Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • I’m new to 5:2 as of today. I’m hoping that joining the site will give me some extra motivation and support. My big problem is snacking in the evening in front of the TV, I’m quite good in the day but after dinner I seem to want to eat everything!
    This being my 1st day, any tips?

    I’m new to 5:2 today, I think this forum will help me a lot.

    Hi newcomers.
    HS, drink plenty of water, if you usually drink tea or coffee have some to avoid the dreaded withdrawal headache, and take some measurements so that when the scales don’t move you can measure yourself and be encouraged by loss of inches.
    As for TV snacks, you’ll have to give it up or swap them for carrot sticks.

    I hope you both find this forum and especially this thread helpful. We are a friendly bunch who have followed Jojo’s example in giving lots of support and encouragement to everyone, and sharing any tips or interesting information we find with each other.

    Good luck to both of you ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi RT,

    Like Amazon, I also missed your post. You are doing great. To quote Winston Churchill: ‘Keep buggering on.’ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Amazon, you and my old man should get together. He’s supposed to be 5:2-ing and has done really well and wasn’t that much overweight in the first place.

    He religiously has his cholesterol-lowering oatmeal every morning, fasting or non-fasting. Does an hour of Tai-chi/Qi Gong exercises each day and walks for at least another hour, often two. Eats all the low-cal, low-carb stuff I present him with – or which he prepares for both of us – but on non-fast days can’t resist the plonk. He makes spritzers with sparkling mineral water – supposedly diluting it – but still makes short work of 3/4 of a bottle, and wonders why his wee paunch hasn’t disappeared. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am so, so lucky. When I gave up the ciggies coming up for 13 years ago, I suddenly found that my two favourite tipples, red wine and G%T, started to taste disgusting – the former tasted like vomit, the latter like something you would use to clean the loo. I got a lot of stick for it too, being accused of being a killjoy and a party-pooper. It does mean, however, I can spend my vino calories on other things that really float my boat, e.g. the odd baked spud or a bit of dark chocolate.

    However, this last weekend down in the Forest of Dean, my cousin produced a bottle of Argentinian Malbec – he and his lady are tango teachers and are fond of all things Argie – from the local Co-op. I had half a glass which lasted throughout the meal and really enjoyed it. I heard myself saying: ‘If I still liked wine, I’d love this.’ How daft can you get?

    Hi hermaj.

    Argentinian Malbec is invariably fab. I finally gave up smoking 25 years ago and discovered that everything tasted much better including G&T and wine ๐Ÿ˜†

    I limit drinking at home to the weekend at the moment but it won’t always be that way. 5:2 in some form or other might be for life but abstinence isn’t!

    hopeful slimmer, nice to meet you. Hope you’ll have fun on here.

    Evening snacking? Tell me about it! I can live without food all day. Can’t face breakfast and find it easy not to eat much, or on fast days (like today) nothing at all, at lunch time. Evening is when I really feel hungry.

    Rather than sit there in front of the box feeling guilty if you do eat and miserable if you don’t, you could try reserving a proportion of your day’s allowance for a snack of your choice. Obviously don’t go bonkers, but you could investigate the calorie count of your preferred naughties and take it from there. You can be a little more indulgent on your non-fast days.

    You will probably find, as I have, that after following 5:2 for a while, you simply won’t be able to cope with large quantities of fatty or sugary stuff. You may find yourself feeling rather ill if you really overdo things, so you won’t do it again any time soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Amazon, I have to say I felt somewhat cheated when, instead of tasting better, some things, like wine and G&T, tasted dreadful. Giving up the ciggies also meant that losing weight became incredibly difficult. As a smoker, cutting calories meant losing a few pounds fairly easily. As a non-smoker the results were zero. Until, that is, Michael popped his head over the parapet and got us all Fast Dieting. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The fact that you are steadily losing weight while still enjoying the odd drop of vino suggests to me that you have found a formula that works for you. Long may it continue. Cheers!

    Forgot to say hi to William.

    Hope it will all work for you as it has for the rest of us. Sometimes the weight may creep off slower than you would have liked, but don’t despair, you’ll get there in the end.

    Also, even though the scales won’t budge, all sorts of other good things will be happening, like reductions in blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood glucose. Clothes will also start to fit better and some will be so big that the only place for them is the charity shop.

    5:2 was originally designed to help with certain medical issues. The weight loss was just a very welcome side effect.

