Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • You know what they really say?
    They say it isn’t as bad as they say.
    At least…
    That’s what they say.

    Gadzooks! My globule of rustic wisdom has punched Aussie Determination forward into cracking the ton – 100 pages of us.

    CG, raise your bat to all corners of the park.

    Michael’s documentary got us interested.

    Michael and Mimi’s book got us started.

    But you keep us going.


    Thank you Andrew and we did it, we all did it 100 pages of posts woohoo!
    Andrew I’m roaring laughing and I have no idea at what? Your first post had me in stitches, you funny man you xxxx CG 🙂

    FB, no problems my love, only when you get time, it just seems so apt for AUSSIE DETERMINATION, maybe there is some way to shrink it but still get all verses in, your the computer genius I’m sure you’ll work it out 🙂 , take care Kitty xxxx CG

    Hi All!
    Getting a taste of the awful weather here too; lashing rain and strong winds. The cupboards are bare so I’ll have to face the elements soon to do some shopping..eeeek! Still, I know I’m not in any danger, so I don’t mean to sound flippant; I know there are people in genuine danger and I sincerely hope the terrible weather passes without any more tragedies.
    CG – your lovely words continue to give us all a lift or a smile when we need it. You have every right to feel proud and to take the credit for all the successes here because it is plain from everyone’s posts that you are the glue on this thread. You hold us up when we stumble and give us strength and courage when we’re low; no matter what the issue is – doesn’t have to be 5:2. You celebrate and share our joys when we’re happy and you don’t judge. Here’s to the next 100 pages!! <3 xxx
    Well done and huge congrats to all who have recorded losses of weight or cms or even just feeling better in their clothes…..I can’t go back a page to check the names, sorry, but you know who you are! 🙂
    I’m going to try semi-fast today (Saturday for me) and then ease back into full fast on Monday as usual. Don’t know if I’ll ever get to maintenance stage because I always seem to have some reason or occasion to over-indulge…..not whining, it’s a good problem to have!!! 😉
    I know I’m lucky to have good health to enjoy these times and I do count my blessings; I’m just feeling a bit sad today as I come down from the high of my few days away and that my nieces are leaving in two days and it will be a long time before I see them again.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and best of luck for the week ahead.

    Fit, thankyou for the lovely words, it’s very kind of you. I understand you feeling a bit flat now with family going but remember the precious times you did have together. Take heaps of pictures whilst you have the chance and try to get one worth framing. 🙂 It’s lovely to look at and remember the exact moment it was taken.
    I seem to have the same problem but that’s the beauty of 5:2 our constant zig zag, we hit a low then celebrate, or guests call in and we over indulge in something, but how forgiving is our 5:2 ….right! 🙂 We are still going down on the numbers but importantly eating healthier than ever before, the indulgences often give our metabolism a wake up call and the next fast seems to work miracles 🙂 We know now too we can comfortably enjoy our festive times without guilt. Who cares how long this journey takes, we are all enjoying it, the way of life and eating, but also the wonderful friends/family we are making 🙂 ….have a great day and be happy …xxxxx

    Yes have to second/third that CG you certainly are the glue that holds us together & we so look forward to your morning words of wisdom, encouragement and motivation.
    And after tonight have to agree about out tastes and appetites changing. We had an art exhibition opening, you know one of those affairs where you get tiny nibbles of food for an hour or more and there’s never enough and it’s getting late….just dips & crackers & by the time you leave you’re ravenous. It was freezing cold too so we stopped & got a chicken kebab each. But have to report that it’s the first time in my life that I could only eat about 2/3 of it I was just so darn full! Couldn’t believe it myself! What a WOL. suejen
    Nighty night all. Have a great day tomorrow and enjoy your shrinkage LOL.

    Sue Jen, if you go into MFP and then go into My Profile the ticker is there. If you don’t have one it may say My Progress or give you an option to get a ticker.
    I have had mine so long I can’t remember the details. Yesterday I had to google how to update my goal weight, I messed around for ages trying to figure it out and couldn’t. It ended up being so simple.
    Here is my new one.

    Not so exciting now!

    CG, you are our mother hen and should rightly be proud of us and yourself. You do a great job of looking after your brood!

