Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 11,201 through 11,250 (of 16,657 total)

  • Sorry Nicky πŸ™‚

    Good work on the fasting this week, another lb released into the ether. Sounds like you could do with some new trousers yourself?!

    Wee might be the size 10 star, but you definitely get a gold star for your fasting efforts. What would be the appropriate award for long service (to fasting)?!

    No probs Happy.

    Feeling much less wan now with a home-made grilled chorizo with salad under my belt.

    Plenty of trousers in the wardrobe ‘pipeline’ but did succumb to yet another pair of tailored wool slacks for work on sale recently – size 12 so not far off I hope. Plenty of cool/cold weather yet to come I suspect.

    Long service award to fasting? How about 5kg off? πŸ˜‰

    Morning/evening all

    Privacy issues on facebook have come to light with the people they suggest I might know, for example the son of a friend who has never been within a mile of social media, my ex next door neighbour, another friend’s niece, none of whom are connected to anyone I am friends with on fb. I don’t like it and it really concerns me how they get their information. Also people who I ahve email contact with. I’ve never permitted access to my email address book but it would appear that they have access to it. No more social media for me.

    Nicky, sorry to make your hunger worse. It is a bit of a hazard reading any posts on a FD isn’t it? You must be so pleased with your progress as you are doing so well. Nothing feels as good as falling down trousers πŸ˜‰
    Another FD under my belt which is great butI’m feeling restless and don’t know what to do with myself today. I’m not in the mood for the gym so I think I’ll take myself for a nice long walk somewhere or I may attempt to eat the contents of the fridge πŸ˜†

    Have a good one everybody πŸ™‚

    Thanks for explaining Amazon. I must admit I’m not very active on social media, as I don’t really want too much of an online presence. Call me paranoid…

    Good luck settling today. I had my eating the contents of the fridge day on Monday. Although when that comprises eating corn cakes and carrots til you burst…Not sure that technically counts as a binge? Felt like it though!

    I fasted yesterday and Sunday so I’m having a good week. It isn’t anything to do with hunger or wanting to eat, I am in what my friend calls the “can’t want to” mood πŸ˜†

    I belong to a private tennis website, I contribute on here and I lurk on twitter as I find it an interesting source of information. I follow tennis organisations, WWF and various travel companies. I never send tweets though!
    I don’t like the idea of my personal and private information being accessed. I searched through the fb security and privacy section to check that I hadn’t inadvertently said yes to allowing access and I couldn’t see anything, so the solution was to part company. I’ll live πŸ˜‰

    I went away for a few days and wow, the thread is moving at a pace.

    Congratulations, Wee, size 24 to size 10! glad your dad’s condition has stabilized. You are lucky to have him. I adored my father and would like to have kept him longer. My parents died within 3 months of each other.

    I have done an excellent fast today. I am having an arthritis attack in my left hip and knee. I have walked about 30km in the past 4 days on hard surfaces which could be responsible. I think the fast may have helped, but I will see tomorrow.

    I am a bit surprised that I have got very bony elbows recently. I never would have thought that there was much fat on elbows.

    I am still wobbling around the BMI=30 mark. Sometimes a bit less, I am still 10kg from the target, but like JoJo, hopefully by March or April next year. While it is possible, I will continue with ADF.

    I thoroughly agree with you, Happy, that it is better to 5:2 consistently than try ADF and find it impossible to maintain. ADF is relatively easy in France where people eat at lunchtime, but once I leave this country in 6weeks, Back to NZ where people eat in the evening, I think 5:2 will be the WOL to adopt again. In the meantime I am on ADF and 19:5 on down days and 16:8 on up days.
    I have a garden full of veges so it’s not hard to fill up on low calorie home grown veges.

    Happy fasting.

    Hi All,
    Really busy fast day.
    Cleaning, clearing out and tidying. Boring but it has to be done.
    Made spicy carrot soup ( curry flavour not chilli) very tasty.
    Weigh in tomorrow, fingers crossed

    Hi Wiwi,

    We also have a garden full of vegetables, it’s a great time of year! There just aren’t enough eating opportunities to get through it all… The freezers are full of fruit too, waiting to be turned into alcohol. We don’t eat puddings or jam now, but we do still drink πŸ™‚

    I’m not happy that you’re leaving in 6 weeks! I’m going to think of you as a swallow now! Sitting on the wires, judging the weather, picking your moment to leave before winter sets in here in the northern hemisphere πŸ™

    Love that you’ve got bony elbows now. Funny the bits of us we forgot…or never knew we had!

