Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi

    Thanks Gypsy, nice to have my selflessness appreciated.

    Didn’t intend to report just yet, but today was a disaster, and I blame the booze!

    All went well, intended third fast day, been doing 20:4 and though I say it myself, on for a brilliant end to a great week!

    Shared a bottle of wine last night, but walked 4 miles first, nibbled for dinner, but did well.

    Started today with no food till 5 pm, boiled eggs for light tea. Just one on wholemeal bread.

    Then opened the wine – planning half a glass – somehow I’ve had olives, nuts, samosas, duck rolls dipped in hoi sin, having a beak halfway through second bottle, in Macdonalds having a McFlurry.

    One fast day gone tits up!!

    I may have to blame the wine!

    CG – so glad to hear that your op went well and that you are back home again. Please take care and don’t force things.
    Up – great to hear you are back home safe and sound.
    Sorry can’t post like I used to. My heart is not in it even though I miss ye all. My family crisis has just shattered us all and left us reeling from shock and deep sadness. The repercussions are going to last a long time and the heartbreak is just beginning. Thanks to everyone who sent kind words.

    Oh Fit, I hate to hear of your hearteache, it’s so sad, and you certainly don’t need or deserve it. I hope if at least it doesn’t pass quickly, at least you learn to handle it with as little stress as possible.
    Gypsy, our Charge Nurse, yes maam, will do as ordered, very gently, my “home nurse (best friend) had the drinks At the after the ambos left as a welcome home , before bed, so quite enjoying the rehab. We just yacked and laughed for a few hours, (great nurse πŸ™‚ ….She is diligent in watching my movements, and I won’t be sillyy, too much riding on my recovery. By the way, I told the ambos (couple of country guys) I hadn’t eaten since the day before surgery,…they pulled into McDonalds on the way home for me..God luv ’em πŸ™‚
    Only down side, as you said Gyps, time in healing will be longer than I hoped for, Surgical staff (who came on their rounds) said no calves for at least 6 months! I was..shock horror, thinking in a few weeks maybe, then got the lecture! So have been well and truely told! Nothing at all that is heavy, to be extremely careful, it all has to heal!
    I’ll start walking bit by bit today, firstly around the house, then path outside, but all one day at a time, still no pain, its incredible, they want me to take Endone, but I don’t even need a panadole! Just wound soreness/tenderness which I’m carful of, but thanking God hourly for the outcome πŸ™‚
    Anyway, my shower is at the ready, feel very spoilt, usually the other way round for me, so thank you all again for the love and care, and will check in later xxxxxxxx

    Hi team. Fitto I’m so sorry that you’v had such an awful family crisis. Our thoughts are with you. Weight loss seems to be so trivial when something like that happens.
    CG it’s great that you are being well cared for and are back home already. Yes do take heed and make haste slowly. You don’t want to undo all the hard work by doing something that you will regret later.
    Since I had the problem wiht my knee I have got stuck in a rut. The weight is not moving at all and I just feel fat. I’m also in a quandary re the low cal High fat diet. Should I try it or not? I found a website and its very interesting. One does not count calories at all. It’s worth a look. I’m really in two minds whether I should chuck the 5:2 and give it a try. Hmm I’ll think about it somemore as I don’t want to jepordise all the hard work I’ve put into this over the past six months.
    XX Doggy.

    Haw! Milena, we appreciate your sacrifice! Now none of us would dooo that, would we girls ‘n’ boys?……..(so where R the boys???)

    Good morning all πŸ™‚ Countygal, I am so happy to hear that you are home and pain free – just don’t over do it! Mark the 6 months that the Doctors’ gave you and have a celebration! Until then, just because you are pain free it does not mean that everything is healed and strong inside, you do not want to undo all the hard work you went through. Gypsy, sorry to be bossy but I really think you should be on antibiotics, we have limes disease in Australia now! Please see a Doctor and ask for antibiotics, I had a tick bite years ago and other than a sore spot where the tick had been , I was fine; but I know of someone who wasn’t that lucky. Changing from bossy to normal, I will stay away from onion, garlic and sugar on my fast days.
    Raven and Fit I am sorry to hear that things are not as they should be, you are both in my thoughts and prayers.
    Lotus , I am so glad to hear that your bloods came back well πŸ™‚ Suejen and FB, I have not moved on the scales, still stuck but it’s ok, I am feeling better and my body shape is changing, I have only lost 4 kilos in total but it has made a huge difference to the way I look and feel.Up, Dip,doggy , and Yum, you are all amazing and I have learnt a lot from you all, I hope you are all well:) Milena , I know what you mean about wine making one peckish . Lol. GG, thank you for the updates on CG progress , you are a good friend πŸ™‚

    Fit, I already said it, you’ll soak up the pain for everybody, and they’ll be fine while you pay the price of the tender hearted. And NOBODY digs the grief pit as deep as the IRISH, nor, I believe, does any other race commit as loyally to their own – so division in the ranks is no light matter.

