Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years ago.

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  • Good Morning!

    Oh Salma….glad to hear you made it home safely, but sorry to hear that your luggage did not! Also, another cold? That almost always happens to me when I fly. That horrible airplane air……ugh. Take care and get well!

    Kind of a busy day today. 1st week of the month is usually more hectic. I’m glad as it will make the time go faster. This is my last full week before being on vacation for 10 days……woohoo!!

    Scale is back down to my low, but hasn’t dipped any further. Maybe this week?

    Take care all!

    So glad you made it home safely, Salma! I’m always so relieved when we get back safely. Sorry about the luggage and the cold…..

    Lori, good luck with your busy week!!!

    We hosted a retirement luncheon today–first one we’ve had. I was worried there wouldn’t be enough food but of course there was…and of course I ate it, haha. It was a chicken enchilada casserole. Very yummy. My weekend was average for eating but we did get some hiking in yesterday at Biltmore. I feel I’m doing better on that end, which is mainly for toning, not weight loss of course. Bummer….

    I’m rather concerned about our son. He let us know he’s been feeling depressed for over a month and he’s been sleeping a lot and is exhausted. I have lined up for him to talk with a counselor in the weeks that he is home. He doesn’t believe it’s physical but we should probably look into it. I hate that helpless feeling when kids are getting older but still not really adult in any true sense.

    carolinacatz, I’m going to butt in here on the depression thing. Yes, you should indeed look into the physical while starting counseling. As you surmise, there are plenty of other things that can look like depression.

    I’m throwing out one more thing to look at. For years, I suffered from insomnia. I was taking sleeping pills and still not sleeping. My husband saw something on line about a device that stimulates serotonin and dopamine and is used for insomnia, anxiety and depression. I called my sleep doc and he said sure try it. I started using it in December 2014…and haven’t touched sleeping pills since. It’s called the Fisher Wallace stimulator and there’s lots of information at fisherwallace.com. I have NO affiliation with this company. I just figure if it worked that well on my insomnia, it might be useful for your son’s depression….if that’s what it is.

    Good luck. My mother suffered with depression for decades.

    Oh dear Salma, Those plane trips are perfect for picking up a virus, but I hope this one is very short and doesn’t get to your chest. Do cold and flu tablets work well for you? I feel they have saved me a hundred chest infections.

    I hope your suitcase turns up today.

    Lori this last work week will wizz by! I hope those scales give you a nice number this week! Finally!

    Catz, my heart goes out to you, and your son. I am so glad he could tell you what was wrong, and fingers crossed he can find his way though easily. It is a hard old life to journey through, and especially hard to see our children in difficulties, no matter how old they are. Sending best wishes.

    Your chicken enchilada casserole sounds mouthwatering! And I am glad you got some lovely hiking in! That was my favourite activity before I got too sick to do it, except we call it ‘bushwalking’.

    Hello K-Lo and everyone else!

    Welcome home Salma. Try that saline solution daily for the cold- doctors swear by it. How’s your first day of detox? Hopefully all those soups & juices help out with the cold!

    Lori , I’ve been dancing up & down a couple of pounds since my cleanse 2 weeks ago- extremely frustrating so I know how it goes. I get a taste of goal weight & try to eat semi normal ( I’m definitely not pigging out here!) and I start to gain again. I started back on a mini cleanse today of 4 days while my hubby & son go on a school trip to the state capital & San Francisco. Thinking of doing another toward the end of the month before I leave for Hawaii. I’m so afraid of a major gain his summer, not so much in Hawaii because I’ll be staying in our condo and will be able to control my meals easier, but rather while in Europe for 3 weeks πŸ˜–! How do you not eat pasta & gelato in Italy for goodness sake?! I know we’ll be walking a lot so hopefully that will help. My skinny sister was talking about weight this past weekend and said, ” I just lost 6 lbs. and I eat everything- I just eat less of it- it’s all portion control.” Of course it is….if I could only actually put that into daily practice.

    I had my first of 4 laser eyelid treatments today. Very warm but didn’t hurt. My eyebrows do look a bit,often (though not in a scary surprised looking way!). Obviously it’s supposed to be a cumulative benefit & new collagen is supposed to be stimulated & keep being generated for a while after treatments are done. They said you re-do the procedure every 3-6 months to maintain the benefits. We will see how it goes…

    Carolina, I hear you! So scary with our kids. Thank God he confided I you guys! I’m really hoping the root cause is found out soon! Parenting is tough- I don’t think you ever stop worrying about them. I think that’s in the job description! Keep us posted! 😘

    Have a good evening all!

    Btw, that was ” the eyebrows look a bit lifted”- not “often”!

    Good morning girls,

    My cold is still hanging around and has gone to my chest, but I am fighting back with all I i’ve got, so hopefully, it will feel as unwelcome as it is and will go away soon.

    CC.. my kids are nearing their thirties and i still worry about them. It is great that he has confided in you.. it is probably worry about his school work that is making him feel down or something with a girl. In any case, the fact that he feels you are a safe haven that he can go to is absolutely essential. They still ARE kids at heart (aren’t we all?). My eldest went through a tough time in college and wanted to drop out at various bits. He was unhappy to be away from home (although he had been looking forward to it) and almost quit college. In later years, as he was doing his graduate work, he was not sure this is what he had wanted to do.. etc. He developed many health conditions (insomnia being one). I think that getting it seen to medically (&/or counseling) is essential, but just the feeling that it is important to his parents and that he can ‘come home’ with his worries, in itself, is also important. Good luck, and do update us.

    Sherry, the detox has not started yet. I had misunderstood the dates. I think I start today or tomorrow, as yesterday was a Bank holiday here. I am sure I will moan about it here when I start πŸ™‚ I am happy you got the laser treatment.. I hope the results are fabulous.. do let me know.. I might be next in line!