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Happy Thursday fast friends however you like it πŸ˜‰ Nicky AO and Emel we have a local paper down here the herald very similar to the β€˜Hills Courier’ but a quarter the size and in the classified advertisement was a small box with an ad for platies beginner’s intermediate and advanced with a mobile number for Thursday sessions at the COC Hall you ripper I thought πŸ’‘ since shrinking 2cm the view was this would be ideal a happy time until I rang to get the detail this is for females only 😯 never mind I will keep on keeping on and do the doable..

    Peace RT

    Good morning all

    RT, women’s only Pilates sounds like discrimination to me! Maybe you could get a DVD of yoga or floor Pilates. I occasionally think of doing that but know, deep down, that it would end up with my hand weights and other abandoned exercise equipment. For me home is another workplace and I can always use housework stuff to justify delaying (= avoiding) specific exercise so I need to be elsewhere for that.

    Wiwi, I don’t know how you manage life in two separate compartments. I’d always leave something behind at the ‘other place’. How wonderful to have such a supply of home-grown produce. You and Happy seem to have an idyllic life, although I know that there’s lots of hard work involved.

    Amazon, hope you’ve managed to shake off your odd mood.

    Take care everyone and keep up the good work. n xxx

    Hi Wiwi,
    We will both be in NZ at the same time, anyone else want to join us?
    Good news on the scales today 2 lb down which is great because last week was full of indulgences.
    I am feeling very flat and low generally this week. RT it seems I am not the only one that needs to fight blatant sexual discrimination. We have lots of issues at bowls club which is driving me mad. In this day and age there should be a test of ones philosophy to join a committee. Even just possessing a sense of fair play would be good. Men get selected for twice as many games as women yet we pay the same fee and provide all the refreshments for events. It’s not ‘cricket’ as they say. I am seriously considering leaving in protest which is a shame because it is my local club and I love the game.

    Morning/evening all

    RT it is sexual discrimination and you should in the nicest possible way suggest to the organisers that is the case and ask them to reconsider. The classes I attend are mixed as are all the others at my gym and there is no reason for them not to be. Anyone who is bothered by a man being present is not concentrating on what they are supposed to be doing and would not be gaining any benefit, as it is a discipline that requires absolute concentration.

    Sexism is alive and kicking everywhere. I went into a restaurant for lunch yesterday which was almost empty, and the manager wanted to seat me in the corner next to the door leading to the toilet. I informed him, very politely and with a smile that I did not wish to sit in the corner, and sat down at a small table in the middle of the restaurant!

    Nicky, thanks for your concern, there are so many emotional ups and downs at the moment, so it is no surprise that I’m not at peace with life in general. I’m getting there slowly but surely πŸ™‚

    I have several exercise DVDs gathering dust, and some kettlebells as year unused along with some weights. All are idle at the moment but the weights and the kettlebells will be used eventually. I need to get my back fixed first though. They’ll be of use on wet winter days when I don’t want to walk.
    I also have a Wii Fit which I’ve recently disconnected from the TV and put away as I no longer use it πŸ˜†

    I want to fast today but my friend might want to eat out after our walk so I’ll see how the days pans out. I’ve prepared a FD dinner that needs to fo in the oven and if I don’t fast I can have it tomorrow.

    Well done Jojo, keep up the good work.

    Have a good one everybody.

    Hello all,

    Great to read all your posts and about your busy lives all over the world!

    Jojo it sounds to me like you are just plain tired after your hectic week last week! But I agree with you about the discrimination at your bowls, why should the women provide the refreshments? Sounds like they are stuck in the dinasaur age. But as you say, if you leave in protest, you will ultimately be the loser! Could you get onto a committee and drive some change from within?

    Amazon I agree with you about the concentration required for Pilates… I think that is why I hated it the one time I tried it years ago – and why I have not gotten around to “re”trying it! Concentration is hard work for me! RT I guess your exercise options are a bit limited living where you do, but it sounds like you do a great amount of walking, which I think is one of the absolute best.

    Got chatting (just for a change!) to a fellow customer at my hairdressers this afternoon. She confided that she was really depressed about her weight and had tried 5:2 but given up as she did not get quick results. I told her about my experience with 5:2 and hopefully helped her with some suggestions and encouragement. She seemed freshly inspired so I hope I helped. I think we all remember feeling as frustrated and fed up with ourselves, I personally pinch myself every day that I am not dreaming!

