Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi all, I have been here just to busy and time poor to post.

    School had a swimming carnival yesterday and it got to 41 at least. One teacher had to go to hospital with heat related illness.

    Haven’t fasted for 2 weeks. Have not eaten badly but have eaten much more than usual and lots of carbs. I feel bloated.

    Looking forward to getting back on the horse this week. Going to a german friend’s house today for a belated Oktoberfest. A cold beer will be welcome as another hot one is forecast.

    I am sorry to hear of everybody’s trials and tribulations. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other…..

    Hi all. We’ve just waved the visitors off and must admit to feeling a tad relieved. I managed to have a fairly good few hours sleep last night as have been severely sleep deprived due to pain in ribs. I’m feeling a bit better today and have not had to resort to any painkillers yet. I’ll wait till bedtime if possible.
    Hubby and I are planning a couch potato arvo watching the golf from Victoria. He’s an avid golfer and I used to play. I enjoy watching the professionals go through their paces. I’ve a fridge full of leftovers so no cooking for me today. Next week is going to be a “back on the horse” week for me. I’d love to see the B scales move from 70 to a bit below. When I first started the 5:2 in January I was losing a kilo a week on a regular basis. I really thought that I’d be down to my goal of 65 in a matter of months. How wrong I was. I’m not all that perturbed by it as it seems the same for us all. We are in it for the long haul. Some days are going to be easier than other. Just like life really.
    Take care team and be kind to yourselves.

    Mornin’ gang!
    Back from my concert…what a wonderful night…music and tributes from all the greats in the music world. Thank you all for the kind thoughts and wishes and sorry for the grumpy post earlier!
    PH – what a sad time for your friend; it’s a very difficult situation for loved ones to accept and the guilt and pain is an extra burden when one person feels they are letting the other one down. Letting go is so hard in these situations; especially when there are sometimes good days in the middle of all the bad ones and your friend probably feels she should keep on doing everything herself. You are a very good friend to be so sensitive to her needs.
    SJ – hope you are able to do some sewing without causing too much discomfort xx
    Noots – you are doing really well, keep up the good work!! Hope the temperatures drop a little.
    UP – what a dreadful experience for that poor teacher! Hope you are looking after yourself and life settles down for you.
    Gypsy – great to hear from you again and at least you have a bit of rest from all the tests etc for the moment. You deserve a medal!!
    GG – I really hope you get your internet provider sorted once and for all – it’s so annoying and frustrating to have a service that comes and goes.
    CG – thank you for your wise words and listening ear….you are a rock! I hope the weather settles down for you too – it seems very erratic out your way. We have our first frost of the Winter tonight so I’ll be snuggling up under the duvet with an extra throw for good measure!! Goodnight everybody xx

    Dawg – our posts crossed. Be careful with your ribs….they really do take a long time to heal so you need to take things easy. Couch potato sounds like the best possible course of action!! I’ll be joining you getting back on the horse…have had a total blowout today!!

    hello all . with a new internet provider so testing out ……GO GAL

    Hi all. Friend phoned me this morning with the news that her hubbie passed away in the night whilst still in hospital. Such a blessing. Just having a family funeral so will organise a big bunch of flowers. Hopefully she will be able to come visit now and we can go visit her. We have not visited at her request for about a year as her hubbie got distressed when he could not remember us. He and my OH we’re also very good friends so it has been a difficult time for all. They help their SIL and daughter run a wholesale nursery at mt. Tambourine in Qld and were on their way to an awards ceremony when they got the phone call that he passed. Very practically decided to keep going to the ceremony. Friend said that he passed so that he could fill the empty chair at their table in spirit and they would all be together. They won a the major award.

    Doggy. I do feel for you with the ribs, I have had the same thing and it does take a long time to get better. Be kind to yourself and take something for the pain. Chilling watching the golf sounds ideal.

    Have been over at daughters house doing final clean and managed to get the oven sparkling. Her friends arrive tonight and will be here for a b.b.q dinner in about 2 hours so must fly and get everything ready. Looking forward to meeting them and their 7 month old baby. Hoping for lots of cuddles. ????

    Hi PH, sad but as you say, a blessing. Your friend might now start to have a life of her own, with your help. Can I ask, why are you doing so much cleaning at your daughters? You spoke about you and your hubbie doing it a few weeks ago. Enjoy your bbq dinner, I hope your weather holds out, ours is still very cool! Xxxxx

    Hi CG ..daughter lives in WA and is coming home to live on the 22nd December. She had a tenant in that left everything filthy and owing lots of rent. She was planning on leaving it that way until she got home so hubbie and I decided that we would do what we could with the help of one of her friends that live close so that it did not smell when she got home. The tenant had a puppy , obviously not house trained. So very bad smell. The carpets were old and needed replacing so we pulled them up , with the help of her young friends, and got them out of the house. Than washed the cement with disinfectant so everything smells fresh now. Another of her friends from the west is arriving tonight with a camper van. They are going to stay at the house for a couple of weeks so it is not vacant.

