husband and daughter on the FD too?

    Hi NickyF – I’ve still not got round to trying the Miracle Noodles. If there are no calories in them; what are they made of? The mind boggles. Anyways , duly noted NOT to freeze them.

    Going cross-country skiing sounds wonderful; not to mention all the energy/calories you will use up whilst doing it! We love winter; it is by far our favourite season.

    Have a lovely time Nicky; ‘see you’ when you get back (you’ll probably have lost more weight than usual! If not, you will be more toned, so it’s all good!).

    Must be off; as with last night dinner is served……
    Thank goodness, it’s not a fast day; I am absolutely starving.
    ONwards and Downwards Ladies!

    Hi Boo and all…..

    Amazing, what a week I’m having and now I’m being awarded a star LOACA award!! Well…you know, I couldn’t do it without all the support from the huge group of ladies that have inspired me! You!

    So, applause all around to all of you for allowing me to shine… in my white skirt…

    thank you!

    Hi BooBoo

    Well before I can give my acceptance speech I think I better make sure I’m suitably dressed ….(rummages through the wardrobe and puts on the said dress that now fits again, yippee!)

    “To BooBoo and all you LOACA here’s the proof this WOL works (twirls on the spot, feeling happy for herself). But even more importantly we are getting healthier and supporting our fabulous country by buying more fruit/vegetables and new clothes! So to everyone on the 5:2, 6:1, 4:3 plan Onwards, Downwards & Sideways. Thank you I will treasure my awards… Oops there’s the red light I had better say Good Night, good night”.

    Ali x


    I post from time to time on this thread, as I fit the criteria. However, it has been a while.

    I saw your message on the butternut ratatouille recipe. I have made it a couple of times and want to let you know the recipe is online.

    Here you go:

    Mmmm, love that butternut ratatouille recipe. We have had some great recipes posted on this forum. BooBoo could we set up a separate LOACA recipe forum so we can have them all together? Or is it possible to search the forum for recipes?

    Hi BooBoo, I see some others have let you know where to find the ratatouille recipe. I found it here:

    It’s just 148 cals per serving.
    I bought the FBD book for my Kindle and the recipe is there too along with lots more. The book was less than a fiver.


    Hi Boo and Cheese, great idea to have recipes all together. Is that easy to do automatically? B

    Boo, congratulations on this thread and on making us all feel very welcome. And on handing out awards so enthusiastically. 🙂 also thanks to Deputy JIP and Deputy Deputy Purple. Great to feel part of such a supportive team 🙂

    Enjoy your Monday fasting day.

    Hi Anto, Thanks for the tankini suggestion. B

    Oh no! I think I am going to be due for a detention :-). My puppy’s names is Sasha. She is doing really well – house-trained, will sit, drop and go to her crate on demand. In the first couple of weeks when I was having to get up to take her outside a couple of times a night I really wondered if I’d made the right decision to get a dog again, but no regrets now. My daughter is doing a Hebrew language course at Jerusalem university – it is for her doctoral thesis – only three more weeks to go.


    Morning Precious and the rest of the lovely LOACAs

    A BIG congratulations to Blue and Ali. As a recipient of LOACA awards in the past (my big fav is the Foxy Little Minx award 🙂 ), I would recommend you display your award in a very prominent place in your home. It is a great conversation starter and the more publicity this WOL has, the better.

    I didn’t intend to do 24 hrs yesterday. It just happened as I was busy minding my granddaughter. BUT, my husband always eats all his FD calories in the evening. Most people find that once they eat anything their appetite is stimulated. Therefore, if you want to fast, it is easier to delay eating as long as possible on a fast day. That is all I was doing. By 3, I could have eaten, but packed an apple in a brown paper bag, grabbed a bottle of water and headed out in my little car on some errands. I didn’t eat the apple but it was there if I needed to. Keeping busy, keeping the head busy too, makes it easy. I would not recommend it to newbies, though. I have been doing this WOE since early 2013.

    After a BIG eating weekend, I went to bed at 60.3kg last night and am 58.6 this morning. I still believe, weighing yourself morning and night (when naked 😉 ) is like cleaning your teeth. Not obsessive, but a good habit. It reminds you how much the human body weight fluctuates and, if it is on the increase or decrease.

