Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • Afternoon all.
    It’s my first FD for almost two weeks and so far so good. I’m having a huge mug of coffee to stave off the hunger pangs for another hour or two. I cooked some chicken breasts with North African spices and roasted vegetables yesterday. The leftovers are going to be cut up and mixed with some salad leaves for a tasty low calorie dinner. I’ve been overindulging with wine too, so today is the day to stop it becoming a habit and get back to proper meals and healthier eating and a more moderate consumption of alcohol. I’m going to the gym tomorrow as I had an appointment this morning. I’m keen to get back on track and not undo any of the hard work I’ve put in this year.

    Stay strong, Amazon! You know you are capable!

    Thanks ply.

    I’ve had about 600 calories today and I’ll settle for that 🙂

    Safe travels home Jojo! Hope you had a bit of sunshine on your last day at the resort.

    We finally have warm(hot) weather here! I think it is to cool down by mid-week, but the past 5 days or so have been quite warm. I walked 18 holes of golf yesterday and the heat and humidity wore me out! I’m trying not to complain as I did enough of that while being cold all winter! 😉

    Fasting today and finding it quite easy. Now if only I could show a bit more restraint on the weekends, I might just lose a bit more weight!

    Have good days everyone!

    Hi H-H,

    I don’t know enough about your condition to be much help I’m afraid! But thinking of things you can do at fairly low intensity and still see results… Walking, especially hills, is good for leg and bum toning, as are squats, lunges etc. Swimming works everything of course and doesn’t have to be massively strenuous. And there’s always free weights for upper body?

    Hello fellow-fasters everywhere:
    Emel, AO, RT and comespring in South Australia
    Nama in Victoria
    Bay in ACT
    Purple in NSW
    Barata in NZ
    Jojo, Smiffy, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Wee and CakeyWakey in UK
    Wiwi in France
    Applepie in Spain
    Ply, SAMM, Lori, HealthCoachB and Sarah103 in USA
    DJ in Canada;
    If I’ve missed anyone, no offence intended. As RT says: “You know who you are.” 🙂

    Sarah, I’d love to be a FB friend but no idea how to set it up. It seems Ply does though. I too love my mandolin for the beautiful fine slices and shreds done so quickly. However, like Nama I have discovered it also does a good job on fingers when attention wanders. You sound very organised prepping your meals early – certainly takes the risk out of ‘what’s for dinner’. On occasions when my husband was away on long field trips I used to have a giant cook-up on Sunday of a curry, casserole or soup and eat that every night. Loved that I could eat as soon as I’d changed my clothes from work so no risk of snacking.

    Jojo, glad to hear you have survived the dangers of holidays, just a little scarred. Safe travels home. Funny about mental stimulation. I used to recognise when I was stressed at work because I would dream of holidays at a lonely beach with a good book and someone to bring me food and drink at regular intervals. Of course in this heaven there would be no fear of sunburn, sharks, stingers or other beach hazards 😉 Now I have a better ‘work life balance’ as they say in the training manuals, my idea of a good holiday is plenty of mental and physical activity. Another indicator is that instead of falling asleep in my chair after dinner most nights I now look forward to a word puzzle or Sudoku. Part-time work is a perfect arrangement for me.

    Amazon, life can be a real struggle at times but it will pass eventually. I can also view holiday weight gain with more equanimity now I know how to lose it again. In a way we are all doing what our maintaining mates do in weekly or longer cycles and variations of a few kgs now hold no fear. Glad to hear you’re resuming the gym – exercise is so good for improving outlook. Unfortunately when life’s grim the thought of exercise can sometimes be just too much.

    Wow Emel, back at work after a term off, trip to China with no gains and into a new job. Congratulations. It’s hard at the beginning – so many new things/people/systems to get our head around and the stress of wanting to do a good job from the outset. Don’t forget some time for yourself in the whirlwind.