    Lori & Sherry.. I know exactly how you feel about the up again down again weight. I think this is the body’s set point fighting back. You just have to keep plugging at it. I do also think that doing something entirely different for a couple of days or weeks shakes things up a bit. You might think about just maintaining for a couple of weeks and then re-starting? On the other hand, Sherry, I guess gelato & pizza in Italy is just that, so maybe leave it till then. You must not deprive yourself.. it is part of the experience but keep portions small. I am not sure that your sister is absolutely right though. Remember when my mother got really sick after they moved back here? She was very depressed and would not eat and slept all the time; she lost 12 Kgs in about 2 months, but now she is back to normal and has a very healthy appetite, but is not gaining any weight! She had had to struggle with maintaining a reasonable weight all her life (not fat, but a big girl), and now she is slim despite everything she eats. It is as if a ‘switch’ had been flipped somehow. I think the body is a complicated machine and many factors come into play. Often, we do everything ‘right’ and still gain or are unable to lose. For some of us, it is much harder than others (as we all know), so my advice is try everything, but try to keep the amounts to half what you would normally eat. Throw away the half cone, give someone else half your pizza, etc, but enjoy Italy/Europe with all your senses!!

    Have a great day everyone.. I am off to work feeling rather sick and miserable πŸ™


    Good Morning!

    CC..glad your son is coming to you with his feelings. I have nothing to add, but know this is a safe place to come and talk it out anytime you need to.

    Salma..sorry that you have to return to work feeling poorly. Perhaps you can get away early to go home and rest? I think your theory about shaking things up causing your body to release weight is spot on. This past weekend I had a number of dietary “indiscretions” and after 1 day back on plan, I have seen a new low this morning.

    Sherry..Salma is right. Enjoy Italy….ALL of Italy. That includes the food and wine and whatever. I plan to do the same thing on my cruise. I have no doubt that the scale will be up when I return home, but I will smile and remember the fun my sister and I had and then get on with losing the gain. I will take Salma’s advice and have the yummy food, but try to control the portion size.

    Another rainy day here. The sun did break thru for a couple hours late yesterday afternoon, but now we’re back to drizzle. We are crossing our fingers that the weather clears for Saturday when our son is getting married in a little outdoor ceremony at the home he shares with his fiance. So far, it looks like Saturday will be the best weather day of the week. This is the 2nd marriage for both of them so this will be a low key event. We will have the celebration & party in October when a bunch of us go to Key West Florida. That is our son’s favorite place so off we go! It will be a combined wedding party and retirement party for me!

    Enough of my rambling. Have the best day you can!

    Hi, guys!

    Thanks for the encouraging words and ideas about my son. I have been rather concerned about both of my kids this week. My daughter who is 12 has been getting out of breath when she runs or goes up the stairs. The thing is, she is very fit in most regards. So we’re going to her primary to get that checked out tomorrow. It’s weird after I’ve been having palpitations the past year. I have read that palpitations are more common with hormonal shifts, which we’re both going through.

    Today is fast day and I’m hoping to undo some of the damage of the retirement party and weekend.

    Lori, wow on your son’s wedding!! Enjoy.

    Salma, get better soon.

    Sherry, I agree that you must enjoy Italy. I think the walking will take care of a lot of it.

    K-Lo, yes I am going to try to get him to look at physical stuff. The increased sleeping/exhaustion is totally new and while I know that is a symptom of depression, it also sounds a little mono-like to me. Unfortunately, my family tends to have unusual symptoms so he might not have all the other stuff that goes with it but could still have mono. That would also explain PART of the down feeling. I guess that’s a best case scenario…..

    Cinque, I have another online friend in NZ and she calls hikes something different, too. I wish I could remember it!

    Just trying to get caught up around the house today. Yesterday, I was happy to get some feedback from the marketing work I do. I only work about one day a week, so sometimes I feel rather marginal. I go into the office on Wednesdays and do stuff at home on the other days. I should have an immaculate house but I’m terrible at that stuff!

    Hello ladies,

    I went into the office for a few hours, but came home early. I found the detox stuff waiting for me, so I guess, I have officially started the two week detox now. I have had to ‘cheat’ a little as I need to drink ginger/lemon/honey hot drink for my cold, but that is not altogether outside the liquid detox, is it? It will probably drive the total cal intake higher than planned, but I am feeling poorly.

    CC.. good luck with pinpointing what is ailing your son.. I feel for you.. what a worry. I hope you get to the bottom of why your daughter is getting out of breath. Does she have asthma or allergies? This is the season for it.

    Lori, I hope the weather for the wedding is brilliant, and more importantly, that he is happier with his choice the second time around. Do you like her? A friend once told me that when we start having feelings about someone, you should “dip them in a pool of family and friends” to see how they fare. Our family and friends sometimes know us better than we know ourselves. I have always remembered this advice.

    Sherry.. I will keep you updated on my first foray into detox. Let’s hope it shakes things up a bit and the scales are kinder.


    Yes, we love our son’s choice this time around. She is a lovely girl and fits right into our little family. She has a son and so does our son, funny thing is that both the boys have the exact same birthday, just one year apart!

    Lori.. I am so glad this is the case. The birthday situation is.. Serendipity?

    Ladies.. I came across this article which may explain why some of us struggle with weight loss and maintenance. It is not meant to depress anyone, but to win in a fight, you must know your opponent, no?


    Let me know what you think.

    WARNING: Rant ahead! Ok Salma, I just read your attached article and AM officially depressed. It explains a lot but makes me feel like it’s hopeless. It’s no wonder we gain and lose over and over again while others we know can seemingly eat without a care. Where’s Makica and her poop pill (for the newer members, a former contributor to this thread was working on a pill made of fecal matter from naturally skinny people that supposedly would change fat people’s gut flora and enable them to lose weight) or other scientists that need to solve this problem immediately? With obesity a problem for a large portion of the population (at least in the U.S.) and the resulting $ impact on our health care system, you think they’d be on this! Wonder if there have been studies on what intermittent fasting does to your metabolism? Does losing weight this way impact your metabolism in the end more favorably? Btw, how does this whole scenario jive with your mom’s situation them of all of a sudden being thin after not being so most of her life and eating a fair amount?! Doesn’t make sense?!

    Best of luck on the detox which is officially starting today, Salma. My best advice is to ease very slowly back into your normal eating when finished. Do they have a plan for you after the detox ends? Are you still going to be fasting?

