Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Good morning team. Happy fast day. Today is the day. YOU CAN DO IT it’s what keeps us going, you all know the benefits, you know YOU ARE NOT ALONE as we are on this journey together 🙂 Remember how far you have come and how your AUSSIE DETERMINATION gets you through the day. You know how proud you feel when you get into bed tonight and know you were successful. Keep the fluids going especially if the hungers hit, have a hard boiled egg at the ready for when the mid arvo hungers hit or a piece of fruit, what ever works for you 🙂 c’mon team YOU’RE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK!….Have a great day team… 🙂 CG xxxxx

    Good morning AD’s

    That is great news CG about your shorts, cute as!! Welcome Angelica, you will love this blog, they are all funny and interesting to read.

    It was my 18 year Anniversary yesterday and my friend came over with a bottle of bubbles, well, my OH was standing there and she said to HIM, have you lost weight?

    Hang on, what about me? I said to her, I have lost 5 kilos. Obviously my baggy tshirt didn’t help. Oh well, next time I see her I will wear a tight shirt!!

    I overdid it a bit yesterday on the food and wine and thankfully the battery has died in my scales so I won’t see how much I weigh until I have completed my FD. Haha, although it is my birthday on Thursday and my OH on Saturday, so I am sure some indulging will be had!

    have a great FD everyone!!

    Wow DiiP what a great week of celebrations. Don’t forgo anything, these are all very important days. With 5:2 being so flexible you can fit in a fast between celebrations 🙂 congratulations on all the special days…CG xx

    Thank you CG!!

    I know right, it is a great WOL!!

    Hi Guys!
    I hope everyone is having a good fast day. My fast day was yesterday, and I came in at 506 cals. I was quite hungry at bed time, but I resisted the calling of the chocolate teddy bear biscuits at 10.30 pm.

    I woke up this morning at 9.30 and weighed myself and noticed that I had only lost .4 kg (not even half!) I stuck to the calories I was allowed and maybe expected to lose a bit more than that. Has anyone had that same experience?

    Paradise (I have shortened your name) – Happy Anniversary and well done on your 5 kg loss. Don’t let the fact that it went unnoticed bother you. You know that you have lost 5 kgs and your health will be thanking you for it, just be patient, and soon enough people will start noticing.

    Country Gal, thankyou for your support and motivation. I think this will be a wonderful place to come for encouragement and advice.

    Today is a non fast day. I am trying not to eat rubbish, and stick to the TDEE. I hope the scales won’t go up again tomorrow. I think too that eating earlier as opposed to later in the evening does help. I have noticed that.

    Anyway, good luck with your fast day if that is what you are doing today. Power to us!


    Thanks Angelica

    Don’t worry about the small weight loss,at least it was a loss. My frst and second FD was the same. IT WILL HAPPEN!! And I love my red wine and chocolate.

    When I am at work I normally stick to salad and protein for lunch with some corn thins or fruit for snacks. Same for dinner but with veges. I don’t overdo it on non FD just so I can splurge a bit on the weekends.

    Good luck!

    Angelica 400grams is better a loss than a gain. Give your body time to adjust, doing another fast this week will really start to show especially if your eating UP TO your TDEE you don’t have to be exact and can eat well under if you wish. By the end of this week at our usual weight in on Friday, I’m sure you will notice a difference, stay focused with choices and let your AUSSIE DETERMINATION work for you 🙂 CG xxx

    HI All well my weekend was a write-off and the scales tellt eh sorry tale. I wasn’t even going to get on but I did. Up 1.2kg. Hate it when our friends invite us at 5.30pm for drinks etc & we’re never sure whether they mean us to stay for dinner or not. Last night we got wine, wine & more wine…and a small plate of crackers & a small bit of cheese…oh and a chocolate cake that I’d brought over just in case there was nothing to eat (was all I had on hand for an impromptu invite)! So by the time we decided dinner wasn’t in the invitation I got home & I was starving, had several more pieces of cake while the steamed dim sims were cooking (something quick to try & fill the gap) then had more cake! So after birthday cakes the day before it was a beauty of a weekend.
    Next time we go I vow to have a couple of HB eggs before I go. So my solution this week is to change my weigh-in to Fridays – which I’ve always wanted to do so I’m the same as most others. And that will give me 2 fasts to get back on track.
    So onto FD today. Ready and rearing to get my weight back down and really didn’t like how I felt after this weekend – bloated and full of all the wrong foods. I have to admit I still struggle a bit with guilt and feeling down a bit after botching it so badly. But it will pass. Anyone else still do that? Byee sj

