Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,601 through 3,650 (of 5,077 total)

  • Hello, It is evening here, wet and dark, the cat has come in early.

    Shaz my sister is looking forward to doing 5:2, but the time is not right for her either. Are you old enough to know Arlo Guthrie’s song “Alice’s Restaurant’? There is a bit in that where he is ready to sing the chorus and says “I just have to wait for it to come around on the guitar”.
    That may be what it is like for you. I hope it comes around on the guitar soon!

    Lori, I bet boot Camp was gruesome! Hope you survived!

    Susie, a hard post to read on a fast day! I might make Spanish food tomorrow!
    Watch out for that cheeky alcohol!

    I’m just about to have my miso soup! Woohoo! Lovely!

    Cheers all!


    I was completely sick on Tuesday and my daughter was sick out of school yesterday so I haven’t accomplished much at all this week and I did more comfort eating than I should. I’m not sure what it was–at one point I wondered about flu but there is none in the area and I am almost recovered already so I don’t think that was it. But it felt like that–body aches, fatigue, headache, etc. I’m thankful I feel better today!

    Cinque, I looked at the pics, too. Pretty babies!

    Sherry, a year ago I wore a 30 day heart monitor when this started. It did show one brief Atrial Fibrilation but apprently that’s not what I feel and have most of the time. The ones that bother me are PACs which are supposedly harmless but I still don’t feel good when they happen too often. It’s complicated but until they change I don’t see the point of going back. I actually got an app for my phone that does basic EKGs and I can sort of get an idea if there’s anything really scary. They coincided with menopause so I’m sure that’s a factor, although I realize now I’ve had them all along but not noticeable enough to get my attention enough to go to the doctor. I hate interacting with health care so it takes a lot!

    Lori, hope the scale pops back down!!!

    Susie, that food sounds amazing. If we ever go to Spain I’ll ask for advice about where to stay, etc.

    Salma, those transatlantic flights almost do me in. To be honest, I’m fine not doing any more of them but my husband loves to travel. I think five hours is the most I can do without feeling like crying, haha.

    Hi girls,

    Wanted to pop in earlier but had internet problems! Thanks to all for your congratulations on my reaching goal! You are all so sweet! 😘 I did bump up a pound this morn but I expected it- just need to keep that from sneaking up further after all that hard work!

    I’d like to chat longer but have to get my outside kitties into their enclosure & fed (so the coyotes don’t get them!) and then run to the kids’ back to school night.

    Talk to you all more tomorrow!,


    Good morning ladies,

    Shaz.. I am sorry to hear about your ankle. I completely understand how sometimes, things are just too much.
    CC.. Also sympathies on comfort eating.. frankly, I was suppised to have an FD yesterday, but instead, I had a bit of a melt down. I hadn’t been sleeping well this wee, and had the day from hell with back to back meetings and problems at work. I decided to have breakfast as I was having tummy rumblings and was feeling a bit dizzy. It was downhill from there.. met friends for dinner.. wine, nuts,chcolate icecream (with cream), bread, etc etc. I am paying for my sins today. i woke up with a headache and a general sense of malaise. I have a mountain of work to get through – a whole day conference today, a meeting at 8pm, then previously arranged drinks for a friend’s birthday, previously planned family outing on Saturday, previously planned evening charity do in the evening (in another town); I also have to arrange two doctors’ visits for my parents on Monday, among all the other then I am off on Tuesday for a 3-day trans-Atlantic trip FULL of meetings. I feel rather overwhelmed.. and am wondering how long I can keep up this pace before I collapse!

    A friend of mine bullied me into making an appointment with a detox center (Monday also) and with an orthopedic specialist (also Monday) to see about my inflamed hip and “trigger-finger” condition. She tells me that all that “busyness” will be absolutely no good if my health keeps going south. I know she is right, but how do you get off the conveyer belt? I feel exhausted!

    Okay.. rant over.. thanks for lending me your collective ear. Sometimes, things seem hard. It sounds to me like many of us are not having a particularly good month. Isn’t spring supposed to make us all happier?


    Salma, sorry you are feeling overwhelmed. It is tough when you are trying to do stuff for the oldies as well as run your own life- I found I needed to drop a day at work to keep up, not just with visiting the nursing home but also doing phone calls etc in a working day, they just can’t be done in work time without a lot of hassle. You have to look after yourself in order to support others, so I am with your friend- you need to factor in prioritising yourself and your health.
    Lori, hope you enjoy your w/e trip.
    Cinque- smiled at your comment about my food descriptions, guess that is why I need to be here, I love eating. It is a continuous journey to try and pick the healthy options, while secretly wanting to add other bits in too. Last night I was out with friends, picked a salad- good, shared some fries- moderate- better than having my own portion, worse than having none- shame about the drinks.
    Faced the scales yesterday, not pretty as expected, but today is another day.

    Good Morning!

    Oh Salma…I feel so bad that you are feeling so overwhelmed. I could not hope to match your schedule! Only you will know when it has become too much and things have to change. In the mean time, do your best and vent here whenever you need to.

    I broke my low carb plan with a peanut butter milkshake last night. We have a local place that makes the BEST milkshakes. I had a very small one, called a kid’s size, but still…all that sugar!! It was good, but I have no desire for another anytime soon. I know some people have one taste of something sweet and go off on a bender. Thank goodness I don’t seem to have that problem. I’m quite ready to be back on plan today.