    Yes, Lori, Carolina & Salma, I will take it day by day in Italy with the eating. If something is too good to resist or I can’t readily get it at home, it’s on the top of my eating list…everything else, I will eat less of! Lori, your attitude for your cruise sounds perfect…I need to get there with my thinking! πŸ˜‰ Btw, the Morocco portion of our trip was cancelled due to recent previous tours there where the participants felt endangered. So sad! I was so looking forward to seeing that part of the world and felt like it might be the safest choice for me, but now even that is gone! πŸ™

    Lori, congrats on you son’s marriage this weekend! How wonderful that they’ve found each other the second time around! Do the two boys get along well?

    Carolina, scary re: your daughter now! I’m hoping they really check out her heart! Not to freak you out but you’ve no doubt heard those stories about athletes who all of a sudden pass out on the court, etc. due to an undiagnosed heart issue! Again, keep us updated on both of the kids!

    Ok, time to get a bit of household chores accomplished! Have a great afternoon/evening all!

    Ok, so here’s an interesting article on fasting, exercising, metabolism that you might find enlightening! http://www.metaboliceffect.com/intermittent-fasting-diet/

    Hi Carolina, I’m calling you that now!
    My bet is that your daughter has exercise induced asthma. And, if it is, hopefully she will grow out of it as my daughter did, who got it at that age.

    Does your NZ friend go tramping? (The best description of what we do, I think!)

    Salma that article was posted here too: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/related-science-articles-people-might-be-interested-to-read/page/3/ about half way down the page, and some interesting discussion follows.

    Have you got your detox meals all stacked up ready for you? I hope so, it will make life so easy while you are recovering, and trying to do your work too. All power to you, I hope it works wonderfully.

    Sherry I do hope you are enjoying your slightly lifted eyebrows, and that the rest of the treatments go well.
    Won’t Italy be fun!

    Lori I do hope it is lovely weather on Saturday, but I can see it will be a wonderful, special day no matter what the weather is like. Happy wedding!

    I am finally feeling like I have recovered from those busy few weeks and am actually looking forward to getting things done! Woot! But I have a horrible feeling I will run away to the big op shop is Brunswick to celebrate, instead of attacking my list!

    I need to make my big pot of soup too!

    Fast Day tomorrow!

    Best wishes to all you lovely lot!

    Hey guys! Thanks for the kind thoughts and ideas. I will be happy when my kids are feeling better and we have it figured out!!!

    I haven’t had time to read the links but I will. I do believe the fasting pattern breaks up some negative metabolism trends…..not a magic bullet obviously but I think it helps.

    Today’s my day in the office so better run!

    Good morning ladies,

    I was completely knocked out yesterday and could not go to work. I am going to attempt to go today.. I am sick of being sick (and in bed). I still feel a bit miserable and have a cough as the cold went to my chest πŸ™ I can’t imagine having to make to same trip again (only longer) again in less than two weeks.

    I am now two days into my detox, and it does seem like a rather silly thing to have done to start the detox when I was so ill; I am not sure if the severe headache I suffered yesterday was from the illness or from the sudden stopping of caffeine; I suspect, a bit of both. It was a huge headache, but painkillers helped (which I normally avoid taking – and am not sure is a good idea in the context of a ‘detox’. On the positive side, I seem to have lost a Kg in the two days. I suspect that a big part of it is loss of water.. water retention is terrible after long flights.Still, it is nice to see the number, albeit I am now still at a higher weight than a month ago. I am hoping that the detox two-week regime will give my body the push it needs. Cinque, I get the food delivered, so I do not have to fuss with food, weighing or measuring. I realise this is not a long term solution to anything, but it is a desperate measure to get me moving in the right direction again.

    I have a lot of pressure at work this coming two weeks (and right after my trip). Ordinarily, this can be a time that all caution is thrown to the wind, but now that I am following this regime, I hope it will help me stay on the straight and narrow.

    Wish me luck girls,


    Good Morning!

    Salma…I’m so sorry to hear that you are still feeling poorly. I suspect the headache had a lot to do with caffeine withdrawal, and that is miserable. I know if I don’t have at least 1 cup of coffee in the morning, by about 2 o’clock in the afternoon, it feels like there is a knife in my head. OY! Hope you begin to feel better today.

    After 8 years, my boss has decided he should learn what I do. He is actually being pressured by the “big boss” to learn it before they hire someone to replace me. He had his eyes opened yesterday and said “How can I hire someone to come in “green” and expect them to understand all this?” I think he has a new appreciation for me! Funny thing, the work I had yesterday was no big deal…..he has no idea. Sigh…….

    I decided to sit on my new low weight loss from the other day and just see what the number is next Wednesday which will be the day before my cruise begins. I’m doing my best for the next few days to lose a few more pounds before “the big boat ride”!

    Hugs to all…….have a great Thursday!

    I think you have chosen the best time to do this detox (once you get over that horrible caffeine withdrawal headache!). You don’t have to think about cooking while you are recovering from that nasty lurgy, and while you have your busy work time.
    Just concentrate on getting through your difficult fortnight, and make the most of those ready made meals!

    Lori, ha re your boss! About time!
    Enjoy all the preparations for your wonderful trip! So exciting!

    I had a good fast day yesterday, and a flu shot, and talked to the doctor about my asthma and she gave me a preventative that, judging by the first time I used it, works wonderfully! So exciting. But she also noticed I have a thyroid nodule, so I am off for an ultrasound today. Hopefully it is nothing to worry about.

    It is a beautiful morning here.

    Oo and some food pleasure. I bought some dried Byadgi chillies from the Indian supermarket. They look beautiful. I ground some up to make my chili powder and it is so nice! Just the heat I like (a bit hotter than mild. I have kept some seeds and will see if I can get them to grow.

    Good morning one and all..

    A bit quiet around here lately.. I hope everyone is away because they are enjoying themselves too much!

    The world looks a lot better through my lens today. My headache is gone (it was a monster of a headache), my flu is almost gone, tough board meetings scheduled for the beginning of May have been postponed (they were scheduled right after I return from my trans Atlantic trip for my son’s graduation) AND the scales have budged!!!!!

    The de-tox seems to be having an effect.. I am now on day 5 and the weight has dropped a bit. My body seems to be responding in the way it did at the beginning of 5:2. FINALLY!! Cinque.. you are so right about not having to worry about weighing, thinking, shopping, cooking; it is taking the pressure off on that front and, for now at least, it seems easier to have someone else decide on what I consume. It makes social events difficult, but that may not be an altogether bad thing. I was not able to do anything last week, so no problem, but now, I am saying no to stuff because it would be difficult to manage the eating out on this detox. For two weeks, and to get things going, this seems to have been just what I needed. I realise this is not a long term solution, but in the middle of stress, travel and whatnot, it has been good.

