Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • Hello Everyone,
    Didn’t get a good night’s sleep yesterday! Sasha was in agony last night. We had so much trouble with her seasonal hot-spots therfore I was just all over her. Immediately she on our bed with Calamine on the area she was itchy and trying to pull her hair off and I gave her Zyrtec as well. So we didn’t walk today. She’s sleeping more because of that medication. No emergency trip to the vet this time.

    My menu today was 4oz chicken, 1/4 cup black rice, broccoli and one tangerine. I really want to believe it’s about 500 calories there. Kept moving myself around my house chores and that was it. I guess when one plans well can go days Fasting … Will see.
    Gladly I feel lighter and visualize myself slimmer. I am trying to fast one more time before we embark on that long drive if days.

    It getting hot in here!

    I can see in my mind you gardens and flowers! You guys are working so hard on that plus Losibg πŸ˜‰

    Be healthy and well


    Good Evening All,
    RT – Thanks for the laughs, I just wish I could memorise some of these jokes to tell my friends.
    It’s been very noisy here today, the old bathroom tiles are being removed and the bath had to be broken up to be removed. I escaped to play bowls outside.

    Food plans changed today as I was invited to a special lunch by a Scottish friend who is moving to Leeds next week. She made the most delicious fish pie with lots of veg.
    Yesterday’s fast was good though and I am looking forward to a long fast next week.
    I am busy writing a Spanish essay about my leisure activities. I really have far too many leisure activities.
    Just cooking dinner for my ex and his brother, I plan on eating a small plate of prawn salad.
    Can anyone tell me the benefits of sourdough bread over wholemeal? A friend with irritable bowel has been advised to change her bread choice. She has a very, very limited range of foods she can tolerate, it’s very sad, she suffers a great deal. Giving up sugar really helped her though.
    It’s going to be a busy bowling weekend as I am in several competitions. Speak next week. Have a great weekend.


    You could suggest your friend googles the health benefits of sourdough vs whole meal. Lots of info out there!

    Wrt sourdough, the long fermentation and acidity apparently make nutrients more available and simple sugars less available, and is more easily digestible for those with IBS. I don’t know anything about brown breads though (white all the way for me I’m afraid!).

    Maybe have a look at:

    Good luck with the essay and the bowling!

    Hi everyone,
    Found a lovely pond near where I found the turtle. He is very happy now that he is free and safe.. I only fasted one day this week and kept my calories below a 1000 and feel amazing. I am within 2 pounds of my maintenance goal. Hit my goal weight last year 50 times. I am going to do it at least 100 this year. Maintenance can be difficult but my clothes fit amazingly well all the time.
    Have fun my friend fasters.

    Well done Sarah, thanks Happy

    I think everyone might like to read the last ‘bread link’ plus do some research of their own into ‘spelt’ or ‘artisan sourdough’ bread. Seems our digestive systems might thank us. There is quite a lot of research available into why commercially produced bread is very bad news due to added chemicals. Who has the most chemicals added? you got it, the UK. Even their advertised sourdough is not ‘real’ version but includes chemical shortcuts.
    Thank goodness I cut bread from my home diet ages ago. I now think I won’t be having it as a treat when I go to restaurants.
    Have a great weekend everyone!


    I laughingly thought when I reached my goal weight I’d be throwing away the scales and maintaining my new weight naturally and with little effort. I can’t say I’ve found it hard to maintain, but it does require vigilance and work!

    Weight can easily fluctuate by a few lbs day to day, so I found that to stay under my goal weight I need to aim for a lb or 2 below it. That buys me a bit of wriggle room.


    I’ve not made my own sourdough yet, but now you’ve mentioned it maybe today is the day I should grasp the nettle and get the starter started! I find standard bread often doesn’t agree with me now, think I poisoned myself with too much of it in the past…

    Hope you all are having a fantastic weekend!
    Sarah – Congratulations for reaching your goal and also for letting us know when get there be very vigilant! I was very close to that opportunity last year and led that slip away and took it for granted.
    Happy – Comgratulations for your achievement and also that tip for going couple pounds bellow goal just in case it’s a good idea just in case.
    I was a big fan of Prince! I can’t believe he is gone. How he kept his life private I don’t know but I agree however his music was great.

