Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

This topic contains 28,429 replies, has 835 voices, and was last updated by  CalifDreamer 17 hours, 7 minutes ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 28,351 through 28,400 (of 28,532 total)

  • Morning all, it was as bad as I thought it would be. I gained close to 4 kilos last week. I know a lot of it will be water weight, but it’s still depressing to see that number back on the scale again.

    I’m sorry Neil, I know exactly how depressing it is. I was on track to get well into the 80’s for my holiday and look and feel better about myself. Yet I let stress once again unhinge me and I’m back to 93. We can’t give up, we just have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and try again

    Hello again,
    Nephew has headed back to Bendigo.

    Neil, sending so much sympathy. Sometimes 5:2 is like playing snakes and ladders without any ladders, just nasty snakes, and you got the big one.
    But that comfort eating – binge eating – is your brain/body trying its best to help you, so don’t beat yourself up. Just be glad you didn’t need more than four days.

    Hopefully enough of it is water weight so you get a nice surprise next week.

    Here is your belated Happy Birthday greeting:

    Sending out sympathy wishes and courage wishes to you too Anzac.

    Thin, it is so hard to help with things from such a distance, but I bet your brother is so glad of your support. Isn’t Alzheimer’s hard and rotten. One of the family of friends who came on Saturday is my friend Shirl. We’ve been friends for about forty years, we lived in shared houses and I lived for a year on their rural property (in a big army tent down in the bush), I supported her through two birhts and one of her children is named after me. And she didn’t know who I was. She did feel comfortable with me after a while, and when her oldest grandson arrived she asked me if he was one of the family.

    They did a lovely job cleaning up!

    I tried to learn a new language at about the time I joined this forum. Haha guess which one (the clue is in my username). I tried duolingo but it doesn’t suit my learning style. I didn’t get far. Last year my sister and I joined up an online class to learn Auslan (Australian Sign Language) but neither of us have got far with that either.

    Ciao 😉

    Morning all

    Well I had the first of what I hope to be 3 or 4 back-to-back fasts to try to undo the eating from last week. I had just my flat white for morning tea, cup of soup for lunch, and a small portion of curried chicken hearts for dinner, a total of around 500 calories. If I can do that for the next two or three days, I should be able to cancel out the excess calories. Then it will just be whether I can keep enough salt and sugar out of what I’m eating so I can get rid of the excess water weight. I’m going to avoid the rum and cokes and movie snacks this weekend.

    The car wasn’t as bad as I was thinking it was going to be, a faulty oxygen sensor meant the car was running poor on fuel, it’s around a $500 fix. I was imagining well over $1000, as anything to do with the car is ridiculously expensive these days.

    Cinque, was it German? 😉 I would be useless at sign language, despite the fact I used to play a musical instrument, I have really fumbly fingers

    Thin, 4pm is really early to be having dinner, I’m still at work at that time of day.

    Anzac, yes, letting things slide was how I got back to where I was in the first place, I’m just going to have to work twice as hard this week to counter what I ate. I still tracked my food despite not really wanting to. The Friday that I had all the car issues I managed to hoover down 5,000 calories, around 2½ days’ worth of food. Saturday was almost as bad, Sunday and Monday weren’t as bad, but still over my calorie limit. Overall, I ate around 7 days’ worth of food in 4 days.

    Have a good one everyone

    Thin I’m getting fed up with Duolingo too – why do they think I need to learn ‘I have a pet owl’ in the early stages of learning a new language. Also the free version is pretty lame, no context or explanation about the grammar, yeah I get that’s why it’s free haha but I’m not willing the pay over $150 a year for the full version. Luckily when in Adelaide last time I purchased The French Workbook for Dummies so have been alternating between the 2 now.
    It would seem my house is perfect for you Thin, it’s small, large parcel of land, distant neighbours, fruit trees and great views but sadly I cannot provide a moat – I have 3 bird baths would they suffice?

    Neil I know how you are feeling about the cost of repairs and I sympathise. Where I am we don’t have mains sewerage so we have individual septic tanks and soakage drains. Soakage drains have a lifespan of up to 30 years and guess how old my dwelling is this year – 29 years

    Oops I had a visitor so had to cut short my previous post. I’ve been having ongoing problems the last few months with the drain not leaching out the liquids so the drain needs to be replaced. Initial quote is between $12,000 & $20,000 and most of the house backyard will need to be dug up, including my beautiful new lawn. Whilst it will use up most of my savings and will destroy all the hard work of my landscaping from the last few years I’m not worrying about it as I have no choice in the matter, it has to be done so I just have to grin and bare it. I’m waiting for the plumber to come back and discuss the next steps. Wish me luck that it ends up at the lower end of the quote.

    Neil the stress eating has had a huge impact on your weight. I certainly get it as it was stress eating that lifted my weight back up after Mr GDay passed. Have you thought about strategies that you could you put in place to prevent it happening again? What else could provide you with comfort instead of carby foods? Do you keep a visual record of your weight loss because I’m thinking that a chart or even a calendar in a prominent place where you either record your weight loss or tick off each day that you lose or maintain weight as a visual representation. When your craving carby foods looking at the visual may help to sway you to do something else, we all love to see a winning streak don’t we.

    Speaking of carby foods. The friend who just dropped in is coming back tonight and bringing tea with them – takeaway pizzas – eh ! I politely declined and offered to make tea but they insisted. Hopefully they won’t stay too long and I can go for a walk afterwards.

    Hi Everyone

    I’m sorry I have been missing in action this week but I have just caught up on all your posts and have a few minutes for a quick post.

    G’day I went from laughing out loud about your “I have a pet owl” comment to being very sad for you when I read about Mr G’day passing. I am so sorry xx
    Sending you hugs.

    I have done my FD’s this week. Monday was a proper one and went quite well as I was very busy again (and have been all week!). I did a B2B FD on Tuesday as I had breakfast with my gym friend on Wednesday which was really lovely. Tuesday’s FD was more like an 800 cal FD instead of a 500 cal one but I’m happy that I did it. My weight is still holding in the low 77s, I just can’t seem to break into those 76s at the moment. I know I will get there, just got to keep going!

    Hope everyone is going ok. Take care xx

    Quacka thank you for your kind words. Mr GDay passed unexpectedly in June 2022 of a cardiac arrest. I spent the following 18 months managing grief, dealing with the will which should have been straightforward but the law and lawyers made it not so straightforward, a nightmare situation with Mr GDays rental property cause by a storm and then a tenant from hell.
    Also in this time Miss GDays mental health declined and I had no option but to remove her from school to be home schooled. Mr GDay passed a coupe of days after I had launched my home business so that was put on hold as it all became too much to deal with.
    I did seek professional help to work through my grief and the stress but I wasn’t able to maintain my healthy eating and routines so on piled 10kg. While I wasn’t happy about the weight gain I accepted it as just part of the process of grief and stress at that time. It’s only recently that I’ve felt I’m in the right headspace to get back to my healthy eating and routines and knock off the extra kilos.

    Morning all, fast day No. 2 went well, flat white at morning tea, cup of soup at lunchtime, scrambled eggs and salad at dinner time. Total of around 600 calories. If I can manage that again today, I should be ok to start bumping the calories back up to my normal 1800-2200 a day.

    Gday, that sucks. If I’m going to drop $20k on the house, I want it to be something you can see. Our bathroom reno cost $20k, but at the end of it we got a flash new bathroom. There’s quite a bit that needs to be done on our house. We’re tossing up whether to cough up the money to take care of it, or just live with it for a couple of years, take a hit on the sale price of the house, and leave it for the next owners to deal with.