    Can’t help but add to a thread that mentions G&T and WINE. I love both, and that is one of my main blocks to dieting. Actually, I like them so much I was beginning to worry a bit, even though I don’t really drink a large amount. So 5:2 is a blessing in disguise, as I like the thought of giving my liver 2 days to detox!

    We are all creatures of habit, and having a glass of something to relax after a busy day is one of them. A cup of tea will do the same job, because it is the sitting down and doing nothing for five minutes that relaxes us.
    Now that I’ve stopped drinking so much wine I am really appreciating it, I’m not sure that it even touched the sides previously!

    Hi All, just lost a long post, how irritating.

    Did gym after yoga, not too bad, burnt off 500 cals but I arranged to review plan as it was a bit too easy.

    Amazon and Hermajtomomi, feel free to take biggest loser crowns and longest thread poster, well done to both of you. But watch this space Amazon, I am gonna catch you up. Just harmless rivalry, very healthy.

    Off for a dog walk and probably another soaking. My daughter is cooking me dinner tonight in exchange for dying her hair. What we do on a Friday night, sad really.

    I may be going to London tomorrow to see the poppies, can’t wait, I think they look spectacular, I would love to buy one for all my relatives that were killed in the war.

    Have a great weekend all with or without wine, be happy.
    P.S. I don’t like chocolate either, savoury snacks and toast are my nemesis, ooohhh and pastry yum

    Hi Jojo – we’re so bad at compliments, giving or receiving, aren’t we? Earlier this week someone was telling me about their up coming holiday to Barbados and I said, “It sounds fabulous. You deserve it.” They literally squirmed with embarrassment! I felt bad for saying what was true!


    I know you don’t like links jojo, but here is where you buy a poppy. I have bought one, and when the display is dismantled it will be sent to me. I’m going to put it in a window box.


    They look amazing. When I was there all the tourists were more interested in them than the magnificent edifices of the Tower.

    I don’t want a crown, I just want to be able to catch sight of myself in the mirror and not think “oh dear” ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Only in this context is being referred to as a ‘loser’ cause for celebration. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I do like chocolate, but only the dark stuff, which I gather is good for us. Am I right in thinking that it contains nutrients similar to those found in red wine? Not bothered about cakes, although I have been known to eat the odd muffin or brownie.

    However, like jojo, I’m more likely to OD on something savoury – taramasalata (especially the smoked salmon variety), guacamole (OK, avacados are good for you but not by the bucketful), Pringles (sour cream and spring onion flavour, but any flavour will do), garlic bread, olives (which aren’t that bad, really), bacon with malt vinegar (fortunately I don’t like the fat).

    Compliments: a topic that crops up on the thread every few weeks. I’ve had a few run-ins with Him Indoors, who is a clever, competent guy who often does things deserving of praise or appreciation, but always responds with a grunt and at best concedes that whatever it is he’s done is ‘not bad’.

    I feel that to respond like that is to insult the intelligence and judgement of the person paying the compliment. On one occasion I paid myself a compliment for something I know I do well – there are few enough of them ๐Ÿ™ – and Sir told me I was ‘up myself’.

    I love being complimented – unless it’s the patronising sort of stuff one gets when one is mature in years and short of stature, delivered in the tone of voice usually used for addressing small children and houshold pets. In such situations, I have been known to resort to naughty words, and toddle off chuckling to myself.

    Hi everyone,

    I have to agree with Amazon (and PVE) about wine. I have one or two glasses of wine on non-fast days and managed to lose over a stone fairly easily and quickly and I have kept it off for several months now. I still fast 2 days a week, eat mindfully (as PVE says) on other days, but eat and drink what I like at weekends. Seems to work for me.

    With regard to buying one of the poppies Jojo, I think you may find that they have all been sold, we were too late as well. They are however stunning and well worth a visit.

    Thanks Silva,
    I guess that’s why the website won’t put me through to an order form. Never mind I will make my own at the pottery shop.

    Hermajtomomi, we had better work on our compliment receiving before we get to York.

    Have a great weekend

    P.s. Sadly my calorie level is very low, 1200 on non fast days so wasting calories on drink is not an option for me. Now if I had 2000 to play with things might be different.
    Enjoy your wine especially if it doesn’t hamper your diet.

    Arrrgh then mates!

    Asparagus is a nibblers diet food!

    When I started this WOE last spring I had asparagus with a fried egg for lunch every fast day for weeks ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m a bit of a snob though and will only buy English asparagus, so I gorge on it for a month every year!

    Evening all .

    Welcome newbies too .

