HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 2 months ago.

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  • Here are some more

    I agree peaches are lovely, I like popcorn as they are also really cheap to make.

    I haven’t made any for ages, I must do soon.


    This is my last one as I must get to bed.

    I hope these help. Xx


    Welcome back ginette we have missed you….

    I have decided to try to do my 1st B2B today so any support would be appreciated as it is unknown territory for me.

    Hope all you new ladies are doing ok, keep in touch this works better when we support each other.

    Good luck to all fasting today


    Go gal Audrey

    I’m with you today, doing a b2b myself, first day is always easier though, – break the day into quarters, once you are into the third quarter you will be holding on for dear life – and be sure to fill up with water!

    And plan something tasty for tomorrow!

    Hey milena

    Was soo disappointed when I got on scales to see .4 of a lb loss this morning. I know I over ate whilst ian was home but blinking heck not that much! I have got some stew n dumplings our for my meal tonight, I am not too bad just now, had a coffee and a herbal tea!
    I am planning on cleaning kitchen cupboards out later to keep me distracted but then again may be in dangerous territory within reach of food hehe!

    Keep in touch, I may need you later if I start to slip I will shout help very loudly xxx


    Hi Audrey!!!

    Not the time to get disappointed, its goods in transit – keep the water intake up, might keep the scales high for a while, but in the long run gets everything flowing – literally!

    Heck, was going to suggest you do the cupboards, but would have been pretty cheeky as I desperately need to do mine, and I’m sat watching telly, while listing on my computer – and of course not dressed yet – eeck! Just a third of a cup of tea so far though, sometimes lying on the settee is good for weight reduction. OH has just put some croissants in the oven, which I think is grounds for divorce, but these things are sent to test me – size 14 or even 12 by Christmas or crumbly pastry now – get thee behind me satan with the pastry, if all else fails, I’m going online to buy a frock!!!!


    I too am sat on sofa watching this morning, they are making cheese toasties! DO THEY NOT KNOW I AM ON 2ND FAST DAY! Blinking hungry now hehe looked so good I could smell them!

    Ah well it’s onwards and downwards I hope.

    Have a good day


    we’re doooooooomed!!!

    OH has just walked in with a toasted scone – the smell is wonderful.

    Looking at dresses as I write!!!!!

    Oh dear milena

    Let me know how many you buy!

    Ian came in the other day I was having fruit for lunch, he had 2 chicken butties, pkt of crisps, cheese and onion my favourite, then followed this with piece of banana bread! He has lost 2lb HOW HOW HAS HE LOST AND I HAVE GAINED! Men are soo lucky in the weight loss game!
    My wedding suit is now for sale a size 14 if your interested hehe. …
    Good luck my fast friend

    I am having an oxo for my lunch as we speak!


    Hi all,

    As I bumble my way through the first week, and headed toward my 2nd fast day tomorrow… Whats the thinking on Carbs on 5 2. It is a weakness of mine (one of them anyway – never put me and fresh bread in the same room!) I have reduced my general carb intake a lot, and now only have (lovely fresh..) bread rolls on a Saturday as I have to pack lunch to go. Back to my question… should the 2 days not have too many carbs?

    Audrey & Milena – good luck on your b2b days…. It will all be fine!

    Ginette – thanks for the recipe links… will defo have the chicken this week – sounds yummm.

    Ha! I meant to say that I love oats porridge – I have it every day for breakfast – always with coconut milk – not the tinned milk… the cartons which appear low in cal’s. If Carbs are a no no for the 2 days, will have to have a little think….


    Hi stingray

    Thanks for your support, today is definitely harder than yesterday but I am determined to do it even if I go to bed at 7!

    Regarding the carb question I personally eat what I fancy I haven’t stopped eating anything I like I have just cut down. I know some do no carbs and no sugar or no fat but I enjoy my food so when I have butter it’s butter not margarine I just have less and count every ounce! I have however swapped sugar for sweetners!