    Hi Guys, hope you all enjoyed the weekend. Yes Sue- I do that too! So hard on the weekend when socialising not to go too far. I had a lovely night out with the girls on Saturday night. Nice Thai meal, but WHY did I have a banana fritter with icecream for dessert???? >:(

    Suejen remember our 5:2 is very forgiving and your extra weight will only be fluids. Drink heaps of water and flush it through. All will be good, no harm done, this is our life and we need to live it, that includes impromptu invites 🙂 so don’t be hard on yourself, enjoy the memory…CG xx

    Hi Suejen

    That sounds like me exactly, cheese, and dim sims and wine, wine and more wine, although I am starting to not feel guilty anymore as I know I will lose it again.

    So should you, have a great FD

    Hi all. Welcome Angelica. As others have explained this is not a difficult diet. Most of us accept that it’s a way of life and way of eating. For my part, I do not enjoy cooking so usually stick to the same meals for my FDs. I buy a 200 gram pack of smoked salmon and divide it up into three meals. I boil up a couple of eggs the day before and have them for brekky and lunch with the s salmon. For dinner I have Ratatauillie ( Mimi Spencer’s ) recipe. I cooked up a big batch and froze them in seperate containers. Each one of these is 120 calories. We also have a recipe thread going. I think you can find it under ” resources ” If you have the time it’s worthwhile having a good read of what is available on the 5:2 website.
    We are having lovely soft soaking rain today. It’s well overdue and my poor garden and tanks are lapping it up.
    My little bundle of fur went back to sleep this morning after another early start and I’m feeling so much better for the extra sleep myself.
    Cheers Doggy

    Angelica. Recipes are under Forum. Offical site forums. Recipes.

    Hi everyone! Hope you are all (those who are fasting at lest!) having a great fast. The rest, enjoy – tomorrow you may diet 🙂
    Welcome to this thread Angelica- although we need to find you a short name in true Aussie Determination style lol
    DiiP, SJ – had the same weekend merry times here too, though I have taken our great leaders’ words (hello CG 🙂 ) to heart – “don’t sweat small stuff” (though how small are two glasses of wine…and chips…??)
    Anyway, inspite of naughtiness like this, weight was stable at 76.8 kilos. FD today too, and going cruisingly well today.
    (Angelica, FDs do get easier over time).
    DiiP – I hear your frustration re no-one noticing weight loss. Its so annoying. Grrr. Anyway, time to lose the baggy t-shirt 🙂

    Diip re nobody noticing, I had the same “issue” and I watched the scales going down, as I was used to the “numbers” people started to notice…not so much the weight loss but my shape was changing! So hang in there girl, it will happen, in fact you notice your belly starts to disappear, check out the bathroom mirror!!! Then the bum…then the bust, mmmmm, so it’s these things people notice then ask ” gee, are you losing weight” and you just smile smugly, thinking you dip stick, I’ve lost 10-12k, I promise, it will happen. 🙂 🙂 🙂 CG xxxxx

    Thx for the encouragement ladies (and the empathy of those who did likewise!) and CG will take your advice and….flush it out! Off to drink more now!! suejen
    and thanks for lifting me up. Needed it!

    Hello everyone,

    I just discovered about 40 email updates from you all in my Junk email folder….Very uplifting reading. Particularly as I’m moving my fast day to tomorrow as my husband wants to try the 5:2 as well. Feels curiously “wrong” to be eating today.

    Just for the record, I did weigh in below 100 so the kilos are on the move. Yay!