    Something wonderful also happened. We were talking to her neighbour a few weeks ago and was telling him the story and when we got over there today found that he had mowed both front and back lawn pruned her roses and other shrubs and generally tidied up the yard. It was also a big mess. What a generous man..she will have a great is such a great feeling to know that there are still people like that around. We went in to thank him, guessing it was him and he said that if she wanted he would prune the big mango tree in the back yard also. Gladdens the heart to see such generosity from someone she has not met yet. And gladdens our heart to know that he and his wife are such friendly people. ??
    Expecting her friends from the west in about half an hour for BBQ , with their little baby so looking forward to cuddles.

    How lovely PH, she will also have a trust worthy neighbour and you will feel safe about that, you must both be exhausted. Golly there are the other end of the scale too, fancy people leaving a house AND living in it in that state! You really think twice about renting property these days. I hope you have a lovely night, she will no doubt be thrilled when she gets home and sees her “new” home too ? well done xxxxxx

    Evening all. Busy day volunteering at the Margaret River Gourmet Escape, where we have lots of the top chefs doing cooking shows. Didn’t see much as working on the entry area for most of the time but did see Marco Pierre White (looks as grumpy as he does on TV) & lots of very flash cars. It’s a very expensive weekend for many of the jetset types if you pay extra to go to certain events such as their winery long lunches which cost (are you ready for it) anything from $250 – $600 per ticket!!! Tickets for where we volunteered were $45 a ticket but we got around for free cos we volunteered. Method in my madness eh.
    Had some nice food for lunch & quite a few tastings. Now off to volunteer at our local cinema which is totally run by volunteers, usually only shows on a Friday & Sunday – but today it’s a Saturday. OH does the projecting & I do either ticket entry or kiosk. We’ll be pooped by the time we get home. I’m hoping that others will say Oh look we’ve got enough people…you go home, but I may be a bit hopeful there!!
    Trust you’ve all had a good day. Gotta go. sj XXXX

    Hi All!
    PH – what a bittersweet story. It in indeed a blessing that your friend’s hubby passed away so peacefully as the final letting go can be long drawn out and very distressing for all concerned, so at least they were spared that. She will need all her friends now, having been so occupied with minding and worrying about her OH for so long. And what a wonderful story about your daughter’s neighbour; doesn’t that just restore your faith in people!! Your daughter is lucky to have such brilliant parents, friends, and now, great neighbours too!! πŸ™‚
    GG – are you back with us properly??
    SJ – hope you enjoyed the foodie festival and weren’t too tired afterwards – did you pick up any tasty tips?
    CG – hope you and all your furry friends are safe and well. Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Xxxx

    Hi all. I love reading about what’s going on in your lives. Suejen, how fascinating to be running a cinema. Took my granddaughter shopping as promised, having driven for 45 minutes to meet her and her dad, and she said she was bored and tired after visiting three shops in the huge shopping centre we went to. She’s 15 and I’m 67! Met up with her dad and his fiancee later. Saw the beautiful ring. They have set a wedding date for 16.6.16 so I have enough time to get to my goal weight and buy a smart casual outfit for their wedding in a park. Could be cool but better than boiling hot as it’s been here. Only 23 c expected today, lovely.

    Good morning team, it’s a shame noots your GD was like that, they are precious times together but teens live in their own world so well done for trying.
    I had a pretty late night, my favourite movie trilogy, THE GODFATHER was on foxtel and even though I have the DVD set, couldn’t help myself…… If I didn’t have Lexie to feed, I could still well be in bed!
    Evening Fit, hope you had a lovely day ?
    Well planning day for us all, fortunately, I over ate last night with my movie marathon, for some reason most of us enjoy Monday fasts and find them easier enough so BRING IT ON
    I could be having an easy day today too, hay, it’s Sunday, a day of rest and kick back so no guilts attached ☺️
    Enjoy what you do team, our weeks are busy enough so make the most of your day ? xxxxxxxx

    Mornin’ CG! I had a lovely day, thanks. My daughter came home from the UK and I got my hugs!! She is loving her course and is getting on so well and positively glows with happiness. πŸ™‚ Your film trilogy sounds like heaven to me. I’ve been overeating the whole weekend so far and it’s only Saturday night!! But I’m going to enjoy a few treats with my girls and not feel guilty….life is for living πŸ™‚ I’ll be back on that horse on Monday, for sure!!
    Noots – teenagers are very self-absorbed; I bet your GD didn’t even realise the effort it took for you to go shopping with her. I bet you’ll look fab in your outfit for the wedding – something to look forward to.
    Looking forward to waking up to lots of posts from all you great ADers – so get writing gals!!