    Jo, the bread thing has lots of variables.
    Highly processed white wheat yeast bread has few vitamins, little fibre and the yeast and gluten are huge issues for many people.
    Yeast-raised wholemeal bread has more vitamins, but suffers from the same gluten issues. It needs to be full of whole grains as well to increase it’s fibre.
    Commercial sourdough is usually also partly yeast raised, so is only one better up the ladder.
    Wholemeal wheatflour sourdough, with lots of grains, risen with natural yeasts (ie sourdough starter) breaks down the gluten, allows many sensitive people to consume wheat based-bread and is high in vitamins and fibre. But as wheat can cause sensitivity in any form, for some people (hay fever particularly) it can still be problematic.
    And I haven’t started on the unwanted insulin spikes (resulting in fat) we all get from flour of any sort.
    Best to avoid bread while losing weight and consume good grainy homemade sourdough as a sometimes food when you reach maintenance.

    Happy, a little pineapple juice in the initial mix of flour and water kicks off the sourdough starter brilliantly.

    Now, back to my wine as the sun sets over the beautiful Derwent River in Tasmania. P 😊

    Morning All,
    Another grey day.
    It seems that everyday in the news ( famous singers and actors)and amongst my personal associations there are deaths every few days, it’s very depressing. The bowls club has a rapidly declining membership at present and it is not the oldest ones that are dying. During a match yesterday two players had to stop their game due to ill health, both in their 50’s and both needing hospitalisation.
    I was approached by three other members awaiting gall bladder surgery( long waiting list, 9 months) they wanted to know how my surgery had gone. They were very happy to see me so fit and well after one month. I was given photographs at my review appointment last Thurday, seriously gross but interesting. The Doctor explained why my anatomy was considered unusual and how lucky I was that my bile duct which was in the wrong place and of the wrong colour had not been damaged in the surgery. He was very pleased with his skill and so am I. As for external scarring, negligible and post operative pain almost entirely gone. I told him that when I woke up I thought he had broken all my ribs, he apologised saying he didn’t think he had been particularly rough with me.
    Off to bowls again now. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.

    Dear me Jo! The bowls club sound like a sickly lot, hardly a good advertisement 😳

    Consider yourself lucky it’s just grey where you are, it’s sleeting/ snowing here!! I’m trying to avoid going out…

    I forgot to bring enough long sleeved tops to Hobart but it’s been 22 today, higher tomorrow. Woohoo! SO unusual for autumn! P

    Oh you’re a wag, P! It’s thermals here today 😞

    I’m talking thermals too, Happy! The Antarctic research ship is moored down on the dock nearby. Only an idiot would have come without thermals. Oh, I did! πŸ˜†
    Trying to resist all the lovely food around too. P

    I was caught in the hailstones whilst playing bowls today, we had to take shelter as very slippery underfoot. Waited 10 mins then the sun came out again and we all trotted out to finish our game. Very chilly still here today, I was wearing four layers.

    The average age at bowls clubs is 75 so it’s no big surprize we lose a few but you can definitely blame lifestyle choices. Smokers and obese ones are the ones with most problems. Bowlers generally have very old fashioned eating habits. Mostly fried breakfasts and comfort pudding plus lots of sandwiches, sausage roll, cakes and biscuits. I am the only one that eats fruit at break and I am deemed very odd by most especially being vegetarian. But generally the are an active bunch and fun socially. At least they aren’t sitting at home watching TV all day and evening, many play daily and some play two games a day which averages 5 hour standing, walking and bending. Volunteers also do lots of work at the club maintaining the gardens and building.
    The game is too long, slow and too regimented(uniforms etc) for younger players on the whole. A few take it up if their parents play. Most youngsters prefer running or the gym.
    The good news is that at 60 I feel like a teenager and am treated as a youngster by fellow bowlers.

