Texas Girl Needs Help!

This topic contains 271 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  fatteacher 4 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I am 53 year old woman. My husband and I have a son in college. I have always been able to maintain a good weight until this past year. I went through menopause and also broke my ankle last April. It has been a hard struggle. I have exercised off and on all of my life but haven’t been able to since the accident. I have gained 35 pounds and am really down about the gain. It is the heaviest I have ever been including my pregnancy. I love the beach and my family is going to Mexico in July. I want to be able to enjoy the pool and wear summer clothes without being embarrassed. I would like to get this weight off soon. I have tried and have not had the motivation. I am hoping this group will help to encourage me.

    Hi, TexasTeacher,

    I am also 53, and also went through menopause last year. My weight has been creeping up over the past 10 years. Last year I started experiencing all sorts of physical and medical issues…and I knew that it was my body revolting over all the extra weight…high blood pressure, problems with my joints, absolutely no energy. I knew that I needed to do something.

    Been looking over the intermittent fasting stuff for a while…and the 5:2 seemed real doable for me. I have done some fasting in the past and I liked it…I like the way I feel after the fasting. I decided to bite the bullet and really put my all into this at the first of the year. Since January 1st I have lost 14 lbs. So I am losing about 1 lb a week. I also added exercise 4-5 days a week.

    Like you, we spend a lot of time on and in the water. I want to look and feel good at the beach this year! I am looking to lose another 20 lbs (to reach my first goal) by our trip to the Keys in August.

    I will check back with you.
    PS I usually do my fasting days on Monday, Wednesday, and a partial on Friday.

    Hi Florida Girl!
    It sounds like you have been very successful. Congratulations! We have a lot in common. I really appreciate the support. I feel that is what I have been lacking. We have been to a few beaches in Florida, But never to Key West. I have always wanted to. I teach middle school and we are out for Spring Break this week. It is a beautiful day in Amarillo, TX, so I am in the back yard getting a little sun. I wasted all last summer too embarrassed to put on a swimsuit. I am determined not to let that happen again. I booked a trip to Mexico to give me motivation. I hope it works. I am having a FD today, but I am a little concerned, because our son is home from college he and my husband have already planned on eating at a Japanese restaurant tonight. It is hard to control myself there. Plus, I know I will want a glass or two or three of wine. I will have to be strong. Do you work outside the home? I am anxious about going back to school on Monday. It is easy to fast at home, but I am afraid that I will feel weird when my coworkers ask why I am not eating. I do not want to share with them, yet. How do you handle the situation when someone asks you? A Kenny Chesney beach song just came on the radio. Now that is motivation! Thanks for your help and I really appreciate someone who is I the same boat!


    It does sound like we have a lot in common! My husband and I were listening to Kenny Chesney last evening on our back porch, drinking beer and pretending we were on the beach.

    I work at a cancer center in the Tampa area…I work in the laboratory. For me, work days are easier…I can go off by myself and read during my breaks. I have trouble controlling myself when I’m at home. I can’t tell people that I’m not eating because I know that they won’t be supportive. I can understand how that is going to be difficult for you. I watch documentaries (on youtube) when I’m on the treadmill to keep myself motivated.

    I chose this plan because I felt that it would be very doable for me…I like to eat and have a few drinks. So far, if I do my fasting days, I can have whatever I want on my non-fasting days. I have found that when I started losing weight, I didn’t want to binge as much anymore. I think that the sugar cravings subsided and I didn’t want to negate my progress. I do try to watch my portions and carb intake on eating days. My Friday fast is just a partial…by that I mean, I don’t eat breakfast or lunch…then I can enjoy dinner and a few drinks with my husband on Friday evening. 🙂

    It took me a few weeks to find what worked for me…and you will too. I’ll be here to help if I can. It’s nice to find someone in the US…most people on this site are in the UK. It’s nice to meet someone who is in the same boat! 🙂 Have a great weekend.

