psoriasis much improved

This topic contains 65 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by  mrtea57 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Over the years I have tried all sorts of creams, including steroid creams, which never really helped. I used to get large patches of itchy sore skin over my legs and smaller patches on my  arms. I used to wake myself up scartching and sore. I have just used Aveeno as a moisturiser, started the 5:2 and within days, noticed an improvement. This has continued over the weeks to the point where I can now where a skirt without tights, unthinkable before I started this diet. I am delighted. the angry itchy sore patch the size of a 10p is now very hard to see.

    I’m very interested to hear that your psoriasis has improved, I do hope it continues to improve. I have psoriatic arthritis and the psoriasis is playing up a little just now. I’ve started the fast diet today so will let you all know how I and the psoriasis gets on!

    I have noticed changes also – I have had psoriasis all my adult years – thankfully not chroniclly bad but bad enough to be irritating and embarassing at times. Since I started on the the 5:2 6 months ago it has gradully cleared up and now I am almost completely free of the horrible condition.

    Hi Cal,It will be interesting to see if there is any improvement in your skin and arthritis. I hope there is!

    Hi Jon, That is great to hear Jon. I can’t quite believe it either. I just found that steroid creams made little difference and my skin has never been this good. I am delighted.


    Hi Annette, Fasting coupled with regular exercise has helped me mentally and reduced my stress levels and i think that as stress is an accepted trigger for psoriasis this may explain the improvement. Whatever the reason isn’t it just great to feel happy about how your skin looks and feels for a change? I have also lost 26 lbs in weight which has also helped my self esteem!! no going back!!

    Hi Jon, Wow well done on losing 26lbs. I am now up to 16lb and got into some old jeans-very, very pleased.I have plenty of stress here with 4 young men, the trickiest is a complete joy(not) of 16 years. The only thing in my life that has changed is IF.I am delighted with the weight loss and the added bonus of the skin improvement.

    Very interesting to read of the improvement of your psoriasis. I was advised to try a diet last year devised by an arthritis consultant, it did the job but was quite a hard regime to continue.
    I lost just over a stone, which was nice, but as it was beginning to creep on again I decided to do this diet to maintain my loss. I hope I get the same results as you seem to be getting. That would be a huge bonus esp. as I’m only doing one day a week.

    Hi pamj,
    Sorry missed your post in the torrent of postings!My psoriasis has all gone. How are you getting on?

    Hi Annette52

    Glad to hear your psoriasis has improved. I have psoriatic arthritis and it has been playing up lately, I started on Monday and am looking forward to see how my condition will improve.

    Hi LouB,
    I am completely cured. I hope that you will be too. I simply noticed that there was a steady improvement over the weeks until all of the patches disappeared and stayed away.

    So pleased to hear about your psorasis dissappearin and hope it happens to me . I have just started plan this weekxx

    Hi Annette52 and all you other psoriasis sufferers (and ex-sufferers). I also have had psoriasis since age 28, small patches, but so-ooo itchy, on knees and back of neck at scalp line, with a couple of more major breakouts over the years. The last couple of days I realized it has been gone for about 3 months, along with arthritis (possibly psoriatic, I’m not sure). Kind of amazing, considering it has “no known cure”.
    Oh yes, that coincides with when I started 5:2 3 months ago. I wonder what’s going on, any ideas?

    Hello Everyone,
    Since starting the 5:2 in January my psoriasis has gone…completely.
    It is also interesting that I had a small flare up during the month break that I had from the 5:2 (pre and post half marathon). My scalp was particularly bad then.

    I usually at this time of year have large patches on my legs and arms…I have one teeny patch and that is all.

    Mulville that is fantastic news and quite a coincidence!Mine must be a co incidence too.

    Hi dizzydi keep us posted on what happens with you. We may have another coincidence on our hands!

    Hi Annette
    I’m just wondering, aside from 5:2, have you changed your diet in terms of what you eat?
    I’ve been low carb, but won’t pass up any tempting sweet that comes my way. I’m still (happily)
    puzzled by the psoriasis disappearance. One less thing.

    Hi Mulville
    No I still eat cake and puddings!

