Stopped losing weight. What now?

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Stopped losing weight. What now?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello there,

    I have been doing 1:1 alternate day fasting for the last 1.5 years and I lost an amazing 35kg (5.5 stone). That sounds a lot and it is a lot. People kept noticing my weightloss and giving me positive feedback. Even though I still weigh an unhealthy 140kg (22,05 stone) today.

    I live in Germany and I saw BBC Horizon documentary “Eat, fast and live longer” in February 2015. It made me panic. At the age of 44 and a weight of 175kg I was heading towards disaster. Being a couch potato myself I decided to give the alternate fasting method a try. And it worked for me.

    I lost weight quick and gained mobility and physical fitness. I even began enjoying some physical activity now and then and did a moderate amount of “sports” namely walking my dog and pottering about in the garden. A thing I neglected as often as I could.

    But now I seem to be stuck. For the last two months I didn’t lose any weight at all. I even gained 2kg even though I stuck to the dieting method as before.

    I really want to keep on losing weight and I really could need some advice what to do.

    I’d appreciate any help

    Best wishes


    Hi Chor,

    Need more details. When you say youre fasting that does that mean you are eating 600 cals on your fast day or zero cals? Your body has gotten used to your reduced calories and your metabolic rate has slowed down to compensate. Try changing the following.

    Calculate your TDEE amount for your current weight. What is it? Now try changing the way youre dieting. Do 2:1, 2 days normal TDEE and 1 day water fast. See if you can do that. Give it a go, its not as hard as it seems.

    What are you eating? Sugar and simple carbs like bread, pasta, pizza, potatoes are a big NO. They will cause an insulin spike and cause it to go to fat storage. Get your carbs from vegetables and some fruit. Avoid bananas (too much sugar). Go for the berry types fruits like strawberries, blueberries etc.

    Chor (Alex), even though you have not lost kgs over the last few months, your body may be reshaping. Do your clothes fit any differently? Sometimes the body works like an inchworm. The front is moving ahead but it takes the back end some time to catch up. Your body may be readjusting, and then you’ll start losing again.

    Hi Chorleiter,

    Congratiulations on your weight loss!

    In your case I would add more exercise.

    Have you read Michael Mosley’s book Fast Excercise? (The Geman title is: Fast Fitness – Das Original: Effektiver trainieren mit High Intensity Training – 3 Mal pro Woche nur 10 Minuten.)

    Michael Mosley recommends the HIT-method for fast exercice. It’s not very time consuming and Mosley said you don’t have to sweat, so it’s ideal for people who are not very into sports.


    thank you so much for answering.

    I eat zero cals on a fast day but I must admit that I take two sugar cubes in my morning tea. But that’s it. Up until now on my feed day I just ate whatever I liked. That was the perk of this typ of “diet”. And I think it was the reason why it worked so brilliantly up to now. Perhaps I just have to be a bit more patient. Nevertheless I will try your suggestions.

    I certainly hope so. I will just soldier on I guess. Hope for the best and keep my fingers crossed.

    I was kind of dreading the “e-word”. Seems I have come to the point where I will have to look into exercising. I would have never thought it could come to this;)
    Thanks for your encouragement.

    Many thanks to all


    Hi, you’ve done really well so far and it should be easy to get your weight dropping again.

    Losing weight is 95% calorie restriction and 5% exercise.

    Exercise is great for toning, fitness and the feelgood factor after working out but you would need to do several hours per day for it to have an impact on your weight.

    Keep walking your dog and pottering in your garden but cut down the amount you are eating on non fast days and as bigbooty suggests try to make low carb/healthier choices. Once your weight starts dropping again you might like to consider taking some more exercise and I’m sure that as you become more mobile it might not seem such a bad thing to do.

    Good luck.

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