    I think it’s personal choice but if you LOVE your fresh bread or oats for breakfast why deny yourself, have it as a treat and count it into your calorie allowances if you don’t will you manage to stick to 52? I think in the end it’s your choice because no one else will be doing your 5 2!

    Hope this helps not confuse you


    Hi Audrey,

    Thanks for feedback! And you are right… as my granma would often say “a little of what you fancy does you good” I will stick to my lovely porridge and have my bread on Saturdays (as I love it plus its simple to make a packed on the go lunch with rolls)

    One thing I have tried this week – and I will have to see how I get on with it… I love my food – portion control??? Whats that??… I absolutely eat with my eyes… to this end, I have been using a side plate for my main meal as a means to control my portions. I know I will develop the self control and discipline needed, this way it might make it a little easier to begin with.


    I’m with you Audrey, except for the sweetners, can’t stand them. I still have sugar in coffee and tea, but I only drink lattes when we go out to Costa or M&S, about 2 or 3 a week – even though we have a latte maker at home! A 3g packet in a drink – have though changed from full fat to skinny and can’t say I can tell the difference!

    Less than 1/2 a spoon in tea, but though I have up to 6 cups a day, I rarely have more than a 1/3rd of a cup – so i count 3 teas spoonfuls a day, and rarely reach that.

    I still have bread, but only about twice a week, potatoes once or twice a week, pasta and rice rarely, wholemeal bread is fine but pasta ugh!

    Actually wish I could just do non-carbs, low gi, good luck to those who can – but I sacrifice at the altar of fewer calories so I can have the things I like – it will be interesting to see what works better on maintenance. Lot to be said for changing what we eat, cos the way we ate in the past is why we are here now. But I also ate 3 or 4 meals in a day in the past – I rarely eat more than twice a day now, and much less than before.

    Most folk around the world eat bread – and many of those who don’t eat white rice. Obesity isn’t yet a worldwide problem, perhaps what we eat isn’t even the problem. Would love to see the correlation between the rise of the supermarkets and processed food, and obesity is the US and in Britain.

    There is just under 20g of sugar in a tin of heinz tomato soup – and don’t tell me half a tin is a portion. Ok, 8g of the sugar comes from the tomatoes, and is naturally occurring, BUT 12 g – 3 TEASPOONS of added sugar A TIN. Its just wrong!

    thanks for the offer, Audrey, but I’m hoping to wear my wedding outfit to my son’s wedding, if and when it ever happens.

    Gawd, I do make myself laugh sometimes – last wore it 21 years ago – though it was bought at Jenner’s and they had to take it in when I got it, wonder if they cut off the excess materiel or just folded it.

    I agree milena,

    My philosophy is if you stop eating carbs whilst dieting what happens when you stop and start eating them again? I think the answer is you are straight back to where you started!

    We are gradually getting used to eating smaller portions of food that we enjoy, this surely has to be the right way to do this and not balloon again when we reach our target weights. Notice I said WHEN not IF! Hehe

    Today is a hard day to fast….. every programme has food every advert is food I just want food!

    Roll on bedtime


    Hi Audrey

    Good luck on your back to back. I have done one of these by accident! I hope you have recovered from your busy day. It is so unfair that mem lose more easily, just one of those things I suppose.

    Thank goodness I don’t have anybody wafting food around me, well done to you and Milena for staying strong.

    Hi Stingray

    Yes carbs are a weakness of mine as well, I try to restrict them as I find they make me feel hungry. I also find I don’t lose weight if I don’t restrict them. This is just me and hopefully things will be different for you.

    I do know that on a slimming world diet I ate mostly carbs, pasta, jacket potato, rice and bread and restricted meat. I lost hardly anything. The person that I went with did the opposite and had mostly protein and lost over a stone in a few weeks, she also had a packed lunch of three egg sandwiches made with Danish bread, this was her allowance of carbs for the day. Of course I am not counting vegetable carbs in here as they are complex and so didn’t count. I went again a few years later did the same thing and had the same result.