    Congrats BD! Yay for you 🙂

    Well done BD, keep it up 🙂 CG xx

    Hi All ADs!!
    Doit – enjoy all these special occasions with loved ones and don’t waste a second feeling guilty (you too Suejen!). Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint and we will all reach our goals in our own time and pace. If others don’t notice weight loss yet, they soon will and you will have the last laugh! 🙂
    Doggy – glad you got some much needed rest.
    BD – it’s great that your husband is joining you, I’m sure that will make life on 5:2 much easier. I wish mine some take some interest, as apart from losing weight, the health benefits would be so worthwhile. Well done on your loss too!
    Angel – little or no loss is quite usual early on in this WOL, we’ve all been there, so don’t worry. Some say the body has to adjust from gaining weight to staying stable and then beginning to lose steadily…so hang on in there, you are on your way.
    CG – love your constant words of encouragement and inspiration, thanks for keeping a kindly eye on all your ‘chicks’.
    Best of luck to all for the week ahead xx

    Good morning team, happy fast day to you who are doing today, and to the rest of our team, how did yesterday go?
    Gypsy, are you alright, are floods a problem for you?
    Got some good news last night, I phoned the hospital in desperation to see if the machine was fixed, it is, and they got me in today for the nerve root block so heading to Melbourne soon and hopefully some well needed pain relief. I don’t mean to bore you all with this but we seem to be following each others paths closely, which is wonderful, so fingers crossed this one works. Some do some don’t.
    Doggy I’m pleased to hear your puppy is settling now, as the nights get colder and he snuggles into his warm bed and blanket you may find he sleeps better. They also have such small bladders so it’s good that he wakes you for his morning piddle, he’s almost training himself.
    Pretty cold across Vic today so keep the warm drinks going especially if you are fasting, perfect soup weather too. To the rest of us it’s normal eating with portion control and healthy choices 🙂 YOU CAN DO IT
    Have a great day team, don’t sweat the small stuff, smile at a stranger, make their day and see how much happier YOU feel 🙂 CG xxx

    CG – best of luck with the nerve block, I really hope it goes as well as possible and that you will be pain free in no time. You are not boring us at all – we want to support you just like you support everyone else on this thread.
    Just coming to the end of my first fast day since my french visitors left and found it quite hard. I went over the 500 cals too. It seems that when you break the pattern, it is not that easy to get back into the swing of things. But I’m not going to be derailed after getting myself back on track after Christmas. I’ve worked too hard to let it all slip away now. It’s my hubby’s birthday this week and my daughter comes home from college in England – she hasn’t been home since Christmas – so we’ll probably go out for a nice family meal together. But I know I can make healthy choices and swap my fast day if I have to, so it’s all good!

    All the best CG, will be waiting to hear how you went! I cannot believe it is 17 in Vic today. I am looking forward to the cooler weather.

    Thanks Lotus and Fitt (yes will lose the baggy shirts)BD great news that you are under 100kg, it is all down hill now.

    I am stressing that I cannot see how much I lost after my FD, (no scales) only joking!! 2 more days of work and then off until after Easter – Yippee.

    Have a great day AD’s.

    Hi team, Fit it took us all some time to get back on track after Xmas so YOU CAN DO IT, how wonderful your daughter is coming how, enjoy the precious times, 5:2 is always there. Thanks for the good wishes girls.
    I’m wearing leggins, long sleeve t/shirt boots and a vest,talk about a spunky Nanny 🙂 and so proud of my reflection in the mirror, now that hasn’t happened for such a long time.
    Will post when I get back tonight…CG 🙂 xx

    Greetings all from a chilly Tassie. I’m so pleased my AC is now working after endless hassles AFTER the installers had been paid. Should you know anyone who is looking to have a heat pump installed inTassie please contact me. I’ll tell you who NOT to go to.
    CG I’m so hoping that your nerve block went off OK and you are feeling huge pain relief.
    Yes puppies do have small bladders and he’s doesn’t mess in his bed which is great.
    CG was it you who posted the Straganoff recipe? I’ve taken a pic of it but seem to have missed out on the amount of calories. IF you have the time I’d love it again. I realise that I’m not eating enough fibre so am going to change my FD meal plans. Hmm if it’s not one thing its half a dozen others. BUT I too can do this.
    Keep on keeping on ADs.
    Cheers Doggy