    Ply, glad you enjoyed your lilac trip, in a strapless top and shorts no less! The Arnold Arboretum is such a treasure – was at a Botanic Gardens conference there years ago.

    Purple, in transit and due to arrive in US Tuesday, which is ‘now’ in Australia but probably nearly tomorrow our time. The only downside of living in this fantastic country of ours is how long it takes to get anywhere else. Of course you and Mr P will have a wonderful trip. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Safe travels.

    Bay, sensible advice as always about travelling. I also like to travel light and always aim to leave home with less than 15kg. My record was a trip to UK and Europe some years ago, leaving Alice Springs in summer in a sleeveless dress and sandals, with boots, tights, jumpers &c in my cabin bag, plus carry-on overcoat. My hold luggage weighed 9kg and some of that was conference paperwork. Good strategy to not change eating habits – sadly I’m not disciplined enough for that. Read recently somewhere that every gram of carbs eaten attracts 4g of water in the digestion process – no wonder we all put on weight so spectacularly when we indulge.

    RT: lovely father’s and mother’s day rituals being built for the coming generations. Your grated boiled eggs and fried onions have me intrigued – how do you serve them? Just a heap on the plate? I was considering stuffing grilled mushrooms with them with salad on the side (called ‘greenery and reddery’ in our house).

    Wee, thinking of you and Mr Wee and sending e-hugs. Sounds so trite to say I’m sure the op will go fine – doesn’t stop the worries, however irrational we all know they are.

    Hi HH, good to hear from you and well done on the loss. I can’t suggest anything about toning exercises for you but Happy’s suggestions are sound – can you get some advice from your doc or maybe see a physio? Please let us know what you decide on.

    Hi Lori, glad to hear the weather is good enough for golf, in fact a bit too warm. I’m with you and probably many others, FDs are easy, I just wish I had more control on non-FDs. However, as my daughter pointed out, even if I don’t control them, I now only eat like I used to on 4/7 days instead of 7/7, with at least four 16/8 days in there as well.

    Yesterday’s FD went well, with a fasting window of 20 hours, and fast broken with an orange. Controlled myself between arriving home and serving dinner so overall about 350C. Hope today’s goes as well with MW fish and salad for dinner. No net change in the scale at last week’s weigh-in (no surprise really considering Mother’s Day but at least no net gain either) but an improvement hoped for this week.

    Take care all and keep up the good work. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. What about today? Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.” n xxx

    Hello all,

    Lovely to read everyones news. Jojo safe trip home and put the holiday eating behind you. We all know 5:2 works, just a matter of patience. Its a bit like going back to work after a lovely holiday – we know we have no choice!

    Very happy to read your fact re 1 gram of carbs holding 4 grams of water Nicky! Explains my gain after the Mother’s Day fish and chips! From experience, like you I know it will be gone by tomorrow, just disconcerting to see it on the scale. I still prefer to weigh daily, it keeps me honest. I have had some beautiful strawberries for breakfast, now off to have a swim. I have relegated my favourite homemade meusli to a twice a week treat, even though it is relatively healthy, I worked out the calories and its just not worth it. (too many nuts and dried fruit). So I just have a small serve of some lo cal fruit instead on non FD.

    Great to see you back on the wagon Amazon. I have missed the ideas and inspiration and humour of your posts. I hope your life is improving and your sadness settling. It always catches you when you least expect it doesnt it? At least you should have some sunshine soon to help your mood. Its freezing here and even though I prefer winter, I am really feeling it with far less insulation.

    RT I loved the description of your paddock ritual for Mother’s Day. Doesnt food cooked and eaten outdoors taste so much better? Most of Victoria has had plague proportions of European Wasps this last summer, really spoilt outdoor eating unfortunately.

    Ply your “Lilac” day looked wonderful on FB, you look about 25 years old in that gorgeous hat and top! How exciting that you are almost at goal too.