    I had showed my GP my skin before I started the 5:2, nothing was making any difference to my skin at all. I was just using Aveeno moisturizing lotion, but realized that my skin was getting better and I was using less and less of the cream.

    I showed my GP my skin and also my far slimmer self at the end of the summer. She was amazed at the size of me and my skin.

    I am just very very happy that my skin is so fabulous.I am convinced that the psoriasis improvement is linked to the action of fasting.

    Hi all, I’m in the fourth week of the diet and seeing good improvements with psoriasis.

    Could it be that, if only for 2 days a week, I’m eating less starchy carbs and eating much more broccoli and drinking much more water?

    I’m consuming occasional beer, bread, dairy and caffeine on non-fast days – all of which I thought were part cause of psoriasis – but I’m still seeing improvements.

    I do wonder if it may be the fasting itself doing the good, perhaps by forcing the body to repair other things rather than the skin (patches are caused by the skin over-repairing itself). It may be apocryphal but I’ve heard that some holocaust survivors lost all psoriasis whilst in concentration camps. I always thought it was because they were not getting the particular food that triggers it for them, but perhaps it was the near starvation itself.

    Strange how there’s another thread that suggests the diet may have been the trigger their newly developed psoriasis (or ‘the heartbreak’ as its sometimes known).

    Hi Twiggy
    Great to hear you are improving, I imagine you’ve read the other reports about how some of us
    have psoriasis that has cleared up. It’s starting to sound like just giving our bodies a needed break
    may be what’s happening. A lot of people could be helped if that’s the case.

    I have lost 20 lbs in 4 months and just recently noted that my psoriasis is almost gone. It was mild, but I used to take daily Vitamin A (10000 IU) to control it. Still, almost always had a patch on my knee. I wonder if IGF 1 levels have something to do with causing psoriasis. Will have to research that

    Wow! Well done on the 20 lb loss in 4 months.

    It is interesting to hear that there are improvements.I just assumed that the fasting allowed the body to repair the skin that was affected. How is your research?

    I also have psoriatic arthritis (age 66). Had not thought about this diet having any effect on the arthritis, but really interesting reading these posts. Have only been doing this about three weeks, and will start taking note of any difference in the arthritis. Am on humira injections 3 years.

    I have found two articles related to IGF-1 and psoriasis. The first was published in Nature by an Australian group, reference is
    Nature Biotechnology 18, 521 – 526 (2000)

    This study used mice and inhibited the receptor for IGF 1 using “oligosense nucleotides” which improved their psoriatic plaques.

    The second study was done at the US NIH. It can be easily found on the web using google. They measured IGF 1 and another hormone in plaques of psoriasis patients before and after treatment with methotrexate and found significant decreases after treatment.

    My take on this (I am a physician) is that IGF is likely related to the cause of psoriasis, although neither of these studies actually proves that. As to whether or not it would help psoriatic arthritis, that would depend on a lot of factors, but thanks to suefrocks (above) for finding this thread and doing her own research on the issue. I will be very interested in how things go as you start to experience the changes which result from fasting. We are now five and a half months into this, and both my wife and I are continuing to feel really good about the routine of decreased eating. We are not only losing weight, but changing our dietary habits on non-fast days. My athletic endeavours, which I thought were coming to an end due to age (I am 67) are having a bit of a resurgence. I’m feeling really good on longer runs and bike workouts. I have yet to explore Michael’s idea of HIT.

    Hi All

    I’ve just started on the fast diet (second week) and have chronic plaque psorasis all over my body. Havent noticed a change as yet in my skin condition in either quantity or redness. I currently use a combo of moisturisers and steriod creams from dermatology consultant at my local hospital

    Just wanted to get peoples experience of when they started to see improvement in their psorasis ?

    started the programme really just with the intention to lose weight but am now feeling hopeful it might also help my psorasis!

    I noticed over the first few weeks that I wasn’t needing to apply the moisturizer every day and that my skin was improving first of all in the level of itch, and then appearance. I just thought that I would see how things went. Eventually I realized that I hadn’t bought moisturizer for months and my skin was perfect.

    It will be interesting to see if there is a difference after a couple of months.I hope that you have an improvement in your skin. Keep us posted.