    It sounds as though you have trouble alright, and please don’t think any of my comments are taking it lightly. In the end, my friend, it comes down to emotional survival and you need to be proactive in that. A wake is one thing, to wail is to heal faster, that’s why the tradition was born, as an emotional release. Thus it passes, as it must, or else becomes a destructive force. (grudges, revenge, hate, blame, pain and misery are born of such).

    History proves ongoing emotional pressure is disastrous for the Irish psyche. It lead to the division of country, creeds and continents and ongoing family feuds that last for centuries. Try to insulate yourself from the constant intensity of group discussions (where everybody loads you up, but you don’t get the hearing you need, maybe, or where you are forced to keep tragedy as the main focus). It is not disloyal to change the subject, or take time out from it. If you find yourself on automatic drive with daily chores while your mind is on replay you are in depression zone. Talk to somebody who can be neutral. Or at least objective. Do things that require your concentration (thus displace the misery) even a jigsaw puzzle can refocus one, be active and get out into the sunshine. And stay in touch with us. just a line or two sends some of your pain to the other side of the world! Better out than in. We are here. Find your sense of humour and look for the silver lining there always is one – ie You will know who your friends are when you’re down. Find one whose speciality is caring for the carers. I am not yet retired in that department. We will develop the cruise idea, I reckon. that’ll be one hell of a group therapy session! Love and hugs xxx Gyps

    Good oh, CG, glad you have someone on your tail and I didn’t mean to lecture for the sake of hot airing it. Just blowing the whistle on all those devious plans you have for beating the odds. Nurses are the worst at being patients and it pays to let their significant others know that their needs are best just provided (military fashion if necessary) rather than left to their request. Sounds like your mate’s got you pegged. Independence is a hazard to one’s spine whilst in recovery, dear, and the more grit you have the stronger it better be before you get back toooit! And I can see you grinning. You have no intentions of abandoning your animal practices!

    But…calves?… shock horror! How many times do even your ‘boys’ bump your legs or put you off stride? Whaddya reckon a hip high little heifer will do for a pat? or a feed? One clip, that’s all it takes to fff** up the good doctor’s work. Glad they were on the ball. But from experience, it is more like a year to 2 for major wt bearing bones (like hips, backs, femurs, tibias,) to stop giving a little ‘eek’ when jarred. Trust me, (I’ve broke most of them) six months is a conservative estimate. So… stay away from potholes and uneven ground and let your son read this.

    Then hopefully he’ll do what mine did, or something similar…(stole all the keys to the bike and even the car, so I wouldn’t swing a leg or even go shopping and lift stuff). Best not to even go into situations where the unexpected can test your ‘feeling like a bloody useless little ole woman’ grrrs…. Swear away…. just check in for sympathy any time….not…but we’ll cackle some. I was careful not to tell ya’ how bloody frustrating it is to finally be pain free and on a choke chain! … it sure peed me off, couldn’t even go out in the tinny for wavebashing. walking is fine as long as it’s levl and you could take up bird watching… tee hee…if all else fails to amuse ya, drink! …. or maybe consider a cruise?…oh, no, wait, then pesky wave agin’…. ah, well we’ll think of something to keep you busy.. xxx Matron Hell.

    Taco! Ta, I’ll take it under advisement!(busily looking up lyme’s
    disease!) I was more watching the fever symptoms for scrub typhus and will be wary for the next few weeks (or incubation period for such) if I get worse rather than better, but think I’m fine. Have had lots of tick bites in the past, but hadn’t considered Lyme’s disease. However, warned is armed. Thanks love, hope all is well in your world. xx gyps

    Hey Dawg! Sorry to hear you are on a bit of a downer (other than weight wise)Think I have been guilty of flapping my gums about your pup and forgetting about your other struggles. The Knee is a setback to walking exercises, but there are modified exercises you can do to get the heart rate up (and flatten the tum), small weights and seated aerobics help wheelchair pts. I do tum targeted modified scrunchies before getting out of bed, they work like a charm. Someone on here will know of a video link to best instructions or your physio will. It’s likely you are not feeling ‘fat’ just fluid build up. That’s a different story.

