Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,351 through 3,400 (of 16,657 total)

  • hermaj, I really enjoyed the bread but it filled me up so much I didn’t want dinner, and as it is not a fast day that is a good result because I’ve eaten much less than I intended today.
    The rest of the loaf has either been used in the Christmas pud mix or sliced and frozen, so it is out of sight..

    I love baking and cooking, which is why I make a lot of edible gifts at Christmas. Friends and family who don’t bake really appreciate something home made ๐Ÿ™‚

    I LOVE brownies too!

    SAMM my thoughts are with you, it’s never easy to lose a good friend or anyone close to your heart.

    Amazon, TWO slices WITH butter … that’s MY kind of thing ๐Ÿ˜€ but glad it was so much you don’t need to eat anything more today so overall it wasn’t a bad thing for you ๐Ÿ˜†

    I used to love baking, in fact I’d bake every weekend making everything and in large quantities (when the boys were younger and before we moved away from suburbia), I always had the freezer full and the cupboard full of home made stuff, my boys loved it and unfortunately so did I and OH. Mind you I was always around the same weight which was just a tad lower than what I am currently (as in today) as I could never shift the weight even then no matter what I tried (both diet and exercise). I stopped making it all when it was no longer appreciated as the boys were “embarrassed” having home made foods and wanted commercial stuff. Needless to say they got that with bread but nothing else, I just didn’t give them any more cakes or biscuits to take to school in their lunch boxes, they would only have the fruit, but got an extra piece to take. Now I have lots of other things to do that I don’t have the time or want to make the time to bake each week (but DO still love home made bread and might make some NEXT weekend but will make as rolls and freeze all but one or two).

    Have a wonderful day/night all (very overcast here today but still expecting it to be warm with a possible shower – out here we’re expecting around 34 but currently only 13.9 so quite cool right now, at least it is for me ๐Ÿ˜† )

    This is my great grandmothers recipe.which my wife used today.

    Recipe Ingredients:

    Chicken Broth
    2-1/2 To 3 pounds whole chicken
    2 cups chicken broth
    1 teaspoon butter

    2 cups all purpose flour
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    5 tablespoons butter
    1 large egg
    1/2 cup whole milk
    Cookware and Utensils:

    1 measuring cup
    1 heavy bottom pot
    1 stand mixer or mixing bowl with hand blender
    1 rolling pin
    1 stirring Spoon

    Place the chicken into a large boiling pot. Add chicken broth and water. Make sure the chicken is covered with water. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmering.ย 
    Throughout cooking skim away any foam that forms in your pot.ย 
    Simmer for 1-1/2 hours until chicken is done and tender.
    ย Remove chicken from the broth and allow to cool.
    Debone the chicken once it is cool enough to handle. While deboning the chicken discard the undesirable parts (skin, bones, etc). Cut deboned chicken into bite sized pieces.
    ย Preparing the dumplings.
    ย Mix your flour, salt, egg, butter and milk in a stand mixer until a ball forms.
    Form your dumplings by rolling out the dough to about 1/8 inch on a cutting board. cut your dough into bite size pieces.ย 

    Bring the chicken broth to a boil. Drop dumplings into boiling broth, ensuring that they submerge. Add all of your dumplings to the broth. Keep dumplings from sticking together by adding butter and dunk dumplings one final time. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook for 8 to 10 minutes. Add chicken and simmer until chicken is heated.

    Not a fast day meal!

    Hi Guys,
    Before I go to sleep tonight I want you to know SAMM that I am thinking of you. It is very difficult to lose a friend, I lost a dear friend to the dreaded Cancer two years ago. It was heart breaking, one minute a sore throat, three months later she had died. Her husband and sons were very devoted to her and she brought nothing but happiness into the world. Her loss was harsh especially so because she really looked after her own and her families health. My only comfort is that she was well loved and she knew that throughout her life. I hope your friend had a similar experience.