    I have mild psorasis and been on the 5 2 diet now for 6 months. Whilst I was optimistic that the diet would help, I would have to say that after 6 months the most honest thing I could say is that there is no change (good or bad).

    So whilst this is disappointing, I have lost over 10kgs, bouts of sleep apnea have gone, snoring is less and I enjoy the new set of clothes I had to buy! Even feel better generally.

    Kind Regards,

    Very positive results re: psoriasis.
    My husband and I have been 5:2-ing since the beginning of the year.
    My husband’s psoriasis has been getting steadily worse since we met, nearly 20 years ago. This time last year, his psoriasis was angry and covering half his body. He was on an alarming dose of methotrexate, which had to all intents, stopped working.
    In about October, my husband was put on another drug, but the flare up he experienced from stopping taking the methotrexate was awful. The other drug stopped his skin and hair from growing much at all. Wounds stopped healing and his thick head of hair started looking very thin. His psoriasis became very flaky, but in time did not itch as much.
    In January we started the 5:2 to lose weight, also tempted by the health benefits, but unaware of the positive feedback with ref’ to psoriasis.
    Very quickly, my husband’s psorasis started to look better. We were unsure if the new drug
    had just started to kick in, or whether it might be linked to the diet. About 6 weeks ago, having lost about 1.5 stones, fed up with the lack of healing (he had some sports inflicted skin injuries that would not heal), my husband stopped taking the new drug. However, the psoriasis continued to improve. He is now maintaining his weight, doing 5:2, sometimes 6:1, but his psoriasis has not been better in 20 years. The weight loss may well be linked, and time will help us to work out how much the fast diet is tied up with this experience, but whatever it is, the results are pretty remarkable. If you have psoriasis, we would strongly urge you to give this a try!

    My name is Stu, ive had psoriasis since I was 5 years old, I started taking a drug called acetretin 10 years ago , its an oral drug, I take 40mg thats 4 capsules a day, most of my skin has cleared over the last two to three weeks but I put it down to a permanant fast of 600 calories a day, I am sure doing this extreme diet has worked as a detox and a means of loosing a lot of weight quite quickly
    I intend to start the five two diet in the next few months, I did try it at the begining of the year but with little sucsess! I think I may of been over eateing on my non fast days, anyway thats where I am at the moment, I find, the 600 calorie diet is susstainable for the time being and is a means to an end, and probably at the start of july I will start the 5 2 diet


    Hi Stu, as noted above, I found the fast diet didn’t alter my psoriasis one way or the other.
    So for 3 weeks of fasting, how much psoriasis did you start with and how much do you have now?
    Are you still on meds?

    I would be interested in going on a 600 calories per day fast with a number of others for 3-4 weeks to do a little experiment with a before and after result.

    Anyone else interested in doing a (hard) experiment and losing 6 kg roughly during the process?


    I have re-read the posts on this topic from the beginning, and it seems to me that most found an improvement in psoriasis from 5:2. BUT, it takes time. I continue to be free of plaques, itching etc. I have religiously followed 5:2 since Aug 16, 2013. Lost about 20 lbs and, to my surpise, have maintained that weight despite continuing the diet. Is there some sort of “set point” which the body will not cross? Regardless, psoriasis is a thing of the past.

    Stu – it sounds to me like you have not really been able to follow 5:2 for any prolonged period and have now progessed to a 600 calorie diet every day. While I understand that this may be sustainable for you, as a physician I worry about ill effects of prolonged calorie restriction and rapid weight loss. I would suggest that you get expert guidance before continuing. My own experience is that slow and steady wins the race. I would suggest at least 6 months of 5:2 before you come to judgement about the positive/negative effect on psoriasis. It is a lifestyle, and after a few months you just grow into it and it’s not so hard.

    I am encouraged by all the interest in this topic, and hope that everyone continues to share their experience.

    Hi Rocke,
    I am on my 7th Month and have hit a set point also. However, for me psoriasis is still an an issue and given others successes, I am wondering if it there is something else in my diet causing it. What intrigued me with Stu’s experience is that being on a very controlled diet for 3-4 weeks would help answer the question for me and perhaps others.