    Nicky I am with you re the envy of Wiwi and Happy’s fresh veggies. My veggie patch is pretty sad at present, just silver beet, spring onions and garlic!! Not enough to live on. But Spring is definitely stirring around here – I bought a huge bunch of daffodils home from Jamieson this week and also picked some Jasmine here at home – the kitchen smells divine!

    Happy thanks for your concern, fortunately I survived the ladder and secateurs! Husband bought a really sturdy ladder for me as there is a grapevine, a wisteria and several climbing roses that require regular attention at Jamieson! After seeing me tip over the smaller one a couple of times, he realized a bigger one was probably a better investment!

    Our holiday was very relaxing (and warm!) but isn’t it always nice to come home to your own bed? And the washing machine, and the dishwasher!!! The warm jumpers and thick socks are back on though! I am unreasonably happy that my weight is exactly what I left home at – thanks again Mr P!! Have fasted twice this week, but plan to get back to Mon/Wed/Fri next week to try to shift a few more kilos. Lunch with my brother tomorrow, then a Vietnamese inspired Tupperware Party (involving dumplings!) on Saturday, so will probably need to fast well by Monday!

    Keep up the great work and the mutual inspiration all!! Cheers.x

    Evening/morning all.
    I’ve been out all afternoon. We did five miles in Richmond Park without stopping once, which was very nice and very satisfying. I also managed to make it a FD which is even better πŸ˜›

    Nama I hope you’ve given yourself a pat on the back for going away on holiday and not gaining any weight. It proves that you’ve got rid of some bad habits eating wise which is just what you need. I went to South Africa for three weeks after I lost the first two stones and didn’t gain any weight, and I’ve not gained anything on my last couple of trips either. I would however like my weight to start dropping again and am feeling positive that it will do so soon as I’ve done three FDs this week and am planning on another one either Sat or Sun depending on my plans.

    I have turned into a 5:2 evangelist. When people comment on my weight loss and ask how I did it I think it my duty to inform and educate πŸ˜‰

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    TGIF and POETS day bring it on yes team the situation for alternative choice here at least is zero and the instructor comes from the Regional City down the road 100+ km’s so I have moved on already just a surprise I guess. Nicky dvd etc and heaven help us VHS video of all sorts of stuff from oz aerobics to those exercise yoga ball things for core strength and other gems but I find it all awesome on the telly until you fire it up in the lounge to discover actually it’s not that awesome after all. Oh well as we live we learn yesterday was magic here a warm breeze blue sky sunshine thankyou lord but now raining hard windy and freezing cold again crazy. The fifth test is on now and given the Aussie slump some well-meaning sledging is quite in order IMO have a groovy weekend all you beautiful losers.
    Given the result, just thought it was the right time to rub salt………….

    Q. What’s the difference between the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Aussie cricket team
    A. Not everyone has walked over the Harbour bridge

    Q. What’s the difference between Cinderella and an Australian cricketer
    A. Cinderella knew when to leave the ball

    Q. What do you call a world class Australian cricketer
    A. Retired.

    Q. What do you get if you cross the Australian cricket team with an Oxo cube?
    A. Laughing stock.

    The Australian bobsleigh team have asked the Aussie cricketers for a meeting. They want to know how they went downhill so fast.

    Q. What’s the difference between Michael Clarke and a funeral director?
    A. A funeral director doesn’t keep losing the ashes.

    Q. What’s the difference between an Aussie batsman and a formula one car?
    A. Nothing. If you blink you’ll miss them both.

    Q. What do Aussie batsmen and drug addicts have in common?
    A. Both spend most of their time wondering where their next score will come from.

    Q. What did the spectator miss when he went to the toilet?
    A. The entire Australian innings.

    Q. What do you call a cricket field full of Australians ?
    A. A vacant lot.

    Q. What is the main function of the Australian coach?
    A. To transport the team from the hotel to the ground.

    Q. Who spends the most time on the crease?
    A. The woman who irons the Australian team’s cricket whites.

    Q. Why don’t Aussie fielders need travel injections?
    A. Because they never catch anything.

    Q. What is the most proficient footwork displayed by Australian batsmen?
    A. The walk back to the pavilion.

    Q. What is the definition of optimism?
    A. An Aussie batsman putting on sunscreen before going out to bat.

    Q. What’s the Australian version of LBW?
    A. Lost, Beaten, Walloped.

    Q. Who has the easiest job in the Australian squad?
    A. The guy who removes the red ball marks from the bats.

    Q. What do you call an Australian who can handle a bat….
    A.. A vet

    Q. Why are Australian cricketers cleverer than Houdini?
    A.. Because they can get out without even trying.

    Q. What’s the difference between Michael Clarke and a phoenix?
    A. At the end of the ashes, the phoenix still has a future.