    I have never been a smoker or a drinker . Never fancied smoking and as for drinking WELL!! they say it loosens the tongue . I am sure by now you all know I am a chatter box and don’t need my tongue loosened ๐Ÿ™‚

    If there is chocolate I would eat it but not my first choice but Ice cream I LOVE and bread toasted with thick fresh butter ,Those are my favourites . Ice Cream I still have and fit it in within my daily allowance .

    FD today and I have been really hungry . I think it is because it is cold now .

    I have been getting so many compliments lately . The Boss in dads care home always comments on how nice I look now . I have started to collect scarves and I feel new I like to be smarter and she says she is going to call me “Scarf Lady “lol .
    I hope you are all having a good day and I hope you get to see the poppies Jojo . It will be very emotional .

    Wee xx

    Hi wee,

    There was a time, until quite recently, when I could take or leave ice cream. But that was before Haagen Dasz started selling things like Creme Brulee, Dulce de leche and best – or worst ๐Ÿ™‚ of all Salted Caramel. Sorry, I sound like a naff TV commercial. I do keep it to maybe once or at most twice a week, and then only modest servings. I’m lactose intolerant, not severely like some poor souls who turn green-faced and decidedly unwell at the sight of milk, cheese, etc but I have to be a bit careful with my dairy intake

    I’m with you about scarves. I like wearing dark colours, black, navy etc but always set them off with bright scarves and earrings, lots of them of the striking, dangly variety. Some of our local charity shops are very good on scarves and I’ve built up quite a collection.

    Hi SAMM,

    I’m on a fast day but I have some fresh asparagus lurking in the fridge. It’s going to be my front-of-the-TV nibble later this evening – and I’ll still be under 500 for the day.

    I’m afraid I’m a bit of an oik, Amazon. I’m not averse to eating asparagus wherever it’s from. My latest lot came from Peru via Sainsbury’s. It’s brilliant fast-day food as you’ve found. So are artichoke hearts – tinned ones, I don’t have the skill or patience to mess about with fresh ones.

    Hi jojo,

    I don’t have a problem with receiving compliments. The problem is with peeps who don’t know how to accept and acknowledge them, which may have something to do with being brought up British.

    Us Yorkies will be happy if we say nice things to each other. Every single one of us has earned a big round of applause. Better not make it too loud, though, else we might all get chucked out of Betty’s. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have quite a collection of scarves now tto . Love them .

    have you tried asparagus blanched then wrapped in ham and done on the grill . I do it in the George Foreman grill . OH laughs as I will call it the George Formby ( the ukulele man ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    Wee xx

    I love to get compliments and I should just say thank you and leave it at that ,but I still get embarrassed (not used to it) and say something silly like “My DIL bought me this last Christmas ” This is usually the truth though as our lovely DIL does buy me lovely gifts ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wee xx

    Hi fast trackers i am on 2 weeks leave as of today in a past life and given that i can resist everything except temptation in booze/food i expect and demand to put on a few kg to prove it.But instead i am now plotting and planning a few strategic moves to put in some extra levers to pull and buttons to push in Fasting/Exercise to bring about some extra loss.Amazing shift actually believe you can and your halfway there.jojo amazon herm appreciate your well wishes..
    All power to Us
    May The Force Be With You All
    Peace RT

    I’m with Amazon! Local asparagus, in season, only. My Dad has it all year (mostly Peru I think), and I will eat it at his, but it’s not a patch on the real thing.

    And strawberries, I don’t bother with them out of season.

    I can delay gratification ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good evening all, finished my hair dying chore and cutting it before I go home. Looking forward to a nice read tonight. Yoga has left me feeling very lithe and loose.
    Bowls and walk in the morning, not sure poppies is going to happen, some issues here re. dog care.

    It’s probably better to go on a week day anyway.

    I have literally hundreds of scarves and necklaces, gifts from grateful parents, far too many but they are all so lovely, difficult to get rid of them. Probably do a charity sale at home.

    Morning fellow fasters and a big hello to all our new posters ๐Ÿ™‚ *insert waving madly*

    WOW so many posts, just too many for me to fully catch up on. I’ll need to go back and re-read several as there are some great tips in there too ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well today is a FD for me to help counteract this last week where I’ve allowed myself to not stress about what I’ve consumed (both liquid and solid). The only good thing of last week (including yesterday) was that I did not have any coke where normally I would have drunk at least one can (often more) over last weekend and also yesterday but I didn’t have any at all (this is one of my downfalls of which I have too many to list here, lol ๐Ÿ˜† ). Mind you I DID have a Lemon, Lime & Bitters last night at dinner along with an Icecream Sundae (chocolate topping but no nuts) which are two other downfalls which I must cut out or at the least cut down on soon (mind you I only have one each of these per week when we go out for dinner with friends).