    Greetings from the chilly SW corner of Oz this morning but not nearly as chilly as you Dogie I’m sure.
    CG I so LOVE the description of what you’re wearing today – so hip girl, and you must look so different! You should be damn proud. Do hope the nerve block went well & will work good for you this time.
    Fit you can do it. I know after my week away that I went over a bit on my first fast & it was a bit hard, but you gradually get back into the swing of it. Yes switch your fasts around & make it work with your circumstances. Your honorary aussie determination will get you there.
    Had a good FD yesterday & as I have a big occasion coming up this weekend I think I’ll do a 4:3 this week. Well it will possibly be a 4:2 1/2! as we leave for Perth Friday morning. So I can easily do a HB egg for brekky & lunch on Friday and will make the healthiest choice I can for dinner – salad probably. So after my spat yesterday have lost a kilo of my weekend weight but a bit more to go. So you’re right CG it does come off with our WOL. So onward and upward……………..NO no onward and DOWNWARD! suejen

    CG, I hope your nerve block happens today and you feel better soon. all the best!

    SJ, Diip, Fit, Doggy and all others – Big hello wave and all best for your fasting endeavors or weigh-ins 🙂

    Have to rush off now…

    Hi all you ADer’s. Have house-guest from New York for 10 days – so its keeping me on my toes. You are all doing so well, everyone is so positive and confident. All this talk of cute bums & shorts, leggings & boots (wooh!)…just so happy for you all.

    CG – Great news about the nerve block machine thingie. Hope it all goes well for you and remember that we’re thinking of you.
    Doggie – That beautiful baby of yours will get the hang of it. Did the same with our boy. Up in the middle of the night, then straight back to bed & try to ignore those cries (breaks my heart) but it’s best for him too. Hard but it works.
    Blue – Congrats on reaching your first goal of under 100 – that’s great. Keep on, keeping on.
    Angel – A .4 loss is great and nothing to be disappointed about. Those scales will keep dropping. It’s just your body saying “You’re going to do WHAT to me??”….and then later it will say “Thank you”.
    DoiiP – Happy birthday for Thursday and all the other celebrations this week.
    SueJen- Banish those “guilts” girl. Don’t beat yourself up, but enjoy your life. We are so lucky that we know how to fix those little bumps along the way to great health (& cute bums).

    Gorgeous autumn weather here in Perth, slight breeze, incredible blue sky and 25C. Perfect. So glad summer has gone. Even with our house-guest & too much food & wine, my weight has remained stable. I’m amazed & very grateful that this WOL works. My belly has now GONE, extra holes are needed in my belt & my jeans are loose too. Now will move on to try & tighten my tush!!!

    Have a great week everyone. Shall check-in again when I get a moment to myself.
    CM x

    Hi all

    Seems everyone is discovering new clothes.

    I just put on a jacket that was so tight last winter, I struggled to do up. Now it hangs off me. I willmhave to go deep into the wardrobe never know what will fit now.

    CG hope your nerve block goes OK

    Welcome to a few newbies. Keep at it you will find new bodies and clothes too.

    this works, keep going.

    I love summer but I also love winter putting on the wood fire and snuggling under a blanket watching a movie. The weather has turned today that’s for sure. Perhaps that’s why I live in Victoria we can have it all on the one day.

    Take care Bali


    I am an Aussie living OS. I have been doing 5:2 for 5 weeks. I don’t bother eating on my fast days…I just drink loads of water and herb tea. I haven’t found it too bad.

    I have no idea how much weight I have lost and after reading your posts, I figure I had better weigh myself. I would like to lose some weight but my reason for starting was to support my husband who has weight sliding off him like butter off a hot fry pan. Which is good. He’s going in for blood tests next week to see if his sugars (etc) have also improved.

    The health benefits of this lifestyle choice interest me. My mood since fasting has definitely improved. Things just don’t get to me as much. I am generally more relaxed. I sleep better too.

    Now I have to do something about exercising more…working on that one 🙂

    So thanks for the support here and I hope I can offer you all some too.