    A bloke walks into a brothel and says: β€œI’m a bit kinky, how much for total humiliation?”
    The madam replies Β£60.
    β€œWow, what do I get for that,” he says.
    She says: β€œA baggy green cap and an Australia shirt.

    Peace RT

    Sorry RT about the cricket. We kiwis now won’t even need to Aussie-bash since you are so strong on self-flagellation.

    Maybe you could challenge Fiji to a game and get back a certain sense of worth.

    Kia Ora

    Kiwi Wiwi


    Thanks for the jokes! I think they’re my favourites so far πŸ™‚


    Sounds like you’ve had a good day. You wouldn’t have been walking here this morning, at least not without waterproofs πŸ™


    Congratulations on the weight loss. Sorry you feel a bit flat, surely though you’re just a bit deflated?!

    And hi Nama!

    Yep, there’s no place like home! I’m afraid 3 weeks is my limit. By two weeks away, wherever it is, I’ve pretty much had enough and want to go home. Luckily for OH, he’s never tried to take me away for longer than 3…

    That was an awfully funny lot, RT. Don’t be too hard on them, though. The team will bounce back, these things go in cycles.

    I will be here when you come to NZ, Jojo. Looking forward to meeting with you, and catching up with Wiwi after her bonus summer :envy: Do you go to any bowls meetings, could suggest the blokes take their turns with the food?

    Welcome home, Nama. We usually make our jaunt to the Queensland warmth for just one week, that’s normally enough. Love going to resorts or hotels and everything is clean, makes home look a bit shabby. πŸ™

    Stay strong, everyone, and as RT says, yay, TGIF & POETS day! Friday off, but a great pile of filing awaits me here at home!

    Good morning fast(ing) friends:
    Emel, AO, RT and comespring in South Australia
    Nama in Victoria
    Bay in ACT
    Purple in NSW
    Barata in NZ
    Jojo, Smiffy, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Wee, CakeyWakey, Tessy and Iona72 in UK
    Wiwi in France
    Applepie in Spain
    Ply, SAMM, Lori, HealthCoachB and Sarah103 in US
    DJ in Canada;

    RT, thanks for the laughs. Sadly, an element of truth in all. However, at least some restraint was in evidence last night … and I take small comfort that it isn’t a whitewash series, unlike the Poms in Australia last summer πŸ˜‰ – sorry UK mates, couldn’t resist slipping that in.

    Jo, I endorse Nama’s comments about change from within. Do the men contribute something else to balance up the ledger? What is the gender balance? What do the other lady members think?

    Amazon, I’m getting like you about 5:2 evangelism. I went to an editorial meeting yesterday afternoon for our Botanic Garden Friends quarterly journal. For the second time this week there were compliments, and yet my rate of loss is unchanged since I started IF 18 months ago. Maybe it was the magic ‘obese-overweight’ boundary crossing. One said that the man at the adjacent desk at his work started but gave up because it was ‘too hard’. Another lamented that nothing she tried lasted (we’ve all been there!) and wanted more information. I explained the gist of the process, referred her to the book but did stress that while it could be hard going at first, it became easier over time until it was an established habit. They all agreed that I was proof that it was sustainable and inexpensive (eat less), unlike every other strategy they had collectively tried. Came home feeling pretty chuffed.

    TGIF and POETS day indeed! Take care all and keep up the good work. n xxx

    Hi Nicky,

    No need to apologise for mentioning the whitewash, it happened, not their finest hour; but we don’t live in the past, we learn from it. It’s the now that matters πŸ™‚ Just as well of course, or I might have to mention 4 out of the last 5… πŸ™‚

    Great that you’re getting compliments. I know we do this for ourselves, not others, but it’s still nice to get some affirmation.

    I must admit I’ll tell anyone that asks about 5:2, but I’ve been surprised by the number of people I’ve met that want to lose weight, find out about 5:2, and then decide to go on a calorie controlled diet!? ‘Oh no, I like my cake/ chocolate too much’. So in what way will restricting yourself every day be easier than restricting twice a week?!

    Morning/evening all

    I think that most people who are overweight want to lose it but they want a quick fix and aren’t prepared to put in a sustained effort. Stupid really as they keep trying and failing and by the time they’ve failed for the nth time they could have reached their goal by doing 5:2 without completely giving up their cake/beer/chocolate or whatever it is they love so much, and being miserable in the process.

