Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,401 through 3,450 (of 16,657 total)

  • Hi Amazon,

    Yes, it is amazingly quiet around here, too. I haven’t been out today as I’ve been writing a pitch for OH to present to the local health centre in the hope that the docs and other healthcare practitioners might like to recommend some of their patients to give Qi Gong a go. In general they are all sympathetic to alternative therapies and the chief admin lady was interested in principle but asked for some ‘literature’.

    You are a better woman than I am, making chocolate cake on your fast day. alexa’s comments about ‘horrible’ cake are spot on. On the few occasions I’ve fallen off the wagon with a thump and consumed too many naughty things, I’ve felt so sick and bloated that the thought of doing it again anytime soon definitely didn’t appeal.

    I’m another apple and even when slim, or nearly slim, my waist to hip ratio has always been quite narrow. I always thought was a plus not having a small waist and a great big bum. It seems I was wrong. However, fingers crossed, I’ve reached my dotage without any serious illness – I even escaped all the childhod ones except measles and chickenpox and I’ve never been hospitalised – and have probably improved my chances even more doing 5:2. I certainly wouldn’t say no to your spectacular round-the-middle loss, though. A major achievemnt. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hello all

    It has been a busy few days and I am only just catching up with everyone.

    Samm and PVE, I’m so sorry to hear of the sad time you are both having. My thoughts are there with you.

    PVE and Jojo – I’m with you on the matter of statistics. While I know some find them fascinating, I get hopelessly bogged down. All I worry about is counting calories on fast days and maybe in between now and again if I feel I’ve overdone it, such as the past few days. I am getting plenty of walking exercise, which I hope is helping compensate.

    Jinkins – one thing I never do is weigh after a non-fast day. It would be guaranteed to make me lose heart. Like many others on here, I do like the odd glass of wine or three. Although I don’t always drink on non-fast days, if I do, like all carbohydrates, there is usually a resulting temporary fluid retention which shows on the scales the next day. It soon disappears once I’m back on track (usual by weeing for England), but I just don’t want to see that temporary gain on the scales. Could that be your problem?

    Tartan lass – I’m so envious! I love Caro Emerald. And mojitos! It sounds as if you had a great time in Glasgow!

    Hermaj – it sounds as if your nephew has a great future ahead of him, either cooking for a living or running from the hoards of women who will no doubt be chasing after him. We all like a man who cooks! I tend not to make pastry either. No only am I a bit heavy handed, but I also seem to manage to get flour in my hair, up my arms and all around the kitchen. I can’t even get a tablespoon from the bag to the scales without getting it everywhere. Thank goodness for ready-rolled!

    Aussie – hope you enjoyed your (very virtuous) evening out. I must say, I can’t call
    non-fast days ‘feed days’ either. (Sorry Alexa) It makes me feel a bit like a zoo animal!

    NickyF – thanks for that guide to being overweight – it’s going to be quite a while before I’m struggling to pinch an inch!

    Amazon, I love the sound of that soup. (Did you try it Jojo?). We’re eating steak tonight too! Didn’t we both have pork last week? How strange! We were supposed to be going out for lunch but one of the dogs has had an iffy tummy and we were a bit reluctant to go out and leave her, so I hoiked a couple of rib-eyes out of the freezer. Looking forward to it!

    Hi Nama, welcome to the thread. Hermaj has summed it up perfectly, and as you have rightly witnessed, this is a good place to be. Well done on the weight loss so far. Do you have much to lose? Look forward to your contributions.

    Alexa5 – you sound as if you are certainly motivated. Keep up the good work!

    Well, that’s my sixpennyworth for now, except who mentioned flakey fingernails recently? Mine are awful. I thought it was because I went through a period of having regular gel nail polish, so stopped to give them a breather. That was 18 months ago, and my nails are no better. I have put it down to age, as there have been no drastic changes in my diet apart from 5.2, but that that has only been for the last 5 months. I’m really annoyed because I have large good-shaped nails which used to be very strong. Oh the perils of getting old!

    Have a good evening/morning all.

    Smiffy x

    Hi all,
    Just adjusting my halo, you will never believe it!
    I went running this afternoon. How mad is that, it was not planned. I was in the park and wanted to avoid a couple of spiteful dogs so I started running. It felt so comfortable I carried on dragging the dogs along. They didn’t know what was going on, it was quite funny. Anyway I did one circuit which is probably about 1/2 mile. I was puffed but not too out of breath. I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been wearing a sports bra. Then in a sudden belated burst of energy I decided to do gardening for the rest of the afternoon, cleared all the overgrowth and cleared the fences ready for painting. It was such a lovely mild afternoon, too nice to be inside.