    Hi Expat. Welcome to 5:2 & this wonderful support group. Stick with us here & if you need any answers someone in this experienced bunch will be able to help you. I’m only fairly new myself (6wks) but have already decided this WOE (way of eating) is for life. I feel great & you will too. Congrats to your OH on roping you in & on his “sliding-off” weight. Why is it always easier for men!! Where are you based? We were expats for 15 yrs. It’s a great life!
    Bali – Wish I had some old clothes to hunt for. Must have all gone to Salvos years ago cos I didn’t think I’d ever get back down here again! Cooling off at night here too. Must get OH to chop some wood!
    CM x

    Hi team, I eventually got home AND PAIN FREE yahoooo….BUT totally numb all down the right side from hip to ankle…so unable to weight bear, I had 4 pretty bad falls already. Apparently he went extremely close to the nerve and said it should be fine in a few hours. It’s now 5:5 hrs and still no better. My son drove me home to the farm.. 2 falls in 5 minutes when I got here, he carried me in but, over I went, actually he left me sitting on the floor saying you can’t fall any further, stay there I’ll unpack the car! Men!…anyway been ordered to bed by both him and my daughter, so will watch cricket up there and if no better in the morning he will stay on, take a day or two off work. Never had this happen in the past but they assured me it’s quite normal? I did weigh in out of curiosity this morning and another couple of grams down, now 77.1k so IT’S WORKING, plateau gone yippeee! Had a terrific compliment from the girl at the grain store when I went to get fuel on the way to Melbourne, she said I don’t know what your doing but keep it up YOU LOOK FABULOUS! Just made my day 🙂 anyway Glenn cooking up some dim sims from the freezer so will off for now, have a great evening, I am I’m pain free 😆 CG xxxxx

    Hi CG. Well that’s fabulous news. So glad the doc hit the right spot. Now, as hard as it may be, please do as your told. Be careful, and no more falls! Also, congrats on smashing that blinking plateau….you’ll be in the 76 Club before you know it. Enjoy the cricket (& those dim sims) – looks like a close game. CM xx

    Wooohooo NewZealand won, what a close game, ripper… Thank you CM, doing as I’m told and loved the dimmies!…CG xx

    Hi All you fab ADs!!
    CG – so thrilled to hear you are pain free at last! Am glad your son is looking after you, make the most of it, you deserve to be pampered for a change. Compliments from others are the icing on the cake (sorry, probably not the best image to use!). When you’re back on your feet and not falling over, it will be great to strut your stuff in your funky wardrobe, pain free and looking gorgeous. Woohoo!!
    Suejen – thanks for your kind words, I do feel a bit like a fish out of water on this thread being from the Emerald Isle, but I love the vibe and encouragement here.
    Charlie’s mum – I’m sure you will do fine, I found that having guests keeps you busy and there’s no time for snacking, just three meals a day and with healthy choices you won’t go far wrong. Best of luck and enjoy!
    Bali – great news on clothes front….isn’t it fantastic to pull out long forgotten items from the wardrobe to find that they now fit…much cheaper than buying new, so win/win!! 🙂
    Expat – welcome to this fab thread and wonderful people. Health benefits are a major plus for this WOL (way of life). Weighing in once or twice a week is a good idea, there will be little ups and downs but the general trend will be downwards. The other useful thing to do is measure your waist, hips, thighs and watch the changes there too, as your shape can change even when your weight stays the same. Best of luck!
    So funny to read about your changing weather and approach into winter, while I’m here enjoying fresh spring sunshine and looking forward to summer! It’s been a long winter so I’m not sorry to see the back of it.
    Best of luck everyone <3

    Evening all CG so glad you’re pain free. Not so good about the numbness but hope when you wake up it’s all gone. Boy you’re certainly reining in the compliments aren’t you….how darn exciting!!! Can’t wait for that to happen. You must be so thrilled and deservedly so CG. And great news re your plateau getting lost too. So now all you have to do is wake up feeling fine….oh…and NOT fall over again.
    Welcome Expat and feeling the benefits already – that’s great! Congrats to OH on his weight loss & all the best with his blood tests coming up. Others here have reported great improvements in tests so hope he does too. And support is what we’re all about.
    Charliesmum I’m like you. Gave up long ago & gave clothes to salvos. I had so many smaller sizes it wasn’t funny but all pretty out-of-date too so let them go. I do have a few skirts & tops there that are newer waiting for me. Started buying size 12’s ad hoc a few years back trying to encourage me to stay on a diet! That sure didn’t work very well! But still have the clothes & I’m getting closer but not there yet.
    Stuck to my TDEE today easily despite trying out a new recipe for a Fig, ham, thyme and cheese tart….boy, was it Yummo!! But just had a small slice despite desperately wanting another. However I had already worked out that I could fit in a Hot Chocolate before bedtime & it was beautiful, so I’m glad I stuck to my plans.
    Another FD tomorrow for a 4:3 week this week – my first. Will see how I go. Most of you seem to cope fine so sure I’ll be OK with it. I was just thinking isn’t it wonderful to be able to eat such yummy foods and still lose weight?! Yes you do have to make your choices eg tonight I really wanted a slice of that pie, so I gave up my glass of wine for today. No biggie…can have one again in a few days. So make your choices ladies/gents and enjoy the 5:2 results. If it can make my tush nice I’ll be shouting it from the rooftops!! CG hope you sleep well. Byee suejen