    Thank you for always reminding us to take cancer fighting foods, no one is safe, we need to take responsibility for our own health.

    Big hug
    Jojo xx

    P.s. I was also cooking pumpkin stew today but without the chicken, mine has chickpeas, lentils and quorn. Now I may need to look up the recipe for vegan dumplings, yummy, how did they go off my radar?

    Gym was spookily empty on a Saturday night, I did not like it one bit.

    Hey Sam,
    No suet in the dumplings, that might work for me too, never had them without suet, are they good?
    Jojo xx

    Just discovered that there is vegetarian suet, who knew?
    Tomorrow I shall seek it out and hey presto
    Can’t wait!

    Ps how to I get the little faces (emoticoms) instead of my keyboard, did it by accident earlier but can’t find them now?

    Hello everyone. Especially the newbies Just catching up on the thread. First of all Samm I’m sorry to hear your news – it is very sad to lose a friend. Thinking of you.
    Confession time – I’ve had a couple of days off. We had a lovely night in Glasgow we stayed in a nice hotel and went to see Caro Emerald in concert. It was great, she is so talented if you don’t know her check her out on YouTube . Beautiful old school glamour like a night club singer from back in the day. Anyway…. Let’s just say I did not make wise choices on the food and drink front :/.unfortunately Hermaj it appears I still like the taste of mojitoes despite being so good for 3 months! However ‘ tomorrow is another day’ I had a great time but happy to get back to healthy choices tomorrow.
    Well done jojo gym on a sat night- I’ m seriously impressed – but I don’t think I would have liked it so quiet either ( handsome man at the club teasing you mmmmm that sounds promising) lol
    Enjoy the extra hour in bed everyone in the uk. I’m off to watch a drama about Dylan Thomas in New York. Best wishes to all

    We are ALL different in terms of height age gender and starting weight and the ultimate goal weight.But my question today for my fellow fasteners is what is the ultimate BMI I understand under weight-normal-over weight – obese and the sliding scale that goes with it thats fine but its the ultimate goal BMI that has me intrigued?? Is to be Oh 21 (BMI) again ๐Ÿ™‚ your thoughts Friends?
    Sorry for you loss SAMM..

    Thanks so much for the recipe, SAMM. The way you’ve presented it means I can cut and paste it into the LOACA recipe book I now have on my computer. I’ve got a couple of cookbooks bought in the USA, but it’s so good to have a recipe from a real person rother than off the printed page. I’ll try it very soon, but following your advice NOT on a fast day.

    jojo, I’ve never researched it, but I have a feeling suet dumplings may be a British phenomenon. In recipes from different parts of the world I’ve found some rather like SAMM describes, where the flour holds them together, and others where bread, either soaked and squeezed or as breadcrumbs, does the same. There must be quite a few online that would fit in with a vegan eating patterns. Out of interest, are you completely vegan, or do you allow yourself dairy products and eggs?

    Rouge I’m aiming at 1lb underweight, but to be fit like bodybuilder when I get there.

    I’ll still use fasting. 3 days a week and eat more than BMR on feed days , but overall match my TDEE over seven days. A bit of a challenge, but I believe it’s no more of a challenge than losing 100lbs

    My understanding is to use diet to extend life on must not consume more than they use.

    That optimum health is only eating what the body needs no more no less.
    Packing the exercise, vitamin and minerals, and other health nutrients is the other half of the trick.
    I seems to me there’s three major factors . Fasting, exercising , and adequate nutrition. So semi fasting, jumprope, and eating fish.
    Two days out with friends and family , 3 days fasting, 2 days exercise with fish meals. Doesn’t seem all that bad?
    I’m hope to see what virtual reality will be like in 55 years if I live to be 100. Probably like walking on mars and won’t be able to tell difference. Between a dream and Vreality. It will likely be a time when hypnosis inducing drugs will help us in ways do great things to control many aspects of our behavior. Like quoting smoking,drinking , and other risky behaviors. Just my thoughts.

