Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 13,901 through 13,950 (of 16,657 total)

  • Jojo,
    you are doing really well with your recovery. I hope it continues to go smoothly. It must have been so nice to play bowls again.

    it is great to heat that your birthday celebrations just keep getting better!

    Hi irenc, welcome to the thread and thank you for sharing with us. You will receive plenty of support on this thread.

    It’s been a beautiful day here. I had a great session at the gym, I’ve started using the cross trainer this week and it has been going very well. I gave it up several months ago because I found it such a struggle and am really pleased that it is so much easier now that my back and hip are so much better.

    I went for a stroll this afternoon in the sunshine and sat outside a cafe near the lock. My coffee came with a biscuit which I studiously ignored despite feeling hungry.

    The weather tomorrow looks good which is a blessing as I’m taking my great nephew out on my own for the first time and the park will be so much more fun in warm sunshine than the lashing rain and biting winds that we’ve been experiencing lately.

    My B2B FDs have gone well. I’m looking forward to a normal eating day tomorrow before doing another B2B Th/F. I must be mad……..

    Thanks Amazon, yes recovery is going well but I am being careful.

    Irenc- I too had issues in my childhood, I did tell but was not believed or protected. This does set up a long term resentment and self esteem issues. I never got counselling as this was not really on offer at the time. I think it is important to set your weight goal within normal parameters. Being slim won’t solve every problem but may make you feel better about yourself. I am very impatient by nature and like to lose 2 lb per week, in reality I go up and down like a yoyo. So long as long term you head in the right direction and are able to control that free fall decline we hit when emotionally stressed. Good Luck. We are here to support you! Keep posting and don’t push yourself too hard, one day at a time. Take the 500 calorie option in the first few months.

    Jo Jo. i seem to loose the link you gave me an answer on. The scales today say i hae lost 2lb. So feel i am getting somewhere. Out for lunch tomorrow. Hope there is a light sort of meal on menu . So i am 5ft and 10 stone. Guess its not too bad. When child sex abuse things are in the news it gets to me. As you say there was no one to turn too in our childhood.

    Hi Fasters

    Sorry for my silence- I have been away. I went to say goodbye to my younger daughter who went off to live in Chile on Sunday evening. I watched the progress of her plane through to Santiago on my Flight tracking app( most of the 18 hours). I feel quite sad, as although I am mobile, South America is off my usual route, and the reality is that I won’t see her very often.

    I have gone back to fasting today. It’s beautifully fine here and spring is coming even at this high altitude.
    I also had salad and smoked salmon, and some soup. We have run out of gas now and so no hot food now until Thursday.

    I am going away again on Thursday for a couple of days again.

    Happy fasting

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi France Barata in NZ and Jojo HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Weemam Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 Pentimento pranayama and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    10221 steps in the bank this morning and what a beautiful day coming up min 20 max 31 it’s a sheer privilege to be alive
    Day 2 of my 4 day fast has always been a struggle which it was went to bed hungry as but this morning wake full of Zen and all is right with my world and days 3 & 4 you actually believe that you could roll off another day without much to-do at all. With the hunger dragon well tamed now there is a heap of research and case studies out there for those who are interested in a longer fast I find the whole experience very powerful. Keeping in mind that an average 70kg man can go 1-3 months living off your own fat stores really is quite amazing.
    It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Confucius
    “Remember that reserve of fat you have on your body already and realise you actually don’t need food, you just want it.”

    Happy Hump Day People

    I have found the fast day today a bit of a struggle but managed on a two-egg plain omelette and mug of miso soup, with some teas and coffees and few glasses of water. Like the Confucius quote, RT! Night all.

