Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hi Thin

    I actually began being sugar free in February and continued for 3 weeks, then birthdays happened. I am about to begin again being sugar free. This Lent I am trying for as many sugar free days as possible, rather than a blanket 40 days of Lent. It is way easier when I tell myself I can relax if I want to.

    However, like LJ, I find I don’t like many sweet things any more. I particularly dont like things with a wheat base, and heavy pastry gives me indigestion. So hooray for that.

    I love the learning journey that is 5:2 and I also like my fast days the best. Unlike some of you, I sleep like a log on fast days, as I don’t have any sugars or flours or pasta or rice or bread etc on fast days. The carbs and sugars keep me awake. Haha. We are all different. Viva la difference!

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺🌺

    Hi Jody and Joffy

    Sorry to not respond earlier to your comments on possible water fast. Most rude of me.

    I fasted 24 hours on water and one black coffee. Then I had a tiny evening meal with some protein and fat. I can’t remember now what it was, but it was one of a very few recipes I use. Such as a two whole egg omelet with tomato and mushrooms, with 2-3 flakes of Parmesan. Or a small amount of smoked salmon with spinach and a few flakes of Parmesan. Or half an avocado with lemon juice and pepper and a few flakes of Parmesan. Or homemade vegetable soup with chili and a few flakes of Parmesan. You can have cold soup in Summer as well as hot soup in Winter.

    Cheers, Bay πŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸ’πŸ’

    Bay, I like my FDs too. I enjoy the discipline that they bring. I also like Thursday mornings when I wake up knowing I have three nonFDs ahead but don’t actually feel hungry.

    What! No Parmesan flakes on the hot or cold soup?


    It’s interesting that you and I both find it harder to maintain for lengthy periods of time, than it was to lose weight initially. I found maintaining was easy for two years, then I found I had to become very mindful of what I was eating and when I was eating. So now I rarely eat any breakfast at all. Lots of water and the occasional single shot black coffee every day.

    I have settled on the idea that two small meals a day on any day are plenty to keep me satisfied. So if I have a social nibble on a NFD, then that becomes one of my two meals. I always try to have some protein and fat at both of my meals, as it satisfies me for hours. My nibble of choice is almonds.

    Congrats to all the losers who are winning their personal battles despite the odds. It’s very inspirational reading what you write.

    Cheers, Bay β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    Yes Bay, as PerthGirl rudely reminded us recently, this is all still very new in the scheme of things nutritional. What’s the longest anyone’s been maintaining? 3-4 years? It has to be a WOL forever and I do still have faith that we can continue it long-term. Let’s hope so.

    Good evening fellow fasters,
    Enjoying a FD today and catching up on some posts with interest.
    Thin and Bay, I am sure this WOL will turn out to be the revolution to living well due to the discipline it does bring to our eating habits.

    I do like the Thursday FD like you Thinatlast for somewhat the same reason and also to having the kids around and being able to cook what we like. It is also the relax of the regiment to allow for social engagements and not feel worried about indulging although this has changed slightly, I have been conscious to passing on the chip bowl as it is offered.

    Looking forward to soup for dinner and I am threatening to cook my own soup shortly maybe even on Thursday. We will see.
    Meals for last Thursday:
    1 x white coffee 150kj, 500g minestrone soup 800kj, 100g kidney beans in the soup 400kj Total 1350kj or 322cals.

    Joffy, Thin and Cinque and any other 5:2 chefs out there who prepare their FD soups from scratch, I admire your efforts since there’s nothing better than home made soup!!

    Hey Thin, I too appreciated reading your post about the carbs at dinner time and FD sleeping. I usually sleep very well on FDs. It is the NFDs that I find so difficult. I’ll keep in mind about the carbohydrates. I didn’t sleep so great last night and added some cooked brown rice to Mr. L’s bowl ‘Cowboy Chilli’ that I prepared, but didn’t add any into my bowl. On second thought though, this chilli had bits of quinoa and kidney beans so I would have thought those would have sufficed for some carbs? Anyway, this is something I’m going to experiment with.

    Cinque, I’m so glad adding the carbs worked for you and that you slept well!!

    Well done Pintinlin!!! Like you wheat and gluten in general triggers inflammation in me and usually an autoimmune flare up. …I’ve repeatedly lost everything I write in this forum as I press ‘submit’ or I can get logged off by pressing ‘submit’ and then have to start all over. So now I always press CTRL+C to copy my post into my clipboard before pressing ‘submit’ it has happened so many times.

    Today I had my version of ‘cake’ that I ate too! That’s because I found my favorite frozen dessert/ice cream at the Go Vita in Southport. It’s called ‘Whey Whip’ and it is a kind of frozen high protein whey ice cream sweetened with stevia. Apologies if you’ve all heard of this because I wrote about this previously. I just like it so much I tend to gush about it! I first found it in a Go Vita in Melbourne back in December. Is perfect on the sweetness scale for me, doesn’t trigger cravings and I feel nourished after eating it. My favorite flavor is Mint. Even Mr. L. liked it and shared it with me when we were in Melbourne and he’s a died in the wool ‘Peter’s’ ice cream consumer!

    Good morning all,

    Caught up with reading, and I’m another with the wheat /inflammation nasty. Had some in the last few days when tired and buying a sandwich was easiest in the situation. Not easiest in the aftermath. Hands still a bit sore and swollen.

    Busy busy in the our household and next FD tomorrow after quite a bit out of my usual food regime so will be ready for my reset then

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Good to have you back Merry. I’m fasting with you today – and Cinque? It’s comforting to read your early check-in post on my FDs so hoping its absence today just means that you’re busy.