    Today I’ll have egg & bacon for lunch, tomorrow it will be an omelette. I grill my very lean, 99% meat, bacon in the microwave (on crisp of course ๐Ÿ˜€ ) then chop it up and add to a one or two egg omelette (one egg for FD but will allow myself up to two eggs on a non FD) in my non-stick frypan (no fat or oil used to cook). If just having egg & bacon, same process except I don’t scramble up the egg as I like sunny side eggs, then just put them together on the plate ๐Ÿ™‚

    Tonight I might go with a veggie only meal but not 100% sure yet.

    Catch up with you all later … have a great fast/non-fast day all ๐Ÿ˜€

    Good morning fast-tracking mates.

    Welcome Hopeful and William – lots of experience here which will inspire you on your intermittent fasting (IF) journey.

    Regarding the wine/ciggies discussion, never touch the stuff and apart from a few experimental puffs when about 12, have also never smoked. I know, what a boring person! ๐Ÿ™‚ Actually, smoking made me cough so much could never persevere, even though I thought it cool and alcohol in most forms tastes awful because of the genetic lottery – OH and I (and our daughter) are supertasters so some chemicals taste incredibly bitter which other people can’t taste at all.

    Another lovely day here, max predicted about 30oC but we badly need rain – nothing for about a month except a rare bit of miserable drizzle which didn’t bother the rain gauge. Have to water my pots daily which is about a month earlier than usual.

    Sour dough loaves turned out quite well but should have allowed more time for second proving – lovely texture while still warm but today I could feed ducks with the rest and watch them sink (thanks for that line to the late great Ronnie Barker).

    No fasting for me until Mon-Tu but positive thoughts to all who are.

    ‘aveagoodweekend! love, Nicky.

    Morning/evening all.

    Nicky, I love Ronnie Barker, he was a comic genius ๐Ÿ™‚

    I gave up with sourdough. I tried several methods and proved them for hours and hours and could have used most of the loaves as door stops! I think it is something that takes more practice than regular bread baking and I don’t have the patience for it. The final straw was the starter that exploded all over the inside of the fridge ๐Ÿ˜†

    It’s another feed day for me then B2B fasts Mon and Tues. I started ADF but then my social life suddenly got busy, so I’m changing my fast days to fit in with it, which is something that makes this WOE so easy to stick to.
    Our clocks go back an hour tonight and we’ll be back on GMT tomorrow, which means it’ll be dark by 5pm tomorrow evening. That’s when I realise that winter is almost here.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    G’day fellow fasters.

    Fast day for me today … just a little over 400C … I don’t usually snack so this will be it for today. Feeling very full so I’ll need to adjust downwards again my portion sizes for each element. Mind you I have had a few glasses (8oz) of water before, during and after the meal but happy to adjust down portion size (already done this with one element now for the rest ๐Ÿ™‚ ). Really not happy with the fact I over indulged last week showing a lack of control so back to basics and to strengthen my resolve to achieve my desired results each week … ie 2lb or 1kg (approx) !!!

    Amazon agree re Ronnie Barker absolutely hilariously funny (IMO) so thanks Nicky for bringing him to mind ๐Ÿ™‚ .

    Hoping everyone has/will have a great Saturday just like I have ๐Ÿ˜€ … now for some serious Christmas Card making for a friend & work colleague to send overseas ๐Ÿ™‚ as she will need to have them Monday.

    Chat again soon … still not caught up fully with all the previous posts and will try to update those since this morning only as otherwise it’s too hard and probably out of step with where people are at now ๐Ÿ™‚

    Cheers, AO xx

    The keys to energy density and weight loss

    Three main factors play a role in what makes food high or low in energy density:

    Water. Fruits and vegetables are generally high in water content, which provides volume and weight but not calories. That’s why they’re low-energy-dense foods. Grapefruit, for example, is about 90 percent water. Half a grapefruit has just 37 calories. Raw, fresh carrots are about 88 percent water. A medium carrot has only about 25 calories.
    Fiber. High-fiber foods not only provide volume, but also take longer to digest, making you feel full longer on fewer calories. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains all contain fiber. Popcorn is a good example of a high-volume, low-calorie whole grain. One cup of air-popped popcorn has about 30 calories.
    Fat. Fat is high in energy density. One pat of butter, for example, contains almost the same number of calories as 2 cups of raw broccoli. Foods that contain fat naturally, such as dairy products and various meats, or foods with added fats are higher in calories than are their leaner or lower fat counterparts.