    Too right Fit, get writing team, where are you all, we are getting slack……! ? xxxxx

    Morning team. Well so far so good with the new internet provider ….just taking time to get my head around the new one. I have to alert so many people to my new email address it will take awhile.
    It is so good to be able to post on our thread without having the internet dropout.
    PH- sorry for the loss of your dear friend.
    NOOTS- you will be stunning for the wedding.
    DOGGY-Hope that you are on the mend.
    GYPSY AND FIT- so pleased you have my new email address.GYPSY …I am sending all my love and support for you and your leprechaun.
    Will post again later……love to all…..GO GALxxxx

    Hi all. Had a very lovely day so far..enjoying lots of cuddles from daughters friends little 7 month old. Such a sweet little baby, smiling all the time and a delightful couple. They arrived at 7.30 after a long day of driving and so were grateful of the offer of a bed for the night..then this morning organised some tables and chairs etc and a little fridge so they can stay in the house. Had a lovely breakfast whilst they did some washing and then over to daughters house at the beach with them, coffee at the little shop overlooking ocean and home. They headed straight for the beach.. Just love having young people visit.

    SueJen. You certainly had a busy day. What a great idea volunteering for such a function. And oH being a projectionist. Remember the days when we had the same sort of thing in the little town where we grew up. I used to be the usherette at the theatre, (remember when they had them)and would get in free to the movie for my wages.

    Noots. Teenagers! Don’t ya just love the fact that they get bored so easily. Anyway great that your son is happy and you get to dress up doe the wedding.

    Fit . So glad your daughter is so happy and you got your hugs, enjoy the rest of the weekend with her.

    GG . Great that you are back on line. Looking forward to more posts.

    Doggy. Hope the ribs aren’t too painful and you are looking after yourself.

    Time to get planning for tomorrow’s fast day. Had 4 glasses of wine last night whilst enjoying young company but it was worth it. Back on the straight and narrow tomorrow.

    Just back from doing the weeks shopping and enjoying a skim flat white…..tomorrows preparation will be underway with the HB eggs on the stove and lunch box filled with salad goodies. OH! how I love salad days.
    Message from GYPSY…. she sends her best and will be back on the thread when things settle down.
    Its overcast and cool on the coast today. OH did a mammoth job yesterday with the continuing landscaping around the house. So he is resting up… he works so hard and never stops till he literally drops. There is still more to do down in our little spot where I have my pool….(its a childs rectangle blowup ) on really hot days Oscar OH and I sit in the cool water under shade and privacy.We live 20mins from the beach , when its hot here its just nice to go to my own little oasis it even has chlorinated water so as not to get algae….. we thought of every thing.
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday with friends and loved ones.

    Hi all. I’m rather late today so have just speed read the posts. My commiserations to those who are doing it tough.
    Hubby and I bathed Pepper this morning and it was bigger than Ben Hur. He kept crying and trying to climb out of the laundry sink. Then a whole drama trying to get him dry. I think I’m going to take him to the doggy parlour next time. We then went to the local esplanade and had fish and chips. It’s a beautiful day here and we had to look for something undercover as its too hot in the sun. We were approached by a young girl who asked if she could any hello the Pepper. She’s a uni student from the UK and is missing her dog. Last we saw her she was lying out in the sun catching a tan. I’m afraid that it’s more a case of sunburn she’s going to get.
    The golf is still on so watching that out of one eye.
    FD again tomorrow. I’ve boiled eggs and salads organised. Bit of BBQ chook if it fits into the calorie count.
    CG You mentioned that you have Foxtel. We watched A Inspector Calls last night. It is excellent.
    XX Doggy

    Well another weekend over. it had its ups and downs but the cuddles from my little visitor came out tops!! ??Your pool sounds great GG somewhere you can sit in the cool without the effort of going out. And Doggy sounds like bathing Pepper is a challenge. Must smell nice now though. My eggs done too and some nice snow peas picked along with the apple cucumbers for nibbles sorted. Miso soup in the freezer if I need it so all good here. Sounds like we are all organised for our FD tomorrow . Bring it on…WE WILL DO THIS!. βœ…βœ…βœ…Ready for my aquarobics class at 8am.?????