    Joffy, I hope you’re right in your assessment of 5:2 long-term. If so, we’re among the pioneers!

    Hi Minka, I hope all continues to go well with your balance of work, TAFE and short trips. When’s your next FD LJ?

    Tonight’s FD meal is Spanish Fideos, 142 cals. The upcoming restaurant birthday meal is causing me stress. This probably sounds ridiculous to most.

    Hi all,
    Really tired today, I have been so busy this morning that I just want to go back to bed and sleep. I am not sleeping well either so this tiredness feels so much worse. I made a large saucepan of Vegetable soup this morning. Grated every veg I had in the crisper drawer and with a bit of chicken stock simmered it for ages. Tastes nice and I had a bowl for lunch with a slice of Sour Dough Bread. Not a fast day for me so I thought having a bit of bread to mop up the juices wouldn’t hurt for once.
    I didn’t go to the pool this morning either, now I feel terribly guilty!!! lol
    It is annoying that the day after a fasting day I weigh in at something and just out of interest I pop on the scales a couple of days later and I weigh more!!! Grrrrr.
    Not into things today, think I might just flake out on the sofa with a good book.
    Happy Wednesday all.

    Hi Merry, Thin and Charlotte!

    I’m fasting tomorrow, as are you Merry! …I’m back to moving my FDs around to fit in with my week, so tomorrow it is!

    Charlotte, your soup sounds delish! The sour dough too! I can appreciate a good sour dough even if I pass on bread.

    For all those who experience difficulty sleeping, there is a technique/practice that has worked wonders for me in the past and I’ve just started it again, which is: Simply sit or walk outside in the morning light for 15-20 minutes each morning within an hour of getting out of bed. No need to sit in the sun, the shade is fine and wearing a hat is okay too, though pass on sunglasses since the raw unfiltered light needs to reach our eyes! It is the warm yellow spectrum and the intensity of this morning light that positively affects our brains and thus which hormones we secret and when. Glass screens out these rays to the point of them being useless if we instead sat inside next to a glass window. Also, it doesn’t matter if it is the cloudiest or rainiest of days in the most dead of winter, since that light that nature produces even then casts the properties to positively affect our circadian rhythm and so benefit healthy hormonal output.

    I’d been experiencing restless sleep of late, and waking frequently even with added complex carbs in the evening meal, so decided to give this a try again and I’ve now had a couple nights of sound sleep in a row, which I haven’t had for some time.

    Hi all

    I’m on my second fast day for the week today, I’ll also do another one on either Fri or Sat. I hadn’t eaten and my stomach started really gurgling and I felt hungry so I warmed up my dinner and had it early (1/2 chicken breast with steamed asparagus and grilled zucchini and mushrooms) – simple but delicious. I have a punnet or raspberries in the fridge for later if I need them.

    Although I have some soup recipies that I roughly follow, I often take a similar approach to soup as Charlotte has described – use the veg you have on hand. I find soup is a very forgiving food and most blends of veg seem to work. It can be a lot of chopping or grating if you do it by hand, but if you have a food processor it’s quick and then you really just have a little washing up to do and stir the pot occasionally – a lot of food for very little work. I also find it’s one of those foods that freeze really well (I freeze it in 1-2 serve containers so that I don’t have to eat the same thing for days on end). I wish I enjoyed soup in summer, but the weather needs to be cool for me to feel like soup unfortunately.

    Thin – feeling stressed about a restaurant meal doesn’t sound strange to me. I find the only thing that helps me, is to plan the day (and usually the one before & after as well). Virtually all restaurants have menus online somewhere (sometimes it’s on their website, sometimes it’s in facebook or a diner has taken a photo of it and posted it on a review site). Once I have the menu I can plan what I’m going to order and plan the rest of the day(s) accordingly. It takes me a while to negotiate with myself about what trades I’m prepared to make in food choices to end up with selections I’m happy with. If I don’t do this I go into the evening with trepidation and will often make bad choices because I haven’t had enough time to think it through – I let my food desires rule unless I’ve had time to talk them down from their stance. For some people the forward planing would take all of the enjoyment out of the event. For me spontaneity is over rated (and usually full of calories landmines) – only once I have a plan do I relax and enjoy myself.

    Minka, thanks for the advice on sunshine and sleeping. I have had issues getting to sleep for many years and menopause made it worse so I’m willing to try anything. Although I do go outside, I always wear tinted lenses as my pupils don’t contract properly and I find the light blinding. As it sounds like being in the shade is OK then I think that’s the answer for me – I can go without the glasses while I’m in the shade.

    After all the discussion of zucchini slice last week I brought the ingredients for one when shopping yesterday. I plan to make it on Friday, I’ve worked out that I can have a small piece with salad on a FD and the rest on NFDs. Although I like zucchini slice I don’t make it often as I’m only cooking for myself and it doesn’t freeze well, so I end up eating it too many days in a row. I’ve adjusted my recpie down to make a 3 serve size so that should work.

    I thought I should mention something I observed. I noticed extra tiredness and a mild headache on the 2 days after my sugar/fat laden events last Friday and Sunday. I don’t usually feel like this after a normal NFD, so I think my body was objecting. Any time I put extra stress on my liver by expecting it to cope with a large fat intake I usually get a headache and often nausea as well. I’m sure the sugar also contributed to the way I was feeling as well. Yesterday was a normal NFD and today I felt no lethargy and no headache. I have more family birthday meals and brunches coming up on the weekend and next week but they won’t be focussed on sweet things so as long as I can manage the fat level of my choices it should be easier.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, time for me to head out and start the garden watering for the evening.