    I am not a physician, but am science trained. What attracted me to 5:2 was that it was backed up by proper research. Given the number on the list and what one could enlist, I thought it might be interesting / fun to do a small experiment to provide something more than anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of calorie restriction on psoriasis. Any experiment would have to be medically supervised, of course.

    Do you think this would be a worthwhile exercise?


    Hi Philip
    I am still on the oral med and also I apply some Dermovate once a week to the areas, but to be quite honest its just about cleared up completely,
    they main reason for the diet primeraly was to loose weight, and ive managed to loose just over two stone in five weeks but could of lost a lot more had I not cheated, eating Carbs at my daughters engagement party
    but heho I started again last week and have dropped another ten pounds since sunday

    the 600 calorie diet I am following is called slim and save! Very similar to lighter life but half the cost


    Philip and Stu and anyone else who is reading this – Philip asks if I think it is a worthwhile exercise. My feeling is yes if it is done properly. Simply getting people who are reading this thread to agree to something (like permanent 600 calorie diet for a fixed time period) without having data about other medical conditions, drug therapy, specific demographics about age, smoking, alcohol etc. I could go on and on, and other things like outcome measures would not really prove much. Medical research and “studies” are prone to all sorts of problems in interpretation even when done by a team of people with support from statisticians and laboratories. Without that infrastructure, it become a nightmare to do it. I hope that Michael monitors these posts and can comment on my feeling about this. Also, given the anecdotal evidence that is coming out of this thread, I think it would be worthwhile presenting the idea to an academic researcher with the tools and support to carry out such a study. I would hope that Michael would know where to take this.

    My other concern about having people on 600 cal/day for weeks/months is that it really does change your metabolism and, depending on your age/general health could put some people into a state of malnutrition, acidosis and other undesirable situations. In short, to radically change your diet (as opposed to 5:2 which in my mind is not radical and safe for just about anybody) is not something I would support without close medical supervision. If any individual wants to give it a try and has the support and help of their physician, I think that’s fine. I think it would take some careful planning in terms of the types of foods you eat (whereas with 5:2 you only have to count calories) and for some people it could be not advisable at all.

    I hope that helps.


    Hi all,
    I’ve been watching this thread and agree that someone should test this clinically. My husband had tried so many mainstream and alternative treatments to calm down his psoriasis, and as above, apart from the scarring, he now has no signs of it. We think it is the 5:2, but it would be valuable to know for sure. We have commited to the 5:2 as a lifestyle, but if/when the psoriasis creeps back, we will need clues to know what approach to take to control it again.
    We will give any support we can to any research, official or less structured.

    Just to re cap, I am 55 I have been suffering from psoriasis since I was 5 yrs old, ive used a variety of creams , lotoons and potions. I have been on 600 calorie diets on and off for the last six years, everytime I go on these diets, my skin condition completely clears up, what more can I say ? Yes I am still taking the oral medication, but that only lessend my condition, it never ever eradicated it as the diet has done


    Hello All, I’m very new to the 5:2. Read the book a few months ago and just about to start on my first fast day. I’ve been very interested in reading the posts regarding psoriosis. I’ve been suffering from psoriosis for a good number of years now. I have two very large patches on each knee and a smaller one on my elbow. The patches on my knees were very itchy and very painful and none of the creams prescribed by my doctor helped at all, some made my discomfort even worse. After some research and experiments of my own for self help, I eventually concocted a mixture of turmeric, cod liver oil and Sudocrem, and found it vastly improved both my discomfort and the severity of the patches, although did not completely take the psoriosis away. I’m now very interested in seeing how the 5:2 affects my psoriosis. I’ve been heavily into diet and nutrition for about 12 years now, I’m a fan of LCHF, but find any kind of restriction difficult to maintain, and have been thinking of the 5:2 for some time now, as it seems IF has a similar affect to LCHF and is very good for fat burning.

    Hi Rocke and Stu,

    Been thinking through and chatting with a few doctors. My guess is that enough volunteers and preliminary evidence it should be possible to contact the research community by simply following the links in the referenced papers. An issue that we may face, is that diet and lifestyle based approaches are unlikely to attract research funds as there is no drug development and something to sell at the end of the studies. Recent treatments are very expensive and restricted to severe cases.