    Lori.. about time your boss woke up to what you do.. and just before you retire? Geez.. don’t people take us for granted? I almost feel like you have to keep checking your use of language both verbal and non-verbal to make sure that we do some chest-beating so that people take us seriously (particularly men). I know I am careful about what vocabulary I use when writing and speaking .. it is tiring. I am glad that the realisation has finally sunk in for your boss. You don’t have to worry about it.. October is round the corner, it will then be THEIR problem and one less thing for you to worry about. I hope you have an amazing Saturday wedding for your son. Congratulations.

    Sherry & CC and everyone else.. I hope all is well with you my friends..


    Good Morning!

    I’m up WAY too early for a Saturday morning, but I woke up and started worrying about packing for my trip and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I just got up. I’ll dig into the packing after a couple cups of coffee.

    Hoping the weather clears for our son’s wedding this afternoon. It has been a terribly rainy week. The weather report indicates that this afternoon the sun should come out…fingers crossed. Our son has been texting me already this morning! He’s an early bird like me.

    Salma..so glad you’re feeling better and that the scale has moved! All good news.

    Yes, work it what it is. I’m just getting thru the next 5 months and then moving on to the next phase of my life. My boss is taking notes and frantically trying to understand what I do. He wants things to be all black and white, but there are many grey areas. I tried explaining to him that you have to be able to reason thru a situation and actually “think”. He wants me to tell him what button to push on the computer that will work for every situation. Not sure if that makes sense……anyway, he’s still in panic mode!

    Well, I hear the husband stirring upstairs. He’s going to go in to work this morning for a bit. He doesn’t usually work on Saturdays, but they are working on a project with a deadline. He loves his part time job. I hope I can find one that I like as well.

    Hugs to all and have a good weekend!

    Hello everyone, it is evening here after a lovely quiet day. I’ve been eating lovely, good food and now I am ready for a good fast day tomorrow!

    Salma, I am so glad the detox food is making life easier for you, AND that you actually get to detox at the same time! Great that those tricky meetings have been moved back, and all power to you getting those macho types to see your worth.
    I agree that it is always worth being careful about words and all communication at work (and on the forum, wink!) to keep things above messy spats and ourselves one step ahead of the game!

    Big day Lori! Best wishes to everyone! Especially your son!
    And have fun with coffee and packing!
    We will miss the Saga Of The Boss while you are away!
    I also hope you find a wonderful inspiring part time job when your time comes!

    Hi everyone else!

    Hi girls! Long time no talk!! πŸ™‚ I’ve been so busy opening the shop and with the web site being built… Between work and homeschooling it’s been impossible to write on here. This mornjng I have time as I’m up at the shop, which is a 35 minute drive North of my house. My hubby drove me up here this morning at 5:20am and then headed back home to go the other direction to do the Farmers Market which starts at 7. We don’t open our store until 10 .. So … Here I am!!
    Being busy has sure helped with my weight. That dress I tried on a while back from the thrift shop ..(you’ll remember Cinque:) The one that I could do up but was still a bit too tight to wear … Well .. I wore it two days ago!! Had a little room in it too!!! That sure feels good.
    I think I have had more fast days than two a week simply bc of that quinoa salad!! I just love it. I make it with lots of olive oil … And lots of lemon juice. I add about 8 stems of celery … Tons of parsley (which is diuretic … I have terrible lymphatic congestion) corn and chickpeas … Which I think burn more calories than they contain. I’m prob ably repeating myself a bit .. But this salad has been a steady for me. I love it.
    I eat it all the time now …
    Also I have started my Wa-Ru’s again. (Walking and Running). The weather is lovely here now and I get out first thing in the morning and have a 45 minute wa-ru. Finally ..FINALLY seeing a difference. I have a long way to go … But I’m determined that by the end of the summer I will be back to a healthy weight.
    I’m now adding into my diet a salmon sandwich and egg salad sandwiches … Regular. Keeping it real simple though. With working so much I don’t have a lot of time to eat. Veggie burgers here and there, stir fry … I’m not craving junk food anymore. Loving my dark chocolate though (what a great way to get magnesium!!)
    So … I have missed you all but have thought of you often!
    Salma your detox sounds great! I’m just so impressed with your drive to try new things like this. So many people don’t even consider such things. I hope you feel 100% better soon and that it lasts and lasts!
    About the thighs … Have you ever seen the work out … I’m realizing now that there’s probably no way … Bc you live in Lebanon!! But if you could ever find on the Internet .. Cher’s workout video .. The leg workout is all done standing up and it’s AMAZING for the thighs.
    Its called CherFitness – A New Attitude. It’s an oldy but a goody !!! If that is too much .. I recommend Callanetics by Callan Pinkley (sp?)
    Her exercises are designed for people with bad backs … And they are very very gentle. My cousin and I found out about them when we in our late teens .. My cousin was a model in Toronto and her agency gave them these exercises to do so they could lose inches quickly. They are amazing.

    Susiewoosy .. I loved your description of your choices when you were out with friends … Hilarious! I so know that! Thank God we have this forum and each other here … I honestly would not have stuck with this (after pig-outs .. Or the usual “failings” … ) if it wasn’t for all of you and your wonderful support and encouragement.