    Weemam thinking of you this week too – as Nicky says it sounds trite, but it WILL be fine! You just have to hold yourself together a few more days and put on a brave face. I am sure you are an expert at that! But those butterflies in the tum are not pleasant are they?

    Off to the pool now. I had planned to try the Tues Pilates group (the tues instructor is the kindest!) but am already piking as I know in my heart I hate group classes. I will just concentrate on the swimming for now.
    Have a great day/evening all. Cheers x

    Hi You All,
    I weigh everyday and write it on my calandar. I just got to my goal weight a few weeks ago and am giving my self stars everytime I am within .5 of a pound. 50 stars means I get to go and buy a reward for myself. This morning I was up 3 pounds so I fasted today keeping it under 500 calories. I had to much fun on Mothers Day and ate some carbs.lol.
    Nicky or who ever else wants to be accountable for the fitbit go to friends and invite me. email is esky14@yahoo.com
    Have a great week everyone.

    Morning/evening all.

    The last two weeks have been very difficult and we still have a funeral to cope with on Friday, but I’m trying to get back into a routine after two weeks of unhealthy eating and not much exercise. I am very pleased that I made the decision to fast yesterday, it was 600 calories, but that is good enough to get me started. The next fast will be Sunday.
    I’ve been to the gym 4 times in the past two weeks, but it has been a much shortened workout, and there has been no time for walking. I intend to do the full workout today, tomorrow and Thursday.
    I make granola, and I only eat it on gym days. I have it with home made yoghurt and berries and it fills me up until dinner.
    I am the opposite to most of you in that I don’t weigh very often. i’ve not been near the scales for two weeks, and won’t weigh until I’ve done another two or three FDs. I don’t think I’ve gained anything as I’ve mostly been eating once a day, but I prefer to wait and see a loss which will hopefully take me to the 5st mark.
    Wee, I hope the op goes well, no reason why it shouldn’t.
    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Interesting reading people’s different approaches and attitudes to weight.

    I like your reward system Sarah! I must start one of my own…

    Nicky and Amazon, I like your pragmatic and accepting approach to holiday weight gain, as you say it can always be fasted off again. And if you know you’re going to gain there really is no point beating yourself with a stick about it.

    I must admit I haven’t been on a beach holiday for nearly 15 years now (and I always gained weight then! I’d like to think it would be different now but who knows?).

    Holidays now are very active (or is that cheap?!) Walking upwards of 15km each day in the mountains, cycling upwards of 80km a day type thing, and it’s actually pretty hard to eat enough calories to maintain let alone gain. I come back needing a rest 🙂

    I met a guy once who said he hated mountain walking but did it on a regular basis anyway just so he could eat whatever he wanted. Each to their own!

    Hi Amazon,

    Sorry you’re going through such a sad time. Hopefully getting back into your normal habits will begin to make things just a little bit better.

    Well done, Amazon, thinking of you. Bay 🙂

    Hi Nicky

    I’m so impressed with your travel weight. Last year I toured through China for 3 weeks with a total luggage weight of 12 kg. OH and I have a small competition to see how lightly we can travel. For the upcoming six week trip, I’m trying to stay under 15 kg.

    Providing I can keep away from carbs, particularly breads etc, AND I eat only twice a day, then I can remain the same weight while travelling.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey and Hello World (You know Who You) 😉
    I watched the SBS program food safari on Jewish food and this little number was my top pick and it is simple and delicious I mix it up and put in a small square bowl and savour every spoonful 😆 and Amazon has been having it for years read here
    Stuffing for mushroom caps wow master chef please step forward 😉
    The farm is the central hub for y-fee and her 2 sisters their mum her grandkids 14 plus partners and 8 great kids that is where memories are made and you are quite right tradition and rituals are forged. Nama the great paddock cook ups are a pride of place from sloppy joes hamburgers chicken wings snags chops steak and onion and spud all cooked on the flat plate piled into a sandwich between bread butter sauce coleslaw the plate cleaned off with boiling water a light spry of oil and then sweets usually pancakes with cream honey and golden syrup and of course the odd flaming marshmallow 😆 absolutely a sausage in bread at the breakfast just doesn’t cut it against in the paddock good times people.