    Hi everyone,

    Angelica, give yourself a couple of fast days before you weigh. And TRY not to weigh yourself after the weekend…that can be pretty confronting. Unless you take that as your starting point. As long as you fast two out of 7 and weigh yourself after the second fast of the week the numbers will go down. I’m only new to this too (three weeks and over 2 kilos) and not stepping on the scales on a Monday morning is hard. It’s been a habit for years!

    Steve wimped out yesterday. I was pretty annoyed as I’ve tried to have Monday and Wednesday as my fast days to fit around social activities on Thursday and liking that end of week champers and cheese on a Friday. I’m catching up today if I can bear it. Might be difficult but even if I eat double (hope not) it will still be better than a normal day’s food intake.



    Hi Countrygal! I hope you are feeling better this morning and the numbness has gone? Be careful and watch your step while you still feeling fragile…

    Fit- you do fit in with us – anyone with words of encouragement and happy attitude will 🙂

    SJ – Like you, my fast day today on a 4:3 week, and I am finding it mighty tough going today – really want to eat something… not sure why, but I want to quit, and just eat!!
    anyway, still sticking (close to 10 am and not had anything) will hold until 12 PM for a salad and grilled fish meal. that works to about 280 cals, and with rest left for a light dinner. I can do it. Just got to keep busy and not think about it…
    Also, catered event at work this whole week, and its b***dy hard to ignore the yummy smells 🙂
    Arrgh, reminding myself that I am doing this to win over diabetes threat.
    I will check in on this thread and hope the “vibes” keep me strong…
    Thanks a lot guys, for all the support!

    Good morning team 🙂 well all’s good today after the farce yesday, golly, falling so often, never ever happened before but walking today with no problems. I never though I’d get to an age where my son had to sit me on the loo than help me off, all done with dignity but still! So onto pain free days till surgery 🙂 I’ll be kind to myself for a few days of course not wanting to undo the good but feel really good and thank you all for your messages.
    BD this is when you need portion size meals in the freezer just for you, soups, stirfrys, anything, but it makes it easy for fast days with pre prepared meals. YOU CAN DO IT, even eating at different times to the family could help, seems a bit anti social but it will get to a stage when it will not bother you. Glenn took me out to lunch yesterday before the hosp. Visit and we both had chicken caesar salads when all around were having something with chips. Didn’t faze me one bit, yes they looked delish, but thought, oh those cals and fat your eating…not me!
    Just had a lovely chat to GoGal whilst typing this….
    Expat your very welcome to become part of our lovely team, my one suggestions is definately get some scales, it does give you motivation…most of the times watching the numbers go down, measure as suggested as often scales don’t show it all, and stay with our 5:2
    If I’ve missed replying to anyone, forgive me, still not quite firing on all sixes yet.
    Have a great day, watch food choices and portions and above all LIVE 🙂 …CG xxx

    Good morning all

    So glad to here no more falling down for you CG and that you are pain free. So awesome that the grain store lady said you look great!!

    Still no scales for me, (biting fingernails), they are totally busted. Will have to buy a new set tomorrow. FD for me today as BDay tomoz and am going Mexican , maybe…

    Have a great day everyone – am officially on holidays after today. Yahooooooooooo

    Hi CG,

    great news about no more falls. I’ve had a few over the last few months and seem to fall harder and more dramatically than I used to or can remember. I’ve decided that once you get to about 40 you loose the knack! Before that alcohol is usually involved so you’re nice and relaxed when you hit the ground. Maybe you should keep this in mind if you need to further than the loo for a few days? A glass of something medicinal so it won’t hurt so much?

