Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 3 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 9,501 through 9,550 (of 16,657 total)

  • Wow, Happy

    I’m really impressed you know about budgie smugglers 😉


    I agree about being easier to fast in warm weather. So long as the sun shines, I can cope.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Mmm I was just thinking the same thing Bay, maybe Happy is a fan of our PM? (who of course is famous for his swimwear) Either way, Happy in Budgie smugglers – the mind boggles! Nearly as good as her description of pancakes over a toast rack….

    We all know about budgie smugglers. They seem to be very popular with elderly Frenchmen……………..

    It’s a horrible day here, but I bit the bullet and did all my errands on the way home from the gym, and I’m not going out again today so it can rain as much as it wants.
    I really enjoyed the gym this morning. I’ve been doing less tham usual these past couple of weeks but will be back into my regular routine on Monday. I want to try the Thursday Zumba class but the music is so loud I might need my earplugs!!!

    HappyNow- He He
    Now that’s a picture I would like to see on Facebook.
    I would love to be less ‘well endowed’ believe me, especially to do Sports.

    Just blown my food allowance on a surprise lunch out arranged at Choir. We tried a new cafe at a garden centre which has just opened. The staff both restaurant and garden, all have ‘ mental or physical’ disabilities and this centre provides them an opportunity to work. They all did a damn fine job too. I had soup ‘ homemade potato and leek’ yummy then Stilton and walnut salad. Both courses would have easily served two, huge portion sizes. I am now very full and won’t eat again today. Not sure if it is a profit making concern or not! Certainly food was very good value.

    Rain has arrived big time so at least my garden plants will be happy. Wish it would stop as I still have my walk to do, dogs are looking expectant too. Guess I will just have to suit up and get going. No such thing as bad weather just wrong clothing.

    So true Jojo- we had a great walk today with coats, gloves and umbrellas! The air was freezing but bracing and smelt so sweet. Fabulous Autumn colours in a beautiful garden. We were in the Dandenong Ranges near Melbourne in the grounds of a beautiful estate which was originally a “Summer House” for a man named Alfred Nicholas. He made his fortune with asprin! (originally developed by Bayer in Germany but the war intervened and Australia needed its own painkillers!) The gardens of his estate were designed by a fellow he poached from Kew Gardens in the 1930’s. Acres of big beeches, oaks, maples, huge rhodedendrons. A gorgeous lake (with a quaint boathouse) with several huge ginkgo biloba trees (maidenhair trees) which were reflected in the lake. They are a glorious butter yellow at present. Also lots of tall tree ferns and gigantic mountain ash gums. Well worth getting a bit damp for and we had the place to ourselves.

    We rewarded ourselves with lunch at a beautiful cafe, recently established in the same grounds. Luckily not a fast day as they bake their own beautiful bread too – had to bring a loaf home.

    Nama- That sounds wonderful so I am adding it to my list of things to do, I have roughly 5 days in each city when I travel around Australia in November/December. Already got quite a few things booked.

    I would be happy to show you the Dandenongs if you have time. They are a perfect blend of European trees and Australian bush! Beautiful in Summer as long as its not bushfire weather! Only 15 mins from my home.

    It has been pouring with rain for almost four hours and the garden really needs it. The roads and pavements need a good wash too as does my car, so I’m happy!
    The forecast for tomorrow is much better though, so the waterproof jacket can go back in the wardrobe.
    I’ve just made a fruit cake and some granola. The cake is a gift so I won’t be sampling any until next week.
    I have a spicy veg stew for dinner which will be heated up in the oven in order to bake the egg that will be cracked onto the top of it!

    Will come back later and read the posts for today .

    .OH got his op yesterday . The first lens the tried to put in was broken so they had to put another in and the place it slots into wasn’t right so it took a lot longer then usual .second one had moved but the got it in the end . We had to go back this afternoon . still some swelling and a wee bit of infection but have 2 lots of drops and he has a prescription to collect when the chemist get it in the morning . he has another appointment to be sent to him for next Friday . A bit of an anxious time but I am sure all will be fine . he is the calm one though not me lol .
    Another funeral on Monday too so hope to get back to some normality for next week . .

    Wee xx

    Nama, that sounds absolutely lovely. I will try to remember when we’re next near the area. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hello Fast Trackers,
    I am so tired that I am in bed at 7:15. But I wanted to post. Amazon, I also tripped yesterday going for a 12 min jog on a trail near my house. I skinned up my hands and legs a little, I haven’t fallen in a long time, I am sore too.
    I actually fasted Monday and Wednesday this week.. this is a life change for me and it feels good. Again thank you for letting me read your posts and be apart of your lives.