    More newbies on the thread how exciting, welcome all , sorry I have turned the page so can’t scroll up to see the names – Nama? Please tell us your story and little about your interests, we are a nosy lot. Well done on retirement, bliss isn’t it?

    Just finished my soup Amazon, it was delicious, quite sweet though, I may add some chilli to the next bowl. My daughter will love it as it is though. I really would have loved some bread with it.

    Smithy – so you have flaky nails too, anyone else? Is it an age thing? I don’t think any of my friends have this problem, they are not on 5:2.

    I am a pear shape so have always had a good ratio, bust, waist, hip proportion which is good for disguising a serious weight problem but not so good for buying trousers, always huge on the waist if they fit my rear. Always have to take them in on the waist.

    I have just given the dogs a serious hair cut, that should cut down on the need for hoovering. They look so thin now, it’s quite funny. They love the electric cutter and the attention and cue up to take turns.

    I think I may dye my grey hair tonight, holiday this week, must look my best.

    Love jojo xx

    I can hardly see out from underneath my fringe because I’ve hung on an extra couple of weeks to have my hair cut a couple of weeks before my holiday.
    I’ve always had really weak nails, and they are now stronger than they’ve ever been, but I think it is due to the fact that I used to wash my hands at least 20 times a day at work.

    Jojo, I was thinking about making the soup with the addition of chilli ๐Ÿ˜†

    Can we expect to see you running the marathon next year ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Good morning (evening) fellow fasters. Well a blustery day here in South Australia (there you go Alexa ๐Ÿ˜€ ). It’s still dark outside but I can hear the wind roaring around (as per the warning I received last night ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

    What a lot of posts to catch up on, but such great things to read/hear about (other than the losses/sadness for SAMM and PVE).

    Hi to the new posters including Name, as some are on the previous page I can’t see their names but Nama is on this page.

    I noticed late last night that I have lost something, but I’m not going looking for it as it was another chin (YAY). I got OH to verify this for me and he too said that it was gone ๐Ÿ˜€ .

    Had a mad dash last night before going out to make a birthday card for our friend … was sitting relaxing about 15 to 30 mins before we had to leave when I suddenly thought about making it!!! Well I made it with 10 mins to spare and he loved it (thank goodness).

    Early start for me today so will go off for now and catch up with everyone later … hoping those “Up Top” had a great Sunday ๐Ÿ˜€

    Trying the laughter through tears approach.
    And Finally: This Is How Fights Begin in Marriage

    Why are married women heavier than single women?ย  Because single women come home, see what’s in the fridge and go to bed, whereas married women come home, see what’s in the bed and go to the fridge!
    I asked my wife, ‘Where do you want to go for our anniversary?’
    It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation.
    ‘Somewhere I haven’t been in a long time.’ she said.
    So I suggested, ‘How about the kitchen?’
    And that’s when the fight started….
    My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary.
    She said, ‘I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 6.4 seconds.’
    I bought her a scale.
    And then the fight started…
    I took my wife to a restaurant.
    The waiter, for some reason, took my order first.
    ‘I’ll have the rump steak, medium rare, please.’
    She said, ‘Aren’t you worried about the mad cow?’
    ‘Nah, she can order for herself.’
    And then the fight started…
    A woman was looking in the bedroom mirror.
    She was not happy with what she saw and said to her husband, ‘I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment.’
    The husband replies, ‘Your eyesight’s absolutely perfect.’
    And then the fight started…..
    My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels.
    She asked, ‘What’s on TV?’
    I said, ‘Dust.’
    And then the fight started…..

    One of the biggest laughs I had with my departed friend was when my drunken friend put me up to returning a mood ring that I had given to my wife at carnival when I wads it tipsy too! I had to try and esplain how it had gotten broken. When all she did was put it on. https://thefastdiet.co.uk/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif We just laughed and laughed and laughed. I look on my wife’s face when figured out what we hoohawin about. Will be forever etched in mind A fight did get started and me and my friend walked home .WEE Were to drunk to realize I had no key, and slept out on porch.

    Well went the buffet today for a good fillin . Brussel sprouts, broccoli cheese, radishes, sweet potato, banna pudding, 8 strips of bacon,2 chicken legs, 2 boiled eggs, a piece of catfish, a buttery roll.
    2 small glasses of orange juice. 1 small omelet with mushrooms.

