type 1 diabetic starting the fast diet

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type 1 diabetic starting the fast diet

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  • Hi my names kwisj and i am a 50 year old type 1 diabetic…..the type that has to inject insulin. I’ve been reading about the fast diet and its not recommended for people like me, but not recommended is not prohibited!!! So i’ve just started the diet today….already hit all sorts of diabetic bumps: nothing serious but very annoying.
    I am fit and healthy diabetic with 30 years of diabetes under my belt and no complications so far. My last Hb1ac test was 6,4 which means I’m nearly normal. I’m a regular excercise taker: five times a week for an hour each session. However; having reached 50 years old last year I have noticed the weight slowly creeping up, despite taking regular exercise and not eating excessively. That’s all really. I guess I will keep a regular update on the diet forum just in case there are folks in a similar condition as I and who might be interested to see if a type 1 diabetic can benefit from the fast diet.

    .well that’s the end of the first fast day….and it was a bit of a chore. Not for the 600 calories but for the diabetes…As the book says it lowers your blood sugar: which it did, but of course my sugar regulation does not work so I had low blood sugar all day….which I had to tend to. I injected half the insulin that I normally inject, but still had low blood sugar all day and throughout the night. On my next fast day I will not inject any insulin and see how that works out. In the short term its better to have high blood sugar than low….as you can faint.

    The fast diet book says that the fasting process increases the bodies sensitivity to insulin….I would have to strongly agree with that. the day after the fasting, I had my normal breakfast, 1 piece of toast, coffe and a boiled egg, and I injected my self with 1 unit of humalog insulin..( I normally inject between 2 and 4 units). Less than two hours later I was hypo glycemic and had to take an orange juice. The long lasting insulin I injected was 20 units, normally I inject 33. So in this very short time I appear to be more sensitive to my insulin.
    I have noticed a comment that another diabetic also found he needed less insulin after fasting
    will keep posting as I learn how my body deals with the diet
    take it easy

    Yesterday was the 2nd fast day…much easier than the first. On the first day I was low all day and all night. Yesterday I only injected 5 units of long lasting insulin (toujeo 300units/100ml) just before I did an hours exercise. The exercise was no problem and my sugar remained stable pretty much all day. I did go a little high after my evening meal, and injected my self 3 units of fast insulin (humalog 100U/ml) which brought everything under control. In total I injected 4 units of fast insulin during the whole day.
    I’ve started the day with 20 units of long lasting insulin, normally I use 33 units, as on tuesday after the first fast day I seemed to be extra sensitive to my insulin. I’ve taken about 50g of carbs for breakfast and injected 2 units of fast insulin, and will check my sugar in a couple of hours.
    Since monday, with only 2 days of fasting I have lost 1.7 kilos…
    Things are looking pretty good

    underestimated the fast insulin quite a bit there…high blood sugar injected a further 5 units…coming down now

    Sending cheers to you Kwisj,
    Good luck for the next fast. This thread charts an important journey!

    I’m also appreciating reading of your progress kwisj.

    thanks for your support folks. today is the third day of fasting in total….did not inject any slow acting insulin today and my blood sugar is easily maintained. I have eaten 1 slice of toast today just under 100 calories. Don’t feel hungry yet…! will wait until tonight to eat one good meal. At the moment my blood sugar is 100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/L) and is steady: probably because my body can not metabolise glucose without any insulin. I would guess the risk is that my liver will try dumping glucose into my blood as my body is being stressed by fasting. So I will have to keep an eye on that throughout the day
    will keep you informed

    third day of fasting over with. And no problems….strangely enough I did have low blood sugar at about 5pm yesterday, during the fast day. which I solved by haveing a slice of bread. And then at about 6am this morning my sugar dropped to 45 mg/dl (2,5 mmol/dl) But it dropped very slowly and did not cause a problem. I had a glass of milk and my sugar rose. Not sure how my sugar can fall without insulin, but it did: I did not inject any insulin yesterday.
    So today back to my normal regimen, and no problems.

    You are a real trail blazer kwisj! How you are keeping an eye on everything sounds to be inperative. Well done for putting in the effort!

    thank you Lael. Well yesterday was the fourth day of fasting, and no problems. At 5 am in the morning my blood glucose was 53 mg/dl. I ate 1 slice of bread to increase it: rising to 90 mg/dl by 8:30 am. Again, after getting up in the morning, I did not inject any long action insulin. And did not eat until 2 pm.
    I injected 5 units of slow insulin before an hours bicycling at 2pm, raising my heart rate to between 140 to 150 bpm during the exercise. Pre excecise my blood glucose was 150 mg/dl, and post exercise my blood glucose was 153 mg/dl. I ate 1 slice of bread before starting my cycling about 15g of carbohydrate.
    At about 8 pm I had my main meal: 600g of broccoli and 1 slice of bread. I noticed later on that my sugar was increasing to 182 mg/dl, so I injected 2 units of fast acting insulin, which controlled the rise which by 8:30 am the following day (this morning) was 119 mg/dl.
    So today normal breakfast, normal long and slow acting insulin and normal amounts of food to be eaten. Weigh lost so far: 1.7Kg….not bad if you ask me and apart from the first fast day, no trouble with the diabetes.
    cheers Kwisj

    Woohoo! You are demonstrating what is possible by diligently tracking vitals.