    I’ll do some laundry this morning and run an errand or 2 while I wait for DH to get home from work around noon. I’m anxious for our little road trip and weekend away. Some family time and some good seafood….what could be better?

    Have a good weekend everyone….take it a day at a time and try to take some time for yourself.

    It’s evening again, I’m feeling nicely back on track, with eating at least. I had a late lunch after grocery shopping with my friend, and haven’t felt hungry since.

    Sherry you will soon be saying goodbye to that last pound for good I think!

    Lori, sorry your milkshake wasn’t completely wonderful, maybe it will be your last (or you will work out how to make it at home so it isn’t too sweet πŸ˜‰ ). Best wishes for a lovely weekend!

    Salma I hope your melt down is over and you can find some space to make your life easier. It is the hard thing about being able to do such a powerful job, it is so full on. We are all agreeing with your friend though! Hooray for her!
    I do hope you can work out some things to say NO too. I used to love John Lennon’s song “Yes is the answer”. But once I got sick and had to manage a difficult life, I learned that quite often NO is the answer.
    I hope last night was a much better sleep.

    Susie I love food too, and I am so glad that cutting out sweet things still leaves me with so much yumminess! Today I didn’t manage Spanish, but I got pretty close, buying things to make Cuban Black Bean Soup. And I will also make beef, spinach and mushroom lasagne using up the lasagne sheets I made that are in the freezer. I will make them tomorrow.
    Today I made Poha, a quick and easy Indian dish using flattened rice. I’ve got rolled brown rice, and it works well.

    Catz, that heart problem must be exhausting, you wouldn’t be getting very much oxygen through your body while it is happening. (Can you tell I did my first aid training recently!). So glad you are over that lurgy, and I hope your daughter is too. Fingers crossed you get a bit of plain sailing.

    Goodnight all, have a lovely day!

    Good evening ladies,

    We are coming off a heat wave today with record highs earlier in the week. Today it’s cooler with rain a possibility tonight.

    Susie, thank you for your day in your life of eating in Spain! I could totally see myself eating that way- I’m so excited! πŸ˜‹

    Shaz, so sorry for the tough time you’re experiencing! It’s a lot- just do the best you can until your circumstances calm down… You’ve got enough on your plate right now for goodness sake! I’ll be keeping you in my prayers.

    Cinque, the Cuban black bean soup sounds yummy. Never heard of the Indian dish? What does it consist of besides rice? Btw, is there a photo of you on FB? I saw some women but don’t know if one is you? I’m guessing you saw my photo ( 5 lbs heavier!). It’s so nice to put faces with the words we type 😊!

    Carolina, I understand how scary that must be. I don’t like doctors either so I get it totally. I’m glad you have that phone app- I need to check into that!

    Salma, oh my goodness! I got exhausted just reading about your schedule! You just can’t live like that or you will make yourself sicker or crazy ( or both!). I know you said you had a cousin that helps out with your parents, is she able to help you out in other ways to ease the stress? I agree with Cinque re: your well-meaning friend- how wonderful to have someone who cares so much about you to give you a needed reality check. Please do follow her advice and get those check ups! What is the detox btw? I hope you can make whatever changes are needed to improve your stress levels & health. Keep us updated 😘!

    So sad the world lost the singer “Prince” today. They’re saying probably a drug overdose. Obviously as you hear, money can’t buy you internal happiness I guess πŸ˜₯.

    Took the kids & their friends to see “The Jungle Book” today. It was excellent! Great special effects! One of the benefits to still having kids around… I get to see lots of kiddy movies!

    Good night!

    Good morning to all you lovely ladies..

    The weekend at last!
    I cancelled everything for today and just finished watching a nice film and I am about to go to a cafe by the sea with a book to read. Thanks for all your support and wisdom.
    I am taking a half day off on Monday to attend to several errands both health-related and parents-related before I fly on Tuesday. I have booked an appointment with an orthopedic specialist for my hip and finger and also for the nutritionist (so I am taking positive steps int eh right direction). I will also take my mom to the specialist for an assessment before she also travels to go see her family and my sister in neighbouring Jordan. My poor dad will get some peace and quiet, which he desperately needs. A bit of a respite.

    This coming month is going to be exhausting, but I will pull through it and I ILL get back to a more balanced life. I just got my period (no wonder I have been going crazy).. those stupid hormones won’t leave us alone will they? I now have a low level headache but feel calmer..

    I am going to a Flamenco show this evening with a friend.. so in keeping with the Spanish theme.. You will notice that I am avoiding speaking about FDs, food and anything to do with it as I have been stress-eating and avoiding the scales. Please do check up on me and nag me to get off the layby and back on the road soon. I am hoping my appointment with the nutritionist on Monday will light the flames under moi!

    A heart-felt wish for a great day to all you wonderful ladies.

    Ahhhh Salma! Reading about your plans today sounds so relaxing & calming! Much better than things were yesterday! So glad you’re taking time to de-stress. I think the nutritionist is a great idea- maybe she can give you ideas for NFD’s and what foods to eat in general for better health.