    Getting down to 60lb mark another 6lbs is going to mean sticking to it. Starting now . I’m on ADF as planned for next 12 days
    Weigh in @ 220lb
    Goal before thanksgiving 214.

    Hi all fast trackers happy Monday fast people,Nicky yes a stack of rain down here as well I got again in a summer shower in a nature park a very natural thing beautiful.Herm well said I agree absolutely and welcome Namma AO out for a chinese dinner and still under 500 genious.Amazon 11 inches is 27.9cm outstanding a gold star for you what positive power can do.
    a stunning addition to the recipe book fantastic.ok ADF come at me.
    Peace Love And Happiness Everyone

    RT I only made it under 500 by drinking lots of water and only eating until full ๐Ÿ™‚ oh yes, and NO rice or noodles ๐Ÿ™‚ and thankfully this was all I ate all day (other than one cup of Bovril ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    Welcome all the newies. G’day regulars. Thanks for the kind thoughts.

    Thanks Nicky for the weather report. I’d better get up and do a few laps if the weather is going to turn here too.

    Samm. ..what can I say? OH and I both really enjoyed, what was for us, a Monday morning laugh! Excellent jokes! ๐Ÿ˜†

    Shakshuka – Thank you very much for the recipe, that is a serious amount of sugar and salt. Did you use it all? But I will certainly do a version of it.

    I am feeling very tired this evening so chilling in front of the TV, Downtown Abbey ( historical drama )on soon. Still working on my family tree though, one family member causing me much stress to get her maiden name. It really is investigative work sometimes.

    Have a good night everyone.

    Love jojo xx

    P.s. No I will never do a marathon, have a weak ankle and a brain, not likely

    Hi Purple and Samm, I am sorry for your loss. Friends and family make life worth living.

    Hi Nicky, lovely to hear that rain is on the way. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Beginning on 23 January 2014 with fasting, I have lost 17 kg (38 lb) and 22 cm from my waist. I have lost 3 trousers sizes. I am now just under 60 kg and am very happy to stay at this weight and size for the rest of my life. Thanks, Dr M and 5:2 for my new WOL.

    I have reached the magic Waist to height ratio of 50 %. I am very happy that I have lost fat from my back, shoulders, ribs, thighs, feet, wrists, upper arms. I believe that at least half the fat came from around my internal organs, so that I did not look fat to my family. Just as if it would be good to lose a few pounds. My point?

    In no way can I get rid of the fat around the waist line. When I pinch, I can see 2 inches = 5 cm of fat. Am working on Samm’s suggestion of green tea during the day, and coffee first thing in the morning.

    I was an apple shape who has regained her figure. Woohoo! ๐Ÿ˜† I am continuing with fasting for health benefits. I need 5:2 to maintain my weight and size. cheers, Bay

    Hi Jojo

    My fingernails are like rocks now. Somehow giving up wheat and lowering my sugar intake has toughened my nails. I have had to buy glass nail files ( made in Czech) to be able to file my nails. My nails are so tough that they rip Emory boards. I used to have weak nails. I don’t think it has anything to do with fasting, as they toughened up in the last five years. I eat a lot of nuts, such as almonds and Brazil nuts. My two cents worth.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Go Bay! Does that mean you’ve gone from being a whole apple to an apple core?
    I can also grab a lot around the waist. I like to think of it as the excess skin that will shrink away.

    My nails are very weak. Break and rip all the time. I take vitamins for hair and nails but no improvement. OH, the sweet tooth, has always had amazing nails. He uses nail files. I just use scissors. Could be the difference or it could be just choosing your parents wisely? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I can’t be too unfit…I can pull myself out of the deep end of the pool now. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hadn’t had enough arm strength to lift the old heavier body previously. Yeah!

    Fasting today to reset the system. I love it;) P

    Hi Purple

    I fasted yesterday as we have a charity lunch today, and I ate well on Friday and Saturday. I am back under 60 kg today. I weigh every day first thing. This is my benchmark, so that I know how much wriggle room I have for the day. It is useful to realise just how much ones weight varies, depending on type of food eaten. I now know that variations up to 2 kgs, 4.4 lbs, within the fasting week are normal.

    If I eat sugar foods or flour foods, then weight sticks to me. If I have a day mainly of lean protein and green vegetables, fruit and nuts, then weight stays the same or falls off.

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    (Just wanted to quickly ask before I tuck in: Where do you measure your waist – around your navel or at your smallest? Just curious ๐Ÿ˜€ )

    Alex X

    Brazil nuts can be toxic, so no more than a few are needed for their selenium .
    I usually eat only 1/2 a brazil nut every other day. Or on meatless days.