    The actions of eating too little or too much seem to be a factors in shortening longevity. Is why I choose the 4:3 style when trying to lose fat. After I lose my belly fat , I plan to focus on longevity, by lowing all risks of death.

    All accidental risks
    All preventable risks
    All age related risks
    Also I quit smoking in 1991
    I quit abusing substances mostly in 1994 but only beer since 1999 dec31st @11:59
    A resultion that stuck for many years

    In 1994 I was I counseling and was asked how long can you go without?
    I wanted to say forever, but thinking about my answer honestly. I said two years on new year eves.
    After 1999 it just didnt seem worth it. So except for the beers I had with my hero. I can say truthly say forever.

    Amazon and Aussie Oma, I also love to cook and bake, but I never do pastry. I’ve never got the hang of rolling it and I can’t even manage to roll out the ready-made stuff. Also, I haven’t made huge efforts to learn, as I’d only end up eating it.

    I don’t make all that many cakes and when I do they are usually of the ‘healthier’ variety, e.g. apple cake, banana bread, carrot cake, etc. The chocolate brownies I made today contained beetroot and used ground almonds instead of flour. Seriously good.

    Making food as Christmas gifts is a lovely idea. One year when the work wasn’t flowing in and I had little money but plenty of time, I made recipe books for three sections of the family, one couple of omnivores, another couple of pescatrians, and a vegetarian.

    One absolutely joyous cookery-related event that has happened every few months recently has been a family gathering where I and my 15-year-old great-nephew, already a good cook, work together to prepare the main course, while his mum and his 5-year-old brother take care of dessert. OH will have prepared home-made bread earlier in the day.

    So far we’ve done Greek, Spanish, and Indian. The boys had an Indian granddad – their mum’s dad -, so among the dishes we prepared was his recipe for Chana Daal which he always made for guests, and an Aloo Gobi from a recipe from ‘the Aunties in Delhi’.

    Hi RT,

    All I can say about BMI is that the medics moved the goalposts, same as they did with BP and cholesterol levels.

    A few years back 27.5 was considered acceptable as the highest point on the ‘normal weight’ scale. Then they reduced it to 25, which meant a lot of people who believed their weight was normal were now overweight.

    Hopefully someone better informed than me can enlighten you further.

    I now see SAMM has answered. When it comes to information, there’s no one better. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi everyone, I am always so amazed as to the number of posts that take place from the time I go to bed and upon my waking. I am off to work on my school’s bacon and egg / sausage stall for a local show! Now that is temptation. Tomorrow is my fast day so i need to be focused today as I find if I go over my recommended cals I struggle on the fast day – am trying to do 4:3 until Christmas.

    It. Is meant to be a warm day so water shall be my friend.
    Samm sorry to hear about your friend.
    Best go and get ready for crispy bacon and eggs!!!!just joking ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi all
    I read that BMI is inaccurate because it can’t differentiate between weight from fat and weight from muscle so a fit, well muscled person may have what appears to be an unhealthy BMI. Also it’s not representative for very tall and very short people. I’m average height (or so) so I use BMI as a general guide and I’m aiming to stay at 23 or thereabouts because I also read that it’s healthier for older people (over 65, that’s me in three years time) to have a little padding!

    However, a better indication of health is either waist:hip or waist:height ratio. Below are a couple of links but there are many calculators and lots of information out there.

    A waist to hip ratio of more than 0.95 for men and 0.85 for women may mean you’re more likely to get heart disease and should be extra careful with your diet and lifestyle.

    Dr Margaret Ashwell, who co-authored the study, said: โ€œKeep your waist circumference to less than half your height.
    โ€œPeople are living in false hope if they rely on their BMI figure. We have got to measure the right thing.โ€ Unlike waist to height measurement, BMI does not distinguish between fat and muscle.


    emel hi, you can have crispy bacon and eggs. Just try to only have the lean part of the bacon (rindless). I have just the part with the “solid” meat (the shop has either that part or the rest when purchasing so I get that half) and have 2 pieces of this with an egg on FD (2 eggs non-FD) but again I only have this on a weekend and I have this for my brunch around midday and that will be the first I eat for the day and the bacon is 79 calories (I cook in the microwave so the fat is just on non-existent as I have a crisp function and use it for this particularly – all the fat is left behind in a liquid form).