    Energy density and the food pyramid

    Changing lifestyle habits is never easy, and creating an eating plan using the energy-density concept is no exception. The first step is knowing which foods are better options when it comes to energy density. Here’s a look at energy density by the categories in the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid.


    Most vegetables are low in calories but high in volume or weight. Many vegetables contain water, which provides weight without calories. Examples include salad greens, asparagus, green beans, broccoli and zucchini. To add more vegetables to your diet, top your pasta with sauteed vegetables instead of meat or cheese sauce. Decrease the meat portion on your plate and increase the serving of vegetables. Add vegetables to your sandwiches. Snack on raw vegetables.


    Practically all types of fruit fit into a healthy diet. But some fruits are lower calorie choices than others are. Whole fresh, frozen and canned fruits without syrup are good options. In contrast, fruit juices and dried fruits are concentrated sources of natural sugar and therefore have a high energy density โ€” more calories โ€” and they don’t fill you up as much. To fit more fruits into your diet, add blueberries to your cereal in the morning. Try mango or peach slices on whole-wheat toast with a little peanut butter and honey. Or toss some mandarin orange and peach slices into a salad.


    Many carbohydrates are either grains or made from grains, such as cereal, rice, bread and pasta. Whole grains are the best option because they’re higher in fiber and other important nutrients. Emphasize whole grains by simply choosing whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta, oatmeal, brown rice and whole-grain cereal instead of refined grains. Because many carbohydrates are higher in energy density, keep an eye on portion sizes.

    Protein and dairy

    These include food from both plant and animal sources. The healthiest lower energy-dense choices are foods that are high in protein but low in fat and calories, such as legumes (beans, peas and lentils, which are also good sources of fiber), fish, skinless white-meat poultry, fat-free dairy products and egg whites.


    While fats are high-energy-dense foods, some fats are healthier than others. Include small amounts of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in your diet. Nuts, seeds, and oils, such as olive, flaxseed and safflower oils, contain healthy fats.


    Like fats, sweets are typically high in energy density. Good options for sweets include those that are low in added fat and contain healthy ingredients, such as fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy. Examples include fresh fruit topped with low-fat yogurt, a cookie made with whole-wheat flour or a scoop of low-fat ice cream. The keys to sweets are to keep the serving size small and the ingredients healthy. Even a small piece of dark chocolate can fit into a weight-loss plan.

    When I first started intermittent fasting . Eating in front of the tv was my first habit I had to break.

    After I had been on 5:2 for a month . I realized I was measuring my fasting meals , but not my feed day meals. Especially when snacking. I was eating more calories snacking than in my 3 square meals.

    Rather that eat cold turkey. I made the pledge to myself to swith my snacking habits to only vegetables.
    My thought was I didn’t have to stop snacking , but itneededtobe healthy , Carrot with skin on, and grapes.
    Small potato.
    A friend told me about kale. I hated it., however she told me to soak it in water, with 1 packet of iodized salt. Not a lot of water, put on baking sheet and dry it out. Using several layers upon each other. To make the consistency of a chip. Packed with vitamins. I soon started dipping the brittle peices into low sugar spaghetti sauce . The whole Can of sauce was only 300 cals . Hunts! Thisway counting was easy. I could look up vegetable sizes on http://nutritiondata.self.com/
    .so I had the sense of snacking freedom again.

    Eventually I settled on just few snacks that skip lunch entirely , to eat in front of the tv. So the tv snacking time is the meal! My fav is hummus stuffed mini sweet peppers. I make my own hummus. Using olive oil and red beans, and a brazil nut as the base. The put in other recipes espeisly garlic and onion .

    It really is easy to trade snack food for health and healing food.

    My suggestion is to look up the proven cancer fighting foods.
    1 site for example http://kimberlysnyder.net/blog/2013/09/25/10-proven-cancer-fighting-foods/

    Try and incude these foods in every meal.
    And or
    Use snack time as health food time.
    4me I try make my every food intake a nutrition dense opportunity to fight cancer, or to help cleanse the body of toxins.
    Rather than meal time something my immune systemhasto contend with, Im trying to make a habit eating things that support my immune system.