    I know that when I started 5:2 I restricted carbs much more than now. Then I lost more now it has really slowed down. Next week I shall go back to a week like my first weeks, I shall see then if this helps.

    Here is a link about carbs.

    But obviously you may be someone who can eat them without worrying and if that is so then good. I wish I was but I have got to move some more weight and I shall worry about what I eat when I get to maintenance.

    Good luck all of you falsting, I am as well.


    I could do with some advice, do I eat tonight or not. I am hungry but am worried if I eat I won’t be able to stop. As you all know this is my problem with food!

    Think I could ladt till tomorrow but am feeling little light headed but hot chocolate would sort that out!


    Hi Audrey

    if you are not hungry, don’t eat! But have a drink of water. See it as banking for a day when the siren calls, then you can eat a few hundred calories WITH NO GUILT!

    I think one of the pluses of doing this long term is that we just don’t get hungry as much, so go with the flow, if we can crack eating only when hungry – and stopping when we have had enough, not when we are full – even if it is a couple of mouthfuls of something – then we really have cracked it, and the carbs, no carbs discussion won’t really matter. Wish I could say I do this now, but when we are out I have taken to buying only one sandwich or whatever we are having, and sharing with OH. And its usually enough. Not always, but usually.

    Hi Audrey

    As you know a big bowl of soup is satisfying, this would keep hunger at bay as well.

    Here is a recipe that is low calorie about 56 calories, nice and easy to make. It is cheesy muffins, egg, cottage cheese and anything you might like to add.

    I use cottage cheese and chives to make a pastry less quiche. It looks horrible when mixing. I often use some tomatoes sometimes peppers and maybe a little bacon or thick ham. It tastes lovely and can be eaten hot or cold.

    The cat is laying on my legs as he is so pleased to have me home, stopping me going into the kitchen!! I don’t mind but I would like a cup of tea……. I just haven’t the heart to disturb him, so I am not getting much done either.


    I have got some home made stew and dumplings out of the freezer ready for later, but am just worried that if I eat it I will not be able to stop!

    Think I am going to wait for a while and see how I feel later. If I eat my stew I will still be under 400 kcals for the day.

    Ginette even the cat missed you, but not as much as us, it was too quiet without you on here, glad we are back to normal service,

    Thanks ladies


    Hi Audrey

    Eat it as late as possible, I tend to eat between 8.30 and 9.30 so then you don’t have time to get hungry. On a fast day and most other days I usually don’t eat until after 2.30. As long as I have hot drinks this fills me up.


    Thanks ginette think that’s probably what I will do.


    Hi all,

    I have eaten my stew plus some fruit and had a hot chocolate drink. Came in just under 500 kcals. I’m feeling strangely very full.
    Thanks for all your support ladies I couldn’t have managed without you.

    Milena how are you doing?


    Well, a game of two halves

    1 VERY small serving of muesli and semi skimmed milk at lunchtime, 2.30 ish.

    2 small bowls of soup and half a slice of wholemeal bread – a very thin slice, at 7pm

    Then a cup of tea and two digestive biscuits.

    Over 500 cals I suspect! Haven’t worked out the calories in the soup but a clear broth and veggies with a couple of strips of chicken must be low, especially as I managed to skim off any fat.

    On the other hand, the biscuits were lovely.

    Must say I feel very full, and the gram of fibre in the two biscuits are what the doctor ordered!! lol!

    Actually quite happy. I’m still trying to do – over 5 days – 2 or 3 fasts and the remainder semi fasts – then very mindful on the other two days, so still very much on my plan for the month. Not sure if I can do it for more than a month, so the plan is to assess on the 30th. Off to Copenhagen on the 8th of October, so October’s plan has to incorporate that.

    Your hot chocolate sounds nice though, well done for under 1000 in two days. Your are a star!!!