    Sherry congrats on your 120!! I’m so happy for you!!
    Also, I read that article you posted about. It was excellent. Although a little drawn out. I think he could have summed it all up in one small paragraph … !! Ha ha was good to hear about all his training and expertise though.
    We are all different and there is no one cure. Although I think we all need to exercise and eat well. And remember the 5:2 is really about our health … Keeping heart disease and cancer away.
    oh my Gosh Italy!! Wow. It’s a place I’ve always wanted to go to .. I have dreams of living there in my older years … My Dads mother was Italian. I hope you have a wonderful wonderful time!!!!
    A lot of you ladies travel so much. I’ve never been off this continent. !! I did hitchhike across Canada in my late twenties though and saw a lot of our beautiful country (Canada)
    Seeing a bob cat is truly amazing. Truly truly amazing. Animals like that … Wolves included … I think You only see them if they decide to let you see them.
    When something like this happens .. When you see an animal a lot .. Or a very rare one like this … I think It is very special. A message and a meaning for you.
    Here is a link to some ideas … You can search on your own if interested. I really feel it is meant to give you a message. https://saltformysoul.com/2013/12/01/animal-omens-bobcat-medicine/

    I’d like to hear more about your facial treatments. When I first started to get wrinkles … I was dating someone ten years younger at the time .. And really was insecure about it. I got a treatment done .. A chemical peel. I went in for the laser thing … But the girl talked me into the peel. I had no idea what I was in for .. And I’ve heard horror stories about them leaving people scarred for life .. So I was lucky but I would never do that again. Please keep me updated with what you experience. I’m pretty okay about aging now … I’ve accepted it!! πŸ˜‰ I look at all the older women I know and see their beauty… It’s so there still. Their smiles .. Their eyes ..they are my inspiration. Healthy is what I aim for now.. But I still am a little vain … I Might one day soon want an eyebrow lift!

    Carolina, how did it go with your three fast days? I find I want to just keep going with it after the first day. It feels so good … And when you plan it out so there is good food to eat and you don’t have to think about it .. Voila! It can be easy.
    I like cutting carbs too but find … Or think that maybe I need a little bit for my sprints. I really try to stay away from them for long periods though and then really enjoy them when I do have them. (Like fries at a restaurant!)
    I hope your son is doing better. Make sure he is getting all his nutrients. B-vitamin complex .. Fish oil .. Magnesium. Long term .. But important! πŸ™‚
    Cinque, how is your garden? And btw thanks for all the lovely recipes!! I love Indian food .. And I like it spicy too πŸ™‚
    Do you follow horse racing at all? My partners father owns race horses as a hobby. His horse just ran in a huge race against the fastest horse in Australia and came third. It was a pretty big deal! Her name is … Oh I hope I can spell it right … It sounds like …. “A-Hoka-Kentucky” I don’t know if horse racing is a common thing in Australia or not … But thought it might be πŸ™‚

    Lori, you are a real inspiration. You are so active!! I strive to get that way in my life. I love my walking and running but really need to add more in to my routine. A peanut butter milkshake???? Ha ha that’s great! I don’t like p. b. In ice cream myself but sounds like a real treat!!!! You can afford stuff like that though with all your boot camping!

    Before I go .. I wanted to share some good movies and tv shows I’ve seen lately.
    1. Albert Nobbs. Glen Close .. Excellent!
    2. Schitts Creek. Canadian tv. Very very funny and light. Love it .. My neighbors husband won an award for this show .. He is the head cinematographer.
    3. Sense 8 … Oh my gosh! Sooooo good but it takes about four episodes before you feel like you know what’s going on. Love it!
    Wishing everyone all the best!! Would love to connect with more of you on Facebook … Not sure how to copy and paste my profile?? Cinque… Any how – to advice?
    Bye for now!!

    oh >> and Lori .. all the best for the wedding!!!

    Hi all. I just posted & lost it- unbelievable! It’s not a good day-I’m at children’s hospital with my 15 year old who was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes like my 9 year old who was diagnosed 1 1/2 years ago. We spent the night last night & hoping they discharge her sometime today since we’re unfortunately so familiar already with the disease.

    Salma, I’m so happy for you that your weight is finally moving.

    Lori, I hope the wedding day weather held out ok! I hope all went well and it was a beautiful celebration! Congrats again!

    Briar rose, so good to hear from you again and that things seem to be going so well on all fronts! I can hear the excitement and happiness in your words, I promise to look up the bobcat meaning as soon as I finish here! It was so wonderful to see it though I’m pretty sure it smelled my outside cats in their enclosure and might have been looking for its next meal!

    With regard to being careful of what we say here, I suspect I might be guilty of not auditing my words as maybe I should.. Please do know that I care about you all and never mean to offend anyone. I’m outspoken but only doing so with the best of intentions and with the hope of helping others. I am a very straight shooter which is what I personally prefer in people because you always know right where they’re coming from.

    Thank you Briar rose for the bobcat message article! It was beautiful & perfect timing! 😘

    Good morning everyone,
    I’m having a cup of tea, propped up in bed, rain outside. Happy garden, miserable cat ( she keeps coming in, wet, expecting to be comforted).
    It’s Mother’s Day, and fast day. I’m already thinking about what I want for breakfast tomorrow! 😳

    Sherry, so sorry for your daughter! And you! I guess it is, at least, something you are so familiar with, and knowledgable about, but o dear, extra work and worry. I’ll have to look it up to understand how it took til now to get diagnosed.

    And Oh dear, I truly didn’t mean anything by adding in that bit about being careful what we say here. This is such a safe, respectful and supportive place. It is just my mind taking an argument to a next step and then being so impulsive as to add it on.

    Briar Rose, omg 5:20am! You must be sooo tired at the end of the day! I hope it was a good day with lots of sales, and hooray that it gave you time to write such a lovely long post.
    I am so glad that 5:2, and all the other good things you are doing for yourself, are paying off. Doesn’t it feel lovely to be ‘normalising’ and to feel there is a measure of control about it.

    I would love to travel across Canada! I have been lucky to have seen a lot of Australia, and I went on a two month trip around Northern Europe when I was 21. So long ago. Now with my bad health I am just glad I don’t need to go to Sydney anymore! ( since my daughter has moved back to Melbourne).

    I don’t follow horse racing, but you are right that it is a big thing here. We have a public holiday for the Melbourne Cup! And it has a long and interesting history here. But no idea about the horse and race you mentioned, I’m afraid.

    I love your tv and film recommendations, I don’t know any of them. We have a great initiative happening on our public tv channel. 6 comedy pilots being played on Wednesday nights, and viewer feedback will lead to a couple being developed into series. The first one was about an Asian student starting Uni here, which was very good. The second one was a mum with her first baby attending a parenting group, it was fab.

    Time to get up! And make another cuppa. I hope Lori lets us know all about the wedding! Hint hint.

    Bye! 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸

    Hi! Quick update… We had rain this morning, but the sun came out about noon and not a drop fell on the festivities. Just immediate family and a few close friends of the couple.