    Precious, the strip shopping in most suburbs in our cities no longer have clothing stores. They are basically taken up with cafes and restaurants. The large shopping malls (Westfield) are not built on the edge of town. They are usually positioned at rail hubs, in the centre of the larger suburbs. Australia is not made up of villages. It has large towns, large farms and large cities. Very few village style situations, although some suburbs try to call themselves villages to sound trendy. I love the little village shops in Europe but this country developed after mass transport was available so people didn’t have to just walk to the local. While I’m typing this, there is an argument on the radio about an inner city shopping strip trying to fight the big companies coming in to destroy their “olde Worlde” main street!

    And Wilbersnanna….always find a friend who understands. We don’t need our fat friends trying to tempt us on FDs.

    Cheers Purple

    Re the recipes….JJ (Fastdiet) who runs this site, has set up a recipe section. I thought he/she was going to transfer recipes to it. Perhaps we have to load them on directly. So many recipes to share. Let’s do it! P

    Hi Precious Boo boo. Yes this WOE seems to be suiting me and mine very well. I’ve lost 9 lb so far and my OH 10lbs in 5 wks. We are both committed now as is my daughter. We’re all finding clothes are fitting better which is a real boost. I only wish I had known about this plan years ago then I wouldn’t have spent most of my adult life yoyo dieting!!!! WN.

    Excellent work WN.
    That’s 4kg in 5 weeks. You are certainly doing it properly. Go girl! P

    Way to go girls! The clothing stores are getting a work out!

    Hi Ali, AmyC, WN, PVE, BlueOcean, Luvto, JIP, Liz (both of you), Bayleaf, all of you old an new. Speedy, where are you?

    I had never heard “mutton dressed as lamb”, until a few wees ago, but it didn’t take much to figure out. We have women’s, misses, and juniors. The juniors are targeted at the teeny-boppers and mostly too young, even for a twenty-something, but the misses are for everyone. You have to choose your style, because some things won’t work for us, but many are just good looking clothes. Even the women’s have lovely items and I’ve walked by and thought, oh, that’s cute.

    Boo- there are two types of zero noodles. One is made of konjac flour, very rubbery, but is very high in soluble fiber. It swells in the belly and makes you less hungry. They are disgusting. (I’m going to try them again)! The other is made out of soy, doesn’t swell, but the texture is better.

    Have a good night everyone! xxP

    Hi LOACAs all.

    Congratulations Blue and Ali – wonderful acceptance speeches.

    Hi WN. It must be great to have ‘co-conspirators’ in person nearby to share the journey with its up, down and sideways movements.

    As I’ve said before, my OH just has to not eat cake and biscuits for a few weeks and he’s back on track. Hence to a certain extent that’s why my weight loss is much slower, because I don’t want to change our eating lives too radically – after all mealtimes have a social cohesion component too.

    Having said that I had another successful FD yesterday with about 30C inside my 460C limit. Normal eating today and glorious weather so have been out and about, with my Fitbit already reporting >10K steps and it’s not even 2pm here.

    Hi Piper, the ones I had which don’t survive freezing are made of konjac, which I understand is some kind of yam. Anyway, on defrosting there was a lot of water in the tray which I assume leached out of the cells, making them very tough. Are the ones made of soy also virtually zero calories? I haven’t seen them.

    Ow & Dw lovely ladies!

    Hi everybody!

    I cannot read all the posts I have missed… I will try to catch up over the weekend…. 🙂 Enjoy your day!


    I threw the empty package away, but I think it was 10 calories per cup. I had to look up the difference and the soy based product is new. Did you try boiling the ones you threw away to see if they would reconstitute?

    Hi everyone

    Nearly bedtime here for me as the dreaded workday alarm goes off at 6am.

    Fitbit reading is 12700 steps and I went to weight training as well – very pleased with myself. Glorious day today with 19C max even though it’s still in winter depths, jonquils out so spring not far away. Back to earth tomorrow though with 14C max and lots of rain – and fasting too so no chance for physical distractions at work except running up and down the stairs in my building. Did I say people are beginning to talk? 😉

    Enjoy your day lovely ladies, or maybe sleep tight. N

    Hey Ladies!

    I’ve just been reading your suggestions for putting all the recipes submitted to this thread in one location. I had a look at what JJ had done and he has listed all the obvious threads that specifically mention a recipe into the ‘food’ section.