    Hi Thin

    I am also fasting today, have gone 22 hours so far with just a cup of black coffee and lots of water. For dinner around 7 pm I’m going to have green vegetables, fennel, chilli, mushroom, avocado, tomato, poached egg, and a few flakes of, yes you guessed it, Parmesan. I love Parmesan and chilli and lime juice and olive oil for spritzing up any vegetable dish.

    I sent you a few smiley faces in response to your cheeky comment. However the post vanished, and I took it as a sign. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    I would step up the fasting for your birthday week, have 3 fasts, and then just choose whatever you want from the menu. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ. Don’t worry about it. I bet your stomach is too small to eat all the foods your eyes would like. You cannot undo 2 good years of fasting in one evening. 🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺

    Cheers, Bay πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    PS Thin, Those French ladies who don’t get fat do not ban any food. They just eat small portions. And they have a glass of wine with their meal. And they eat slowly. Have fun. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    You guys are lovely, thanks for being there and cheering me up.

    FD going well, I spent several hours in the garden despite the heat and then the hours post-cauliflower soup wasting time pouring over on-line menus! It’s exactly as you said LJ, and the same advice I’ve given to others. Selecting the dish ahead of time removes that tendency for impulse ordering when you’re hungry. What I neglected to say in my earlier post was that OH wanted to go to an Indian buffet which would have been a landmine for me as I’d feel a strong pull towards ‘getting my money’s worth’ i.e. over-eating and all that comes with it. Fortunately, now that he knows it’ll be upwards of $147 for the three of us, he’s agreed that ordering from the menu might be better! I agree with you wholeheartedly about planning, as you say, not just the meal itself but the day(s) before and after. The way you put it made me laugh, so thanks!

    Bay, thanks to you too for the smileys, dancing girls and flowers! Of course you’re right too. It’s one meal and I know it sounds silly to be worrying about it. I think I’m freaking out because I seem to be hovering around ‘trigger weight’ all the time lately so I’m worried that an additional thing here or there could put me on a slippery slope. (The following weekend, we have another lunch at friends’.) I switched Sunday’s FD for Saturday so an extra FD isn’t an option unless I want to do B2B which seems daunting. But I can certainly do some mindful eating over the next two days. Meanwhile, well done to you, your water fast must be over now. I use chilli and lime juice, both from our garden, for flavour too.

    Charlotte, when I was losing weight, I would always gain a bit in between FDs. Don’t worry about it. You’re on a downward trend overall, aren’t you? (Take my advice; I’m not using it!).

    Minka, you have some interesting advice for insomniacs. I might give that a go too. Is a course of this treatment required or does one session ensure sleep for the upcoming night? I do walk every morning but that’s with sunglasses on, and the rest. The UK date stamps on here often have me confused and I read Merry’s post as fasting today. All the best with it tomorrow both of you.

    And thanks for distracting me all of you, because now it’s now time for my Spanish Fideos.

    Good morning everyone,
    I feel like I have been away forever! A couple of busy days and not much concentration!
    I didn’t fast yesterday because I didn’t feel ready. My sister was visiting so it was nice to have breakfast with her and my daughter and grandchildren at a local cafe that is well set up for kids (but it wasn’t a particularly nice croissant unfortunately).

    Today I am ready, although a tormented neighbour woke me (and everyone else) at 4:30am and I didn’t get back to sleep. Hopefully I will manage an afternoon nap.
    Charlotte I hope you got a good rest when you were so tired. Have you got your energy back now?

    I’m going to make my new style fast-day soup with veggies and chickpeas in it. (Minka, I’d have thought beans and quinoa in your stew was a good amount of complex carbs, veggies have them too!) so I am looking forward to that!

    Pin! Congrats on getting under 110!
    Good luck on going sugar free too. I think I am a special case, but it has made an enormous difference to my life, and luckily there are still so many delicious things to eat!
    No High Tea for me though! πŸ˜‰

    Thin good luck in putting everything in place so that your restaurant meal can be as enjoyable and relaxed as possible, and a true celebration of you being here on Earth!

    Merry I do so hope that the inflammation is a lot better today. Sending you extra special good wishes.

    LJoyce, I find the zucchini slice freezes well! I freeze it in pieces and usually I remember to get a piece out to thaw in the fridge. Then I give it a quick warm through in the microwave and then crisp up the top and bottom in a fry pan or under the grill. Yum!

    I made some for my sister on Tuesday evening to have between driving down from Benalla and then going to the Archeology Society meeting. And then I made zucchini and meat ball stew for when she returned. So I used 8 zucchinis and made two delicious small meals with lots of left overs. Win! Zucchini season is nearly over, but I picked one yesterday to go in today’s soup.

    Well I’d better go back outside to make the garden ready for another hot day, and get some of that golden light Minka recommended!

    Cheers everyone!

    Morning all, hope you are going well. Have to be brief today – lots of appointments.
    Had to weight myself this morning as the doctor needs my current weight tomorrow – 79.5kg this morning which is less than I expected although the time of the month would account for most of that rapid drop in weight. (I haven’t been under 80kg since November so I’m feeling a bit relieved, I just hope it stays that weight for my official weigh in at the end of the month.

    Cinque, I will give freezing the slice another go. When I’ve done it before I found the thawed slices were very wet and microwaving didn’t improve the situation, but I like your idea of crisping up the surface again I think that would correct the problem.

    Have a good day all.

    Minka- congratulations on starting your new job so well, and sounds like you and the job are a good fit.

    Joffy- how wonderful to get your new boat dies in a smaller size – excellent. Well done!

    Oh dear , more comments to make but I’m not having a good day – either a crash from doing way too much in the last 10days, or getting a bug that’s going around. Not hungry because my tummy’s a bit off but not doing my FD either., not well enough.

