Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,451 through 3,500 (of 16,657 total)

  • Good morning fellow fasters (or should that be fastees??) well I’m up at “sparrow fart” again this morning and catching up on all the goss.

    Smiffy hope the dogs are better soon … it’s strange but sometimes making up a raspberry cordial helps to settle their tums, just make it a little weaker than you would for human consumption or some rice and/or rice water with a little bit of chicken or a bit of charcoal (if you can get tablets it’s better but we find them hard to come across these days). These are some of the things we use. Always with an upset tum the rice/rice water/chicken combo is good as it fills them up yet allows the tum to have a rest and seems to soothe it too.

    Alexa that view sounds fab … when we stayed with OH’s rellies in Amsterdam the view we had was across the roof tops too but yours sounds way more interesting 🙂

    Nema I hear you re “organised” exercise. I don’t do a lot of gardening (too dry here) but do have a “small” garden … just planted a few flowering plants last night (read about 20) that friends have given us (using the recycled “grey” water for this), I have my veggie patch (which some has gone to seed (coriander and parsley) and others are still good to go (spinach in particular). I have a few “pots” of parsley in the freezer ready to just pop into dishes when needed.

    Hope everyone has a great day/night … FD for me today 🙂

    Hi Oma.
    I’m at the tail end of B2B fast days as I’m out for the day tomorrow and Wednesday. I kept myself busy all day and didn’t have anything until dinner, and I saved some calories for milk in my after dinner coffee!
    Have a good day.

    Hiya all from a very wet and windy Scotland .

    Sorry I have been AWAL just had appointments and Dad and Ross and lots of running about . I have been reading all the posts though . It always brightens my day .

    I hope the poor dogs are OK and I think you did right coming home to your own vet . I just love dogs but sadly I am now allergic 🙁 .

    Jojo well done on the shorts 🙂 .

    I have done 3 fasts this last week and lost another pound so that is 30 in total on 5.2 .

    SAMM loved the jokes and all the tips too pal .

    You all know I am terrible with names but I think of you all.

    This thread is always so positive . keep up the good work guys ..Wee xx

    I had a day day of work I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
    So sore as my day went on into overtime I got 36,000 steps. On 750 calories. . Hated breaking the fast on the first day but , my glucometer indicated low sugar. So followed my low sugar plan.

    All is well. Forgive me for not responding to your posts, just very tired and checking in.
    Will read later.
    Keep on Keepin on!

    Look after yourself SAMM and get some rest.

    Good grief! How many posts…?!

    Re: gardening being good exercise. I have sore arms today from shovelling and barrowing compost yesterday, and bagging up last year’s leaf mould to free up the cage for this year’s leaves.

    The weather’s been too poor to get out for a run though, and even too windy for the new skipping rope. I’m determined not to let my fitness slip over winter though and have bought a copy of the Pop Up Gym. It promises fitness with minimal equipment, and doable anywhere. I just need to commit to starting… (and not when OH is around to laugh at me).

    Jojo, I’m also a pear and now wear a lot of hipster trousers to get over that tight on the thighs and bum, baggy on the waist problem.

    Smiffy, have you changed what you feed your dogs or has the recipe changed? One of my Dad’s dogs had recurring diarrhoea recently, which seemed to coincide with a noticeable change in the tinned food (less meat, more gravy).

    My nails are much stronger than they used to be, and grow like something that grows very fast…

    SAMM, you’ve worried me now. Carob covered brazil nuts are my personal weakness. Every few weeks I scoff a whole bag (1100 cals, maybe 10 or so nuts). I can’t believe something so lovely could harm me?!

    SAMM’s post says brazil nut “can be” toxic, not that they are. I would imagine that most things can be bad for you if you eat enough of them. A bag of brazils every day might be a problem, but every few weeks it is unlikely.
    If they don’t make you ill, carry on eating and enjoying them!
    I love maple brazils and usually buy myself a box at Christmas, but they are off the list this year along with several other highly calorific and sugary items 🙁

    I’ve got a few DVDs and some weights and do most of my exercise at home. Fortunately there is no-one here to laugh at me. I’m hoping that the winter weather doesn’t spoil my walks. I don’t mind if it is cold but I hate walking in the rain.