    An all around lovely day. Soon time for bed as I have a full day on the golf course tomorrow.

    Hugs to all!

    Thanks Lori! Small weddings can be the sweetest! Sweet dreams!


    Sherry, I’m so sorry about the diabetes!!!! That’s a tough one but it sounds as if you’re on top of it. I hope your daughter isn’t too rattled by it…I can empathize a little b/c I’m waiting to get my daughter in with a cardiologist and a ENT doctor regarding her getting out of breath. She was referred by her primary and the ENT is scheduled but the cardiologist is ticking me off playing phone tag and having an attitude on top of it–why does it have to be so hard to make an appointment?? I hope you have a great team of health care providers!!!!

    Lori, so glad the sun came out!!! What fun.

    Cinque…I think I missed the be careful what you say thread. Hope I didn’t say anything, haha. I am certainly capable of it but usually just by being clueless.

    BriarRose, I need to add some running to my walks. I do occasionally and need to start it up again. We take a lot of supplements here and my son does especially (he was borderline autistic and that’s part of the reason) but now I send him packs for each day but have no control over whether or not he takes them. He does take mag., fish oil, probiotics and some other stuff. He added B12 himself because he’s vegetarian now. We will work on that more when he is home! I am also trying to get him to go to health services for a mono test but he doesn’t htink it’s that!

    Salma, if I were on my own I’d totally do that detox. Next week it’s just my daughter and me so maybe I’ll do something radical then….

    Dropped my husband off at the airport for his three week trip. Always makes me a little nervous and takes me a while to adjust….

    Lori.. congrats! How wonderful that the sun decided to join you for the wedding.
    Cinque.. I also got confused about the ‘careful what you say’ thought.. I did not think anyone said anything offensive, least of all, you πŸ™‚ I had been talking about using ‘powerful’ words that convey confidence rather than apologetic and self-deprecating vocab that women tend to use. I think that is where the confusion came from. I am glad that you are feeling a bit better.

    BriarRose, Congrats on the shop.. how exciting! and welcome back.. we have been missing you around here.
    Sherry.. that’s a tough break about the diabetes, but you are in a better position than many to handle it. Your daughter is lucky to have caring, knowledgeable parents.
    CC.. yes, this detox seems to agree with me at the moment. I am not sure I would be able to keep it up for a very long time, but for now, it is so convenient.

    I just voted in the municipal elections for the city, and will be following the results this evening. I have a rather ugly blue ink stain on my thumb to prove it! I hope my guys win. I am also trying to shift some work as I prepare a presentation for an important meeting next Saturday. I am stressing about it and am finding it difficult to start and have been procrastinating since I got back from the election station. I have done laundry, lunch, emails.. everything but start. What do you guys do to overcome procrastination. I am one of the world’s worst!

    I hope y’all are having a good Sunday.


    Hello everyone,
    Oh dear, the stupidest thing I ever did say was to not say stupid things!
    Help! I promise never to say such a thing again!

    I’m enjoying breakfast after my fast day.
    Sherry I was so ignorant about type 1 diabetes. I knew the pancreas wasn’t making insulin, but I didn’t understand the auto immune part. What a worrying time you have been having.

    I’m having breakfast after a fast day. Lovely! And I have lentils soaking to make an Ethiopian Lentil salad that has a very mustardy dressing and will use the lovely juicy green capsicum from my sisters farm. First time making it.

    A busy day ahead! I hope I get lots done! Best wishes to you all!

    Happy Mother’s Day ( I know it’s mainly a US holiday- Canada too I think but a different day) to all the moms out there. Just got back from lunch out with my large extended family to celebrate. Thinking of a walk now to work it off though I was pretty darn good- shared a small appetizer order of chips and guacamole with my hubby& then had lemon thyme chicken & rice( didn’t really eat the rice) & Brussels sprouts from the “enlightened menu” which supposedly was only 500 calories.

    Thank you fpr all your kind words re: my daughter’s diabetes. She was dealing with it better at the hospital & then kind of fell apart at home last night when the reality hit her hard. My husband then sat down with her and discussed in greater detail all of the new devices they’re working on to combine an insulin pump with an insulin monitor in one device and the research to implant pancreatic stem cells that produce insulin under the skin that are protected by a mesh that will not allow the body’s killer t-cells to destroy them. That made her start to feel more hopeful.

    I was thrilled to see 119.6 on the scale this morn- the result of not eating much the 24 hours following her diagnosis.

    Carolina, how totally frustrating re: getting the cardiologist appointment! ! Is there anyone else good you can see? I know what you mean about the hubbys leaving for extended trips & it throwing you off balance! Mine goes for 14-17 days at a time to work in HI and it seems like when I’m finally getting in a groove without him, then he’s back and my routine changes again! It is hard doing it all by yourself- my 4 give me a run for my money at least! πŸ˜‰

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well and here’s to a great week ahead😊

    Hi all
    Sorry to have been awol for so long, my heart isn’t in fasting just now so I stopped posting as I am not ‘part of it’ but then when I read all the posts I thought maybe no one would mind about that….
    Sherry, so sorry to hear you have your other daughter diagnosed, must be tough for you all, she is late to get type 1 I think? At least she has understanding from seeing her sister get on with life in general.
    Salma, hope you are feeling better, I am envious of your detox, would love to do that for 2 weeks but think would struggle with feeding hubby so will probably not stick to it.
    Lori, glad the wedding went well, not long till you retire now, tho did I see you are hoping to find a little part time job then? I enjoy retirement and am looking forward to hubby finishing at end of May.
    I am off on a trip to Florence next week with a girl friend, just 3 nights but am looking forward to it, esp the food and gelato, tho I don’t usually eat a lot of the gelato, my friend is dairy free and it always seems mean to eat it when she can’t.
    Carolina, hope your son continues to open up to you how he feels when he gets home and hope you get daughters tests done soon.
    Briar, hope the shop is going well, is there a website for it?
    Cinque, sounds like you are keeping steady, well done.
    Hope I haven’t missed anyone but I will try not to next time, Susie

    Good Morning!