    Are you just down, or feeling isolated? Maybe it’s the winter blues a bit, too? Must be blustery and grey by the sea in a Tassie winter. Extra hard to lose weight when food is a source of warmth, (as well as comfort). Don’t be too hard on yourself, if you are maintaining a plateau, that’s about where most of us are at right now. It definitely gets slower as we get the first lot off. Plus I think we get bored with it and start modifying things, maybe get off track? Not sure scrapping 5:2 is your answer. I’d be wary of hi fat as a focus with no calorie control. Guess it’s a trial and error thing.(and 5:2 will fix it – if all else fails you can come home!) but on no account should you give up! Nor abandon us, That’s not an option! Lettuce consider the situation.

    If you are actually regaining weight then we all need a round table conference to find the fly in your ointment (like) it’s easy to lose the basic plot when one is experimenting.
    So maybe you need to keep a diary (or food/fluid/activity chart – you know- a pt care model you can tally and share with us for 2nd opinions! ) for a week span and try to pinpoint how far off the track you are. Or whether it’s a hormonal imbalance? Not to pry, but you know the drill about aging, huh?


    Thyroid, ovaries Pineal gland
    Oo! Me achin’… **%!#!!
    Ain’t life grand?!!
    Diabetic cortisol, Oh, sweet pee…
    Esterol? Testerol!
    Yore kiddin’! Eeee!
    Liver fat?
    bugga that!
    Gawd save meeee!

    Cheer up, mate, we all got tee shirts on that stuff to keep you warm. Dig out that determination and just beat the b*****d! Pat the mutt for me. I’m getting quite fond of that little terror. And You. (more, or less kilos are not the measure of you… you are one of foin breed… an AD’er) xxx hugs, gyps.

    Hmmm….Alone in the dark the mushroom said……”Oh, dear, oh dear, lost me thread…”

    Harrrumph! Seems yore the only one with nothin’ better to do than rabbit on into cyberspace, dearie. Well thank God you’re a self educator….. So, should we seek a sav..iour… or two..? Indeed! to the bottle!

    HI Team been off the grid as not well. Had a UTI creep up on me unsuspectingly & got pretty bad after I’d been & got antibiotics. So not at all well though improving today. Have slept so many hours it’s unbelievable! Taking it quiet today & afraid 5:2 is taking a back seat as OH is on kitchen duties. We’ve had Osso Bucco last night (I was down & out so OH had to follow a recipe on his own poor thing!!). Will be back in the swing either Mon or Tues for a FD again.
    CG so good to hear that you’re free of pain AND that you’re also going to follow all the advice you’ve been given & avoid lifting/animals/working etc etc. Now I know it’s not fun when you probably feel so bloomin’ brilliant but it has to be. I remember a nurse who went in and had a bladder repair (similar time as me but probably 30 years older ie in her 60’s) & she went home and rearranged all her furniture. And of course……..ended up back in again a few years later having the repeat op. So please….don’t go there!!! But you must be so thrilled CG.
    Fit so sorry to hear that your family troubles will be long-term in nature so obviously not an easy fix. Gyps has had some good advice for you so I’ll leave it there. But just know that we’re here for you & always ready to support you if you need lifting up or encouragement. And yes please protect yourself emotionally when you can. I’ve learning to do that slowly & it’s making my life a lot easier – the pain is still there of course but you’re not dwelling on it so much.
    Doggy don’t jeopardise the hard work you’ve put into 5:2 and the weight you’ve lost. I’ve always found your long-term outlook and lack of pressure on yourself to be a real strength, so don’t chuck it in. I think we’re all finding it much harder to lose much over the winter (I certainly am) but I’m content with maintaining…as that’s most certainly NOT what I usually do over winter. So even that is a win for me!!! Imagine where you would be now without 5:2…inevitably you would weigh more.
    Ooh Milena the dreaded wine and its capacity to render us helpless with food choices and portion sizes etc! However remember it was only one day & it will come off easily. We’ve all had days like that where our resolve is just clean disappeared off the planet. On another thought…maybe no food till 5pm is not the way for you?

    Team we need to just hang in there over winter & just take any small losses that come as a benefit I reckon. And if we maintain that’s wonderful. If you feel you need to go back to MFP & just check your food intake to make sure it hasn’t crept up with the cold weather. Enjoy your last feed day team & get prepared for FD too. suejen XXX