    Florida Girl
    Yesterday was long and hard. Spent the day in the backyard. I could not have made it through the FD if the weather wasn’t so nice. Around 3:00, I started to get down on myself even though I have already lost 10 lbs. as of today. I am embarrassed and ashamed of myself for letting my body get in this shape. Spring Break is almost over, and I am concerned about how it will be when I get back to work on Monday. I have been off the past week, so it was the perfect time to start my new lifestyle. I am hoping better, since I will be busy. I do get sad though when my son leaves and goes back to college, and he is leaving tomorrow. At least there won’t be as much food and eating around the house. Still worried about what I am going to do at lunch. The teachers have to walk the students to the cafeteria and sit at a table together to eat while the kids eat. I know my coworkers will be asking me why I am not eating, and I don’t want to tell them. Any advice? My plan today is to go to nursery and buy some flowers for my patio around 3:00, so I won’t get blue again. I did do good last night. Since my son is home, he and my husband got to choose where we went to go eat, and they chose a Japanese restaurant which has very fattening food. Before leaving the house, I planned what I would eat. I ordered a side salad and a small bowl of soup. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to resist the fried rice, but I was able to stay strong mostly because of all of the encouraging post from the group. It is a beautiful day in Amarillo, TX, so I am off to get the flowers. Good luck to all today. We can do it together!

    I’ve been doing a bit of thinking on your dilemma …maybe you could do a variation of intermittent fasting where you eat breakfast and lunch….making low cal, low carb choices….and skip dinner during the week. On the weekends you could switch it around and only eat dinner . I just thought I’d offer an alternative.

    WTG! On the 10 lb lose…let me know how your week goes…I’m sure you’ll come up with something.

    Hi Florida Girl!
    Today was a good day. Spent it with my husband and son before he had to go back to college. It was a NFD so I got to go to a Mexican food restaurant and actually eat with them. I did not have any of the chips and salsa, and I ordered a taco salad without the cheese and very little meat. I used the salsa for dressing instead of Ranch, so I felt like I did pretty good. I go back to work tomorrow, so I decided to make some low calorie cabbage soup to take for lunch. Thanks to all of you for the good advice about lunch time at school. I don’t want that to be the reason I get off track. I am a little disappointed, though. I literally didn’t eat but 40 calories yesterday and when I weighed this morning I had not lost a pound. I won’t let that discourage me. I know I need to start exercising again, but don’t really feel like it, yet. I could use some encouragement to begin. I love to read all of the post it helps me keep on target. I am excited to see all of my students tomorrow and hear all of their stories about Spring Break. Everyone keep up the good work and good luck on your FD tomorrow.

    Happy Spring,

    Mexican food sounds so yummy, especially on my fasting day…I’m drooling.

    The cabbage soup sounds like an excellent idea. I hope that it all went well for you.

    My evenings are the hardest for me on fasting days…I’ve just got to stay strong! Just a few more hours…then I can get a nice night’s sleep…I can eat tomorrow. 🙂

    Hi ladies, Do you mind if I chime in? Greeting from Minneapolis. I was reading about your lunch/ work dilemma, I too am not telling work people about my fasting diet. I don’t think they would understand and I just don’t want to explain it all. Maybe after I have lost a bunch of weight I can “come clean”. But for now I really just want to keep it to myself.
    I usually skip breakfest and allow myself 200 calories for lunch. Today it was a salad and some strawberries. My coworkers didn’t say a word. It looked like a lot of food so….no comments at all. Dinner is just 300 calories of whatever I make for the family. It works so far! Good luck!

    Also…..I have to admit to a bit of “weather envy”. Lol. Enjoy your flowers and springtime weather!! 😃

    Great day so far. First day of Spring and beautiful in Amarillo. The temperature got up to 93. Sitting on the back porch waiting for Brett to get home so we can take the dogs for a walk. Back to school today after a week off. It was great to see the kids and hear about their travels. Was worried about lunch, but everything worked out. I took the advice of the group and took low calorie soup and no one said anything. All that worry for nothing. I was able to make today a FD if I don’t fall off the wagon tonight. As for exercise, I actually got up early this morning and walked on the treadmill and did crunches before going to work. I feel like it is getting easier. I just have to stay committed. Thanks for your advice and kind words!

    Hi Minny…nice to have you join us. It sounds like you have a good plan going. I totally understand the “weather envy” this is my favorite time of the year in Florida…mid to upper 70s and lower humidity…it’s fabulous.

    TXTeacher…so proud of you for starting an exercise regime. I hope that you were successful in completing your fasting day.

    I did really well on my FD, yesterday. Today is a NFD … I have healthy meals planned and exercise after work.

    Have a great day!

    HI ladies, today and tomorrow are NFD’s for me. I also decided Wednesday is weigh in day so…..we will see what my first week did for me.
    @fatteacher. 90’s in March!?! Unheard of. Lol. I’m still wearing a winter coat. And by winter coat, I mean a parka. Ha. But it is supposed to warm up soon so I can shed a few layers. The birds are starts to chirp, the ice is out on the lakes and the sap is rising so it must be spring! Yeah!!