    Good morning team and Happy Sunday. Our day of rest, really I think of it as cross over day. From binging Friday night or Saturday we get Sunday to relax slowly into our Monday fast 🙂 Planning day for most of us too, but not the big deal we used to think it was. Just a boild egg, some veggie straws in a container for the arvo hungries a quick little salad or some soup for lunch at the ready, and your evening meal planned and shopped for 🙂 all very easy. A packet or two of Miso in a convenient place. Water or Infusion at the ready in the fridge and that’s another fast day at the ready 🙂 Remember yesterday’s struggles are what gave you today’s strength, don’t fear temptations…control them…if things are AT the ready there is no chance of slip ups. All the above only takes a few minutes of your day of planning, so don’t stress, enjoy your Sunday no matter how you choose to find happiness, watching nature, being with family and friends, catching up at ‘s home…it’s your day and you are only responsible for YOUR peace of mind….enjoy CG xxxxxx

    Good morning!
    I’m still kinda new and yes, we are a talkative lot! So, I can’t respond to everyone. I’m just beginning to work out who’s who in the zoo.
    I’m surviving a long, cold, and rainy weekend without doing/eating/drinking anything too terribly bad. Yay me. AND I went to the gym yesterday and plan to go today, too.
    I try to keep in mind that this journey that CG spoke of is the thing itself. I try to keep in the present more than in some far away perfect future. There are many triumphs to enjoy along the way. Yours as well as mine. Even the hard FDs offer their own rewards in personal growth when we see them through.

    Good on us, one and all!


    Exactly lacie, one day at a is a journey and no journey goes without potholes in the road, but you still reach your destination. By the way, we take the “sight seeing route” so relax, there is no timetable…CG xxx

    lacie you’re so right we are a noisy, talkative lot in this zoo and it can get loud and busy at times! We all want to crow about our successes, and applaud others who’ve had success or aussie grit, and encourage others when they are struggling for whatever reason. But you are so upbeat you fit in perfectly lacie and you’re already encouraging others so welcome to the zoo.
    Thanks UT have put my ticker onto MFP trouble is it doesn’t look as impressive as I want it to LOL as I started MFP much later than I started 5:2. But it’s pretty!
    CG have at last bought the miso soup everyone talks about. Haven’t had any yet but sure I will starting from this week as it’s turned into winter almost overnight here – and the lack of cals is amazing. Also went through my freezer the other day & have fished out all my soups & put them at the top. Oh CG my quince paste is yummy & so is the jelly. I only have it of course on NFD & I find that I can limit myself to 1 or 2 crackers with cheese. So my fridge has a big row of little parcels of quince paste at the back waiting to be consumed over the next x months & some to give away. Though OH is very protective of his quince produce as we don’t get a lot (our tree is still small) so he says And you’re not giving any of those jars of jelly away this year are you!?! Poor man.
    Have a wonderful day all and enjoy your day as CG puts it so well…relaxing slowly into our Monday fast. What a great way to think about it. Certainly I have started to find that I tighten my belt a little on Sundays (not literally yet!) and back off from those yummy foods that have been calling me after FD’s. suejen

    Congratulations team on hitting that century milestone. Keep on batting.
    Unless you are living under a rock you can t help but have heard that another royal baby has been born. I was pleased to hear that William has told the press that he is going to make sure that she is not hounded like his poor mother was. I lost all interest in the royal family after the way they treated Dianna. Anyhow what did grab my attention as her weight. 8 kilos +. Just think team that’s the weight plus more that many of us had lost already. The size and weight of a full term baby.
    I’m just having my morning coffee after a busy start. I’ve decided that taking Pepper for a 50 minute walk burns up about the same amount of calories as the same time spent at the gym. It’s good healthy exercise though and it was lovely here early this morning after some lovely overnight rain. I just love the smell of the bush after rain. We almost came face to face with a wallaby. I don’t know who got the bigger fright! It was completly comoflaged and was just grazing peacefully and only heard us coming at the last minute.
    I’m planning to enjoy my NFD here. Back on the straight and narrow tomorrow. I’m planning to make some of Lotus Tofu and veg soup which I really like.
    XX Doggy

    Hi Doggy

    Great point. But they don’t make bairns quite that big yet, the baby is 8lbs 3oz, 3.7kg.