    But note, only those posted as a thread; not the ‘posts’ we get on here as part of this thread.

    But it means they are on separate threads; what do you prefer? Do you want to see each and every recipe separately? or would you prefer ours lumped together in a LOACA RECIPE THREAD?

    Either way; they would need to be transferred from this thread to the other section.

    Let me know what you think

    Hi Piper

    Our posts crossed. I did put them into boiling water to try to rehydrate but they were still very gristly. Before that I didn’t find them too bad, if a bit rubbery and no flavour so easy to add to tasty sauces. The instructions to use within 2 days of opening spooked me which is why I froze them.

    Must look out for the soy-based ones. Thanks for tip. N

    Hi Precious, isn’t the www wonderful? Here we are on three different continents ‘conversing’ in real time.

    I like the idea of LOACA recipes, even though I haven’t (yet) contributed any.

    Cheers, n.

    Wow Purple, you are under 59 kg. wow wow 🙂 🙂 No wonder you had such a fabulously indulgent day. 🙂 I am so happy to be under 60 kg for the first time in over 20 years. What with all the dancing and celebrating going on, there are some very happy women on here thanks to Dr M and 5:2. 🙂


    The advantage to having the recipes in one section is that they are contained there and easier to find. Everyone can subscribe to the Recipes section, so you receive an e-mail message when they are updated, as well as share with all those who are fasting with the 5:2 way of eating.

    Hi AmyC

    Thanks for the recipe to the Butternut Squash.

    I’m not sure what your answer is there? When you say; ‘in one section’ do you mean all on one LOACA thread, as I outlined?

    The Food Section of this forum could be called ‘one section’ too?


    Hi BlueOcean and AliH61

    Thank you for your acceptance speeches! Loved them!

    Polish those well deserved awards with pride!


    Hi Anto58

    Hah – we finally get to know what you called your lovely new pooch! Glad to hear that she is happily settled in and you are back to sleeping at night!

    Hopefully the next three weeks will fly by…..



    This thread “HELP! All ladies of a ‘certain age’-please respond” has many e-mails that are not related to recipes. If folks posted to this thread, the recipes would be hard to find.

    Since there already is a thread on this Forum for recipes, I would recommend folks post their recipes there. It doesn’t make sense to have two recipe threads on the this 5:2 fasting forum.

    Hi BooBoo
    I have just had a look at the Recipe Forum, there isn’t a huge amount on there really. It would be nice for us LOACA’s to have our own section, but it sounds a bit complicated to set up – and how would we subscribe to it? If we post a recipe on the LOACA forum could we also copy it over to the Recipe Forum? Oh dear, it’s a FD and this is making my brain ache….!

    Hi Cheeseplease

    I think it is just a case of semantics here which is confusing things.

    As you know JJ has put all the threads with a ‘recipe’ as the title in the Food Section I.e there are about 18 different ‘threads’ at the moment.

    What we are now posting on is a ‘thread’- the entire 3,000 posts plus on ‘Help All Ladies etc’. One message on here is a ‘post’.

    What I was asking above is; do you want ONE thread ONLY where we can put all OUR recipes on it. I.e if we set it up now it would be no. 19 in that section – there would not be a separate ‘section’ for us.
    For example; there is a ‘thread’ named January meals or some such – there are 16o odd posts on it; so there is obviously a host of recipes on it grouped together.

    So it would be like this thread but full of recipes BUT IN THE FOOD SECTION; so you could click the notify button and you would receive an email when a new post is posted.

    Or as I also suggested; having every single recipe as a separate thread as in the 18 that are in the Food Section now……

    LOACA’s could still and I hope would still, post them directly onto here (this thread!) but also put them either into the LOACA RECIPE THREAD or start a new thread for that single recipe.

    I don’t know about how to ‘copy’ from the thread. I always now type my message in something like WORD in case it gets chewed up; so again someone wanting to copy it into both could do this.

    Hope this helps; it seemed such a simple suggestion! And not mine!

    (I’m going for a lie down now; I’m fasting too!)

    BooBoo, I fall on my knees in apology, I think I made that throw away remark about the recipes – mea culpa! Anyhow, my own preference would be to have a separate LOACA recipe thread in the Food Section but – what do other people think? Or, we could just pretend I never opened my mouth …… Which may be preferable!