    Here it is….cruise week! Just 2 1/2 days to work and then I’m out of here! I REALLY need this time away. I didn’t even enjoy golf that much yesterday. I didn’t play very well and my heart just wasn’t in it. I sort of just have one thing on my mind! πŸ˜‰

    I have a committee meeting this morning, then I’ll have to type up the minutes sometime before I leave. We have month end reports to finish and bits of this and that. It wouldn’t be bad if I could just do the reports, but since my boss is trying to “learn” I have to go slowly and show him what I’m doing. Sigh..

    I’m dressed and ready for boot camp. Today and tomorrow and then my body gets a break! My heart really isn’t in this either, but go I will!

    Sherry…sorry to read that your other daughter has been diagnosed with Type 1. I’m not that familiar..is this a hereditary thing? Are there other members of your extended family that have it? I hope that she can adjust without too much stress. I know she has a great support system in you!

    Please forgive me not doing personals for everyone. It’s 4:45AM and my mind is not exactly focusing too well. Know that I read all of your posts and enjoy keeping up with what you all are doing.

    Have a good start to your week!

    Hi girls,

    Just finished up a walk with my husband and need to hit the shower & make my grocery shopping list for the week. Of course the scale popped back up this morning after my excitement at my weigh in yesterday! Such is life- hoping some of it was just salt retention from eating at the restaurant .

    Thank you Susie & Lori for your kind words with regard to my daughter. Yes Lori, Type 1 diabetes is genetically linked. My husband’s sister died from complications of the disease in her 30’s, but that was a long time ago when there weren’t as many advances in treatment, and she wasn’t very compliant with her testing, etc. My husband’s great niece also has it. There’s also a strong Finnish connection ( Fins are more predisposed to the disease- they think it might be due to vitamin D deficiencies due to less sun exposure there). My husband’s mom was Finnish. There might be some link from that part of the world on my side too because my paternal grandfather, whom my grandmother divorced so we’re not really sure of spelling, was a “Hanson” with an “e” or “o”?

    Susie, hope you’re able to get back in your FD groove- maybe when you return from Firenze? I’m so looking forward to going there & Spain in a month. Did you hear they cancelled my Morroco portion of my trip due to dangerous conditions there? They’ve subbed an excursion to the Andalusia region instead. Have you been there?

    Lori, so excited for you that your cruise is this week! Have a wonderful time!

    Salma, hope the detox is still going well- you’re a week in now! Congrats!

    Ok, time to get a start on my day! 😊

    Hi Susie, so glad you came here for a catch up, no matter what you are doing with 5:2 (or not) at the moment.How is life for you? I hope there are good things happening.

    Lori, woohoo! So close! No wonder your mind is throwing itself ahead of everything else you are doing. I bet that typing committee minutes would be the most interminable bore at the moment. Oh well, time is ticking past, nearly there!

    Carolina, I hope your husband’s trip is going well, and that you are adjusted now. I hope there are some nice consolations to having the house to yourself.

    Sherry I can imagine the mourning your daughter has to do for the life hers has changed from. So good that treatment is much better and safer now, but still a big jolt for a 15 years old. I am so glad she has you and her dad. And I guess even the family connection could help, she is truly part of that big Finnish family.

    How disappointing that they cancelled Morocco for you πŸ™ . But that low figure your weight got to and then bounced off, it will settle in and become the new norm. How nice!

    Best wishes everyone for a good day!

    Hi! I am new and on day 1 of the Fast Diet. Today went well – not hungry and felt fine. I too am in my mid 50’s, been overweight most of my adult life, gained lost the usual story. But I have found as I am getting older that no matter what I do I don’t lose weight. So I’m giving this a try in hopes that it works! I miscalculated today and had 600 cals, so hope that doesn’t ruin it for me. How do I stay motivated and not fall off the plan and return to my old habits? And does anyone do it for 3 days to speed things up? ‘and what do you eat on the normal days? I’m worried I will not eat correctly. I haven’t finished the book yet. Sorry for so many questions – but I really need and want this to work for me!! Thnx for any tips/advice.

    Nothing magical about 500 cals. this is what Michael Mosley thought most people could handle. I do zero cals for my fast day. Everyone is different. The less you eat the faster the weight loss. Lots of people do 4:3 or 5:2. Im in maintenance mode so I do 6:1.

    Choose your days and then stick to them come hell or high water. Work out what works for you.

    I try and avoid ALL sugars and simple carbs like pasta, bread, rice, potatoes etc. Eat only whole fruits, never in a smoothie and never dried fruit.

    It works if you give it a genuine go. I lost 20kg over the course of 12 months.

    Good luck.

    Hi Sandra, Welcome here! Congratulations on day one!
    I was having more like 700 calories of fast days at first, and it still worked! I gradually got less than 500.

    Lots of people do things to speed it up, like having three fasts a week, or more.
    My philosophy is to make it a sustainable way of life. I put on weight over years, so I don’t mind if it takes a little time to take it off, and it makes life stay easy and ‘normal’. I have great fun giving away my clothes as they get too loose!

    We each find our own way.

    I hope you hang around here and be on the journey with us.

    Hi. I’m new to the 5:2 world. The title of this blog caught my attention. I turn 55 in July & & am having yet another go at losing weight. Yesterday (Monday) was my first fast day but I’m splitting them for now, so I will fast again tomorrow (Wednesday).

    Good Morning!

    Nice to see the new people here! You all are just getting started while I’m getting ready to take a break for a couple weeks. Vacation time….well, almost!

    I decided to skip boot camp this morning as I have a wee bit of a headache. I was awake in the night sneezing(?) and coughing so I think that’s what the headache is about. Sinus congestion. I’m taking all the natural remedies I can think of to boost my immune system. I cannot be sick to get on the cruise ship!

    Since I was up at 4:15 anyway, I decided to do some laundry. I wanted to do a load of towels sometime today, so might as well get it done. Tonight after work I get my hair cut and a pedicure.

    I was so busy at work yesterday that I had no problem fasting until after Noon. Came home and had a light lunch and back to work. I’ve been doing well with my low carb plan, but that will change while on vacation. I’m going to try not to go nuts, but will have treats when they look good.

    When I get home I’m going to continue on with my low carb plan and window method of intermittent fasting, but will probably throw a couple 500 calories days into the mix. I’m sure I’ll have some extra pounds to get rid of, so it’ll be good to incorporate the 3 methods.

    I won’t be online while I’m away, so you all be good! Hugs to you all!