    My nails are better than they’ve ever been and are looking good, which is a blessing as the hands aren’t so hot………….

    Hi all
    Sorry to hear about the dogs Smiffy. I hope they pick up quickly.
    Amazon.. ..my husband hates roses. He calls them ‘vicious plants’ as his father grew them. I have one lovely old pink rose in a pot..a gift from a dear friend. ..I have deep scars on my arm to confirm OH’s statement 🙁
    Have just woken up and weigh my equal lowest. I know when I weigh again in 1 hour I’ll be lighter (2nd wees 😉 ). If I can drop 200grams I’m in the next kg… lighter than I’ve been since 1983!!!! And I’ve done very little exercise thus week. Just a good fast. Don’t think I’ll drink my morning coffee. 🙂 P

    Hi Purple, that is great. Everyone is doing so well.
    My scales aren’t very sophisticated, they just do lbs or kilos and I don’t think they are very accurate. I’ve found the spot on the floor where they weigh at the lowest and I’m sticking to it! 😆
    I can hardly believe I’ve lost 21lbs in 11 weeks, and it hasn’t been difficult, just a couple of tough fast days.

    I love roses, but I have a very small garden and just have two small bushes, one is a very pale pink and the other somewhere between cream and apricot. They both have a lovely perfume which is the main reason I bought them.

    Weemam, well done!

    Hi Amazon, can you tell me what Muscovado sugar is? I have not seen it on our shelves in Aust. The recipe looks great.
    My weight is not shifting at all. I think I will have to record non fasting days as I think I am fine but clearly not.
    Best go as travelling across the city for a meeting and then up to the hills, down to the city and then finally back home by 10:30pm .
    Have a great day/ evening all. Emel

    9.5 kg in 11 weeks is wonderful Amazon! You are obviously doing the right thing. Keep it up (or down) 😉 P

    Good morning fasting friends, well done on all the progress.

    SAMM sorry to hear of the death of your friend and and Purple of your family member. Always sad occasions.

    Fasted yesterday and hoping to manage today but feel dreadful with cold caught from grandson. Not meant to sound noble but had to come to work because of the two days of economic botany lectures today and yesterday I mentioned last week – I was responsible for finding and setting up the ‘living’ display to accompany the plant products (nuts, seeds, paper and the like) and the dried herbarium specimens. When I had added my part the lecture room looked very good yesterday morning. This morning have to add two more specimens collected yesterday afternoon from our hills garden but then going home – only so much nobility available! 😉

    Will try to catch up on outstanding posts at home – will keep my mind off my miseries. OH will cosset me with cups of tea.

    Keep up the good work all, Nicky.

    Poor Nicky
    Dose up on apple cider vinegar chum. Hope you shake it quickly. Grandkids! Little germ factories 😉 P

    P, I’m with your OH on roses. I like them as flowers, but they have to be in the right place. And a mixed herbaceous border is just not the place (each time we’ve moved I’ve found them hidden amongst the herbaceous perennials….)

    Congrats on the new low P. I’m struggling for willpower at the mo, think it’s the onset of winter… OH is away next week, so there’s no excuses… next week!

    Amazon, your results are amazing. Incredible shrinking woman!

    Do you have a set time for home exercise? I’m struggling with how to get into a good routine at home. I was always a winter gym bunny, but we’re too remote now for that to be practical. But I can’t seem to get into a regular indoor program. I do some abs exercises, can’t laugh or cough for 3 days for pain, and then leave it a month before doing them again! I have no problem getting out for a run when the weather’s OK. Don’t know what my indoor problem is!

    Hi Happy
    I know what you mean about husbands laughing. ..I gave up yoga abd then wii exercises because of him!!! ; ( P

    No, I haven’t stalked off in a hissy fit. Suddenly, I’m flavour of the month with peeps wanting translations, which is good news as I didn’t earn at all while dissertating.