    Something new I’m trying is stuffing raw okra.
    Okra is very good for the liver. Stuffing with chick pea and red bean garlic and onion.
    Very easy to stay under 250 calories when I cut each okra into 4ths. After stuffing. Dipping into spagetti sauce.
    I’ll note however. I simply don’t snack on fast days .

    Another approach I never got around to applying. Was to calculate my TDEE based on being sedentary.
    Then whatever exercise I did accomplish I could eat as snack.

    And lastly I eat a smal onion. In the states , not sure about elsewhere we have an onion brand called
    Vidalia onion, from Vidalia, Georgia. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vidalia_onion
    We have these little microwave bowls shaped like onion that closes around the onion I microwave onion for about 2 minutes. It comes out edible. Well edible to me.
    I do same with1 carrots 1celery and 1potato skin on 10nion. Sprinkle on broiled steak seasoning .
    This I eat on a fast day . But also on feed days as a snack

    Good morning Fasttrackers and especially any newbies I haven’t personally addressed, sorry no time to read back this morning, overslept.

    Half a pound off today, suspect it would have been more but indulged in huge pasta dish last night. Only ate two thirds but I think I probably could have stopped at half possibly even one third. But I am happy and have a very active week planned.

    Good news, my Amazon bulk order of nuts arrived yesterday so snacks can be prepared. I use these for evening snack on non fast days, premeasured into little pots once per week. 100 cal snack pots, sometimes I have dried fruit instead if I need a sweet hit. The nuts I buy are Brazil, almond and cashew( all unsalted). They are just the job. Also I break up three breadsticks to put in snack pots. Finally I have fruit snack pots, oranges, blueberries etc. having fruit cut up and in these ready in the fridge really helps. Good luck snickers. The other thing that helps is a hands on hobby, sewing, knitting, tracing your family tree on an iPad. Warning all very addictive, I have some very late nights now, 3 am last night.

    I have just worked out a new exercise regime to include 4 hours weekly of aerobic exercise, let’s see how it pans out. This is additional to other daily non aerobic walks, yoga etc.

    Ref Ronny Barker, I live close to the shop which inspired the ‘Fork Handles’ scetch, we even have a pub called four candles nearby as a tribute to the genius comedian.

    Off to bowls, have a wonderful day, I wonder if the handsome ( competitive) man will be there to thrash me again. Here’s hoping!

    Have a lovely weekend all, say no to temptation unless you can spare the calories.

    Samm, thanks for your input, as usual very interesting, I do most of the things you recommend. It’s tough being a tea totaller though, it’s like having leprosy, people automatically think you are dull which couldn’t

    Something I’m working on.
    Is how to explain fat loss.

    I mean to say how fat gets made and stored. And how long we can reasonably expect to to use Itas fuel.

    1 lb of fat per week is doable.
    2 lb of fat will require a lot of effort
    3lb of fat you WILL need to be under a doctors supervision .

    Then there post fat loss period , when we no longer trying lose fat.
    If we go back to same foods and habits , then of course it will come back.

    The problem is if I’ve lost 100lbs I get less BMR of a 174 lb person than when I was 274. When I get to 174 if eat a BMR of a 274lb person then I’m going to start storing fat again.

    So when I get to goal I know I’m going to have portion sizes of 174lb person.
    So that’s what I’m trying to get used to already, before I get there.

    I know how you feel, one night out and I am 2 lb up, it goes quickly but it is depressing. When I get to goal I am wondering what non fast calorie allowance I will be at as I can’t exceed 1200 now. I wish there was an answer. I cannot see me ever getting to 1:6 for maintenance.
    Jojo x

    Kale chips are fab. My Australian friends make them. They never get into the bowl as her kids eat them al as soon as they are out of the oven. Who knew chips could be so healthy ๐Ÿ™‚

    I don’t snack because once I start I’m in trouble. I know that I’ll not be able to resist for the rest of my life, but I’m going to stick with it until I reach my goal weight.

    In trouble in deed.

    When in my first six months I was walking blind and tripping over every mistake.

    I found that snacking on a fast day could trigger an appetite so strong I couldn’t fill up . A simple morsel of food could trigger a binge. I learned to stick to my planned food.

    Then I learned that my planned foods could fail. If I finished my meal and was ravenous an hour later , but bed time was far off.

    So I started keeping a journal. I felt I needed complete focus on what works and what doesnt.

    Red beans was my answer on fast days both an antioxidant super food and lots of fiber. But also has an enzyme to aid with the full feeling. So typically I blend up the beans in some flavored seasoning water. So the volume helps get to the full feeling in 250 calories. and Lasts 3-4 hours of zero hunger.