    I saw a baby girl when I was having my boy, nearly 12lbs. She looked like a three month old baby, must have been unusual, as largest baby girl born in UK was 12lb 12oz.

    Which means folk are losing twins and triplets, figuratively speaking. Wow!

    Well we have made to the century!We are a talkative lot BUT its not all double dutch … it is honest loving caring advise and words of wisdom and encouragement from CG that continue to keep us together and on track to reaching our goal. We cover every topic we can with humour and wit …. thanks to GYPSY and ANDREW!
    I have surcumed to the flu … woke during the night with the RAZOR BLADE throat and the feeling like S*^#@ this morning. Poor OH now feels worse that he has given it to me ……always enevitable in a house hold. so its soup , panadol and keeping warm.
    SJ your quince paste and jelly sounds devine… I have to stick to good ole MAGGIE BEERS.
    Have a great Sunday team The FD is coming. sneeze,cough baaaaaa……GO GAL xxxx

    Suejen I’m envious and drooling thinking about your quince paste and jelly..mmmm but I was good the year. My tree was laden, I gave a lot away (as we do in the country, swap our harvests) but as I said, just poached mine this year with a bit of vanilla and a few drops of liquid sweetener, I really don’t have the AD to stay away from what you have made. Maybe next year I’ll do the paste and jelly again, oh I can taste it now…and you stopped at two crackers…you champ you 🙂

    GG, I predicted that the other night when we spoke on the phone, you poor girl, nursing OH and feeling lousy yourself now, well no work for a couple of days, they’ll manage without you and should appreciate you not spreading it…feet up my love, time for self pampering which isn’t easy when you feel so miserable. Gee, it’s early this year but with the strange weather (we are in the high teens and 20’s) not surprising bugs are around. And with all that water laying around and a cold snap, wouldn’t be surprised at anything 🙂
    Yes team, it’s like a footy match isn’t it, we are loud, opinionated, passionate and humorous but above all, very caring for each other….well on with the housework, just stripped my bed, boys went out for morning piddles then back on the bed to wake me…with wet muddy feet from the frost, so washing unexpectedly grrrrrr
    Have a happy day team, learn to see the brighter side, there IS always one if you take time to look…CG xxxxx

    Hi milna, thanks for the clarification, between all the different weights and measures we have from the world is easy to get confused lol 🙂 yeah, could be a record for poor Kate and I doubt she’d be walking and looking as good as she did leaving the hospital so quickly 🙂 have a lovely day..CG xxx

    Wow so much happening. Had to read over 200 posts to catch up, lucky it’s raining. Love the photos, the hints and so proud to see people are shaking and moving. I lost this week a little and am at that 78-77 lets swing between the runs of the kilos. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I reach the 10kg mark also. Have so much to say to each and everyone but not enough space – so please know that I am with you.

    My lesson seems to be two fold this week. 1. Don’t make homemade sausage rolls on a fast day and 2. Sleep. Have found out that when I tired horrible gremlins want me to do naughty things…food I’m talking about.

    CG – you always say YOU CAN DO IT. I thought I would share this with everyone. I work in a small school (Admin Manager) and since we started with 60 students in 2008 we have had the Motto YOU CAN DO IT. It is a program where students are taught 5 key areas.

    Building Confidence
    Getting Along
    Being Organised

    We have grown to over 260 students and a number of these with special needs. Many students came to our school because they couldn’t cope with lots of other students, were shy and lacking in self. I now ask many of the parents I run into what is it that the children got from our school and they said they know who they are and are comfortable with being themselves. We now have many coming back to do work experience – which is wonderful as they love and miss our school.

    So CG your motto “YOU CAN DO IT” is a great one for us AD’s.

    PS – have another person impressed with my weight loss they are doing the 5:2.

    Morning mob, I’ve been busy, but sneak a peak at the carryings on when I can and couldn’t miss a making a centennial page post! See you’re all in fine form, nice to see milena back online. Have never tried quince jam. With cheese? sounds interesting, CG. Rosella home made is my jam weakness, but not having any bread, or sweet stuff these days. Never thought I could do it, but I really don’t miss it. As long as I DON’T get the taste!