    So quickly, in no particular order:

    Hi to Purple, bay, Oma and Nicky, and the new ladies from the Southern Hemisphere. Enjoy your day and, Nicky, get well soon.

    SAMM, you take care now, we don’t want our fount of knowledge and fun getting ill.

    jojo, which part of Spain are you off to? I’m sure you won’t put on too much this time. Skipping breakfast is a good idea. And if the worst happens and you put on a pound or two, don’t despair. Remember how quickly you lost it all – plus some – after your last trip.

    Smiffy, hope your poor sick dogs will soon be well again. I’ll get back to you re my lovely nephew – or wait until York to bore you witless. You’re right, some young lady is going to be very lucky one day.

    Amazon, thanks for the advice re getting my photo up on FB. I’ll have a go at it tomorrow.

    To everyone involved with roses. I have to confess, I don’t like gardening. To me, it’s just outdoor housework. However, I love looking at and walking through beautiful gardens and being surrounded by plants and flowers. The only task I ever enjoyed was pruning roses.

    Finally, wee. How are you, hen? 🙂 Funny, while dear, sweetheart, darling etc from total strangers get right up my nose, ‘hen’ always sounds sisterly and gives me a nice, warm feeling.

    Hermaj I am great hen 🙂 hows yersel ? 🙂 .

    keep healthy all and Take care xx

    Wee xx

    Amazon this journey we are all on together is awesome and you minus 9.5kg in 11 weeks is uplifting reassuring and inspiring we all benefit by the success of every one else because of the doubters and the negativity by some my (friends and family) who keep yapping about breakfast is the most important meal of the day you must eat 6 meals a day and you shouldn’t this you cant that its unhealthy to starve yourself yadda yadda all experts in the field of course…ok vent over I say results speak for themselves and that my fast friends is my story 🙂

    RT, when we started this 18 months ago, my daughter was our fiercest critic. She was particularly worried about her father, the diabetic.
    She has now come around having witnessed her parents slim down (58 kg between us) and regain their health. With her dad now off all diabetes medications and mum slimmer than her, she tells everyone about our success and asks me to give others some hints.
    The proof wasn’t in the pudding, it was off the bodies! 😉 P

    RT I think people are scared of change. And the ‘experts’ that guide us are the most conservative of all. After seeing the successes of ppl on the fasting program and after reading about Dr Jason Fung’s revolutionary ideas about Diabetes (learnt about thru Purple), I really need to have a discussion with an old friend who is a paediatric diabetes educator….she leads a team in a large public hospital and is a smart cookie(speaks at international diabetes conferences)…. It seems more and more to me that insulin is another ‘bandaid’ solution!

    Thanks Nama
    I KNOW insulin is much worse than a ‘bandaid solution’, it is positively detrimental. As Dr Fung says, it IS the problem. My OH would never have ended up obese if he had had Dr Fung and Dr M around 15 years ago:(
    You are dead right. It is the conservatism of the medicos that causes the problem. Let’s keep yelling about this wol from the rooftops!!! P (she climbs back down off the soapbox)

    PVE 58kg between you guys is outstanding and a tribute to yourselves and well done is way better than well said 😉
    Nama yes change is always the barrier the FD concept is not a mine field of pills powders or shakes and it works so effectively and as proved by many of these beautiful people amazon aussie o jojo nicky samm pve bay herm weemam and many more around the traps significant and permanent fat loss is doable and really without to much punishment unlike the reality tv show that whips you to death in a gym and any number of challenges but once the carnival is over the weight returns why?
    Because its not sustainable its not a natural way of living life whereas we can ALL carry on for good the 5-2 or 4-3 or ADF WOl off my soap box now also PVE 😉
    Peace RT

    Gosh RT. We are having to line up and take a number to get on the soapbox today! 😉 P

    Well said rouge.

    many diets I been on are more of a battle with will power.
    the these feed day fast day feed days. Fit me much better than the will power diets.

    but when I read micheals posts from earlier thia year its explained that the loss is nearly 1 lb of fat . Not musclle
    its my understanding tgat our metabolism increases its demand ratio to burn more fat in our sleep than carbs. Why sleep is important to wright lose. And why I suggest using the green tea before bedtime.