    Quacka, keep up the good work, I’m sure you’ll get there soon.

    Have a good one everyone

    Good morning everyone,

    Cool and grey here.

    Suzy, reading your post saying how tired you are feeling on fast days I am trying to remember the tips people have given for that over the years. I think my main one is to have good soup because a good broth will be full of the electrolytes we need, which help us hydrate well. Plus heaps of micronutrients.

    The other thing is if 500cal days are too tiring, but 800cal days work, then try that because ‘easy and ‘sustainable’ trumps ‘a little bit more quickly’.

    I am another one who loves fruit trees! I hope you can have some one day!

    The Portuguese festival sounds fun and yummy!

    And I might chase up the British detective series, my favourite reading genre. Is it D.I. Hilary Greene?

    Thin, hooray for working out why your fast day was such a hungry one. I hope you are adjusting now.

    Gday, oh dear the drains. I hope it all goes well.
    How well you summed up your difficult last couple of years. You managed a dreadful time so well. You really deserve a good run now, if only the universe worked that way!

    I had an endoscopy yesterday (got to stand on the hospital scales, I am 54kg thanks 5:2, down from 86kg!). They found a couple of peptic ulcers so I will be keen to talk to my doctor about it.

    Neil, woot! You are powering along.

    Ofcourse you are right, I was studying German. Yours sincerely, Funf.


    Hi Funf 😂

    Do you think the ulcers could be the cause of the reflux, or visa versa? Hopefully treating them might make things a bit easier for you.

    My willpower to say no is going to be tested tonight. I won’t be drinking because tonight is Diwali, and I’ll be driving to a couple of places we’ve been invited to for the Diwali celebrations. They always involve copious amounts of Diwali sweets, and hosts who get insulted if you refuse to eat your bodyweight in snacks.

    Have a good one everyone

    Cinque, Suzy, I do now remember being very tired on fast days when starting 5:2 – often falling asleep at 8pm on the couch. When I was a very small child, I was a particularly fussy eater and my parents were concerned that I wasn’t eating enough. The family GP reassured them that it was fine because I slept a lot. As I grew older, mealtimes became a battleground and many of the associated rules such as ‘finishing everything on the plate’ and ‘not wasting food’ were instilled in me for life. It took most of my adulthood to end my unhealthy relationship with food and its control over me. Thanks to 5:2.

    Neil, I find the body can absorb these blow outs once in a while. All part of the ‘feast and famine’ phenomenon. Have fun with the Diwali celebrations. Is it possible to make an excuse about having a dodgy stomach but say that it looks so delicious that you’ll ‘take a little something for later’ – so you haven’t refused the hospitality but can eat it over several days? Personally, I would never eat to satisfy someone else’s needs but I absolutely empathise with how and why this happens. Good luck.

    GDSA, it sounds like you are building me a moat after all. Seriously, that sounds like a huge expense with so much destruction to your years of hard work. Hopefully, the damage will be minimal both to the pocket and to the land.

    We are now in the sardine can, aka winter mooring. It’s a very small wharf and we already knew most of the boaters here which makes being squished into tight quarters slightly less claustrophobic. The people are really lovely but I still feel the sense of doom I always get when entering these places. On our last day of freedom we saw a roe deer, a pair of herons and a kingfisher. Now our only view is across the basin through the front window. I keep telling myself that we chose this life, we’re warm, safe and have little to complain about. I think we just need some blue sky. Our neighbours are off to Kruger and Cape Town tomorrow but I’m so disenchanted with travel, I can’t find the motivation to plan anything. 1st world problems, eh? I don’t expect any sympathy, I’m just having a moan.

    Speaking of people with actual problems, a close family friend was in Valencia during that devastating flood. She didn’t see a drop of rain. Such terrible destruction and disbelief.

    Well, it appears I have been missing in action for most of this year, I hadn’t realised it had been so long since I had posted although I am constantly reading all your posts.

    Your post prompted me Thin, as you settle into your over- winter mooring. We are just finishing ours, we have spent most of the winter up in Kaiteriteri at the top of the South Island, and we have news. After much deliberation we have settled on a full time (permanent) pitch here at the Holiday Park and are having a new tiny home built! We were always looking for somewhere, pretty much like you Thin, with an impossible wish list, even with a Lotto win, so we had to make some compromise somewhere. We have always loved this location but we were previously only able to build a 3m x 10m home, if we wanted a larger home we would have had to sacrifice the location. When we finally arrived here in mid July, later than usual as we were house sitting in Methven for the whole of June, we were told that we could have a house at 12m x 4m. So it then became a win win situation and we no longer had to compromise on location or size of the build. We finally signed up with the builder on Friday and are now getting to grips with all the design details we have to go through! It feels very overwhelming, scary but exciting all at the same time. It will be interesting to see how it affects my weight?

    My weight is currently in the 68’s, wanting to get it down a bit further before Xmas, so will see how I go. We have friends arriving from the UK to watch the Black Caps vs England five day cricket tests at both Christchurch and Wellington, so no doubt it will increase a little then. I must factor in some pretty strict fast days this trip.

    Sorry to hear about your car/house problems Neil, and that you had to cancel your bike trip, but I can assure you the weather here last weekend was pretty horrific. Lovely sunny day here today though.

    Got the sheets and towels pegged out, now time for a walk down to the beach and back before we watch the All Blacks game.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone, Turn

    Hi Turn!
    I’m minding the littlies tomorrow so just saying how lovely to see your post and I will write on Tuesday.

    Turn, that’s so interesting! Well done for making a decision. Not easy with the passing of time, we find! I believe you will have the same square footage as our boat which is is 57′ x 6′ – albeit different dimensions. Will you still travel around or are you hanging that up once your tiny home is finished (I’m unsure of the terminology of a ‘pitch’ in a ‘Holiday Park’ – is that the site of the tiny home?). How long does it take to build one? Are you designing it from scratch or is it a choice of some ‘off the plan’ designs?

    We watched an old DVD the other night called ‘Invictus’. It’s not the sort of thing I’m usually interested in as I’m no armchair sports fan but there are ‘libraries’ on the canals where boaters can swap DVDs and books. We found it enjoyable. It’s about Nelson Mandala (Morgan Freeman), the Springboks and the All Blacks. Maybe you, Neil and Suzy have seen it?

    FD for me today. Chicken Jalfrezi, small but delish. I’m considering reverting to 5:2 for the month of November. I’d just like to get a kilo comfortably gone and there’s not much excuse now that we’re in one place and with about five supermarkets within walking distance – meaning I don’t have to plan ahead.

    Hello everyone. Lately I kept thinking that I needed to write a post but never seemed to get to it. I find when I don’t feel in control of my eating it’s incredibly difficult to write a post.
    My eating has been unusually erratic lately and my weight is now up in the mid 80s as a consequence.

    Apologies if I ask about something covered on previous pages, I’ve only caught up with posts on this page.

    Anzac & Neil, you have my sympathy, I feel your pain on the weight gain. The scales bounce up so fast with a few difficult food days. I hope this week provides fewer challenges for you. I’m reminding myself that each day is a new start with new choices.

    Cinque, the ulcers are fairly shocking news. Luckily we now know what causes them and how to treat them. I’m hoping your reflux issues might improve with ulcer treatment too.