    Prior to taking up peoples time, however, to do properly experimentation it will take quite some discipline for participating volunteers to partake in an experiment where you fast for a month or something like that. Before participating, you might like to know the odds that it could work or not. Similarly, it will be an easier sell to a research group if there are a statistically valid number of ready and waiting research volunteers with some case history.

    So I am doing a bit of a guinea pig on myself, as the Fast Diet has had no change on my psoriasis. What I am looking to do is remove as many controllable risk factors from my environment to see if this makes a difference. For example, for the last couple of weeks I have moved to fasting 2.5 times a week – and if nothing improves I will switch to full alternate day fasting. If this doesn’t work, I will take the extra hard yards and stop drinking for a month. Hopefully between then and now, stress factors in my work may have abated and I am no longer overweight – and my disease goes into remission. I don’t smoke and I exercise.

    Basically I think if enough people can “tweak” their lifestyle factors in a doable way and a group of interested people with enough case histories it may help to attract researchers.

    If people think this is a good idea, I am happy to set up a wiki where people can document their experiences and hopefully through a group process of trial and error come up with a doable set of lifestyle changes that warrant a bigger trial.


    Hi all,

    Below is an extract from the Daily Telegraph (UK) a few days ago, about fasting for 2 or 3 concurrent days…

    “It gives the ‘OK’ for stem cells to go ahead and begin proliferating and rebuild the entire system,” said Prof Valter Longo, Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the University of California.

    “And the good news is that the body got rid of the parts of the system that might be damaged or old, the inefficient parts, during the fasting.

    “Now, if you start with a system heavily damaged by chemotherapy or ageing, fasting cycles can generate, literally, a new immune system.”

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks very much for posting this. The source paper this link refers to is fabulously interesting. As per the original BBC documentary, Prof Longo is trialling extended (72 hr) fasts. On this occasion, however, this is repeated each week for an 8 week period. The paper indicates shorter (24 hr) fasts fail to elicit immune system regeneration effects.

    My GP has given me the OK to run a self-experiment where I significantly reduce my alcohol intake (mostly to zero if I can) and start each week with a 3 day x 600 calorie diet for 8 weeks and see how this affects my psoriasis. Work permitting I will also get blood tests done to see how this changes, in addition to monitoring my skin condition. Obviously, if I was being completely hard core, I would only have a miso-soup each day during the fast – but I will try the easier option first.

    Will let you know how the experiment goes.

    Hi Folks, my 1st post on this forum which I’ve just found. Having just (quickly) skimmed through all the posts on this thread, I find this very interesting and relevant to me. Like most of you, I also have psoriasis (psoriatic arthritis, in my case) and I’ve been convinced that it is mainly stress-related. As with many of you, I’ve found that all the strong medications (like Daivonex) have little, or no, effect; or only work for a couple of hours before the plaques return. I’ve had it now since 1988 (26 years). However I have noticed major changes when I am stressed (the worst was when I lost access to my two children, and most of my possessions, after a protracted & bitter divorce). Stressful (and dangerous) work environments have also played havoc with my psoriasis, as have the 5 (relatively mild) heart attacks that I’ve had since my marriage separation, 12 years ago.

    Now that I’m fully retired, over 2 years ago, and have regained regular access with my kids, my psoriasis has settled down considerably. I now only have 4 plaques, the largest being 4cm / 1 ½ inches (previously I’ve been covered in dozens of plaques, up to 8cm / 3″ in diameter.

    It was my heart surgeon who put me on to this 5:2 Diet, 4 weeks ago, and so far I’ve lost 2.2kgs / 5lb11oz, which I’m quite happy with, especially considering that I’m not permitted to do any serious exercise, due to my very low (heart) ejection fraction (23%) and atrial fibrillation. As I become stronger I hope to get back into my regular, daily walks.

    Armed with this information, I’ll also watch closely to see what happens to my own psoriasis on the 5:2 Diet. However I can say, with some certainty from my own experience, that everything is ‘connected’. Stress is connected with ill-health; ill-health is connected with poor diet; lack of exercise is connected with ill-health, poor diet is connected with obesity, and so on.