    It sounds like we’ve got this! Now it is just a matter of time and making sure we stay on track. I know there will be slip ups, but we can stay strong and help each other through it all the way to our goals! I had a good day. I got up early again and exercised before school. Ate cabbage soup at lunch again, and no one said anything. In fact others were eating tuna and such, so I did not feel alone. Back in the groove at work. I love being with the kids. I teach 6, 7 and 8 th graders. They keep my life interesting. Brett , my husband, and I walked our two dogs this evening. Sorry to rub it in Minny, but the weather was beautiful again today. What is it like this time of year for you? Florida, how far from the beach are you and how has the weather been in Florida? Some of my students were in Destin and Key West for Spring Break and had a great time. Thank you ladies for the support! Keep it coming!

    Good luck on the scales tomorrow and have fun on your NFD. You are in the groove. You can and will eat mindfully! Spring is in the air.

    Good morning, ladies,

    I hope that the scales were good to you, Minny.

    As I said, this is my favorite time of the year in Florida…mid to upper 70s and very low humidity. Where we live now, we could be to a beach in 30 minutes…but the nice beaches are about an hour/hour and a half away. We are in the process of trying to sell our house right now…we bought a piece of property south of Tampa that is one block off the water…we are hoping to build our last home. 🙂

    Today is FD #2 for the week. I now have some new incentive to be really good next month…my husband and I decided to book a weekend cruise toward the end of Spring! This month is going well so far…I’ve just got to keep doing what I’m doing.

    Have a wonderful day!

    @fatteacher- I bet your kiddo’s love you. And you have a handle on lunch! So no worries. Right? You got this! @floridagirl- oh I love the beach. Tampa is a beautiful area. I was in Clearwater beach a few years ago and really liked the area. Busch gardens is a blast!! March is really my least favorite month. Our weather is all over the place. We had 70 degrees and tornadoes a few weeks ago and today it’s around 20. Brrrrr. Which is cold for late March. Spring will be here soon and I can’t wait. We have beautiful spring/summer/fall’s so I just need some patience.

    I lost about 2pounds this week so….yippee!!! I’m satisfied.

    Sorry Minny. I didn’t mean to call you Ninny. LOL! Great job on your loss! That is a step in the right direction. Florida girl, I love cruises! My husband and I have been on a couple. That is a great incentive. That t is why I booked the trip to Mexico. Sometimes that is all that can get me motivated. When are y’all going and where is it stopping? I am nosey. Sounds like we are all hanging in there. I got up early again to exercise and ate the soup at lunch. One day at a time. Hang in there, Minny, it will be warm soon and you will be able to shed the coat. Have a good evening and let’s get to work tomorrow.

    WTG! Minny! I’ve been averaging about a pound a week, so 2 is great!

    Teach, it seems that you have gotten this down…all that worrying for nothing. Great job with the exercise!

    That’s right … one day at a time.

    We’re just taking a weekend cruise (3-day) to the Bahamas in May…we didn’t take a Spring vacation this year, with the house up for sale and all…but we need a get-away! We decided that this would be just the thing.

    I completed my fasting day without a hitch…and I exercised! Now I get to eat today.

    Almost to the weekend 🙂

    Hi Teach and Flo, I would be thrilled with 1 pound per week. That’s just about perfect. Well done! I’m in the middle of a fast day and so far so good. I’m not working today so doing a fast on a non-work day is a true test. Have a good evening. Peace!!

    Minny and Florida
    Okay, I need you girls! I am very frustrated! I am a scale watcher. I weigh every day no matter what. I have barely eaten all week and also exercised each morning. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I weighed the same, which was irritating but today I actually gained a pound. It makes me want to eat. I don’t know how I could eat less. I have been eating soup, apples, rice cakes and crackers. I have also been skipping supper and have not been cheating. I love wine and I haven’t even had one glass in two weeks. I don’t know what else I can do. It makes me wonder if excercising is even worth it. I like to sleep late and I have been forcing myself to get up 45 minutes early all week. Today has been very crappy outside. The wind has been blowing 30 mph all day and there is dirt in the air. I hope it subsides soon. We had terrible fires about a week ago that burned a lot of land and cattle. Five people were killed. I had to go collect my lawn furniture from down the street when I got home from school. My dogs won’t even go outside. I hate it. I am sorry for being so whinny, but I needed to tell someone. I am just being a baby! Thanks for listening.