    Suejen, great advise and all common sense of course.
    Matron, thank you again, all points taken. Bloody mindedness being put on the back burner and self preservation taking over. My thoughts of getting back to “normal” are now future plans πŸ™‚ ….. A long way off, another season with out poddies will not hurt, I’ll just give my boys extra cuddles and rely on my sheep to keep the paddocks down. (They are just skittish and not up for effection) just their grains and a run from the boys when they get chased, hay, exercise for them all right?
    Doggy, I know where you are coming from, we have thrown another spanner in the works with LCHF, why fix something if it aint broke, right? As long as we abide by the two fasts, even if no loss is recorded, we are better off than before 5:2
    Winter blues ARE an issue, even if not acknowledged by a lot of people and weight gain goes hand in hand with confort food. I have gained 3 K after 3 blinken days of living on water! Now at home, THREE meals a day, being very spoilt, and would never complain at the kindness. So I’m going to heal, enjoy the attention, stay warm, thank God to a point of annoying him for the pain relief, and will get back on the horse when life relaxes back to the norm πŸ™‚ you know you don’t realise how much pain or grief we feel till it’s gone πŸ™‚ so lighten up, give living a chance remember how far you have come…not to mention the great family you are now part of, and like all of us, soldier on πŸ™‚
    We are all in need of councilling at the moment, that cruise Gyps would be a perfect remedy! :). Take care team and count your blessings xxxxxx
    Still between sleep and waking, I guess for a few days to come too, will ring you soon GG luv ya to pieces xxxxx

    Hi team!
    Fit – just read about your troubles, I think I can’t add much more than Gypsy’s very remarkable post(s). We are here for you, and sending you prayers. {{{hugs}}} xoxo
    Gypsy – lurve yer posts. So much wisdom in those humorous word…
    CG – getting papered is the best side effect of falling ill, make full use of it πŸ™‚
    Dawg – take care , be gentle with yourself, give yourself a big hug. It’s from us, we all think you’ve come a long way, so don’t despair yet. I think overall 5:2 works beautifully, we can use other protocols (LCHF, 4:3, ADF etc) to supplement the base, but replacing the intermittent fasts itself may not result in the long term health benefits for our bodies. We have to remind ourselves that there is much more to fix in our bodies than just weight, isn’t it? πŸ™‚

    For all of us, in various ways, it’s a some sort of blues this month. Let’s use this thread as an “Island of peace” – let’s refuel here to fight our battles back in our homelands. Let’s replace “comfort foods” with a comfort post or read some one else’s words to get encouraged. Looking back, I gained weight by eating to comfort myself as I could not express my anger or negative emotions in a new marriage. It’s an easy, slippery slope to go down again. Who loses? We do.

    So I am going to post here – silly piece of “research”, something shallow about new clothes, or sometimes something deep and meaningful. Sometimes, just think about you all. But I am not going to reach for that chip packet or chocolate bar…
    And am happy to have this safe harbour. Thanks CG. Very grateful that you started this thread, and for all long term members (family) who have looked after us so well…

    Oops – CG, meant to say “pampered” not papered πŸ™‚

    Suejen, a lot of sense in your post.
    Milena, I have never had a successful fast day if I eat later in the day, I know it’s recommended, but personally do better if I have a high protein breakfast in the late morning (10 or 11 am), and early dinner – say 6 pm?

    Lotus, You’re a bleedin’ gem! Exzakly! You sed it just right. Signed, ‘papered’ and sealed. Your adoption papers are in the mail! Trust me, we’re family!

    Suejen, Uti’s are generally eased by reducing urinary acidity. Back off high protein for a bit, drink cranberry juice, lots of water and see your chemist for over the counter sachets of a powder based fizzy drink called ‘ural’. plus take a probiotic to replace natural flora after the antibiotic course. Keep sleeping. You obviously need it and remember that stress increases acidity via the nervous system. So pee on that! xxx

    Thnaks Gyps yep plenty of water and taking Urals too. And still sleeping more. Didn’t know that stress increases acidity ha that’s what did it eh. Will get probiotics ready to take from Thursday on. Much better tonight just exhausted & off to bed.
    And CG take Lotus’advice and keep on being papered. Luvit!! In fact…..we could ALL do with some papering right now!!! suejen XXX
    PS not fasting tomorrow not well enough yet, will plan for Tuesday at this stage.

    We could all do with getting plastered too πŸ˜‰

    Gypsy, I cannot thank you enough for your beautiful words of wisdom and understanding. They really touched me. Your powers of expression are just amazing. I come from a strong, loyal, loving and supportive family so I am not being leaned on unduly. We are all sharing the shock and the heartache but we don’t fully know the extent of the pain to come, except that life will never be the same again.
    However, I know there are others here who are also going through tough times and I’m not going to keep on dragging everyone down. Lotus, you are right about posting silly ideas or deep meaningful thoughts…life has to go on and keeping the world as normal as possible is a good way of coping. I’ll do my best to stay in touch even if I’m just lurking.
    Love to all.