    Hi all, Lizzie it sounds like you are well on your way!
    Lovely to hear you are back bowling AND fasting Jojo! And Amazon, I hope the cross trainer was kind to you….. Great your back is so much better. Was it the Robin McKenzie book/exercises that finally did the trick?
    Wow RT, you are such an inspiration! It is so good to push ourselves (and succeed) isn’t it? I truly never thought I would master the water/coffee/miso only fast, but actually find it easier now just not to eat for the day and night (=36 hrs) of my fast. The hunger dragon just goes off to sulk somewhere!
    Wiwi I am sad for you re your daughter moving so far, maybe your travel routes will alter now? And maybe she won’t stay in Chile forever! When we are young and have our children, we don’t realise how hard it will be to let them go do we? But we were the same at their age – off for adventures, barely thinking about our parents and certainly having no concept of how much we would be missed!!
    Such a glorious day here I think the garden will take precedence over the dusting!!

    Irene, thanks for sharing, this is a safe place to do so. Have you thought about getting some counselling now? Even if your suffering was caused years ago, if it is still affecting you today you may benefit from talking to someone who specialises in such things…. just a thought.

    Hello Everybody,
    My FD went smooth like nothing! I was so motivated with all of you and the good stories plus no distractions here so today I was psychologically ready. The menu was 4oz chicken, 1/2 cup cooked quinoa, 1 mandarin and coffee with very little cream. I believe I was within that 500 calorie allowance on 18:6. Next day with God on my side will be Thursday. Do you have a favorite FD recipe?

    Irene welcome to Jojo’s group! I feel home and very well supported here. I haven’t reached my goal because of not embracing the whole thing serious yet. Give your a chance… You can do this.

    Wiwi I was the only who left my entire family from Brazil to the US! I heard Chile it’s a beautiful country. Maybe you’ll go that way someday. Today with the advent of Internet and cheap phone calls I speak with Mother twice a week. I am very sure was heard hard for her in the beginning when I left… We’ve gotten used to the idea after 21 years.

    RT – You are so brave this week! Curious to know at the end of your 4th day how is it to fast for fort that long. Thanks for the quotes… I should not have walked away from this lifestyle last year. I am paying a price now… We’ll talk about some satisfactory results in 8 weeks. I just have to be pacient now.

    Tomorrow’s plan it’s to meet a girlfriend for lunch on some sort of trendy organic place in Town. It sounds exciting.

    “Let’s stand strong”.


    Morning/evening all,

    Another beautiful morning here in London 🌞

    Nama, I incorporated some of the McKenzie stretches into my routine and purchased a lumbar roll when the penny finally dropped that my posture especially when sitting on the sofa was a major contributor. The difference when I started using the roll was instantaneous, so I’ve been working hard on standing up straight and walking tall, ensuring I’m sitting properly when using the rowing machine and exercise bike etc. I have also placed a board under the sofa cushions and substituted the lumbar roll for a firm cushion. My back is still stiff for a few minutes when I first get up but it is 95% better.
    No bad effects from 2 days on the cross trainer either 🙂

    McKenzie maintains that we don’t need to do back strengthening exercises as once we are fully mobile again our muscles will recover, but I’m erring on giving them some assistance with a few exercises including the Plank 😮

    I’m going out soon and won’t be home until mid afternoon so am considering another FD. I’ll see how I feel at lunchtime.

    HCB, have you considered substituting that small portion of quinoa for a huge helping of beautiful vegetables or salad?

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Please can anyone help me……?

    My Name is Lorraine, I am age 51, I have many health issues, including Sleep Apnoea and Diabetes….My Diabetes is well controlled.

    My question really is, I have had problems with my Gall Bladder for some 9 Years, the last time I had an attack I also had Pancreatitus….I was very unwell, I have to have my Gall Bladder removed this time, I am due in Surgery in 4 weeks time.

    I have lost 3 Stone since January, but now my weight loss had really slowed down, I have been on approx 1300 Calories a day, sometimes less….I need to lose more Weight for Surgery, but is Fasting ok to do when you have Gall Stones? Or might Fasting cause a further attack?

    I am desperate to lose Weight to make the Surgery safer for me..…I am 5’2, and I
    now Weigh 20 Stone.

    I am also in a Wheelchair, exercise is difficult, but I do chair exercises.