    I have only just joined, after seeing your post on here, KwisJ.
    I have thought about having a go at fasting for about a year now. But being T1 like you, have been afraid to try it. I am now encouraged to give it a go.
    I am on an insulin pump, so adjusting basal rate for me ‘should be easier’, I hope.
    Just over two years ago I had a knee injury that stopped me running. I have since then gained a lot of weight and developed unhealthy eating habits. I really need to pull my life into order. I want to have a go at this for cellular healing and weight loss.
    I will do a bit more research and reading and give it a go. Cheers

    Hi Lael yes it’s important to keep checking how the body is reacting to the fasting. Today is the fifth fasting day in my first three weeks. Had my breakfast this morning, 1 piece of toast and coffee without milk. I woke up at 9:30 am with a blood sugar of 53mg/dl. The piece of toast has increased it to 93 mg/dl 2 hours later. I have injected no insulin at all today. I expect i will have to have some more carbohydrate withing the next couple of hours, as I don´t think that with a blood sugar of 93 I will be able to last until my evening meal.
    Hi GardeningNanna. Its worth giving it a try, as after only 4 fasting days I have lost 2 kilos. As the book says you can eat normally on the non fasting days: which I certainly do…t bone steak on Friday night!!!! And barbecue on Saturday afternoon!!!!
    My, non professional, advice is don’t use any basal insulin on your fast day. On my first fast day I only reduced my long acting insulin by half and was low all day…. a real chore. Obviously you should talk to your health care professional before you change your insulin yourself.
    I am finding that I have less problems controlling my blood sugar if I don’t inject any insulin…However, my sugar still seems to very slowly decrease all day. I only try to eat twice on the fasting day, and with very little carbohydrate. if I do start to go high just 1 unit of fast acting insulin really does bring the sugar down. I have one of the freestyle libre sensors so have a graphical readout of what my sugar is doing all day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cXwO9YBJxE . Tricky for me is the day I do an hour on the exercise bike and fast….but so far quite do-able!!
    So far for me so good. I’m going to keep it up.
    As they say in the fast diet book, you soon get used to not eating….

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Hi kwisj, I’m Type I too and do the fast diet since three weeks with no bigger problems. For me it seems to be a little easier as I have an insulin pump and nearly always waer a freestyle libre sensor now so I can monitor my glucose quite closely. I happen to be a doctor, too (though diabetes is NOT my specialty, so this is no general medical advice, just my opinion as a diabetic) and I think to not inject any basal insulin doesn’t seem very wise to me.
    Maybe you shoud check with your doctor whether your basal rate is correct? Usually the basal insulin (as the name suggests…) should just cover your basic insulin need for the day independent from all meals, right? For me, this works out quite well on my fast days. I just have my normal basal insulin rate and usually this does not lead to low sugar levels. I did have to break the fast twice until now because of low glucose but only because I gave too much bolus when my sugar rose slightly during the morning without eating (thus probably because of the liver glucose release that’s activated when fasting)
    My experience during the fasting days is quite well, I need few insulin apart from the basal rate and I even found that on the following day (when eating normal) I seem to be more sensitive to insulin (I need a little less bolus for meals; on the first day after fasting I had several low glucose levels after carbs+bolus).

    I think 5:2 is suitable also for Type I diabetics IF they know their body and their glucose very well (surely continuous glucose monitoring or flash glucose measuring are helpful and with an insulin pump things might be easier) but I also think that anyone who is not so sure about their glucose levels should talk to their doctor first…
    I´ll let you know how my fasting journey continues 😉