    You’re in our thoughts Fit xx
    Well, had a wonderful nights sleep, not plastered Lotus, but yes, a bit of the ol’ spirits did help πŸ™‚ and each day is easier but wont be silly to myself, or need another reprimand from our Matron! Numbness still an issue but not worried, still only a few days from surgery so expect wound site will take time to settle.
    Fast day for a lot of you, YOU CAN DO IT, I know it just drags on with same ol’ same ol’ with no results for most of us at the moment, but staying with 5:2 is keeping us “honest” with our (lack of) intake and stopping the old habits reforming πŸ™‚
    The change of meals and weather has affected us but the overall “diet” is such a healthy way of living πŸ™‚
    Enjoy the day team, try to stay positive, enjoy the challenge and use that AUSSIE DETERMINATION πŸ™‚ xx
    How fortunate we are to have found each other xxxx πŸ™‚

    Hi Fit, post your thoughts as you feel them. Don’t worry about dragging anyone down- these are a strong group of “bloody minded” soldiers. We can take it πŸ™‚

    Buddhist saying for you all today –
    ” even a strong person may stumble when walking alone on an even path, but when he is held by good friends, even a weak person will not stumble on the roughest path”.

    Good friends in Buddhism are those who lead us to our self development, evil friends are those who lead us away from our self development / growth. Sometimes even well meaning family or friends can be evil friends ( as they stop pur growth and let us live in our comfort zones) and strict friends / family / enemies ( as they challenge us) can be our good friends.

    Deep and meaningful stuff πŸ™‚

    A Problem is a good friend, as it’s an opportunity for growth and shows us how strong we are – something like fasting πŸ™‚

    Oh dear, sorry to hear so many people are struggling with various issues at the moment. Life is hard sometimes, that’s for sure.

    Other people on here are much better at supporting others than me, on this forum, but I agree with Lotus, it is OK to debrief on here. This is one place that you don’t need to “put on a front”. It is all about support and it is great that it has turned out to be not just for 5/2 when required. And it is swings and roundabouts, when one is down, another is up, whether it is weight, health or emotions. We all have our turns!

    So, I have been back for a few days now and am finally ready to start fasting today. I weighed in this morning and the weight has normalised a bit and I am now 66.6 which is OK but I was 65.3 before my last stint in Europe. The gain isn’t nearly as depressing as I thought it would be and I have a sense of power/control now, knowing that I haven’t lost much ground at all in the scheme of things. It helps that my husband is dead keen to keep up the 5/2 low carb thing!

    We basically do Monday and Thursday fasts yet he invariably asks “are we fasting today?” on those days as if he has no clue. In fact it echoed around the house this morning. My daughter has her own fast days although she will probably fall into line with ours now. So this morning she asked him, “Are you fasting today? and he answered “I don’t know” and to me, “Are we fasting today?”
    I of course answered, “Yes, it’s Monday”. I think we’ve got this straight now, until Thursday, when we will go through it all again!

    Well, I hope everyone’s issues resolve/improve or stabilise depending on who you are. Fit, I am sure we all understand about not feeling like posting as you did before. Maybe in time, you will feel more like it. I hope you can still get something from being part of the group and stick with us because you are definitely a big part of the gang! So yes, lurk if you like! And yes, Gypsy is amazing!

    So, back to being Cinderella now, and grey, rainy days do not help! Especially when I have a ton of washing to do and a garden to tidy etc. Makes me want to curl up with a book instead. That is one of the few downsides of being retired. You can continually put things off and achieve very little quite easily! And I am very good at that especially when the weather is bleak as I become bleak too.
    Anyway, I will try to get my act together and I will post weigh in results on Friday. I am thinking of all of you with troubles right now, xx

    Hi to all my wonderful team members. Thank you Gyps,Suejen, CG ,Lotus for your words of wisdom. You are right. It would be stuoid to undo all the good work I’ve put in over the past six months. I guess it is a bit of the winter blues that gets to us all. Today is a lovely sunny day though and I’ve just got back from a lovely long walk with OH and the pooch. I do admit to feeling like quitting half way thorough but I stuck it out. I’m going to chuck the idea of HFLC diet. There are others on other threads who are doing it but I’m going to wait until more scientific research has been done.
    Suegen I hope your nasty UTI has improved. Good advice from matron Gypsy as usual. Milena I too am a bit of a sucker for the dreaded Vino. I know it’s probably not a good idea to indulge when trying to loose weight but do not want to feel that everything is too restrictive. I was planning to stay off the booze until the weekend but don’t know if I will. It’s no doubt just become a habit as I never even feel like a drink on FD.
    Fitto cyber hugs for you. Please feel free to express your hurts and emotions to us. I think it’s healthy to do so.
    XX Dawg