    Good luck,


    Hi everyone a s welcome Expat. You will find that we are very supportive of each other through our highs and lows. I was feeling a bit low last night as I’m an ex South African and would have loved them to win the cricket. BUT New Zealand have been excellent all though this competition and had the better team on the day. What I did enjoy was the spirit in which the match was played. No sledging, I hate that.
    CG I’m so pleased for you that your nerve bock has worked and that the numbness has gone. I had a similar thing happen to me after an epidural for back pain. I was kept in hospital overnight though but do remember the numbness.
    I’ve been looking at the recipes many of you have posted and just got back from the supermarket where I purchased all the necessary ingredients. My FD tomorrow and I plan to spend quite a portion of it having a cook up. Not my idea of fun but prefer to prepare meals in advance and freeze them of FDs. For some reason I don’t feel as though I’ve lost any weight o ed these past 3 or 4 days but I’m still feeling upbeat so know the 5:2 is working. Happy dieting all.

    Good Morning Team how are we all? FD today again for my 4:3 week. Getting in early & being prepared for my friend’s birthday bash. CG so glad you’re pain-free and numb-free – ha, that’s a new word. Dogie just stick with it until you get your scales, then you can see the true results. Amazing how reliant we are on those darn things for motivation isn’t it. Yahooo for your holidays – fantastic break for you. enjoy!!
    Lotus you CAN do it girl…you truly can. Use your aussie determination & don’t let those yummy smells take you off track. You are in it for the long haul and you so know that you want those results, don’t you. So do whatever you have to to stay strong this week and then you can say Yeah I did it!! I made healthy choices & stuck with it.
    Onto my FD, boiled eggs ready & chicken curry for dinner with very LF ingredients.
    Have a great day all, fasting or not and dream of all those chic, hip, svelte clothes you’re going to be able to wear – never mind all the other health benefits! sj

    Hi BD, just love your suggestion 🙂 but numbness is gone but a tipple would be helpful just in case hay 🙂
    Doggie, .I know the feeling well of not feeling that it’s working but we know things ARE happening and our total well being is just so much better.
    My son is a baker and he used to keep me supplied in bread, which I rarely eat now but knowing he was seeing me yesterday, bought me home a BOX of donuts from work for the freezer. Well that’s what he unpacked out of the car last night when he left me sitting on the floor, and found room for the individual packets inside for my freezers. He kept a few out for supper. So I was sitting up in bed like Jackie he came up with coffee and 2 donuts, bless him, they were just so so yum, out of curiosity I checked the cals, 485cals each …..EACH 🙁 so from here on in, they become a sometime food or handy visitor snacks with coffee.
    Why is all the yummy stuff so full of cals? The beauty of our 5:2 is I can still have them, and still keep losing weight, but portion control, temptation control, adhering to my fasts, this is no diet but our way of life, couldn’t get better could it?
    Have a happy day team no matter what you do, your attitude controls your day 🙂 CG xxx

    Afternoon Team and a BIG WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS.
    I have not been looking after myself the past week. allowing stress to dictate my life and not having me time. I ended up in the Emergency Dept the other night for several hours undergoing all the tests one has to endure when the word CARDIAC is mentioned as I had over the last days been having palpatations that came and went. Turns out AS I already knew that I had atrial fibrilation/ flutter .
    Please be kind to yourselves…. don’t let things if possible, get the better of you
    Recognise the signs of stress, depression and fatigue and act ASAP.We are all in the age group now where we are candidates of stroke….. Take care please!
    Had a good chat to CG this morning …. all is OK with our Matriarch…. We have 27 days before we meet up in Melbourne we all need to be well for that YAHOO!!!!