    As for the men at Jojo’s bowls club, behind almost every one of them will be a woman at home who waits hand foot and finger on them. The majority will not know how to use a washing machine, iron, vacuum cleaner, never have changed a bed or done the ironing.Some of them probably never even put the kettle on! It is very difficult to change attitudes and when it was decided to allow women to join the bowls club they probably did it so they could have someone make tea etc for them!

    Have a good one everybody πŸ™‚

    Re: sexism and misogyny.

    Yes, to all those little women at home playing out the traditional roles that men created for them… Thanks a lot!

    Probably the main benefit of my doctorate is the ability to whip it out and change people’s perception of you in an instant. The change in attitude when you point out its Dr, not Miss, Mrs or Ms is frankly laughable, but very useful!

    Hi All,
    Beautiful day here and been on my feet since 7.30 am, walking, bowling, more walking. Too lovely to be indoors. But it has not been a fast day as I have planned that tomorrow as I am travelling into London to visit my son.

    The men at bowls mostly all have wives that do everything for them but they truly believe women cannot bowl. Most clubs accepted them only when they couldn’t get enough male players, not fashionable here, too slow, most prefer golf.

    The women put up with the prejudice because they think they need the good men players for wins at mixed games. So short sighted, every woman could improve their standards if they played daily. I think I may start a ‘ladies only’ club called ‘The Ball Busters’ and only play against all male teams. What do you think? There have always been women providing refreshments in men’s sports in this country – especially cricket and bowls. But some men help with the washing up and the gardeners and maintenance men are predominantly men so that is often more fair distribution of activity. I made a stand today and removed my name from play lists. I will still use the ground for practise and roll up games but I won’t wear the club shirt while the sexisism is so rampant. I will start looking for a new club in January, preferably with an all year playing surface outside and alternative indoor club. Some nice ones in the West Country.
    Now to get ready for an evening of music- tribute band- illegal Eagles, can’t wait. Sadly all seated event but I will stand at the back and dance.
    Have a great weekend everyone

    Hi everyone. Greetings from lovely Ireland where I am having a much needed holiday including two fasts already under my belt – smug smile πŸ™‚ I applaud your stand JoJo. I hope you can find a good club that welcomes and values women and men. The West Country where I live is usually very welcoming and often very sorted about such things. So come over and join us πŸ™‚ Nicky,how wonderful to get such positive comments. I must confess i find people’s comments about my weight are nearly always tricky! Often people say that I have lost lots of weight when I have lost none!! I have decided that this is because as a large woman I grow larger in their minds when I am not present and so when they see me I consequently seem smaller haha. However on 5:2 I am losing some weight and the other day I had my first acknowledgement of that at work. But it was not a brilliant gosh youve lost some weight how’s it going. It was ‘are you Ok are you ill!!’ Quirky. I suppose one day I will be both smaller and healthier looking so people will know I’ve lost weight but am not mortally ill. Life can be odd sometimes πŸ™‚ sorry about the cricket folks. But as today already proved. We are hardly running away with it all πŸ™‚ happy weekends to all πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone, I have had a whirlwind week of social activity which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I got my 2 fast days in and the scale has remained stationary so I’m more than happy with that. Next week will be more routine but we have a few days in Scotland so there will be lots of walking, to combat the 3 course hotel meal included in the package. I will choose wisely and probably skip dessert.
    So enjoyable to catch up with all the posts on the forum, such an inspiration to me.
    Have a great weekend all.

    Good morning All,
    Got the name of the band wrong, called Alter Eagles, they were brilliant, posted a very poorly shot video on Facebook but they are probably on utube if you want to check them out.
    Tessy I envy you, I love Ireland but the weather can be a bit wet. It’s going to be 31 here today so we are really going to crisp up.

    I was starving when I got home last night so I had a big bowl on fruit and fibre, what a mistake after so long without wheat. Cramps all night. That’s it for me on the wheat eating, obviously intolerant, it ruined my lovely evening out. Fasting today and glad of it.

    I recommended a ‘sugar free’ diet to a friends daughter now living in Melbourne, she has a weight issue plus irritable bowel and severe constipation. After two weeks she has lost 8 lbs and is pain free. It’s great news because she was getting ‘very down’ when all medical advice and medication was failing her. She is a busy nurse working with children with cancer so she needs to be on good form to cope. She has been a vegetarian for 15 years and ate lots of veg so it wasn’t lack of fibre causing her problems. Fortunately my daughter is also having success with a ‘dairy free’ diet to improve her acne. It’s hard to cut out food groups but the results speak for themselves.