    I’ll chimb in-
    Hello from Austin…skip the exercise for now…walking at night is great, if it’s a stress reliever, not increaser.
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen and at the table, NOT at the gym; research shows this- and Michael Mosley (FastDiet creator) harks this. You can’t out exercise a bad diet…especially after our 20’s-..so all your energy needs to go toward food choices, food prep, food reeducation. Food first always. You’ve got a lot on your plate-adjusting and learning how to make this work you. Sleep is so important in this process- guard it. Don’t sabotage yourself by overloading your capacity- then conclude “it just doesn’t work.” Also, Michael Mosley calls rice cakes “rubbish”- not recommended…you can read his book or listen to good podcast interviews where he goes over some of these points.
    Hope this helps. I’ve had great changes and success with these points- and want the same for you. The exercise component will fall into place later on….and you’ll actually enjoy it. xo~


    The benefits of exercise can not be over looked in making you feel good mentally and physically. But as a means of losing weight it is marginal at best. Weight loss is really about what you eat. I know that 5:2 does not place limits on what you can and cant eat but if you choose what you eat wisely it will make life VERY easy for you. Eat 2000 cal of chocolate every day for a week and 2000 cal of broccoli for a week. Do you think the results will be the same?

    have to agree with Texzen regards the crackers etc. Pure crap. Soup, what type is it? Home made or out of a can? Read the label on the can, how muchg sugar content?

    You know what doesn’t work, that’s what you’ve been doing, right? So what have you got to lose. Try the following. Avoid ALL grain based foods. That means no bread, cake, biscuits, crackers, pizza, pasta etc. If it was made with flour as part of the ingredients then its a no go zone. NO SUGAR. That includes sports drinks or health drinks. NO SMOOTHIES. Pure junk. Fruit in limited quantities and go for you berry type fruits. NO potatoes, no French fries. No breakfast cereals. Pure junk. No muesli bars. Pure junk.

    OK so what can you have? Real whole veggies, not out of a can. Go for your cruciferous type veggies. Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, bok choy, etc. Real fat milk. High fat low sugar yogurt. Cheese. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts. Legumes. Some meat. Tuna and other fish.

    Do not fast every day. Pick two days and fast on those days. the other days eat up to your TDEE. To start with actually count your calories. You will be amazed at how little food amounts to 2000 calories!!

    Good luck.

    Hi Bigbooty just stopping by to say hello as haven’t seen you about for a while. Hope everything ok with you.

    Sorry for crashing the thread everyone. BB Really helped me get started and wanted to say Hi.

    Wow-zers, Teach…you asked for help and you got it!
    Thanks for the advice, Tex and BB

    Minny, thanks for the encouragement…it seems to be the pace for me…I will weigh on Tuesday and Friday next week…looks like it’s gonna be another 5 lb lose for this month. I hope that your fasting day went well….I know what you are saying…the last time I tried fasting on a day off, it didn’t go so well.

    Teach…It took me a couple of weeks to settle into a pattern that worked for me…I tend to weigh every morning also…but have learned which days matter…because it always jumps up and down…for me Tuesdays and Fridays are the most accurate. My weight swung around by 4 lbs this week. Be patient…it will happen.
    PS…hope the weather has improved.

    Fasting day for me…have a great weekend, everyone!

    Hi teach, I don’t really have anything more to add except to just relax and take a deep breath. It sounds like you know how to fast but maybe you are not eating enough on non fast days? Sounds crazy but the non fast days should be at least 1800 cal maybe up to 2000. (I’m new at this so I am only going off what I have read.). Hopefully, in a few months I will actually have some personal experience. Don’t worry so much about exercise right now. Just do what feels good. Oh, also, try not to weigh yourself too much. That can be soooo discouraging. Good luck!!

    Hi Sarah,

    Yeah all good my end. Just thought Id pop in and see how people are going. Nice to hear youre still going well. Id be giving yourself 99.9% of the credit and I’ll take the other 0.1%.

    Teach, Im a little more extreme than most with regards to what I choose to eat. Some try it others don’t. Try it, if it works for you stick with it, if it doesn’t find something else that works.

    Good luck.

    BB sometimes the 0.1 makes all the difference. I would never ever have dreamed I would be capable of having no food for 36 hours until you told me I probably wouldn’t actually die of hunger. Anyway thank you for all your support. i am on the home stretch to goal – maintenance is another story. I had forgotten how good it feels to be slim (ish)!