    As micheal has pointed out many times. Do the ADF especially if your used to the intermittent fasting of 5:2. I believe it’s consensus that ADF will use almost exclusively fat to compensate for calorie deficit.

    For me personally it means even though I’m trying t o manage diabetes newly diagnosed . I have a green light from doctor to do ADF for 2 lbs then maintain. Meaning TDEE .

    I’m similar in that I can pinch more than inch around the belly. But Im empowered to know if I keep on Keepin on with the fasting 4:3 and ADF I will do it. As unbelievable as it may seem. I know it’s going to happen.

    Have a headache please forgive my haste when posted this.
    I meant to include that once 5:2 becomes a plateau or if it does. That a suggestion was made to go on to 4:3 or full on ADF .
    While there are claims to accelerate the loss of belly fat in targeted manor. The principles of semi fasting will work on belly fat even for the very thin people’s.

    So I’m glad I will eventually look slim and trim , but for me mine own inner achievement will be to focus on the visceral fat around the organs , because that’s where the higher risks exist.
    My understanding is even though the belly fat is less inspiring these days, it’s actually beneficial or protective to have it. However it’s the visceral fat that’s the big meanie.
    Nonetheless. To get to the visceral fat we have to lower overall body fat ratio.

    So thankful to micheal and his team for allowing us the forum.

    I like what the centenarian Indian marathon runner said. “Child portions! ”
    and as it turns out child portions upto 500 one day and adult portions upto tdee the next is basically ADF .
    It seems to really work.

    Jumping rope today , very sluggish though after such a good fillin .
    I like my dark chocolate coffee oat bran so much I’m actully yearning. For the ADF to start .

    Smiling Face

    Alexa….always at your smallest! !!!
    Just as you only record your lowest weight each week. ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    Wow, Amazon, 11 inches from your waist. Weigh to go! ๐Ÿ˜† cheers, Bay

    Hello again all.

    Thankyou so much for your lovely words of welcome! I agree Hermaj (have never addressed a Queen before!), the time difference is a pain but just another challenge to the brain!

    Jojo I have a mental picture of you flying around the park with your poor airborne dogs in tow, well done on running! Personally I am allergic to exercise. The only time I ever joined a gym I left within six weeks. I caught an awful coughing bug and was seriously unwell, so naturally I blamed the fungus spores in the gym carpet!

    You asked about me, so here goes: 61 yrs old, married (to the same man) for 41yrs, 2 grown sons who are both still single but both have lovely partners. Have travelled the world but Melbourne always home. Loved my nursing for 40+ yrs but now loving catching up on ‘me time’. Could garden all day if allowed (that’s my exercise) and also wander with camera attached frequently, love to catch special flowers and birds. Love reading and of course cooking and eating! Have struggled with my weight as long as I can remember, lost 15 kgs on WW 3 times but never succeeded in keeping it off so hoping Michael Mosley is right! So far seems to work for me.Lucky enough to have chosen the right parents, so no health issues apart from arthritis both knees, another good reason to lose 20 kgs! Even 15 would be magic if it stays off! Surgeon says I need two new knees, but we will see about that!

    I have worked with many English,Irish and Scottish nurses and I have great respect for them as well as loving their humour, maybe that’s why jojo’s thread stood out to me! Life would be pretty boring without fun! And SAMM I gather you are across a different ocean, but you seem to be one of the funniest….

    Well that’s more than enough about me. Thankyou all again for your warm welcome and have a lovely Monday!

    Hehe, Purple, Apple core! I like. ๐Ÿ˜†

    PS People were talking about loose skin. Problem not completely solved, however, I have been massaging Aveeno dermatological cream in to my arms and legs from day one, after my daily shower. My skin texture and elasticity have changed for the better because of the cream. The loose skin problem is not as bad as it used to be. Only a suggestion. Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Nama and welcome.
    I’m almost local (for UK folk that is 8 hours drive! A doddle!) in Sydney, so also around when you are.
    Stick with us. It really works. I’ve lost 28kg and have maintained for 6 months now. OH lost 30 and reversed his diabetes. ..from injecting insulin to no drugs! This wol (way of life) is totally life changing.
    All the best PVE

    Hi all,
    Only 7 ins off waist since Jan, but 4 in previous year so 11 in total, snap Amazon. God I still have 3 stone to go so I wonder what the total will be. I would love to lose weight from my neck and back, these areas both me. I can pinch a handful at the tum so I am hopeful that that area will decrease. Hips have been my biggest change, from 24 to 14( generous ones). This time next year it will be 12 and I will have the biggest smile.