    Must say thanks to those who put me onto the fast high intensity exercise. It’s soooo much more doable than the torturous slogs I’ve been forcing myself to do! Can’t wait to see if it works better, too! Or at least as good.

    But, truthfully, I’m less than delightful in aspect ATM. Solitude is the only cure.

    So, I am planning to take to the hills about mid week, just sorting out the most economical gear to take for my clothes and swag. It gets cold at night up there.

    I have friends (mostly on cattle stations) all along the route to call in on (and provision me). My family were roving alluvial tin miners and spent most of my childhood in places that had no known address. There are old mullock heaps and ruins of our makeshift humpies all over the region ( from Mount speck, to the Coen ranges and outback of Charters Towers gold fields).

    Many of Dad’s stone pitched dams are preserved and official wild life reserves now. Quite something, plus the mountain roads the family blasted, to explore all over nth Qld, or share with property owners (who welcomed better access for stock routes) are now bituminized and have opened up areas for tourists to visit places. Like ‘Cloudy clearing’ and ‘Hidden Valley’. I go on a pilgrimage every so often. My biking experience started on trail bikes up in those hills,(with 4 wild bros) and tho my cruiser is a road bike it’s rigged for the rough and quite stable with the sidecar on it. I shall shake a few kilos off!

    Best of all is no internet! (I still can’t be around it, and the bloody hype, of ‘mother’s day’ ) My remaining family doesn’t need to put up with me swearing at their efforts to unwittingly ‘remind me’ of what I’ve lost!

    So neither do you lot….It would be too easy to dump my gloom upon these pages. And you KNOWWW how effing baaad I can be! Much better I have a little challenging adventure to crow about instead!

    I am blue and must be true
    To all my heart doth rue
    Thus, my friends, adieu!
    My leave I take – Yahooooo!…..

    …..Mountain bends here I come! Hooroo, for now. xxx The Gypsy

    Hi team!
    Great post JenMic. And big congrats on the weight loss and an inspiration to someone else. One by one, we can make a difference…

    Go in peace Gypsy, wander and come back to us safe. Your family are pioneers eh? What an interesting childhood you have led!
    I don’t have kids myself, so find Mothers Day a reminder I don’t need 🙂
    But having said that, time to celebrate the next generation, and nurture them, even if not blood of my blood…

    Hi Gyps you sound very melancholy today, are things troubling you? Understand the need to get away sometimes, but my getaway is my little farm, just so serene, private (especially if I wish it to be) and comfy. Please take care once you hit the roads dirt or bitumen, your precious to us all and I’m sure the wind in your hair and on your face will clear any cobwebs for you… be careful, we await your return 🙂 xxxxxx

    Jenmic, what a lovely post, you must be very proud of your little school and rightfully so. YOU CAN DO IT is something I always tried to teach my patients/residents when working in disability, moreover, to concentrate on what they CAN do instead of what they can’t. Disability is often taught and in the mind 🙂 and no one knows what they can do until they try, especially with somebody on their side.. 🙂 xxxxx

    Dearest GYPSY…. Take care on the roads and be safe and warm wherever you lay your swag.Clear you mind and bask in the serenity of the beautiful Australian landscape with its rugged mountains ,flat plains, and lush green valleys. I hope the wild winds will be behind you. the gentle breeze in front and blow that horrid gloom away. The “BELLE” will look after you. May your thoughts of the past bring you some peace and clarity…. I have a feeling it will be with some difficulty. The years are never kind to our memories… I do remember. Come home soon……hugs and love on wings going your way.
    JENMIC-your little school sounds strong with the mantra of YOU CAN DO IT and the kids upholding your 5 guide lines they will be able to take on anything that lifes curve balls throw at them.
    I going back to bed now that I have had my medicine of AUSSIE DETERMINATION…. thanks team!…….GO GAL XXXXX

    With regard to things seeming mpossible in our mind, here is a small example ( from my mum):
    Have you ever wondered why such a large elephant can be tied down with a small chain on its leg? It is done by chaining a baby elephant with a fat chain that it cannot break no matter how hard it tries. As the elephant grows, it outgrows the chain but in its mind it has never conquered the train as a child so it thinks it can never break the chains. The mind is a strange and powerful tool.