    Can anyone help me please?

    I really think you would need to discuss this with your doctor. Initially you can get constipation or some people get diarrhea as a result of fasting. How this will effect you could be complex given your condition. You also need to up your drinking to compensate for the lack of water intake when fasting. You get a lot of water from the foods you eat.

    saanacadamy What the Heck are you on about?

    Clearly you have not followed this Forum or this ‘thread’ within this Forum. The 5:2 WOL (Way-Of-Life) is not a ‘diet’ so to speak. It is an adjustment or a ‘correction’ from poor eating habits to a more healthy way of eating, fasting and moving. By doing so the 5:2 program allows a (dedicated) person
    1st: lose unwanted fat-weight
    2nd: provide a system/program to sustain an excellent weight to body mass ratio
    3rd: and just4me amazing unexpected health benefits: deeper sleep on FD (fast day), a lightness of being and chronic joint pain has been reduced

    We each individualize the kinds of food we eat and the kind of exercise we conduct. The 5:2 program includes rhythmic ‘soft-fasting’ two or three times a week.
    Fasting, calorie reduction (via healthy eating), consuming plenty of water-liquids and smart exercise is proven to be a sustainable healthy way to live.

    Yes, in the beginning to get rid of the unwanted fat we follow a more sagacious program suited to a slow (1lb-2lb) per week weight loss. Then once we reach our individual goals we have, in most cases, trained ourselves how to eat, move and Fast as a lifelong mindful way of living… Why not? The results are wonderful.

    This particular thread is a supportive area where we can share ANYthing with each other and get support, criticism, guidance, information and receive/give respectful feedback.

    Well just4me this 5;2/4;3 works and again just4me not a ‘diet but a Way Of Life.

    Pent I believe that post is inappropriate and has been reported.

    Oh OK thanks I guess I can step down off my bandwagon…

    Unfortunately some people post like this and other spam or inappropriate posts. Nothing you said is wrong just that these people post and leave hoping someone goes to their website and gets conned (in my opinion that is) 🙂

    Luvlolly I concur talk with your doctor… once s/he gives the go ahead THEN consider 5:2 as an option for weight lose.

    Amazon and Nama, I’ve been having lower back pain lately and finally dug out my really old copy of Robin McKenzie. I’d forgotten how simple, and effective, his advice is. I now have lumber rolls in cars and seats and do his stretches, even when we have a ‘wee’ break on our numerous road trips. SO much better. He’s right. Posture is critical. P

    Hi-as you may have read I have just undergone gallbladder removal by keyhole surgery. I did fast weekly whilst awaiting surgery and it was not detrimental to my health. In fact I did a three day liquid only diet and felt amazing. Obvious rules apply, lots of liquids. Best get your doctors advice but mine was very supportive of fasting. I had a spell in a wheelchair three years ago and I would not say it (wasn’t exercise) it exhausted me pushing those tyres along by hand. I am sure I burned more calories than when walking. It was as a result of a foot operation now full working order restored but it was an eye opener. I am three weeks post gall bladder surgery now and improving daily. I have begun fluid only fasting again. I did find that I needed quite a lot of pain relief in the first two weeks after surgery. Recommend microwave heat packs too.
    Good Luck, we are here to support you.

    Lizzie. Congrats! 5:2 is simple but not always easy

    Wee: Flowers REALLY? True love is such a great thing, yes?

    Amazon: Both my OH and I were firefighters he urban 30+years me, Forest 10+years we both have spines that are a medical mystery that they keep us upright at all. We follow Mckenzie program/stretches and WHAT a success (over time). and WHAT a weight loss. WOW!

    Jojo , thank you again for starting this thread!

    irenc: I too was abused as a young girl by my violent biological father. For too many years I held excess weight around my hips and tummy as a kind of protective layer, I guess. But I know, whatever happened way back then was not my fault and (just4me) this life is WAY too short to dwell on things I can’t change and life’s WAY too sweet to spend one single day wasted on being unhappy about something that happened years ago. Now waking up as a bride of an ISIS fighter now THAT would be bloody depressing.
    On my 2nd FD this week will do a B2B tomorrow.I really, really, REALLY want to get under 75.3kg I’m like an insect carrying a leaf across the road…determined!