    ps: please excuse any language mistakes, I’m no native speaker

    Hello Redsunset…..when I started the 5:2 fast diet, and had no plan to not inject my basal insulin….but on the first day I injected a little under half my daily dose…I was with low blood sugar all day and all night into the next day. So as a test I decided on the next fast day not to inject any at all, and that seemed to solve the problem.
    Today is another fast day and my sugar has been fine. I have injected 1 unit of fast humalog insulin this morning at about 11:30 as my sugar was 177 mg/dl and increasing. By 16:30 it had dropped to 64mg/dl. So i ate a slice of bread and it went back up by 17:45 to 103 mg/dl. at 19:30 I had an evening meal of 400mg of vegetables and a chicken breast with another slice of bread: now my sugar is increasing to 161 mg/dl and I have just injected 1 unit of fast insulin.
    From my fast days that I now have completed, I can tell that my sugar drops all day, the biggest drop when I injected 15 units of basal insulin, and I had to eat something nearly all day to keep the sugar from falling dangerously low.
    The last time I talked to my dr he was bit concerned that my general glucose levels where too low, so he wanted them to increase a little bit. I had a HbA 1ac of 6,4 which he said was to low as I do suffer from too many hypos. He changed my basal insulin to the one I now use and I have slightly higher glucose all the time.
    I will be talking to him in September about my fast diet. And I will be asking him why does my sugar level fall throughout the day if I do not inject my basal insulin?
    On my fast day that I take exercise I do inject 10 units of basal insulin so that my body can metabolise glucose to allow me to do exercise.
    I did find that I have been more sensitive to insulin the day after the fast, but not after all the fast days.
    However, after all that I have lost 3 kilos in three weeks….Like you say type 1 diabetics can follow the fast diet, we just have to be more careful. Personally as the fast is just for one day, for me, it’s easier not to inject the basal insulin on those days. And because I use the freestyle libre flash monitor, I can see what my glucose is doing and if it starts to go high I can control this with the humalog fast acting insulin. This has not been a problem. Your english is fine BTW
    take it easy

    Hi again,

    I hope I wasn’t misunderstood. I didn’t want to imply that you did anything wrong by reducing your basal insulin so drastically, I just wanted to say that for the avarage type 1 diabetic it would – in my opinion – be no good idea to go without basal rate.
    I really think that your basal rate migt be too high, kwisj, otherwise your sugar would’t get lower an lower while fasting. I even know a method some diabetologists practice where they let their patients fast for one day to look wether the basal rate is correct (and for them it is correct if the sugar is stable on that fasting day – in my opinion there are too many other factors like liver glucose release, sports, hormonal status (women, especially ;-)) an likewise that also count in but still, on the whole, the basal rate should in deed only cover the basis without any food).
    I just wonder that it works out for you without any basal at all. How long do do have your diabetes? I only know reports like this in people who still have some residual insulin production… Would be great, if true 🙂
    For example, if I (or same with my sister, who is Type I, too) have a problem with my pump catheter and don’t get any insulin for a few hours it means that I go into ketoacidosis combined with high glucose levels (plus dizziness, a sick feeling, beeing cold etc.) rather soon.

    You know yourself best and of course you should do it just as it works, even if you don’t inject any basal insulin… I just meant for other type 1 folks it might not – in general – be a good idea.

    I still think it’s all tricky, today is another fast day for me an my glucose started to rise from 7 am (before getting up) from normal to 180mg/dl, after injecting 1 IE Novorapid (like Humalog) it still rose to 260 (and I only had a cup of black tea)! I am unnerved but guess it might be the stupid female hormons. Every day is different, even if you do things the same way…

    We’ll still try to hang on!

    Hi Redsunset…no I did not misunderstand you at all. I guess as I have only being following the fast diet for 5 weeks now, I am still trying to work out my own personal method. I have had diabetes for 30 years, so I guess I do not have any residual insulin production. Last week I did have trouble controlling my glucose, but I found the reason to be that the needle was blocked on my humalog pen!!!! Which kind of messed things up a bit. But now all back to normal.
    I have lost weight, and my waist size has gone down, so I am happy with the results. I am going to stick with the diet. Tomorrow is another fast day, so I think I am going to inject 5 units of slow insulin in the morning and five in the evening to see how that works.
    Take it easy

    four weeks into the diet and weighed myself this morning and lost 4 kilos in 4 weeks…result

    just weighed myself this morning and 87 kilos…result after 7 weeks: 5 kilos lost, waist down from 99 cm to 92. speaking as an insulin dependent diabetic, no problems following the diet once you get used to it.My target weight is 85 kilos, so still a few more weeks to go.
    take it easy

    well three months into the 5:2 diet and job done…started at 93 kilos wanted to get down to 85 kilos, and this morning weighed in at 85.1 kilos on one weighing scales and 84.8 on the my second one!!!!. Being an insulin dependent diabetic has not really been a problem…had to learn a new insulin regime for the fast days, which was a bit tricky to begin with. But that is now sorted.
    My wife and I are well pleased with the results. We have not changed our way of eating on the non fast days, which definitely makes the fasting days less of a chore, as we know that the following day we can eat normally.
    couldn’t recommend the fast diet any more highly to anyone
    take it easier

    So glad to see other Type 1’s on Fast Diet. I have been one for 55 yrs and did it when the book first came out. I wasn’t successful but am now on the Medtronic 670G pump and sensor touted to be as close to having a pancreas as possible and am going to begin again. From the other people that I have introduced this to, they say making this a part of your lifestyle keeps them on even keel.
    Here’s to all of us!

    I would say talk to your doctor before considering fasting with diabetes.

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