    Ooh, Sarah, that was nasty. I hope you get a good night’s sleep, and the grazing doesn’t keep you awake. And well done with the FDs, you are reaping the benefits that we are all enjoying.

    Wee, it sounds like you are going through a rough time. Photos on FB are great, making you look even wee-er. Fabulous achievement to help you keep your spirits up. We will be thinking of you and OH over the next week. 🙂

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey and Hello World (You know Who You) 😆
    TGIF fast friends a fast day for me I made a stir fry for last nights dinner with mushrooms broccoli and chicken with oyster sauce garlic and spring onions very light and full of flavour too just saying 😆 and looking forward to my standard Friday Shabbat evening offering of eggs and onion for dinner before Friday night footy and Adelaide have the early game tomorrow at home against the saints go you mighty crows !!!
    Amazing what a refreshing new look at the 5-2 book can uncover yesterday I found this gem in the 1970’s people would go around four and a half hours without eating and now the average is three and a hours before ‘eating occasions’ and this does not include drinks and nibbles 😯 “Many more of us, however seem to be eating most of the time. We are rarely ever hungry. But we are dissatisfied. With our weight, our bodies, our health.” And this message Your body is not my body Mine is not yours So it’s worth carving out your plan according to your needs the shape of your day your family your commitments your preferences It’s enough to simply stick to the basic method – 500 or 600 calories a day, with as long a window without food as possible twice a week and you will gain the plans multiple benefit’s enough said really !! Brilliant stuff and thank-you DrM
    Have a Fab weekend all you beautiful losers and you know who you are 😉
    I luvs ya all

    “It is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Good Morning Fast Trackers,

    Another pound down today after my non fast day yesterday which is great news. At this rate I will get back to my lowest quite quickly. Fasting today and every other day until I get to goal now plus 19/5 everyday( 19/5 is my permanent WOL now, it makes food control so much easier).

    Looks cloudy and miserable outside. I will get the dog walk over with early then head to the gym for a swim. Not feeling very energetic since my holiday, I would like to curl up with a good book until I see some sunshine again. I went Ten Pin bowling last night, first time in many weeks and my game was pretty weak but I enjoyed it nevertheless. Most people that play Lawn Bowls don’t do Indoor Bowls or Bowling (Ten Pin) but I find that I enjoy all three so don’t worry about one game effecting performance at others, it’s just about adjusting the power. I am in a Lawn Bowls match this afternoon so let’s hope the rain keeps off.

    Going back to the Doctor today to ask for an MRI scan of my knee and hip before referral to yet another specialist. Bit fed up with pain every night but reluctant to live on painkillers or anti inflammatorys because of the side effects to my stomach, viscious circles. Pills also really effect my weight loss as does not enough exercise. My holiday proved that lots of rest did not prevent knee and hip pain either. I just have to trust my instincts that further weight loss will be the best scenario. Many of you have improved your own medical health through this method e.g Smiffy and Weemam report less pain.

    My organised Health Walk starts this Sunday but I am not expecting a big turn out as the advertising hasn’t gone out yet. I think 90 minutes is the perfect length of walk provided you can find the time and in order to improve fitness walk briskly for your own level at least for the flat parts of the walk. Also very healthy to include slopes and steps and a variety of soft and hard ground.

    Nama- Dandenong’s sounds great, it’s a date. I will put trip details on Facebook and we can exchange personal messages to swap mobile phone numbers nearer the time. Hopefully it’s not too far from City Centre? I am doing a very tight schedule to see as much as possible. Luckily I only have one relative and one friend in Australia apart from Fast Trackers of course so I will keep moving cities taking in sites of interest. I am trying to organise transfers and trips from here.

    Sarah- ouch, hope it doesn’t put you off running, I stick to grass and use spikes but there are still unseen dips to watch out for, I wouldn’t risk Woodlands. Hope the wounds heal quickly. I have had a few falls doing sport, they really make your body feel flu like afterwards, quite unpleasant.

    Weemam- cyber hugs to you honey. I am sure your brave husband will make a quick recovery. Funerals are par for the course for us over 50’s but it doesn’t make them any easier to deal with even when they are celebrations of someone who lived a long and fruitful life. They just remind us that time is precious as are our family’s. We need to protect and support each other.

    Amazon- food sounds delicious. I need to get back to developing some new 5:2 meals, getting very lazy as I am out so much. Only really experiment when ?I have friends over for dinner.

    Smiffy- where are you? In Wales? Hope you are Ok? Did you get to goal yet?

    Ply- you must be at goal now with you new regime?