    Amazon I meant ‘WOW’ what a weight loss YOU created for yourself…

    Hi Everyone,
    I reported offending post, we get them frequently, personally I don’t read them once I have seen that content is advertising some crackpot scheme.
    We are here because we have chosen a healthy scientific fasting programme, end of!

    Sorry about the various back aches. Posture, posture, posture and some yoga, works for me.

    Went to Bridge class last night, beginning to make headway and hopefully stemming the Altziemers for a few years because it certainly challenges ( those little grey cells)

    Wiwi- know how you feel, NZ not exactly convenient for me to visit but lovely. Thank goodness for FaceTime, my daughter gave me a tour of her new house this morning and I could show her what I have been up to in the garden. No cuddles but lots of contact.

    The sun is shining here so I am off to clock up 6000 steps remaining for today. Fasting tomorrow.

    My favourite fasting menu is stir fried prawns ( only six king ones) plus shredded veg( meditteranean) with sweet chilli dressing ( homemade- one teaspoon)and zero noodles. Yum

    Hi everyone,

    I’m not long home from a delightful walk pushing a pram around a park I’ve not been to before. It is a lovely walk from my nieces house, under the viaduct, through a peaceful little rest garden and into a huge park with paths through wooded areas, a meadow and a link to the canal walk. There is also a small animal park with chickens, goats, rabbits etc. All right in the middle of London 🙂
    My great nephew is 8 months old and it is the first time I’ve taken him out on my own. He was as happy as can be, laughing, smiling, singing to himself. My niece advised taking no notice of him if he seemd to be falling asleep so I tried and after a few minutes he shouted at me to gain my attention and then gave me his sweetest smile!
    He eventually slept and I sat in the sunshine with a coffee. When he woke up I got yet another lovely smile which was a relief as I was concerned he might be fretful as his Mum wasn’t there.
    I also found it interesting that everyone else pushing a pram or buggy spoke to or smiled at me.

    It was a very pleasant way to get 12000 steps done.

    I don’t have a favourite FD dinner but yesterday I had a huge salad topped with fresh tuna cooked with some sliced garlic and chilli. It was very healthy and absolutely delicious.

    Purple, I’ve had back issues on and off for nearly 40 years and I think that losing such a lot of weight actually made it temporarily worse as my body was adapting to not having to carry so much excess baggage around.
    McKenzie’s methods are simple and straightforward, no fancy jargon or difficult exercises, just excellent advice from an experienced physiotherapist. The upright stretch with hands on hips and leaning backward is especially useful as it can be done anywhere.
    I had never heard of him until Happy mentioned his name so I have her to thank for the improvement 🙂

    Always glad when the fast day is over. Had to go out today for lunch with my friend. Menu not good… Ended up with toastie , tuna and mayo. It was not a fast day but more than i wanted. No salads on menu. So now for lamb stew and veg.

    Thank you pentimento. I did not realise i carried guilt about the sex abuse till recently. I tried conselling in 1991. No change. Once one blames oneself it seems its not going away. Why feel guilt for what the perverted man did. Sounds crazy. So ok i must learn to love myself….

    Afraid i did not like the zero noodles. Will have to keep on the big salads with chicken peices.

    Zero noodles must be pre washed and cooked for just a couple of minutes in a sauce, delicious. 8 calories for a bowlful, what’s not to like? Another alternative is spiralised veg or grated cauliflower.

    Sorry Jojo, but I don’t think zero noodles are delicious, I think they are disgusting, and they gave me diarrhoea. I gave them a good chance eating them at least a dozen times but they are not for everyone. I have decided that fresh veg are a much better alternative and they contain more nutrients.