    Turn, wonderful news about the tiny home. They are fascinating structures. Luckily life in a caravan has given you lots of experience of living in a small space. I hope it helps you get the design right.

    Thin, where are you heading for winter? Do you have house/pet sitting jobs this year? One of the nurses who comes to do my infusions is a New Zealander and she has been moving from one pet sit to another across Adelaide (with brief stays in AirBnB between).

    G’Day, sorry to hear about the drain, what a horrendous cost. Frustrating that you’d just finished the landscaping too. I agree with Neil, it’s bad enough when you see what you’ve paid for, but worse when it’s buried underground.

    I have been organising home improvements and have reached the inevitable conclusion that these things always cost more than I plan for. (Although I do have a habit of doing more than I originally planned, which doesn’t help.) However, I’ve now got new lighting, ceiling fans and a lot of additional power points installed. I’m already making good use of the fans. The solar system will be installed next week and the security screens for all the doors and front windows should be in next month. That’s all I can fit in this year. I’ll sort out the built-in storage and the verandah furniture next year – once I’ve had time to save a bit more.
    These are some of the new lights & fan in the living room: https://imgur.com/a/R74YXuz

    I have not managed to get my summer veggie beds sorted as I’m still harvesting the winter crop. I’ve been blanching and freezing some of the excess. The spinach and peas are finished, but I have lots of rhubarb, broad beans, parsnips and potatoes: https://imgur.com/a/TPdZjWA As usual I used soil that was too rich for the parsnips, so most have 2 or 3 roots instead of one. This was my first attempt at growing potatoes and, while successful, I wouldn’t do it again. It ties up a growing bed for a long time and produces far in excess of my needs. Although the summer/autumn veg will go in late, I will still grow some beans, cucumber, zucchini and spinach. I decided not to risk growing cherry tomatoes this year as I don’t want to introduce the brown rugose fruit virus to my veggie patch.

    It’s not just me that needs to get their eating back on track. I finally did a detailed calorie calculation for all the things the cat eats to make sure I keep her in the weight range advised by the vet. I had to tweak a few things and she’s now complaining about the reduction in treats. I know how she feels!

    I’m doing a FD today. OK so far. Take care everyone.

    LJ, you’ve been busy. Sorry about the weight gain, but you’ll fix it soon.

    Our winter mooring is at Market Harborough, Leicestershire, an ‘upmarket’ and historical market town that still feels English to me, unlike so much of England these days. Yes, the three of us are spending 16 days over Christmas at a large Georgian home on an acreage in Lincolnshire. The dogs are not our ideal breeds – a Hungarian Vizsla and a Jack Russell – but there are good walking tracks on the Viking Way.

    I can’t wait to hear more of Turn’s tiny house. As we’re starting over from scratch, it seems prudent to research suitable places to settle. Perth seems increasingly unwise and it’s really only that 3c/m storage locker, now the cost of a small mortgage payment, that draws us back there.

    Both from a climate change perspective and from ‘world happiness’ rankings, New Zealand features very highly. We’re also considering South Australia – is your house in the Adelaide Hills? I know GDSA reported last summer being unbearably hot and that housing prices are out of control in Adelaide – I’ve researched this and it’s nothing like what’s happening in Perth. Of course, many statistics come from realtors and I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw one. When we emigrated to Australia decades ago, we spent six months getting from California to Perth and would happily have settled in New Zealand or South Australia were it not for our small shipment of personal items already en route to Fremantle.

    BTW, if anyone’s interested, Norway is the top of the list on both the indexes I’ve cited above. However, we can more or less already speak the language in NZ and it’s perhaps not quite so cold and dark!

    Morning all, weigh-in today was down 2 of the almost 4 kilos I piled on, my stomach is still feeling a bit blah after the eating of the previous week, so I’m guessing that’s the rest of the weight sitting there.

    Turn, great to hear from you. Getting a little house up in Kaiteriteri sounds awesome, I love the beach over there, and the whole area. We’re looking at trying to get up to Nelson at the end of January. The family will hang in Nelson for the 3 days it takes me to ride the trail and then we’ll have a couple of days together in Nelson. But that will depend mainly on finances and whether we can actually find somewhere to stay.

    Thin, I’ve seen part of Invictus, of course any NZ rugby fan will tell you there one major thing omitted from the film. The fact that the entire NZ team came down with food poisoning 2 days before the final, and many of the players were still horribly sick during the final. Jeff Wilson especially was constantly vomiting on the sideline.

    Ljoyce, I know what you mean about erratic, I can go a while eating well, but as soon as I throw in some sugar or starchy processed carbs, it just goes to pieces. We grow potatoes, they do tie up a patch of garden for quite a while, but they are super productive while they’re there, and potatoes keep for a really long time. 30 plants usually provide us with enough potatoes to last a year.

    Thin, we’re not quite as bad as Norway, but it can get pretty dark here in winter, especially down here in the South. Shortest day the sun doesn’t come up until about 8:30am and is gone by around 4:30 in the afternoon. On the flip side, I can be out playing sports until 10pm in the summer time, because although the sun goes down just after 9pm, it’s still light enough to do stuff for an hour or so afterwards. Same in the morning, the sun comes up around 5:45am, but it starts getting light around 5am

    Well, have a great one everyone.

    Thin, MY Independent Property Investment currently sites Adelaide as being higher for median house prices (Nov 24) with Adelaide being $806,000 and Perth being $804,000. Medium regional house prices in SA are $560,000. I saw a house online in Wallaroo (a town half way between me and Adelaide) priced at $490,000 – a very old, very tiny cottage on a very tiny block of land with no views. The buyer was selling privately and I giggled to myself at the price – I think the seller is thinking they can cash in on the real estate boom and have set their price way above what it would actually sell for.

    L Joyce on no your cats on 5:2, at least you have a fasting mate I guess.

    Well let’s brace ourselves for the outcome of the US election, I understand we may have a result by bedtime tonight (Wednesday) Australian time. I was reading yesterday about the US voting system – wow, how can such a system be legal and just ? But then I guess when the courts have ruled in favour of Elon Musks election ploy for Trump and said it was legal then I guess legality and just goes out the window.

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Yesterday’s FD went well which ended with a salad + grilled haloumi, yum. I’m following it with a careful day today. I’ve made a huge batch of bolognese (85% veg) and I plan to add beans and chilli to a little of it tonight and turn it into shakshuka, with the addition of a couple of poached eggs.

    Neil, I agree about the sugar and starchy carbs. I cope small amounts, but if I overindulge my appetite becomes uncontrollable.
    My issue with the potatoes is where to store them – I don’t even have a garden shed, let alone a root cellar.

    GDSA, It’s both amazing and horrifying how much Adelaide property prices have increased in the last 2 years. Normally we get left behind in the wake of eastern state price rises, but not this time. I bought my house 6 1/2 years ago for 585k and it’s now worth about 1m. That’s just ridiculous. It makes it so challenging for anyone to buy their first house.
    I agree that the US electoral system has many pitfalls – I’m very glad we have the Electoral Commission to run things here. I’m listening to the PBS coverage of the US election as I type, it sounds as close as predicted. I just hope that, whatever the outcome, it’s not violent this time.