    Oh, must say, is it wwall with the family hassles? Sorry, foggy brain today. Wanted to encourage you to just stick with 5:2 as you can while you go through this period. I went through an 8month period like that in the middle of my weight loss and just did the best I could with the aim to stay a stable weight, and that was a strategy that worked. I’m sorry your having a rough time. Look after yourself while you go through this. Best wishes to you.

    Onkeep getting back on the horse.
    Onwards and downwards,

    Bl…,,.. predictive text! Wastes more time than it saves.

    Joffy – boat dies = boardies

    Well, didn’t think I’d post again but found this really interesting article about the myth of eating 5 serves of veges a day.

    Personally I love vegetables but for those that don’t – seems you shouldn’t feel bad about not eating them.

    Article gives some good advice about what foods to eat. Trying to work out how to get liver (which I hate) into my diet.


    Hi All,

    I too am always confused by the Time and Date stamps since they are set to the UK which is a day ahead of us, though not quite a full 24 hours ahead! So, I’ll start by saying that it is Thursday and I’m at the end of my first FD for the week. I’m doing better to be able to fit one in on the same day I attend TAFE. A month ago, this wouldn’t have been possible. I’m still considering trying to pull one off again on Saturday, though I will have to wait until Saturday to see if I’m able. I’ll take extra food to work in case I need it, otherwise it will be food that I can save for another day. That’s how last Saturday panned out. Somehow it was comforting knowing I had food available. This knowing enabled me to feel less hungry.

    More info on utilizing morning light to help with insomnia….

    My experience with spending time in the morning light is that it really depends on how far my sleep has deteriorated. The first time I tried sitting out for 20 minutes each morning it took about a week for me to feel the benefit, though once I began sleeping soundly again, I kept on with the 20 minutes each morning for as long as I could just to make sure! I would have continued beyond the 3 months I practiced it but those midges and mosquitoes got the better of me (I don’t like wearing bug spray). At the time I was very careful to ensure that I spent the time outside within an hour of getting out of bed. …I might not have needed to ever sit out again though various intervening factors have again come between me and sound sleep, so I felt that it is in order for me to start up the practice again.

    LJ, I too am adversely affected by glare due to my history of low aldosterone (an adrenal hormone). Low aldosterone, for some reason, causes pupils to have difficulty contracting similar to as you describe. If I sit outside and I’m not able to find a good spot of shade, I’ll wear a broad brimmed hat, which makes all the difference. I also have to be careful of reflective light casting glare such as off our wooden deck such as in the morning when the sun is at a particular angle, so in that case, I’ll turn my chair away from the glare. Even then the healthy and beneficial spectrum of the morning light still reaches our eyes, though in a more gentle manner, which I find helpful.

    So, maybe some might feel immediate benefit like I do now which is if I’m out in the morning light for those 20 minutes within an hour of waking, there’s a 99% chance I’ll sleep soundly that night. However, like I said, when I didn’t sleep well any night, it took a week or so for me to experience the benefit.

    Thin, on the odd occasion I’ll have the energy for a long morning walk and feel that the light is growing too strong as the sun rises in the sky, I’ll start out without the sunglasses and after the 20 minutes I’ll put them on since it is my sense that the morning spectrum would have already done any good work it was going to do by then!

    Also, I don’t mean to inundate with sleep strategies, though there are a few others I’ve implemented that I also regard as necessities such as ensuring I sleep in a darkened room (no night lights). Doing my best not to be wakened by noises. I’m listing all these because they’ve been factors that contributed to my original incessant insomnia. I also now don ‘Blue Block’ glasses as soon as I turn a light on because the blue hue of the energy saving light bulbs are something that I found woke me up and night isn’t a time when we want to feel like we’re wide awake!

    Good morning everyone.
    I was an excellent sleeper until I got CFS, it seems people with CFS either can’t sleep very much, or sleep all the time. I’m the first sort. I didn’t sleep too badly last night, but that might be as much because I took a zyrtec for hayfever, rather than morning light!
    I need more experimentation but I am afraid it is a slow morning with my granddaughter and we haven’t got out yet. We will go to the park soon.

    CanberraAngel, I am so glad you came back to post! I hope you are going well!
    That was an interesting article you linked.

    Hello fellow foggy brainer, Merry. I do hope today is a gentle day, and (if it isn’t too much to ask) that you feel a bit better.

    I find those time/date stamps bewildering too Minka. Sometimes I turn back to ‘active topics’ so I can see how long ago something was written.

    I had a good Thursday fast day except that fitting in shopping with my friend and minding my granddaughter overnight is a fail. Too hard! But I did make an almighty effort and, as well as those two things, I cooked up a huge bunch of kale (so I have portions of greens ready in the freezer) and an enormous pot of veggie soup with chickpeas, which made a wonderful fast day meal and I have it in the fridge and freezer for the future (will I ever eat my freezer clear!).
    Plus granddaughter and I had a lovely time! Still having! She’s just been bathed, since we didn’t manage it last night, and we will drive to the park for a play, before I drop her back at home.

    Just need my coffee first, and then two days to recover!

    Lucky I have soup!

    Minka I am so impressed you are managing Tafe, your new job, and fasting too! Well, I hope you manage it! You will be very good at making decisions to balance your life well. Fingers crossed you can fit all the fast days you need, into the mix.

    I’m having another NFD today – that’s the first time this month than I’ve had 2 NFD back-to-back as I’m doing 3FD per week this month.