    Texzen BB Florida and Minny
    Thank you so much for the advice and encouragement! You guys are right. I need to be patient. I know it will take time for me to figure it all out. I don’t think I will give up on the exercise. I think It makes me feel better and have more energy, but am taking your advice about what to eat. I think I have been trying too hard if that is possible. I have been trying to fast every day. Stepped it up today and ate more calories. BB and TexZen everything you said makes sense. Florida, I hope your fasting day went well. What great progress you have made. You will be ready for that cruise in no time. The Bahamas are beautiful! The water is the clearest I have ever seen. Minny, congratulations on your loss. You are on your way. We can do it. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Sounds like you are doing great. Congratulations! Sounds like BB’s advice is sound. Love to hear success stories!
    I have been trying to fast every day. I have lost 11 lbs. that way and now it has stopped. I am now afraid to eat much because I am afraid lbs. will come back. I can also be strict on what I eat, but am really uneducated about what to eat. Eating and having drinks is more social for me. It is what I do with friends. It is hard to hang out and not fall into the food trap. For the last few weeks I have been staying away from friends. That is not good. It has made me sad. I am at my all time heaviest. In the past I have been able to shed lbs. fairly quickly by fasting and exercising. The difference this time is that I let the weight get out of hand. Also, my age and the fact that I went through menopause last year. I think I gave up, but I am not ready to give up no matter how old I am. I want to look and feel good. Any advice on what days to choose for fasting? Do you think I could do 3 FD?Thanks for the advice! Keep it coming.
    I love to hear hear motivational stories. It sounds like you know what you are talking about. How long have you been on your journey? Thank you for sharing and helping.
    How did your fasting go? I bet you did great! That cruise coming up sure adds extra motivation. It’s the weekend, so time to relax. You can make it happen!
    How is it going? Hope you are doing well. Sounds like you are getting it down. Do you work outside the home? Any children?What do you do for fun?

    Fatteacher, thank you. If it is any help I have been doing this for 7 full months and have lost 34 pounds. 13 pounds to go. This is a bit over a pound a week but it didn’t happen like that. It is coming off in fits and starts with the odd three week period without losing a thing even though doing what I should. And then all of a sudden a period of several weeks loss. It almost seems as if you lose a bit then your body has to catch up with you. You just need to keep going and it will happen amd although it is not quick it is sustainable for long term maintenance I think. Try to measure as well as the scales are not the only indicator. Personally i think 3 FD is hardcore. Have done it a couple of times to make up for when I really have overindulged. Bit you have to be able to live with it.

    In terms of what to eat, well BB is probably the pinacle of good eating. I am not that but I have tried to follow his advice but I have scaled it down. So obviously stick to fast days that is key. I only eat full fat, keep refined carbs like bread, pasta, rice and also potatoes as low as you can. I have virtually given up rice, pasta, potatoes (do still have the odd portion of chips (french fries) as a totally naughty treat. Don’t miss pasta or rice. Struggle to give up bread completely but I don’t have it every day. Maybe I have 2/3 slices a week. I see bread now as a treat not an everyday essential. On the odd occasion I eat a sandwich I really think about it. I eat a lot of veggies, no fruit juice, not much fruit, only really eat berries with full fat yogurt, eat meat and fish and cheese, eggs are great. I eat nuts but these are a trigger food for me so have to watch these. Had to put a big bag of salted in freezer recently to stop myself. Butter or olive oil only plus full fat mayo sometimes. If I am too tempted by stuff I actually will bin it. I am fairly frugal domestically by habit and don’t like food waste so this is a big thing for me.

    Basically eat hardly any packaged foods, no crackers (used to love them) or biscuits. Cake sometimes as a treat. No chocolate or sweets. Have cut down wine to weekends only and a couple of glasses at a time aside from the odd occasion.

    I do break out a bit sometimes for a special occasion but it is rare and after this time I don’t actually feel the need often. I order in restaurants according to what is good for my body not just what I fancy amd will ask for no potatoes on the plate etc.

    Honestly this isn’t quick but it really does work. I am feeling and looking so much better. Very glad I started 7 months ago. If you need any help just shout and good luck to you. You really can do this!!

    Great story! Thanks for sharing. It really helps to see how it has worked for other people. 34 lbs is incredible. You are almost there. If you made it this far in 7 months you are truly on your way to your goal. I know I can do it if others can. Where are you from?