    Oh lotus that’s fantastic, thank you for sharing, one I will always remember. It’s like our habits, our large full plates, etc, so many things come to mind. We ARE stronger than we think AND………YOU CAN DO IT 🙂 xxxxxxxxx

    Thank you Lotus for sharing…..great words of wisdom……..Go GAL

    Hi Gypsy

    how lovely of you to notice – my day begins by reading the Aussie posts, so I always start the day with smile, and just a little extra gritty determination, have just reached two stone loss, going for gold, aiming to be under 9 stone, so Ill be here for a longtime yet,

    Enjoy your travels, and thanks to all for sharing, you are amazing!

    Hi All!
    Yes indeed; that would surely have been an enormous royal baby at over 8kg! 😉 I do sympathize about changing from imperial to metric measurements, which happened here over the last thirty years, but just like the elephant story, (thanks Lotus!) I grew up with measuring height and weight in feet and stones, so find it very hard to visualize cm or kg when referring to my stats. What about dress size in your neck of the woods? It’s very confusing here because many shops have a mixture of American, European and UK sizes. I have gone from UK size 14 to size 10; but I’m not sure what that equates to in other size codes.
    lacie – you do fit in here very well. I loved what you said in your post. BTW, I’m a bit of a cuckoo in the nest here as I live in Ireland; but I love this gang and they have kindly let me stay 🙂
    Doggy – agree with you about the way the press haunt the royals, as soon as they put someone on a pedestal, they chip away at it until it crumbles and they bring them crashing down again just to make material for themselves. It’s disgusting.
    Jenmic – loved what you wrote about your school. My school motto was ‘Forward together’; which also suits this thread very well. The school also had alot of children with special needs and I found that this created a lovely, caring atmosphere of tolerance and understanding where children with or without special needs learned to accept and respect each other.
    Gypsy – I was transported and touched by your wonderful description of your proposed trip and I hope you get the peace and solitude you need to heal your soul. You sounded so wistful. Seeing what your dad built and the legacy of your family will be a powerful thing. Sometimes we need to get back to our roots to find our solid ground again. Look after yourself and Gypsybelle and let your many friends along the route sustain and support you. Check in when you can and let us know how you are xxxx
    Best of luck with FDs and all other endeavours this week. Keep safe, warm and nurtured in body and soul, gang.

    Fit, I had great fun shopping at a recent American brand store – bought size 8 yoga pants and they were loose for me. Having gone from AU size 16 to 12 recently, never ever been a size 8 , I sure did a little dance walking out the store 🙂 the moment was worth the expensive yoga pants!
    AU size is one size bigger than UK, so you would be size 8 in our stores, and I think size 4 in US 🙂

    Hey Lotus – that sounds amazing….it’s great to trick the brain like that; size 4 just sounds ridiculous but size 8 is fantastic! However, I think if I was a UK size 8, I would be too gaunt and scrawny looking so I’m happy to be comfortable size 10. After my few days away, it’s not so comfortable anymore!!! 😉 Never mind; back on the horse tomorrow! Thanks for info xxx

    Inspiring posts today ladies, especially Lotus!

    Gypsy, take care and try to lose yourself in the beauty. Your story is fascinating.

    I had a 10lb 5 and a half ounce baby once, my first. They are supposed to get bigger after that but they took all the rest early, by caesar, as was number 1 eventually. So they were a bit smaller! When it comes to baby weights, I can’t do metric! Even I couldn’t have produced 8 kilos, Doggy! Although he did put on a lb a week right from the start and looked like an older baby. People would ask me how many months he was and I would say 4 weeks!
    Anyway, that first one is 6 ‘6 and my husband and I are average heights. Go figure!