    I’ve noticed that the more attention I pay to appetite, the better I get at recognising genuine appetite. I think that my current approach which addresses appetite as soon as I sense it is working well and seems to do a better job of keeping my food intake at a reasonable level that I usually manage any other way. Given how much trouble I had had with calorie level on NFD it’s a welcome change. I was also made very aware last night of the consequences of not having dinner ready when my appetite has gotten used to having it’s presence dealt with quickly – I lasted 153 minutes into the 35mins cooking time before needing a snack. I need to plan that better.

    Thin – have you been out for your Indian dinner yet?

    The time clock can be confusing – if I add 10.5 hours it gets me to S.A. time. If you are in the eastern states add 11 hours, not sure about W.A.

    LJ, my brother lives in the UK and for skypeing I know that we’re either 7 or 8 hours ahead of them but I can never remember which it is, as we don’t adjust the clocks in WA because it fades the the cows and confuses the curtains. Or something like that.

    The Indian meal is on Sunday and, with the support from the lovely people on these pages, I am in good shape for it having eaten mindfully yesterday and planning to do the same today. I’m 60.4kg today. Switching Sunday’s FD to Saturday (hope you’ll be joining me Minka). We never have starters or desserts anyway, I won’t eat any rice or breads so should be alright. There will also be a chocolate mud cake to negotiate. If I get my way, we will freeze half of it. If it all goes to hell, I’ll add an extra FD on Monday.

    I think you’re right about appetite – although I’m not sure I’m very good at making the proper assessment yet. I still tend to think, “it’s a NFD so I can eat what I like”. I’m working on it.

    Glad to hear from you Cinque. You are certainly keeping busy. I love kale. And all those leafy green vegetables.

    Thanks for the extra info Minka. I had a terrible night last night. I’m not sure it’s really insomnia when someone’s snoring sounds like a freight train. But I do sometimes have insomnia when there’s no snoring happening. Like you, I need pitch dark silence for good sleeping.

    Hope you’re feeling OK Merry. Have a wonderful weekend all!

    Hi all, I’ve been off the chat sessions for a while. Going well with my fasting. I am sure it is all in my head as I no longer feel hungry on fast days. Have hit 10’kg down since November and still eating pretty much what ever I like on non fast days. I have been having miso soup with fresh greens added for my dinners and egg with tomato, cucumber and carrot at about 2pm. This gets me through. I must say though I save some calories for milk in my tea twice a day. Cheers to all.

    Well done Ladyfish!

    Happy Saturday morning everyone. Its a long weekend here in SA so looking forward to the extra day off work. Hot again today (been in the low 40’s for most of the week) but Sun & Mon will be mid 20’s so a welcome relief.

    Has been a busy week so catching up on posts. Cinque – like your tip on putting thawed zucchini slice under grill or the frypan to crisp up….why didnt i think of that one !!

    The hassles ive been having with family came to a head this week and the person concerned is no longer in my life. Might sound harsh but Im relieved to say the least. Sometimes you gotta walk away from the dramas for your own sanity. Im feeling good about moving forward with my life now as this person has impacyed on me greatly over the last 6 years.

    Because of the above my fasting has been off track of late but happy to report to be back in the 69kg range this morning. Will be food shopping this morning so looking forward to filling the trolly with healthy veg. The shoe shop in town has a sale today so might even sneak in and get myself a treat…..something to go with my new size 10 outfits i purchased on sale a few weeks back !!

    Cauliflower is also on special this week. Havent bought it for ages as local supermarket been charging $6 for a quarter piece. Ive missed eating my collie.

    The sun’s on the rise so will go water the garden enjoy the morning.

    Take care everyone & have a lovely weekend 😊

    Oh and im loving my new Fitbit scales. So easy to keep track of weight loss (yay) and gain (not so yay) but no point in doing this withought having accurate data to go on. Made me realise how inaccurate my old scales were.

    Question – when i have a weight loss it seems that most times my body fat reading goes up ?? To lose body fat should i widen the gap between calories in and calories burned or just up the intensity of my exercise. Think i need to re-read Dr Mosley’s fast exercise again.

    Good morning everyone,
    I had such a busy day yesterday. I got through it, but I have woken up in a house that looks like a bomb site. I guess I can be glad it really isn’t! I plan to spend the day pottering around tidying up and preparing for Fast Day tomorrow.

    Cheers to you G’day for making that hard decision to send someone, who isn’t good for you, out of your life. I hope you are able to enjoy the good space and do lots of nice things for yourself.

    No idea about fitbit fat ratios! But I am glad you are happy with them!

    Enjoy that grilled zucchini slice πŸ™‚

    Ladyfish, congrats on the 10kg excess weight loss! Lovely to not be carrying that around any more! And such good things to eat on a fast day!

    Thin, best wishes for your fast day today and a wonderful birthday celebration tomorrow! Not sure when your actual birthday is, but here’s a little something I organised for you! πŸ˜‰ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laPhvAZ_2m4

    LJoyce, what a good brain you have! I used to know that if I minus two hours and changed a.m. to p.m. it worked, but then if either UK or OZ has daylight saving and ….. I just find it easier to click onto options! Oh dear, how will I avoid Alzheimer’s at this rate!

    I think I need my coffee early today! Cheers everyone!

    Thanks Cinque, that’s a hoot. It’s not my birthday but family member’s.

    Well done for making the tough decisions GDSA. Wow, $24 for a cauliflower. Someone’s having a laugh.

    It doesn’t seem quite right fasting on a Saturday but here I go. Are you with me Minka?

    Hi all SHs.

    Thin – not sure if any others are fasting today, but I’m doing my 3rd FD for the week today.
    I made a zucchini slice for dinner last night, with lots of left overs. I’ve calculated that I can have a modest portion for dinner tonight and 1/2 punnet of strawberries today (along with my obligatory cups of milky tea) and remain under 500cals. So no cooking required today.