    Hi Fatteacher, I am pleased with progress but aware I am not there yet and always fear that I could go back to my old ways which weren’t awful but had led to a gradual increase in weight that I chose to overlook. I thought I was eating heathily but there were too many carbs and too much sugar. The usual culprits. I am 58 in mid June and would love to be at goal or almost by then.

    I am in the UK live just a few mins north of Brighton on the south east coast. i know you are in Texas. Different worlds but same aims.

    Hi teach, Flo, Sarah, BB and anyone else who is reading, I’ll tell you a bit about myself. I’m 49, married for 25+ years to my awesome hubs. I have lived in Minnesota my whole like and LOVE it here! I really do! I have 3 kiddo’s, 23,22 and 18. The 2 older ones are boys and the youngest is a girl. My middle child is severely autistic and I was/am his primary caregiver. I was a stay at home mom for years and started working part time last year, which has been surprisingly fun and rewarding. But since I’m in an office setting I find myself sitting on my butt …. a lot. Lol. I have been watching my weight my entire adult life. I tend to gain easily. Since hitting 40 the gains have really caught up with me and I need to drop 20-25 pounds. I actually tried 5:2 dieting last fall but it just didn’t “stick”. I am more motivated now….so here I am…ready to really do this!! So are you all with me??

    Hi FT and Mgirl,

    Sarah really covered it quite well in her post just above. Id recommend getting the book by Jason Fung, The obesity code. Also Robert Lustig, Fat chance. Its a slightly heavier read though.

    Im a male and started out at 202 lbs in Feb 2015. Got down to 154 lbs by March 2016. So was only losing about 0.7 pounds per week. About 1 pound is average. Have been in maintenance since March 2016. I still fast once per week every Monday. My fasts are just water. Well I allow myself two coffees so probably about 40 cal. I actually find it easier to not eat anything. It takes about a month before you completely detox all the rubbish out of your system. It took me about 6 months before water fasting became very easy. That’s how long it takes before your liver really starts to work properly.

    Take a good vitamin B as it helps liver function. It will make fasting easier. Drink lots of water when fasting. I found chewing gum really helped.
    When the hunger pangs come (hormone is ghrelin produced by your stomach). Drink some water, get up and go for a 5 minute walk. It will pass as the hunger comes in waves. I no longer get hunger pangs Ive become so used to fasting. The first month is the hardest so hang tough for a month. It does get easier.

    Get your carbs from veggies and legumes. Don’t be scared of good fats. Be very scared of sugar and processed carbs like bread, pasta etc. Avoid anything made from flour like the plague. Im from an Italian background. If I can give up pasta Im sure you can give up youre favourite “bad” food. Good luck!!!

    PS for FT. Do not try and fast every day!!! Not sustainable and your metabolism will fight you all the way. All fasting every day will do is slow your metabolism down. Pick two fast days and STICK to them. Instead of 500 cal see how low you can go on those day. Try a water only fast and see if you can do it. Better to go as low as you can for 2 days and eat normally on the other 5. By normally I mean up to your TDEE. Do not fast every day, it wont work!!

    Minny, BB, Sarah, Florida

    Yeah! I just broke 149 this morning. Haven’t seen that in a long time. It was my first goal. I told myself when I reached it, my reward was to try my wedding ring back on. I quit wearing it about 7 months ago, because it was too tight.

    It is so wonderful hearing testimonies from different people in various stages of their journey and different points in their lives. I really appreciate everyone opening up and sharing their different stories. We are all so far from on another, yet we share the same struggles. Sarah put it beautifully, “Different worlds but same aims.”

    Wow! You have your hands full. I really admire your dedication to your family. Being a teacher, I have worked with several children with autism and seen what a struggle it can be. Sounds like you you have a great support system. My husband and I have been married for 30 years and have the one son in college. I can’t imagine raising three. I did miss out on a girl, though. is your 18 year old still in high school?

    I am proud of you for taking a job and doing something for yourself. It must have been hard to get out and leave your son in the care of someone else. No one can care for their kids like mom. It was hard when Barron left to go to college but we are getting used to it. Now is the time for us to take care of us and get this extra weight off once and for all!!!! I am with you!!!

    Your advice really helps. It makes me feel better that someone else goes through the same struggles. It is frustrating when you do all the right things without results.It helps to see that it can take a few weeks to show. I think you are right that sometimes it takes the body some time to catch up and get ready to start losing again.

    I am impressed with your tenacity. Sticking with it for seven months is an achievement! Over 30 lbs is a really an achievement! I have no doubt that you will reach your goal by your birthday.