    I am off upstairs for a long hot bath then bed. Milena good luck to you all those fasts more than I can do!

    Thanks again for all your support.

    Night night


    Just worked out the soup, Audrey, under 200 Total including the bread. Wow, so even with my sugar in tea I’m well under 600 cals.

    I think soup might be a bit of a life saver!

    I need to do something to put an end to the yoyoing, and I can pretty much do anything for a month, just hoping it reboots me. Wouldn’t recommend it long term, that way lies madness – and I couldn’t do it – but I’m halfway through now, might as well try to get to the 30th.

    Well done milena I am so happy for you.

    My stew was rather good 2 and not too bad calorie wise. I think we will all have to swap soup recipes before the cold really sets in!

    Talk tomorrow

    Enjoy your evening


    Hi ladies it’s me franee2 better known as Fran reporting in for the first time in a dogs age. Please forgive my absence, it’s not for any reason other than I’ve not been following the 5/2 WOL. That’s not to say I haven’t been plugging away at losing weight. It’s that I’m on a different path right now. I think I told you of the possibility of me needing bariatric surgery to make way for some other necessary vascular surgery. Well I’ve attended an assessment clinic and there I was put on a severely restricted diet consisting of protein shakes and water along with a very small protein rich meal. Well I’m pleased to report that I’ve lost 35 lbs since the last time I posted on the forum. I hope to be under 200 lbs by the end of this week. I’ve been so committed to this diet that the possibility exists that I might have dieted my way out of needing the surgery altogether. I’ll find out when I go back for my follow-up appointment on Oct 19 th. I hope you forgive my silence, but I have been lurking around following you’re exploits and adventures. I think of you often and if you don’t mind, I’ll keep you up to date with mine from time to time. Keep up the fight ladies and remember, regardless of how we get there, we’re all in this together.
    Fran xx


    Glad you are o.k. and doing a lot better than the last time we heard from you.

    PLEASE keep in touch you were one of the first people to welcome me to this forum along with ginette and I would be very sad if we were to lose touch. I hope the news from the appointment in Oct is good.

    All the best from me to you for now keep lurking and post occasionally!
    Keep on losing!

    Your fast friend


    Hi Audrey & Milena, super well done on the B2B fast days. What a buzz! and what motivation you both have.

    For sure I agree with the sentiments around giving up carbs altogether and the fall out once they are back on the menu.

    Ginette, hope your fast day went to plan! I am hopeless on carbs. I just have to look at a breadroll I gain weight. If ever I bought fresh baguette – I would eat it in the car before getting home!! Gluttony is my name. Having said that, I can control that if I dont buy it. So I will continue to eat my lovely porridge for breakfast, and my breadroll for my Saturday lunch to go.

    I bought a spiralizer – not used it yet but as soon as it arrives I will use that to make courgette pasta. Does anyone else use this as a substitute for pasta?

    Today is my fast day, with weigh-in & meansure-in looming on Sunday. Bit nervous, bit excited and really hoping to have lost at least 2 pounds, while recognising that losing can slow down after wk1.

    Have a great day all.


    Hi Stingray

    No congrats please for me, that was only day one, AND I went over. Fasting today, just to make it interesting am in M&S having a latte. No too many calories for the rest of the day. Good job I have more soup.

    Not the end of the world though, third fast of the week, finding lots of fast days and just a couple of ‘normal’ days works for me, even if I go beyond 500 calories on fast days. Decided to extend doing this until Halloween, as have been invited to a wedding that day, we are all going to be in fancy dress. Should be interesting. Looking for a cool outfit, at the moment best choice is an ugly sister or Fiona, after true love’s kiss!!!

    Hi ladies

    I am sat here planning my food for the day

    Am planning on having some pea n ham soup homemade for my lunch.

    Then roast chicken with roasted, onion, tomato, peppers and mushrooms for evening meal.

    This leaves me with enough kcals left for a slice of my home made banana bread and some hot chocolate later yummy!