    Lizzie thanks for the info re BMI/Waist to Height etc for us to peruse … will be perusing this VERY soon ๐Ÿ˜€

    Hi RT great question and also great response from hermaj … wow I never knew they adjusted BMI measurements.

    Aren’t we lucky to have so many people in here who help us in our quest for knowledge and understanding while we’re shrinking ๐Ÿ™‚

    Rt – statistics and numbers rule our lives – when you get to the point where you are happy with what you see in the mirror be happy and stop losing weight. Then you will have the terrible problem of maintaining it. I plan on giving myself a 7 lb from goal maximum. If I exceed that it will be back to ADF until I am back at goal. Simples!

    A quick hi…no cable Internet for days now ๐Ÿ™
    Sorry about your loss Samm. I have 2 funerals this week…both relatives. One very elderly, another just older than me. Very sobering. P

    Jojo, I no longer measure or count anything but my weight. I weigh naked every evening and morning. I have a life policy now of ‘always below 60kg (9.4 stones)’. I have a wriggle room margin of about 2.5kg (4lb) as that’s how much I naturally fluctuate. If I’m in the 59s, I know to eat less that day. If I’m in the 57s, I can be less careful. I still fast every Monday and Thursday to keep my mind on the right track.
    This system has kept me at this goal weight for 6 months now. Stress free. Cheers P

    Thank-you one and ALL and again I suspect its an individual thing for a man take 100 off the height ie a 180cm man should be 80kg or a 94cm waist or a ideal BMI of under 24.9-18.5..I am am not aiming for a 6 pack ABS the chiseled or buffed look Im after a healthy lean and toned best version of me that I can manage…Ok a feed day today so about to brunch if you will on my first ever Shakshuka eggs …
    Stay Happy Friends.

    I am highly motivated today and have researched this and the link is a good one IMO


    oh and the eggs wow wow wow already thinking add zucchini eggplant and a can of chickpeas loving this WOL

    Well I’m thankful that I haven’t eaten anything (other than a cup of Bovril) today as now we’re going out for dinner!!! As background, a year ago I organised a special birthday party for a good friend (his 70th) and it was a surprise (he thought he was helping me to set up for my OH’s birthday, lol, so in effect he helped set up his own birthday party and didn’t know it ๐Ÿ˜† ) well today is his birthday again (gee that year has gone fast) and we’re going to help him celebrate at a local Chinese Restaurant (I will only have a small steamed rice and one dish or part there of that I like so hopefully I won’t blow out my FD too much). Again it will be one drink only, preferably water!

    Hi AO
    Enjoy the party, but skip the rice (that’s where the cals are). Stick to the rice and noodle free dishes. Have fun! ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Thanks PVE … forgot about the rice cals. I rarely if ever have any dishes at a restaurant with rice or noodles in them, usually steamed rice on the side with one dish so today I’ll have one dish only, no rice or noodles … thank you again for the reminder as I totally forgot that (I rarely have rice other than in one meal which I make that is very low in cals including the rice).

    Have fun everyone … mwah AO xx

    Hi everyone,

    Not sure if this link will work, but you might find this interesting, especially the bit about reheating pasta, etc –


    So sorry, it looks as if you have to subscribe to The Times to read the full article. However, this was the most useful bit I think. It was written by Micheal Mosley, our hero!