    Amazon, I agree re zero noodles or anything like them. I now have piles of freshly steamed green vegetables where in the past I would have had noodles. Or else I just have the stir fry mix on its own.

    Wiwi, I feel fir you. 🌺🌺🌺🌺

    Have you tried Explore Asia bean pasta? A staple at my house

    I wonder if different brands have different results? I know there are lots of people who have not liked them, in fact I would say they ‘hate’ them. I have served them to friends and family and they have all enjoyed them. I am not a super cook like many of you so my cooking is always pretty simple.
    I will check out the brand name and list it tomorrow. I usually buy on line not from the Health Food Store. They don’t sell them in my local stores and supermarkets.
    What does everyone else think? How do you cook them? I did put them in soup once, not great idea.
    I agree that their are more nutrients in alternatives such as spiralised corgette and carrot.

    I found that despite rinsing zero noodles well they still had an unpleasant smell and texture and although they filled me up my gut didn’t like them at all. To be honest I don’t want to eat cauliflower rice or bean pasta or any other substitute, it’s the real thing or veggies for me. I am happy not to have such things on FDs although I do put potatoes in my veg curries etc. I don’t eat pasta very often as I had to give it up when I had IBS so it’s not an issue as I only eat it occasionally.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi France Barata in NZ and Jojo HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Weemam Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 Pentimento pranayama and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    It’s so important that we continue to have our own study of one no matter how experienced or how long we have been fasting so then we know how far we can push the envelope having to fast overnight for a blood test the following morning was a terrible burden 18 months ago and yet now with a high degree of confidence 96 hours is ok and sort of fine 😯 Nama rolling off a 36 hour fast with liquids only is okey dokey now and doable for you and yet found 19/5 a struggle on occasion last year a remarkable turnaround simply by just keep on keeping on so this is real progress from real people. Walk done in the rain this morning only light misty stuff but still warm currently 16deg took the brolly but didn’t need it 10600 steps banked and last day of the 4 day fast and a hectic day of company audits by overseas importing countries ahead happy Thursday Team
    Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. Pope John XXIII

    “It is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Dear All,
    Interesting posts – best wishes to Irene, Penti and Jojo for past hurts. The body carries our history and traumas. I wanted to eat for England today after the fast day – not hunger exactly, more a sense of having been deprived. Need to do another FD tomorrow as I’m away for the weekend.

    Although , Amazon, diarrhea has its benefits😉
    I used ‘Miracle’ noodles again the other night as the weather had turned cold. A little mince, pasata and lots of steamed veg. Bulked it out for weary travellers. I guess the brands vary. They are a good way to fill up when very hungry, as lobg as you have lots of healthy veg too. P

    Ditto Wi. I miss my big girl now that she lives in Europe. SO far away, and the time difference at present makes it difficult to chat.
    She also spent a fair time in Santiago and enjoyed it very much. P

    Morning all!

    Good luck with the audits RT – perhaps your brain is even sharper than usual with your big fast? I probably should not encourage you, but thought I would share – my chiropractor (whom I rarely visit these days) is a fan of a 10 day fast every 6 months or so. His comment to me, when discussing long fasts, was that at the end the food tasted “better than sex”! Hmm, as I said, probably shouldn’t encourage you RT! The jokes will all be ‘blue’ now and we may get evicted!!

    Jojo (and irene), afraid I have to be on the ‘hate zero noodles” side. I also find them slimy (however much washed) and smelling of urea!! If I want spaghetti, I make noodles from zucchini (courgette) and add home made healthy bolognaise. They also ‘go straight thru’ me Amazon, but if I want that effect I prefer kiwi fruit or a pear! Irene you can have lots of alternatives on your veggies if you get bored with chicken – try a small piece of pan fried salmon (heaven), or a couple of tiny lamb cutlets for a change. Your taste buds are so sharp at the end of a fast day, the salmon tastes amazing.

    Finally a bit of drizzly rain in Melbourne, hopefully more to come. Had to water the garden yesterday!!