    HI All what a WONDERFUL bunch of people we have on here…sometimes I can’t believe it! Truly I mean it!! We are all here for each other in the ups and the downs of life, and are so supportive for a group of people who have never even met! Unbelievable.
    Fit lurk around all you want without posting – I did that for quite some time when my crisis hit, didn’t have the emotional energy to post anything. But it was still an outlet for me to come on here & keep up with everyone’s news. On the other hand post your feelings if you need to get them out as YES we can take it and we can support you, even if it is only cyber hugs {{{}}}. There….there’s a few more for you.
    Dawg so glad that you’ve decided to stick with 5:2 & plod on. I too cannot give up on the vino Doggy. And I reckon that yes, maybe it does slow my weight loss down but I really look forward to that at the end of a sensible eating day, so I’ve decided that it’s a trade-off I’m willing to accept. At least I have 2 no alcohol days & sometimes a 3rd in a good week, so that’s WAY better than before.
    UT I have the exact same issues with OH. Get asked the same old question every FD….irritating isn’t it. He says Well how do you expect me to remember?! Duhh By the way you have done brilliantly to come back from hols at 66.6 when you were 65.3 before you left. Man…I would have come back with at least an extra 4 kilos. So please remember that you planned and persevered and persisted and came back a winner!
    Lotus great words this morning for all of us and yes we are a strong group of “bloody minded” soldiers – gee, wonder who we got that from CG??? And sure liked the idea of the change from getting papered to plastered!!
    Have a great FD all (Im feeling better so decided to stick with the routine) and do the very best you can. If we truly are “bloody minded” soldiers we should be able to beat this winter blues/plateau thing with our aussie determination. suejen XXXX

    Here Here Dawg! Well done beating your blues up πŸ™‚
    Suejen – big thump of agreement from me too, on all you have posted.
    And yes, having a great fast day so far too – I had an omelette this morning as had not eaten after a big lunch yesterday (not hungry for dinner). And I am feeling satisfied and not needing to eat until 12 noon here. If I can stick to not eating anything until late this evening, will be great πŸ™‚
    I need breakfast, lot of you don’t but I do love that this WOL can accommodate both spectrums πŸ™‚

    HI All interesting post I just found on another forum. In case anyone wants to have more contact with someone via email, without actually having to post it where others can see it? I guess JJ is admin/tech on this site.

    “Yes, we met via the forum. It’s been fun getting to know someone else on the same journey. P and Mr P are the most amazing success stories for 5:2 and its health benefits. Inspiring!

    Provided you have posted your real email address behind the scenes, when you joined the thread, then it is possible to ask JJ to send your email address with an invitation to correspond to another poster. Does that make sense?

    AC, is your email address current? I tried to make contact via JJ when I was in Brisbane, and he asked me to confirm that your email address in your sign on info is correct.” suejen XX

    Good to know this SJ! thanks

    Heh, heh…..

    Slim Pickin’s….but oo! Sooo rich!
    For a starvin’ bard with pen finger itch…(.Hmm? FD blues anyone?)


    Oh, Woe is a mate sez our bloomin’ Lotus
    Beware of the gypsy (she’s liable to quote us)
    There’s wisdom in warts ‘n’ wrinkles ‘n’ such
    Be grateful yore livin’ is hurtin’ so much
    Your road is uneven but you’ve got a crutch
    We get your drift ‘n’ it ain’t double dutch!

    Just cut to the chase ‘n’ drop it onus
    We’ll getcha’ sorted ‘n’ on the right bus
    Are ya’ fat? Misshapen? Down on ya’ luck?
    Park it up, mate, we don’t give a cluck!
    Hell we bin there ‘n’ got the tee shirt
    (Tho it’s shrunk ta’ hell) I’ll give ya’ the dirt

    One’s on the morph (or should be, CG!)
    There’s more up the creek or can’t even pee!
    Papered ‘n’ plastered, plonked ‘n’ all
    They’re soldierin’ on – heedin’ the call
    From fatty ahh buckle to giggle or groan
    Our journey ain’t over til we’re SKIN ‘N’ BONE!

    Ha! too good Gypsy! πŸ™‚

    “Our journey ain’t over til we’re SKIN β€˜N’ BONE!”
    Aye aye to that

    Hi everyone

    Just a quick post as have not had a chance to catch up on all posts as yet – So glad you are through the op CG and all went well, my how 5 days fly. Hope you will be fighting fit soon.

    Same, same on my front, OH has been subscribed some pills but they proably won’t kick in for a couple of weeks, back to the counsellor today and some new strategies to help him cope.

    Giving him all the suggestions you lovely people have offered.

    My weight is basically the same and on FD today. Getting throught it

    Keep on keeping on AD’s not long now until FD is over.

    Will hopefully catch up on backlog of posts but am sure they will be old news now.


    Drat! MFP is not working and I just et a chocolate muffin…sigh…raining here. Cold, dark and gloomy in my scrub line…… them muffins smell soooo good just out of my camp oven……why did I do it? hmmm, must be one of them character tests…..