    Hi everyone.

    For the new people, not sure who it was who’s having problems losing weight, first of all make sure you measure at least chest/bust, waist (smallest part), thighs as I’ve found that even when the scales say not losing or going up (as happened last week) the tape measure was my friend!!!

    Also, my major issue was not what I was eating (I was eating the same as now) it was the PORTION SIZE!!!

    I looked up on the internet what was the correct portion size for ALL food types and I now draw an imaginary line on my plate (entree size btw) and put my foods in there – no heaping it up either other than the veggies (non starchy ones only). This was mine and could be something that’s causing you not to lose much if any weight.

    On non-fast days I allow myself to eat, if needed, between my BMR and TDEE and often I don’t even get that high (my TDEE is now just down under 2000). For example, yesterday was a non-FD, I was only able to eat 3/4 of my lunch (252 cals) and then for dinner I ate what I thought was excessive until I saw the calorie content (584 cals) plus a sliver of mud cake (155 cals) giving a total for yesterday of 991 cals.

    But you know what I didn’t get a handle on this overnight. This is my 6th week which I’ve almost finished. The first two I struggled to get down to 500 cals for FD’s, now I don’t even get to that amount most days (today it’s standing at 394 cals (I might have a snack later if I’m hungry but I don’t generally snack at night). Two weeks ago it was 494 cals for a FD. I no longer worry about having any potato (and I used to love them in all forms), about the only time I might have a little bit is if I’m having a roast or 2 or 3 of the chips which come with my dinner on a Friday night when we’re out with friends and believe me 2 or 3 is all I want.

    On non-FD’s I can have whatever I want, just make sure I control how much of it I have, that is all. Yes, yesterday I had a tiny sliver of mud cake (I took only a tiny sliver of it – out of a quarter of the cake we had 6 or 7 slivers) as it was a friends birthday but I could enjoy it without thinking of how many calories, I just put them all in MFP (myfitnesspal) when I got home last night. Today was very hectic at work so I didn’t have even a Bovril for lunch so dinner is all I’m having (at this stage) so under 400 cals today on my FD (unless I have a small snack – unlikely).

    I also drink lots of water … before deciding whether or not I’m hungry I have a large glass (or it’s equivalent) of water and wait for 5 or 10 minutes, if I’m still feeling as if I’m hungry I do the same again and if after 5 or 10 minutes I’m still feeling hungry then I will eat. I eat very slowly, chewing each mouthful thoroughly as I’ve been finding that this way it gives my tummy a chance to let me know when it’s becoming full. As soon as I get that feeling of almost full I stop eating as otherwise by the time I’ve finished eating I’m feeling over full.

    This is not meant as a you must do this sort of post, but just letting you know how I am doing it. There might be things in there that you can take onboard and run with, you might think no way. That is entirely your choice. I’m just putting it out there for you to see how I’m working this WOL and how I’m readjusting my meals and my mindset and, hopefully, getting it right 🙂

    Hugs to all and now it’s REALLY time to get off my soapbox 🙂 RT great post BTW 😀

    Good Morning FastTrackers,
    Great night at badminton, didn’t win one game but I played well and we had lots of fun. I am laying in bed waiting for my porrige and berries to cool,listening to the birds singing and screetching(we have parakeets nest in my neighbours tree). I have to be honest I am not overly fond of the parakeet because they don’t really share habitat, before long the area will be denuded of other types of bird,which is a shame. Crow’s are about the only bird to take them on around here, maybe the occasional woodpecker. I will miss the early morning chorus of blackbirds and sparrows. I could live without the Herring gulls some days though, talk about persistent.

    Well it seems most people are succeeding in their efforts at fasting but I hear some resistance to exercise. I would strongly recommend accepting it into your life, try lots of different types. I have always done yoga, gym and swimming but my life has improved dramatically by trying new sports and exercise.

    Have a good Tuesday all

    Hi there

    Any preference between Kobo or Kindle as an e reader? I’m getting one for my birthday and have to choose pronto. Thanks for your experience.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Morning /evening all.