    Happynow- Firgot to say, thanks for the personal message re security on Facebook. My school report always said. ‘Could try harder’ guess it still applies.

    RT- wise words as usual.
    On holiday last week I ate three meals a day, I was never hungry and always felt bloated. I drank alcohol, even beer which I never have in the UK, Why I hear you say?
    Answer – Boredom and socialising with others.
    I chose healthy options but gained 9 uneccessary pounds.
    The truth of the matter is that the food was not even good so I have no excuses for eating the extra calories that my body did not need or want. Crazy world and ingrained bad habits.

    Hi Fast trackers
    We came back from Lisbon 2 days again. What a wonderful holiday destination. We walked a lot as it is a city built on seven hills like Rome. I indulged myself in Botanic gardens, cobblestoned streets and miradours (viewpoints). The local pastry of custard tarts were unfortunately also indulged, together with delicious bread and cheese.

    Now back in France, life will become complicated. The garden got out of hand during our week away, and I have started actions to get back what my husband before the present one fleeced me of. I have some nasty legal encounters coming up. Nevermind, the euphoria of getting back to 4:3 plus 19:5 will soften all that. The French legal system is difficult and alien to my sense of what is fair.

    I will read all the posts I missed, but just wanted to call in and say hi.

    Morning/evening all.

    Yesterday was much better food wise, I managed to eat sensibly thus limiting my binge on Wednesday to a single day.

    Funeral today which I’m dreading, but I am meeting some friends this evening which should be fun, and then out for the day tomorrow with a Scottish friend who is in London for a couple of days.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    Hi Amazon,

    Thinking of you today. I hope the funeral is not too hard. The ones I have been to for people I was close to (eg parents) I have experienced the same emotions – I have felt like I was in a dream and it wasnt real. Maybe a coping mechanism? I think our culture of keeping a ‘stiff upper lip’ and internalizing our pain can be helpful at such a time, when we are in public. Just my opinion. Anyway, I hope you are ok. xx

    Hi Wiwi,
    Welcome home! Lisbon sounds wonderful, you make me want to go straight there! Gardening sounds like just what you need if there is unpleasantness ahead, good luck. I hope justice is served.

    Hi Jojo,
    We can certainly discuss more in detail the closer your holiday gets. I even suggested to Bay and Purple that we could all meet up together for a few days if you had enough time. If we drove north for 2 hours and they drove south for a few more, we could meet at Jamieson which is in the middle (almost) of Melbourne and Sydney! You might be in need of a few days of peace from big cities and some fresh air! Travelling is hard work and it sounds like yours is an ambitious itinerary. This is a big country! There is heaps of accommodation in the town if others wanted to make it a 5:2 Convention!

    Hi Nama
    We will also be in Oz in October, so interested in a 5:2 convention. I would love to meet up with you as well. But that depends when in October.

    Hope the day is not too traumatic, Amazon.

    Morning All,

    Well I fasted on Wednesday in anticipation of the coming weekend. I’m off to visit Dad who, despite being a 5:2er himself (his own interpretation, which is not so low cal as ours and tends to include cheesecake and wine…even on fast days!), is also a ‘feeder’ of others… He has now accepted that I will eat (early) breakfast rarely, but it is still hard to not overeat while there especially when every evening meal is three courses (plus wine).

    You struck a chord jojo, as when staying with Dad I am rarely hungry and after a couple of days feel permanently bloated! So I have a lot of sympathy with your holiday experience. It is easy to say ‘do this, do that’, but in reality… 🙂 Fingers crossed for decent weather and opportunities to sneak out for a mitigating run!

    Wiwi, good luck with the French legal system. At least you can vent your frustration on the triffids in your garden! I am leaving mine in the (I hope!) capable hands of OH… A lot of vegetable seedlings are still tender and in pots, fingers crossed he remembers them all and keeps them alive…

    Wee, I hope it all goes well for OH. Try not to worry too much!

    Sarah, ouch, I hope you recover quickly. I’ve not fallen running but I have fallen off my bike (that’s a lie actually, I cycle with cleats so tend to fall with my bike!). Never good!

    Amazon, chin up, good luck with today.

    Thinking of you today Amazon I know you were close to him, really feel for you.

    Hi Wiwi, you do get around honey! Good to hear you are back home and enjoyed your trip. Good luck with the Law, especially in France, very complicated matrimonial system. Don’t worry about the weight gain, I have just checked the scales again and have lost 4 of the 9 lb gained in just two days.

    I won’t be in Autralia until November as I am spending October in New Zealand, will we cross paths?