    What I discovered during an experiment in the latest series of Trust Me Iโ€™m A Doctor, though, is that some starchy foods โ€” such as pasta, rice and potatoes โ€” can actually be healthier when consumed as leftovers rather than when freshly cooked. Last week, I revealed that this was due to the creation of โ€œresistantโ€ starch.
    When you eat carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, potato or rice, they get broken down in your gut and then absorbed as simple sugars, which in turn makes your blood glucose soar. Surprisingly, cooking starchy foods and then cooling them changes their structure and they become resistant to the normal enzymes in our gut that break down carbohydrates. So if you eat cold pasta your body will treat it more like fibre, creating a smaller glucose peak. Encased in a protective coat, the converted carbs will help feed the good bacteria that reside in your gut. You will also absorb fewer of the calories in the carbs, making this a dieterโ€™s dream.
    If you take cold pasta and reheat it (by dunking in hot water), then it becomes even more โ€œresistantโ€, producing a 50 per cent lower rise in blood glucose than fresh pasta. In other words, the leftovers are healthier than the original meal. Does it taste OK? When it is covered in tomato sauce and garlic, I canโ€™t tell the difference.
    Although we didnโ€™t test it, I would expect the same to happen when you cool and heat other starchy foods, such as rice. Unlike pasta, though, people worry about reheating leftover rice. Should they? Uncooked rice can contain spores of Bacillus cereus, which may survive cooking. If the cooked rice is left hanging around at room temperature, surviving spores can grow into bacteria that may produce toxins that might cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Lots of โ€œcansโ€™ and โ€œmaysโ€ there. If leftover rice goes straight in the fridge after a meal, it will be fine for a couple of days. I often use leftover rice to make egg fried rice (see recipe). Plus, of course, such rice is now โ€œresistantโ€. The same applies to potatoes. Cold leftover potatoes, sliced and then lightly fried are a family favourite.

    Sent from my iPad

    Thanks for sharing that Silva. Very interesting. P ๐Ÿ™‚

    Perhaps AO could ask the Chinese restaurant to reheat the rice for her?

    Sure Silva, but it is calories she is trying to avoid as it is meant to be a fast day for her.:( The reheating is talking about keeping bloodsugar levels steady not reduce calories. Just good advice for normal eating. P

    Point taken Purple, it was meant as a tongue in cheek comment! However, Dr M does say in the article “You will also absorb fewer of the calories in the carbs, making this a dieterโ€™s dream. “

    Aaargh! End of my second week on 5:2 and I’ve put on a lb! I’m still pleased I’m 2 lbs down from my start point but I’m very disappointed. Anyone else had this sort of thing – is my body just adjusting to this new WOL? Or do I have to cut back more on my non FD days – I’ve stuck to those religiously but maybe been a bit lax on the other days………
    All advice/encouragement gratefully received.
    Jinkins x

    Sorry Silva. I did realize you were joking, but not everybody reading this forum understands how this wol works. Keep up the research. ..that’s how we learn.
    Beautiful night here. We just finished off the delicious sugarless ginger and date cake we had for OH on Thursday. Fasting tomorrow so we were forced to finish it with coffee tonight. Yum! ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    Hi Jinkins
    Human bodies fluctuate several pounds and more every day. I allow 2-3 kg “wriggle room” to allow for this. If you are eating your TDEE or less 5 days and 1/4 of this in 2 x 36 hour week, you will lose weight. Record your weight morning and night and watch it go up and down, but the general trend will be down if you follow the basic rules. This is a long term way of life, remember. Not a crash diet ๐Ÿ™‚ All the best, P

    Good morning FastTrackers,

    I am enjoying a nice lay in, miserable day out there. Reading is number one on the agenda today. Why not?

    Only a dog walk and the gym planned today so I can chill for an hour or so. May clear out the spare room later, spring fever has hit me early this year, or late I suppose. Need to find some stuff for Gambian schools charity box.

    PVE – sounds like you are really on the right track, well done, very jealous.

    Rt – What are shakshuka eggs? Ok I will google that.