    PS BooBoo, thank you for taking the time to explain to me how it all works

    Hi Cheeseplease

    No problem! In many ways it is a good idea……….zzzzzzzzzz………..:-)

    Anyone looking for recipes on this thread (something we have discussed/tried/complimented etc) would have to trawl back through ALL the posts to find them.

    Whereas as AmyC suggests (but using different words!) – if they were in the Recipe sub-section of the Food Section (now I sound like somebody from the council!) then you could locate them much easier!

    That still doesn’t answer whether to group them all together into one thread! Or have them separately by recipe name………

    (…..I’m now being reminded of the wonderful Vicar Of Dibley and the hilarious parish council meetings they used to have….we used to cry with laughter at David the Chairman)

    Hello BooBoo, I want to thank you for your suggestion on my pink jeans.

    LOACA: please can you put your best imagination into operation please! Wait for it. !!!!!!!
    I wore my lovely size 12 pink chino/jeans today with ……..a black square necked T-shirt and if your still with me, I was aiming for the Olivia Newton-John/Lulu! but with very, very short hair with blonde streaks blended in with my natural sliver bits. When I got on the WW scales this morning I had stayed the same but I did have my chino’s on remember…… LOL
    Ok back down to earth JIP!!!!
    Congrats Blue and Ali well done on your awards.
    Hello lizzypop are you new to LOACA or returning, I have only been on here since April this year and it’s the in place to be?
    NickyF, I agree with what you say it’s a great place to be and from lots of places, all being welcomed by BooBoo.
    LOACA, on my journey to goal I have altered my idea of what I wanted to get to. First I thought 10 and half stone would be achievable, when I got there I thought 10 stone would be better, now I want to be under 10 and wear anything I want and be under 10 and to weigh in the morning and evening and still be under 10, don’t forget I will be 70 in 19 months and I have never been a skinny person.
    Boo Zero-noodles from Holland and Barrets and they have A buy one get one for a penny offers often so wait for it. If I see it I will let you all know.
    Nordic walking plus bowling is going well, played two won two, Wednesday and Thursday games still to play. Wish me luck.
    OW’s and DW’S. JIP

    Hi JIP!

    I was beginning to think you had left home; you’ve been so quiet!

    Glad your new SIZE 12 PINK JEANS looked fab with a black top; did you get any compliments?

    I have asked you this before though; where are you expecting to lose anymore weight from? Seriously?


    Hi Nicky
    If you buy the Shiritaki noodles in a Chinese providore shop they are less than $2 a pack so you can toss half the pack in the compost if you don’t need it all. They will keep unheated in cold water in the fridge for a day or so also. Purple

    Hey Purple

    What are you doing up at this time of night?

    Oh meant to add; asked hubby what your car looked like and now I know and it’s so cute! He doesn’t think they do your sexy convertible version in the UK because we don’t usually have the weather for it!

    Having said that; today was so hot we didn’t even consider our usual walk…..


    Happy One Year for this thread Precious. A fine achievement in deed! Well done mate 😉 Purple

    We crossed over PBB.
    it’s 7 am usual posting time. Nice to say hi direct!!!! P

    Hi Purple

    Is it the 23rd in Oz already then? HeHee One Whole Year!


    Precious, When we were in Edinburgh in 2010 when they had a heatwave. The hotel we were in had no aircon, no fans and the windows wouldn’t open!

    I had the car roof down in the sun in the afternoon yesterday and again coming home last night, for a bit of a laugh. Even though it was 10 deg the moon and stars were lovely. It’s size is perfect for buzzing around city traffic (think Rome 😉 ) P

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    I have been wanting to tell you about this article I read ages ago but have never found the time! There is nothing on the telly tonight; so I thought I would eventually get on with it.

    I did state at the time; this may be really old hat to you LOACA’s who are more clued up on carbohydrates etc but I have assiduously ignored all talk/suggestions of giving up bread/pasta/rice etc because frankly, I don’t want to!
    To ram that point home; we just recently bought ourselves a bread maker!

    However, reading this article has made me think whether I might try an experiment for a few weeks/months……Anyways see what you think…..
    I’m not going to type it out in it’s entirety; just the salient bits that might arrest your interest.

    Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find your path back to Health by William Davis MD (published by Harper Collins June 2014)


    (Now that is the highlighted comment that made me sit up and read on)

    ‘Can’t face baring your midriff on the beach this summer? Try this ultra-fast diet devised by a top cardiologist that targets your tum – just by cutting out wheat…..’

    Put simply; it’s the fastest bikini diet ever. And unlike detoxes or faddy eating plans; this diet is good for you too. Devised by cardiologist Dr William Davis; it kickstarts rapid weight loss – up to a pound per day with a total loss of up to 10lbs in 2 weeks.

    Better still the 2 week Tummy Shrinking Diet (Daily Mail 31.05.14) is specifically targeted to attack your tummy fat, swiftly slimming your waist in record time.

    Easy to stick to, without any boring calorie counting or puritanical portion control, it works by acting on the hormone insulin. Insulin doesn’t just cause you to pile on weight around your middle, it also increases your appetite, at the same time as your spare tyre.

    By eliminating just one key element from your daily eating habits you can stop piling on the pounds, reduce cravings and boost your energy.
    Not only this but your health will rapidly improve too, cutting your risk of breast cancer, arthritis, diabetes, dementia, heart disease and signs of premature ageing.
    All this whilst still enjoying red wine (hoorahhhhhh!).

    And that key ingredient you need to cut out? It’s not fat. It’s not even sugar….it’s wheat – and here’s why eliminating it can get you back into your bikini.

    (I’m going to paraphrase this now or I’ll be here all night!)

    Back in the 50’s and 60’s our grandmothers didn’t join gyms or juice entire vegetable patches for breakfast; yet they were still noticeably skinnier than we are today, with smaller waists and flatter tummies.
    So what changed?

    According to Dr Davis: it is down to a fateful shift in ‘official’ nutritional advice. This ’advice’ moved away from the idea of ’meat and two veg’ to a diet low in animal fats and high in supposedly heart healthy wholegrains.
    Of those wholegrains; wheat is the one we consume the most. Today it accounts for 20% of the calories consumed across the world.

    But as our consumption of wheat has increased; so too have our waistlines. But the wheat we consume today bears no resemblance to the wheat of the past. In order to keep up with world demand; for the past 50 years it has been cross-bred and genetically manipulated to create a fast growing, high yield crop that is resistant to drought and disease.

    Modern day wheat has been turned into what Dr Davis calls a ‘super-carbohydrate’ – this means that it is turned into blood sugar by your body faster than almost any other food, making it wildly addictive and triggering spikes of insulin, the hormone that converts excess blood sugar into fat, stored primarily around your stomach…….

    In fact few foods rate higher on the Glycaemic Index or GI – the nutritional measure of how much specific foods raise blood sugar levels – than those made from wheat.
    This is not just white bread from the supermarket but ‘healthy’ wholemeal bread too!

    ……what you might not realise that is that while plain table sugar has a GI of 59, wholemeal bread is much worse at 72 (!). Which means that, shockingly two slices of wholemeal bread will send your blood sugar levels soaring higher than a MARS BAR! Which has a GI of 68!

    He agrees that wholemeal versions of bread/pasta/rice are still better than the ‘white’ denuded versions however, but says that ‘doesn’t mean that lots of the “less bad” things is good for you’.

    ………Dr Davis describes it as ‘the formula for creating a nation of fat people…..‘

    He suggests that folk fill the gap in their diets with vegetables, nuts, meats, eggs, avocados, olives, cheese etc – that is real food that doesn’t come with a label – then not only will you not develop a dietary deficiency but you will enjoy a flatter stomach, weight loss, more energy, better sleep (?!) and all round better health!

    I have read posts on here alluding to what and how our grandmothers etc prepared meals and I’ve noticed insulin mentioned a great deal on other threads; so I fully accept that this is not BREAKING NEWS.

    However with me, it was the Mars Bar example which brought me up sharply; I eat two slices of wholemeal bread with filling on top, pretty much every day for lunch because I really enjoy it……

    Makes you think doesn’t it?

    Of course it’s the 23rd here. We are always ahead of “the old country”!!!! P

    Well I did pay your country that compliment just a few posts back!

    And yes, Rome does spring to mind with that style of car; lots of young girls over here favour them. I think that is because they are so cute but quirky and full of character too……

    Now who could I be describing there?……… 🙂


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