    Another beautiful morning with blue sky and sunshine.

    A non fast day today. I’m going out later with a friend and her two boys of almost 5 and 7. The younger one will be 5 next week and Auntie Amazon is buying him new shoes for his birthday so we are going shopping and then back to their house to attack an enormous chocolate cake that I’ve made. The best thing about it is I get one slice and leave it behind for them to finish off!
    I was really hoping for that extra pound to drop today to make it 22lbs but it hasn’t so I’ll have to be satisfied. Still on target for 28lbs by Cuba!

    It is truly amazing how this thread has become such a hugely successful support tool, I couldn’t have got this far without it, and I know I’ve said it before but thanks to all of you, especially Jojo.

    AO is it really six weeks 😮 time flies.

    emel, muscovado is a dark brown sugar, but you can just leave it out, I do 😆

    Happy Now, I try to exercise as early as possible in the morning. When I get up I put my exercise gear on. I find that once I’ve done something I want to do more, and after I’ve worked out I’m trying to do something active every day, or go for a walk. I don’t always succeed but I’m exercising at least 6 days out of 7. I find that exercise helps mind and body,I feel so much better for it, and so positive about what I can do, and I don’t just mean getting fit and slim, but everything I do.

    We have lots of parakeets here. They live in Kew Gardens and a few pairs of them fly across the river and roost in the trees in the back garden of the house opposite. I love them.

    Time to get moving, have a great day/evening everyone, and thanks for all the well dones 🙂

    Hi Bay,

    As a lover of books I didn’t expect to like an e reader. However, I got a kindle paperwhite for my birthday in April and I’m very happy with it. Easy to use, long battery life, instant access to books (including all of the classics for free), very portable. It’s backlit for reading in bed with the light off, brightness level adjustable. Also being able to change font size means I can still read a book even if I’ve forgotten my reading glasses (albeit one word to a page!). No complaints from me.

    Can’t comment on the kobo I’m afraid!

    I have a Kindle paperwhite and I love it!

    Hi Bay,
    Yep ‘kindle paper white’ per my reading group, is the one, tried and tested by many, but you can also download books on your tablet or ipad I have an old E reader, sony I think, battery life not great but these days I use my ipad.

    I still love paper versions of books but electronic are very useful on holiday and it will save trees and home storage space in the long run. I tend to give away books after I have read because of the option of downloading if I want to re-read. Plus I don’t have much storage room in my flat.

    Skipped my group walk this morning, stomach playing up again, probably too much spicy soup yesterday. Dentist after lunch, so big bill to pay – crazy charges in this country. Next time I am having my treatment in Spain. Insurance wouldn’t cover bill because although tooth damaged in Spain on last holiday they won’t pay for treatment here. Why do we pay medical cover? Sorry just getting it off my chest.

    Out to lunch today but it will be something light, omelette ? with a cuppa.

    Ok so I must now get some housework done, Speak later sorry write later.

    P.s. I am sure writing on this thread keeps me on the straight and narrow. Thanks all you guys and girls for chatting with me, being tough when I need it and sympathetic when I have done my best but not got the result I deserve. Losing weight is not that easy for me especially as I don’t have someone special to please. I know that is not very women’s lib but it would be nice to have someone who cares about me. My kids have their own lives now which is great but the future is looking lonely. I know it should just be about me just pleasing myself but I guess I am not a loner.

    Sorry bit emotional for this time of day.

    Jojo xx

    “Losing weight is not that easy for me especially as I don’t have someone special to please.”