    Tessy, a friend said to me. Have you got a terminal illness, I am very worried about you losing so much weight. I said ‘Yes’ that my illness is ‘food addiction’ and I am now taking ‘the cure’ via ‘fasting’. I do find that a bit of lippy, eyeshadow and bright clothes and a big smile encourage people to make nice comments about your weight progress. When you have lost over 6 stone people do notice, when I get to goal I will have lost half my original body weight and I am justly proud of my efforts. Keep going everyone.

    Hi everyone, sorry I’ve been awol for so long. No gain no loss this week. I’ve been very unwell for the past week and still trying to get better. I have been reading but not replying until now.

    Jojo sounds like you had a ball. RT loved the one liners.

    Lovely weather the past couple of days but have been too unwell to enjoy it (the sun was too bright and I got a headache). Enough whinging from me.

    My mum arrived back from England Thursday morning and caught up on the phone.

    Chat later ?

    Morning/evening all

    AO, sorry to hear you’ve been unwell, I was wondering where you had for to. Get well soon.

    A lovely morning here and it is going to be a hot one.
    I’ve done 3 fasts this week and feel that I’m back into my routine. I have been finding life difficult when home alone and as a consequence struggling to stay within my TDEE, but this week has been easier.

    It is going to be very hot here today and I’m going to have a quiet day at home catching up on some paperwork and relaxing.
    I’m still waiting for my physiotherapy appointment and am hoping it won’t be much longer as sleeping is increasingly difficult especially as painkillerrs don’t help.

    I’ve not had any adverse comments regarding my weight loss apart from one friend who said I should stop because I have a few wrinkles on my face. I responded with the fact that at my age wrinkles are normal but no-one noticed them before as they were stuffed with fat, and that as I am still clinically classes as overweight I’ll be continuing until in the normal range.

    People often think a huge weight loss in later life is due to illness and they are worried about saying the wrong thing and causing offence.

    Time to put the tablet down and get on with it.

    Have a good one everybody πŸ™‚

    Good Evening Fasttrackers,
    My trip to London was delayed as my son had to work overtime today. Hopefully I will go in the week now. After doing the laundry, excellent drying day I made the best of the sunshine by spending the day in the garden. I planned some sun bathing and reading but ended up mowing the lawn, digging up some very spikey plants(which took a fair amount of revenge on my skin), weeding and generally clearing and cleaning. The front garden looks much better but there is still a very wide planting area to weed, at least 2 days work. Finally I did some watering, dog walking and food shopping. Ham salad for dinner, couldn’t face any more eggs this week and no fish defrosted. Had some chilli beetroots, delicious.
    I am now laying in bed with the windows open listening to the waves hit the beach. It’s such a warm night after a blistering hot day.
    Hope you are all on track?
    Ply and Smithy – how are you getting on?
    Amazon- good to know you are getting your mojo back. Get some muscle relaxants, they worked for me when pain killers did not. Also you feel better in the morning, no drugged hangover.
    Aussie O- Get well soon- it’s good that you haven’t gained, I eat when I’ll or depressed. I still need a cure for comfort eating. But one battle at a time.
    It’s progress if we remain in control and never give up.

    Hi everyone, well another week closer to my sons graduation and I am 500 grams less so whilst I am not on track I am headed in the right direction! Managed to use the scales only twice this week which was liberating. Slowly but surely recovering …. It seems this flu tricks you into a belief that all is well and then the next day exhaustion hits. Given that I had the vaccine my symptoms are far less severe but debilitating nonetheless . Today the house needs tackling and there is much school work to do!
    Last night I went with friends to see a production … The Lion and the Winter I think! Oh my goodness what a tortured story it was about Henry the 2nd , Eleanor of Acquitaine and the dysfunctionality of their family.. It made my issues with my sons seem a piece of cake!
    AO I hope you are feeling better, I am now having to report on our critical report program all the confirmed cases of influenza! Cheers emel

    hello fellow south aussies AO and emel this year has been a little turbulent for you 5-2 fasters but keep on keeping and do the doable AO i do hope the warmer weather gets here sooner rather than later this cold is wearing thin for me 😯

    Morning/evening all

    FD today. I’m not really in the mood for it and was contemplating breakfast as I opened the window. There was a hugely obese man walking past.
    I have a large glass of fizzy water at my side and a pot of coffee on the hob πŸ˜›

    Inspiration when we least expect it Amazon. I’m having left over Indian takeaway, very small portion, no bread! Fast day tomorrow I’m looking forward to it and I feel I need it! Fast days are the easiest of the week for me. Enjoy Sunday everyone, weather much better here today after mammoth thunderstorms last night.