    Time for bed, early night tonight

    I imagine most of you are fasting tomorrow, hope it goes well, I will be there with you.

    Jojo xx
    Amazon, had a second bowl of soup. Don’t think my daughter will be getting any, yummy with chilli.

    Thanks so much PVE, so nice to get all these welcomes!

    I will add to the SA weather report…. We have had thunder and heavy rain all night in Melb so you better get running now! I am really excited about this plan of eating, so so good not to feel deprived ALL the time. And for one with a really sweet tooth I am amazed at how the sugar cravings have diminished drastically.


    Me too PVE
    First diagnosed with diabetes 6 months ago
    With 300+ sugars
    But now in the low 100s. Off drugs , but I still have them if I need them.

    I’m not a professional of any kind so won’t give or share advice on the diet that seems to have led to a reversal. Because #1 I’m just a regular Joe from Kokomo ! If the states folk know what I mean.

    I started with doable fasting . 1 day a week till I knew I could actually get through 1day took 3 weeks
    On week four. I actually started 5:2. I lost 22 lbs and hit a plateau. in 5 months
    The next three months I went 4:3 and lost another 11 lbs for a total of 33lbs

    Then life happened , I lost my car, house, nearly my life wife and boat, my finances were even seized.
    I gave up fasting.

    On the anniversary of starting my 5:2 in march of 2013 , so it was march 2014 I stepped on scale and wa happy to know that I was still 27lbs lighter than when I first started.
    Well I got right back on the fasting, joined this forum and have lost lbs every month since except this one.
    Where ive been to many buffets and drank much beer with a friend.

    My current formula. Is to do ADF
    In this manner


    Then B2B on the weekends the rest of the month.
    So that I have energy to work in job with a high volume of walking. Walking nearly 30,000 steps a day on average. 4 days a week. Wedsdsys I walk about 15,000 I start off my workdays with 1 cup of oat bran with stevia and dried fruits and nuts.

    I try to increase my vo2max with jumprope , and try to have sugarless days on as many feed days as I can manage with fish and eggs.

    Top work Jojo, Amazon, Bay and Samm. Be very proud of your achievements!
    Thanks for the forecast Nama
    The laps were in the pool. I’m trying to improve my lung capacity and build up my arms. Cheers P

    Try kettlebell swings, works a treat.
    Getting very strong
    I can hold a backward plank in yoga forever these days.
    Just call me Zena
    Jojo xx

    Thanks Zena..now…go to bed! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    This just something that posting just because.

    Inflammation factor.

    A list of all foods rated highest in anti inflammation

    It’s from a book mark.

    The site no longer has this search available , except from this past bookmark.

    I believe the next big media and advertising push , like ” low fat ” and “cholesterol free” will be something to with anti inflammation . So here’s a link to the list

    Though it’s interesting to look over . What obvious and telling is the sub categories.
    The amount of shell fish and vegetables have 100s of entries Where as cereal only 1 single entry.
    For folks with IBS . My understanding is this list may be of good use.

    Crud didn’t get to open the edit window.

    So from the
    Inflammation factor. List
    Serrano pepper is the star.

    The magic chemical in peppers that is catching scientists’ attention is Capsaicin. Capsaicin triggers the brain to kick out a flood of endorphins, those natural pain killers that promote a sense of well being and stimulation. Capsaicin also survives freezing and cooking! This chemical is as powerful as it is hot!ย 
    Beyond capsaicin hot peppers contain an impressive amount of vitamin C surpassing citrus fruits. There is some research going on with the premise that capscaicin can kill prostate can cancer cells. This is from Wikepedia and can be found with a google search:ย 

    The American Association for Cancer Research reports studies suggesting capsaicin is able to kill prostate cancer cells by causing them to undergo apoptosis.[13][14] The studies were performed on tumors formed by human prostate cancer cell cultures grown in mouse models, and showed tumors treated with capsaicin were about one-fifth the size of the untreated tumors. There have been several clinical studies conducted in Japan and China that showed natural capsaicin directly inhibits the growth of leukemic cells

    So how I eat it on a fast day and feed day is completely different.

    I eat 1 Serrano pepper with egg and cheese. On a fast day
    Or with a can of beans.

    But on a feed day I’ll eat a serrano pepper with milk or dairy products because the milk helps to coat the pain. Receptors .
    Where as if I were to drink water may make them FEEL hotter .
    But with milk the pain goes away much sooner,
    Ever wonder why hot pepper cheese is so popular?