    “There is nothing else you can do to your body that is as powerful as fasting”
    Peace RT

    Hi all,

    Just finished dinner but reading your “paddock” menu I am hungry again RT! Sounds like you all have a lot of fun on your MIL’s farm. Your kids are very lucky.

    I tried a new recipe tonight, stuffed zucchini, very successful. The filling was breadcrumbs (not many), chopped tomato, chopped herbs (dill and parsley), chopped walnuts plus minced garlic. Little bit of olive oil to hold it together. Everyone loved them. I had too much filling mix so used it to stuff some big mushrooms, also yum. Not a fast day but fairly healthy I thought. The others also had pork sausages but they looked a bit rich for me so I had more veggies instead. Who is this person living in my body? Feeling pious as making a vat of veggie soup using new food processer (HOW did I manage 42 yrs of cooking without one of these, wasted about 6 months of my life chopping by hand) plus I swam 35 laps this morning. Swimming is getting easier! It was heaven as I had the pool totally to myself and there was sunshine coming thru the windows and reflecting on the bottom of the pool.

    My darling (smoothest talking) youngest son told me I had skinny legs tonight – first time he has seen me in gym leggings. He said my transformation reminds him of how he felt when his dad shaved his beard off years ago. Son had never seen his father clean shaven and was a bit confused as he looked so different but sounded the same! Sadly he doesnt remember his Mum being slim either. I guess its time to make new memories.

    Hopefully Mr and Mrs Purple will have landed safely in the US by now, or almost… Ply I promise you will love her. Just fantastic that you two could meet.

    Thinking of you Amazon. Next week will be easier. Brilliant that you are able to get back into fasting. I thought of you seeing Andy’s latest win…. he is doing very well at present!

    Cheers all xx


    Sounds like a great day all round!

    The altered relationship with food is truly liberating isn’t it? Long may it last for all of us!
    And pool to yourself! Now that’s my idea of heaven.
    And compliments too 🙂

    One of the benefits of losing so much weight is that my thighs no longer rub together when walking. When I mentioned this to a skinny friend she had no idea what I meant! When I’m on the treadmill that is what I think about and it keeps me motivated.
    I didn’t have time to swim today but I’m off to Richmond Park for a walk so that is quite enough exercise for one day 🙂

    Thanks Happy! Now that you mention it, it was a rather spectacular day! The swim was the best bit, I just fluked the timing. And it amazes me how my food tastes have changed. Still love the sweet stuff but so much more discerning now… You are so right, it is so liberating.

    Enjoy Amazon, but look out for the squirrels – my main memory of Richmond Park! We were relaxing on the grass and got bombed with acorns by some squirrels! I guess its the wrong time of year for acorns though.. I hope the sun is shining.


    Yup, no more rubbing thighs is definitely a bonus! I have always been more of a pear and used to dread hot summers or holidays abroad for that reason. Sweaty thighs that rub and chafe til they’re sore. Ouch.

    We should stick a list of benefits on the fridge door as a reminder of what we’ve gained (or lost!)

    Hello all, just killing time waiting for coach transfer to the airport. We have a late flight. Weather had been good today but it is now getting cloudy. Still some last minute shopping go do. Bought 4 pairs of Ray ban sunglasses and a Rolex watch. Am I rolling in it? No! They are all cheap copies, just a bit of fun £35.00 the lot. I needed a new watch as mine kept stopping this week even with a new battery, it is quite an old one. It was very hard to find a plain watch here, nearly all covered in diamanté.

    Killing time in Turkey! Well I am cleaning up the kitchen…. Safe trip home Jojo, hope you dont get mugged for your watches and sunnies!