    Nama, I will look at my itinerary in detail and do what I can! I will be in Melbourne and Sydney but have trips organised from both. I am sure we can sort something out. It would be something for four of us to meet, ambitious indeed. Exciting times.

    Hi again
    JoJo, we have to be in NZ for a birthday party by 20th October. So we should cross paths. You get around too. I am not moving again for a month and then only as far as Rome to see grandchildren.

    Sarah, sorry about the bike mishap. it’s sore that.
    Happy, I can see the food/family mix is complicated. I will be back in my garden, but it’s cold here today. It’s snowing not too far away. It must be 25° less than in Lisbon two days ago. It will take a month to tame the jungle outside again!

    I am already in trouble with French law I have been told as I got married again without quite getting to the end of the last marriage(property-wise). I don’t in French law live with my present husband as he pays his tax in the UK. I also left informing the French government about my present marriage after the deadline. Maybe it might be worth getting divorced again without having to own up to the marriage, now 3 years on from wedding date. This is all very funny. I never took marriage very seriously and it’s coming back to bite me. Why is life so complicated? I know it’s my own fault!

    Plus, I feel hungry as it’s cold! A warming walk is the solution.


    Hi Wiwi, sounds like lots of fun 🙁 with the French legal system. You were so very much better off in Lisbon over the last few days than in wet wet Wellington. We had a day in Lisbon during a week’s stay in Portugal in 2013, most enjoyable, but so much graffiti!

    Cyber hugs and comfort to Amazon and Wee. Sarah, may your scrapes and bruises heal quickly. Hope it’s a relaxing weekend for all.

    Jojo, I am not on holidays for another 6 weeks because of all the snow days we have to make up! I took a few hours off in the morning to meet PVE. Well worth it, of course! She brought me a little Aussie slang dictionary, so now I can figure out what RT, Bay, Nam, and Aussie Oma are talking about! I am not suite at goal yet, another 6 pounds, should be very close by the end of the month.

    Wiwi, sounds very complicated, hope all goes smoothly with the French legal system!

    Enjoy your visit with Dad, Happy!

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

    Hi All,
    Not really up to scratch today, got through a hour dog walk, 2 hrs ironing and 3 hours of ( my team won 16/13). It was great to spend so much time outside in the sunshine even if a little chilly. But I was totally exhausted by 7 pm so I cancelled my Jive Club night. I definitely don’t feel energised since my holiday, in fact quite tired, weird.
    I am going to have an early night and a lay in, possible cancel my walk tomorrow.

    Ply- only 6 lbs to go , well done you, I am green with envy.

    Night all
    Non fast day tomorrow

    Hi Everyone 😀

    More internet issues this week, plus exhausted after 12 hour days at work (phew they’re finished now) so unable to respond as I’d have liked.

    Jojo when I said I wasn’t weighing in “officially” doesn’t mean I’m not weighing myself, just not recording online 😀 so yes I do still weigh to keep myself in check but not putting it online as otherwise I’ll be beating myself up (mentally) 😀 hope this clarifies.

    Has anyone heard from SAMM recently, I can’t seem to see any posts from him in here, I hope all is well for him and his family as far as possible.

    Loads to do again today so need to get off my behind and go do it … chat later (at least with buzzing around it helps to warm one up ha ha ).

    Happy Saturday fellow-fasters everywhere:
    Emel, AO, RT and comespring in South Australia
    Nama in Victoria
    Bay in ACT
    Purple in NSW
    Barata in NZ
    Jojo, Smiffy, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Wee, CW and Tartanlass in UK
    Wiwi in France
    Applepie in Spain
    Ply, SAMM, Lori, HealthCoachB and Sarah103 in USA
    DJ in Canada;
    In case I’ve missed anyone, no offence intended. As RT says: “You know who you are.”

    Very chilly and autumnal here, although the sun is out now, the first time seen for nearly a week; already over grey skies and cold wet weather and it’s only May .

    Jojo, I agree about clothing suiting the weather. Sorry to hear you’re not 100% but good news about holiday weight evaporating in such a short time. I hope the MRI scan yields some useful information on your troublesome joints.

    Thanks Amazon for the tip on covering the egg and onion dish – rubbery egg is sooooo unappealing. I like the ideal of the carrot sticks to serve. I’m planning stuffing mushroom caps with it plus a smidge of minced left over roast pork and spices as Monday’s FD dinner. Hope your bruises are healing. I well remember my most recent tumble in January, took weeks for the cracked ribs to heal  Glad to hear you’re getting back into the swing of things. How did the Zumba class go? Thinking yesterday of your trying funeral, by now hopefully fading a little into a painful memory. I agree with Nama, keeping it impersonal has been my way of coping without losing control. Someone being kind gets me every time.