    Got my husband onto MFP this morning. He had joined it years ago and forgotten. His “report” is hilarious, very jagged in ups and downs due to lack of entries over the years but he is losing well after a couple of weeks and while he doesn’t particularly enjoy the changes in his eating he is keen to continue.
    A graph really is fun to look at at many of you know, as much as the ticker because while the graph may vary,it slowly goes down. I make a new weight entry each Friday morning. I don’t know how to post it here but I recommend to anyone who hasn’t gone onto MFP, it is well worth it in many ways, and it is a free app,

    Good morning team Happy fast day….golly I need it, I had the most uncontrolled eating over the weekend. Everything and anything was fair game. No idea why, trying to get off the smokes with more effort now the op is close, maybe an excuse, who knows, not so much big meals, infact healthy small meals, just inbetween meal rubbish! So definately in need of a cleansing detoxing fast! Your day of fastiing is a well learnt habit by now team, you all know the drill. Don’t be hard on yourself if you have difficult times, miso soup, carrot/celery straws, a boiled egg and fluids can really save the day for you. Staying busy and not obsessing on food will make your day go quicker…..but don’t wish your life away, it goes quick enough as it is, so enjoy the fast, in reality you are NOT hungry, maybe thirst or boredom, but it is not hunger. 🙂 it’s also old habits that make you reach for biscuits to have with your cuppa, learn to go without, it’s easier than you think 🙂 this time tomorrow it will be over, and look how quickly yesterday has gone!
    Have a happy day team, there is always someone in need of a smile. or a kind word, show your inner peace with kindness 🙂 CG xxxxxx

    Good Morning everyone, Happy FD for those who are! Thank you all for the warm welcome back, you are all sooooo lovely.

    The weather returned to normal on Saturday morning, you would not have known that there had been storms the day before.

    Doggy, so,so sad about the family. You just have to be so careful. I guess all you want to do is get home and you try your luck and often it is ok but sometimes not.

    We were worried enough as we had like a river running down our sideway and all the drains were popping up as there was so much water coming down.

    CG, good luck with the operation, the 4 weeks will be here before you know it!
    Gypsy, thank you for noticing my absence, I did miss everyone as well!

    FB, total AMAZE! I cannot wait for that size 12 again either.

    Well the weekend was good, had my hair done, greys are gone, but I think I got a few more when she told me the price $200!!! I had extra foils, that certainly won’t be happening again. Went to friend’s for dinner, steak and salad and many wines. Ate carefully yesterday and only put on 500grams from the weekend, so happy about that. Each Monday I am weighing less than the previous Monday, which is good. I just want to get past that 78kgs on the Friday. I really, really need to jus be good for 1 week and weekend and then it will happen!!

    As to exercise (I am so lazy) when I first started 5:2, I said to my OH, Michael talks about the FIT training and to encourage me to do it he offered to do it with me. Well I got on my Ex bike and started slowly then when ready started the sprint, 1 sec, 5 sec, OH MY GAWD is it 20 seconds yet!!!!!!! It felt like I was doing it for an hour. Too funny, did it for 2 weeks and now am back to just plain walking, twice a day 5 days a week.

    I really loved the thought of it and when I am ready will do it again, I know I will!!

    Have a great FD everyone!! xx 🙂

    Happy Monday everyone,
    I love reading the posts, but wowzer are there a bunch of them 🙂 JenMic, I think not making sausage rolls on fast day is extremely good advice! I have gremlins too. Mine come out on days when I’m feeling blue or overly stressed, like yesterday. Thus the wine-WINE-and the decadent chocolate dessert. Thank goodness it’s a fast day today. I don’t think I’ll be having too hard a time of it. Guilt is a powerful motivator.
    Fittoretire, you amaze me with so many personal responses-I hope that eventually I can do the same. Well done, you!
    And well done to anyone who has dropped even one size. Congratulations and good going.

    Keep up the good work, all, and thanks for being such a great group of cheerleaders 🙂

    Good day AD’ers! Fasting today, and badly needed (per the common theme this morning, loaded up during the weekend, so time for a “detox”) Funny thing about detox – I have friends who look shocked (the “are you sure you want to starve yourself?” look) when I say I am fasting, but unsurprised, even appreciative, if I say I am “detoxing”. Go figure?

    JenMic, was only discussing sausage rolls with OH yesterday. He said, surely 1 won’t hurt. LOL. Sausage rolls are my favourite food! Yum Yum.