    Richmond Park was lovely, as was the post walk coffee and slice of double chocolate gateau that I had in a local patisserie. My friend opted for strawberry gateau but I have some strawberries in the fridge so thought I would go for something different. I would always opt for anything chocolate if it was available but in the last two years I’ve not been so keen. It looked and tasted delicious so I was not disappointed 😛

    I’m not sure I’ll need any dinner this evening.

    Happy, just seen your post regarding holiday weight. I have no desire whatsover to forego trying local cuisine when on holiday, and I don’t want to be worrying about putting on a few lbs. My appetite has diminished sufficiently and my self control strengthened so there will be mo massive gains, and nothing that a few FDs can’t correct, but it is a personal decision and we all have to do what is best for us.

    My slimmer thighs mean I can go out in a skirt on a hot day and walk miles without having to worry. So many benefits to losing weight 😛

    Nicky note to self i should have mentioned i have 2 hard boiled eggs grated 1 onion fried lots of fresh cracked pepper and sea salt…yum yum pigs bum 😆

    That’s not a very good description for a Jewish recipe RT……..

    A friend of mine had a Jewish grandmother and she has her handwritten recipe book. The eggs with onion and the chopped liver are both delicious!


    I missed the original recipe for eggs and onions, but it gets mentioned a lot! Do the proportions of each matter? And is that deep fried or pan fried onions? And fried soft or crispy? And sliced or diced?

    Thank you!

    Good morning everyone and happy hump day

    Jojo, safe travels.

    RT and Amazon, what a thought! Jewish recipe and pig’s rear 😆

    Happy, RT posted the link to the eggs and onions recipe on 12th May.

    Nama, your stuffed zucchini sound yummy too. I use leftover bol sauce (my recipe is VERY veg-heavy) with a sprinkling of parmesan, which is also very popular.

    Yesterday was supposed to be a FD and all went well until home from work. Sounds almost as familiar as ‘once upon a time’ as a story opening doesn’t it? OH had a cup of tea ready, plus the biscuit tin. 🙁 My daughter had made some of her special shortbread for Mother’s Day (her great-aunt’s recipe) and they are yummy.

    Rationalised it away by realizing that I won’t be going home until about 5pm tomorrow so will fast then instead. It wasn’t so disastrous overall as I’d only had an orange until home time and felt quite full on 3 shortbreads so had the usual FD microwaved fish with salad dinner. Scales still down 300g from yesterday morning so not all bad.

    To all the fitbit users, I have created a group called “Fast Trackers International” and sent an invite to Sarah so if you are not a part of the Facebook group (where I also posted a message) send me a private message via this thread with your email and I’ll send you an invite. Ply, no intention of stepping on your toes; if you have already set one up please let me know and I’ll back off.

    Non FD for me with weight training this afternoon. Looking forward to Atlantic salmon and salad sanger for lunch and the first coffee of the week. Simple pleasures! 😉

    SAMM, thinking of you and hope all is well.

    Barata, haven’t heard from you for a while – hope everything is OK with you too.

    Take care all and keep up the good work. n xxx

    No worries, Nicky, I would love to be a part of your group. will pm you my email, thanks for setting it up!

    oh my, after reading everyones post I am joyful, hungry, and would like to travel. Thank you RT for such great descriptions of food.
    I can relate to big thighs. My grandmother said I had piano legs, skinny calves and giant thighs. They use to rub so much that I had blisters when it was hot out side. No more!
    I also love to hear about everyones day and the travel.
    Amazon hang it there.
    Thank you Nicky and CakeyWakey for letting me in on the fitbit.
    I went to watch high school students perform in a ballet tonight. I think I might look into a yoga class, I would love to be that flexible. But of course I am 30 years older than them.lol
    Good night wonderful fast trackers!