    Hi All!
    GG – yippee!! It look like we have you back properly at last πŸ™‚ Your little corner of the world sounds like paradise…enjoy!
    PH – what a lovely time with your visitors; there’s nothing like the cuddles you get from a beautiful baby πŸ™‚
    Doggy – bathing a dog is not for the faint-hearted; they either try to run away or they cower and shiver and look miserable. Getting Pepper done at the pooch parlour is probably worth a try as they have all the facilities and equipment to make the job as easy as possible. It’s worrying to see young people still not taking due care in the sun; I hope that UK student doesn’t do herself lasting harm. I also saw ‘An Inspector Calls’; it was superb.
    I’ll be fasting tomorrow too, although my OH gets back from his weekend away and we’ll be getting a take-away in the evening as a treat for the family, as my daughter will be leaving early the following morning. I’ll make as healthy a choice as I can and be extra vigilant about portion control for the rest of the week. I think I’ll have to swap my fast day from Thursday to Wednesday too as I have an outing with my french class. Best of luck to everyone for the week ahead xxxx

    Good morning team, Fit, good evening hope you had a lovely day.
    Another fast day is upon us and certainly needed at my end. For someone who has trouble getting up to my TDEE, I made up for lost time this week end, just food choices and picking. It’s quite cool this morning, around 10 here and wet outside, so a bit more rain in the tanks but good soup weather and hot cuppas.
    Be strong team, YOU CAN DO IT Mondays are often the easier of the days to fast so BRING IT ON.
    Lovely to see you back GG, lets hope it’s all fixed now. Lexie is getting a very early feed as I’m off to the pool, then strengenthing exercises for my spine, then the doctor for blood results pre op so home latish. Good busy morning staying away from food ?
    Have a positive day team, your fasting is for your health and weight control, you are doing it for you, this is a personal journey so enjoy every step of the way. We have all been rewarded with this way of life/eating though not always easy, we do feel the pride with every fast we complete. SO BRING IT ON ☺️ xxxxxxxxx

    Good morning, CG – you must be up with the chooks, or even before them!! Hope you enjoy the pool etc and that all goes well with the doc. I had a quiet day with my two girls but just could not stop grazing….my big downfall!! That’s another reason why fasting is good for me; it helps to break that cycle of mindless and constant nibbling. So, I’m looking forward to the FD tomorrow and getting back on the horse for some serious and consistent losses from now until Christmas. BRING IT ON!! πŸ™‚

    Hello everyone. This is going to be short and sweet as I have the dog groomer coming. She gives Pepper a clip every now and then as his coat grows really long and can get badly matted. I thought I’d done a good Job with investigating before buying a new pup BUT I was wrong. I really did not know that Poodles needed so much grooming to keep them comfortable.
    FD here again and it’s going to be mostly eggs, salads and perhaps chook. Ok must be off

    Oh dear, doggie! That is one of the reasons I went for the labradoodle. Non shedding, laid back and much less high maintenance. Wally is being groomed tomorrow but only needs it 2 or 3 times a year and that is only because it is hot. If I lived in Tassy he would be a big shaggy thing!

    Was starving and realised it is my first fast day for ages. Had a drink and tried to forget about it. Amazing how it does pass!

    Hi team, back from exercises and doctor. All’s good with my bloods, liver kidneys etc, so just waiting to hear from the hospital now. The doctor cut out two more basil cell carcinomas, I have it done quite often, been a sun lover all my life and paying for it now. My skin is very snakey and dry but being in the country these is no getting away from the strong sun. I admit I get a bit lazy with sun screen and after sun care, just another chore! The damage is done now too.
    Fit, I know what you mean in regards to the grazing, I did that all week end and have 1.5k extra to show for it ?but the two fasts this week should get us both back on track WE CAN DO IT!
    Doggy, my boys need grooming all the time, not a good match for where we live. They are garden lovers and so enjoy getting in the hay shed looking for mice. I have to get them done professionally now as I can’t lift them. I always did their grooming and clipping, but not any more, I can’t risk injury. You’ll find Pepper feels so much better for it and they behave so much better for others. It does get expensive, but with brushing between groom, it can lengthen the next appointment (until it rains and that really plays havoc with their coats) my boys have coats but can get caught out with the weather.
    I hope you are all holding your own with your fast, let your AUSSIE DETERMINATION work it’s magic for you, it’s best to try to stay busy, it’s only a few hours and you will be so proud of yourself….good luck…… ? xxxxxxxxx