    Lotus, I love shopping US sizes, my normal 14-16 is 12 in the US. 🙂

    DiiP – LOL about sizing. Giving me norty thoughts about sausage rolls now mate 🙂
    OK, so meditating on “pure miso soup” thoughts now 🙂

    Hi all. Milena thanks for pointing out my metric, imperial error. I actually realised my mistake after I had posted it. AND I’m a trianed midwife! Oops. As you say a 8 kilo baby would be enormous.
    Yes team I agree with you. The brain is a very powerful tool that we can train to help us in our quest. When I think back to my schooldays and so many kids being told they couldn’t do maths, etc instead of yes could.
    FD here too and all going to plan. I’m about to have some Spincah Dahl which is think is a repipe posted by Lotus. I’m going to have some veggies for supper. Should be no more than 500 calories without any bother.
    Stay safe Gypsy, you do sound a tad melancholy.
    XX Doggy

    Hi Doggy – Thanks for trying my recipe, also – you can actually replace or add other veggies chopped fine to the dahl, if you get bored with spinach 🙂

    Oops sorry about that Lotus, I have blocked them from my mind as well!!

    “ts ok! 🙂

    Hi Doggy measurements are the bane of us all – I have worked with metric all my workig life, I used to sell office furniture (all the american goods were imperial though) no idea at all what anyone’s height is in metric. You can buy a 2 by 2 pole 2 metres high at the local joiners – the 2 by 2 is in inches.

    I once remarked about the difficulties of getting used to the change from miles to kilos on a visit to Southern Ireland, the guy driving me said the Irish had embraced all things metric and imperial was a thing of the past – no longer used in Ireland – as the signs on the road we were on changed from 80 kph to 30 mph!

    Have a great day all – its a bank holiday here so a bit of a lie in – good job as its nearly dawn, I’m up with a sick cat at the moment! Ah well, it will keep my mind off eating, attempting a 48 hour full fast as part of the Fast Beach Diet – well, it is supposed to be hardcore!

    Hi team, just in from three beautiful hours in the sun spraying my paddocks, perfect day to be out enjoying the fresh air. I’m glad I’m not the only one having metric problems. Money originally was a case of have too, our weight, well got used to that, but anything else I’m stu…d! When they are looking for a criminal, don’t know if he is a 4′ midget or a 7′ giant! And following packets of seeds of how far or deep to plant them, it’s all guess work I’m afraid. We can all picture in our minds eye a 6′ tall man but once they talk cm’s no idea 🙂 many is the time I’ve rang my kids to ask about measuring something. Just bl…y age I guess. Although I remember my daughter borrowed a recipe book once and wanted to know what a OZ was (ounce) or an LB (pound) but laughed because she pronounced them as written ……
    Time for a bit of lunch, enjoy your fast team, feel the benefits and remember the pride you feel once accomplished xxxxx

    Good Day ADs
    A very late post from me and I have lots to catch up. Just scanned through some of the posts and figured that gypsy is going away and her description of holiday was serene. Hope you have a good time gypsy.

    GG, you have got the flu… Oh no… Rest up and no fasting until you get better.

    CG, I am unable to get that pdf file on the blog for you as I cant seem to find the time to figure out the correct hosting method with that one. Maybe Andrew can help. H e is a computer genius.

    Lotus, what a great and motivational story. Thanks for sharing this.

    Welcome back Diip

    Uptight, you are up there on the charts. Very happy to see your downward moving ticker. What a good way to see the success.

    Lacie, hope yu are settling well with fasting.

    Milena, Doogy, you have got me on the metrics. I just dot seem to think straight when talking in pounds or cms or even stones.

    SJ, hope things get sorted on your personal side soon as well. As they say, “time is the best healer”

    Fit, Raven, a hello to you two as well…

    Phew, I just realized that now there are so many regulars on this thread. No wonder we hit 100 pages already.

    I am fasting today like many of you. And following the trend with blow out on the weekend.

    PS: Team, I want to share this with you. Yesterday, for the first time ever, dad complimented me and said that “you have really lost a lot of weight and you look very beautiful overall”. He further added that he has been trying to hold on to his compliments as he didn’t want to jinx it.

    This was the best (and only )compliment ever from dad. However, this one line from Dad gave me such a big confidence boost.
    This just means so much for me and I am so glad by every passing day that I found 5:2 and this group.