    I have had a roast dinner today for lunch as I have now started my five day fast. I will report how it goes and weigh in tomorrow. RT – have you managed 5 days yet? I am excited but hope it doesn’t effect my sleep. I am planning to be very active so I get very tired.
    Roll on summer………please…….

    As I fell asleep last night, I remembered the date…April 24. We have been doing 5:2 now for 3 years. Marvellous. I am forever thankful we found this life changing method of managing our health. P

    Anzac day dawn service was as spin tingling as ever and the “last post” moving the numbers are growing who attend and great to see. I have not gone past 4 days Jojo certainly will be on my list of things however not this week. A day with family is really as good as it gets young and old watching the big game in the shed with all who can get around clearly i will be shaping and influencing 4 week old Aliya to follow a good SA team πŸ˜‰
    Happy Monday Fast Trackers
    Peace RT

    Happy significant birthday Nicky πŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ’πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸŒ·πŸŒ·πŸ·πŸ·

    Hope you have a great day. Going to meet Barata tonight. πŸ‘―πŸ‘―

    Cheers, Bay πŸŒžπŸŒžβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ

    Happy birthday for the big one Nicky (you spring chicken! ) πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽ P

    Happy Birthday Nicky πŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸ˜€

    Back from a cake-eating weekend, almost two pounds up, and planning a fast day today.
    Have a good week, everyone.

    Hi All,
    Happy Birthday Nicky, hope you had a wonderful day.
    Bay- is this your first meet up with Barata? How exciting!
    I have had a very busy day today, I can honestly say I haven’t had time to think about food. Lots of drinking though and subsequent visits to the loo. One bathroom out of use here whilst it is refurbished, not fond of sharing my bathroom. Can’t move for bottles and potions at the moment.
    My poor dog is having claw problems so I have been at the vets twice in a week, he really hates going but won’t let me cut his claws.
    Still vile weather here and nothing good on the horizon.
    Have a great week everyone

    Good morning,
    It is cold here too! I thought this was called sunny California. All is good, I am drinking tea and not coffee today. Trying to break a 30 year habit. I am trying to change my brain, it is a little challenging.
    Have a great day everyone.

    Good luck Sarah, I have a friend trying that at the moment, 45 year habit for her. I stopped drinking coffee about 8 years ago. Now I drink tea or green tea. I have a rare latte when on holiday for a treat. Although I like latte it doesn’t really work calorie wise.
    Try honey and camomile tea, it’s really good and very relaxing.

    Hi Everyone,

    Experiencing some back pain! I believe there is a sciatic problem. Right now studying all option available to deal with this. Not willing to go down the painkillers road. Thinking if at least 15 pounds lighter and back to my yoga will improve this problem.

    Happy Borthday to Nicky πŸŽ‚.

    Not fasting this week! Too much going one and lots of distractions while getting ready to go up north.

    Jojo and Sarah – I am a coffee drinker big time! I just brought my favorite coffee beans/ground from Brazil and I have my own ritual, different machines and. I really love my coffee and believe it has some benefits.
    Why did you decide to give up on coffee? β˜•οΈ

    Another coffee addict here, I could not get through a fast day without it! I don’t like/need all the frothy milk so the calories in the small amt of milk I have are ok, especially if it is a liquid only fast day. Thats the only calories I have for 36 hrs. (I can hear SAMM – its doable!) I was given tea as a toddler (in bed with mum, a little on a saucer to cool it!) and still enjoy it, but coffee is usually my first choice.

    Having a liquid fast today after a lovely long weekend at Jamieson, savouring the Autumn colours as well as SIL’s beautiful lamb roast last night. We are having freezing, frosty nights and glorious sunny days. Sorry to read about your Northern Hemisphere ‘spring’ One thing about cold weather, it makes one really, really appreciate some sunshine when it comes!!