    A lazy day here- completed my usual morning walk and now I have kid friends over swimming ( they’re crazy- it’s sunny but chilly & breezy here but you know kids, nothing bothers them!). Soon I will drop them all off at the friends’ house to go in their jacuzzi & jump on their trampoline while I go to my son’s baseball game.

    I’m happy to report that my weight has dropped back down into the 120 range (120.8) so I’m happy 😊! Hope you’re all having a lovely, relaxing weekend!


    Hello hello, It is a lovely crisp morning here. I hope it is beautiful for Lori on her trip away. I am glad your heatwave has ended Sherry!

    I’ve only discovered poha lately Sherry. It is like Indian fried rice, made with flattened rice that just has to be hydrated for a minute or two, and then lots of lovely Southern Indian spices and vegetables. Mine was broccoli and carrot with cashews. Here is a picture I found on the web to give an idea: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OgYyyvDy1uA/UAYQtxlvBxI/AAAAAAAAH5o/nBzpUyztMUo/s1600/IMG_4611.jpg

    Wasn’t it a shock to lose Prince.

    I might have to borrow a child and go to see the Jungle Book!

    Yay for 120’s!

    Salma, what good decisions! I hope your easy day was good (although I have needed nearly two weeks of easy days to recover once I got my home back to myself! πŸ˜‰ ) We will be cheering you on through the hard month. Best wishes for your parents having a gentle holiday too.

    Sunday Fast Day!


    Grandson’s team won both games today. Next game tomorrow morning at 9. Weather was sunny, but a cold wind.

    My eating went well until dinner. I was so hungry and we just grabbed a pizza out of desperation. Oh well… Back on track tomorrow.

    Was a nice day with our daughter and her family.

    Good night!


    I’m working on a third fast day today (Saturday). At least a modified one. My husband is backpacking and my daughter is at a party so it works. Fingers crossed for some progress!!!

    Salma, wow–I can’t imagine packing all that in! No wonder you feel overwhelmed. I’m glad you took a day to regroup.

    Lori, glad you’re having a fun trip!!

    Cinque, good luck with the fast day tomorrow!

    Susie, you have to get fries once in a while–I’m sure you’ll be able to make up for it!!!

    SherryAnn, congrats on the 120s…I find I wobble around a goal for a while before it sticks.

    Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend!

    Cinque.. yum!!! That looks absolutely delicious. I am not sure poha is available here but I will try to find out; is it the little orangy things or the yellow?

    Just chilling out today..before the crazy week ahead..feels so good to vegetate!
    Lori.. Congrats to your grandson and good luck for tomorrow,
    Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Good Sunday morning all!

    It is absolutely beautiful here today! I really enjoyed my morning walk in the sunshine.β˜€οΈ
    Weight is still as Carolina best put it, “wobbling” around a bit as I’m 121.2 this morn. It will eventually stabilize- irritating nonetheless.

    So last night around dusk as we were getting ready to settle in at home for a family movie night of the new Star Wars movie on DVD , I glanced out the backyard sliding door and saw a bobcat walking along our fence line! A neighbor a long time ago told us he’s seen bobcats out our way but in the 13 years we’ve lived here, I’ve seen plenty of coyotes , but never a bobcat! It was so awesome!

    The sad thing is some rich guy who owns land in a canyon behind our house is trying to build 50 homes ( originally approved for 5 homes and then he got it bumped up to 25 and now 50! He obviously greased someone’s palm). If it happens where will all the wildlife go? We live in an area that was designed to remain rural with 1 acre plus sized lots- how they can change that when we bought into this area expecting that would be the case is beyond me! We’re going to a meeting to try fight it exit month, but from what I hear, this guy’s been trying to develop this for 20 years and it’s basically a “done deal” at this point. Sorry for the rant! I guess I have to vent sometimes too! πŸ˜‰

    Cinque, yummy looking food! I know it’s not the same but it reminds me of a Persian rice my boyfriend in college made called ” tadiq” I think? Not sure of the spelling. He’d let the rice get hard and golden at the bottom of the pan and serve it with kabobs and roasted tomatoes- super yummy!

    Lori, congrats to your grandson! And, πŸ• “happens”… Just move on, right?! πŸ˜‰

    Carolina, sounds like a good clear sailing fast day with everyone gone! Hope you get some relaxing in too!

    Salma, enjoy your Sunday befor the craziness begins! Hopefully you can plan something fun to do at the end of it so there’s an enjoyable light at the end of the tunnel!

    Everyone else out there, have a great Sunday!

    Oh and P.S. Salma, I finally made that chicken shawarma last night with a yummy tahini yogurt sauce and cucumbers, tomatoes & onions stuffed into pitas- it was absolutely great! I’m sure not completely authentic, but tasty nonetheless!

    Good morning, it is getting cold overnight here, but then glorious warm days. My favourite.

    I’ll tell you more about the lovely poha. I had vaguely heard of it, and then I got this book: http://food52.com/blog/14519-the-beginner-s-guide-to-vegetarian-india-by-madhur-jaffrey from the library. MJ has a big rave about it and there are a couple of recipes I copied out to try. Luckily they are both on the internet, so I will link them below.