    Up our posts crossed, yes the hunger does pass, if we can wait it out. ….?xxxxxx

    Morning All been a bit absent this weekend…was pretty busy but all good. Ready for another FD. Had my morning coffee, about to boil my eggs & having my favourite lentil/sausage casserole for dinner. It always fills me up so well. Back has improved a lot the neck not so good but another app’t tomorrow should fix it. Been doing a little sewing but not much. will try again today & see how I go. Thanks PH for your tips re how you manage – very useful. Beautiful weather here at the moment. We were happy we volunteered on the Saturday as Sunday turned out to be 35 here. That would have been hard going with not much shade for everyone!! And I got sooo many bites it’s not funny. Have had to resort to an antihistamine to stop the itching & bought a special shampoo to help the scalp as well (not funny biting under the hair).
    Up you’re right re the drinking. So many times I find that just having another drink fixes me up & thoughts about food just vanish. Amazing how we ignore the thirst signal or confuse it with hunger! No wonder we used to eat so much.

    Have a good FD all and stick to your plan. Don’t let temptation take you off track stay true to 5:2. It’s only for today!! Hi to everyone suejen XXXX

    PS had a funny night last night as the power went off/on/off/on all night. What to do??? So I took a candle & went through all the books on my bookshelves & had a good cleanout with 2 piles ready to go to a 2ndhand shop or similar. Funny thing to do but just enough light to get the job done! And now I have space for new books & was able to fill in a few hours!!

    Greeting from Adelaide

    The diet starts tomorrow …yes, really. Just back from the gym but started the day with avo on lowcarb toast with Marmite (sorry, cant stand Vegemite) and have just enjoyed some lean chicken and salad so I’ve already exceeded my limit.

    Need to learn more about this before I embark but feeling motivated after talking to a couple of friends who’ve done it successfully.

    Its never too late (I’m nearly 68 and still trying to lose weight) so here goes.

    Tomorrow is my first low calorie day so fingers crossed.

    Hi all. Big workout at the pool this morning. Then stopped at spotlight to get some new pins and machine needles. OH had a quick trip to the vets this morning with our dog Brandy. Had a tick right up in under her lip. We searched for a tick but could not find any, she was weak in the back legs overnight. Anyway she is now in at the vets for a few days. She has 80% chance of surviving according to the vet so here’s hoping. So much for the treatment.

    Fasting going well so far. Hope you are all managing. WE WILL DO THIS,!

    Hi Poppytree. welcome to Aussie Determination. You will fine this forum very helpful. I too am 68 and still trying to lose weight. Have lost around 7 kg and have been going since early September. The friendly support from this forum is exactly what I needed to get going and keep going. You need to plan your fast days ahead. They will evolve over time. The first is the hardest and they get easier from there. there is an app called My Fitness Pal that some of us use to calculate the calories. My fast days look something like this. Cup of coffee with a little bit of milk in the morning.β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ2 hard boiled eggs during the day., and some chopped up cucumber to keep the hunger pangs at bay..????100 gr of chicken or fish at night with cauliflower,broccoli,snow peas and some sweet potato. Or a salad. Depending how many cals left sometimes I have enough left for a Jarrah hot chocolate after dinner…sometimes not…it is good to have protien and not many carbs as you stay full longer.
    Hope that helps..or you may have worked out what you can eat to stay into the 500 cals already. Good luck. for your first fast day.

    SueJen. What sort of bites did you get? Nothing worse than lots of bites. I have found lately that if I have a shower using the hand held shower head and spray the affected areas with really hot water for a while then the itch seems to ease for a few hour. Once you repeat this a few times they seem to ease off. Not sure if that would work for your bites but works for me!
    fast day still going well. It does seem that Monday’s are easier than the rest of the week. Must be because we overindulge on the weekends and are ready for a break. Keep at it girls..WE CAN DO THSI!

    CG good that the tests all turned out good. You and Doggy certainly look after your boys..what lucky dogs they are. We get Brandy clipped short twice during the summer and she loves it. Hopefully she is doing well in the hospital! I am doing short posts because I lost a long one and so decided to do short ones. Hope your connection is going well GG. Hi Fit..hope you are having a nice sleep. UP your labradoodle sounds great, have not seen one of them. Happy Fast Day.????