    You want someone special to please, then take a look in the mirror. I’ve never been married, never lived with anyone, and been alone for a large part of my adult life, not by choice I might add. It isn’t always easy, but everything you do and every effort you make following this WOL must be for you and your wellbeing. If it pleases or benefits anyone else then all well and good, but do it for you. X

    Jojo and Amazon you are both beautiful caring woman who are carving a wonderful path through this world. Every time you look in that mirror tell yourselves you are doing this for you. The future is bright and healthy because you have taken control.
    Thanks for being here for all of us. This isn’t easy, but nothing worth doing is.
    Go girls! Your mate from across the seas…P xx

    Well said, Purple,

    It is lovely for us to have you, Amazon and Jojo to look up to as role models. 🙂

    Thanks, everyone who responded re the Kindle. Will get one tomorrow. I still love real books very much, the smell, the look and the touch. 🙂 I use OH’s e reader when we’re on the road, so my very own is coming soon.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    I love Kindle and still have my ‘steam-driven’ version bought not long after they came out. It becomes a bit of an addiction and I have 500+ books on mine, but this does include books I’ve read but will almost certainly want to read again. As if me and Him don’t have enough books,least 3,000+ between us. The only things I’m acquisitive about are books and earrings.

    Couple of areas where Kindle falls down, although it seems the more recent versions may not have the same problems. Books where visuals are important, e.g. art books, travel guides and cookbooks, although the latter is more about dyspraxic Hermaj getting gravy all over the Kindle if it’s allowed into the kitchen. 🙂 We also tried to follow a walk around Brooklyn suggested in a guide book on Kindle, but gave up in disgust and just followed our noses.

    jojo, I don’t think it’s anti-women’s lib to want some one to care about us. Anti-women’s lib is wanting some bloke to do everything for us, while we just sit around on our sweet little female butts fluttering our eyelashes and doing bugger all for ourselves.

    Because you are a sociable lady, you stand a very good chance of meeting someone through your activities. But don’t dismiss the idea of online dating or, if you aren’t comfortable with that, maybe via ads in a newspaper or mag. Where do you think I found the great love of my life at age 46? Time Out Lonely Hearts. Him a divorcee alone in London, me also divorced, working alone and rather unsociable but happy one-to-one.

    Two sisters of one of my closest friends found partners in a similar way. Of course, there is the small risk of meeting nutters and weirdos, but the majority of both men and women are perfectly decent peeps seriously looking for a long-term relationship. I not only found a partner but also a very good male friend. We quickly realised we weren’t romantically inclined but could become good buddies. Years later we still visit him and his wife, who also found each other through Time Out.

    Also be encouraged by my cousin who at 60 and after a not very happy marriage met the girl of his dreams, a fabulous woman (another teacher, since retired) then in her mid-50s. Fifteen years later they are still together. They obviously adore each other and are a joy to be with.

    I’m a loner and relish time on my own and I’m lucky to be married to another loner. But being a permanent loner doesn’t appeal.

    Hang on in there, jojo. There are a lot of princes out there who aren’t about to turn into frogs. 🙂

    Ignore me, I will plod on alone and have some fun on the way. With a bit of luck I will meet someone to share a few laughs with but hopefully this won’t be when I look in the mirror.

    Time for lunch with my good old female buddy who gave up men after one brief encounter and her pregnancy. She is content with a very simple life, if only I was?

    Keep fasting!

    Good afternoon from a cold wet Scotland.

    My OH has a kindle paperwhite . he had the original kindle when they came out at first. He reads all the time .

    I started 5.2 because my 4 aunts ,my 2 grandmothers and my parents all had/Have Alzheimers and at 72 I wanted to keep it at bay for myself .

    I have lost 30 pounds in the last 15 weeks and boy what a bonus .
    my TDEE is around 1400 I eat between 900 and 1200 most of the time . I use MFP and I always stay below my TDEE.

    I still have my ice cream and last week I had a slice of toast . I have a wee bit of anything I fancy as long as I um under my TDEE.

    We got new glasses yesterday and have a dentist appointment in a couple of weeks . Our MOT’s lol . So all in all things are pretty good .

    My IBS is almost gone , I have RA and it is so much better with the weight less on my joints . My hand were just so sore almost all the time and they are honestly almost pain free .

    I love this thread and ALL of you lovely people .