    Poha is not like that wonderful Persian rice with it’s crusty tadiq, although beautifully cooked basmati rice is probably the closest thing to how soft and light poha is.
    The rice grains have been flattened, like extreme rolled oats. All they need to soften them is to be rinsed with water and then left for a couple of minutes. The colour comes from turmeric.
    The dish is vibrant with spices, and the softness of the riceflakes is balanced by a crunch of nuts, or maybe that Indian style vermicelli broken into it, and by the mustard seeds and little bit of fried dal.

    It is a wonderful dish and , a bit like risotto, once you know how to make it, you can make it out of odds and ends in your pantry and garden. It is also like risotto in that there are a few classic combinations, but you can add whatever you like. I am adjusting it to make it just for one.

    But it does have a couple of odd ingredients. One is the flattened rice itself. I bought rolled rice in my healthfood store, and then saw proper poha which is beaten much thinner. However my rolled rice is from brown rice, and only needs a couple of minutes soaking to work well, and it is probably a healthier alternative.
    The next is urad dal, just a 1/2 tsp that gets fried and crunchy. I don’t like it so much, but I have moong dal in my pantry so I use that instead. It is smaller than urad dal so crunches up more easily.
    There are curry leaves, which I luckily have growing in a big pot in my garden.
    Finely there is hing, or asafoetida, a smelly resin, usually bought ground, and a little pinch goes a long way. (I think of it like vegetarian fish sauce, or anchovies, in that it smells shockingly pungent, but adds a wonderful deep note to the dishes it is in). It keeps really well, so I have some in my pantry.

    One you have all these, plus mustard seeds and cumin seeds and hopefully some coriander leaves (which I don’t have at the moment πŸ™ ) it is easy and quick to put together.

    I usually do a version of this one: http://www.wnyc.org/story/recipe-madhur-jaffreys-flattened-rice-cauliflower-and-peas/
    I have tried this one: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/flattened_rice_with_poha_64857 but need to fiddle with it to get it really good (I forgot the onion last time, for a start!). And I leave out the sugar of course!

    It makes such a lovely light, tasty meal so it has become a favourite of mine.

    Good Morning!

    Up early and ready for boot camp. At least I hope I’m ready! πŸ˜‰

    We had a really nice weekend with our daughter and family. Our Grandson’s team lost in the semi-finals yesterday afternoon, but played well all weekend. We got home about 6 last night and I had some laundry to do and then went to bed. A couple long weeks at work and then 9 days on a cruise ship…can’t wait!

    The scale was only up a couple tenths this morning which was a miracle. I had ice cream on Friday and pizza on Saturday. OY! I stayed strictly low carb yesterday and I’m sure that helped to mitigate the damage. I’m going to try to have at least 2 good fast days this week to try to get the darn scale moving down again. It has been stuck for weeks now!

    Hope you all have a great week!

    Hello! Hope we’re all having a good start to the week!!!!

    Don’t know if I’m the only one who watches Game of Thrones, but I was stoked to watch the season opener last night!!!! I even let myself have a bag of chips to celebrate. I figured I deserved it after doing a FD on the weekend.

    Salma, good luck with the quick transatlantic trip. I assume you’re going to the East Coast. Hope so anyway!!!!

    Cinque, I’m totally impressed with your cooking skills.

    SherryAnn, I would LOVE to see a bobcat. They are in our area as well but I’ve never seen one. I’ve seen a bear in our yard, coyote, fox (we had a rabid fox nightmare a few years ago), deer, raccoon, etc etc. But the bobcat have been elusive! There is a lot of development here, too. I don’t understand after the housing bubble that went so badly in 2008 why people are building so aggressively, on spec.

    Lori, I must follow your example and do some exercise first thing in the morning. I used to do that and felt so much better but I’m having a little trouble jumpstarting myself these days…..

    We are having our deck redone right now and making plans for a huge kitchen remodel. It’s kind of overwhelming but way past due ….

    My goal today is no carbs outside of meals. I had breakfast so I’ll skip lunch. Reasonable supper. Plenty of water and get at least 30 minutes of exercise in.

    Good luck, everyone!!!

    Good morning,
    Here is the catch up I missed out yesterday because of my poha post!

    Sherry, so sad to hear of that new development in the beautiful canyon, I wish they concentrated on making cities and towns work better, and left the countryside to itself.
    Wonderful to see the bobcat.

    Catz I am one of the weird people who didn’t get into GoT, but I know the pleasure of a new season of a show you love!
    I hope your third fast day was a good one, and that you have had a lovely day with no carbs between meals!

    Lori good luck moving the stuck scales!

    Salma have you had your appt with the nutritionist? How did it go?

    I’m still struggling to get things done. It’s like I am trying to carry a bale of hay on my back, as well as to do what I want to do. But some things are getting urgent.
    At least my eating is settled down. No snacks, and good meals on non fast days. Just cuppas and miso soup on fast days. That is what is good for me.
    Maybe next week I will have a snack if I feel like one!

    Best wishes everyone!

    Hi gals,

    A busy day of Pilates & various appointments today ahead of me but I just wanted to pop in and say hello!

    Carolina, yes , the house building is crazy-i think there’s a lot of pent up demand for new housing out here after years of no one buying. Just wish as Cinque said that they’d leave our beautiful open spaces alone!

    Salma, I’m also wondering how your appointments went? Hoping good!

    My weight is dead stuck for 10 days now but still lower than earlier this month so that’s what’s important I guess!