    Thin, Where you settle depends so much on the pace of life and the climate that you prefer. Adelaide is hot (maybe slightly less than Perth) and traditionally a dry heat with low rainfall, although there has been an unusual level of humidity in recent years. It has the advantage of having the services of a capital city, but with a modest population, which makes it easier to get around and with no high density housing. I no longer live in the Adelaide hills, I moved down to the suburbs 6 years ago, I’m near Brighton beach now. I chose this area as it’s really close to services and multiple forms of public transport. As long as you consider bushfire risk when choosing a property, the hills is a lovely place to live. It’s green and lush, quiet, cooler on summer evenings and you have koalas in the garden (I did). I was at Stirling which was a 20 minute drive to the CBD (outside of peak times) but it felt like a village not a suburb. While you are fit and able to drive it’s fine. It’s not convenient if you can no longer drive because there’s limited public transport options and there are no local taxis except for Mount Barker. Most of the house blocks are large compared to suburban blocks (1/4-1/2 acre, depending on the part of the hills), so you have to be able to manage a large garden often on a slope. It became too difficult for me and I knew it would get worse as I got older. I chose something I could safely age into.
    I’ve been to NZ a few times and I loved the south island – I hate humidity and prefer a cooler climate, so the south island is not for me. If it wasn’t for the earthquakes I’d happily settle in Christchurch, it’s one of very few places I’ve been that felt like home (Lucerne and Launceston are the other cities that felt like that). What they have in common is that they are very small cities with a lot of parks and gardens in the CBD – Adelaide is like that, which is probably why they felt homely to me.

    I’m keep getting disrupted from my typing by the cat. She’s still grumbling, presumably about me cutting back on her lunch time treats. She keeps walking across the table to me and head butting me! At least I’m not having to deal with claws or teeth.

    Time I made a pot of tea. Take care all.

    Wednesday FD for me. I’m back for a bit of 5:2 hoping to drop a kilo so I can get my pants and my thermals on a bit more comfortably. Leftovers from Sunday.

    Neil, I knew that extra weight would be off in no time. How did you manage with the Diwali festival treats? Did you offend anyone? Sorry if you’ve said already. I know what you mean about reconciling the daylight hours between the seasons. I love the long daylight hours of summer but that winter trade-off can be depressing. What a lovely trip to Nelson you have planned.

    LJ, thanks for that detailed information – very helpful. I am getting a clear picture of what it would be like to live in the Adelaide Hills. It sounds similar to what they call the Perth hills – risk of bushfires, larger blocks to manage, less populous, less access to city goings-on, useless public transport. But traditionally, the ageing population lives in the Perth hills so, over the years, they’ve seen good medical facilities, hospitals and supermarkets being built. I do now remember why you wanted to move and how methodical you were about reaching your goals so that you could travel. You don’t seem very excited that your property has nearly doubled in price in six years!

    GDSA, I read a report about Australian capital city house prices that cited Adelaide properties as having increased by 14% over the last 12 months versus Perth 67%. Lies and statistics then! We’re not so much looking for the cheapest median price as a less frenetic market. The boat increasingly seems a good option for indecisives like us.

    The USA’s electoral college voting system exists to prevent less populous states from being overrun by more populous states such as California. I like the fact in the USA and UK, everyone votes before anything is reported. It’s frustrating to Western Australians to wake up on election day to be told your vote doesn’t count because the result has already been decided by eastern states voters. And, I can’t see how compulsory voting is considered democratic. What I do like about Aus & UK election processes is that’s all over in six weeks. Who needs a presidential race that lasts two years? And I wonder why an incumbent should be allowed to campaign at all? (i.e. we’ve just endured your four years of failure to do whatever it is that you’re promising to do now). And are people really that stupid that a movie celebrity could influence their vote? I guess the answer is yes.

    Way off-topic! Back to food then, we’re waiting for a grocery delivery. We were handed a coupon in-store too good to pass up. So I ordered some bulky and heavy things. We have an address here but it’s so cool that you can just provide a bridge number and a postcode for a delivery to your remote countryside canal side mooring.

    Correction to previous post: I’ve been to NZ a few times and I loved the south island – I hate humidity and prefer a cooler climate, so the north island is not for me as a place to live.

    Thin, it’s not that I’m unhappy about an increase in housing value. It’s just that it doesn’t really help me. If I sell this home I’m buying something else in the same market. If I eventually go to a nursing home, the bond that you pay is based on median house prices for the area of that nursing home, so my house sale will only just cover that. If Adelaide housing prices hadn’t increased so much my options would be much the same, but those trying to buy their first home would be having an easier time of it.

    LJ, yes I understand what you’re saying. Most people do live in their primary investment which gives them no return until they realise the capital gain. From that perspective, we are fortunate that the proceeds from our house were invested in something that’s more or less kept pace with house prices and gives us a good income. Nevertheless, what’s happened/ing with the housing market is unnerving.

    Housing prices here are way up too, but they didn’t increase as quickly in the area where we live. That said, we could never afford to move back to the Bay Area where we lived prior because the prices there are just outrageous even for a house that’s not as nice as this one. But we have way more wild fire risk here and much higher fire insurance, something that’s changed in the last 6 or 7 years with climate change.

    I haven’t done any formal fasting days in the past couple of weeks but there were a couple of days where I ate almost nothing due to stress. You can probably guess which days those were. But somehow I managed to stay in the mid 66’s. I had been in the 65’s for a while. My right knee can certainly feel the difference. Very unsettling times. I wish I could feel more positive.

    We went from a hot summer and early autumn to winter temperatures, at least overnight, almost a month ago. Our daylight saving time ended last week and it seems like a bigger adjustment this year in spite of the fact we’re always at home. Our area seems similar to the Adelaide Hills. I wouldn’t mind a smaller, flatter lot these days. LJ, I think you made the perfect choice when you moved to you present house. Thin, it sounds like you found a very nice place to dock your boat for the winter. I haven’t had a chance to catch up on all the previous posts. Have you decided where to travel this winter?

    Turn, good to see you again! I hope you’ll post some pictures of your tiny house when it’s built. I have watched a couple home decorating shows featuring them over the past couple years. Fascinating how they manage to fit everything into such a small space.

    Cinque, sorry to hear about the peptic ulcers, but at least now you have a better idea how to treat the eating discomfort. They have made a lot of progress in treatments.

    Hi to everyone, Gday, Neil, Quacka, Anzac and all the other silent ones. I will try to be here more often.

    Hello all, Sunday morning here and I’ve just come home from the weekly Dog Club meet up, sitting on the front verandah with a coffee and a pesky cat jumping all over me so apologies for any typos. The cockies are squawking so loud, the gum trees are full of them. We had a few light showers of rain yesterday which was lovely and expecting the same tomorrow.

    For those who have Netflix I highly recommend The Diplomat – I’m feeling bleary eyed this morning because I sat up until midnight binging the first series. Didn’t quite get to the end, 2 more episodes to go then onto series 2. I don’t normally watch much on Netflix, we have it as Miss GDay watches it, I like Britbox – I love British tv, always have from my childhood.

    Not much happening in the weight loss department, it’s been difficult with quite a few meal outings over the last few weeks and more to come in the coming weeks. Why is it so difficult to get a meal that isn’t deep fried and loaded with bad carbs and sugars, it’s damn near impossible. A few days I go I had to go out of town with a group of people from an organisation I volunteer with for a regional meeting. The meeting finished at 1pm so they decided to grab something to eat before driving home. They insisted on paying for my meal as they were all paid staff so had expense accounts to charge their meals to. We were at a small food court where the choice was a shop that sold pies, hot, chips, toasted sandwiches etc. A Subway store, a bakery and a Chinese shop. I ordered a vegie stir fry and asked for minimal noodles as I thought it was the lesser of all evils. I was horrified when my meal arrived and it was a huge plate of 99.9 hoikenen noodles, 3 slithers of carrot ( no thicker than a piece of string) and 2 leaves of bok – that was the entire vegie content. If I’d been on my own and paid myself I would have taken it back and complained but I didn’t want to embarrass the others I was with.