    Somedays I could careless on how it tastes as long as I dont get hunger pangs. The beans do that.
    Secondly I found that when I had trouble sleeping the night before , I also have trouble on the fast day.
    So I started making chickpea hummus on feed days as they have the stuff to help sleep, I think its tryptophan . Plus I put the hummus in vitamin rich red sweet peppers. So when I wake up I’m rested and not likely to get hunger pangs till noon.

    I decided 2 hunger pangs is enough. Usually by 1 o’clock I’m at my wits end and need to eat.
    So I decided to always eat at noon.

    I read up on calorie restriction , on which is better or worse . 1-2-3-4-6 meals a day.
    My understanding is it’s best to all calories in a 4 1/2 hour window. this avoids many issues.
    So I choose to eat 19/5. Eating in a 5 hour window. Wether it’s a fast day or feed day.

    Once started doing that. I was so used to not snacking. That fast days became much easier. I’ll note because I’m so used to the hunger feeling. Feel it everyday. Wether it’s a feed day or fast day .

    I choose to eat at noon because the morning is when I have the strongest will power.
    If I had more will power at night I would of chosen eat at 8 am and eat 1 pm . I tried it. And it doesn’t work for me. However having my last bites at 5pm , choosing fiber rich foods with water blended into them I can get to 10pm sometimes without hunger pang.

    So I only feel hunger level of 1 hunger pang about noon.
    Then I not feel hungry again till 9pm with stronger hunger pangs about 10pm. I simply go to sleep.

    Whe. I wake up on a feed day I and I’m ravenous . I eAt a small amount of nuts,multiple vitamin, dried blueberry and cherry. Foar less than 100 calories. Sometimes just a protein shake in the morning on a feed day .

    I find the 5 hour feed window is very successful at sticking to intermittent and ADF.
    As I found it tolerable to feel a little hungry everyday.
    When I have troubles is when I restart after a break of just 4 days I seem more sensitive to hunger.

    So knowing this is my personal response. I feel empowered and what to expect.
    For mine own health reason I take a planned break for two weeks a month due my diabetes concerns.
    However my doctor and I aggree that I’m ok to go on an ADF of 600 calories for 12 days a month.
    Craming 7 fast days into 12 days . Then b2b fasts 1 time a week.

    This leaves me with 11 -13 fast days a month-
    So if I stick to my TDEE on feed days, My calorie restriction is enough for 4-6 lbs a month.
    What I look at is the hunger management , specifically my hunger pangs.
    Doing it in this schedule halos me to feel only 22-26 hunger pangs a month, but not more than an before eating or going to sleep.in other words I can lose 4-6lbs of fat a month with only 25 hours of hunger out of 6944 hours In a month.
    I’m worth it! I want it ! And I will keep on keepin on!

    I’ll add that as my family as well as extended family literally drag me begging and screaming to the buffet restaurants. I drink water with lemon and stevia . I eat the vegetable first, then some fruits. Then chicken legs and a lobster. That’s still in the 5 hour window. I still lose weight every month.

    If the acids and toxins are allowed to remain in the gut too long they tend to cause inflammation and can lead to many of the intestinal problems that plague our culture today.ย  One of these problems that is on the forefront of health and nutrition news is irritable bowel syndrome. With the regular use of okra with its lubricating effect and acid neutralizing characteristics, it protects the intestinal membrane from those inflammations that can lead to colorectal cancer.

    Okra is very low in calorie , and here is a link to the benefits of okra.

    It my understanding that it also help the liver.

    Enjoying my dandelion tea and blueberries this morn as I start my ADF FAT ATTACK on Monday.
    I typically gorge on fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals prior to my monthly ADF.
    Chicken leg and thigh stew on my feed day menu today to help with vitamin and mineral loading.

    Also I’d like to add a bit about chicken eggs.
    If you look up the search for
    if you crave This but what really need is this


    Then you may notice how many times eggs appear as what you really need.
    So many times when I go boil an egg as a snack to head off a craving that may lead to binge.

    As I many times refer tothis chart when making a two week ADF menu. So that I don’t encounter cravings in addition to hunger pangs.

    Here is a link for dark chocolate benefits

    Remember those benefits come at the 600 calorie mark. ๐Ÿ™

    So no way I eat on fast day.
    Instea I’ve turned to dark cocao for baking and put it in oatmeal, with cherries.
    I prefer just a touch of coffee. 1 cup of oatmeal this way keeps meglee ing on Plus the 5 calorie cherries. Puts my breakfast on many feed days at 200 cals. Enough to get to the noon meal 500 Calorie meal.