    Have a lovely day ladies! 😍

    It will be easier once you’ve habituated the fasting days. Without added exercise, I have lost 24 pounds since last October. Occasionally one seems to stall, but that has always preceded a significant drop. Best of luck.

    Good Morning!

    Miss Kitty decided I should get up at 3:15 this morning, so here I sit. I have over an hour until I head for boot camp. I was awake anyway as we’re having a water problem here at the house and I was worrying about it. We have a water holding tank in the basement that has sprung a leak. Luckily, we have a sump pump that was getting rid of the water, but today the plumber will return to replace the tank. Sigh…..it’s always something. There goes another pile of $$$.

    The scale continues to go up and down the same few pounds. The recent stress over the household problems will not help. I have decided to just do my best for the next couple weeks and then start doing a better job of tracking when I return from my trip. I’m sure I’ll have a few extra pounds to get rid of at that point!

    Sorry this was all about me. I’m sorry I’ve been so bad about responding personally to your posts. I enjoy reading them all. Hope your week is going well.

    Hi everyone,

    My weight is still stalled & even up a tad (double ugh!) and I think a darn cold is trying to get at me again. Or maybe it’s a weird allergy? Everyone here says it’s a bad allergy season this year.

    I took a big step ( for me) today and had an initial consult with a doctor about facial treatments. Nothing drastic I assure you, but still weird & a bit scary to me. I’m thinking of hylaurinic acid fillers for under eye bags & a light laser treatment to lift upper saggy eye lid area. Has anyone else done any similar procedures that are willing to give me an idea of how well they worked/if they’re happy with the results? Had them look at my saggy leg skin and apparently at a “level 4” ( sounds terminal… Ha ha!), they can’t promise much help for that area! That’s what happens when you gain & lose the same 10-20 or so pounds over & over again- skin laxity πŸ˜– oh well, I’ll just stick with the self tanners to help it look a little better. I hope no one thinks me vain…. Just don’t want to be accused of looking like my little kid’s grandma instead if mom, hasn’t happened yet, but it could soon!

    Ok, I have a sink of dirty dishes staring me in the face courtesy of my hubby who was nice enough to make breakfast this morning but had no time to clean up- at least he cooked, right?! πŸ˜‰

    Have a great day!

    Hi ladies,

    So.. it is 3:30 a.m. (waaaaaay to early for me); jet lag.. my travel companion!

    Sherry.. the Sahwermah sounds wonderful.. I am sitting in my bed feeling really hungry and the hotel does not do all-night room service (I guess, a good thing?) and I had gone to bed earliesh last night on empty stomach.and CC, yes.. it is the East coast but still 17 hours for the whole trip with the layover.

    Cinque..Madhur Jeffrey is the queen of Indian cooking. My sister went to school with her daughter in the UK.. and she is simply a wonderful cook and a great cook-book writer. You have made me want to buy the book, but with the trouble I have been having with getting the book that Sherry recommended, I think I will try to Amazon it while I am here or on my next trip.

    Lori.. I am soooooo sorry about the house problems. I have dealt with similar issues in the past and it always feels like the weight of the world on one’s shoulders. The unexpected expense alone is a stress-inducer and the mess and inconvenience is awful. I really feel for you.. and you know, I think stress and cortisol play havoc with the body’s ability to control weight. From personal experience, this past period, it has been impossible to lose anything.. I just grit my teeth and do the best I can.

    Well.. I went to the nutritionist before I travelled.. she is putting me on what she calls the “Detox”. They will prepare the meals and send over for a period of 2 weeks (before I have to travel again). I have been STUCK at the same weight for forever and I want to shake things up a bit to get me re-motivated. So, I will give it a go.. expensive.. but if it works, worth it. She tells me I have to lose 8 Kgs of FAT (which probably translates to 16 Kgs or more) but hey.. it is a battle I intend to win. The orthopaedic specialist (who I saw for the inflammation in my finger and hip) said I have to lose weight.. so this is all-out. It is not going to be easy, but with all the travel I have to do in this period, I am likely to gain 3-4 Kgs if I don’t do something drastic. I thik I have to “trick” my body by a change of pace. Here’s hoping!

    Sherry.. I have been playing with the idea of doing something about my flabby thighs. Vain or not.. if you can do something safe to improve how we look, why not? I avoid looking in full length mirrors, but I had a full view last week when I came out of the shower.. and thought my legs looked flabby and unattractive, I am not concerned about the size per se.. but I would like to look toned (which I don’t). As you say, the result of years and years of on again off again weight. I say go for it.. celebrate looking the best you can. It is like dressing well and getting your hair done.. why do we do it if not to feel the best we can? Let us know how it goes.

    So.. another day at meetings dealing with tough issues. one nice thing though: I am meeting an old friend who lives here – for breakfast. She is in her mid forties and had finally become pregnant after several fertility treatments.. she had ALWAYS wanted to become a mother and it is so nice to see her so near to her dream).

    It is so nice to check in with you gals. I feel like I am chatting to old friends – old in the NICEST sense of the world πŸ™‚ . Wishing you all a grand day.


    Good Morning!

    Hi Salma!! It feels great to think you are right here so near to me. You said East coast, right? I am not technically on the coast, but not too far. I hope you have successful meetings that are not too stressful. Enjoy breakfast with your friend. It sounds like a special time in her life.