    PS We are studying Europe in history, so I am going to have the students look up your location tomorrow.

    Great to hear your story! You are a real inspiration! Seeing someone who has achieved their goal, and in the maintenance stage is what we all strive to accomplish. It is awesome how you still check in and try to help others. I can see how others, Sarah, give you a lot of credit. That shows me that you are a real motivator.

    I took your advice and had a NFD yesterday. Went out to eat and even had a couple of beers with my husband. It was nice to actually enjoy again. I did not exercise yesterday, either. I am not going to exercise today and see if that makes a difference. I will probably start again tomorrow. Exercising last week really made me feel good and I can’t imagine that I would hurt. I am going to have a NFD today and start my fasting on Monday and Thursday. I think it will be easy when I am at work, since I am so busy. Where are you from? Any children? Wife? What do you like to do?

    Hope you are having a good weekend! I can imagine you at the beach right now. Another Kenny song just came on!

    Hi FT,

    Im from Adelaide Australia. Have a very dear friend that now lives in San Antonio. Need to visit her again. Exercise is good for your state of mind. It releases dopamine. I like to ride my bike, its my “happy place”. Three boys.

    Good luck.

    Happy Monday, everyone…I hope that everyone had a nice weekend!
    I did have a nice weekend…and did very good with my food choices.

    I am with you!, Minny! I was nice to get to know you a little better.

    Great stories and advice from BB and Sarah…much appreciated…I believe that I saw BB mentioning Jason Fung on another thread…I checked out some youtube videos a few weeks back…it was very motivating for me.

    Today is my FD…good luck to my fellow fasters. I’ll check back tomorrow.
    Have a great Monday.

    Hey 5:2ers! Good luck to all if you who are fasting today. I’m having a non fast day today, so tomorrow is my fast day. So much easier when I work. (I’m not working today…lucky me!). Last week I lost 2pounds, which was great. I stepped on the scale on Sunday and gained 3! I thought about being discouraged but then took my own advice and relaxed. Sure enough, I was down 3 this morning. Just a reminder to myself to only weigh myself once a week. This daily weighing business is for the birds. Ha
    Teach- you mentioned my son and his disability. It’s been a tough road at times but he’s really a special and fun kid. We are so lucky to be in a wonderful school district and have had great teachers. Now he is in a adult day program where he get to work a bit and do a lot of fun things. I feel really good about allowing others to share in his care. So that leaves me with time for myself. After years of being selfless, I get to think about what’s best for me. First order of business….get the extra 25 lbs off!!! (Or I should say 23 lbs. lol). Peace!!

    Good morning, all…

    Good luck with your fasting day, Minny…and have a great day at work!

    Teach…are you still with us? I hope that your week is going well so far. Have you worked out a new plan?

    ciao, for now.

    Good morning all. I had a FD yesterday and it went good. I will have another one on Thursday. Everything is going good. I have decided not to exercise this week, so I can compare the results to last week’s results, as I exercised for 5 days. I am feeling better as far as not feeling stuffed all the time. I need to be more patient.

    You rocked it! Way to go. You are on your way!

    Glad you had a good weekend! Time to get back to work. We are going to make it happen!

    Keep the advice coming! Thanks for sharing. Australia must be beautiful.

    Don’t look back. Look ahead to meeting your goal by your birthday!

    Fatteacher (feels sooo wrong calling you that..!) you really sound in the swing of this. Good idea to give the exercise a rest. That in itself can cause you to weigh heavier through water retention.

    Keep going strong posters!

    Thanks! I shouldn’t be so down on myself. You can start calling me Dteacher. (determined) if I can call you “Super Mom”. I am just frustrated with myself for not starting sooner. I counted the weeks today and it is 11 weeks until our vacation to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I want to be to my goal of 125 by then. I am afraid I waited too late. I lost 2 lbs this week, but I don’t know if I can do that every week. I let my weight get too high. I guess it is better late than never. I already look better than I did 2 weeks ago. Brett and I have been going on beach trips almost ever year since we got married 30 years ago. I have always been able to shape up every year except last year, so we didn’t go. I am afraid I won’t be able to do it this year. I let it get away from me. I broke my ankle last April and I gave up. Our trip is April 18th. We are taking our son, Barron and his girlfriend, Olivia, I want to feel good and not be embarrassed. I am afraid I won’t even want to go if I have to hide.

    Hearing about your success and the journey of others really helps. I don’t really have anyone I can talk to about it here at home, and it is easier to talk to others that have the same goals.