    With poor diet, lack of exercise and considerable stress, I’ve watched as my whole body has slowly broken down (over several years). Let’s see how this 5:2 Diet helps me return to ‘semi-normal’, because I’m starting to feel a bit better already!

    Hi and welcome to 5:2 Aussie:

    Here are some tips for those just starting 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    Thanks simcoeluv, all most helpful. I haven’t felt cold yet (although spring has just sprung here), but I have felt a bit ‘agro’ at times, which can happen on any diet. Cheers.

    Thanks everyone for your interesting posts. I have had psoriasis since my mid teens,37 years ago but have been controlling it effectively through diet for about 30 years. For me,not eating meat and eating unprocessed food most of the time has been key. I also moisturised affected areas with E45 twice daily. I am on the fast diet and it has been easy (20 lbs since the end of April) with another 7 lbs to go. So happy to hear that people are getting great improvements with this diet.

    Hello Cal and everyone else on this thread. I too am starting (1st fast day tomorrow). I have had psoriasis on my hands, legs, up my arms and underarms. I tried the juicing diet and noticed an improvement, but was very hard to maintain. My dermatologist says diet is not related to psoriasis at all… but I find it improves when I cut out certain things. So, I am very pleased to see all the positive comments on here… will keep my itchy fingers crossed. Oh and I am on Stelara injections every 3 months, but feel it is not working as well now.

    Miss LuLu, I am also starting tomorrow, and also have psoriasis. Please post your progress, I would love to share journeys. This thread is an unexpected bonus – I am starting 5:2 for weight loss, mental clarity and to resolve emotional eating – it didn’t occur to me that it might heal my skin also!

    Hello Miss Lulu and truegem,
    Do give it a go! I’m sure there are people it works for and others for whom it doesn’t, but you don’t know until you’ve tried.
    My husband (as in previous posts) has suffered from severe psoriasis over the years since his early 20s (he is now in has mid 50s). We started the 5:2 in Jan with remarkably good results.
    However, we had both got a bit bored of it by the summer and the BBQs and ice creams got the better of us. We got worse at sticking to it and hardly stuck to the ‘way of life’ over the childrens’ summer holidays. My husband’s psoriasis started to come back with vengeance. We have both been back on the 5:2 since the children have been back at school, and again, the positive results are remarkable. My husband’s psoriasis has calmed down dramatically since the beginning of Sept, now, having almost gone again.
    I hope you have similar results!

    Hi Folks & welcome to truegem72 and Miss Lulu. It’s been almost 3 weeks since my last posts on this forum and almost 6 weeks since I commenced the 5:2 Diet, so I thought I’d provide a progress report.

    On the positive side, I’ve already lost 4.2 kilograms (9lbs 5ozs), 2 centimetres (almost 1 inch) from around my waist, and 1 cm (approx. 1/2 inch) from around my neck. My blood sugar levels have dropped from 8.2 to 5.5 mmol/L (on waking), which is terrific. I’m feeling better, have more energy, and am not as short of breath as I was one month ago (note that I also have several other medical issues, such as AF, arthritis, sleep apnoea and NIDD, etc.).

    On the other hand, while one psoriatic plaque has improved (gone from flaky skin to red patches), another plaque has become worse (gone from red patches to flaky skin).

    So, for me, I am very happy with the 5:2 diet and subsequent results, including a general overall wellness; but the jury is still out, regarding improvements for psoriasis. Nevertheless I’ll continue with it & report back again in a few weeks’ time.

    One curious observation that I’ve made – and I wonder whether anyone else has observed this – is that when I weigh myself the morning after a fasting day, I always weigh more than the day before! However the next morning, 2 days later, is when I first notice the weight loss from the fasting day. That’s probably why they say: not to weigh yourself every day!!! 🙂 Cheers.

    I haven’t tried the 5:2 Diet, but I came across this thread, and I’m very interested in trying it.

    I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I’ve seen great improvements on day three of two recent water fasts, but the improvements quickly faded again once I start eating. During both fasts, one for three days and one for five days, the improvements came on the third day.

    I’m now on a strict vegan diet, only eating nutrient dense foods. No caffeine, alcohol, sugar, refined flours, no nightshade plants, limited cereal grains, etc. (I read that these things can cause trouble for some people.)