    My house woes have been resolved. Well, all but paying the plumber’s bill. That will arrive in the mail in a few days. I have no idea what to expect. It shouldn’t be too bad, at least the labor part, as it didn’t take he and his helper long to replace the tank. The tank itself? Have no idea the price of that item.

    Sherry, I say go for whatever procedures feel right to you. I certainly have some bits that could use tightening and lifting, but not sure I’ll ever do anything about them. Maybe, who knows?

    Oh Salma…I’m so interested in your nutritionist’s plan. So they will deliver all your meals for 2 weeks? Did she give you any idea of what they will include? Keep us posted on how it goes.

    I really need to get serious about getting the rest of my weight off. Obviously, what I’ve been doing is allowing me to maintain, but I need to lose another 20 lbs. Nothing much will be done until I return from my cruise in a few weeks, but after that, I must buckle down. I think the first thing I’ll do is keep with my low carb eating, but throw in 2 FD’s of 500 calories or less. As a matter of fact, why not start that now? I have 2 weeks after all! Ok…..today will be a FD. Don’t you just love how whatever pops into my head gets typed here? LOL! πŸ˜‰

    Off to boot camp in a few minutes. What a way to start the day!

    Have a good one!

    Hi Lori,

    I am in DC till Saturday when I fly back home.
    Yes.. they will deliver the food every day for 2 weeks. With all the eating out I indulge in, I figured it will not be much of a difference, money wise, since I will not have to do grocery shopping or eating out. The first two days are liquids only (soups/juices/etc) and then it is vegetables and fish. No dairy, and worse: No coffee, no alcohol.

    i will keep you posted on the progress (I hope there will be some!). I start next Monday.. so wish me luck.


    Hello Gals,
    Mid 50’s as well and it is hard. Like you I love to shop for food, cook lovely food, share food with friends, try new restaurants and on it goes. I think it is the carbs that are my downfall. Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes all seem to fuel my appetite but having said that I don’t even need to be hungry to eat!! Good luck girls, hopefully sharing yours trials will help me find the strength to start the 5:2 again and stick to it for longer than a week!

    Salma, which Jaffrey daughter? Meera lives in my town and teaches music at my boys’ K-8 school since 1997. I have two of Madhur’s cookbooks.

    Hi K-Lo.. I am not sure.. I have to ask my sister. I will let you know. We were living in Wimbledon at the time.

    A rainy day here but expected to break in time for me to drive 30 min this
    afternoon to the chiropractor thank goodness. I need an adjustment so bad! Neck aches & everything just feels out of whack. I get a once monthly tune up! The cold is still lurking so not feeIing my best but I’m still going to tackle pilates this morn. Ugh! I sound like an old lady today πŸ˜‰!

    So now to talk food which we all love or we wouldn’t be here ( I promise it’s healthy though!). So I made a simple recipe for some of the best chicken breasts ever. Even my “I’m-not -so -happy -we’re -eating -chicken-again ” kid proclaimed them the best she’s ever eaten and happily dug in! What you do is slice or pound the breasts thin and then soak them in a warm salt water brine for at least 15 minutes. Then sprinkle them with salt, pepper, smoked paprika, onion & garlic powder & cook high at 450 degrees for about 18 minutes. So simple & so good for leftovers to throw into salads, etc.

    Salma, I’d love to take care of the wobbly thighs but as I mentioned, they’re beyond saving at this point they told me! The doc did say his wife had success with her wobbly arms with this skin tightening machine that also melts fat away , “Vanquish” but didn’t promise it would help my thighs- only hinted that it might! And for $400 per area ( each thigh consists of 4 areas apparently πŸ˜–), that ain’t gonna happen for me, especially when it’s a “maybe” & needs to be repeated every so often! Plus, like you, I am fine with the size of my thighs and don’t need to lose fat there per se ( any of those devices that suck or melt fat scare the crap out of me!) ~ I just want tightening! So, as I said I’m just going to get a little filler and laser lifting for eyes. The detox sounds like a great reboot for you- similar to what I do with my cleanse which sounds similar in many ways. If I was closer to you, I’d just double up a batch of whatever I’m eating when on it & send it over πŸ˜‰! I’m excited to hear about the results- I think you’ll be pleased!

    Lori , I thought you were still doing 5:2 with low carb, it if not, I bet that adding that in will be just what you need to kick things into gear. I have to figure out how to kick my butt into gear again too!

    Ok girls, I have to get ready for Pilates even though I lack enthusiasm today 😩.

    Enjoy your time in the States Salma & congrats again on he son graduating! You must be so proud & happy! ☺️


    Oh and welcome Missfire! Hope we can be of help to you on your repeat 5:2 journey!

    Me again! more thing- Lori, saw that photo of you on FB with your 500 boot camp classes poster! Looking good girl! Congrats again on meeting that milestone! You’re a tough cookie!

    Hello all! I am back and trying to get into the swing of things after a long weekend in Austin, TX with my husband’s college friends. We all 12 shared a big, beautiful house, ate and drank way too much, but had a great time! And at least the karaoke and dancing kept my step count way up.

    We got back Monday night and I leave tomorrow for 4 days in Baltimore for work (so close to you, Salma!), so I am just doing 1 FD this week, today. I have a cold, so my appetite is down and it’s been fine so far (nearly 5 pm here).