    Hi Everyone,
    I love the conversations. Today it waa a beautiful day of sunny and 75 degrees. On my walk I found a turtle crossing the street. I rescued it and my future daughter in law is going to take it to the river tomorrow. It is about 8 inches long.
    I did not fast, I am going to fast on Monday. I would like to do a three day fast again, it does feel amazing. Although I love to exercise hard and I see to do better just walking and yoga on longer fasts. 5:2 500 calorie fasts are good with workouts.
    take care everyone

    Morning/evening all,

    Nama, I couldn’t think what the smell reminded me of and you’ve hit the nail on the head! 😮

    Yesterday was not a FD and I had one too many glasses of wine with a friend so a strict FD is in order today. I may be going out for dinner tomorrow and if so it’ll be a B2B weekend.
    RT, I really want to try a 4 day food free fast but keep chickening out. I think I’ll try a 2 day first and see how it goes. It might be good to do it just before I go away when the fridge will be bare.

    Sarah, are you positive the turtle needed to be rescued, they tend to lay their eggs in the same place every year and it may have been on it’s way to or from its nesting place.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    Fasting today and possibly tomorrow. I couldn’t stop eating yesterday either, I suspect it was boredom. Too cold to paint the fence(next job on the list) but I did finish my steps walking briskly around the park, shivering. All the food consumed yesterday was healthy but probably too much fruit.
    Busy day today Rock Choir, hospital check up, Spanish and a long dog walk. Weather looks better than it feels again, sunny but cold breeze.
    Seems NZ are getting the best weather still. My daughter said it was very warm last night, her today ‘morning’. She did me a virtual tour of her new garden on FaceTime. There were some massive succulents( nearly one metre across) unknown to her or me. Wiwi and Barata you may know local varieties, what is your guess? I will put some photos on Facebook. They looked very healthy plants though.
    I am growing runner beans, sweet peas and tomatoes this year. Nama – I am watering daily at the moment as no rain forthcoming and new planting needs the water. I have been spending far too much on flowers lately, needed the instant colour they bring to my large, mainly grassed garden. I have about 2 hundred Geranium cuttings on the go too as I disposed of my old leggy pot plants after removing all new growth. I find spending time in the garden is very theraputic and it’s the furthest point from the kitchen- bonus.
    Have fun everyone, keep drinking and walking- you know it makes sense. Keeping learning better eating habits too, it will soon become easier and help you achieve long term success.


    Sounds like we’ve got better weather than you for a change! It reached 17/18 degrees here yesterday, with no wind, very nice! All of a sudden there was a massive expanse of pasty white flesh on show – men in shorts, women in suntops! Forecast nice again today, so I’ve taken the day off to spend it outside. I haven’t got as far as frivolous things like flowers yet though, the first push is always getting the garden dug over and vegetable seeds sown.


    Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about turtles in the UK, except that if I did see one in the wild I know it wouldn’t be native to the UK and shouldn’t be there!


    I’m also still too chicken to embark on a longer than 24 hour fast! I’ve mastered 24 hours, and I’m confident I could extend that now, and I like the idea of the added health benefits, I just need to psych myself up!

    Well hello to all you amazing people. The sun is here today after and 10-day long squall-ish type weather it is much appreciated. Never in my life did I hear such LOUD, LOUD thunder as got nearly every night around 2am.
    Hill living is so wonderful! Love it.

    When we lived at the foot of the Bavarian Alps we could see the thunderstorms clashing ‘n gnashing their way towards us. Very exciting to watch. We had a family ritual for Thunder and Lightening storms:everyone (all the children too), gathered on the veranda (each of us with bulky sweaters on). Here we could watch the sky and horizon. I made a big pot of ‘red-tea’ hibiscus, rose hips, mint etc. in a special pretty ‘Storm’ Tea Pot, we had special ‘storm’ tea cups too. Everyone got a white sugar cube with a spoonful of whisky in the bottom of their cup (very adult and very special for storm-watchers). Then we poured the Red-tea over the sugar cubes and oooo’d ‘n awwww’d as the amazing spectacle got closer and louder.
    Just a family memory….