    It’s getting overcast and windy this afternoon in Adelaide. We have to cool days with rain forecast Sun-Mon which will be most welcome as the 2 hours per night watering is feeling a bit of a burden.

    Hope everyone’s having a good day, take care.

    Hi LJ. Sounds like a cruisey FD for you. I’m having lazy leftovers from Wednesday’s fast and yesterday I made the OFMs a big bolognaise for their dinner tonight. So no effort here either.

    I’ve collected OH’s birthday cake from our corner deli. A long-standing tradition that OH didn’t want to give up. However, he did comment that it seemed very large – and even agreed that we can freeze half of it for my birthday next month so that’s progress! When I started 5:2, I said I no longer wanted to celebrate my birthdays with cake. It’s for them, not me. So, a bit of a compromise on my part freezing it and later pretending it’s for my birthday is fine with me.

    Temp here has been a consistent 32C for about a week but with greatly varying effects from humidity. It’s cool and windy today and we’re also expecting rain tomorrow, hopefully a storm.

    Feeling a bit empty as my 93 year old neighbour yesterday went off to live in a ‘facility’, not quite a nursing home but it has one attached for when needed. She’s been marvellous to live independently (with a bit of help from us neighbours) all this time, including cooking, jam making, driving (eeek) and taking in young students – but I know she’ll love the company and activities at her new home. We’ve been friends and neighbours for 22 years. Our neighbourhood has changed so much in that time and I must say I liked the old style ‘borrow a cup of sugar’ neighbours better than the yuppie ‘we’re here, get used to us, me-style’ neighbours moving in nowadays! OK, so I don’t need the sugar any more but I could do without the shrieking too.

    Hi thin

    Don’t good neighbours make all the difference? I grew up in a country town and it was accepted that everyone knew everyone else – and each others business – there are few secrets in a country town. It was a shock to move to the city and find that despite the fact that people lived on tiny blocks of land with houses where the eaves almost touched – they didn’t know or speak to each other. They put up high fences and literally barricaded themselves in. I made a point of speaking to my neighbours as to me this was just common politeness, but it wasn’t always well received. When I moved to the Adelaide Hills it was different. Although the new tunnels and freeway have made much of the hills very easily accessible to the CBD these days, many people who live here grew up here when it was still a collection of country towns and that attitude remains among many of the residents. People here were much friendlier than I’d encountered in the suburbs and I’m lucky enough to have had lovely neighbours in the 3 homes I have in this area.

    For me the drawback to where I live is that my house is on the side of a hill and all of the houses in my part of the hills are on large blocks of land that can’t be subdivided to less than 1 acre. As I live alone and have to work around my RA restrictions it’s not a viable place for me to live as I age. So I’m currently focused on landscaping and renovation to get the house and garden ready for sale. I set myself a target of 18 months to do the work, but I won’t make that target unless I pay for more jobs to be done rather than doing them very slowly myself. I’m still deciding whether to take longer or pay for the work so I can sell the house this spring – it will probably be Spring 2018 if I do the work myself. My end goal is to buy a small home on a small block that can be landscaped to be very low maintenance. The area I’m hoping to move to will be cheaper so it will allow me to have a better savings balance than I currently have and should also allow me to do some travel. I took early retirement a couple of years ago, so I think the move will get me to the lifestyle I hoped for when I left work.

    There is one advantage to all of the garden and renovation tasks I have to do – there is no excuse for me to have inactive days.

    Hope your FD goes well. I have a birthday brunch to attend tomorrow morning so I have to be good today. Haven’t felt hungry at all yet today so it looks like I’ll make it to dinner time and just need the one meal.

    Hi All,

    I haven’t gotten a chance to catch up on all the posts since I’ve just returned from work and yes Thin, I was with you today fasting! In fact I thought of you numerous times at work and knowing you were fasting helped me through. I wasn’t sure I’d go through with it, though all went well again this week.

    Cinque, great that you got through your busy day yesterday!I too hope I can remain poised and not overdo with continuing the two FDs per week, the new job, setting up a new laptop {Windows 10, grrr! I also had to buy a new phone {first time smart phone user} and the seemingly ever present Tafe studies {well at least until September}!!! …A lot going on, so something had to give and it was the daily walking I’d started doing prior to being told that I’d landed this job! I do hope to again start up gentle walking again, though not until I get all of the above under my belt and feel that there is still petrol in the tank left over!

    All the best tomorrow for the birthday meal, Thin! I remember when in Melbourne over Christmas, we went to a Thai restaurant which mostly served curries and I passed on the rice. I can’t recall what I ordered that actually was fine to eat without rice. Often I need rice to balance the heat of the spice or to mop up the thick sauce, which sometimes is so strong on its own. …Great idea about freezing half the cake! Let us know how all goes!

    By the way, Mr. M snores too! I’ve found these state of the art ear plugs that are divine! They are made out of beeswax and cotton and are so comfortable and insulating that once when I was camping, some kinds threw a string of fire crackers into the campground near my tent and the sound was only a dim muffle which enabled me to remain relaxed and go right back to sleep!

    I thought I already posted this. I did so, and now don’t see it, so will do so again!

    Hi All,

    I haven’t gotten a chance to catch up on all the posts since I’ve just returned from work and yes Thin, I was with you today fasting! In fact I thought of you numerous times at work and knowing you were fasting helped me through. I wasn’t sure I’d go through with it, though all went well again this week.