    I’ll take any help I can get at the moment.
    Nearly one o’clock already and I can manage another three or four hours πŸ™‚

    Amazon you just made me chuckle…poor man did not realize what a great public duty he was performing! I find it so sad when I see really big people now though, I just wish everyone could know about 5:2 I know all those huge people are miserable inside.

    We have had a wonderful weekend as my younger son finally (after 4yrs) proposed to his girl. Great excitement, especially with elder son getting married in 7 weeks. My youngest suggested a romantic dinner, lit the candles, cooked for her, then hid the (well wrapped) ring in a home made (vietnamese) dumpling!! Thank goodness she didn’t swallow it or break a tooth!!

    I hope everyone else has had a great weekend, I am looking forward to a good fast tomorrow as there has been a little too much celebrating today! Funny how I really feel it nowadays, tummy must really be smaller!

    Great news Nama πŸ˜›

    No problem celebrating these days as we all know that a couple of FDs will keep everything under control.
    As for feeling full, I had two poached eggs on two thin slices of toast for brunch yesterday and felt absolutely stuffed!

    The obese man unknowingly did me a huge favour, and since seeing him this morning I’ve done a good job of keeping myself busy. I’m having a huge salad topped with roasted veggies and goats cheese for dinner and I’ve just finished prepping it so it is ready to go in the oven.

    If I succeed today that’ll be four fasts in 8 days. It has been a bit of a struggle but I’m hoping that come tomorrow things will get easier for me to stick with it and get back on the road to goal.

    Amazon that is great work – 4 fasts in 8 days! Your dinner sounds yum. We had a buffet lunch out on Friday and I had no problem avoiding the fried stuff and having the lovely salads. Still can’t believe how much my tastes have changed!

    I am sure that its by keeping busy you have succeeded – I really think keeping busy is one of the absolute best tricks to avoid thinking about food!

    Talking about salads – one of our lovely holiday lunches I had a pumpkin salad, a favourite of mine. First time ever I have been served one like it, the pumpkin was one large roasted chunk (skin intact), surrounded by lovely leaves etc. It was really tasty. Especially on a deck overlooking a remote beach!!

    nama that is great news pal . Congratulations to them both

    Amazon well done you pal . You are all doing so well .
    hello to EVERYONE else .

    It is a gorgeous day here at last . Have been to visit dad My eldest and wife on cruise . one granddaughter in New York and one in Spain all on holiday so I am visiting with Dad for them all . Jim got his other eye op on Friday so busy busy . I am still being good though .

    Good Day All,
    Feeling great. My walk was fantastic this morning, great company and excellent weather. We got a little wet walking home afterwards though. It’s been a really productive day, everything planned has been done. I am feeling very cheerful and full after a wonderful roast dinner which I was really ready for as I have been fasting today and started my day very early.
    Now to start my dreaded ironing, no choice, I need all the clothes in my pile over the next week.
    I am doing a 5 mile walk tomorrow with other walk leaders then a nice pub lunch. No Monday fast for me tomorrow which is why I am fasting today.
    I have discovered that my weighing scales are not very happy on the kitchen floor here, getting very silly results which vary by 5 lbs when used on the same tile space. I need to mark a point and ensure I don’t move it by even a small amount to get a consistent reading. I think the floor here is very uneven.
    Weemam- Good Luck to Jim and I hope your family enjoy their holidays.
    Amazon- yep with you on the 4 fasts in 8 days pal, crazy. I used to get very tired on fast days but now I have bags of energy.
    Nama- my food tastes are 90 % different from 2 years ago. Congrats to your sons on their impending nuptials and engagements. Thank goodness his girlfriend didn’t choke on the ring.
    Iona72- lucky you, I love Indian Food especially Goanese Fish Curry, do try it!

    I am very hungry but resisting the urge to eat anything. Note to self, eat more protein on fast days ?

    Congratulations, mother of the bridegroom! So that’s two new outfits then? Just don’t upstage the bride!

    Wow, is that every other day fasts or were some b2b? Good effort, either way.

    Temperamental scales are a nightmare! I had the same problem with mine, bought originally to monitor the cats’ weight, and very variable on the kitchen floor. Took me a while to realise the bathroom tiles are flat and I can weigh cats upstairs as well as down…! When you find the light spot, you’ll have to draw a crime scene chalk line round the scales!