    Good evening fast trackers,
    Lovely day, excellent coaching session at bowls, handsome man was there but he was behind the counter, he works there, how lovely. He took several opportunities to tease me about how he would beat me in future games.(not if I can help it mate)

    I had a vegetarian lunch at the bowls club it was very nice, Mediterranean style dish with peppers, mushrooms, onion in tomato sauce served with cauliflower and carrots. Left about a third. My appetite has really shrunk after 10 months fasting which is great. Sadly my greed hasn’t gone, I burnt the roof of my mouth tucking in whilst it was too hot. I turned down ‘spotted dick and custard’ (this is a white pudding with dried fruit, very traditionally English) no room for pudding which is great. Not sure I would have resisted creme brรปlรฉe.

    Quiet evening in tonight, shame because I would love to have somewhere to go with a good friend. Maybe I will head off to the gym for an hour, every bit of exercise helps.

    Hope you are all enjoying a restful weekend?

    Jojo xx

    Evening all.

    I’ve had a busy day today, and I’m feeling really tired.
    I’ve been in the kitchen making Christmas cake and Christmas pud in between exercising, watching tennis and doing various other chores.
    I also made some bread this morning and had some at lunchtime. I’m still not hungry so the piece of steak that I intended to have for dinner is going into the freezer for another day.
    Jojo, I would love to be doing something nice this evening too, but have no plans. Like you, I’m going to do some more exercise, it’ll work off the bread ๐Ÿ˜†

    Good morning/evening fellow fasters. Well it’s me up at a very early hour again (will go back to bed shortly for another hour or two) but no use tossing & turning for hours (did this for 30 to 40 mins then got up).

    Had a great FD yesterday, another today with hopefully even less calories consumed. This way I’ll ADF remainder of the week.

    If I find this doable on weekends where there’s nothing social planned then I will repeat this. Mind you 2 out of 4 weekends between now and Christmas are already planned social ones and it’s likely to escalate shortly. But I will do all I can to lose 2lb each week and more on occasions but won’t beat myself up either if I don’t make it occasionally.

    SAMM fantastic information there, Okra sounds great and I’ll look it up here if it’s available and then methods for cooking (I guess it gets cooked?) or other methods of preparation ๐Ÿ˜€ .

    Amazon you really are an inspiration with making all those foods and not eating any other than a little of the bread.

    Jojo I hope you had a good session at the gym.

    Hi to all the new people, please don’t be hesitant about posting, although I do understand as I am relatively new in here too.

    Hello to all my Aussie and SA fellow fasters as well as those across the seas. Not naming you all as I’m likely to miss someone and even though it would be unintentional I don’t want to take the risk …

    Catch y’all later ๐Ÿ™‚

    Having a somber day as my beer drinking friend passed away much quicker than anyone wanted.
    A veteran , a hero. I’ll miss our times doing silly drunken things.
    Home today making the best of the day with the other I’ll person in my life.

    Making pumpkin stew ,with chicken. She figured out I was making her my brand of chicken soup.
    Healthy before flavor. Got caught red handed putting carrot skins in the soup . She thinks that’s garbage!
    So making dumplingsnow instead. even though I’m not good at it. She got so frustrated at all my questions she got up to fix it herself. Now mom and daughter making the chicken and dumplings together.
    Hoping to get out on the porch and drink some apple cider as it’s very pleasent. Waiting on so e of daughters friends to come by and jump some rope.

    SAMM, sorry to hear about your friend :hug:

    Chicken and dumplings sounds very good ๐Ÿ™‚

    AO, I ate more than a little of the bread, two big slices with butter ๐Ÿ˜†

    SAMM, very sad to hear about your friend.

    I think it’s lovely, though, that even as you mourn him you are already remembering, and probably smiling about, the fun times you had together. I’m sure he would be happy with that.

    Big hug.


    I’ve been baking brownies this afternoon, which means there is a bit of naughtiness ahead. I only make a third of the specified quantity so that we aren’t tempted to go really OTT.

    You deserve your fresh bread and butter after all your hard work baking. You can always compensate tomorrow – or the day after. ๐Ÿ™‚


    Dumplings mean different things to different people in different places. When you have a moment, please could you tell me how you and your wife go about making your version? Thanks, Hermaj ๐Ÿ™‚

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