    I made some tasty Anzac type biscuits from Clare Baileys treat book last week. No sugars or processed flours, made with almond flour and they were a bit too scrumptious because I couldn’t stop eating them. Last weekend was pasty making weekend, we made a huge amount, over 200 for the freezer, it took up all Saturday and Sunday to make the pastry, chop all the veg, put together and bake. Huge amount of work but worth it. In the last month Ive been cooking to restock the freezers – a variety of soups, stew, rice, spaghetti bolognaise, pizza bases, chicken curry, chilli mince – meals for Miss GDay when I’m fasting or when I don’t feel like cooking for us both.

    Must dash and get Miss GDay out of bed, were off to the cinema today to see a broadcast of Phantom of the Opera from the Royal Albert Hall.

    Hi friends

    I don’t know how it happened, but just one more week before our big trip. We packed today to make sure we had everything we needed and it is so good to have that done

    G’day, I love cooking days and yours sounds epic! 200 items must be an amazing feeling of accomplishment. We cook for my Dad plus try to have healthy options in the freezer when we are too busy / tired to cook so we don’t end up taking the home delivery route. I hope you enjoyed phantom at the movies, one of my favourite stage shows. We are seeing two shows in London – Michael Jackson (which co-incidentally started advertising here one day after we booked) and Moulin Rouge. Those noodles sounded really really awful; I cook a nice pad thai but substitute bean sprouts for the noodles and it is amazing

    I am so sorry about the stress Cali, my left knee is complaining loudly as I need to lose a lot more before it stops. I’ve been doing some good long walks in anticipation of long days of wandering on our trip but my knee is really not happy

    Thin I never stop being fascintated by your way of life. I could not tolerate the weather as I go into a mental cave unless the sun is shining but I love reading all about it

    LJ I am utterly lactose intolerant but I can eat Haloumi and love it in a salad. Great pick for a FD

    We had a terrible scare with our boy Maxx. He had a bit of a bad tummy so went to the vet who was not concerned, gave him a shot and advised bland food. That night he went downhill so fast our heads were spinning. We ended up at the vet hospital early the next morning where he collapsed and was rushed to emergency. The vet was kind but honest about how sick he was. It was hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and I think we nearly lost him. He is all better now, and even stole a shoe yesterday for the first time in over 10 days. I wake up every morning and thank God that it happened when it did and not two weeks later, else our trip would have been off. We don’t have anyone who could take him

    So sorry to hear about the peptic ulcers Cinque, but woo hoo to the 54 kilos (so tiny!)

    Yay for the 2 kilos Neil!

    hi Turn, so lovely to hear from you

    Take care everyone

    Sunday FD comes around quickly when there are two FDs a week! The chicken jalfrezi was so delicious that, although we had it for both FDs last week, I’ve made some more today. It’s a small portion but very filing when eaten slowly and it’s so flavourful and aromatic. I’m giving the waterside restaurant a run for its money.

    Anzac, poor Maxx. What a worry for you. Have a super time on your trip! Enjoy the mile high shower. You mention seeing two shows in London. We’re going to London to see Lion King in a couple of weeks. DD arranged it all. We’re going for the day. The train fare costs the same as the show. I’m with you on the weather. It has been so depressing not to see the sun for days on end. We continue going out for crisp, autumnal walks along the towpath – I have to force myself out of the warm boat but it always feels good once we’re out there.

    CalifD, sorry that you haven’t been able to fast and that you feel stressed. We haven’t decided on any winter getaways yet. I need some inspiration after this year’s Cuba/Mexico disappointments. We’ve so far been concentrating on medical things, vaccinations, dental check-ups and so on. I may have mentioned that we have a 16 day pet sit in Lincolnshire arranged for the three of us over Christmas.

    GDSA, sitting on the front verandah listening to cockatoos in the gum trees sounds very Aussie. A bottle of rum, please. No, that’s plum trees. A clothesline out the back and an old rocking chair.

    Turn, hurry back, I’m looking forward to reading more on the tiny home.

    Hello everyone,
    Last week was very busy.
    This week is filling up too, but I will get a post in first.

    My doctor confirmed the (fading) peptic ulcers and that they are probably because aspirin has been my preferred pain killer. No problems until I got into my 60’s. (If the results come back H. Pylori that will change). Very relieved that if I keep on managing the ongoing, but subsiding, symptoms they should fade away and never come back. No idea why the symptoms are all around throat mucous and coughing, but I guess that is preferable to the pain so many ulcer sufferers have.

    And it means that I didn’t have reflux after all! My brain is still trying to adjust.

    How lovely it is to read of Thin sitting watching the British birds and Gday enjoying the Australian ones. Looking forward to list of N.Z. birds from around Turn’s new home, and South African birds from Suzy’s home. (Mostly rock doves and noisy miners around here, as always).

    Today I am having a zoom call with my sisters and then heading off to pick up Ms 10 granddaughter and take her swimming. Hoping I won’t be too exhausted to post again tomorrow.

    Speak soon
    Cheers all

    Morning all,

    I’ve been pretty busy recently. I bought a truck-load of blue gum rounds, and I’ve spent the last week after work, and all last weekend picking it up from the guy’s farm, unloading it at home, splitting it and stacking it. I’ve been eating quite a bit, because I’ve been feeling absolutely knackered by the end of the day. I’m feeling very sore, but I should have enough firewood split and stacked to last us the next two years. I’m not expecting too much on the scales, because I’ve been beefing up after a week of processing the wood.

    Thin, we really like jalfrezi. I haven’t cooked it before, but we have a local Indian restaurant that does take-away, and their meals are really good value. $15-$18 is enough for both my wife and I to have a decent dinner, with some leftovers. When we get Jalfrezi we normally get the lamb one though.

    Cinque, I live up in a semi-rural area of our city so we have numerous birds around our place. Apart from the plain old introduced ones, we have Kereru (native wood pigeon), Piwakawaka (fantail), Bellbird, Tui (parson bird), pukeko (swamp hen), a small colony of rosellas, even the occasional Morepork.

    Anzac, sorry to hear about Maxx, Although thank goodness it’s sorted now and he’s on the mend.

    Gday, I was thinking of something completely different when you said “the Diplomat”. I got it mixed up in my head with Sacha Baron Cohen’s movie “The Dictator” and I was wondering why you were recommending something so crap.

    Cali, my commiserations for the election result (I assume that was what you were talking about for the stressful days)

    Ljoyce, Christchurch isn’t really a small city (well by New Zealand’s standards anyway), it’s our third biggest centre behind Auckland and Wellington. I found Christchurch is a great place to visit, but I wouldn’t like to live there. I hate the traffic there. I’m quite happy with Dunedin, we’re a green city, and within 3 hours drive from the holiday areas like Catlins, Queenstown, Wanaka, Te Anau, Central Otago, McKenzie Country, etc.

    Well I’ll likely have a fast day tomorrow now that I’ve finished all the heavy physical work, and I might even manage to get back to riding my bike, since I have neglected that while I was doing the firewood. Have a good one everyone.

    Good afternoon everyone. I need to head out shortly, but thought I’d attempt a short post first.