    Another FD today Thursday, 495-cal yesterday and a good FD on Monday. I’m on a roll and feel great. Did get some calf-cramps last night so drank more water and they calmed. Think I got them from tw0 days straight of long hours working in front of PC.

    Eating lots of steamed greens with garden fresh onions, ginger, garlic, smoked chilis, soy sauce and 2-eggs whites mixed in then popped into the microwave…very satisfying and tasty. Plus my ever-ready-FD-companion the GREEN-SOUP! 50/75-cal per cup depending how you make it! Today I’m getting a couple of Kilos of fresh herring or mackerel at the market. After cleaning and salt, I give them a quick flame grill then marinate the fish for 5-days in a mixture of vinegar, dill, onions, honey, allspice berries, peppercorns, and bay leaves, white wine. First heat the marinade on the stove to simmer a few minutes then while warm but not hot, pour it over the fish. When cool put in airtight containers and refrigerate. The wee bones either dissolve or become tender-soft. 3.5 oz. serving of pickled herring has 262 calories and this fish is SOOO GOOD for you low on the food chain Omega 3 etc. etc… can keep in the fridge for 3-weeks. I LOVE this dish.
    BTW: great Pope-Quote RT…very good!
    Stay strong folks and Good Luck… no, actually Good Discipline… it’s the path to freedom.

    Nama bless you now you have sowed a seed here I constantly have the thought of extending the fast but yfee thinks I am going to fizzle out at any minute or something 😯 but and I say this with absolute honesty that the longer the fast the less I have thoughts about not only when to but how to break what meal or food (usually scramble eggs off the farm) the fast and in general terms it has never been because I am defeated by hunger and to me I think that is astonishing and I have wondered re 7 10 15 21 days fast etc. But boy oh boy now that you have suggested there is a body of evidence 😉 that is comparing the first meal after a 10 day fast “better than sex” obviously he is not doing it correctly no way jose surely not even if you get it wrong its right trust me 😆 now a new study of one later in the year I do hope I have gathered enough evidence to be able to compare :lol;
    The audit highlighted some areas for continuous improvement but no corrective action was issued nor was there any critical non-conformity so I do feel very sharp which is a good thing to be able to back up my claim that I am actually smarter than I look who knew 😯
    Looking forward to the challenge at the “G” Friday night football Crows $2.90 very generous taking on the reigning Premiers on the big stage and of course the Anzac day match is always so special and steeped in history pies $1.41 favourites enjoy the long weekend.

    Peace RT

    I am definitely with you. The longer you fast the less you think about food, weird but true. If I have that empty feeling in my stomach I have a drink of green tea and it’s gone for another two or three hours. I am keen to do the five day fast as I found the three day one much easier than expected. As I have no meals planned next week I may give it a go starting Sunday at 5 pm ending Friday at 5 pm. Watch this space!
    I think it will help me stop yoyo-ing. Seriously if I can do it, anyone can as I am not know for having willpower.
    I feel great today, no pain, no boredom.
    Happy- so envious of your warm weather, I am actually wearing tights and a dress today ( usually live in trousers) because I want to feel more summery. Bought even more plants today, Begonias- huge outdoors ones for £1.59 each- couldn’t resist them. How much time do you need to devote to your garden? I know you do a lot of veg growing. I waste so much time cutting grass I really should dig it up and put in a veg garden. We don’t have much depth of soil though, it’s on a chalk cliff and very windy here.
    Amazon- your trip around the park with the baby sounds idyllic. Taking my own children out in the pram is a special memory. But having dogs still promotes chatty ness from total strangers, usually friendly. Not quite the same reaction from cyclists though, they always worry about passing dogs off leash. As I occasionally cycle myself my dogs are quite bike friendly but I have seen some dogs chasing cyclists and runners.
    Penti- another great cook on the thread, makes me feel I should really make more effort. I am so lazy in the cookery department. I live off fish and veg, pan baked or worse, cooked in the microwave.
    Maybe that’s why I like fasting so much, no cooking. I have considered doing some lessons or a cookery holiday. Anyone done one of these?
    Smithy and Ply- Are you still with us? Love to you both

    Hi all,
    Just thought I’d let you know I’ll be off line for at least a week until my lap top is repaired. I really hate using my phone so I’ll be lurking but not contributing.