    So great hot pepper and cheese pair well. For flavor.
    But egg and cheese synergies each others health benefits.

    That’s how I come up with egg and cheese with Serrano pepper.
    Egg and cheese with hot or tobasco sauce.

    Good night y’all , going into work for approx 30,000 steps.
    Decided to add pumpkin to my oatmeal today. Yummy !

    SAMM I have cut and paste the ‘that’s how the fight started’ into an email and sent to ALL my married contacts funny as hell mate good luck with ya personal challenge
    the measure of who we are is what we do with what we have..

    That is brilliant RT …. “The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have” love it! Really says a lot about people’s different attitudes doesn’t it?

    Good morning(evening) FastTrackers,
    Well the two weeks of ADF have finally paid of 2 lb dropped, I knew it was going to happen soon, just waiting for the scales to catch up with me. I didn’t make my target but I did stick to my plan. Four days to go so I will put in a final push to get under the next stone barrier. I don’t think ( I know)I haven’t been drinking enough, fatal mistake.
    Back to the four pints per day.
    Nama – several of us on here love gardening, it certainly is a workout especially in Spring and Autumn, cutting back and turning earth, very physical. But I think a daily walk for an hour is a good start to getting you moving, at least you have the climate to make it enjoyable. I often have to wear waterproof clothing from head to foot, takes the edge off a bit. Do you have a dog to walk, if not you could borrow one? We have schemes in the SE of Eng where you volunteer to walk a dog for an elderly person who is no longer able to do long walks. What about Yoga? Strengthens those bones.
    I play lawn bowls, not exactly demanding physically and the politics of clubs are irritating but it is mostly fun and active. In fact I an going on a bowling holiday to Spain this week.
    Off to try on my tightest bowling trousers.
    Have a great day everyone………….singing……were off to sunny Spain, viva Espana
    Love Jojo xx

    SAMM – thanks for that anti – inflam data again, great research, I eat as many as possible. Now I need to resolve the flaky nails problem which has only occurred this past year. Any tips anyone? As you know I have a ver healthy diet.

    Well done on the loss Jojo! Good advice re exercise to Nama too, although she’ll have to take up walking early and late as we are heading into a hot summer. Winter is fabulous for long walks here. You aren’t kidding about strenuous gardening! I always keep going until I get hurt…hapoens every time! ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Morning/evening all.

    I had a veggie plot for 13 years, and my friends were always looking at cuts or scratches on my arms/hands/legs and saying “how did you do that?” Even wearing long trousers, long sleeves and gloves I invariably managed to draw blood ๐Ÿ˜†

    I’ve not been drinking enough water these past few days. Boredom is my enemy, but when I’m busy I forget to drink!

    I have to tidy up the garden as the builders must have used a broom without bristles to clear up………….. and there is much pruning to be done. It is a beautiful day so I’m going to get outside while the sun is shining.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Enjoy your day in the garden Amazon. Try not to get too injured! ๐Ÿ˜‰ At least you don’t have funnel web spiders, redback spiders, bull ants, the occasional snake and gum trees that drop ‘widow maker’ branches. Life is a challenge out here in the colonies. ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Have you got a calorie count on that soup, I forgot to weigh and measure. As it is joining my regular list I would love to know. I used one whole squash, 2 stock cubes, one and half red bell peppers and 1 tablespoon of chopped garlic, does that fit with your recipe. I will check what separate ingredients work out to. I must find out what my soup bowl takes in quantity too, probably twice what we are allowed. Teehee

    Enjoy your gardening, I am off to the tip with my builders bag of cuttings, thank goodness I only have a yard.

    272 cals for three large bowls – sound right? Yum

    Hi jojo, thanks so much for all your suggestions re exercise, I really appreciate your interest.

    My dear old dog died 2 yrs ago and husband refuses to get another one…. I keep threatening to find another husband instead!

    But seriously, I really hate ‘formal’ exercise of any sort. We have a gym in the spare room (2 sons), an exercise bike in the TV room and a treadmill in the garage, all spurned by me. I do walk approx every 2 weeks when we go to our cottage in the country though, as it is beautiful there with no smelly traffic but plenty of hills. We always walk after breakfast, often again in the evening, despite the snakes in summer near the river (as Purple rightly points out)! And the cold or wet doesn’t stop me, I love it. I have tried Pilates… Too uncoordinated for that, and have considered Yoga… maybe one day. I think I lack the self discipline to do something I really loathe so much. It’s just like the 5:2 plan compared to traditional diets, pointless trying to force yourself to do something you really hate if you don’t believe you can keep it up, even when you know the health benefits. Hopefully when another 5 kgs go I will be more motivated! Please don’t think I don’t appreciate your ideas on this subject though. And congratulations on your latest weightloss, you deserve it with the efforts you put in.