    Hay Gyps, live it up, life is too bleeden short for regrets πŸ™‚ xxxxxx

    HI Team hope your FD went well (for most). I’m hanging in there for another little while till OH’s is cooked – me having Pumpkin Pie again, & just put 3 serves in the freezer too. CG hope you’re still being pampered and enjoying the company of your girlfriend.
    Dawg I shall blame you hehe. It must have been the chat about vino this morning as I just can’t get it out of my mind today and it’s FD. I never have a problem missing my wine on FD’s….but today’s another story. BUT…not giving in, not till tomorrow.
    Gyps you were really testing yourself cooking choc muffins on a fd weren’t you?! I would have done the same thing especially that yummy chocolate out-of-the-oven smell.
    DiiP good to see you dropping in and that you’re doing ok with a FD too. Hope those meds kick in for OH very soon & he starts to feel the benefits – then you will too.
    Gyps another beaut poem for us all. XX
    Hang in there till bedtime team & don’t give in if you’ve already done well. You CAN make it. sj XXXX see ya tomorrow

    Up your post struck a big chord with me … OH memorises reams of stuff for work but think he can remember when washing up to wipe over the induction stove glass top first while he has hot, clean water. Or not to grab hand/T towels to wipe down messes grrrrr. Seems to have a mental block with house stuff. Planning to put a LOT of post-it notes around when he retires later this year πŸ™‚

    So glad it is this end of FD (7:49pm) Come in 177 cals short of 500 so will have to eat something else soon or will be awake and hungry. Will post more tomorrow.

    Wish I had a thumb emo for you CG (thumb up of course!) YY xx

    Good morning ADers! Hope your fasts went well (not looking at you Gypsy! πŸ˜‰ ). I tallied up to 550 calories yesterday…
    Starting eating plan today that I had posted a couple days back, hopefully will be able to stick with it.

    YY, my OH has what I call “selective hearing and vision issues” – he chooses to see and hear what he likes too πŸ™‚

    Hi All, SueJen thanks for the suggestion about email. It reminded me of something that I thought of doing before but forgot about until now.
    I have just created an email account specifically for this purpose. I will not be using it for anything else.
    But this address is

    Anybody interested can send me an email and I will create a list of email addresses to circulate to those who wish to have private access to each other. I am no tech whizz, nor am I a particularly organised person so if you agree, I will send out one list to everyone who sends me an address with all addresses on it when I have them.

    My only concern would be losing the vibrancy of this thread, if people start emailing privately too much then this public forum could lose momentum butI am sure that if we are aware of this it will be OK.

    Anyway, rest assured that addresses sent to me will be kept confidential and only given to members of this group, and only to people who i know of from this thread. So if Joe Blow wants addresses, I will not provide the list unless he actually posts on this forum.
    Anyway, let me know your thoughts, or even better, your email addresses.
    PS I am not and never will be secretary material, plus I believe we already have one so don’t have high expectations!

    Uptight. That’s just brilliant! I too prefer the public forum to private emailing (also because I can never seem to catch-up on private emails, work emails taking too much of space in my life currently…). But I do like the thinking behind having private emails available for people, in case they do want to get in touch. Will send you my deets. Thanks a lot for doing this.

    No worries. Glad you think it is a good idea!

    Hi everyone. Such a cold night last night & I nearly caved in but yeah……I didn’t. OH had his dinner, then bread then chocolate then something else – by this stage I was over him! He was still saying he was hungry. Grrrrr….BUT I stuck with the program.
    I usually weigh every day ( I know lots say you shouldn’t but have done for most of my life so hard to change) and what I’ve noticed is that despite sticking to my 500 cals or just over at maybe 520, I’m not losing as much on FD’s as I used to. Is it winter or what I wonder? So it makes it harder to actually have a loss as I seem to only take off what I’ve put on in between. Have been logging food every day for a week or so (apart from when sick) on MFP so have been sticking to my TDEE. MY UTI & the body fighting infection I suppose could account for some of it?
    Anyway we soldier on with our bloomin’ aussie determination and wait for things to happen eh. Started today off with a yummy soy chai latte that I made at home with spices – with honey it’s really yummy.
    UT good idea I’ll send my email through to you thanks. I also agree re not wanting it to have an impact on people posting on this vibrant thread – certainly don’t want to spoil that! But I thought it could be useful when maybe someone is going through something really tough & you just want to give them an extra bit of support, or someone is having the exact same problem with 5:2 or whatever.
    YY & Lotus I do believe ALL males suffer from mental blocks with house issues. Mine is one of the worst but….you may want to disagree on that front!!
    CG hope you’re still doing well & being spoilt rotten? So not used to not hearing from you early in the morning girl! It’s always something we really look forward to as you know.