    Lori.. How exciting! Go have fun and take good care of yourself so that you don’t get sick on your cruise. Zinc is amazing in boosting immunity. So are manicures and pedicures (we are supposed to have better immunity when we are happy, are we not?) Enjoy the glass of wine that goes with your treat too.

    Cinque.. I hope you have fully recovered now and are back to normal. Sherry.. How upsetting about Morocco. It is one of the places on my list. I have never visited, but a friend of mine lived there for 4 years and says it is amazing. Ah well.. Andalucia, now., I KNOW is AMAZING.. you will love it. I especially LOVED the Mezquita Mosque in Cordoba.. so peaceful and wonderful. When in Cordoba, pick up those letter or number tiles as a name plate for your front door. They are not expensive and once home, they look wonderful and are a constant reminder of a good time. That’s what I did πŸ™‚

    Susieeeeeeee.. hi! Long time no see. Please don’t worry about being on or off the 5:2 .. we are all in this together. I am currently NOT on 5:2. I am doing this special detox to shock my body out of its stupor but will get back to it after I return from my trip to Boston (going in a week’s time, back end of May). We are here to help and support each other through thick (huh!) and thin (hopefully).

    To the new guys: Dan and Sandra.. welcome. We are all here to help. As Cinque says, 500 or 600 cals or even 700 cals is ok, 2 days or 3 is okay. You have to find your groove.. what works for you. Each person is different, and at different times, our bodies react in different ways, so jump on the wagon and come with us on this bumpy ride. Bigbooty (you and me both!) thanks for the words of wisdom, and congrats on being in maintenance.. I can only hope and pray (oh.. and eat less!)

    Have a good day everyone,

    Hi all, thanks for including me, even while I waffle around, off to Italy tomorrow so all bets off then until next week. I do a lot of walking when on hols so that will help I hope.
    Salma even with that name ‘bigbooty’ is a man lol! Saw him explain the name on another thread but it does not mean what you mean! Hope you are still ‘enjoying’ the detox, nice to get a different number on the scale and very motivating.
    Sherry I did see that Morocco is knocked off your trip, think just as well if there is any hint of unrest there, sure you will enjoy the European experience anyway, is it the newly diagnosed daughter you are travelling with? Will she be OK to manage her sugars v insulin by then? Can’t remember when you go.
    Lori have a lovely time on the cruise.
    Hello cinque, quietly sticking to plan, you put me to shame, oh well, gives me something to aspire to.
    Hello newbies, hope it goes well for you, stick with it.

    Maybe I should have called myself Mr. Bigbooty to avoid confusion?

    Mr Bigbooty, just how did you get your name????? πŸ˜‰

    Hi ladies AND gentlemen!

    Good to see some new voices here!

    So Cinque, the good thing about my 15 year old is that she does seem to eventually get to the point of seeing the “silver lining” in most things and for her this has been that 1) she’s feeling better and 2) she’s losing weight now that her insulin levels have improved…what teen girl (or any of us girls for that matter) doesn’t want to see their weight improve?! and 3) she likes the little bit of extra attention she’s getting from teachers and friends (ah teens!).

    Sandra, I think that after doing a fast day, you’ll be more motivated to eat less and healthier, in general of course, because we all have days we go off the rails and eat everything in our paths! I personally tend to eat pretty clean, no gluten or sugar and lots of vegetation, protein and healthy fats. You will get into your own swing of things soon enough. Just remember to be patient…for most of us at this mid 50’s age, it’s a slow go, but it is a “go” at least! πŸ˜‰

    Great job on the weight loss big booty (who apparently doesn’t really have a big booty?!)! I’m about at goal now too. I’ve lost about 15 lbs. since late last Summer. It was a slow go for me but being female, not too far from goal and mid 50’s, I wasn’t expecting it to be fast!

    Lori, bon voyage! Enjoy and post some nice vacation pics on FB when you return! πŸ™‚

    Salma, SO glad you love Andalusia- makes me feel happier about it! Will try to hit the mosque but we will be on a tour so I don’t know how much wiggle room there is to veer off path. Thanks for the suggestion! πŸ™‚ So, how is the detox going??? I’m anxious to know!

    Susie, yes, the newly diagnosed daughter is going with me to Europe. The great thing is that since we’ve dealt with this with our 9 year old daughter, we are fast tracked to get the insulin monitor and pump within the next two weeks, which out here, is virtually unheard of to get that quickly. My terrific husband was on the phone almost all day today with the doctor, nurses, and insurance company to make this happen. So, Europe will be much easier to manage with that equipment. Funny thing is, like most red heads, she is very pain intolerant (as I’m sure you’ve witnessed as a nurse!), yet she gave herself an insulin shot within the first couple of hours of us checking into the emergency room at Childrens Hospital! I was amazed! Just shows what we humans (including red-headed ones!) are capable of when push comes to shove!

    Welcome to our other new gentleman, Dan. Best of luck to you. Hope we can help you out on your journey!

    Time to make dinner. Have a good night all!

    I could ask the same question Quattro + uno. Its a name from a scifi movie that I originally watched in South America, dubbed into Spanish with English subtitles while spending a night at a B grade hotel waiting to catch a bus to a remote mine site (true story). So now you know. It does not describe my rear end…

    What a memorable night Mr BigBooty.
    I’m Cinque because I was musing on how much I liked the word, the day I joined up here! But I am 5th (of 7) in my family, and one of 5 girls, and I like the number 5!
    Yours sincerely Ms Tre + Due πŸ˜‰

    Sherry, your daughter must have lovely friends, I am glad they are rallying around. I am glad your are getting the paraphernalia together!

    Susie, have a wonderful time! Use my name whenever appropriate πŸ˜‰

    Lori, bon voyage!

    Cheers Salma, happy detoxing!

    I am too tired to write more, but I have had an excellent Fast Day. Just about to have my miso soup and settle on the sofa for the evening!

    Best wishes!

    Funny how we think up names! I tend to go blank when a site asks me to create one. Here I thought ” don’t want to be apple or pear shaped”, so apricot!

    Only lunch time here in the UK. Fasting tomorrow, but not eaten today much, so must organise myself or it won’t go right.

    Have a nice evening, Cinque, and enjoy eating tomorrow.

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