    Hi Everyone,
    It has been awhile and I miss reading the posts, after this week, things should calm down.Still trying the 19/5, I have consistanly completed day 4 of 17/7. It is the weekend and I did do some cooking, I am prepared for the week of work. Thank goodness!! I wish someone would just plan, cook, and clean for me… but then I would be in an old folks home. lol
    Stayed about the same weight all week until this morning.. I ate chocolate and lots of salty foods yesterday.
    I am so happy to read about your lives, I feel so connected.

    Hi Efficient Fat Burners
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Nama that is a beautiful thing and great move with hiding the ring in the dumpling that will forever be a significant and memorable moment for them I know that one πŸ˜‰
    Sarah 17-7 is a great lead up to 18-6 19-5 however just do what’s doable because that way you can keep on keeping on
    Ok lets get our fast on
    Peace RT

    Good evening fast(ing) friends:
    Emel, AO, RT and comespring in South Australia
    Nama in Victoria
    Bay in ACT
    Purple in NSW
    Barata in NZ
    Jojo, Smiffy, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Wee, CakeyWakey, Tessy and Iona72 in UK
    Wiwi in France
    Applepie in Spain
    Ply, SAMM, Lori, HealthCoachB and Sarah103 in US
    DJ in Canada;

    What was supposed to be a fast day almost completed. OH phoned just as I was leaving work to ask for a pick-up from our nearest town and offered a coffee. Up to that point I had only had my standard boiled egg and kiwi fruit at 3pm with an omelette planned for dinner. Haven’t calculated how many calories in a flat white coffee but will have small portion of omelette – probably a little over 500 but not bad. The best part was that the day flew by without any hunger pangs and I looked at the cakes/biscuits at the coffee shop with absolutely no desire – long may it last!

    Wee, good luck on Jim’s op.

    Thanks for all your posts, we are a truly international family!

    Keep up the good work everyone. n xxx

    Hi Sarah,

    I say I do 16:8, but it can be 15:9 (particularly during summer when the days are long and our evening meal is late) or 17:7, or occasionally 20:4 etc.

    I don’t strive for 19:5, and it doesn’t suit me on a daily basis. If 17:7 works for you (and doesn’t feel like a struggle) then I wouldn’t worry too much.

    I have read that eating TDEE as one big meal a day (or in a very short eating window) isn’t necessarily very good for you. Eating a feast once a day is apparently associated with elevated fasting glucose and I think can also raise BP. So I’m happy to save the longest fasting windows for fast days when the meal is small, and spread my non-fast day eating over a longer period.

    As RT says, just do what’s doable!

    Hi everyone, hope everyone is having a good day, whether fasting or not. Even though not fasting I find that I’m just not hungry, tried to eat earlier but ate a tiny bit and felt over full so stopped eating. I know this will change once I’m recovered from whatever ails me at the moment.

    Wee I hope Jim’s eyes are doing well, was I right that he’s had his op?? Glad to hear you had a good visit with your Dad πŸ™‚

    Chat more later, AO xx

    Hi all,

    I hate to say it but I have joined you in the ‘Sick Bay’ AO!! Mine is definitely the real flu – been fighting a sore throat a few days, but overnight developed full on shivers, aches and pains and thumping head! Makes one appreciate being well! Fast day abandoned but still keeping it light with strawberries and soup, not really hungry actually. Luckily no plans that cant be cancelled, so mollycoddling myself in bed. Thank god for paracetamol and Fisherman’s Friend cough lollies!

    Pride definitely comes before a fall – had been congratulating myself on not being sick since retiring – not mixing with sick kids or nurses – then boom! this one snuck up on me! Never mind, I will live…

    Nicky I am sure your fast has not really been lost, its hard when someone offers a social distraction. But sounds like you have not done too much damage. Its so great when the baked goodies don’t have such a pull isn’t it? Maybe we really are changing our tastes and habits!

    Thanks for not mentioning the footy RT!! My team need to go back to the drawing board and yours goes from strength to strength! Funny how its not as interesting when you are losing…..

    Take care all, xx

    Oh Happy, I meant to say Thanks. It might actually be three outfits! This one is marrying a Vietnamese girl and she is talking about a second ceremony in Vietnam for her elderly Grandparents to be there! She is very close to them as they raised her and her twin for 8 yrs. So I might have to get out of my comfort zone!!

    Great to hear your motivating tale, Amazon, but such a shame it has to be that way for so many people.

    Congratulations, Nama, lovely news, and a lovely story of the ring. Sorry to hear about the ‘flu, hope it doesn’t lay you low too long. Better now that you are home, though, than on your travels.

    I knew your team would bounce back, RT (cricket, that is).

    Best wishes for Jim for the coming op, Wee. Will be thinking of you both.

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