    Poppytree welcome to our team at AUSSIE DETERMINATION , PH has explained well how to start and your frame of mind sounds perfect. The food you have had today is ideal, although toast brings up the cals. You would probable get away with soup or an omelette for dinner and be close to 500 cals. Even if you get to 600 it is better than a normal days eating ?
    We usually fast Mondays and Thursdays but you can chose any two days of the week which fits your life style. In the how it works section at the top of the page you can work out your TDEE which is the amount of recommended cals on non fast days. You don’t need to count coulories every day once you feel confident enough.
    Please ask any questions as they come along and one of the team will help you…..welcome aboard….CG ,

    PH let us know how Brandy goes, ticks are something we don’t have down here, fortunately although we get bush ticks but aren’t the same problem. It’s awful to think what they can do, you must be so worried……when Mum and Dad lived at Port McQuarrie (sp?) they had two Chinchilla Persians and one got a tick. How the hell Mum found it is beyond me but she was meticulous with there grooming., fortunately it survived………..all the best…xxxxxx

    Hi all, purple hats and poppytree, I also am nearly 68; birthday on 5 March. Was OK weightwise until menopause hit. This way of eating (WOE) really works. I have steadily lost 2.5 kg since I started. Op on Wednesday for arthritis in my right thumb and will be in plaster for six weeks which will slow down my exercise a bit but OH will be cooking so I may lose weight that way :-). Been testing out my new sewing machine while I can and love it. Keep with us, poppytree, we are a helpful and friendly bunch.

    Welcome PT Poppytree from Adelaide. Yes you definitely need to plan and prepare to have a successful FD (fast day). We have 4 P’s in fact & the other 2 are persevere and persist…these 2 help you when you’re having a not so easy FD. But most importantly get the book if you don’t have it then you’ll be really clear about 5:2. My day looks pretty much like PH’s but we’re all different. We do what suits us best so long as it’s just 500 cals. So stick around & keep asking questions & you’ll do fine.
    PH no idea what the bites were as didn’t see or hear anything! The bites just arrived later that day. Ended up taking the antihistamine & has helped a lot. Sorry to hear about your Brandy. I didn’t realise that they could die from them. We had heaps of them in Alice Springs & had a golden retriever. He would escape & come back from hanging around with the dogs living in the creek bed with the aborigines, & he’d be covered in ticks & small wounds from getting into fights etc. But they must be the different variety maybe? Let us know how Brandy gets on. XX
    CG you’ve had a busy day! Are you mentally ready to go through another surgery? Must be hard facing up to 2 in a year but no choice hey? Perhaps you can just steer your thoughts down the line of Oh after what I’ve already been through this will be a breeze!!
    Hi to Doggie UT Fit GG and Gyps & Noots. suejen XXXX
    Feeling very hungry today & might have to have an early dinner but I’ll opt for a miso soup first & see how we go. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Hi sj, I love reading your posts. Bites are a buggar no matter what they are from, I had a bad experience with sand flies at the beach once…..ouch!
    I don’t think this will post, so I’ll try this then continue xxx

    Golly it did, it’s the 2nd I’ve tried, that time I had no cursor. As with the op sj, I think I’m a bit of a fatalist like my Dad, pointless worrying about it, it’s gotta happen so let’s get on with it ? but I’m very determent to be well for our reunion and a big cuddle from GG ☺️ I don’t look forward to sitting for two weeks or the associated pain which I’m told will be in the shoulder from the gas, but no choice other than carry on.
    I had an early dinner, getting hungry, but I guess 6:30 isn’t that early. I have been eating so late with day light savings starting. I don’t think I will be too long out of bed tonight either, I feel like I’m burning the candle at both ends yet nothing out of the ordinary, guess I put that down to age too!
    I hope your fast went well team, the day is close to ending so hang in there YOU CAN DO IT ? xxxxxxx

    Hi All!
    Have read all the posts but no time to answer just yet as I’m taking my daughter to see her nana, my MIL, before she goes back to the UK tomorrow.
    Laters!! πŸ™‚

    Thanks everyone for your concern about Brandy. Just had a call from the vet to say no improvement so far but not really expecting any yet. The next few days will tell. Yes they are nasty ones up here. We regularly treat her with advantic..which is supposed to stop pets getting them. I guess this was just a perticularly persistent one. I too am just about to hit the sack. Exercise on a fast day really makes me tired so nite nite all. ???

    Oh PH, that is bad. Our pup got a tick at 4 months. I didn’t really know about ticks up here, it was never an issue when we lived in a cold climate.
    Fortunately, $1000 later he was fine. We now use Nextgard which is great as Advantix every 2 weeks was ridiculous. 4 weeks for fleas, but it has to be fortnightly for ticks. Anyway, the new stuff lasts for 3 months.
    I hope Brandy is OK! Mine is now 17 months.

    After being hungry, I ended up not even eating until about 6 when I had a boiled egg. The hunger just went away. I may have something light later as I can’t imagine that will sustain me.

