Pain and imobility

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Couscous 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi I am unable to exercise for physical reasons. I have lost nearly 3 stone I am now stuck. I want to lose more weight so I can have knees replacements…any ideas? Also my sister is very ill so I am involved in her care. I am struggling a bit to maintain my enthusiasm…but the pain in my knees keeps bringing back on track Megan

    Hi meganhart

    You’ve probably already thought of swimming; where perhaps you don’t use your legs so much (if it hurts them at the time or later on) and concentrate on your arms?

    Did you lose all your 3 stone on the fast diet? If so that’s fantastic. Try not to get demoralised; you have a really worthwhile goal for your weight loss.

    Not only will you lose more weight and become more healthy inside but you will be able to have your knees replaced.

    Hi Meganhart, I’m so sorry that you are in so much pain, and your sister is so ill. you certainly have a lot to deal with.

    Loosing 3 stone is amazing! I agree with PreciousBooBoo. probably the best think to try is water exercises. nice warm water, good for taking the pressure off the knees,and the warmth should help with pain.
    wishing you good luck and please let us know how you are doing.

    Hi meganhart

    Are you out there reading this post?

    You never came back to your post and so were unable to get any much needed support/encouragement from us – let us know how you are doing.

    +1 PBB, where are you Megan? Keep us posted! And like said, 3 stone is amazing weightloss already and hitting a plateau after losing all that weight is common. Keep going strong! If you tell us a bit more about your regimen maybe we can offer some pointers where you may tweak it a bit to keep the loss going again!

    Hi meganhart, Like other posters I hope you give us an update. As you can see from our responses to your post we are very supportive of you and your issues. You seem very focused on your weight issues while having the additional responsibilities of being involved in supporting your sister while having health issues yourself. You have our support and admiration for your response to the challenges you have.
    In respect of your concerns about being stuck re your weight loss-just keep on with what you are doing, hopefully it is the 5:2 diet but we can give help and support whatever your diet. You are not alone. Your weight will eventually start to go down again.
    If you have been reading any of the posts on this forum you will see that we are non judgemental, recognise that we are all different and that we support each other despite the fact that many thousands of miles can and do separate us posters.
    Please post again and good luck with your life and your sister.

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