    As for Michaels programme, I have taken it to heart and am bulk cooking weekly. I used to do soup, now adding pasta and rice dishes, don’t add much carb mostly lentils and chickpeas but every little helps. I also keep my busy daughter in nutritious meals to help her get through her very busy life as a newly qualified teacher in a school where most of the families are very poorly educated or english speaking. I do not envy her. But it’s half term now and she has joined her brother in London. They went to a comedy club last night, a few laughs will revive her I hope.

    I love being retired, changes your whole perspective. No money to spend but I don’t care. I will just have to learn to be thrifty.

    Have a good week everyone.

    Jojo xx

    Morning all.

    Jinkins. your body weight fluctuates up and down all the time. Weigh yourself once a week, don’t stress if the numbers gets bigger, and measure yourself. Last time I got on the scales and I weighed more, I measured my waist and another inch had disappeared. This is a long term plan, forget the fluctuations and keep on fasting. Those of us on this thread are living proof that it works ๐Ÿ™‚

    Jojo, I’ve used vegetarian suet many times and it works just as well as regular suet.

    Shakshouka is a Tunisian dish of eggs baked with chillies and peppers in tomato sauce. It is delicious and filling, and lends itself to having other ingredients included.

    SAMM’s recipe appears to be a derivative of Jewish chicken soup where they just use the broth and make dumplings with Matzo meal. I would imagine that it is delicious. Real comfort food.

    Now is the time to research comforting soups and stews to get me through fast days when it is cold and/or miserable outside.

    I’ve got a nice simple soup recipe that has three ingredients, squash, red pepper and a head of garlic. All 3 are chopped up and roasted then blitzed with water and seasoning. It is gorgeous.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

    I agree with Purple, if you follow the basic rules, you will lose weight and, just as importantly, inches. It’s the best feeling in the world to find clothes that were too snug suddenly are too big.

    As she says, this is a way of life, not a crash diet!

    Hello everyone. Been getting new posts in my email from this thread so have been keeping up with you ๐Ÿ˜€ thanks for the welcome!

    Doing my third fast of the week today as I have had no control on 3 out of the remaining 4 feed days. Keep telling myself it’s probably hormonal, but it could possibly be my subconscious fighting back at my new WOE/WOL… You know about self-sabotage, right?!

    Nevertheless, just tried Lizzypopbottle’s link to calculating waist:hip ratio – and mine is excellent! ๐Ÿ˜€ even though I need to lose 3 stone! Fantastic. Can recommend giving it a try:
    It’s really encouraging ๐Ÿ˜‰

    So, with this third fast I am telling myself that I can do better despite binging. Wonderful.

    Hope you are all having a wonderful fast/non fast day. ๐Ÿ™‚

    SAMM and PVE, so sorry to hear about your losses xx

    Alex x

    LOL Silva, thanks for thinking of me ๐Ÿ™‚ I fully felt the tongue in cheekedness with the comment and had a good chuckle ๐Ÿ˜€

    I managed to only have some chicken … just going off to check just how many cals it was ๐Ÿ™‚

    Alexa just a thought but like you I have a Fast Day (FD) and have a restriction on the amount of calories I can eat however instead of having a Feed Day I call it a Non-FD as if I see or think of it as a feed day it makes me feel like I can eat anything and everything whereas with a non-FD it just means I can eat a little more rather than a LOT more if that makes sense. Sometimes I just have to outsmart myself and my way of thinking or sub-conscious if you know what I mean ๐Ÿ˜€ and it could be this for you too. Have a think and it either makes sense to you or it doesn’t. If it does perhaps retrain your thinking to this. If it doesn’t well at least it was an option to look at ๐Ÿ˜€

    Hi fast tracking mates.

    Just a comment re determination of ‘overweightness’. Up to 10 years ago I was on our work fire crew and we had a health/exercise/nutrition program called ‘fighting fit’. Our leader was an exercise physiologist and he gave the best rule of thumb I have come across: if you can pinch more than an inch (2.5cm) up either side of your navel you are overweight. It’s been so long since I couldn’t, not sure if it applies to us ladies ‘of a certain age’ but for younger males it’s foolproof.