    Thanks Nicky, I just wasn’t sure that was the same as the recipe Amazon had mentioned previously. Sounds…odd? Guess I’ll have to try it and find out 🙂

    Good morning everyone,
    Great to be home and sun has welcomed me back. Slept like a baby in my own comfy bed in my peaceful flat. Return trip was relatively painless apart from a freezing cold, smoke filled taxi (my friends ‘friends’ collected us so we couldn’t complain)from the airport. Some people have no consideration for others.

    I have been on the scales because I need the truth to spur me on, 9 lbs gained. I know this will go quickly but I have learned my lesson. No more beach slob out trips for me. I did get lots of rest and a good tan but my hip and knee did not improve significantly so it wasn’t worth the change of pace. I know that painkillers are responsible for several pounds of the gain but suspect it will take two weeks plus to lose it. Straight on to ADF and 19/5, no messing. My long term goal is now three months away so I really need to get to grips with weekly loss.
    Fasting to 400 calories today, playing bowls and doing yoga and dog walking. Oh how I have missed my usual busy life. Heaven to be home.
    Looks like we have lost Samm from the thread which is very sad, I will miss his wise words. Please come back and join the battle of the bulge when you can friend.

    Welcome home jojo!

    Sorry to hear your hip and knee didn’t benefit from the rest…maybe you weren’t there long enough?!

    I’m sure the rest and sunshine will have done you the world of good in other ways though.

    Has anyone tried to contact SAMM by email? It’s horrible when people just disappear, particularly when they’ve been here as long as SAMM has. Hopefully nothing unexpected has happened, and he’ll come back in time.

    Good luck at bowls!

    I’m fasting today also….

    Hi everyone, I’ve been a little MIA recently due to being interstate and then losing internet for a couple of days, and so busy at work I’ve not been able to catch up online at all.

    Not going to weigh this week as I know I’ve put on, just want to give myself a chance to remove it before I weigh “officially” again next week.

    Have to dash, will try to catch up with all the chat but won’t promise.

    Hi to everyone who’s posting (and reading), good wishes for those who are under the weather at the moment, safe travels to those travelling and happy fasting for those fasting … chat later 🙂 AO xx

    Morning/evening all.
    Welcome home Jojo.
    SAMM, wherever you are are whatever is happening, you are on our thought and we look forward to your return.

    Happy, the egg and onion is a classic dish served at room temperature, usually with bagels or chollah, but goes well with salad or crunchy carrot/veg sticks.
    A good tip is to cover the surface of it with clingfilm once made tomstop it drying out.

    I slept in this morning, and as I’m very sore after the gym, a marathon walk and falling over, I was on a narrow pavement and put my foot on the edge of the kerb and it slipped (so embarassing) so I’m taking it easy today. I got away with a small hole in the arm of my top and a couple of small bruises.
    I think a soak in a hot bath is on the menu this evening. It is a glorious day, so I might go for a stroll in the park.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Good morning, all!

    Welcome home, Jojo. Glad you are happy to be back in your routine. No doubt your dedication will get you to goal for September.

    Poor Amazon! Glad your fall was minor.

    Nama, thank you for your kind words! Tough to be 25 with my 25-year old next to me! I guess the sunglasses and hat hide all the wrinkles!!

    With you all on the thinner thighs benefits!

    RT, your posts always inspire a smile and some hunger pangs!

    Couldn’t be more excited to be meeting the one and only Purple Veggie Eater this morning! Trying to figure out what to wear right now…sadly, no pink jeans yet!
    Have a great day, everyone!

    Greetings, all, and thanks for the mention, Nicky. I have been having computer problems, to the extent that I now have a lovely new one, OH has been busy transferring stuff over. This is the third time in two years that I have had to re-establish on a new system, and it does get tiresome, particularly reinstalling the applications – now, where is the proof of purchase of that one? 🙂 . So have been reading when I can between his noble efforts, being flat-out at work, and family stuff.

    It’s scary to come home from holiday and face such a weight gain, I know, Jojo, but we have this wonderful wol that will take care of it, gives us confidence to enjoy ourselves and know we are still in control. Nothing like coming home to your own bed. I hope the memories of your time in Turkey are positive. We had a happy week touring there some years ago, most enjoyable.