    Time for a long walk…..

    Morning all,
    Not a great nights sleep last night, too many visits to the loo but I enjoyed a lay in this morning. Reading a rather disturbing thriller book ‘Sophie Hannah-the carrier’, which is infiltrating my dreams.
    I gave up daily coffee drinking when I had irritable bowel after a bout of food poisoning- Stilton mushrooms from a pub restaurant really did for me. I was very poor for a long period of time. My specialist recommended giving up coffe which really helped. When I was well I couldn’t go back to it again, I could literally feel the effect of the caffeine in my system, quite unpleasant. Milky coffee didn’t effect me so I acquired the very fattening habit of drinking that when out for coffee.
    Day one liquid fast completed without a hitch( apart from loo visits). Off to play bowls in the wind and rain.

    How did your liquid fast go?
    I was going to stop drinking at 6 pm tonight but couldn’t make it as I was at Bridge tonight and they had two tea breaks. As I was avoiding the chocolate biscuits I thought it was the lesser of the two evils. Hope I don’t lose too much sleep tonight!
    Liquid Fast Day 2 over, thank goodness. Still not really physically hungry but mentally its a challenge.

    Freezing here today, after bowls I mowed the lawn but it hailed on me so I only did one lawn before retreating indoors to do some housework. The new bath has now been installed and one wall tiled so we have progress. Hooray.

    Hi Jojo,
    Yesterdays water/coffee fast went well thanks. I think I have it licked now. As RT always says,its SO much easier just not to eat in the first place! And the motivation of the 1kg drop on the scales overnight is a great carrot!
    Sorry to read about your weather. I am sure our turn will come, but another glorious 25 degree Autumn day here again today. I feel like I am living in Queensland not Victoria!
    I think tea at bridge is far better than chocolate biscuits! I don’t mind a loo stop overnight as I love snuggling back under the covers….

    ” I don’t mind a loo stop overnight as I love snuggling back under the covers….”

    Nama, that is the best silver-lining, glass-half-full statement I have seen in quite awhile! 🌞🌞🌞

    Thanks Ply!! Great to hear from you too.
    I always look for the silver lining, there usually is one! I do get impatient with habitually grumpy people though, life is too short to be miserable…

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi France Barata in NZ and Jojo HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Weemam Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 Pentimento pranayama and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Happy hump day and congratulations on the liquid fasting Jojo and Nama the key driver here is it works and the results a flatter tummy straight up and the scales of justice is just the same as a carb overload weekend and the bloat belly and scales. It is true what they say
    The less you eat the more you lose.!!

    You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. Buddha

    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”

    Morning All,
    Great to hear from you Ply, hope you are doing well?
    Nama, I agree about the post loo snuggle but hate 3 plus visit disturbed nights.
    Weirdly I have a bloated stomach going on today, which must down to that splash of milk in my tea, I have noticed I am not enjoying or tolerating milk as well lately. Guess my gall bladder problems may have changed things. I am going green tea today after the first early morning cuppa today. Otherwise doing well, not hungry physically still but mentally can’t stop thinking about that first meal. Working on lots of distraction activities for Day 3 liquid fast, not weighing until Saturday.
    Have a great ‘bump’ day everyone, stay positive! Keep walking!
    Hopefully I will make goal before we hit three years on this thread, more discipline needed.

    Hi Jo
    I’m just curious, when you say you are doing a ‘liquid’ fast, do you mean a no calorie fast, or a no solid food fast?
    Sounds as if you are managing well. I find I think about the next meal whether I am fasting or not. 😁😁😁😁 P

    I fasted yesterday. By the time evening came I wasn’t really hungry and considered stretching it into day. Two things stopped me. 1. I don’t want to lose more weight. 2. I’d been thinking about eating all day!

    So well done Jo, on delaying the gratification of eating for several days!