    Hurry back pal we will miss you. I loved the story of you with the baby out for a walk :). It is a glorious day here today . Went to see Dad and he was back in his bed . Had a wee chat and yet he never opened his eyes . Got a smile and a reply so that will do me . Was thinking about hovering the car but I think I have had enough for today . Jim is forever telling me ” tomorrow is another day hen” so today I am gonna listen 🙂 .

    Wee xx

    I hope you mean hoovering not hovering, sounds dangerous.
    Amazon- My pc is playing up too, thank goodness for my iPad., we will be thinking of you.
    Something is eating my beans already, can’t find any slugs in hiding. I will be out with my torch tonight, little blighters.

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi France Barata in NZ and Jojo HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Weemam Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 Pentimento pranayama and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    Murphy says to Paddy, “What ya talkin into an envelope for?”
    “I’m sending a voicemail ya fool!”

    Paddy says “Mick, I’m thinking of buying a Labrador.
    “Blow that” says Mick, have you seen how many of their owners go blind?”

    19 paddies go to the cinema, the ticket lady asks “Why so many of you?”
    Mick replies, “The film said 18 or over.”

    I went to the cemetery yesterday to lay some flowers on a grave.
    As I was standing there I noticed 4 grave diggers walking about with a coffin, 3 hours later and they’re still walking about with it.
    I thought to myself, they’ve lost the plot!!

    My daughter asked me for a pet spider for her birthday, so I went to our local pet shop and they were £70!!!
    Blow this, I thought, I can get one cheaper off the web.

    Statistically, 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not Happy.

    My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30 am this morning, can you believe that 2:30am?!
    Luckily for him I was still up playing my Bagpipes.

    The wife has been missing a week now.
    Police said to prepare for the worst.
    So I have been to the charity shop to get all her clothes back.

    Two Muslims have crashed a speedboat into the Thames barrier in London .
    Police think it might be the start of Ram-a-dam.

    Sat opposite an Indian lady on the train today, she shut her eyes and stopped breathing.
    I thought she was dead, until I saw the red spot on her forehead and realised she was just on standby.

    When I was in the pub I heard a couple of plonkers saying that they wouldn’t feel safe on an aircraft if they knew the pilot was a woman.
    What a pair of sexists. I mean, it’s not as if she’d have to reverse the bloody thing!

    Local Police hunting the ‘knitting needle nutter’, who has stabbed six people in the rear in the last 48 hours, believe the attacker could be following some kind of pattern.

    Just got back from my mate’s funeral. He died after being hit on the head with a tennis ball.
    It was a lovely service.

    Have a happy Weekend all you beautiful losers 😆
    Peace RT

    Well it’s been another lovely day up north! 20 degrees, so I’ve been out in t-shirt and shorts and even remembered to apply sun cream 😀 Sadly, normal service resumes tomorrow so it will be back to the thermals ☹️

    Jo, I must admit I’ve no idea how long the garden takes (too long!), the jobs are never ending! Luckily I have a man who mows the lawn, rebuilds the walls, paints the sheds, etc. He will even turn his hand to weeding…although I’m not sure I trust him on much more than grass, nettles and docks!

    You’ve covered the range, RT – sex, race, height and religion. LOL. Love the sad dwarfs. Another glorious day in Wellington, a few showers forecast but I don’t think it will be enough to water my garden, it’s been so dry here over the autumn.

    Sorry I couldn’t help identifying the plant, Jojo, not one I’m familiar with.

    Let us know when you come down, Wee 🙂

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