    I love the day after a fast day!

    Stingray, I think ginette does courgette spaghetti no doubt she will be along soon, I haven’t tried it but it does sound good.

    Milena, have a good day, enjoy your drink!

    Have a good day be you fast or feast


    Hi Audrey
    You are so brave going for b2b but I bet you are glad you did it. I am having trouble staying off the scales! I want to wait until Tuesday which will be a whole week. Maybe I should ask Neil to hide them?
    Your food for today sounds lovely, not that I am jealous of course!

    Hi Fran

    Nice to see you back here, well done on your wonderful loss, as you now the people here are a great support. We have a couple of new people they are all nice and helpful.

    Whichever way you are doing it, you are still losing weight and in your case I know it’s just what the doctor ordered. Let’s hope it speeds your way to your other surgery. One lot of surgery is definitely enough!!

    Hi Stingray

    I have bought a spirilizer as well, I have also just bought some courgette spaghetti, so I will let you j ow when I have tried it, I have both that and the cauliflower cous cous. I think I will cook it with some seasoning.

    That won’t be today but maybe tomorrow. I am trying to eat low carb not no carb, although when I bought this I had obviously forgotten what I ordered in my shopping delivery!! Maybe needs to start the week after. I am obviously feeling the chill as I have a lot of comfort food. I know I shall be having curry this evening as SM fancied it last week and I put it off to this week. So tonight it is. We only have half each but also some chips with it…….does that sound like low carb, I don’t think so. Like you if I buy a baguette I would eat it.

    Real French bread in France the Miche type, I get cut into slices when I am there, this lasts a long time as the slices are thin and only half the weight of English bread. Delicious as well.

    Hi Audrey

    Banana bread sounds lovely. Jamie Oliver was making eggy bread with banana this week. Dinner sounds lovely.

    Sadly my food day doesn’t sound good at all!!

    Have a good day all, I have a friend coming soon and we have a few weeks to catch up on as she always goes away for the summer.

    See you all later.


    I hop on and off the scales so much I get dizzy!

    I really miss them when I am at the caravan. Speaking of which we are going again tomorrow till Monday evening, wish me luck it’s the worse place for me so many treats so close!


    Hi Fran,

    I am new to the forum and 5 2 in general. Super well done on your loss to date. I dont think it matters which path one follows – its the support that is needed. I am sorry to hear that your health is not good, you sound really positive about the possibility of perhaps not requiring the surgery after all!

    I have an unbelievable amount to lose but…. big sigh…. the only way to eat an elephant is in very small bites! and I have some goals I have set for the immediate future… as I cannot conceive how I will manage to lose all that I need to. Instead of focussing on the end goal… I am looking at the small bites!

    Keep reading this forum! the ladies here are fab!


    When I started this in January I had 40 lb to lose, my aim is to get from obese to healthy bmi. I have done it in small bites and so far have managed to lose 23 lb. My next target is to get to 148.5lb then I will be the lowest I have been for years, it’s only 4.5 lbs away, then I want to get to 147 lb which is 10,5 stone and so on until I reach my goal!

    You are doing the right thing breaking it up into little bites it seems to make it more achievable.

    This forum makes us realise we are not alone in our journeys, it has at times saved me from falling and failing and I hope in time saves you too.

    I am glad you are doing so well and liking the group these ladies are all fantastic.

    Keep in touch together we are stronger

    Hi Audrey,

    Fantastic job on your weightloss! WOW!! Good on you.

    I feel like I have joined a brilliant forum so here goes… confession time!

    Hi – My name is Loz and on Monday 14.09.2015 I weighed myself at 18 Stones (252lb or 114kg) My Long term ultimate goal is to weigh in at 11 Stone (154lb or 70kg)

    Like I said 🙂 very small bites. I did not get this way overnight… and I am really excited having found this “diet”.

    I get the feeling though that I will be turning to all the lovely ladies on ehre for some morale boosting tips.