    Late post. PH – Bloody ticks! and the places they get into. Our friend advised me to check the mouth when we brought Oscar. He is on NEXGARD. I clip him as short as can be in summer…He is a Bischon. Hope your Brandy recovers well.
    SJ- try cold compresses on your bites .Do not place the cold pack directly on your skin… wrap it in a cloth, the apply for 5ins. Anything too hot will cause histamine to release which can have an adverse effect. try vinager as well.
    WELCOME TO THE TEAM POPPYTREE or PT as it will be shortened possibly to.
    NOOTS- all the best for your surgery on Wednesday.Try and get all your sewing done by then.Plenty of good books for the 6wks in plaster and lovely walks.
    CG- I am always cuddling you (YOU KNOW THAT!). Concentrate hard and you will feel me through cyber space <3.
    Good morning FIT- enjoy your visit and YES I am back on track with a new internet provider……Look out for those kicks in the derry now .
    Fast day went well….so hot here today …..I drank anything and everything. and enjoyed my salad and cutlets at dinner.
    Off to bed now… work was busy today……..GO GALxxxxxxxx

    UT are you REALLY saying that you’ve only had a HB egg at 6pm??! I started cooking my dinner at about 5.15pm as starving. Should be ready by 7pm but that’s just a bit late for me.
    GG how great to see you posting again. Yeah!! Too many bites for cold compresses but they did settle. Just getting itchy again now so will have to resort to my cream as one antihistamine a day is the dose. Might try the vinegar though…have plenty of that. Gosh you’re all going to bed & I haven’t had dinner! Gotta get used to that daylight saving difference.
    Despite being starving I’ve only eaten ONE cashew (bag was sitting on the bench) & nothing more so all good. And room enough for a Jarrah tonight too. Sleep well all knowing that you’ve done a good thing:) sj XXXX

    Hi again!!
    Back from lovely visit to my MIL; she’s a great lady and really appreciates a visit. Also my own mum’s anniversary today; 14 years since she died and still shed tears when I think of her. She would be so proud of her grandchildren and how well they have turned out.
    Doggy – hope Pepper is looking and feeling a million dollars! πŸ™‚
    UP – I have a Labrador and regular brushing is usually enough to keep her looking good, but boy, does she shed hair!!! It gets everywhere in the house, even though we only allow her into a couple of rooms!! My vacuum cleaner bag often looks like a small furry animal!! Brilliant job on your FD, woohoo!!
    CG – I have put on another kg on top of what I gained last weekend, so I really have to get strict with myself. No more excuses; special occasions will have to be factored in and eating between meals on non FDs has got to go!!!! Are you on?
    SJ – poor you, with all those bites. Some people just seem to attract them. I always get mozzie bites when I’m in France; my OH never does….so annoying! Hope they fade quickly and that your back and neck are ok too. Cold, wet and miserable here today so looking forward to snuggling up in front of the fire.
    Poppytree – welcome to this great thread and feel free to ask any questions you want. Best of luck with your first fast!
    PH – hope Brandy gets over that nasty tick bite; we don’t have really bad ones here in Ireland but we still treat our dog regularly – not sure if there are dangerous ones in France but our dog goes to the vet there too, so I’m sure she gets whatever meds she needs to keep her safe.
    Noots – best of luck with the operation and hope you are well pampered and looked after by your OH – you deserve it!
    GG – so glad you are around to give me a good kick where I need it!! Please feel free to administer as many kicks as you think are necessary!! πŸ˜‰
    My OH will be home from the UK soon and our little family of four will all be together, which is rare these days. We’ll be getting a chinese takeaway as a treat, but I’m just going to have steamed prawns and no rice – just some leftover roast veg from yesterday; so I hope I’ll stay under 500 cals. Have a wonderful week everyone xxxx

    Hi all, thanks for your good wishes for my op tomorrow. Feeling a bit nervous but I know it will be worth it. Have been catching up on the ironing and cleaning and practising on my new machine. Off to a morning tea today then my last patchwork evening class for at least six weeks. Will be waiting for the call to tell me what time to get to the hospital tomorrow and when to start fasting. Won’t be such a hardship as I’ve got used to it over the last few weeks! Will sign in on Thursday or Friday to let you know how I’m feeling.

    Noots. Hope your surgery goes well today, and you have a great recovery with a revamped thumb ready to take on everything that the new machine has to offer.??? Have you planned something to keep you occupied during the six weeks recovery?