    Travel safely, P, and enjoy eachother, Ply.

    Take care, Amazon, and don’t push yourself. Sorry to hear of your family loss.

    Another LOL moment, RT, with your list. Great family occasions you can create, lovely when the family is not spread out around the world. 🙁

    Keep up all the great losses, team.

    B xx

    Half a day fast completed but had a cuppa and an apple to ease me back in. Stinking headache and stomach pains so it isn’t a great start. I will try to avoid pain killers if I can. Just planning on eating soup tonight, maybe a little fish if I feel up to it.

    Ply and Purple meeting up, how exciting, can’t wait to see the photos and here about the meet. Are you on holidays Ply?

    Bowls did not go well this morning, soundly thrashed. I am playing a match this afternoon and a bit worried I will let the side down again.

    Fantastic weather in Kent, better than Turkey, I really did bring it back with me. My garden is a bit sad though, very droopy flowers.

    Amazon- envy your park walking but not the fall episode. Be careful honey.
    Barata- had computer problems myself, reminds us how much we rely on them theses days. Don’t worry about me I know I gain one pound a day if not fasting, very used to my yoyo style of weight gain and loss. Quickly gained, quickly lost especially on my plan.

    Aussie Oma- I find the scales of truth provide more incentive than denial but we are all different. I can lie to myself but not the scales.

    Happy Now- do you know I don’t honestly think this last trip did do me good. It really saddened me how self destructive people in the name of having a good time. Suppose I should learn from it. Of course it really helps me appreciate my lifestyle at home which actually is pretty damn fine.

    Happy Fasting everyone, no time to lose now for bikini figures. Ha ha. From what I saw last week they come in very large sizes these days and there is no shortage of ladies prepared to bare it all. It’s all about confidence I guess.

    I’m not a fan of bikinis and never felt comfortable in them when I was young and slim. I don’t like high leg swimsuits either and prefer to wear boyleg styles.

    Hi Amazon,

    I’m with you on bikinis…although even when young I was never slim enough! I am slim enough now, thanks to 5:2, but the Cumbrian weather doesn’t really lend itself to skimpy clothes let alone bikinis 🙂

    And yep! Not a fan of high legs either! When your legs are heavy thighed, high legged swimsuits (or pants) do not disguise that or otherwise enhance them in any way… And don’t get me started on g-strings…!!

    High legs are designed for perfect figures and 99% of the population don’t have one. As for Gstrings, soooooo uncomfortable!

    And let’s face it, if you’re one of the 1% with a perfect figure it isn’t really going to matter what you wear, you’ll look great whatever!

    I console myself though that it’s better to be one of the 99%…what we might lack in aesthetics we make up for in personality 🙂

    Good evening All,
    Well my afternoon did not go as planned, got flu like symptoms so ‘no bowls game’ resorted to pills and bed for a couple of hours. Feel much better now and managed to get dogs to the park for their walk and get the food shopping done. I then made my hard working daughter a nice salad and jacket potato which she really appreciated. She is a non dairy eating vegetarian so difficult to cater for, just eggs or soya products. Of our non dairy eating Fasters can you report improved skin condition?

    I will be on a light diet tomorrow too as still not feeling quite the ticket.

    Hope everyone else is in high spirits.

    Personally I can’t wait to look good in a bikini, I am going for it.
    Sleep well everyone.

    Hi Jojo,
    I’ll be satisfied with looking good in my underwear 😉

    Hi all,

    Waking up to a freezing, frosty morning all the swimwear talk is amusing. I fear poor RT will not be able to concentrate with all this talk of bikinis and G-strings! Love your comment Amazon, I too will be happy to look good in my underwear!

    Sorry to hear you are unwell Jojo, maybe a lurgy from the plane? Hopefully it passes soon. Your dogs must be very happy to have you home again.