    As of yesterday afternoon I have solar installed and operating well. The only hitch is waiting for my energy company to process the paperwork (up to a month apparently). At present I’m feeding the excess power back to the grid but not getting paid for it. The rates they pay are very small these days, but it’s better than nothing. The app that links to my system has already provided many shocks – The huge power drain for the aircon I expected, but I had no idea it took so much power to boil a kettle.
    The screen company were here this morning to measure for new security screens on the doors and some windows. It’s going to be more expensive than I anticipated and will also take longer – a 10-12 week wait for installation. Every one of the home improvements seems to be more expensive than I originally budgeted for.

    A few weeks ago I tried making 1-2 low cal, low carb, high fibre smoothies each day and just eating an evening meal. I struggled with because the weather wasn’t warm enough. I can’t do the cold drinks when the weather is cold. However I did start again last week and so for it’s been much easier. It helps that my intake of sugar/starch is low enough to keep me in mild ketosis which really helps me manage my appetite. Because every day is low calories I’m not doing fast days too, but my weight is going down steadily at this point.

    I have a busy week, but should find time for a proper response to everyone on the weekend.
    Take care.

    Morning all.

    Well done on the steady loss Ljoyce.

    My weigh-in this morning went as expected. I was around the same weight as I was last week. Still 2 kilos up from where I was before my big blowout week, but still 2 kilos down from my weight of 2 weeks ago. I think my body really needed the calories last week while I was chopping wood all week. But hopefully now that’s all finished I can get back to dropping the calories back and getting my weight back down.

    Well, have a great day everyone, catch you all later.

    Hello lovelies,
    Yes I was too exhausted to write after going swimming with my granddaughter. Worth it though.
    We talked about how old she would be when I was eighty and she earnestly told me she would look after me when I was old and make sure I wasn’t put in an Old People’s Home, before asking ‘Are there Old People’s Homes in Australia?’

    Neil, I did miss asking you about the birds around your home, so thanks for letting me know. I have been watching the live feed of peregrine falcons on the Melbourne skyscraper and the last of three girls should fledge today or tomorrow. https://367collins.mirvac.com/workplace/building-overview/falcons-at-367-collins

    Turn, your news sounds wonderful. How lovely to be able to design a small (but not too small) home to suit your needs, and in a beautiful place. Good luck getting those unwanted kilos off to make life more enjoyable.

    LJoyce, so frustrating that a short time of disordered eating has such immediate consequences. And sympathy too about all the house things costing so much more than expected. But those lights and fans are GORGEOUS! Hooray for the solar too.

    And what a gorgeous harvest too! What pleasure to be eating them! I had an excellent crop of broad beans (mostly in the week where I had to eat low fibre of course) so I have podded some and put them in the freezer, and still enough for a few serves in the fridge.

    Haha the cat. I remember having to be strict with my cat Persephone. I had to put a plate of food down in the morning and then put it away after 15 minutes until it came out again for 15 minutes in the evening. It took a bit for both of us to get used to it. But she did get back to her sleek self.

    I didn’t need your correction re the NZ South Island, I knew exactly what you meant to say. 😀

    Thin, I am so invested in where you end up deciding to live. I am counting on it being a wonderful place. Maybe you can split your year between South Island NZ and Norway so you get two lots of long summer days.

    Hi Cali, sympathy for that electoral stress, nothing to do now but see how it plays out.

    I have a follow up appt from my endoscopy, at the hospital. I am so glad because if the peptic ulcer theory is right, I have a very idiosyncratic response to them and lots of questions to ask. But it is a few weeks away, so in the meantime I will keep on keeping on (I had another horrible coughing fit this morning).

    Gday, your front verandah sounds wonderful. Did you enjoy that big fat moon last night? It rose above the factory warehouses here, haha, but still looked glorious.

    Anzac, you must be just about to head off. Best wishes for a wonderful trip. I do hope you have a chance to keep us (at least a little bit) up to date with all you do.
    Hoping Maxx is fine now and has a good time while you are gone.


    Hello friends

    Well we just dropped Maxx off at the kennels and as always he raced through the swing doors towing the poor young girl behind him. Not even a glance backwards ungrateful beast ha ha. He loves it and that makes us feel better about leaving him. Thanks for your kind wishes for his health, he is all back to his normal loving, mischievous self

    Tomorrow is the big day and we are packed (mostly) and feeling the usual pre-big-trip nerves. Mr Anzac has a spreadsheet that would make NASA proud so we are completely organised. I helped very little, no time; my job was to make the money to pay for it!!

    I will try to post as much as possible, take care all

    Good evening everyone.

    Anzac, hope you and Mr A have a fabulous trip. I’ll be looking forward to some photos when you return. Safe travels.

    Neil, You’ll be so grateful for all that wood you chopped come winter.

    Thin, I love jalfrezi too, although I usually make it with lamb like Neil. Although I usually cheat and buy Pataks jalfrezi paste.

    Cinque, aren’t the littlies adorable with their observations.
    Do you have an alternative to the aspirin as pain relief? My GP has forbidden me from both aspirin & ibuprofen due to the risk of damage to the stomach. I use paracetamol.

    Cali, I can well imagine why the election was so stressful. I was also watching your election with disbelief. I hope the reality turns out to be less disastrous than feared.

    GDSA, I hope you managed to find a cool place to escape the heat today. I imagine it was worse up north than in Adelaide.

    Due to the very hot day today, I stayed inside and caught up on some housework. I was very grateful for the newly installed solar as I could use the aircon without guilt. The cool change has arrived and I’m catching up with a friend and catching up on some exercise with a long walk tomorrow.

    Take care all. Hope the rest of your weekend is good.

    Cinque I rarely see the sunset as I’m tucked up in bed before then but I do watch the spectacular sunrises on the front verandah, usually with a coffee in hand and one or two of our cats annoying me for attention.

    Enjoy your time away Anzac, so good to have someone to do the ‘spreadsheet’ work for you. Safe travels to you both xx

    L Joyce funnily enough Miss GDay and I were in Adelaide for yesterdays heat. Left home 5am Saturday morning and back home by lunchtime on Sunday. As it was just an overnighter we had someone come out to feed the animals and check on them Saturday afternoon. The dogs had to stay outside in the heat unfortunately but they are used to it and have plenty of cool areas in the back yard to escape from the heat. Our cats are outdoor cats only so they are also used to it. I set the kitchen area aircon to come on at 11am and switch off at 8pm so our Guinea Pigs were kept cool. We spent the day in North Adelaide and Rundle Mall shopping and Saturday evening attended a concert at the Hindley St Music Hall – we had a fantastic time – it was packed and we danced, sang and screamed the house down, healthy eating went out the window.

    We have 2 more trips to Adelaide in the next week – a day trip for a medical appointment for Miss GDay which will be a long day as the medical assessment takes 4 hours and we have a couple of other things to do which are at opposite sides of Adelaide to each other so a long days driving for me.

    Then a couple of days later we head back again for another concert at the same venue, we’re staying for two nights this trip with no shopping this time, instead we’re doing the tourist thing and going to the art gallery, museum, botanic and Japanese gardens, cinema and probably do another Escape Room.