    Good morning team, good evening Fit ?
    Noots, all the best with your op, it will put you out of action for some time so use the time wisely to be kind to yourself. Catch up on some movies or books and above all sleep. The time does pass quickly although feels like it’s dragging it’s feet at times. I hope the frustration doesn’t get too much for you when feeling helpless. Best of luck to you, we will be thinking of you, and yes stay in touch, even with left handed/finger typing ?
    Awful night for me, couldn’t get to sleep and if I dropped off kept waking with a headache. I did get up and take a pain killer but still heavy headed this morning. With fasting now over a year,they can still give a different affect. Pointless whinging, another one gone and completed.
    Fit your right regarding the over eating on non fast days, but the silly season is closing in and life goes on. We can’t treat 5:2 as a diet, it’s a way of life and wether our bodies are getting so used to eating the way we do, and doesn’t respond to fasts as it did in the beginning is hard to know. Maybe we have relaxed a bit, but I can’t see me eating junk or extra goodies. I did intentionally over last week end to make my fast count (zigzag eating) but I still hover around the same weight. I caugh a glimps of myself when walking into the gym yesterday, and still feel pround of where I have come, my heaviest days are long gone and doubt I’ll go much under where I am, but I’m happy, I’m comfortable….yes I get so damn frustrated with no movement happening, but that’s a mentle challenge, not really a physical one. I still feel my body altering shape in certain clothes and I’m teaching myself to go with the flow. I am learning to take the pressure off myself and be happy where I am, in fact thinking of swearing off the scales other than Friday as they do control the day so often. We are all eating better than before and very conscious of choices and PC so lets just live ?
    I have foxtel coming this morning between 8:00-12:00 awful gap, you never know when to expect them, home care due at 11:00, then Telstra due between 1:00-5:00 so a day of waiting, what a waste! So hope to make my time count, might get to my sewing machine to do some much needed alterations ?
    Have a lovely day team, don’t sweat the small stuff, we have all come so far, I do wonder at times if this is what is supposed to happen rather that being so rigid with ourselves. Weight loss with 5:2 was a side effect to the health benefits, so maybe this is it? ? More food for thought team ? xxxxxxxxx

    Mornin’ CG – so sorry to hear you had such a bad night with headaches etc. Maybe having to stay put waiting for others today is not such a bad thing…perhaps you can just rest and take it easy and have a nanny nap or two xx. I think the only reason I overeat on non FDs is because of all the grazing in between meals; the actual meals I have are very healthy. So that’s the new approach I’m going to try….no snacking between meals. Anything is worth a go and it has to be healthier too. πŸ™‚

    Morning all , beautiful day here, sun shining and slight breeze, hopefully it will stay that way and not get too hot. Looking forward to my day, off to the pool and then going to sew some new covers for the breezeway area to brighten the place up for Christmas ..a change from altering clothes needed..planted some salvias at the end of the breezeway yesterday so along with the alyssum and other annuals it should look a ball of colour in a few weeks. Managed to get hold of some 100 year old post and rail fencing to put up as a feature in the area and it does look a treat. ???? don’t have the right flower emoticons.

    CG ..sorry to hear you had a bad night resulting in headache. These sorts of nights seem so long..But just think once you start eating today the headache should go, you will have your Foxtel up and running and some clothing alterations done. So try not to think of it as a wasted day. And you might even fit in a short nana nap in between tradesmen! ANYTHINGS possible…?????β˜•οΈ???.
    So happy that you are proud of where you are weight wise, as you should jolly well be…I think accepting where we are is important at wherever we are on the weight loss journey. You never know, once you are happy and relaxed about where you are and still sticking to 5.2 you may find that you lose that final last couple of Kgs …or not…whatever is right for you is the Key. ??

    Fit. Anniversaries are sad, but even more so when it is your mother or father. Thinking of you. I think we always think of them when our children make us proud. Lovely your children still have a grandparent left to enjoy lovely for you to take your daughter for a visit..I’ll bet it made her day..

    SJ. Those pesky bites still itching I see. Feel for you.. When you do the jarrah I am guessing that it is made up with water? I usually use hot milk so can’t have it on FD. Find that if I am having trouble getting to sleep I make one with milk and it helps get me to the land of nod…

    UP. You are a legend!! Did you end up with just the one HB egg for the day?? Even so to last till 6pm with one is amazing.

    GG .. I’ll look into NEXGARD. Regarding the bites. I too used to use cold packs and vinegar but recently read an article on the benefits of applying Hot water directly to the bites as soon as possible. Seemed Irish (sorry fit) but decided to give it a try. I am one of those people that get bitten everywhere I go, have tried taking large amounts of B12 ..everything..nothing was working..was even using 40%deet to try and avoid bites. Anyway to cut a long story short I have tried the hot water solution and it really does work. It has to be as hot as you can stand and applied for a few minutes. Find that I get relief for about 4 hours in the first instance and then it extends longer as time goes by. All itch is gone after a couple of days and I used to find that I was itching for at least a week. They use this treatment in Darwin Hospital for severe bite cases. I’ll look up the link when I have finished this post. Very interesting stuff.

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