    Purple, here’s a weather update – just had about 2 hours of lightning and heavy rain – a very welcome 10mm in the gauge to top up the tanks. It’s been about a month since we had anything more than a transient misty drizzle. Hope fellow Sth Aussies RT and OA have had rain too.

    Keep up the good work all.

    Woo hoo because I had no rice (reheated or not, lol ๐Ÿ˜€ ) and only ate the chicken part and had one serve I have stayed under my 500 cals, in fact around 450 cals … yay me!!!

    While at dinner the heavens opened up with a big display of lightening and accompanied by big rolls of thunder, it was great, so when we got home we were outside watching mother nature’s display with all our girls around us and they all enjoyed it too ๐Ÿ˜€ other than Rosie who slept through the lot, lol ๐Ÿ˜€

    Nicky we must have been posting about the same time ๐Ÿ˜€ and yes we have had and probably will have more rain overnight and into tomorrow according to the weather app on the pc ๐Ÿ˜€ which has just popped up to give a weather warning regarding coastal winds.

    Oma, you’re a sweetheart, thanks for the tip ๐Ÿ™‚ actually, I would ordinarily call it a non FD, not sure why I suddenly used “feed day”! Oh well! Language certainly can do a whole lot to either damage or improve our perception of certain things… I remember from April when I first started fasting that I was very careful about my rhetoric when explaining to other people. Maybe I should do that more mindfully with myself this time ๐Ÿ™‚ valuable advice, thanks again Oma!
    On a side note: Where in Australia are you? Always wanted to go, but unfortunately can’t afford it for a while ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy rest-of-your-FD and wahey about your 450 cals! ๐Ÿ˜€ xx

    Good afternoon all,
    What is going on, gym empty again?
    Curious for a Sunday?
    Am I missing something important?
    All this talk of food is making me hungry
    Amazon I am going to try your squash, red pepper and garlic dish right now, hope it cooks quickly, I may spiralise it to speed up cooking, only got jar of chopped garlic so that will have to do, tablespoon should do it I think.
    Hey Ply, this sounds like one for you!

    Let you know later.
    Love Jojo xx

    Hi jojo and friends. I have been following 5:2 since early Sept and enjoying the challenge and relative ease of losing 5kg in that time. (Sorry, another Aussie, can only think in Kg these days). I have been reading lots of threads in that time and am so impressed with the amount of cyber support and warmth running thru them, however I would love to contribute to this thread in particular. It amazes me what an interesting group you are! Of course the fasting is the common interest, but you all manage to talk about so many other interesting things, it’s almost like “armchair travel!” Plus you are such great sources of knowledge with all things diet and food related. As PVE refers to those of us watching but not talking, I have certainly been “lurking”, but would like to join in if I may. Like you jojo, I recently retired (paed nurse) and am loving the freedom, especially having the time to concentrate and commit to such a big lifestyle change. I think your no nonsense approach, tempered with kindness, is perfect! X Anne

    PVE Is spot on!

    I’ve gotten to the point where I look at the scale once a month as weigh in.
    However I still step on the scale to see if im losing too fast or gaining more 3 lbs suddenly .
    It’s the monthly weigh in that I want to see 3 or more lbs.

    When do as PVE says I usually do lose 4lbs.

    When I started I really wanted to see those results, but got disappointed many time till I realized the difference between fat loss and weightloss.
    As looked into more information , I realized ย 1lb of fat doable just with diet.
    But if I wanted to see 2lbs I needed to fast at 2-3 days a week and try for 2,000 calories of exercise.
    ย I also started counting calories on my feed days, I found I had more energy on feed days to exercise with weights ย for breakfast and lunch, but after dinner I would walk approximately 5-7 miles.

    I couldn’t do it like that at first but worked my way up to it.
    That’s when I saw that I was losing fat. ย Not just water weight fluctuations.