    I thank God every night for all of you and for keeping me healthy enough to look after my dad who is almost 97 and has Alzheimers ,my OH. who has had a triple bypass and now has aneurysms and our youngest son who has CP .All doing really well by the way 🙂
    You are all brilliant . Thank you all for the great support and thank you Jojo for starting it all 🙂

    Wee xx

    Hi All,
    Spent half an hour before the dentist trying to find my purse, realised it was missing at lunch, embarrassing or what? Eventually had to go to my appointment without funds. They did treatment anyway and I have now found my purse, on the bed under a pile of papers and books. Seriously! They are going to be taking me away in the black van before I know it. Such a panic before my holiday, I had visions of cancelling cards and the stress of all that palava.
    Now relaxing with a cuppa and checking my packing list. Also considering buying some trendy red leather short boots. Might have to review what I have first, usually a good idea.

    Had a jacket potato with cheese and salad for lunch, it was ok, nothing to write home about.

    Choir tonight, lovely Christmas songs, getting in the mood. Talking about Christmas I noticed that Halloween goods are next to Christmas goods in the shops, do they usually do this? How have I missed this before? seems wrong somehow. I guess it’s because we ( UK) are now celebrating it more seriously in this country compared to my childhood, I don’t think we did anything even at school. Bonfire night was the night we focused upon. It brings back very good memories. Sausages and mash, toffee apples, sparklers, hand held fireworks, jumping jacks, bangers and making a guy for the bonfire, great times.

    What are your memories of these events?

    Jojo I can feel your panic …so glad you found the purse and it was a dentist you know well enough to explain to . ..
    your suitcase must be getting lighter every time you pack :). I would go for the red boots if I were you .

    When I was wee we lived in the country ,My dad was a coal miner and we used to have the bonfire in a neighbouring farmers field . we used to put potatoes in the fire and sausages , they were all burnt and mucky but we enjoyed them . I remember we were allowed sparklers if we had a glove on . They used to dress the guy in some of our dads old clothes . Thanks for bringing back some great memories pal ..

    We were just discussing the snow he other day and I was telling the grandchildren about when I was wee. Woman didn’t wear trousers as much then and we didn’t have fancy sledges . I used to wear my dads trousers all rolled up and tucked into a pair of his socks and my ” wellies” and we used a metal tray from Mams kitchen . We had so much fun and cost us nothing . Mind you we didn’t have TV or computers or mobile phones .We played outside until dinner then back out until dark or bedtime .
    Ross calls that the black and white days ..Ha! ha!
    Wee xx

    Hi Weemam,
    We got a tv when I was about 8 but children had ver little suitable programming. We were playing on the streets and in the park, all day every day. It was great. We were very naught because we used to knock on people’s doors and then run and hide. Occasionally we got caught and got a hiding. We used to tie a Beano annual on to a roller skate, sit on it and ride down the hill, it was lethal on your knuckles with a 90 degree turn at the bottom but great fun.

    I can so visualise you on your tea tray Weeman, I bet you were a tom boy.

    When the weather kept me indoors I spent hours at my dolls house, I had a very vivid imagination and could make up complex family dramas, some of which I still remember because they were so entrenched in my play.

    What have our Australian and American cousins got to share of their childhood memories? Was it very different from UK experiences? Obviously some of you are very much younger but we are still interested.

    Afternoon all.

    So we went shopping, 5 year old was an angel and he was so happy with his new shoes. As soon as we got home he had them out of the box to show his Dad, while we all stood on the door step 😆
    The chocolate cake was fab, but I felt so sick afterwards, and I’m still full. Not so long ago I would have managed two slices no problem!