    You are all inspiring with your losses…. It is wonderful that we look in the mirror now and see a different person looking back with clothes that hang as they should WELL DONE DETERMINATORS!!!!!!! YOU ARE DOING THIS……..HUGS….GO GAL

    GG – just read your post – you take care of yourself girl. Not very sure what an “atrial fibrilation” is – but sounds heart-related and big-time trouble. Sending you happy and stress-free vibes.
    SJ – thanks mate, I am hiding out at my desk – the kitchen is a war zone with all of those pastries 🙂
    CG – I know exactly how you feel with the donuts! Well, enjoy every now and then as a treat.
    One thing I am learning and still trying to implement, is that 5:2 means we can eat treats on non-FDs, but they cost a pretty high calorie punch for a very momentary high…

    GG take care of yourself and schedule in some downtime or ME time. You need to be as gentle/kind with yourself as you are with everyone here. Back off from anything that doesn’t need to be done, that is stressing you out girl. And kick back in the sunshine, or by the fire ….or whatever takes your fancy! We can be our own worst enemies sometimes can’t we – when I say we I mean women in general. You gotta be ready for that meeting in 27 days – can’t wait to hear about that! sj

    CG – Glad your feeling better this morning. Must be a big relief for you. Donuts – yuuuummmm!!
    Suejen – I’ll join you shouting from the rooftops if I ever get a cute tush! I find the 4:3 is fairly easy because it gives a bit of structure to my week, ie day-on day-off, etc. Then I find the weekend great and eat fairly freely, & still achieving results. Horses for courses though….not that I’m suggesting you’re a horse, of course!!! Good luck.
    Blue – Stick with your FDs…cos remember IT’S FOR YOU. If OH wimps out, then that’s not your problem. (Am I being too tough girls??) Love my Friday PM drinkies too – I just have to watch those nibbles.
    Lotus – Must be really hard being around food at work. Stick with it, you’re going great…& remember how good we feel after resisting!
    Fit …you just “fit-in” here. Lovely having you – another voice of support and encouragement for us all.
    GG – Crikey, hope you’re ok. Can’t have you getting crook too!! I agree, “me time” is so important. Felt I was getting overwhelmed yesterday (visitors) & told OH I just need to go out for 30 mins. Went to library to de-stress & felt much better. Sometimes we just have to listen to our bodies. Take care GG – thinking of you too.
    CM xx

    Hi everyone, lots of newbies – welcome. So much happens on this thread it will be impossible for me to catch up with all the individual posts so I will just jump in here …

    Life has been pretty stressful for a few weeks and I have a bad habit of ‘pulling up the drawbridge’ and going quiet during times like that but light at the end of the tunnel has lured me back out.

    Been thinking about you CG and GG when I checked in just to read, so glad you are getting sorted pain wise and heart wise. Also had to check in on Pepper’s progress Doggie, sounds like you are getting the pup sorted too!

    To SJ, Fit, Lotus, Gypsy, CG, GG, Foxy, Doitin and other regulars thanks, you’ve been a bit of sanity ….. encouraging too at all the successes everyone has been having, large and small. Off the do the grandkid pick up today. Hitting the freeway today in my OH’s new car – bigger than I’ve driven before. Gulp 🙂

    Hi team, I had a good talk to GG before to reassure her, the pulpitations were always a big problem with me since early teens until I had ablation last year. They did tell me they wont kill you but take it from me, you don’t get used to them and they are distressing. GG you know we love you, you need to turn your back on those outside influences girl, your too good for all that sh.., 🙂 you have Ade and us, why would you need more? Xxx Stay safe dear friend, speak to your Dr re what we spoke about, all will be great, I promise xxx hugs to you, don’t worry above all, it get’s you nowhere. Worry is wasted energy for any of us,
    Good on you Lotus in staying strong, I just had a coffee and a blinken donut, like Xmas with control all over again……damn! My AUSSIE DETERMINATION will take care of it all, as usual, and I’ll get to a stage I’ll forget they are there, like the chocolates in the spare room, from Xmas…do for Easter I guess.
    Suejen you’re right it’s our nature to be hard on ourself, we seek perfection in no matter what we do, or at least try constantly to please others. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OTHERS HAPPINESS! We can support, care, listen, but the rest is up to them. Doing our best is IT, no more than that. You are all very important people so put yourself first. Your new way of life is cleansing the body but ALSO the mind 🙂 Be happy team, you deserve it 🙂 CG xxx

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