    Happy, I often used to fall off with my bike using toe clips, switched to cleats but could never get my foot out quickly enough so abandoned them for ordinary pedals.

    Sarah, hope your bruises are healing too. Am so impressed with the amount of ground both you and Ply cover, as shown by your fitbits – do you go for long runs or is it lots of walking at work? I’m a fair bit older than you both but that is no excuse; must lift my game! Unless I make an effort to get out at lunchtime I struggle to make 10k steps, although I usually exceed 10 floors.

    RT, after I posted the other day I remembered the Williamson song your quote was from. The other one you mentioned ‘Hey True Blue’ may have fairly trite words but it can often reduce me to tears. Your stir-fry sounded yummy. So true about how short an interval between ‘eating events’ many people have. Life seems to be one long graze for some. Good luck for the Crows. I can hear OH listening on the radio. He records the TV broadcast and then watches during the week while I’m at work. That way I don’t have to listen to him giving the umpires the benefit of his opinion 😉

    Nama, the Nicholas garden is gorgeous, so glad you enjoyed it. Here in the Adelaide Hills there are also many old houses built by affluent colonial families as summer retreats. There is even a village north of here called Summertown. Sadly, over the years many have succumbed to bushfires but some have been restored, and the gardens have mostly survived.

    Wiwi, your Lisbon trip sounded wonderful. Sorry to hear of legal matrimonial hassles – what a pain! Hope the gardening will distract from your worries.

    Hi AO, 12 hour days at work? I guess the upside is it limits the ‘eating events’, as Dr M and RT call them. When you have time to draw breath please tell us about the dog show.

    Thursday’s fast went well, with only an orange and coffee until home about 5.30pm. At my volunteer group meeting after TAFE had cup of tea but easy to resist shop-bought biscuits. Hostess usually extremely hospitable with OTT offering of home-made cakes and biscuits and very hard to avoid offending by refusing but poor lady recently diagnosed with Parkinsons and has deteriorated rapidly in the 3 months since we met last.

    Yesterday’s weigh-in showed net loss of further 200g for the week. Nothing to crow about wrt others but at least the trend continues downward. BMI now 29.6 – happy bilby.

    Would love to be part of ‘IF convention’ in November. Look forward to hearing of plans as we get nearer.

    Take care all and keep up the good work. n xxx

    Nicky F,
    Fantastic if you join meet up in November, the more the merrier. I am planning to be at goal by then but this will take a monumental effort on my part. Not the fastest east loser in town unless it’s ‘holiday gain’ in which case it falls off. Another pound down today so only 4 to go to lowest then 3 stone to goal(Gid I have been saying that since last October, how depressing) I have lost the same seven pounds four times since then, that is 2 stones worth of yoyo ing.
    Aussie O, great news about your weighing at home. I go public because I need more support when I have gained than when I am losing well. Also I think it helps to bring thread lurkers out into the open, they need to know we are not all super human and that the journey down is not without it’s failures. So long as in the long term we can get there like Weemam, Ply, Bay and others. Thank goodness they continue to lead the way.
    I think part of my problem is that I am actually a very confident person and have never really concerned myself with my weight. I have always dressed well and had a good social life, sadly that was often focussed around meals out. My health led me to fasting, high blood pressure and joint problems began to ruin my enjoyment of sports and worse of all ‘lack of sleep’ due to pain. So in order to solve my own medical issues I decided to lose weight by fasting. I have learnt a great deal about nutrition since then and cut carbs and sugar almost entirely. This has helped me lose 5 stone in 18 months but the journey goes on. It’s mind over matter and sometimes I lose this battle. But this way of life is here for good now, it is no longer a diet and that is the most important mindset to adopt.
    Samm- missing you still. Cyber hugs and kisses.
    Ply- play hookey from school to meet Bay, naughty corner for you. Ha ha

    Hi All,
    So the latest news is that we must eat stinky cheese and natural live yogurt frequently to improve the performance of our gut bacteria. I am up for that, I love Stilton and I am happy to put natural yogurt over my daily fruit allowance.
    It is really shocking that eating take aways only can kill up to 60% of our good bacterial in the stomach, hopefully no one on this thread relies entirely on such foods. It seems that gut bacteria levels are the real cause of slow weightloss, bears out my theory of anti- biotics causing weight gains. Obviously they can’t be avoided entirely but should be used only when essential and balanced out with foods that promote good levels of bacteria, extra stinky cheese and live yogurt.