    Hi everyone,

    The day job has intervened so I won’t let myself be tempted to read or respond to all the posts until later. One little technical problem re the FB group.

    Having finally plucked up the courage to put up a mug shot, I’m still represented among the photos of group members by the late, great Tomomi, the bad-ass moggy. Not that I mind, it’s lovely to see her, but I don’t think she would be very good company on the York trip. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks PVE and Amazon for your words of wisdom about weighing – got on the scales this morning and had lost 2 lbs from yesterday putting my overall loss at 4lbs in two weeks so am definitely going to weigh daily from now on. Just making a big pan of cauliflower soup, my favourite, for my 5th FD today. It’s a gorgeous day here so when I’ve finished the chores I’m going for a lovely long walk. Have a great day.
    Jinkins x

    Jojo, I don’t have a calorie count on the soup, I was going to check it next time I made it.

    My small garden is shared with the ground floor flat and divided by a central path. For most of the time I’ve lived here the other flat has been inhabited by tenants who are allergic to daylight and especially gardening.
    I’ve been out this morning hacking down the overgrowth on that side of the garden and turned it into a tidy space with well pruned shrubs. It has improved the amount of light which is so important in such a small space and it looks so much better.

    My garden waste bags are full to the brim so I’ve not touched my half of the garden yet ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    Having said that, so many of my plants are still flowering (including the roses), I don’t want to touch them yet.

    Apart from the spider living in the water tray of my Christmas tree I didn’t see many insects, but I did disturb an absolutely enormous bee who was sleeping in the fence behind the forsythia ๐Ÿ˜†

    It’s a miracle, I’ve not cut myself or caught or ripped any of my clothing.

    Nama, when I was staying with friends in Australia earlier this year, I used their treadmill. It is exceedingly boring, but I put some music on and sang my way (I was alone in the annexe out of earshot!) through 30 minutes of walking on numerous occasions as it was too hot to walk outside during the day.
    It’s not always about enjoying exercise(I used to loathe it), but about enjoying the results. I think about the calories I’m burning, about how good certain exercises are for my heart and lungs, about toning up my tummy, upper arms and bum, about becoming stronger and supporting my bones and joints into a fit and healthy old age. And I love the feeling I get when my workout/walk/whatever is over ๐Ÿ™‚
    Surely you could try the exercise bike while watching your favourite show or an old film. If you can fast twice a week you can do 10 minutes exercise a day.

    I’m feeling hungry now so time to find something else to do.

    Thankyou Amazon. You guys really are so supportive, I can see why I chose this thread!

    I take your points re the treadmill and the bike, all very valid. I just don’t think I am ready for that form of torture yet. I relate to thinking of results, that’s how I manage the fasting temptations and that’s probably how I will get to start some form of exercise eventually. And I have enough understanding of my muscles and bones to know that at some point I will need to take more care of them so that they keep functioning well into old age.

    I can spend 10 hours straight working hard in the garden and barely stop for a drink, have even been known to garden in the rain or after dark. We often eat at 9 PM when I get involved out there! And I rarely watch TV (unless it’s the gorgeous Kevin McLeod and Grand Designs), so I am not just a sloth!

    Perhaps the crunch will come if my weight loss slows to a crawl and I need to do more for my metabolism…. At the moment am in denial! But thanks so much for your advice. Your roses must be lovely old ones if they are still flowering… I won’t disclose how many David Austins I have planted! And this year I am trying with Peony Roses. Our country place is in a very cold part of Victoria with lots of frosts so they should be happy there. Thanks again for your suggestions, between yours and jojo’s I am very touched!

    Hello Fast Trackers
    It takes time to catch up when one is absent for a few days.
    Sorry Samm about your loss. I like your jokes, though not exactly PC.
    I have not started back on the FD again. When we are in NZ in a week, I will begin in earnest again.
    Your loss stats are amazing, Bayleaf.
    Yes Nama, this is a great thread.
    Talk soon

    Gosh, “feed day” does lead one to think of zoo animals, lol! ๐Ÿ˜€ Will never use that term again…

    Stepped on the scales this morning and saw a 2 kg gain and a slight increase in waist measurement from last week despite doing 4:3!! Not pleased. However, it is probably because Aunt Irma’s visiting in a few days so I will just soldier on!