    FB, how wonderful for you, I’m so pleased. I admit though, it’s beyond me why a parent doesn’t compliment their children readily. It just comes naturally to do that to most of us as parents. I burst with pride with both my children AND grand children….my son needs 5:2 with his Aussie beer gut….but I love him all the same. And at 42, bit head strong and a bachelor but it’s his life, I’m always there when needed, drop hints too but they fall on deaf ears 🙂 Maybe it’s tradition for your family? Please don’t be like that with your wonderful son. If love and compliments don’t come from home, it’s an unforgiving world, and he is gorgeous your little boy 🙂
    Don’t worry about posting the joke, it just seemed so apt for us all and very funny..take care my friend, try to pace yourself with the extra work…CG xxxx

    Hello everyone,
    Today is my first day on the 5:2 diet. I weigh 62.5 kgs and my goal is 55 kgs. That is on a 151 cm (5 foot) frame. I ate a lot less than normal today, but have not really educated myself with how to do the intermittent fasting. Must look up a calorie counter.
    I’d love some support – I feel it will help keep me committed to my goal.
    How does this little forum group work please?
    Many thanks.

    Hi All!
    Welcome, Ruth Elizabeth – first of all we’ll probably shorten your name!!!! So, RE, we all check in here whenever we can; many of us post every day, but it’s up to the individual. We share our joys, woes, successes and challenges. Many of the posts are weight related but many more are about life in general. If anyone feels that they have words of wisdom or relevant experience, then they share them. If not, we just try to be here for each other and offer support and encouragement. Try My Fitness Pal for calorie counter and work out your TDEE (explained in the How It Works section at the top of the page), so that you know how many calories you can eat on nonfast days. Best of luck.
    Doit – hope you’re lovin your new hair. Am with you on the exercise front….tried HIIT for two weeks but got lazy again. Trying to walk more but weather not really helping.
    lacie – I try to respond each day or else I would have too many to catch up on and my memory is not the best. Keep up the good work yourself.
    Milena – yes, it’s very confusing here in Ireland. I think all the signs have been changed to metric now but everyone still talks in miles (I think your driver was a bit optimistic or just young!)….will take a few more generations to change over fully, I think. I am 5’7″, which I know equates to 170 cm, but after that I’m lost. Hope your little furry friend is better soon.
    CG – your little corner of the world sounds like paradise! Hope you getting the better of the ciggies and feeling strong and fit in time for your operation.
    FB – you’re not so bad on the computer yourself, being the first to post pictures here! So glad your dad finally said what he should have done long ago…you were always beautiful, I can see from your ‘before’ pics but you have done so well on 5:2, you deserve lost of compliments for that too. Agree with CG here, I never stop telling my girls how gorgeous they are and that I love them. Your little boy will be so lucky to have a mum who knows that.
    Have a great week all!!

    Hello RE and welcome to AUSSIE DETERMINATION,Fit has explained everything so well but I would add, read the book, it really takes all the guess work out of 5:2 for you. I don’t feel there is any need to spend money on any new foods just alter the way you cook it, keep your portions smaller, use a smaller dinner plate 🙂 it helps and we do have a recipe thread with some great recipes to try when you do want a new idea. Always plan your fast day meals and have healthy snacks at the ready, miso soup, veggie straws, carrot or celery, even a hard boiled egg for the mid arvo hungries 🙂 and fill up on liquids, tea, coffee especially water even a diet soft drink will help. Good luck on your journey, we will support you so please ask questions as they arise, and they will the longer you are with us. 5:2 is a wonderful journey to be on, it’s not a fad, so is slowish but it works. Every Friday we weigh in and share our results, use your tape measure too often the scales don’t move but the tape measure does 🙂 …again welcome…CG xx

    Welcome RE! It’s a great thread to be on, non-judgemental and fun 🙂
    one thing though, as you start your journey on this WOL (way of living) or WOE (way of eating) – please be careful about comparing your weightloss with others weightloss stories. You are fairly close to your goal weight, so it may not be to the scale of half kilo (1pound) per week in all weeks, except the first week when we do lose more (water loss). Only because I used to do that before, and get disheartened 🙂 started losing weight and inches after I stopped stressing about it 🙂
    As CG said, reading book truly helps, and makes it all less complicated!

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