    Hello all

    I seem to have been chasing my tail for the past two weeks. I’ve been skimming through the posts but not had chance to write anything. There have been so many demands on my time – admittedly some self-imposed – that have resulted in my collapsing in front of the tv most nights with little enthusiasm for the written word.

    Amazon – I’ve been thinking of you lots, though. I hope yesterday went as well as can be expected in these sad situations.

    Jojo – glad you’re back safe and sound, and hope you are feeling better. It sounds as if your holiday was a bit of a mixed bag. Like you, I now look at other people gorging themselves at help- yourself venues ‘just because they can’, and feel sad at what they are doing to themselves. That said, I have been no angel this week. Supper at friends’, a meal out, and only one fast day. We are also entertaining tomorrow, so I’m having a semi-fast today (luckily I’ve done most of the cooking for tomorrow already), and either AFDs or very lean non-fast days next week. I’ve also been losing and gaining the same three pounds for months. I really need to take myself In hand and get rid of the final half stone to my three stone weight loss.

    I don’t think I’ve done any damage, but I’m in the Amazon camp when it comes to not weighing after a not-to-careful spell, and prefer to get some low cal days under my belt before stepping on the scales, otherwise I can easily lose heart and grab the nearest thing to comfort eating I can find.

    How fantastic that Purple and Ply met up – and what a lovely trip Purple has planned.

    Wiwi- so sorry to hear of your problems. ‘the Law is an ass’ is an old saying here, and I tend to agree, even though I worked in it all my life! I do hope things get sorted positively for you very soon.

    Poor Amazon and Sarah – I do hope your respective injuries are healing well. Apart from hurting, falling is a huge shock to the system too. Be kind to yourselves.

    Wee – hope all is improving with OH.

    Must go – along with loads of other things in this busy life, we are having some building work done and the electrician has arrived – must go and make sure OH instructs him on the right places for lights and plug points!

    Hi to everyone else – have a good day/night

    Smiffy x

    Morning/evening all.

    Yesterday went well, we worked hard to make it a celebration of life and we succeeded. In the evening I met up with some ex colleagues one of whom has a new job and is moving to Northampton. I hadn’t seen some of those who were there since I left so there were a few chins on floor when they saw me,and lots of compliments about how great I look. Considering how I had spent the day, it made me feel wonderful!
    I’m out for the day today, British Museum followed by wine/lunch/dinner/whatever.
    I think tomorrow might be damage limitation day.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Amazon what an up lifting and joyous thing to read every cloud has a silver lining you found it you owned it you work it baby 😉
    In Peace Love and Happiness

    And ‘You said it’

    Ha ha, as usual hit the nail on the head, Amazon-we are on track and winning, be proud.

    Enjoy yourself this afternoon and tonight. I am just off for my coastal walk(2 hrs) and tomorrow a (90 minute one)

    Smiffy- glad you came out of the woodwork, good luck on the 3 lb.

    Open Day at the Bowls Club this pm so I need to turn on the charm to get new members then out to ‘High Tea’ with a girl friend. May do cinema tonight, it’s all go again.
    Very pleased with weight loss, dropping off those holiday pounds, no problem.

    hello everyone,
    We are such a traveling group. I feel so privilaged to know international people who are on the same journey. I have gained two pounds this week. Thank you for your concerns I am back to hiking this weekend no jogging on trails. Hoping to hit 10000 steps by 6 pm tonight.
    Take care everyone.

    Hello all,
    Just had breakfast in bed on a chilly but sunny morning, enjoying reading everyones news. I posted last night then lost the post somehow – so annoyed I put the ipad away!

    We had a lovely lunch yesterday with son’s fiance’s Polish parents and were treated to some lovely home made Polish food, including a beautiful baked cheesecake. Sometimes I think my sweet tooth is ‘cured’ but deep down I know it has just been ‘tamed’ – days like yesterday I feel I could live on coffee and cake! Fortunately I had some very low cal veg soup in the fridge, so lunch was balanced out with dinner!

    Lovely to hear from you Smiffy, you do sound like a busy bee, just like AO at present! But isn’t it great that we can still socialize then pull the reins back with 5:2 to counteract the indulgences? In our previous lives, those indulgences would have stayed on our hips, plus their friends would soon have joined them!

    Very glad to hear you are ‘recovering ‘ from your holiday Jojo – good luck at the docs.
    Good to hear you are ok Amazon and the funeral was ok. What a timely boost you got with your old friends. A great reminder of how far you have come. We need reminders I think.