    Jojo, I had a dolls house but I don’t remember much about it. I remember my bright pink hula hoop that lived behind the settee, and my orange three wheeler bike with a bent mudguard that scratched the legs of anyone walking past. I use to ride round the garden on it with my little brother standing on the back. I had a beautiful wooden dolls cot which my Dad made for me by taking our old cot apart and cutting all the pieces down to size. He then reassembled it and painted it pink. I spent a lot of time putting all my dollies to bed and getting them up and dressed again!
    10 years later I gave it to a little girl who lived along the street.
    I also had old fashioned roller skates that expanded as my feet grew, and a scooter.
    My Dad also made my brother a go cart from planks of wood and some old pushchair wheels. We used to race down the hill on it. No brakes so anyone on the pavement had to get out of the way quickly 😆
    We used to play in the street sometimes and knock on doors and run away, but as soon as we were old enough, Mum used to walk us round the corner and see us across the main road and we would go to the park. She used to give us a time to be back, we didn’t have a watch so we would have to ask, and at the allotted time we would reach the park gates and she would be there to take us back across the road and home for tea. I was a great tree climber but I’m not sure I could do it now. We used to play on the putting green and hire a row boat on the lake.
    I remember one day when we were old enough to cross the road by ourselves, we came along and a crate fell off of the back of a lorry. It didn’t stop. The crate was full of peaches. We didn’t touch them, just went home and told Mum. She grabbed a bag and took us straight out of the door and we came home with about 30 or 40 peaches. When I was a child we got apples, the occasional pear, and at Christmas oranges and bananas, so a fresh peach was an incredible treat, let alone a house full. By the time we had picked up our fill, half the street were there helping themselves to peaches.
    I know that is not about childhood games, but talking about the park reminded me.

    Hi Amazon,
    I used to go scrumping for apples too, also I loved climbing trees. Guess we will need to get into practice before we do it again?

    Great to remember the past and now it is written down for posterity.

    Must practice now, don’t know my new parts since I joined the Alto ‘s

    Bye for now tra la la la la….la la la la

    I remember going to my Grannys and watching TV for the first time . It was the Queens coronation . It was amazing I think I was 11 at the time .
    my dad used to make my toys he made pull along ducks with wings that flapped as you pulled them along . I had a “bogie” a go cart dad made me too with old pram wheels . He was always making things . He used to hoist the engine out of the car and I used to make brown paper Gaskets to replace the old ones .

    We used to play ” doon the burn” at the stream and we swung on a rope from the trees . ..always great fun.

    Did I tell you that when I was at High School I sang 2 solos at the Edinburgh festival 🙂 . I honestly did 🙂 can’t sing now though lol

    Wee xx

    Hi Weemam.

    Dad’s were great at making toys they couldn’t afford to buy, weren’t they?

    When I saw my Dad taking apart the old cot, I thought it was going for firewood. I didn’t know he was making me a dolls cot. I loved it more than any other thing that I owned, which is why I didn’t get rid of it until I was 15 because I couldn’t bear to part with it.
    My Dad also cut down old furniture and made bedside cabinets and coffee tables. Nothing was thrown out unless it was completely useless.
    These days we are so wasteful in comparison.

    I used to go scrumping too!

    Amazon I think we appreciated things a lot more then .

    My Mam used to work as an usherette in the cinema so Dad and I spent a lot of nights on our own . That was the nights we didn’t have free passes .
    They had a utility sideboard very basic and Mam hated the dark wood . So one night she was working dad and I took it all to bits and re-built it the dark side in and he did it with clear varnish . I can still remember the delight on my Mams face that night when she came home 🙂 🙂 .

    We used to go plundering the orchards too ..My pals and me not my Dad lol

    Serrano pepper arrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    iced lemon green tea. Ahhhhhhhh!

    I’ve just completed my day of healthy eating which started with chocolate cake, by having some cheese on toast. Not a piece of fruit or a vegetable in sight 😆

    I lie, I found a jar containing two pickled onions, so I ate them…………

    I like red and green bell peppers . nut sure about other ones though . what can I use chilli flakes in as I was going to buy them yesterday . getting adventurous lol . I bought MILD curry powder too .

    Amazon did the pickled onions cancel out the rest? lol 😛

    Wee xx

    Apparently if you eat a pickled onion it cancels out the sugar spike from the carbs……………………….. 😆 😉

    You can use chilli flakes in so many things. You could try it when you cook mince or make a casserole. Just use a pinch or two to start with. Or in soup.
    Curry doesn’t have to be hot, mild curries are full of flavour. I hope you like it 🙂
    Serrano peppers are quite hot as far as chillies go.

    Thanks pal …off to the shops now for a LARGE jar of pickled onions 😛 xx

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