    Amazon, I know you’re out there! Hope the computer is soon fixed, I’m missing your contribution πŸ™‚

    Fasting Triggers Immune System’s Self-Regeneration

    Excellent article here fast trackers

    jo Jo, i have lost another 2 lbs. I have a lot of determination. Also a family crisis last weekend, like daughter of 45 has became a bisexual. This was a shock .Gosh !! But she still loves har husband. He is still there living off her as before . She was always the wage earner. She is moving house to live with her friend… Its like a tv movie. Luckily shock, distress etc cause me to not eat.

    Morning all,
    Sunny here so feeling good.
    Irenc- well done – life can be a trial but it sounds like your daughter has hers sorted. Can’t deny nature.
    PVE- no solid food for 5 day fast. Coping well physically but mentally it’s torture when not very busy. Sleep has been the biggest issue- vivid dreams and lots of loo visits where I can’t get back to sleep immediately. Therefore laying in each day. Crazy!
    Happy- I would certainly not do this in your shoes, no weight to lose( in my dreams)
    Two days to go, I know I can do it as I am a very experienced faster these days. The trick will be not to regain. I need to control the urge to binge that follows a no food fast. I do think it would be a great way to lose that last half a stone to get to goal if you are impatient like me. I am hoping to get back to lowest reached last year before heading onwards and downwards.
    Have a great day everyone. I am off to Rock Choir, Spanish and a Fashion Show today.

    Wow Jo! No calories for 5 days! I’m impressed.
    Just throwing fast day ‘meal’ together after 24 hours…long enough for me.
    Go Jo ☺ P

    For the benefit of newbies, could we clarify terminology here please?

    Jo, your reference to ‘no solid food for 5 day fast’ is ambiguous. Is this effectively a (near zero calorie) water/coffee/tea fast? Or are you just liquidising your food and ‘drinking’ three square meals?!

    I’m concerned you may be confusing newbies with your slightly lazy (?) choice of words (no solids/ liquid only), and we don’t want people going off thinking if they liquidise TDEE (or over!) rations for five days they will lose weight!

    If there is one word that cannot describe our Jojo, it is “lazy!”

    Only in relation to her choice of words Ply!

    PVE asked if Jo was doing a zero calorie fast (which is what I think she’s doing). Jo replied she was doing a no solids fast. So is that zero calorie or the baby food diet… πŸ˜‹

    Hello Everyone,
    As usual Happy you are right. Someone has to be the Cyber Police? Clarification is everything.

    The only calories consumed are in my milk splash in tea early morning as I can’t face green tea first thing. After that just water and green tea by the bucket load.

    Liquidised food has never appealed to me. If I am going to eat calories I prefer biting them. I do have soup once per day usually but as a means to control calorie intake at one meal. I also still do 19/5 both fast and non fast days now as this has become a way of life.

    Thank you Ply ( appreciate your support) you should know though that I can be very lazy at times. Ha ha I didn’t get obese by being always on the go, I can sit for hours reading in the evening and not all my hobbies are active- bridge, choir, Spanish all require lots of sitting.
    Apparently ‘table tennis’ is the way to go to help with the issues of aging. Who does this sport? Can you recommend it?

    Hi everyone,

    My laptop is back home and seems to be working properly.
    I posted a couple of times using my phone but it is such a pain 😀😀😀

    My week has flown by. I fasted on Monday but was unable to do so on Tuesday or yesterday so gave in gracefully. I was hoping to get more FDs done this week as my weekend was an eating fest for reasons I won’t go into, but the stresses and strains of life still send me back to old habits. I’ll get there eventually, but not just yet 😩

    I’ve been fine today, mainly because I was out from just before 9 this morning until after 4 this afternoon. I had a portion of prawn and lentil curry for my early dinner which was delicious and very filling so the plan for the remainder of the day is to finish setting up the laptop (as everything was wiped), and keep out of the kitchen.