    Cinque, great that you got through your busy day yesterday!I too hope I can remain poised and not overdo with continuing the two FDs per week, the new job, setting up a new laptop {Windows 10, grrr! I also had to buy a new phone {first time smart phone user} and the seemingly ever present Tafe studies {well at least until September}!!! …A lot going on, so something had to give and it was the daily walking I’d started doing prior to being told that I’d landed this job! I do hope to again start up gentle walking again, though not until I get all of the above under my belt and feel that there is still petrol in the tank left over!

    All the best tomorrow for the birthday meal, Thin! I remember when in Melbourne over Christmas, we went to a Thai restaurant which mostly served curries and I passed on the rice. I can’t recall what I ordered that actually was fine to eat without rice. Often I need rice to balance the heat of the spice or to mop up the thick sauce, which sometimes is so strong on its own. …Great idea about freezing half the cake! Let us know how all goes!

    By the way, Mr. M snore too! I’ve found these state of the art ear plugs that are divine! They are made out of beeswax and cotton and are so comfortable and insulating that once when I was camping, some kinds threw a string of fire crackers into the campground near my tent and the sound was only a dim muffle which enabled me to remain relaxed and go right back to sleep!

    Great so you were there all along Minka. I thought you might be working today. Oh dear, another snorer. I have tried a lot of different ear plugs over the years. I’ll have to google beeswax and cotton. Mine are actually very good, I’d just prefer not to wear any so I can hear the rain, burglars, etc. My OH also wears a mouth guard, a very expensive customer-fitted contraption. I wear a different kind due to late-life orthodontic work, so between us, we are such a romantic pair, te he!

    LJ, yes neighbours can definitely make or break your quality of life when we’re living in close proximity such as we are in the inner ‘burbs. I remember your having said before that you’re slowly preparing for sale. We do have some wonderful neighbours who’ve become good friends in our street and I know most people at least by sight. I just find that a lot of the more recent arrivals aren’t particularly considerate when it comes to noise. It’s like a bubble of noise follows some people wherever they go. With the craning in over our house of the last swimming pool, making four in immediate proximity to our house, it has sometimes felt as if we’re living next to the municipal pool and we can’t hear each other talking. Beautiful and well-established trees get cut down for these must-have additions, yet there’s public access to a 50m olympic sized pool right at the end of our street! So much for sustainability – and I’m not allowed to water my plants! Our next house will probably be in a location more like yours LJ, since I have become a grumpy older person with little tolerance for noise pollution!

    Hi Thin! Well, I’ve only been here this evening since I worked another 9 hour shift today [and thankfully was able to swing it as a FD too]!

    I really related to the “craning in over our house” of swimming pools. We live on a hillside and the house next door, up the hill built a raised swimming pool supported by tall retaining wall that towers over our home. The pool is above the height of our roof and were it not for a privacy enclosure built around the pool, I expect that water would slosh and splash onto our roof and cool it on a hot day!

    I hate last minute changes to social plans that involve food – throws my careful preparation out of the window. Tomorrow morning’s brunch has been cancelled and my cousin is hosting a dinner for my aunt instead. I’ve just tried to redo my meal plans for the day, although I only have a rough idea of what foods I’ll be dealing with at dinner. Knowing my cousin, there will be both dessert and birthday cake which is what worries me the most. I have another FD planned Monday, so hopefully any excesses tomorrow can be dealt with.

    I know there are a few West Australians on our forum. I hope your new state government does a good job of handling the needs of your state.

    Minka, yes that’s what I meant to say – ‘out there, fasting’, not idly lurking on the forum! What a description you’ve painted of the position of the neighbouring pool. Are the occupants reasonable in volume?

    LJ, that’s too bad when you had done so well to get it all sorted out in your mind. I’m sure you’ll get it worked out again so that you can enjoy some of all that’s on offer. Have a great time!

    Happy sunday morning all.

    40 deg here yesterday so spent 3 hours at the pool with my daughter. A couple of her friends came with their mum so while they played i got into some serious laps which felt fantastic.

    Had a couple of glasses of red wine with steak and vegies for tea last night and surprised that i weighed in at 69.5 this morning – my lowest weight since starting FD.

    My daughter has a friend sleeping over tonight (long weekend here in SA) so better have a house tidy in a mo then plan to spend the rest of the weekend in the garden making the most of the mid 20’s temp for the next 2 days.

    But first im about to cook up a breakfast treat – poached eggs, spinch,asparagus & crispy panchetta on grain bread. Figure I’ll burn off the panchetta calories while gardening !!

    Good morning,
    I am needing a slow morning, I’ve woken up feeling like a grasshopper that has just gone through a windscreen. I must have overdone it worse than I realised, last week. How are you Merry?
    Cup of tea, and it is my Fast Day.

    Congratulations on your fast day Thin. Oh dear, all that work organising a swing group for nothing! Happy Birthday to OH.
    So sorry to hear of you losing a precious neighbour, she sounds wonderful. She will miss you too. Life, it doesn’t stop does it.
    I hope today works marvellously!

    LJoyce, so much harder for you! The best laid plans! What can you do but the best you can, and as you say, Hooray for a Fast Day on Monday! Sending best wishes!
    What an interesting (and big) job you have getting your house ready to sell well, and then the pleasure of finding something that will suit you. And good neighbours there I hope!

    I was worried about neighbours when I moved into flats. I’m in a block of 8. But they have mostly been good, and many have been fantastic. The angry shouty man in the block next door is a worry, I’m wondering if he might have Alzheimer’s like Merry’s FIL. He is tormented by things, so I feel sorry for him.

    Minka what a big work day. How excellent that work and fast days can co-exist. I hope you get a chance to do some lovely walking, somehow!
    I agree with Thin, what a picture you paint of that pool next door!

    Cheers to everyone for a good day!