    I’ve now had 3 full weeks of 5:2 with pretty good, but not perfect, adherence. I didn’t weigh or measure since I’ve had trouble with being a teensy bit obsessive before! But my tightest jeans are definitely more comfortable, and I think I see a little less belly and chin.

    So much to catch up on in reading the posts! Happy Lori’s met a big milestone, and I hope Sherryann’s neck feels better soon. I am still scrolling backward over the last week!

    Missfire, I also had done 5:2 previously, but just for a month or so. It worked, but then I missed a week, and then another, and then it fell by the wayside. Hoping this group helps keep me involved and accountable this time!

    Have a good evening/night/morning, all!

    Many people talk about how it helps, but I also heard about another method that has been proven scientifically, has no side effect, it was on the http://bit.ly/1XR7OQR so what do you think about it?

    Happy Friday everyone!

    I’m having another boring day at work and just waiting for the day to be over. About to go run some errands on my lunch break, so I’ll have a change of scenery for an hour, at least!

    Sherry…I sort of slid into just low carb and 5:2 fell by the wayside. Most days I do the IF window method as I usually skip breakfast so am fasting from about 7PM until 1PM the following day. I think my biggest downfall lately is thinking I need a snack after dinner before I go to bed. That is a big no no. I’m not sure how much I’ll accomplish toward changing my habits before my trip, but will be ready to “hit it hard” when I return on 5/23.

    Thanks for the comment on my FB boot camp picture. That’s about as good as I can look at 5:45AM! πŸ˜‰ At least they took the picture before our workout and not after! All red faced & sweaty…ugh!

    Planning to play golf tomorrow, but the weather will not be great. We’ll just bundle up and face the elements.

    Have a wonderful weekend all!

    Welcome, Missfire, love that name!

    Sherry, for migraines I’ve had botox which also addresses forehead wrinkles. Unfortunately, wrinkles don’t bother me–it’s the sagging and flab, etc. It would be so much nicer if it did something I want cosmetically. The help for migraines is borderline so I’m always debating whether to continue with it.

    Salma, I hope you get over the jet lag soon. It really gets me. My husband deals with it well and doesn’t quite understand!

    Lorie, I really want to lose at least 15 pounds. I am nine pounds from the healthy weight zone per bmi, but I have a small frame and need at least five more. If I ever make that, I’ll reassess!!

    Have to go do pick-up!

    I’m back….hello Kari! Congrats on going three weeks!!! I still have good weeks and not so great weeks–steps forward and back! But I’m just a few tenths of a pound from my pre-holiday weight. Only took me a little over three months (my son was home well into January and I didn’t reboot till he left really). So now it’s time for progress again.

    I was going to use the three weeks my husband is in Croatia to do three fasts a week, but now I realize my son will come home for two of those weeks. Oh well….I’ll try to do a good job next week and then have an awesome week when it’s just me and my daughter and hopefully I won’t gain anything while he’s home. He’s so skinny and I only get to cook for him a few weeks a year. You know how it goes…..But I can’t let whatever happened at Christmas happen, so I’ll make an effort to log in every day!

    Salma, I bet DC is beautiful right now. We were there in October and the leaves were gorgeous. I love the city.

    Good afternoon ladies!

    Just back from a speech meet my son was participating in (top honors- blue ribbon!). It was a half day at school since the speech meet was going on so took the kids out for lunch before and then for frozen yogurt afterward to celebrate. Of course, going against my “no sugar” rule, I snuck a little from the mini taster sample cups ;O Anyhow, not much else going on around these parts!

    Lori, ha! I figured it was a “before” pic! Don’t feel bad, I am also a red faced sweaty exerciser! Some of us just are!

    Carolina, bummer the botox doesn’t work that well for the migraines! Funny, I was just reading that using lavender helps with migraines? You might want to google that- who knows? Might work! I’m really hoping you finally get back to the pre-Xmas weight! I know you’ve been working on that for a while. I can’t seem to stay in the 120 evenish range since my cleanse…keeps creeping up a teensy bit at a time! πŸ™ Who knows, you might be able to still sneak in some good eating/fasts while your son is around…maybe save your main meal for the one you like best that you’re cooking for him?

    Cinque, missing hearing from you lately! Hope all is well!

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

    Hello girls,

    Just a quick note to say hi before I crash. I just got to the hotel from all day meetings. Exhausted!
    Oh, and Sherry, I got the book. I decided to Amazon it while here, and it arrived today. Tomorrow I fly back home, and Monday.. it is time to start my detox.

    CC..DC is beautiful, but I did not get to see much of it. I was cooped up in meetings all the time. Same tomorrow.. I am wanting to get home as soon as possible to be onest, but a big hi to all fello 5:2ers in this neck of the woods πŸ™‚


    Oh Salma, I was confusing your business trip and the trip to your son’s graduation. So, you’re coming back to the U.S. for his graduation soon? So glad you got the book finally! Maybe you can get a good portion read on the flight home!

    Best of luck on the detox starting Monday! πŸ™‚

    I have had a few hard days, and every time I come to post I get exhausted reading though the lovely posts and then have to go and rest!
    Cheers everyone. Salma I agree that Madhur Jaffrey is the queen of Indian cooking! I also love her book ‘World Vegetarian’.