    My time at the gym is very enjoyable at the moment. I’m back on the cross trainer and using the resistance machines at every visit which is due to my back and hip being almost 100% after so many months of pain and restricted movement. I’ve been three mornings this week and yesterday I had the pleasure of taking my great nephew out again which was very enjoyable 😎

    The weather here today has been fine but with a biting wind and as it is a BH weekend rain is forecast for tomorrow, Sunday and Monday. Me and a friend are planning to make the most of Saturday with a trip to Richmond Park.

    I’m getting excited about my trip to Rome, only 10 days to go πŸ™‚ and it’ll be here before I know it as next week is going to be busy!

    Great to read that you are up and running both physically and IT . It’s so irritating when the memory is wiped. I back up my phone on iTunes but I couldn’t transfer it to my new phone do I am adding contacts as I make or receive calls. The wind is pretty chilly here but at least it’s sunny. As you say it is bound to rain on B/H weekend.
    Zero calorie fast has gone very well today but really looking forward to dinner tomorrow night.

    Hi Jojo,

    It is great to be able to get out of bed in the morning and not hobble around like a cripple for ten minutes and to be able to get up out from a chair or the sofa without seizing up!
    I’m working really hard on a stretching routine and some back strengthening exercises. I was lacking discipline at home so have started doing them at the gym after using the cardio machines.
    Once I’m satisfied that everything is really OK I shall be attempting to run on the treadmill…….

    I knew the laptop would be wiped so was prepared for it. Microsoft Office takes forever to be downloaded and installed, I actually left it running and went shopping.
    I’ve got everything I need on it now and it is so nice to have it functioning as it should.

    I would like to lose another 3-4 lbs before I go to Rome so I need to be very firm with myself this weekend and next week and I should do it. I’ve not lost an ounce since dropping 12lbs so quickly but at least I’ve not gained.


    Great to have you back again. Glad to hear your back seems to be well and truly on the mend, Wish I could say the same for mine 😀


    I’m so impressed with your five day fast. Have you been dreaming about the meal that breaks the fast?!

    Well done Jo. πŸ˜‡ It will be interesting to know how much you’ve lost. There MUST have been significant fat burning going on over that time.
    I love Dr Fung’s analogy with fridges and freezers (the fridge holds the short term food/fuel that has to be burnt before the fats in the freezer can be accessed). Your freezer will have been getting a good cleanout, Jo πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    So envious of your Rome trip, Amazon. You’ll have a wonderful time, skipping around with that trimmer body. That is the reward for the effort. Enjoy.

    As usual, it took me hours to go to sleep and quite a few trips to the ‘loo overnight after fasting. Still, I know it’s worth it. Cheers P

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi France Barata in NZ and Jojo HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Weemam Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 Pentimento pranayama and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Funny Commentator Comments

    1. Weightlifting commentator: “This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria. I saw
    her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing.”
    2. Dressage commentator: “This is really a lovely horse and I speak
    from personal experience since I once mounted her mother.”
    3. Paul Hamm, Gymnast: “I owe a lot to my parents, especially my
    mother and father.”
    4. Boxing Analyst: “Sure there have been injuries, and even some
    deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious.”
    5. Softball announcer: “If history repeats itself, I should think we
    can expect the same thing again.”
    6. Basketball analyst: “He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesn’t
    like it. In fact you can see it all over their faces.”
    7. At the rowing medal ceremony: “Ah, isn’t that nice, the wife of the
    IOC president is hugging the cox of the British crew.”
    8. Soccer commentator: “Julian Dicks is everywhere. It’s like they’ve
    got eleven Dicks on the field.”
    9. Tennis commentator: “One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is
    that,before the final round, his wife takes out his balls and kisses
    them…Oh my God, what have I just said?”

    Have a happy Weekend all you beautiful losers πŸ˜†

    Hi Happy,
    Thanks for the welcome back, it’s nice to be missed πŸ™‚

    Sorry to hear that your back is still misbehaving, I hope it improves soon.
    I know how frustrating and depressing it can be when ordinary things become difficult due to back problems.

    I’m having enough trouble completing FDs at the moment without contemplating anything more challenging.

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