    Then it will definitely be time for a few extended fasts as there is sure to be a few extra kilos on the scales by then. Time to hang out the washing, bye all.

    morning all

    Anzac, my dad’s dog is exactly the same when she goes into the kennels, the place my Dad leaves her is a farm home stay and she gets to tear around the paddocks chasing after the quad bike. She absolutely loves it

    It turns out I had a really mild case of covid last week. I was feeling a bit run-down on Wednesday and Thursday and feeling a bit blah on Friday, so I did a covid test. It was negative after 30 minutes; I absentmindedly threw it in my desk drawer and forgot it. When I turned up to work this morning and opened the drawer it was still in there, but with a very faint line on it. That explains why I was feeling so exhausted after doing some work around the house I normally would have no issue doing.

    Well I’m hoping to fast today and tomorrow, but I’ll have to see how I feel. If I’m still feeling fatigued by the end of the day, it’s probably best not to be fasting on top of it.

    Have a good one everyone.

    Neil, ha ha, so you developed covid once you were home for the weekend! What a clever test kit.

    Interested that so many like jalfrezi. LJ, there are so few spice ingredients in it that you could easily make it and enjoy the superb aromas. I used to love lamb too, I probably still do, but we gave it up as a family when, as a student, DD discovered firsthand how they’re slaughtered.

    Cinque, thank you for being vested – and I’d love it if you could make our next move decision for us. Not Norway though, I’m afraid there are too many dark hours. We must be the most indecisive couple on the planet. What a ridiculous problem to have. We will have to do something even if it’s wrong.

    Cinque, why do you have to wait so long for the follow up appointment? It is nice that you’ll have someone youthful to look after you when you’re 80. 😂

    GDSA, gosh what time does the sun set in your part of the world? Good that you’ve found a way to make those expensive trips to Adelaide and have some fun.

    My FDs this week are the standard Monday and Thursday, popular with so many on these pages. It felt odd not fasting yesterday but DD was here for the weekend and I wanted to be free to enjoy a pub dinner. And I think I mentioned that we’re going to London on Wednesday to see Lion King so Mon, Th worked better. It’s been an easy day so far. We went for a long walk, saw the resident kingfisher and heron. But so cold. On Wednesday, I’m taking foot and hand warmers. This is my third week of 5:2 and it’s served me well. I’m back in the 59s. I think I’ll keep it going throughout November and then revert to 6:1.

    Anzac and Quacka, safe travels although I doubt you’re reading.

    Good morning,
    I have been frustrated that my reflux/bizarre repsonse to ulcers – cough has been getting worse, but finally figured out I have a chest infection and some heavy duty cough medicine is called for. I think it is working!
    Hospitals are strained at the moment (underfunded) and my biopsies are taking a long time to be tested and reviewed. Hopefully the more urgent things are being done more quickly.

    Sending best bon voyage wishes Anzac and Quacka!

    I think I need to make chicken jalfrezi soon! (I never have made it).

    LJoyce, I have switched to panadol!

    Gday, cheers for those wonderful sunrises, what a lovely start to every day!
    I hope the busy week goes well.

    Neil, sympathy for the covid. Such a relief to understand why you have been so exhausted. I hope you recover quicky.

    Thin, all power to you 5:2ing this week. ha, wherever you end up there will be irritations and annoyances, I am running away from being to blame for them! But what a wonderful world with so many wonderful places to choose.

    I am off to have an easy healing day I hope, but I do need to buy milk.

    Here is an article about our pesky fat cells. When will they return to normal?


    Morning all, I was down a kilogram this week, but I’m still a kilogram up from where I was before my binge 3 weeks ago. I’m hoping now that I’m back on track the last couple of weeks, I can wipe out the rest of it next week, and then start the slow decent from there. So annoying how hard you have to work to get weight off, but how fast it comes back on when you have a bad run.

    Hi all, Thin sunset is 8pm here. I’m usually in bed by 7pm to read or watch a bit of tv before going to sleep by 8.30-9pm so I’m not up and about to see the sun set. Now the weather is warmer I’m up at 5am every day so I need to go to be early to get my 8 hours sleep.

    It was a long day yesterday for our day trip to Adelaide, left home at 4.30am and got back at 8.40pm – 8 hours driving there and back plus driving around Adelaide so I feel very exhausted today. It was worth it though, finally after 8 years of dealing with Drs, various medical professionals and the ‘let’s send you round and round in circles’ medical system we now have the ‘official’ Autism and High Range Anxiety diagnosis for Miss GDay. Not that anyone doubted it, it’s just taken this long for it to be ‘officially’ diagnosed. Now we are finally eligible to apply for supports through the NDIS, doesn’t mean they will give us supports though, they can still say no but at least now the official diagnosis means we can apply. Thankfully, the hospital will complete and submit all the paperwork on our behalf so I dont have to worry about that side of things, now we wait for a response which can take 1-3 months. Fingers crossed we get a positive outcome from our application. The staff at the Child Development Unit were amazing yesterday, they did a lot of other testing for which we will have to wait for the results but one which I found really interesting was a DNA test which purpose is to try to pinpoint a possible cause and for future genetics. Amazing what they can do.

    Coffee time for me now

    I’m with you all the way there Neil, I was so close to hitting the 67’s and am now fighting my way back out of the 69’s! Not quite sure how that happened other than we have been travelling and are now back in Christchurch at our long stay over Park Over Property, whom we also house/dog sit for, and walk their dogs daily, so we did have a bit of a welcome back on Sunday evening. That aside, I didn’t think I’d overdone it that much, anyhow, back to tightening the reins for the next few days. Our friends arrive from the UK next Tuesday and we have tickets to watch the five day test vs England here at Christchurch, then the next one up in Wellington, so no doubt during that time the eating and drinking could be a little excessive! It seems to have come around so quickly, it feels like ages ago we were in the throes of planning everything and it all seemed such a long way away then, now it’s here and another year almost at an end. Where do the years go?

    We met with our kitchen designer last week, before we left Kaiteriteri, a lovely lady, but I don’t think she will have much to design as we pretty much know what we want and have done most of the designing already. You don’t spend the best part of 40 years working in kitchens to know what works and what doesn’t! We are waiting to hear back from her and the builder with the final plans, but we gave him some time as the first house was sited on the site on Monday, a stressful time for all concerned but it’s there now. We have all this to go through, but not till next Mar/April. There are 20 new sites in the Park for us in the new permanent village, all with water, sewage and power connections at the site, (no more toilet cassette emptying!) with fencing in between and our vehicle is parked on site too. We will keep our caravan in storage for now as we’re not ready to stop the wheels turning just yet, but we may downsize it at a future date. The Holiday Park is a glorified term for a campsite, and the permanent village already on this one was borne out of Covid, the Park management and board realising that there are a lot of the the ageing community who have been on the road for some years were wanting to put down some small roots and stop and had over wintered here for some years! Some of those in the already established Village are still in caravans and will remain so. Some of them have gone on to purchase single story tiny homes but only 3 metres wide and no longer than 10 metres as the sites were not big enough for anything larger. We will be paying rent for the site and the power we consume on a weekly basis, but we own the house. I have uploaded some images to Imgur and I hope it works this time, wouldn’t last time. It may give you an idea of what we’re doing.


    Lovely to hear what everyone is up to, lots of travelling for some, sorry I missed you Anzac, but if you do get to pop in, Happy Travels.

    Turn, I hadn’t been able to view LJ’s fans and lights on imgur so I wasn’t hopeful but I have made it work by pasting the individual non-appearing images into a different browser. Interesting. It looks enormous compared to what I had in my mind. I see it’s being trucked in so, (and hoping this isn’t a totally stupid question) – why is it on wheels? Are they fully insulated? I wouldn’t fancy emptying those toilet cassettes although the boaters don’t seem to mind ding it every three days. Ours is the pump-out style and last us about five weeks. It’s more expensive but I think it’s well worth it.