    I was going to do alternating-day calorie restriction, but I might try a 5:2 pattern instead.

    Does anyone have any updates about how your psoriasis is doing on this diet?

    Hi Calr,

    Your are being very disciplined! Given what you are doing shouldn’t have too much trouble with 5:2.

    After a couple of years on the diet I have had no change to my psoriasis except when I recently did a few self experiments under Dr supervision using topical anti-biotic creams and for a short time pills (under the theory, like ulcers, there may be bacterial inflammation aspect to the condition).

    Kind Regards,

    Hello Everyone,
    I had no idea when I started this thread on 25/5/13, that there would be so many people that had been affected and would also notice an improvement. My scalp is rarely a problem and apart from the very occasional and very small patch that doesn’t last long without any prescribed drugs, I have been free from sore flaky itching skin.

    My overall diet has changed and I wonder if having less sugar in my diet is a factor. Fasting twice a week not only reduced the sweet stuff twice a week but also started to change my diet on non fast days when I noticed that I felt better on NFD. In January 2015 I saw a programme about how much caffeine was in tea and was horrified that I was drinking 7/8 mugs a day. Overnight I reduced this to 3 mugs a day and as a result cut my sugar consumption by 35 tsp/week.

    As a result, I noticed that my desire for the sweet stuff was reducing and I was no longer hiding chocolate or scoffing ice cream on the quiet.Months passed and I decide to stop that single tsp in my tea. There was a week of moaning and wailing but after a week I got used to it and haven’t had any sugar in my tea since.

    I have reduced the hidden sugar in my diet and no longer buy jar tomato sauces after I discovered Robert Lustig-Fat Chance,the hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease. My diet then changed to one that included wholemeal pasta, brown rice, increased seeds/nuts/legumes and essentially tried to eat wholefoods and I felt much better.

    In recent months I have been interested in the eating more of the ‘good fat’ and less carbohydrates, to see how I felt and whether there was any difference in this poor old body. I have always loved avocado, salmon and nuts so that has been easy. I bought a butter dish and ditched the low fat spread, make my own yoghurt from full fat milk( very easy-just need a thermometer and a thermos flask) and now only buy full fat milk.

    My skin is even better. Although I lost 3 inches off my waist in the first year of the 5:2 and the most weight, my body has continued to change and become trimmer. The really interesting thing for me was that in last couple of months eating more fat and less rice/pasta/bread less often, I have lost another inch off my waist.

    I am sure that fasting is responsible for many health improvements, so why not skin?

    Hi calr,

    Have just read a little bit on psoriasis which is always a dangerous thing. If you are getting an improvement after 3 days then it may be related to the amount of glucose you have. But you say you are a strict vegan with no sugar. Perhaps you need to try a ketogenic diet which may be very difficult if youre vegan! Are you on a vegan diet for health reasons or philosophical reasons? What about fats from cheese and milk? Where are you getting the bulk of your protein from?

    Most cells are able to use two energy substrates, glucose and ketone bodies. The modern lifestyle and eating habits means that VERY rarely does one rely on ketones for energy. We are always glucose topped up. This means that when cells undergo autophagy they are replaced by cells that are well adapted to run on glucose. This makes perfect sense. Since you have psoriasis you may want to try and develop cells that are well adapted to running on ketone bodies. The only way of doing this is to go for a ketogenic diet or to regularly water fast AND keep sugar and any grain based foods to ZERO. It will take about 2-3 months before your liver is able to access fats easily and for you to run well on ketones. Once you start doing this autophagy will ensure that cells that are good at running on glucose will be killed off first and cells that are good at running on ketones will be preferentially replicated.

    It has taken me a full 9 months but I now am able to water fast with ridiculous ease. Where as it would take me a full 60 hours to enter ketosis I now enter a ketotic state after 24 hours. I only do 6:1 and the one fast day is water. In fact I have to make sure I eat enough to maintain a constant weight and not lose any more. I water fast for health benefits, not to lose weight. My only psoriasis was when I was a child and on my right shin during winter as an adult. It is very mild though. Since doing 5:2 and now 6:1 I have not had a return of psoriasis on my shin, but winter has only started and we shall see what happens.

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