    My fasting is going well and the way I reacted after going backward a bit, has been a real reminder: how uncomfortable my clothes have been, even though I didn’t go up a size, and how I lost the ability to feel nicely full. Lots of lessons to help me make sure I don’t make the same mistakes again.

    Fast day tomorrow! (It is Saturday evening here).

    Best wishes for your day, I hope it is a good one!

    Good Morning!

    Sorry that you’ve been stuck in long meetings Salma. It would have been nice for you to be able to see a bit of Wash DC. Wishing you safe travels home.

    I think my scale is stuck. It is getting ridiculous. I thought I was eating too close to bed time, so last night I didn’t eat after 6 o’clock and felt very thin this morning. Stepped on the thing and nope…same freakin’ number, and that number is 3 lbs up from my low. I’m about to lose it here! What do I have to do? Ok…rant over. It is what it is, it is just a number. It would be easier to understand if I had eaten or drank a bunch of high carb stuff, but I have not gone off my low carb plan at all. Deep breath….

    I’m so anxious for this trip with my sister. I need the time away to just forget about routine, the scale and whatever. Everyone needs a change of pace once in awhile.

    I’ll be bundling up and heading for the golf course in a couple hours. I’m really not looking forward to it that much. It’s just too cold. I’ll go since I promised my friend that I would. Man am I a “Debbie Downer” this morning. Sorry….I think I’m letting that scale dictate my mood. That’s a bad thing.

    Hope you all enjoy your Saturday. I’ll try to make my next post more upbeat!

    Hi ladies..
    Jetlag and I am awake far too early for a human..
    Lori, I totally understand the frustration. I think you and I (at different scales of stuck) have gotten ‘stuck’ at certain weights and seem to have particular difficulty shifting the scale number. It is EXTREMELY frustrating, but my hunch is that when you relax and enjoy your time away (of course while trying to eat healthily most of the time) you might find you have shifted the weight downwards. Sometimes stress/tiredness/sleeplessness kick up the cortisol levels in our bodies affecting how we burn fat. Just enjoy your time and deal and try not to stress about the weight, but don’t throw all caution to the wind either (I sometimes do that when I am fed up with the weight gain/no weight loss).

    Cinque, I also went ahead and ordered Madhur jeffreys Vegetarian India when I ordered the other Alzheimer’s book that Sherry recommended. It is a fat heavy volume and I am looking forward to trying our some recipes. Please let me know recipe names/page numbers of ones you particularly like. I will have to wait until after my detox, but it is something to look forward too. I just LOVE leafing through cookbooks.. it is such a sress-reliever for me πŸ™‚

    Sherry.. thanks for the book recommendation. It is amazing htat I got the book in 2 days here while I have been waiting for it forever back home. If I do get the second copy eventually, I will give it to one of my sisters to read to help understand how better to deal with this new situation that we have. Thanks again for the recommendation.

    Okay.. I go now to face another day of meetings. I am hoping to be able to find a hairdresser around the hotel so I can at least face the world looking well-put-together and to lift my spirits somewhat. Googlemaps?

    Big virtual hug to any of you who needs it.. I could do with one myself πŸ™‚


    oh.. and by the way.. I came across the below and thought some of you might find it interesting:

    Let me know what you think of it.

    BIG virtual hug back Salma. You always know the right things to say!


    No time to read that right now Salma, but I will later. I do agree that you shouldn’t expect exercise alone to make you lose weight. After all, you can’t out run your fork! I exercise for the muscle toning and overall health benefits.

    Off to bundle up for golf…….ugh.

    Lori! You need to open a beer!

    Salma, I do hope you enjoy that Madhur Jaffrey book. I borrowed it, copied out a few recipes, and the poha is the only one I have tried.
    This is my main way of getting recipes: reading books from the library, writing out the ones I would like to try. I have exercise books full, and so many of them I haven’t got around to trying! If I see the book in the library again, I will re borrow it and look through again, and I might be inspired to write out another one!

    That is a great article you linked, I put it in the thread for science articles https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/related-science-articles-people-might-be-interested-to-read/

    Good luck with your meetings!

    Good Morning!

    Yesterday ended up not being too bad on the course. I played pretty well(for me) and I was dressed just right for the conditions. It didn’t feel that cold as there was no wind. My friend and I had a good time and I got some good exercise.

    On the food front, I did have a few “off plan” items, but the scale is down 2 lbs this morning. It will probably pop back up a bit, but I was happy to see a lower number this morning.

    Today is rainy and dreary, so I’ll be puttering around the house doing laundry etc. I may make a grocery store run…not sure. I sort of love having a day without a plan!

    Hope you’re all having a good weekend. Salma…hope you had a good trip home.

    Hello ladies..

    Thankfully, today is a Bank holiday here so I can recuperate from my crazy trip. I arrived late only to find that my suitcase did not make the same trip home. It is still floating around somewhere (aong with my new Madhur Jeffrey’s book, Sherry) and, I am told, may make an appearance tomorrow! To add to the fun, I acquired a nasty cold on the way (yes, again) so I have that to contend with as well. So, it is back to chicken soup and ginger/lemon/honey concoctions. Ah well.. so goes life.

    I just thought I would pop in and say hi to all of you.


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