    Pleased with the scales of truth this morning, Mothers Day fish and chips well gone with interest and new PB. So nice when it goes in the right direction! Planning a very long walk with husband today, hopefully the rain and hail holds off. We have snow in the nearby ranges to Melbourne, winter has started very early this year.

    Have a great Thursday, good luck those who are fasting and those who are not!

    Cheers x

    Ha ha Happy. 😆

    Hi Nama

    We woke up to minus 4.7 C this morning. It is a brilliant blue sky sunny day, no wind, and we will get to 15 C today. Perfect Autumn weather. Happy fasting days, all.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey and Hello World (You know Who You) 😉
    Yes spot on Nama it’s not easy being surrounded by gorgeous slimming temptresses at the best of times however bring in another component of lingerie and bikini’s in this politically correct world I have no words 😉
    The fast week on 20/4 and 3-4 M-W-F has been enlivening and rewarding a non fast day today no major plan at this stage but something of an Asian influence with chicken and broccoli with something something wok master be thy name 😆
    I sampled or borrowed the yum yum phrase 😳 from the John Williamson song Christmas Photo (Any aussie’s pick that one?) It’s December in Australia Time to remember all the family gather round for a photo. Oh yum yum pigs bum Christmas pudding all the ladies do the cooking all the men are really slack patting each other on the back. A great tune that is and incidentally at my brother in law funeral they played “Hey True Blue”
    As his coffin was lowered there was not not a dry eye anywhere a memorable and significant touching moment in time that is.
    Peace RT

    Morning/evening all.
    It is grey and windy with rain forecast today and I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I’m up now with a mug of elixir of life (tea) and getting ready to go to the gym. I ate far too much yesterday, and that is the first day for a very long time that I’ve done so. I’m going to try to stick to 1000 caporie today in order to negate any damage. A morning at the gym and an afternoon of housework and tennis watching should keep me out of mischief!
    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Good morning Fasters,
    2 lb gone already, happy times. I had a very early night and a lay in this morning and feel much better. Guess it was too much lazing around, plus sleepless nights and far too many pain killers that left me exhausted. Up and Adam now, off to Choir, that should lift my spirits. Lots of washing and housework this afternoon(dull). May go out this evening, probably bowling.
    Being away from home really helps you appreciate what you have, goodness knows how I will cope with three months away later in the year. Hopefully making lots of new friends will help and of course meeting up with Kiwi and Aussie fasters that cross my path.
    Today I plan to walk 10,000 steps only, ease back gently. Food plans are simple, soup for lunch and salmon salad for dinner.
    RT – sorry no more undergarment discussion, I appreciate you are currently holding down the minority male position and don’t want to scare you off.
    Amazon- sounds like you need a change of scene, why not pop on a train down to sunny Broadstairs for the day. We have some good views and I can guarantee you a good lunch. No Sushi sadly. Sunday’s are best for me.
    Nama- dogs are very pleased to see me but they are already missing my youthful dog walker who jogs with them for an hour, stopping twice to give them water. I can’t manage that I am afraid but it’s early days for me on the running front, maybe next year, who knows?
    Bay- I really think it is harder to diet in colder climes, maybe we should all head south for the winters.
    Happynow- I am reasonably happy with the way I look but I know that I will be happier when I can wear size 12 comfortably, I am not big boned or tall. I do think that being shapely is half the battle no matter what size it’s great to be hourglass rather than tree trunk, just much more feminine. I think swimmers get the best figures although some seem a bit flat chested. I seriously doubt that will ever be an issue for me. Ha ha.
    Have a great day everyone, keep walking.

    Well really jojo! You ban talk of undergarments and then talk about your (well endowed!) chest… 🙂

    Mine has been a casualty of weight loss I’m afraid. On the bright side though, if I do lose any more weight I will be able to save money on the bikini and just wear RT’s budgy smugglers 🙂

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