    Have a wonderfully slow, fast day Cinque! The Swing Band wasn’t for nothing – I forwarded it to OH this morning and he appreciated it. (I pretended it was all my own work). So thank you again.

    Could that man in the next block be affected by drugs? The four part series about ICE on ABC recently was disturbing. It’s staggering to think that 1 in 3 Aussies have tried it and so many motorists are on it. So, do you have a communal garden or your own little patch?

    Well done GDSA, under 70kg is a lovely milestone and so motivating.

    Hoping for that storm this afternoon.

    Good morning everyone,
    Gday your last post came through as I was writing mine.
    Congratulations on getting back to the 60’s! Woot! It seems that you will soon be saying good bye to the 70’s forever.
    This post-Summer heat is hard! I am glad you had such a wonderful pool time!

    Thin, I hope the celebrations last night went well! So glad you were able to pass on that happy-birthday clip!

    The man in the next door flats is elderly and extremely suspicious of everything, and ready to fly into a rage. It could be drugs, or maybe just the result of a dreadful life in which he couldn’t trust anyone, PTSD. He often yells in the night as if he is having nightmares.

    My garden is in pots and a little galvanised raised garden bed about 1.5 metres square (although I am still trying to grow things in the hard bed along the side of the driveway). I mostly grow greens and the things that self sow, but I did well with the zucchinis this year! The biggest plant was absolutely enormous, and it was in a (big) pot. I’d be happy for it to be communal but the other residents are very busy. I give stuff away to them though! It is outside the front door which is like a courtyard except for the driveway along the edge of it! πŸ˜‰

    Still feeling crook but luckily today is the labour day holiday (thanks workers!) so I will rest up again and hope I can get moving tomorrow.
    I had a good fast day yesterday, but note to self: veggie soup shouldn’t fill the bowl as much as the brothier miso soup! I overdid it a bit!

    Best wishes to everyone on this lovely new day.

    Morning Cinque, yes thanks, we had a good time. The afternoon storm was amazing and then we were treated to the reddest sunset sky I have ever seen. I seemed to have eaten all day starting with having a cooked breakfast as I’d made one for the OFMs. For some reason, this made me feel hungry all morning (could that be from the sugar in the preserves which I haven’t eaten in years?) and I caved in with a small but calorie-filled salad a couple of hours later (it was delish though, BBQ’d eggplant, cashews, grated carrot, etc).

    Next came the cake. I won’t be having any more of it as it wasn’t worth whatever the damage would have been from that. With the Indian meal, I took only one spoonful of rice but I did have some of the naan – again not worth it in hindsight. The food was yummy and would’ve have been just as good without the carbs. And one alcoholic drink to celebrate the occasion. 600gms up from yesterday, surprised it wasn’t worse. Today I will do a semi-fast. Normal frothy coffee, half size breakfast late morning and then a light dinner. No cake. Plenty of walking. Summer is over, temps in the low 20s forecast all week.

    How about you LJ, did you manage better than I? I hope it was a good evening for you.

    Cinque your little garden sounds lovely. So you are on the ground floor where you can pop out and tend to it and reap its rewards easily. You might have to get some of Minka’s beeswax and cotton earplugs to eliminate the man’s yelling in the night. I hope you start feeling better today.

    Good Orning everyone, readrrts, posters, lurkers, and just checking this outers.if you’re in the last category, yes this really does work.

    Quick update: 63.4kg this morning and 1st FD of the week, Still bouncing around in the 63’s and foraying into the 62’s occasionally. It’s a kg or 2 higher thann I’d like but I’m calling it maintenance anyway. I have a lunch out this week so will do the look up the menu before you go strategy. Thanks Thin for reminding us of that one.

    Cinque and everyone else with fresh veggies in the garden – how wonderful. Straight from the gardennis the best way, especially tomatoes.

    Gday – congratulations on getting under 70kgs. Feels great doesn’t it. You’re on a mission and achieving it.

    Life is still very busy here and needs pacing.

    Valderz – how are you going?

    Onwards and downwards,

    Hi Merry, lovely to have you back. Your post read as if you had to spend one sentence just to get properly warmed up! I don’t think I’m a readrrts or an outers but I am a poster. πŸ˜† Good job on maintaining 63kg. Has your FIL settled in to his new accommodation alright?

    Hi Thin , our posts crossed.

    Cinque- we are dealing with a similar paranoia, Hope you are not too disturbed by the old fellow. I wonder if he went through WW2 as ours did. It’s difficult and sad at the same time, The. dementia and senility sometimes makes it a bit better but can also make it worse. Those earplugs at night sound like a good idea.

    Ha ha, yes, foggy brain this morning , and that was just-checking-this-outersπŸ™‚

    Checking what? πŸ˜† I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming it was predictive text.

    Just checking the forum out, I’d guess. Compared to lurkers who have been checking it out for a while πŸ˜‰

    Thin, so glad you had a good time and that you will be able to eat even better next time as you can avoid the foods that don’t suit you without feeling deprived. Excellent!

    I did get some tomatoes from self sown plants, but I am not very good at tomatoes! I hope our hot spell ends soon. I planted rocket, lettuce and rainbow chard and have had to rig up some shade for them, poor things. All week will be in the 30’s or high high twenties. Maybe rain on Thursday if we are lucky.

    Merry yes, I think it might be. Maybe Vietnam. (not quite as elderly as I made out, then!). I’ve never tried earplugs but I might have to! he has been quiet the last few days though.

    Trying to make today productive by making some salads in jars and planning out my week. Cheers all. Best wishes Merry I’m brainfoggy too. I think I will have more coffee even though I know it won’t make it better.

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