    Neil, exactly so. Good reason to remain vigilant for life, I guess. Looking forward to hearing that the final kilo is gone. Don’t do it again, ha ha! I’m in my 5:2 routine and immediately got back to where I wanted to be, i.e. below 60kg. Today is my second FD for this week. I had Thai chicken curry already in the freezer box but I made it with a new curry paste which did what it said on the tub. I’d got in the habit of tripling the amount of curry paste as the previous brands were too mild. Now OH can’t eat it as it’s too hot so I have to do some jiggery pokery tonight to dilute his half without adding more coconut milk to mine.

    GDSA, synchronising with the daylight hours makes good sense. Glad you got the diagnosis for your DD. I barely go a day now without someone telling me of a new ADHD diagnosis. What can be going on? A boater we know aged 62 told me he had just been diagnosed with it. Two people in my family and the daughter of a good friend in Perth have all received this news in the past couple of weeks. Here a child would have to wait up to 8 years to get treatment for ADHD and that’s after waiting two years for a diagnosis.

    Yesterday, we had a big day out meeting DD in London to see Lion King. It was terrific and beyond expectations. I wish the man next to me hadn’t tried to sing along though. Incredible how a performance can take over an entire theatre for twenty five years like that. I had five layers of clothing plus foot and hand warmers so it took a while to dress/undress going in and out of buildings and on and off trains. At least the sun was shining as it was 1C. We’d woken to snow the day before. We all get full/partial refunds on our train fares because our respective trains were delayed more than 15 minutes. Using overhead announcements, they apologise repeatedly, give the reasons for the delay and invite you to claim for ‘delay repay’ explaining how to do it. Very British!

    Cinque, he he, I can understand your thinking there. I won’t hold you to account! Not good about those long delays and I don’t share your view that your biopsy reading is less important than the next man’s.

    Have a great weekend all.

    Hello everyone, happy weekend!

    Good work Neil, saying goodbye to that kilo.

    Gday, congratulations to DD on her diagnosis, it sounds very welcome and I hope it will give her great satisfaction appreciating her divergent ways. I hope you have some good resources. My daughter’s favourite is https://www.yellowladybugs.com.au/

    Turn I loved looking at those pictures and appreciating the good design of a small space, as well as beautiful wood.

    Thin, watching The Lion King sounds like such a wonderful night out! Yes, lovely Britishness in that information.
    Thanks for letting me off the responsibility of deciding your next home 😀

    I am trying to keep to my very small meals (size of my fisted hand) and indeed, every time I am too indulgent I regret it. But Oh dear my brain is so wired for indulgence. I am looking at my summer wardrobe and hoping vanity and the pleasure of wearing those beautiful clothes will keep me behaving sensibly. Plus I can get back to some 5:2ing now.

    We have had a couple of summer-clothes days… temperatures in the mid thirties, but it has been cool today with gentle rain. My garden is so happy!

    Best wishes all

    Thin Miss GDay has Autism not ADHD, they are very different conditions. Cinque thanks for the link, I was already aware of Yellow Lady Bugs and signed up for emails etc. I have to wait for all the reports and paperwork from the hospital before I can apply for services with Autism SA who will then be able to help me navigate the nightmare of NDIS, so it will be several months before we can start those processes.

    Arrived back home again yesterday from the last of our Adelaide trips for this year, this time it was for 3 days. We took time out for fun stuff such as an Escape Room, were not very good at these but we have fun. Also went to all the free stuff, the Art Gallery, the Migration Museum, the SA Museum and the Botanic Gardens. Was very disappointed at the Gardens as there were 2 main sections I wanted to show Miss GDay, one was shut down for maintenance and the other has an art exhibition placed in the display, so what would normally be a free area to visit is now $40 to go in for the duration of the exhibition, given we were on a tight budget we didn’t go in.

    We also went to the Vale Gardens and the Himeji Garden (Japanese gardens) in the city which were both beautiful but we were absolutely blown away by the Japanese gardens – so peaceful and tranquil and beautifully designed. And of course ice cream and food treats were aplenty. Although I will be giving Haiges Chocolates a miss from now on – they are way too expensive now, $4 each for a small round peppermint filled chocolate. I nearly had a heart attack at the checkout.

    So now its back to the strict healthy eating routine so I can drop the unwanted kilos. The warmer weather will help as there isn’t the need for warm comfort foods and salads are so appealing. I’m nearly 24 hours into a 48 plus hour fast, a good way to kick off getting back into my good routines.

    Because I’ve been so busy lately I’ve been pushing my eating window to later and later each day which isn’t good so after my fast I’m changing my eating window to 8am to noon each day. Miss GDay has finished school for the year so I don’t have to work around her online school routine which makes things easier when organising meals.

    Happy Monday everyone.

    Ooops, the downside of skim reading everyone’s non-fasty bits and trying to commit them all to a dodgy memory before responding. Of course they’re two different diagnoses – but with an intriguingly high comorbidity and overlapping characteristics.

    It felt odd to change my FDs to Mon/Th but I’m back to my normal Sun/Weds routine. I’d forgotten how easily the two FDs allow for indiscretions on the other five days. But I’d rather not get into that pattern, preferring 6:1 with good eating habits on the other six days.

    We had a wild weekend with Storm Bert. The boat took a knocking in the 59mph winds but we stayed warm and dry. Blue skies this morning and the sun is trying to shine.

    Hello friends, we are having a wonderful time on our trip. Venice was as beautiful as we remembered and I actually cried when we left. We are on our scenic river cruise now; Budapest was stunning with such a haunting history. Today we are in Vienna.

    All I know is the diet I will need when we return will be epic! Until then I will enjoy every delicious mouthful

    I hope every is doing ok, more news soon

    Morning all

    Anzac, your trip sounds amazing. I hope the rest of it goes well.

    Thin, great that you made it through the storm. I saw footage on our news of a plane trying to land, and it had to give up because it was getting knocked sideways as it was trying to come down.

    Gday, sounds like you’re enjoying yourself as well. I agree about the time of year helping. The cost of fresh fruit and veggies was starting to bite over the colder months, but prices have started falling now. Cucumbers, celery and tomatoes especially. I’ve whipped up a batch of hummus, so snacks are now going to be veggies and hummus for a while. My older boy was diagnosed as being on the Austism spectrum a couple of years back, it opened up a lot of support services for him which have really helped.

    Cinque, I think I’m going to try to take a leaf out of your book and try smaller meals in the evening for a while. I don’t have your issue, but I do eat more than a third of my day’s calories in the evening and I often feel a bit uncomfortable.

    I’ve been busy doing garden stuff recently, and I’ve been spring cleaning the garage and storage area under our house. It’s that time of year I guess. Well my weigh-in is tomorrow, so I’ll check in then. Have a good one everyone.

    Anzac, lovely to hear from you. You have given me some inspiration to investigate those European scenic river cruises. I think LJ has also done one of these.

    Neil, Cinque, I think smaller portions are key. Old habits are hard to kill.

    Thin – I really recommend it. All the other fellow cruisers are lovely and the staff literally can’t do enough for you

    I experienced my first ever lock yesterday. Fascinating and my non-engineering brain can’t get my head around the mechanics of it all 😀

    Morning, bit disappointing, my weight was back up the kilo I lost last week. Back to the grind of trying to get it down.

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