    Has anyone tried the Pumpkin Pie recipe yet???? You gotta try it. Gyps were the choc muffins calling you again today? I cooked some for OH mainly last week (did have one) but I always freeze mine after cooking so I can’t just grab them & they’re out of sight too! Does help I find.
    Anyway have a lovely day team and enjoy your first feed day with some food choices you’ve been looking forward to, or dreaming about or planning to have. I have some vegie soup in the freezer for lunch, made from all the left-overs in the vegie crisper – made it moroccan with spices. Nice. Will have to add some chicken or meat of some sort for OH poor dear. suejen XXXX

    Hi all,

    I think this is just the thread for me, Im awake with most of you! Was finally dozing off when in came puss – she is having a good week, well looking slightly less like she is about to die, we check quite often to see if she is still breathing, she’s still walking like she is drunk, but though she’s swaying a lot, staying upright most of the time, and managing to eat out of her bowl without sumersaulting over it – peeing on the kitchen floor, but only because she hasnt worked out her bum isn’t all the way in the litter tray. Bless.

    Fit, I hesitate to give advice in the company of these wise owls, but Bach flower remedies may be helpful, Olive and Star of Bethlehem might be good choices. Perhaps worth a google. Forgive me if Im imposing.

    Suejen, my very dear, very beautiful (young, tall and skinny actually) friend came over on Friday and told my husband she was in love with him. A bit embarrassing, I grant you, he’s not QUITE in the Henry Cavill, George Clooney league, but in the land of Braveheart and the Big Yin, where men are men and wear kilts to prove it, where a man who does anything around the house is rarer than a loch ness monster, my man does the lot! My son cried for him, not me, when he woke in the night as a child, he does most of the cleaning and all of the washing, we don’t iron, but he hangs washing so we don’t need to. He does most of the shopping and a fair bit of the cooking, as well as the bins the garden and car maintenance (his hobby, to be fair!) Son cleans the bathroom and vacuums and dusts.

    On Friday we were served cold drinks and hot snacks, he made kir royales and he made lattes. She was, as usual, waited on hand and foot, something that doesn’t happen with her husband. Of course. My hubby even drove her home. No wonder my friends tell my hubby they are in love with him!

    Funniest thing was she asked me if we had a petrol strimmer. Why would I know what a strimmer was, much less if we had one? Seems her hubby doesn’t even do the gardening.

    Btw, don’t know if you get Top Gear, cos I know there is an Aussie version, but if you do try to watch the last one with Jeremy, James and Richard – watched it last night, peed myself laughing – for a hour, had tears streaming down my face!!!!!!! One of the best!!!

    Hi Milena BOY have you got a good one there & obviously your son has followed his lead. You are soo lucky! My old bestie from work has one just like him & we stay there a bit. He does all the cooking & looks after her like a queen. Buys her fantastic personalised gifts that he’s specially investigated eg had a portrait artist draw a portrait of her dad after he died from a photo. Had some jewellery engraved with her mum’s picture…I mean, where does a man find out about this stuff!
    So no wonder your friends say they’re in love with him. You just make sure you hang on tight to him….he’s a treasure.
    To give my OH some credit he does do a wonderful job of the garden & has created a beauty of native plants for us that draw all the birds in, which we enjoy. Also grows our own vegies. And that’s what he usually trots out when I say I’d like more help inside.
    Don’t usually watch Top Gear but we do get it here, however not sure if we’re in sync with you. Will keep an eye out but I warn you it would need to be good to be about cars & keep me amused for an hour!! suejen XX have a good day Milena

    Hi All
    Just waving from the sidelines….but cheering on the team. Milena – not imposing at all, I appreciate the kind thought. My OH an absolute rock through all this too.

    Hi Fit good to see you dropping in again. Thank goodness that you too have an absolute rock of a hubby..just what you need right now Fit. I suspect that at your stage Fit you’re just getting through your days as best you can, and that’s all you can do in the beginning. But if you find it overwhelming take a break; go for a walk; meet a friend who either knows & can sympathise or doesn’t know & gives you a break from it all. Do something that you enjoy that takes your mind off the situation for a while. Arrange to go visit your old school friends that you’ve mentioned? Hang in there Fit & you’ll eventually be able to get a bit of distance from it all. Lotsahugs ((())) suejen

    PS where is everyone?????? Calling all aussie determinators…even our fearless leader is MIA? CG do hope you’re OK. Let us know when you can.
    I’m not getting email alerts either today – anyone else the same?

    Hello SJ, Milena, Fit! I just logged on after a long day of madness at work. Funny not many on thread today, oh well. Maybe they are all out burning those calories eh?

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