    Do you have pedometer?
    Aim for 10,000 steps eventually per day.
    Or 70,000 per week

    Or if you don’t have time to walk can you jumprope and or do jumping jacks?

    Thanks SAMM and PVE. I think I’ll stop the weekly weigh in and try to be a bit more patient about results. I am doing this for health as well as weight reasons so I’ll monitor the blood pressure and waist measurement and forget the weight loss for a bit. I am also trying to up my exercise too – about to go on a long walk with my OH – which is bound to help. I’ll read back through this thread – there’s so much good stuff here, I’m sure it will help me find my way.



    It is so quiet everywhere this weekend. Is it due to half term or am I missing something?
    The streets are deserted, the roads are empty as are the shops. London is usually only like this between Christmas and New Year.

    I’m baking a chocolate cake. It is a gift for some friends. I must be mad as it is a fast day and the smell is driving me crazy. I’ve got to make some chocolate buttercream later too ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    I’ve decided to just have one meal today and have the steak intended for yesterday with lots of veggies.

    I’ve lost 11 inches from my waist and am almost into the healthy measurement ๐Ÿ™‚

    @amazon – 11 INCHES? Holy moly! Congrats and a massive WELL DONE! That is brilliant!

    Per the desertment – here it’s the opposite. It’s like a more relaxed form of 4-6 o’clock on Fridays – as in people are everywhere but they are tranquilised (supposedly by yesterday’s wine) so they won’t murder you. Until tomorrow after work.

    Sounds good w steak and that. Oooh cake! That is horrible. Think of your dinner. Imagine eating your dinner and feeling fab as opposed to eating the cake and feeling terrible and bloated and yucky… At least that helps me to let go of sweet cravings on fast days ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thanks alexa. I am an apple, a prime contender for heart disease, which is one of the reasons I started 5:2 along with raised blood pressure and high cholesterol. Oh yes, and I was obese, so it is no surprise to me that most of the weight I’ve lost has come from the middle of my body. Unfortunately there is still a fair amount there so I’m still working on it. Luckily for me the lovely people on this thread are supporting me and making it easy. I never thought losing weight could be this simple and easy to achieve but it is.
    I did have a sneaky taste of the chocolate buttercream. It is made with a mixture of milk and plain chocolate as it is for children, and it is much too sweet for me but they’ll love it!

    Hi nama,

    Delighted that you have decided to join this thread. Please don’t apologise for being ‘another Australian’. The Aussie contingent is one of the reasons it’s such a fun place to post. I only have one problem wih you guys Down Under. Because of the time difference, when I’m just about to go to bed, you all come out to play and it’s very tempting to stay up reading and replying.

    BTW, I think kilos are good. For someone as innumerate as me, the decimal system is easier to negotiate. Also having lived in mainland Europe at various times I got used to it.

    It seems you have got off to an excellent start with 5:2, you’ve obviously got the hang of things, so here’s to your continued success. However, as you say, it isn’t all about weight loss, although that’s what got us all together in the first place. If you were lurking last week, you probably saw that the thread has just celebrated its six months birthday. Two reasons for its survival 1) jojo, who was clever enough to get the whole thing started and has continued to welcome and encourage all those who join; 2) we all seem to like one another, which is a rare and beautiful thing where so many people from different places get together.

    You’re certainly welcome! At least you have loads of motivation then – and proof that you can do it ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, 11 inches will definitely have made an immense change to those risks already, which is wonderful!
    I need to lose at least 6 inches around my waist and hopefully a bit more around my hips or, rather, bum… Although it does get a lot of male attention currently, haha! ๐Ÿ˜€ have always been pudgy and completely unable to shift a pound even with loads of exercise, but as you say, 5:2 is just so easy and there are such lovely people here.
    Ooh, that frosting sounds lovely though… I’m mentally licking the bowl, just fyi.

    I would rather have a glass of wine than a slice of that cake, but I won’t be having one of those either as it is a baaaad idea on a fast day.

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