    Oooh, Aussie Oma, Southern Australia sounds lovely. Will definitely have to visit – have some “bonus” relatives living there :p

    PVE – haha, that is some good reasoning for measuring the waist there! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Hope you’re all holding up nicely. It’s a non fast day for me and I’m doing well – biked vigorously for 30 mins to and from uni and burnt off 800 cals total — but was a sweaty monster! Haha! I am ever so grateful for non-staining sportswear ๐Ÿ˜€

    Just a side note… As much as I love Winter, the decrease in daylight is torturous. However, I can see the sun coming down over the lovely pre First World War roofs from my bedroom window as I’m typing this… It is a stunning scene.

    Alex xx

    Hi everyone – this is just a quickie post as we’ve just got back from Wales. A day earlier than planned as the dogs aren’t well. They’ve had upset tummies on and off for two weeks, and although we took them to a vet whilst we were away, and blood tests were all normal, the medication we were given hasn’t done a great deal of good. We came back so that we can go to our usual vet here, who knows our dogs well. It’s all a bit worrying.

    Hermaj – are you talking about the photos on Facebook? I haven’t posted anyone’s on there – those that are on there have been posted by members themselves. I added your photo to everyone else’s in the emailed ‘portrait album’. Did you not get it? Let me know and I will send it again.

    Smiffy x

    Jojo, I’ve had a look and I have two similar recipes for roasted squash soup, and only one of them has a calorie count.

    Roasted pumpkin and tomato chowder, serves 4

    A satisfying, thick-textured and tasty soup.

    750g (1 lb 11 oz) butternut squash or small pumpkin, peeled, seeded and cubed
    500 g (1 lb 2 oz) ripe tomatoes, quartered
    2 garlic cloves, quartered
    1 tsp olive oil
    2 chillies roughly chopped
    2 tsp ground ginger
    1 tsp dark muscovado sugar
    1.75 litres (3 pints) hot chicken or vegetable stock
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


    1. Preheat the oven to 200๏ฟฝC/400๏ฟฝF/Gas 6. Place the pumpkin, tomatoes and garlic in a roasting tin. Season well with salt and pepper, drizzle over the oil and roast for 30 minutes until the pumpkin feels tender when pierced with a knife.

    2. Put the roasted vegetable along with the chillies, ginger and sugar into a large pan with the hot stock and cook for for a further 20 minutes. Finally puree roughly using a potato masher, or blitz with a hand-held blender, depending on how smooth you would like your chowder.


    If you have a large deep roasting tin. The original recipe suggested to sprinkle the chillies, ginger and sugar, over the roasted vegetables and then pour over the hot stock and Return to the oven for 20 minutes.

    This soup is adapted from a Silvana Franco recipe, she claims it is rich in vitamin A, which is essential for growth, healthy skin and hair, good vision and healthy tooth enamel.

    Nutrition notes per serving

    Calories 124, Protein 5.4 g, Carbohydrate 24g, Fat 1.6g,nbs; Saturated fat 0.2g, Fibre 4.4g, Added sugars 1.3g, Salt 1.49g

    The other one which was just squash, red peppers, garlic and stock should have a similar calorie count.

    Hi Smiffy. The dogs have probably picked up a bug and are passing it back and forth to each other. I’m sure your vet who knows them well will be able to sort it out in no time ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hermaj, you need to go into your FB account, select your home page and then select edit profile. The click on the photo and it will give you the option of changing it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hello fasters,
    Just finished making a vat of chilli soup for my freezer, I will need to live on it when I return home after my holiday. I will try very hard to stick to salad on holiday and skip breakfast. I can’t live with gaining 6 lbs like I did in September. I may even take my trainers and do an early morning run, why not?

    I had a really tough yoga class today, hip work, always agony for me. I feel so strong and supple now and I am convinced this is down to swinging my kettlebell. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do, it’s a calorie burner too. Makes a good door stop when not in use.

    This is a bowling holiday but we only play 2 games, usually they take 2 hours each. I have just finished taking in my shorts so they don’t fall off when I play.

    Drank my water today so feeling good.

    Badminton tonight, the some packing – has to be done, busy tomorrow and Wednesday. So goodnight from me, keep reading and posting.

    Jojo xx

    “I have just finished taking in my shorts so they donโ€™t fall off when I play.”

    That is just fab. Well done, you are working so hard at this and setting a great example for us all to follow

    A X

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