    Nicky thats brilliant that you would be interested in joining in the shenanigans in Vic for a 5:2 “conference”! Maybe you could get conference leave from work, it will be very scientific after all! I am serious re using Jamieson as a venue, we have 3 bedrooms plus there are plenty of options in the town. If you got to Melbourne there is plenty of room in my car for the drive up there, we could even show Jojo some of the High Country. Craig’s Hut (remember the Man from Snowy River film?) is only an hours drive from Jamieson.

    Good work by the Crow’s RT, our turn today! At least it isn’t raining, better chance of a fast game.
    Sarah don’t stress about your slight gain, it wont be fat. Bound to be off again soon. I hope your injuries are healing. It is SO embarrassing to fall over isn’t it? And it hurts!! I looked on Google Earth for your town/city, you are not that far from Sunnyvale are you? I love Google Earth – I followed a friends recent trip to India on it. Whenever she emailed photos, I looked up the place she was in, amazing tool.

    Have a lovely Sunday/Sat evening all! Cheers xx

    Good morning everyone. Lovely sunny day here for a change, 2 loads of washing out by 9.30am. While waiting for the 2nd one to finish, raked up heaps of wet leaves so now have a clear path to the clothes line without bringing wet leaves back into the house on my shoes.

    Nama, thank you for the offer of a ride to Jamieson with you. That would be wonderful because I could fly in and out of Melbourne. If accommodation is tight would be happy to use a B&B.

    Amazon, so glad your sad time had some bright spots. I love the British Museum, always spend ages there when we are in London.

    Fasting tomorrow and Tuesday as usual for me. Feeling positive and strong at the moment – maybe it’s the sunshine!

    Take care all and keep up the good work. n xxx

    Hi Everyone,
    Nama I live in Tuolumne City, Ca. It is about 3 hours from Sunnyvale. That is closer to me than you are. Where are you from again? There are so many people from different places.
    Amazon- do you live in London or near?

    Hi Sarah,

    I am in Melbourne the capital of Victoria, Australia. We spend a fair bit of time at our weekender too, which is also in Victoria, in a little town called Jamieson. Its 2.5 hrs drive from Melbourne. I have sons like you but they are grown up (32 and 35) compared to yours! I also love the international flavour of this thread! Jojo has gathered such an interesting group of fasters on here.

    Watching a nerve wracking game of football this afternoon, yelling at the tv big time.

    See sawing game so far its not over yet Nama
    there is still time as Bruce Mcavaney would say 😆

    Not the Brucie curse please RT!!

    Good morning Fast Trackers,
    Having started out yesterday on a planned low cal eating day it all went ‘pear shaped’ when I had a last minute invite to a surprise birthday party. Unfortunately the cook who organised the event is outrageously good. She makes everything from scratch and it always tastes fantastic, no willpower to resist her chicken curry, quorn lasagne, garlic bread and apple and blackberry pie with ice cream. I even had two helpings of the first course. I did have it with salad not rice and avoided wine even though it was a fine red. I had two gin and tonics instead then a cuppa. I refused the trifle too because I could not move but the others reported it to be incredible. The cook really is super human she spent the day in the garden making a new flower bed yet still managed to prepare all this and then have the energy to entertain 8 guests in her immaculately clean and tidy home, how do some women manage this? No wonder she has no time for sport. She is of course very slim and fashionably dressed too, looking 20 years younger than her mid 60’s.
    The friend I had tea with yesterday said I looked 10 years younger these days which really makes me feel good about myself. I chose not to ask her whether she thought I previously looked 10 years older than my age. I can live with this illusion. Luckily I feel like a teenager most days Ha Ha. That’s Lawn Bowls for you, unless you are in your 80’s you are deemed a youngster.
    Obviously I did not lose weight this morning but I didn’t gain either, probably will tomorrow unless I have a really good fast day today. Not planning any meals out today but who knows what might come up.
    Apparently we are supposed to drink a pint of orange juice per day to help our memories, all to do with ‘flavonoids’, sadly this would be lovely but the sugar levels are very high. I think I will just stick with eating one orange daily and maybe an extra glass of juice on non fast days before teeth cleaning. Don’t fancy being a toothless pensioner.
    Well it’s time for me to make my flat respectacle, it’s very untidy, washing everywhere, all clean and ironed but not put away. Hoover needs a trip around too, dog hair gets everywhere, even the room they don’t enter like my bedroom.
    Today I will walk 15,000 steps by dog walking, bowling and my coastal health walk I will and eat 400 calories in the form of prawn salad. Lots of water and an apple for snack plus a coffee at lunchtime, no breakfast(definitely still full from last night)
    Ply- I will sort out my Fitbit tonight and try to partner with you, hope it works, I am no technical genius. If not, I am seeing my son next weekend so he can sort it out.