    We are at the right point in our lives that it is time to take care of ourselves. You have taken care of your family for longer than I have had a child. Barron is 20. We need to look out for ourselves. It is hard when your family is your center of attention. I really admire you’re dedication.

    Have a good day tomorrow. I am having a NFD tomorrow.

    Hi Dteacher

    2lbs is a great loss. I mainly lose a pound, sometimes 2 and sometimes nothing. It is just about persistence and sticking with it. The first week I didn’t lose anything I was a bit distraught, all that hard work for nothing but it happens and although I still like to record a loss I am more resilient about it now plus it doesn’t feel like such hard work. You will lose significant weight in 11 weeks which will be noticeable by then. You will look and feel so much slimmer amd better amd I hope really enjoy your trip, but the trick will be not giving it up after that but continuing and maintaining so you never feel fat and have to do this bit again. You can call yoir self S(slim)Teacher forever then!

    When I started this back in September I used to love to hear the stories of people who were where I needed to be. It really gave me hope it can be done. The really successful ones have maintained long term by using the lessons they have learned through the process and continuing to fast maybe 6/1

    Supermom really made me laugh! I guess my profile seems to indicate that my family is at the centre of my life and I am pleased about that. They are the most important part of my life. I have two adorable grandsons aged 7&3 and my daughter is expecting a baby girl this summer.

    But actually I have either studied or worked pretty well all my life and far from supermom in any case. I started out as a teacher in fact, and my husband was a teacher his whole career so I know how hard you work and how much of your life you have to give to it. In the UK they are often not respected as they should be. I now head up an organisation and we are coming together with another similar which gives me the opportunity to retire early. I will be leaving in the summer. do feel completely burned out and really want some time doing the things I used to do before I was just tired all the time. I know I am really lucky to be able to go at almost 58.

    5/2 has given me a new lease of life and rebooted me. I fel some of my old enthusisam and zest for life returning. I can really relate to taking children away on holiday. Ours are in their thirties and still come with us. Lovely but expensive sometimes, but after years of striving for the future I believe at last that life has to be for now. In fact I should alter my profile to say ditching work in favour of life!

    I am on a NFD too but keeping it low and controlled. Have a great day!

    Hi Gang !!!

    Teach- I think you are doing amazing…you should be proud. I do understand your impatience though. I feel that way too. Why didn’t I stay with this last September? Just think where I would be right now. Ugh!!

    I did lose 1 pound thus week so…woohoo!! That feels pretty good.


    Good evening, all!
    Checking in to see how everyone is doing. Today was a NFD for me. It was good. Ate healthy and felt good. Tomorrow is supposed to be a FD, but I don’t think I will be able to do it. My husband and I are going to Lubbock after work tomorrow. That is a little under 2 hours. Our son goes to college a Texas Tech University in Lubbock. We are going to take he and his girlfriend out to eat and then going to a Garth Brooks concert. I am looking forward to seeing him and the concert. It will be a long drive home afterwards. Looking at getting home after midnight. At least the next day will be Friday. It will be worth it. I am thinking about moving my FD to Friday. It has rained for two days here. We needed the moisture, but I am ready for some sun. It is supposed to be nice tomorrow.

    You are right the key is going to be to keep it up and be consistent. After I lose the weight, I am determined not to ever let it come back again.This is a long-tern way of life!

    How is it going? Are you managing at work? Keep hanging in there. Time is passing and the goal is getting closer.

    Keep working your way to that cruise. You are almost there. Every day is one more step closer.

    Teach- I think we literally posted at the same time. Lol. Dinner out and Garth Brooks! Wow! I think you are smart to fast on Friday instead. Work is good! Keeps me busy. Daugher is back at college. She had spring break last week and it was fun to hang out with her. Yesterday it was in the 60’s and sunny. It was so nice to take a walk outside instead of on my treadmill. I’m looking forward to more sunny days ahead. Have fun tomorrow!!!

    Way to go!!! One pound at a time. We will stick with it this time! No quitting allowed!

    Wow!Two precious grandchildren and one on the way. I am looking forward to being a grammie some day. I do hope it is at least a few more years, though, seeing that my son is 20, in college and not married. It is nice to meet another teacher.

    What age group did you teach? How long have you been away? What is the school system like in the UK? I bet you are excited to retire and enjoy yourself this summer. By then, you will be at your goal weight and working on maintenance. Is your husband also retiring? I think I will teach forever.

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