    Have a lovely day!


    Good luck Audrey, I hope you succeed in only having small treats.

    Well done Stingray, you focus on the smaller goals this is the way forward. I could never have focused on long term when I started as that was 9 stone away, now hopefully soon in will only be four and a half stone away. I know when I get to my target (notice it is when not if!) I shall probably adjust it down by about half a stone. So a huge amount, possible one Audrey! 🙂

    Well one whole person anyway….

    Keep the scales moving in the right direction and you will get there. I shall be here alongside you. Don’t get too despondent when you don’t lose, summer for me is always a bad time, I suffer with water retention and this doesn’t help, I am now coming into the best time of the year for weight loss for me. Make soups as they fill you up for a few calories, they say that even eating a small bowl of soup is good as it will cut down the portion you have of other foods.


    Hi loz

    If you look back through some of the posts you will see that ginette has her own little corner in which she talks about her weight loss and gives tips to newbies! I am sure it will be of use to you, I used to laughingly call it her welcome pack! I know a lot of people have found it very useful, I think it is on the just started/welcome section and is called something like my 10 week journey?

    My tip for you would be log your weight and when you grow out of some clothes that fit you now keep them, I have and I now call them my clown trousers! But when it’s a dark day and you feel like giving in its well worthwhile to get them out and see just how far you have come. A walk of a 1000 miles starts with the 1st steps!

    Glad to meet you loz

    Ginette if you are about can you post your link again please. Another welcome pack is needed! Haha

    Nemum are you about, you have been very quiet is all ok?
    How is the job search doing ?
    Keep in touch


    Hi Loz

    Missed your last post sorry. We were obviously writing at the same time, yes I came from 20 stone and my target is 11 stone.

    I log weight loss on there every 10 weeks, I would imagine a 10 week update is due, so that may be soon now I have a bit more time.

    I remember thinking about all the things that I had learnt and about all how my body responded in the first 10 weeks. I learnt a lot in this time and wanted to share it as I thought it may be helpful to others.

    Here is a link to that thread, a one here please add your 10 week weight loss as it is really helpful to peopke new to the diet, we are all different so if your weight loss is more or less than mine it doesn’t matter, it shows that we have lost and sometimes how the journey was.

    I really hope this helps.


    Audrey, hope you have a fab time away. It must be hard if temptation is in your path! I am sure you will keep your mind on your aim although I know when we had a boat at the coast fish and chips were irresistible (have I spelt that right?)!!
    Had a dodgy moment cleaning out the fridge, the cheese box beckoned oh my big downfall! I resisted. How good is that?

    Hi Beverley

    Well done on not giving in. I love cheese, one I have never tried is feta. Have you tried it?


    Morning all,
    Been on scales not lost weight, not really suprised because I over ate when ian was off work. He is off again from tonight so I really must do better this time.

    I am going to caravan later, will be home Monday evening, have a great weekend, good luck to all feast or fast


    Hi Ginette K,
    Feta cheese is a great cheese and is naturally linked to a Greek salad. However there are many other recipes that use Feta. One is with Water melon. Simply cut some Water melon into bite size chunks, deseed, mix in some small piece of Feta (not to much) toss in some torn mint leaves and enjoy.
    Not really a Fast day meal but great any other day. Remember like most cheese, only have a small portion. Up here in the North East another cheese delicacy is to have a thin slice of Wensleydale (of Wallace and Grommit fame) with a slice of nice fruit cake
    and a cup of tea….wonderful.

    Hi Audrey

    Sorry that you haven’t lost any weight. Maybe next week. X

    Hi Couscous

    Thanks for that, I don’t really eat said this time of year though, can you use it in cooking. I have heard if you like goats cheese and Parmesan you will like this so I presume it is strong. I like both of the other cheeses.


    Hello Ladies!!

    I did not have the best day yesterday. Have put it behind me and am having a better day today! 🙂

    Hope y’all have a terrific weekend!

    Loz xx

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