    Loving life, loving the thought of meeting up with my Aussie friends this November and possible Wiwi too in New Zealand. Really must organise my trip to Scotland now, where dies the time go?

    And me in NZ too, I hope. Remember my spare bedroom. 🙂

    Certainly won’t forget you Barata, just orgainising two weeks in Wellington via Airbnb, arrive 7 th October, I will have my daughter with me at this stage. She knows Wellington quite well so it shouldn’t be an issue. But I will certainly come to you for a night once I have recovered from jetlag. Never done more than an 8 hour flight before, hope I cope well, not good at sitting still.

    Mmm, airline flights are not good for that. It’s difficult to walk around when everyone around you is asleep. What OH and I do at the moment (admittedly just for trans-Tasman flights so far) is to book adjacent aisle seats, so we have escape access and are not stuck in the middle of zzzzz-ing passengers.

    The bedroom can /will hold two beds if your daughter wants to join you here. And don’t limit yourself to one night if you want to have a couple or more. What day/s of the week are you looking at? I work Monday-Thursday most weeks.

    Hello all and wow, WOW there is so much to catch up on with this jet-setting bunch of fasters. I believe there are a few folk in transit as we speak??
    I haven’t been on the thread much lately but it’s great to see how well everyone is doing and especially your determination Jojo to get to that 60th birthday as a svelte and fit woman – well done you!! Also loved reading about the French legal system Wiwi (had to laugh) what is with those French!!??

    It has been a beautiful day in SA today, the last hurrah of autumn I suspect before winter hits us between the eyes again. As you say Bay, it is so much easier to fast in the summer. However, I keep telling myself I started in the winter so I know I can do it. Just have to stay strong and think about the coming spring!! I’m now 24kg (52+lbs) down but sadly that is only just over half way. Still, it is 24kg I don’t have to lose again, EVER!!
    Wishing all the best to all of you x

    Hi Smiffy

    Great to see your post. I’ve been lurking lately and taking a break, being busy with house and garden.

    Congrats to all you wonderful losers. 😉 you know who you are, as RT says.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Just booked Wellington accomodation, Southern Cross Serviced apartments, hope they are nice

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey and Hello World (You know Who You) 😉
    I did an interesting exercise over the weekend a self-evaluation of my own eating window of between 2pm and 6pm currently 20/4 rather than 19/5 of the fast-5 movement or the Mercola Take is 18/6 which are my usual fat burning weapons of choice 😉 The maths is 168 hours in a week minus 28 hours feed is 140 hours fasting so that’s plenty of time to spend on my body for some precious energy repair and according to Mark Mattson Intermittent Fasting is good for increased production of a protein called BDNF brain derived neurotrophic factor and has been shown to stimulate stem cells to turn into new nerve cells in the hippocampus so I’m thinking I had hoped to be a tad brighter today but actually no still just me 😆
    Nicky OH would be happy re the crows I too am a very good lounge coach and an excellent umpire yeah right 🙄 I did also shamelessly scam a beetroot relish thingo from Jamie O off the lifestyle food channel on Friday afternoon and using the baby beetroot pre-packed variety at woollies 4 in a bag smash them up a bit in the pack tip into a bowl and give it a jolly good seeing to with a potato masher but not too smooth a dash or a splash of thick rich sticky yummy balsamic vinegar add a grind or 2 sea salt just tiptop. A light green salad with tomato Spanish onion and cucumber a drizzle of fat free balsamic vinaigrette with a fish parcel of fresh Coorong mullet using olive oil spray with smokey paprika and lemon pepper on Saturday night one word for you.
    Delicious. 😆 who knew
    Thank-you my freind
    Happy Fast Monday people let’s get our fast on EFB’s
    “Everything will be alright in the end so if it is not alright it is not the end.” 😆
    Peace RT

    Hello all,
    Still got 250 steps left to make 15,000 today so I will need to tramp on my trampoline for a while this evening.
    Had a draw at bowls today which was fine. We should have won but our team were put off by a swarm of bees, seriously scared the daylights out of one of my team. They were right over his head.
    My coastal walk was delightful today, only five of us but very pleasant company and weather. My dogs enjoyed meeting new people too.
    My hip and knee were very painful and I had to take more pain killers, it is just so frustrating.
    Cooked a delicious prawn stir fry for dinner after my very long fast, 22 hours from last nights meal. Even after all that wait I can honestly say I was not that hungry until I smelt the food being cooked. I am enjoying the ADF at the moment lets hope it is successful.
    RT that meal sounds delicious

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